citizen (berea, ky.). (berea, ky) 1906-12-20 [p ]....han could get bout on the west-ern ¬ division...

L UNSUBDUED MELANCHOLY ffhe pessimist looked on the weather map And a mournful a t U sighed he For he wan a most unhappy chap Unhappy CUI could be In January were frozen tight Ho sang both sad and slow In February thoVtttah wo fight And In March the chill winds blow In April came the mud and rain And In May tho rain and mud In June the heat bids mon compUIn July tttll Ores the blood September humidly depressed October threatens chin Novembers cllmatd alt unbleat That threat doth soon Malt And In December air severe Our aches and baltirf we nurse And then wo hart another year Which probably la worse M Washington Stars THE GRAFTERS nr- FRANCIS LYNDE twhmtaetu erwaoraxaur owh CIIAPTEIl xxvtCOiTINUED MTosh was a man tor a crisis The red taillights of the privatecar spe ¬ cial were yet wlthlaa sprinters dash of tile trackbcod but tho trainmaster lost no time chasing a tenwheel flyer with Red Callahan at tho throttle Up to myofflctey he shouted and ten seconds later Kent was leaning breathless over the desk In the dis ¬ patchers room while MTosh called Dargan over thtfyard limits telephone Is that you Durgan he asked when tho reply came Then Drop the board on Cha mail quick and send somebody td tell TIscher to side- track leaving the main line Western Division clean dot thatT The answer wAS evidently prompt and satisfactory since he began again almost in the camct breath Now go out yourself and flag Calla ¬ han before he reaches the limits Tell him tho timecards changed and he is to run west with the special to Meg ¬ lip as first section of tho mallno Mops or Tischer will run him down Leg It Hes hall way down the yard nowThe trainmaster dropped the ear ¬ piece of tho telephone and crossed quickly to the dispatchers table Orders tor thE Western Division Donohue he said curtly and dont Jet the gross grow Receivers car Callahan engineer runs to Megilp as tin artlon of fast mall Fast mall Hunt conductor Tischer engineer runs to tho end of the division with ¬ out stop making up all time possible Add to that last Py order of the re ceiver The orders were sent as swiftly as the dispatcher could rattle them off on his key and then followed an in ¬ terval of waiting more terrible than a battle Kent tried to speak but his lips were parched sad his tongue was like a dry stick between his teeth What was doing In the loWer yard t Would Durgan tall at the pinch and mismanage it so off to give the alarm t The minutes drugged leadenwinged and even the sounders on the dispatch ¬ ers table were silent Suddenly the clicking began again The operator at yard JImlU was sending the K to the two train or- ders So larao good Now if Calla ¬ han could get bout on the West- ern ¬ Division But there was a hitch In the lower yard Durgan had obeyed orders promptly and precisely and had suc ¬ ceeded in stopping Callahan Durgan climbed to the cab of the 1010 and the changed plan was explained in a dozen words But now came the crux hI I stand here till youd be bring in mo my orders fit have the whole kit av thim buzzln round to know whats the maCther said Callahan but there was not other thing to do and Durgan hurried back to the tele- graph office to play the messenger I He was too long about it Before he got back rialkctt was under tho cab window of the lOltf demanding to know with many objurgations why Callahan had stopped In tho middle of the yards Get Or move on you 1 he shouted The express W right behind us and Itll run us down you damned bog trotter CaliahanV gaunlletcd hand shot up to the throttlebar Im 1avini Mlsthcr Halkett he said mildly Will yes go back to the car or ride wit molt The general superintendent took no iV ance Of catching the Naughtsevens fcandralla la the darknesn c and he whipped up liito the cab at the first sharp cough of the exhaust Ill go back when you stop for you- rordersIteaaid but iii shadowy figure had upon the enginestep a scant halfsecond behind him and Callahan was stuffing the crumpled copy of the order Into ills sweatband of his C3pTha next instant the big 1010 leaped forward like a blooded horse under an unmerited cut of the whip slid past the yard limits tele ¬ graph omco and shot out upon the Bjain line cC the Western Division Sit down Mlsifier Halkett an mike yersclf aCiyt Jelled Callahan cross tho cabTbumaU Use Jimmy Shrivel II have for his box this night Shut off YOU Irish madman was the shouted command Dont you see youre on the wrong division Callahan gave the throttlebar an ¬ other outward hitch tipped his seat and took a hammer from the tool ¬ boxI know where Im coin an thats more thin you know ye blandhan derln divlll Up on that box wit you an kape out nv Jimmy Shovels road or Ill be the death av yea Climb nowIt was at this moment that the tense strain of suspense was broken in the dispatchers room on the second floor of the Union station The telephone Iklrled joyously and the trainmaster snatched up the earpiece What does he say asked Kent Its all right He says Callahan Is out on the Western Division with TlBcbcr chasing him according to programme Halketts in tho cab of the 1010 with Patsy andholdon Uy George he says ono of them jumped the car as It was passing the limits station Which one was it asked Kent and he bad to watt tilt the reply came from Durgan It was Hawk the rightofway man He broke and ran for the near ¬ est electric car line the minute he hit the ground Durgan says Does ho countNo said Kent but It is always a mistake to underrate an enemys caliber even that of his small arms CIIAPTEIl XXVII THE NIGHT OP ALARMS- If Editor Hlldreth had said noth ¬ ing in his evening edition about the impending strike on the TransWest- ern ¬ it was not because public Interest was waning For a fortnight the newspapers In the territory tributary to the road had been full of strike talk MT HEAVEN KENT YOLUE GOOD FOR SO YEARS AT TUB VERY LEAST and Hlldreth had said Ills say depre- cating ¬ the threatened appeal to force as fearlessly as he condemned the mismanagement which was provoking- It But it was Kent who was responsi ¬ ble for the dearth of news on the eve of the event Early In the morning of the last day of the month he had sought out the editor and begged him to close the columns of the Evening Argus to strike news no matter what should come in during the course of the dayI go into the reasons as deeply now as I hope to a little later he had said his secretive habit hold ing good to the final fathom of the slipping hawser of events But you must bear with me once more and whatever you hoar between now and the time you go to press dont com- ment ¬ on it I have one more chance to win out and It hangs in a balance that a feathers weight might tip the wrong way Ill be with you between 10 and 12 tonight and you can safely save two columns of the morn ¬ ing paper for the sensation Im going to give you It was in fulfillment of this promise that Kent bestirred himself after he had sent a wire to Ormsby and MTosh had settled down to the task of smoothing Callahans way westward over a division already twitching in the preliminary rigor of the strike convulsionI to set the fuse for the newspaper explosion he said to his ally Barring accidents thero Is no reason why we shouldnt begin Vo figure definitely upon tho result is thereMTosh was leaning over Dispatch- er ¬ Donahues shoulder Ho had slipped Donahues fingers aside from the key to cut in with a peremptory G S order suspending in favor of the fast mall the rule which requires a station operator to drop his board on a following section that is less than ten minutes behind its fileleader Tho fun Is beginning said the trainmaster Tischer has his tip from Durgan to keep Callahans tail lights in sight With the mall tread- Ing ¬ on their heels the gentlemen In the Naughtseven will be chary about pulling Patsy down too suddenly in mid career They have Just passed Morning Dew and the operator re- ports Tischer for disregarding his slow signal Cant you fix that asked Kent Oh yes that Is ono of the things I can fix But there are going to bo plenty of others Still we must take something for granted Mr MTosh What r have to do uptiwn wont walt until Callahan has finished his run I thought the main difficulty was safely overcome Umphl said the trainmaster the troubles are barely getting them ¬ selves born You mast remember that we swapped hones at the last minute We were ready for tho raw to thr nat Everybody oa the Prairie Division hd been notified that a special was to go I through tonight without stop from junctionI meeting points to meta slow trains i to sidetrack fool operators to hold down all on the dlrzy edge of a strike that is making nvery man on the line lose his balance But you go ahead with your newspaper business Ill do what a man can hero And if you come across that rightofway agent- I wish youd make it a case of assaultI and battery and get him Im leery about him Kent went his way dubiously re- flective ¬ In the moment of triumph when Durgan had announced the sue ¬ cess of the bold change In tho pro ¬ gramme he had made light of Hawks escape But now be saw possibilities True tho junto was leaderless for the moment and Bucks had no very ablo lieutenants But Hawk would give the alarm and there was the rank and file of the machine to reckon with And for weapons tho ring controlled the police power of tile state and of tho city Let tho word be passed that the employes of tho TransWestern were kidnaping their receiver and tho gov ¬ ernor and many things might happen before Red Callahan should finish his long race to the westward Thinking of these things David Kent walked uptown when he might have taken a car When the toxin of panic Is in the air there is no antidote like vigorous action Passing the Western Union central office he stopped to send Ormsby a second telegram reporting progress and asking him to bo present in per ¬ son at the denouement to put tho facts on the wire at the earliest possible instant of time Everything depends upon this he added when bo had made the message otherwise emphatic If we miss tho morning papers we are doneWhile he was pocketing his change at the receiving clerks pigeonhole a cab rattled up wlth a horso at a gal lop and Stephen Hawk sprang out Kent saw him through the plateglass front and turned quickly to the public writingdesk hoping to bo overlooked He was For once In of way the ex dIstrict attorney was too nearly rattled to be fully alert to his surroundings There were others at the standing desk and Hawk wrote his message after two or three false starts almost at Kents elbow Kent heard the chink of coin and the lowspoken urgings for haste at the receiving clerks window but he for ¬ bore to move until the cab had rattled away Then he gathered up tho spoiled blanks left behind by Hawk and smoothed them out Two of them bore nothing but the date line mado illegi ¬ ble It would seem by the writers haste and nervousness But at the third attempt Hawk had got as far as the address To All TransWestern Agents on Western Division Kent stepped quickly to the receivers window Tho only expedient ho could think of was open to reproach but it was no time to be overscrupulous Pardon mo he began but didnt the gentleman who was Just hero for ¬ get to sign his messages The little hook caught Its minnow The receiving clerk was folding Hawks message to place it in the leather car ¬ rier of tho pneumatic tube but he opened and examined it No he said its all right M D Halkett G S Ah said Kent Thats a little odd Mr Halkett is out of town and this gentleman Mr Hawk Is not in his department I believe I should Investi ¬ gate a little before sending that It 1 were you- Having thus sown the small seed of suspicion which by the by fell on bar ¬ fen soil Kent lost no time In calling up MTosh over the nearest telephone- Do our agents on the Western Di ¬ vision handle Western Union bus ¬ ness hs asked The reply came promptly Yes locally The WU has an in ¬ dependent line to Breczeland Inn and points beyond Well our rightofway man hasI just sent a telegram to all agents signing Halketts name I dont know what he said in it but you can figure that out for yourself You bet I can II was tho emphatic rejoinder And then Where aro you now Im at the Clarendon public phone but I am going over to the Argus of ¬ flee Ill let you know when I leave there Goodby When Kent reached the night editors den on tho third floor of the Argus building he found Hildreth im ¬ mersed chindeep in a sea of work But he quickly extricated himself and cleared a chair for his visitor Pralso bet ho ejaculated I was beginning to get anxious Large things are happening and you didnt turn up Ive had Manville wiring all over town for you What are some of the large things asked Kent lighting his first cigar since dinner Well for one do you know that your people are M the verge of the rouchtalkedof stripe Yes I knew it tits morning That was what I wanted you to suppress in the evening edition- I suppressed it all right I didnt know Itday and date I mean They kept it beautifully quiet But that isnt all Something is happening at the capitol I woo over at the club a little while ago and Uendrlcks was there Somebody sent in a noto and he positively ran to get out When I came back I sent Rogers ovo to Cassattls to see if he could find jou There was a junto dinner crnfab on Melgs Senator Crowley three or four of the ring aldermen and halt ti dozen waward politicians Rogers has a nose for newr and when he had phoned me you werent there he hung around on the edges W Good men you tare illrarctb What did the unimpeachable Rogtrii scolHo saw on a large scale just what I had seen on a small one somebody puppassed a noto In and when it had gone tho round of the dinnertab those fellows tumbled over each other trying to get away Is that all Kent Inquired No Apart from his nose Rogers gifted with horso sense When tin 118 crowd boarded an uptown car man paid fare to the same con Ho wired mo from the Hotel Brunswick n tow minutes uo There Is some sort of a caucus going on la Hendrlcks office in the capital and mummessengers are flying in all di ¬ rectionsAnd you wanted me to come and tell you all tho whys and wherefores Kent suggested- I told the chief Ill bet a bubblind horse to a brokendoom mule you could do it if nnjboiy ccniiJ All right listen acuncthvag rors than an hour ago tho governor his pri- vate ¬ secretary Gullford Hawk and Halkett started out on a special train to go to Gaston What ort interrupted the editor To meet Judge MacFarlane Mr Seraplo Falkland and the Overland of- ficIals ¬ You can guess what was to b4 doneSure Your railroad was to out lock stock and barrel or lelsldI to the Overland for 49 years which amounts to tho same thing Precisely Well by some unite countablo mishap the receivers spe¬ clal was switched over to the Western Division at yard limits and the cngl ncer seems to think bo has orders to I proceed westward At all events that is what he is doing And the funny part of It Is that ho cant stop to find out his blunder The fast matt is right behind him with the receivers order to smash anything that gets in Its way so you sce That wilt do said the night editor We dont print fairy stories in the Argus None tho less you are going to print this ono tomorrow morning just as Im tolling it to you Kent asserted confidently And when you get the epilogue you will say that It makes my little preface wearisome t r contrast Tho light was slowly dawning In the editorial mind My heaven I he exclaimed Kent youre good for 20 years at tho very lulleast Am It It occurs to me that the prosecuting attorney In the cato will have a hard time proving anything Dooent it look that way to ou7 At tho worst it is only an unhappy mis ¬ understanding of orders And if the end should happen to justify the moans > Hildreth shook his head gravely ITo Ha Continued HOW POET SOUTHEY WORKED Ilnil Six Tnllrn In III Library Hunk Devoted to Special Clun of Wrltlnir Southey was a mehodlcal and rapid literary craftsman I am a qulot pa ¬ tient easygoing hack of tho mull breed regular as clockwork in my pace surefooted bearing the burden which is laid on me and only obstinate in choosing my own path he wrote in a friend But his method was by no means slmplo says the Cornhlll Maga- zine He was a poet a historian a critic and a miscellaneous writer ho turned out an enormous quantity of matter and succeeded in doing BO by working 14 hours a day and diversifying his la ¬ bors within his dally round Ho had six tables in his library Ho wrote poetry nt one history at another criti ¬ clam at a third and BO on with the other subjects upon which he was en ¬ gaged and when he was tired of spin- ning his brains into verse be turned to history and criticism There is a story that he once des- crIbed to Mme do Stall the division of his time two hours before break ¬ fast for history two hours for rending after two hours for the composite of poetry two hours for criticism an4 so on through all his working day And pray Mr Southey queried the Frenchwoman somewhat unkindly when do you think + Having a Illrlhdnr Different customs prevail in differ eat countries When it becomes nccca sary to celebrate a Japaneso victory the mikado can always touch a butt- on and pull off a birthday although he has had ono the week before and threo during the previous month It is all right there and they expect it I and the almanacmakers think nothing of getting out oh extra every tow day to chronicle an event of this sort However the custom would never da In this country and particularly among the young ladles It Is ono of the tcIjsee birthday when she has been billed for one by the family Bible While roy- alty in tho abstract might hdvachsrsw for her yet that birthday habit Is feature chi nevs could stand for Illinois State Journal A Freak at Nature Not long ago Col Cody betty known as Buffalo Bill was relating to a professor of ethnology some of hit many and varied experiences among the Indiana during his early day By the way asked Col Cain ab- ruptly did you over see a redheaded IndianNever dltf and never heard of such a freak colount was the reply I saw one a Cherokee down os the Fort Scott troll quietly answered Cody Then he stopped waiting for i riseIt came Rather an nuasiial sight that wasnt itt Rather but you see this tndw was bald Philadelphia Ledges Hyacinths Nnrdsaus Crocus Tulips Cut I Ferns I 188 KY Flowers Designs I RICHMOND GREENHOUSES Phone RICHMOND and ParlorI 11 1 i 10 + o + 0100 + 01010100 + 0100 + o + o + 0100 + o + o + o + o + 010 + o + o + o +0- o I THE HOUSECLEANSNG SEASON o la here and every housewife wants one or mote o pieces of new oFURNIiURE CARPET or MATTING + Take a Look Through Our Stock i It will surprise you how well and bow reasonably wo can o supply your wants i IF ITS FROM US ITS GOOD Machlnosi p it It n Carriage Satisfaction Here I Buggies j PhaetonaI Graceful IIsoful Stylish bodyfinish carriages Iiivmlably give thanAOW t IVorcpalnt and retiro Get our prices KENTUCKY CARRIAGE T H1GGINS Prop Richmond > 1 i Combination Offer The Citizen for a whole year and a popular 150 wok lie Mountain Poople of Kentucky for 150 9 Through special with tho publish cr of this boot a hue been the subscribers of The Citizen are to have the advantage of the great oil this lot of books Cull or write today and get both book and pnpor for the price of tilt book Time Mountain Peoplo of Kentucky was written by n mountain ulna for the mountain peo plo and should bo in the hands of ovcry Kantuck KentuckyThis era who pay ono year in advance Call CITIZEN lIubcribJ Call at T J Moborloya and tee tho best lino of COLLARSTEAM BUGGY And anything that you need for i horsy Call and sot prices they will induce you to buy T J MOBERLEY 1 Richmond Kentucky r = MonumentsURNS STATUARY OJ Granite and Marble Monumental work of all kinds done in a workman ¬ like manner at reasonable prigs and with dispatch All our work is Golden Flora RICHMOND KY Corner of Main and CaUiu SireeU Palms I Church Surrics Traps Durable Comfortable repair WORKS- C urrnugouienls largo accotrdedition printedand saving THE HARNESS HARNESS guaranteed DR JDENTIST CITY P1IOXIS 103 OFFICE OVER POST OFFICE S Re BAKERi Dentist o 7 fprlntnjOfflo BEREA KV Office hours from 8 to 4 City Phone 123 Teeth eitracttd without rln Boanolinn A C F Hanson LICENSED EMBALMER ANI UNDERTAKER Successor to D Jl Robinson AU calls promptly attended It sight and day- Telephone No 4 Borea Ky U nWI tRatet tkkatrtKttkK SetK tetk- j I The Citizen BEREA KY i S A weekly paper devoted to K the Interests of the Mountain 5 ecrs of Kentucky i H Great Premiums for New v Subscriptions WANTED iAdvertising Rate will be furnished on application ieg7a11aslcrttitlgalakpa 1t4dc

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Page 1: Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1906-12-20 [p ]....han could get bout on the West-ern ¬ Division But there was a hitch In the lower yard Durgan had obeyed orders promptly and precisely


ffhe pessimist looked on the weather mapAnd a mournful a t U sighed he

For he wan a most unhappy chapUnhappy CUI could be

In January were frozen tightHo sang both sad and slowIn February thoVtttah wo fightAnd In March the chill winds blow

In April came the mud and rainAnd In May tho rain and mud

In June the heat bids mon compUInJuly tttll Ores the blood

September humidly depressedOctober threatens chin

Novembers cllmatd alt unbleatThat threat doth soon MaltAnd In December air severeOur aches and baltirf we nurse

And then wo hart another yearWhich probably la worse M

Washington Stars



twhmtaetu erwaoraxaur owh

CIIAPTEIl xxvtCOiTINUEDMTosh was a man tor a crisis The

red taillights of the privatecar spe ¬

cial were yet wlthlaa sprinters dashof tile trackbcod but tho trainmasterlost no time chasing a tenwheel flyerwith Red Callahan at tho throttle

Up to myofflctey he shouted andten seconds later Kent was leaningbreathless over the desk In the dis ¬

patchers room while MTosh calledDargan over thtfyard limits telephone

Is that you Durgan he askedwhen tho reply came Then Dropthe board on Cha mail quick andsend somebody td tell TIscher to side-track leaving the main line WesternDivision clean dot thatT

The answer wAS evidently promptand satisfactory since he began againalmost in the camct breath

Now go out yourself and flag Calla ¬

han before he reaches the limits Tellhim tho timecards changed and he isto run west with the special to Meg ¬

lip as first section of tho mallnoMops or Tischer will run him downLeg It Hes hall way down the yard

nowThe trainmaster dropped the ear¬

piece of tho telephone and crossedquickly to the dispatchers table

Orders tor thE Western DivisionDonohue he said curtly and dontJet the gross grow Receivers carCallahan engineer runs to Megilp astin artlon of fast mall Fast mallHunt conductor Tischer engineerruns to tho end of the division with ¬

out stop making up all time possibleAdd to that last Py order of the receiver

The orders were sent as swiftly asthe dispatcher could rattle them offon his key and then followed an in ¬

terval of waiting more terrible than abattle Kent tried to speak but hislips were parched sad his tongue waslike a dry stick between his teethWhat was doing In the loWer yard tWould Durgan tall at the pinch andmismanage it so off to give the alarmtThe minutes drugged leadenwingedand even the sounders on the dispatch ¬

ers table were silentSuddenly the clicking began again

The operator at yard JImlU wassending the K to the two train or-ders So larao good Now if Calla ¬

han could get bout on the West-ern


DivisionBut there was a hitch In the lower

yard Durgan had obeyed orderspromptly and precisely and had suc ¬

ceeded in stopping Callahan Durganclimbed to the cab of the 1010 andthe changed plan was explained in adozen words But now came thecrux

hI I stand here till youd be bringin mo my orders fit have the wholekit av thim buzzln round to knowwhats the maCther said Callahanbut there was not other thing to doand Durgan hurried back to the tele-graph office to play the messengerI He was too long about it Before hegot back rialkctt was under tho cabwindow of the lOltf demanding toknow with many objurgations whyCallahan had stopped In tho middleof the yards

Get Or move on you 1 he shoutedThe express W right behind us and

Itll run us down you damned bogtrotter

CaliahanV gaunlletcd hand shot upto the throttlebar

Im 1avini Mlsthcr Halkett hesaid mildly Will yes go back to thecar or ride wit molt

The general superintendent took noiV ance Of catching the Naughtsevensfcandralla la the darknesn c and hewhipped up liito the cab at the firstsharp cough of the exhaust

Ill go back when you stop for you-rordersIteaaid but iii shadowy figurehad upon the enginestep ascant halfsecond behind him andCallahan was stuffing the crumpledcopy of the order Into ills sweatbandof his C3pTha next instant the big1010 leaped forward like a bloodedhorse under an unmerited cut of thewhip slid past the yard limits tele ¬

graph omco and shot out upon theBjain line cC the Western Division

Sit down Mlsifier Halkett anmike yersclf aCiyt Jelled Callahan

cross tho cabTbumaU Use JimmyShrivel II have for his box this night

Shut off YOU Irish madman was

the shouted command Dont yousee youre on the wrong division

Callahan gave the throttlebar an ¬

other outward hitch tipped his seatand took a hammer from the tool ¬

boxI know where Im coin an thatsmore thin you know ye blandhanderln divlll Up on that box wit youan kape out nv Jimmy Shovels roador Ill be the death av yea Climb

nowIt was at this moment that the tensestrain of suspense was broken in thedispatchers room on the second floorof the Union station The telephoneIklrled joyously and the trainmastersnatched up the earpiece

What does he say asked KentIts all right He says Callahan Is

out on the Western Division withTlBcbcr chasing him according toprogramme Halketts in tho cab ofthe 1010 with Patsy andholdonUy George he says ono of themjumped the car as It was passing thelimits station

Which one was it asked Kentand he bad to watt tilt the reply camefrom Durgan

It was Hawk the rightofwayman He broke and ran for the near ¬

est electric car line the minute he hitthe ground Durgan says Does ho

countNosaid Kent but It is always

a mistake to underrate an enemyscaliber even that of his small arms


If Editor Hlldreth had said noth ¬

ing in his evening edition about theimpending strike on the TransWest-ern


it was not because public Interestwas waning For a fortnight thenewspapers In the territory tributaryto the road had been full of strike talk


and Hlldreth had said Ills say depre-cating


the threatened appeal to forceas fearlessly as he condemned themismanagement which was provoking-It

But it was Kent who was responsi ¬

ble for the dearth of news on the eveof the event Early In the morningof the last day of the month he hadsought out the editor and begged himto close the columns of the EveningArgus to strike news no matter whatshould come in during the course ofthedayI go into the reasons asdeeply now as I hope to a little laterhe had said his secretive habit holding good to the final fathom of theslipping hawser of events But youmust bear with me once more andwhatever you hoar between now andthe time you go to press dont com-ment


on it I have one more chanceto win out and It hangs in a balancethat a feathers weight might tip thewrong way Ill be with you between10 and 12 tonight and you cansafely save two columns of the morn ¬

ing paper for the sensation Im goingto give you

It was in fulfillment of this promisethat Kent bestirred himself after hehad sent a wire to Ormsby and MToshhad settled down to the task ofsmoothing Callahans way westwardover a division already twitching inthe preliminary rigor of the strikeconvulsionI to set the fuse for thenewspaper explosion he said to hisally Barring accidents thero Is noreason why we shouldnt begin Vo

figure definitely upon tho result is

thereMTosh was leaning over Dispatch-er


Donahues shoulder Ho hadslipped Donahues fingers aside fromthe key to cut in with a peremptory

G S order suspending in favor ofthe fast mall the rule which requiresa station operator to drop his boardon a following section that is less thanten minutes behind its fileleader

Tho fun Is beginning said thetrainmaster Tischer has his tipfrom Durgan to keep Callahans taillights in sight With the mall tread-Ing


on their heels the gentlemen Inthe Naughtseven will be chary aboutpulling Patsy down too suddenly inmid career They have Just passedMorning Dew and the operator re-ports Tischer for disregarding hisslow signal

Cant you fix that asked KentOh yes that Is ono of the things

I can fix But there are going to boplenty of others

Still we must take something forgranted Mr MTosh What r have todo uptiwn wont walt until Callahanhas finished his run I thought themain difficulty was safely overcome

Umphl said the trainmasterthe troubles are barely getting them ¬

selves born You mast remember thatwe swapped hones at the last minuteWe were ready for tho raw to thr natEverybody oa the Prairie Division hd

been notified that a special was to goI through tonight without stop from

junctionImeeting points to meta slow trains i

to sidetrack fool operators to holddown all on the dlrzy edge of a strikethat is making nvery man on the linelose his balance But you go aheadwith your newspaper business Illdo what a man can hero And if youcome across that rightofway agent-I wish youd make it a case of assaultIand battery and get himIm leery about him

Kent went his way dubiously re-


In the moment of triumphwhen Durgan had announced the sue ¬

cess of the bold change In tho pro¬

gramme he had made light of Hawksescape But now be saw possibilitiesTrue tho junto was leaderless for themoment and Bucks had no very ablolieutenants But Hawk would give thealarm and there was the rank and fileof the machine to reckon with Andfor weapons tho ring controlled thepolice power of tile state and of thocity Let tho word be passed that theemployes of tho TransWestern werekidnaping their receiver and tho gov ¬

ernor and many things might happenbefore Red Callahan should finishhis long race to the westward

Thinking of these things David Kentwalked uptown when he might havetaken a car When the toxin of panicIs in the air there is no antidote likevigorous action

Passing the Western Union centraloffice he stopped to send Ormsby asecond telegram reporting progressand asking him to bo present in per¬

son at the denouement to put tho factson the wire at the earliest possibleinstant of time Everything dependsupon this he added when bo hadmade the message otherwise emphatic

If we miss tho morning papers we are

doneWhilehe was pocketing his change

at the receiving clerks pigeonhole acab rattled up wlth a horso at a gallop and Stephen Hawk sprang outKent saw him through the plateglassfront and turned quickly to the publicwritingdesk hoping to bo overlookedHe was For once In of way the exdIstrict attorney was too nearly rattledto be fully alert to his surroundingsThere were others at the standingdesk and Hawk wrote his messageafter two or three false starts almostat Kents elbow

Kent heard the chink of coin and thelowspoken urgings for haste at thereceiving clerks window but he for¬

bore to move until the cab had rattledaway Then he gathered up tho spoiledblanks left behind by Hawk andsmoothed them out Two of them borenothing but the date line mado illegi ¬

ble It would seem by the writershaste and nervousness But at thethird attempt Hawk had got as far asthe address To All TransWesternAgents on Western Division

Kent stepped quickly to the receiverswindow Tho only expedient ho couldthink of was open to reproach but itwas no time to be overscrupulous

Pardon mo he began but didntthe gentleman who was Just hero for¬

get to sign his messagesThe little hook caught Its minnow

The receiving clerk was folding Hawksmessage to place it in the leather car ¬

rier of tho pneumatic tube but heopened and examined it

No he said its all right M D

Halkett G SAh said Kent Thats a little

odd Mr Halkett is out of town andthis gentleman Mr Hawk Is not in hisdepartment I believe I should Investi ¬

gate a little before sending that It 1

were you-Having thus sown the small seed of

suspicion which by the by fell on bar ¬

fen soil Kent lost no time In callingup MTosh over the nearest telephone-

Do our agents on the Western Di ¬

vision handle Western Union bus ¬

ness hs askedThe reply came promptlyYes locally The WU has an in¬

dependent line to Breczeland Inn andpoints beyond

Well our rightofway man hasIjust sent a telegram to all agentssigning Halketts name I dont knowwhat he said in it but you can figurethat out for yourself

You bet I can II was tho emphaticrejoinder And then Where aroyou now

Im at the Clarendon public phonebut I am going over to the Argus of ¬

flee Ill let you know when I leavethere Goodby

When Kent reached the nighteditors den on tho third floor of theArgus building he found Hildreth im ¬

mersed chindeep in a sea of workBut he quickly extricated himself andcleared a chair for his visitor

Pralso bet ho ejaculated I wasbeginning to get anxious Largethings are happening and you didntturn up Ive had Manville wiring allover town for you

What are some of the largethings asked Kent lighting his firstcigar since dinner

Well for one do you know thatyour people are M the verge of therouchtalkedof stripe

Yes I knew it tits morning Thatwas what I wanted you to suppress inthe evening edition-

I suppressed it all right I didntknow Itday and date I mean Theykept it beautifully quiet But thatisnt all Something is happening atthe capitol I woo over at the cluba little while ago and Uendrlcks wasthere Somebody sent in a noto andhe positively ran to get out When I

came back I sent Rogers ovo toCassattls to see if he could find jouThere was a junto dinner crnfab onMelgs Senator Crowley three or fourof the ring aldermen and halt ti dozenwaward politicians Rogers has anose for newr and when he hadphoned me you werent there he hung

around on the edges


Good men you tare illrarctbWhat did the unimpeachable RogtriiscolHo saw on a large scale just whatI had seen on a small one somebodypuppassed a noto In and when it hadgone tho round of the dinnertabthose fellows tumbled over each othertrying to get away

Is that all Kent InquiredNo Apart from his nose Rogersgifted with horso sense When tin

118 crowd boarded an uptown carman paid fare to the same con

Ho wired mo from the HotelBrunswick n tow minutes uo ThereIs some sort of a caucus going on laHendrlcks office in the capital andmummessengers are flying in all di ¬

rectionsAnd you wanted me to come andtell you all tho whys and whereforesKent suggested-

I told the chief Ill bet a bubblindhorse to a brokendoom mule youcould do it if nnjboiy ccniiJ

All right listen acuncthvag rorsthan an hour ago tho governor his pri-vate


secretary Gullford Hawk andHalkett started out on a special trainto go to Gaston

What ort interrupted the editorTo meet Judge MacFarlane Mr

Seraplo Falkland and the Overland of-


You can guess what was to b4

doneSureYour railroad was to

out lock stock and barrel or lelsldIto the Overland for 49 years whichamounts to tho same thing

Precisely Well by some unitecountablo mishap the receivers spe¬

clal was switched over to the WesternDivision at yard limits and the cnglncer seems to think bo has orders to I

proceed westward At all events thatis what he is doing And the funnypart of It Is that ho cant stop to findout his blunder The fast matt is rightbehind him with the receivers orderto smash anything that gets in Its wayso you sce

That wilt do said the night editorWe dont print fairy stories in the

ArgusNone tho less you are going to

print this ono tomorrow morning justas Im tolling it to you Kent assertedconfidently And when you get theepilogue you will say that It makes mylittle preface wearisome t r contrast

Tho light was slowly dawning In theeditorial mind

My heaven I he exclaimed Kentyoure good for 20 years at tho verylulleast

Am It It occurs to me that theprosecuting attorney In the cato willhave a hard time proving anythingDooent it look that way to ou7 Attho worst it is only an unhappy mis ¬

understanding of orders And if theend should happen to justify themoans >

Hildreth shook his head gravelyITo Ha Continued


Ilnil Six Tnllrn In III Library HunkDevoted to Special Clun

of Wrltlnir

Southey was a mehodlcal and rapidliterary craftsman I am a qulot pa¬

tient easygoing hack of tho mullbreed regular as clockwork in mypace surefooted bearing the burdenwhich is laid on me and only obstinatein choosing my own path he wrote ina friend But his method was by nomeans slmplo says the Cornhlll Maga-zine

He was a poet a historian a criticand a miscellaneous writer ho turnedout an enormous quantity of matterand succeeded in doing BO by working14 hours a day and diversifying his la ¬

bors within his dally round Ho hadsix tables in his library Ho wrotepoetry nt one history at another criti ¬

clam at a third and BO on with theother subjects upon which he was en ¬

gaged and when he was tired of spin-

ning his brains into verse be turnedto history and criticism

There is a story that he once des-

crIbed to Mme do Stall the divisionof his time two hours before break ¬

fast for history two hours for rendingafter two hours for the compositeof poetry two hours for criticism an4so on through all his working day

And pray Mr Southey queried theFrenchwoman somewhat unkindly

when do you think +

Having a IllrlhdnrDifferent customs prevail in differ

eat countries When it becomes ncccasary to celebrate a Japaneso victorythe mikado can always touch a butt-on and pull off a birthday althoughhe has had ono the week before andthreo during the previous month Itis all right there and they expect it


and the almanacmakers think nothingof getting out oh extra every tow dayto chronicle an event of this sortHowever the custom would never daIn this country and particularly amongthe young ladles It Is ono of thetcIjseebirthday when she has been billed forone by the family Bible While roy-

alty in tho abstract might hdvachsrswfor her yet that birthday habit Isfeature chi nevs could stand forIllinois State Journal

A Freak at NatureNot long ago Col Cody betty

known as Buffalo Bill was relatingto a professor of ethnology some of hitmany and varied experiences amongthe Indiana during his early day

By the way asked Col Cain ab-ruptly did you over see a redheadedIndianNever dltf and never heard of sucha freak colount was the reply

I saw one a Cherokee down osthe Fort Scott troll quietly answeredCody Then he stopped waiting for i

riseItcame Rather an nuasiial sight

that wasnt ittRather but you see this tndw

was bald Philadelphia Ledges

Hyacinths NnrdsausCrocus Tulips




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