citizen (berea, ky.). (berea, ky) 1906-04-05 [p ] · r...

r NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST J Intoilijrence Collected and Given to Oar Readers in a Con ¬ dense Form DOMESTlci FOREIGN ITEMS A Summary of Prominent Events That Have Taken Place During the Past Few Days The Movements of Government Officials t The Coat Miners Strike The coal operators and miners can forencps In tho central compctlUi district ndjjilmicd no did wIthout coming to an agreement on tho waco acalo Tbd national convention of tho Un1- ed Mine Workers of America adjourn ell4nb dlo attar authorizing thon tlonni and district offlcers to sign- gpwpgcagroomont a with auy coal opera- tor who would agree to pay tho Bcnlo of J903 or Its equivalent fur a perIod of two years This is an advance ot SRf tar cent wt general strkabrdor waa Issucl1 by did national executive board qf tho United Mine Workers as a result of the nll day mooting of that body In Indianapolis KlRht thousand minors In the employ of tbo Koyslono Coal and Coko Cu and tho Jamison Coal and Coke C < near Groensburg Pa have decided to coitiinuo work regardless of tho ac tlon of tbo Indianapolis convention la tho oveat of a general strike of tht bltumln lTII mfnora Iri Ponnaylv alit iho loss to thn workers would bo > 00000 dally- Intimates placo tho number of mi- nor who will probably bo on strll In Ohio at between 25000 to 3000 there being aboot 40000 minors In Ohio t nrtccn thoueand inlnqrs employed In awl mines in tho Belleville III dl trie struck at midnight At tho urn hour bOb miners employed In the Ed wanHvlllo III district also stoppc work j The Kopubllo Stool Co East SL LouU suspended with tho announcement that tho suspension la due to tho Impending coal strike Tho plant employed 1500 men Thi Keystono Coal and Coke Co oporgilpt IB mlnojiMn WeiUnorelah County Par granted tho minors an ad ranee of C per cent Acrom received thor will u uoRoneraIIbp pMftejblTun i tnoUL In anticipation ot a miners strlki tbCl tvtaiblyn tpQllot coal daDa Molnea1uuSHijia haibcen absorb by rullr ada and factories to the cs trfnt that not a pound of cohttnorcU coal rah be hal at any price Congressional Items Bcuatqr Panic Introduced an amend btlmaking to employes ronulllng from negligence pr mlsminaajement or Insufficient ran toad equipment on the part of th t railroad Senator Carmack offered an amend- ment to the railroad rate bill makln the Initial railroad liable for damage to height transferred to a connecting line It hats been favorably passed or by Uio senate committee- RCllrcaentAtive Sparkman ot Florl da toIntroduced hip resolution for ai cxhltilUoo at Tanipa Fla from Janu pry to MAy 1908J to dalehrate tho be Inning ot the construction ot thi Panamat Tbo boso on the 31st passed the leglilatlre oxocutlvvand Judicial p pro rlatlo bill carrying 30do6000 After coaslderlng the measure two weeks < Tho house committee on publlo build Ings nndgroundft agreed to report a publlo hulling bill carrying appro prlatlons aggregating 20000000 Miscellaneous Items Tho p llco of Minneapolis arc en 4tagrd Ina liuntfor thloy03 who rob a safodepollit vault of Kccurltlci vtilue < at 3QOPOOthcl1 opened n bro forage In Uio heart or tho city- and j iihclr plunder Tho Salvation army In London has peen unablo to secure sufllclent nc commo lafjon for tho emigrants do tJlriug to ao to Canada Already 2601 havo been sent to tho Dominion and passages for 2000 more aro booked Tno British museum Las declined to Uurchaio tho Nelson memorandum out lining the plan of tho battle of Traf algae which recently was sold at auc ¬ ton tor 19t1e0 t Jacob H Schlff Ui NOW York b4nk11 er was ed with the Ord tho Rising Sunialiatnaiflfenco with the emperor of Japan O Martin Hrlll head of tho Drill car works with Interests all over tho coun ¬ try died In Philadelphia Intl10 nnpreinocourtOf tho District of Columbia Justice Stafford granted a temporary Injunction against tho union prlatcra of Washington who are on strike for an eighthour day ro straining them from Interfering In any way with tho non nnlon employes The loilco have discovered a plot of liberals to assassinate President PaK ma of Cuba With practically compjeto returns front C2 out or 75 counties In Arkansas I Jefferson Davis has a majority of 207f overeaator James 1T Bgrty- for the Democratic Bomlnutloa for Unilnd States ttesatoT- t L <flii lule K Wright newly appals ed ambnssndor to Japan will sail rom Seattle for his now post April 29 It will be accompanied by Mrs Wrlgh and is duo at Yokohama on May 15 Tummy O ins carried out his proi Iso to put out within 20 roundsbo Jim OBrien of Plttsburg and JIm Walker of Battle Creek Mich Each was disposed of in short order District Attorney Jerome has allked Justice Dowllng to appoint a spoclal grand Jury to Investigate tho Insuran business lu New York city On a charge that hla connection wIIh tho contribution of 48702 front tho funds of tho New York Lifo limuruncc Co to tho republican natlo al committee In tho campaign of 190f conntltuted grand larceny in tho fint degree George W Perkins a member of the firm of JP Morgan Ci and until recently first vlco preside of that Insurance company was awns ed on a warrant Issued nttho Instlg tlon ot District Attorney Jerome New York Delegates from the blue and gray elate organizations from a score of stales mot at Atlanta Go Tho obJect- or tho gathering Is to form a nation organization which will perpetual without distinction between north nnlJ south tho memory of those who fought on clthor side In that memorablo con filetI am In no sense a candidate WIh these words Wm R Hearst mot an inquiry concerning presidential tit her and Issues for tho campaign of 108 Drlg Gen Eric Swayne who was second In command In the Somllalat campaign against tho Mad Mullah has been appointed to succeed Sir Dlckha SweetUecott as governor of DriLls HondurasDavid Durbans coachman for Cor nellus N Sues tho banker and troa urea ot tho republican national com mlttcc shot and kilted tbo grooc Thomas llcgcrty and then fatally 8bot hlmselC Tho Mississippi bouso commlttcb de tslded to report unfavorably a mcasui for an appropriation for quarautlr purposes In the state It U now certain that John D Rock- efeller is in very poor health at bls homo at Lakcvfood N J His cond tlon Is grave Mexico will offer Lower Callfornl for saleltTtho United States Parson Davlea has posted a iOOO forfeit for a 10round return match at New Orleans between McGover and Nnlson the week after Nclsd fights Horrora at Los Angeles Tile Kansas Natural Gas Cos bl gas well below CanQY which was struck by lightning February 23 wal ucccsitully extinguished Two trainmen wero killed one fa- tally lajTurcd and five other persons >i rlounly Injured In a wreck onth Chesapeake k Ohio railroad near QUiD cyTCy Duslnces failures In tho Unite StaloefaraUntwc kontlng March 20 iiljmficrlOOr agalihitJ70 tlte provlou week 227 In tho Ilko week of 1905 and 21S 1n1001- As eastbound Nickel Plate passes gar train No 2 was approaching the town of South Whltlny Ind tho smoV r r day coach andflvo sleeping car left the track and turned over In the illtch Injuring 23 persons ono fatally To save the lIfo of their 15yearoli son James McGowan vlctlhr or an ei iloslon of gasollno at a silk mill Itt Paterson N J tho boys father and mother had akin taken from theli backs and grafted on tho legs of tat Injured boy Tho disaster at the Courrlcrci coal- mInes had a startling sequel when U nlncra worotalwn out alive after bar- Ing endured unspeakable horrors dur lag 20 days of entombment The red for many days on putrid horse lesh Mrs Roosevelt accompanied by hci iblldrcn Ethel Archie and Quentin gaped from Fornandlna Fla for Wcs IndIan waters on a cruise of ton days The Missouri supreme court an UAiriccd Its decision that tho St Lout jounly court acted without authority then It appointed a receiver for the U500000 PcoplQa United States bank ot St Louis of which E O Lewis It resident Tho ChrlMlan Herald sent nnothoi heck for 25000 to tho stato depart- ment through the Red Cross for trans ulttal tp Japan for tho relief of fain Ino sufferers making a total of 125 00 Isaac Winder tho negro murderer ros hanged at Baltimore The eon cmncd man struggled and fought des cratcly and was beaten into Biibmls Ion by ofljclals and placed over the trap and his body finally launched Into elornltyI eel hard for 33 years to pay Rnd after tho last bill of 250 had eon handed over to his creditor hang od himself to tho rafter ot tho shanty In which ho lived Mayor Griffith of Covington Ind bils sent letters of inquiry to police uthorlllos In several southern cities ylng to locate Henry Hunt scion of- an Indiana family who line been left n fortuno through the recent death o- Chll parents at Covington The United States general apprals Jrs aupoimccd a decision sustaining n rotcst against the action ot tho col- lector of customs at Chicago In as isslng duty upon a baptismal font Im orted for the use of tho Church ot tile Holy Name at Stcubenvlllo O The naval authorities wero officially Hincd by Secr < Bonaparte that the resignation of Midshipman Mori ether of Louisiana has been nc pted Fully 10000 people witnessed tho l ti1fcitnIRKotr0111 Young In tV l ama coointv 30 miles north of Aus liB Tex O- I Fran Keenan two son of Contra- ctor Jacob Kconun while playing alolll tile bonks of Stony Creek river near Johnstown Pu tell Into the stream His brother James five Jumped Inlo the river to save him and both bo JPIAlo a story brick building at Reed Clty Mich The annual dinner or tho Ill grlmH In Now York was the most notable of the many Important functions the so clety has given Earl Orey governs general of Canada was the guest of honor Tho date of holding the motional en cainpmcnt of tho United States Wllr Veterans In WashluRton was flxei to begin October 8 and last throughout the wcel ExJudge W II Dickers of Lcxln I ton Ky nt ono time a prominent mom her of UQ Kentucky bar commute tuleide attho Gorilla hotel Clnclnnnl by taking morphine- A correspondent at St Petersburg says thorn plot has been discovert to blow up the national parllamci with bombs Suit for over 5000000 against tho Memphis El Paso Pacific Railroad Co a Texas corporation was begun In the United States court New Yctk by Charles D Drown of Now city Tho Castcllano hearing is to talte place In April When Judge Ditto or- dered It for March 31 the countess ap proved but next day against tho wishes of her counsel she rcquesti tho Judge to pot pone the hearing un til tho end of April Coal operators and mIne worker who returned from the Indianapolis convention gave assurance that thore will bo no strlko In tho Plttsburg dls riot thllearJ- ames H Drcslln one of the most widely known hotel men In this coun- try died In his apartments in tho 110 tot Wnlcott Now York from Bright diseaseIn letter to tho president O J Market of Orrvllle O threatens to sue the government for 500000 for damages to hla mental capacities claimed to have been received whll n government clerk by constant nut ring and tantalizing by his fellow clerksWilliam Schroedor77 and a forme Instructor at Notre Dame academy de- clared to the Chicago police that ho had by false pretenses been Induced to deliver property In Missouri Ind nna Michigan and Colorado valued In tho aggregate at 25000 to Jas Low and Aurellus Turpin In exchange for worthless securities Tho two man wore arrested John A Merritt postmaster of Wash Ington will bo appointed by tho presl dent to bo collector for the port 0 buffalo N T Benjamin F Darnel Bsslstaht secretary to the president will stuccoed Mr Mcrrltt The Old Dominion Browing and Ice Co of Newport News Va executed a general doed of assignment The tangible assets are 500000 and llablll ties abut 250000 Father Capon In a letter to tho pro curator says ho Is only living In SI Petersburg by tolerance nod demand to be put on trial In order to detent his honor and legalize his status or It guilty to bo condemned The celebration of the 25th annlver iry of the founding ot the Tuskcgct normal and Industrial Institute was held at Tuskcgeo Ala lit Rev Cros well Doane bishop of Albany N Y preached tho anniversary sermon Tho government of the united States caused tho fsauanco of 12 sub wcnacs for as many men who an imminent In the packing Industries they ore In apppur at tho trlalof the- packlgg corporations In Chicago Sep ember l0i i Ono man to deMit two others uffcrlng from bullet wounds that arc ixpcctcd ta provo fatal a third semi ruA y ct with alcnlfea fourth burned nd a fifth seriously Injured by a bul etls the result of an orgy of miners In tho woods half a mllo cast ot Twi- liGht Pa- Under orders from Washington 118 irlsoners who have been confined I1- tFt Jay Governors Island for some months past were sent to the rehablll todmlltao prison at Ft Leaven worth Ran Tho Inaugurals ceremonies In con icctton with tho induction of henry c Ida into tho office ot governor gen ernl of the Philippines took place at Manila A mysterious attempt was matte At last Port ChesterNY to murder ReY Jbhn KOPP pastor of tho Gorman lUthoran church there while on his aytojhoichurchwhorohlswlfown3 laying tho organ It Is thought he can not Hvo- Promises that Senator Dopeww9ul4 return to his place in the senate have not been fulfilled for tho reason that hopes of his family for a complete res ration of his health have been Ills appoInted Fire broke out In Dlllonvalo 0 and tweed a loss estimated at 5n0 Tho buildings destroyed wore frame wrfilllngs John nSelt abel merican cons II- Iagent at Brcmcrhaven Germany will Jcbrato April 1 the 50th anniversary of his entrance into tho American con Bular service Joseph P Tinny note teller at the atlonnl Dank of North AmcrlcaNcw Yorlt was arrested and arraigned In- pollco court on a charge of stealing 14000 MuJ Samuol T Hamilton U S A- 11Ied at a private sanitarium in liar sburtr Pa MaJ Hamilton was one nf the officers of tho troops which wont to the relief of ten Custor after tho Little Dill lions massacre jo ISiS rDOWIE REPUDIATED A 9I Apostle Declared Insane Mrs Dow Their Son Gladstone Cast and roTheir Lot With the New Leader of Zion Chicago At n meeting of 5 000 adherents of the Christian Cat ollc church at Zion City of whIch John Alexander Dowfe Is the rounder and first apostle Dowles authorIty was repudiated and Wilbur Glenn Vo liVn who for some time has been cot ducting the affairs ot the church was erected In his stead Mrs Dowio also repudiated her husband and their son Gladstone Dowie cast his lot with his mother and tho new leader Vollva Mpst of the officials of the church Wire present at the meeting and man- or them denounced Dowio as bnvlng dScelvcd the people and wasted Iltelr money In extravagance The meeting however refused to hold that he had knowingly erred and John G Spelc or the former overseer and onto sQCoo ond In command who was recently de posed peremptorily declared Dowlo to bb Insane Mrs DowIe in her addrcs also upheld that declnratloq The cast- higoff of tho authority of John Alex Ruder DowIe followed the receipt c- an SOO word telegram from tho first oalle who is in Mexico in which bo peremptorily ordered tho discharge or Deacon Alexander Galnger flnnncl manager of Zion who has been most aggressive in an effort to placo tbo af- fairs of tho church on a secure font dhtlon It is also announced that a totter would follow In which other ofi crall are named for deposition NVtlbur Glenn Vollva the now lead or of the church was born in Indian ln1870 and has been In themlnlstr ot the church stnce1889 He was or Mined an overseer In 1901 and 800U afterwards was sent to Australia COAL I The Operators of Pennsylvania Will Pay Miners Advance Asked Plttsburjr Pa Dispatches from theJOtt coalfields Indicate almost n general announcement from tho open payIth stale of 1903 With notices posted at the majority of the mines nnnouhcln the granting of the scale the strike In tho soft coal field has lost the threat- ening aspect that has surrounded it since last January The miners of tho Fairmont W Va- S al section have not entered Into the pVcseni controversy Of the 4000 mined InWest Virginia but COOO nr I with the United Mlno Wort crs aboutI5Qgr In tho pan andf section and ave ceased work I TO DOWN CASTRO M Arrangements About Perfected For a- I Revolution In Venezuela New York Ono of the larg est merchants In New York sal that arrangements are being perfectci hero and In Paris and London for a revolution in Venezuela which will an ilbllato Castro and open that cauntrj- to American capital and enterprise A number of rich New York merchants fro said to be Interested in the move neat which tho prompter declares will nvolvo th6 employment ot 15000 sol Hers and the expenditure of 6000 >00 President Castro If the plans tic tot go astray Is to bo either expoun- drdestroyodand a Venezuelan states nan Is to bo installed as his succes ecr > AMENDMENT TO RATE BILL k rovldes For Judicial Review of Oi dens of Interstate Commission IWl1shlnJtonFidS of tho house conference iHh President Roosevelt at the white laude agreed upon an amendment pro Wing specifically for Jtfdlclalrevle ot orders of the interstate commerce bmmlaslon This amendnucntwlll K resented by Senator Long a pro punced opponent of any amendment hlch would permit tho railroads to obtaIn a review ot a character amount n to a retrial of tho merits ot the I bmmleslona order I Missouri Leases a Coal Mine Jefferson City MaGov Folk urou h Warden Hall of the state pnltcritlary leased a mine near averly from which coalwlllbo min dduring tho strike In sufficient quan titles to supply the 15 state instltu foes < Allen Arrivals In New York Albany N YDaring tho lost tlueQ months of 1905 hero were 1G5540 allen arrivals at the port of- Now York according to the quarterly ullotln of tho state department cf li for Just made i Victory For France Algcclras Spain Tho commit t o ot tho conference on Moroccan r 41orma reached an agreement on all This agreement was sanction ca at the plenary session of tho con f rcnce It Is regarded as a victory for France I Municipal League Conference Philadelphia Tho annual con f rence of the National Municipal I which will be held at Atlantic City 1 pIl21 to 27 Is expected obe- one of the moat Interesting operholy- y b that organization rl STATE NEWS IT MSjJ KENTUCKY GENERAL ASSEMBLY The Silt Imposing a License Tax an Rectified Liquors Was Passed Frankfort March 27The KentucU general assembly late Monday after- noon adopted a bill Imposing a license tax of one and onefourth cents per gallon on all rectified compounded or blended liquor manufactured In the state or shipped Into It for the put pose of branding Kentucky Tho bill was adopted In extra session and after a bitter struggle between advo- cates of a graded license and of gal Ion unit tax Much was said durin tho session about lobby Influence an InvestlgaUonI tto sIJ was any- one It Is estimated that If held to be constitutional the act will bring the state about 150000 annually In revenue Last year there was shIpped out of Kentucky ten million live hunt dred thousand proof gallons of thl liquor which is about twelve millIons wino gallons upon which the tax Is laid Under the provisions of the act the rectifiers and blenders are to 10 port every six months beginning Juno 30 next and failure to report and pal tho tax means a closing up of tho house refusing and flue of from 551 to 100 per day To ship such spirit Into the state of Kentucky for tho put po o of branding Is denounced by th act as a misdemeanor punishable by fine of from 500 to 1000 for eacl such shipment Peter Leo Atherton of Louisville who represented the rec lifters declared that tho Imposition of tho tax adopted will drive all of tat larger rectifiers out of the state Into Indiana and Ohio WILL NOT FAIL Shortage Causes Run On a Bank Deficit Partly Made Up Owensboro Ky March aThere was a small run on the Standley De posit bank eight miles from Owens boro caused by the announcement of a 17000 shortage of Cashier Estll W I Nell The greater portion of the amount has been made up Nell who wax cashier for two years sudden resigned on Monday The bank offl omits came to Owensboro redlicountei 10000 worth of notes and ire read to pay any of the depositors Tht bank has a capital stock of 15000 The deposits amount to 411000 and loans to 63000 Nell has lot for hit home at Morgantown Ky IGROCERS ARE FINED Newport Dealers Accused of Selling Adulterated Goods Convicted l Newport March 31Sogeral Newport groeerswhQ were arrested MagistrateI I selling was a technical one as the goods dId not show adulteration but were 1m properly labeled and it was for thIs reason that the minimum fine was Im posed The goods Included in the adulterated list were catsup baking powder cherries and other canned goods IA Towns C6stly Suit Green Ky March 31 Judge John D Orlder won the first suit ever brought against tho town of trownsvllle in Edmonson county An gin Arbuckle who foil through a- board wall dislocating a hp and making her a cripple for life obtatn- ed a verdict of 700 which If paid wnt moan a cost of about 1toevcry man woman and child la Brownsville Cal Edward R Weir Expires Owensboro Ky March 31Col Ed- ward Kumsey Well 67 of Greenville Ky died here Ho was lieutenant colonel under Col Starling Jn the union army la the civil war Ito is survived by a widow and four chll amen one of whom Is with tho United States army in the Philippines I Held on Manslaughter Charge Glasgow Ky March 30 Clarence Cuckols who killed his father Hen erson Nuckols two weeks ago on thud Camp creek in Monroe county was given an examining trial before County Judge Miller at Tompklnsvlllo and wan held on the charge of man laughter Conductor Sues For Damages Harrodsburg Ky March 31Chna A Roy a freight conductor has sued tor 15000 the Southern railroad no lalms he was Injured to that amount In a wreck on the road at Lawrence burgor A HomeComIng Days Cynthlann Ky March 30ThqCyn lilana Commercial club has decided to have a Homecoming for Harrison ounty people to take place during tho Homecoming week at Louisville in tune Raid on Moonshiners Richmond Ky Mnrch 30 General Deputy Collector W T Short has re- united from a 10 days moonshine raid through Perry Pike Knott and Letch er counties Eight stills were located and destroyed with a largo amount ofI beer and whiskyMade ConfcaclonsI Somerset Ky March 30ln the cir cult court hero Pat Lovo confessed obbery hoary Barger confessed ousjebrpaUlng and Stephen Gill horse stealing Each got two years In the enltentiary ON FORBIDDEN GROUND Eyes Were Torn Out By the Shot Fired At Young Strader Lexington Ky March 28 While hunting wild ducks at the reservoir of tho Lexington Hydraulic Co on the Richmond pike James Strader young est son of the late R S Strader the noted trotting horse man was shot and perhaps fatally wounded by some unknown person The shooting was done With a rifle at a distance of aboutt 400 yards and the bullet entered the right temple and came out on the op¬ posite side of the head tearing the muscles of both eyes as It passed through According to the information of eyewitnesses Strader accompanied by a negro boy was engaged In shoot ¬ ing ducks when he was told by Den Stewart to stop shooting and leavo the place As Stewart was not a watchman Strader apparently paid no attention to hlnl and Stewart it Is alleged stepped Into the now pump house After the shooting Stewart secured the services of William Proc- tor tho watchman Taking a boat they rowed across the lako to Strader and placed him In a wagon and took him to the Good Samaritan hospital Stewart made several conflicting state- ments to the officers and others at the Jail regarding the shooting and statedI that he knew nothing about ¬ ter Both of Straders eyes were ta ¬ ken out by the surgeons in the hope of saving his life Lexington Ky Marcia 30 James Strader who was shot on Tuesday while duck hunting and whose injur ¬ lea necessitated the removal of both hIs eyes is being kept In ignorance of the fact that he Is blind Thursday removed with as it Js feared that It would be a fatal shock to tell him of his misfor- tune In his present condition SPINAL MENINGITIS Three Boys Dead and Two Are Dying Near Alexandria Newport Ky March 30Death In one of its most agonizing forms has laId Its heavy hand on the family of Charles Hogle a farmer living about Lye mites south of Alexandria His 4yearold son was stricken with cer ibrospinal meningitis and died after uttering for two hours The same day his 12yearold boywas stricken with the disease and succumbed before night Next evening the ten year old son was stricken and died a few hours afterwards While Drs Houston and Zlnn were treating this toy the two thor children aged six and throe re pectlvely were stricken with the dread malady and their death seems only a matter of momenta The at- tendIng physicians can not account for tho presence of the terrible affliction as the family was considered one of the healthiest in the section The dis- ease carried off the six year ohd son ot John Nelser also of Alexandria about three weeks ago TWO WHOLE COUNTIES They Must Vote on the Question of Abolishing One Lone Saloon Willlamstown Ky March 23Tha Jllage of Jonesvllle is tho topic of onvereatlon among local option and tntl local option people It lies in both Grant and Owen counties and Is only wet place In either county 1the the citizens there have vat separately on the liquor question Jid as a majority of them wore in fa or of the sale of whisky Jonesvlllo maintained a saloon while those Ihns parts of tho two counties have out of business Under tho Ehr law both Grant and Owen coun lea will hav to vote 09 the question eparatoly and will have to each hold 11 special election for the counties en Ure and vote dry as a whole to put onesvllles saloon out of bnslness The Hesslg Distillery Sold Paducah Ky March 2t1Tho Hes slg distillery recently sold in bank- ruptcy has been purchased by H Well Son ono of the largest wholesale liquor firms in Western Kentucky The capacity of the plant will bo dou bled and two largo warehouses will bo erected A Robbers Victim Hudsonvlllo Ky March 29John A Coke was found dead In his yard 110ro Wodnesday with a bullet In his bead As his pockets wcro tithed it ia believed ho was robbed and killed by n highwayman Mrs Julian McGrew Acquitted Freochburg Ky March 31MrsJ- iiila TilcGrow or this city was acquit ted by the Jury hero of causing the death of one woman and the Illness of others by placing arsenic in their jffee Suit Against Bowling Green Bowling Green Ky March 31For- mer JudgeGeorge R form of the lib- IIco court sued the city for 575 nl- Ilegod to ho due as back salary He lalms the city each year during his term of office failed to pay him 101- or his salary Bowling Green A Western Rosh Bowling Green Ky March UIt Is stated on presumably good author- Ilty that construction work wtH beth the Bowling Green Western rail between this oily nad Morgan within a few days

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Page 1: Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1906-04-05 [p ] · r NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST J Intoilijrence Collected and Given to Oar Readers




Intoilijrence Collected and Givento Oar Readers in a Con¬

dense Form


A Summary of Prominent Events ThatHave Taken Place During the Past

Few Days The Movements ofGovernment Officials


The Coat Miners StrikeThe coal operators and miners can

forencps In tho central compctlUidistrict ndjjilmicd no did wIthoutcoming to an agreement on tho wacoacalo

Tbd national convention of tho Un1-

ed Mine Workers of America adjournell4nb dlo attar authorizing thontlonni and district offlcers to sign-


with auy coal opera-tor who would agree to pay tho Bcnloof J903 or Its equivalent fur a perIodof two years This is an advance otSRf tar cent

wt general strkabrdor waa Issucl1by did national executive board qf thoUnited Mine Workers as a result ofthe nll day mooting of that body InIndianapolis

KlRht thousand minors In the employof tbo Koyslono Coal and Coko Cuand tho Jamison Coal and Coke C<

near Groensburg Pa have decided tocoitiinuo work regardless of tho actlon of tbo Indianapolis convention

la tho oveat of a general strike oftht bltumln lTII mfnora Iri Ponnaylvalit iho loss to thn workers would bo> 00000 dally-

Intimates placo tho number of mi-

nor who will probably bo on strllIn Ohio at between 25000 to 3000there being aboot 40000 minors InOhio

t nrtccn thoueand inlnqrs employedIn awl mines in tho Belleville III dltrie struck at midnight At tho urnhour bOb miners employed In the EdwanHvlllo III district also stoppcwork j

The Kopubllo Stool Co East SLLouU suspended with thoannouncement that tho suspension ladue to tho Impending coal strike Thoplant employed 1500 men

Thi Keystono Coal and Coke Cooporgilpt IB mlnojiMn WeiUnorelahCounty Par granted tho minors an adranee of C per cent

Acrom received thorwill u uoRoneraIIbp pMftejblTun

i tnoUL

In anticipation ot a miners strlkitbCl tvtaiblyntpQllot coal daDaMolnea1uuSHijia haibcen absorbby rullr ada and factories to the cstrfnt that not a pound of cohttnorcUcoal rah be hal at any price

Congressional ItemsBcuatqr Panic Introduced an amendbtlmaking

to employes ronulllng from negligencepr mlsminaajement or Insufficient rantoad equipment on the part of th


Senator Carmack offered an amend-ment to the railroad rate bill maklnthe Initial railroad liable for damageto height transferred to a connectingline It hats been favorably passed orby Uio senate committee-

RCllrcaentAtive Sparkman ot Florlda toIntroduced hip resolution for aicxhltilUoo at Tanipa Fla from Janupry to MAy 1908J to dalehrate tho beInning ot the construction ot thiPanamat

Tbo boso on the 31st passed theleglilatlre oxocutlvvand Judicial ppro rlatlo bill carrying 30do6000After coaslderlng the measure twoweeks <

Tho house committee on publlo buildIngs nndgroundft agreed to report apubllo hulling bill carrying approprlatlons aggregating 20000000

Miscellaneous ItemsTho p llco of Minneapolis arc en4tagrd Ina liuntfor thloy03 who rob

a safodepollit vault of Kccurltlcivtilue < at 3QOPOOthcl1 opened n broforage In Uio heart or tho city-andj iihclr plunder

Tho Salvation army In London haspeen unablo to secure sufllclent nccommo lafjon for tho emigrants dotJlriug to ao to Canada Already 2601havo been sent to tho Dominion andpassages for 2000 more aro booked

Tno British museum Las declined toUurchaio tho Nelson memorandum outlining the plan of tho battle of Trafalgae which recently was sold at auc ¬

ton tor 19t1e0

t Jacob H Schlff Ui NOW York b4nk11er was ed with the Ordtho Rising Sunialiatnaiflfenco withthe emperor of Japan

O Martin Hrlll head of tho Drill carworks with Interests all over tho coun ¬

try died In PhiladelphiaIntl10 nnpreinocourtOf tho District

of Columbia Justice Stafford granteda temporary Injunction against thounion prlatcra of Washington who areon strike for an eighthour day rostraining them from Interfering In anyway with tho non nnlon employes

The loilco have discovered a plot ofliberals to assassinate President PaKma of Cuba

With practically compjeto returnsfront C2 out or 75 counties In Arkansas

I Jefferson Davis has a majorityof 207f overeaator James 1T Bgrty-

for the Democratic Bomlnutloa forUnilnd States ttesatoT-


<flii lule K Wright newly appalsed ambnssndor to Japan will sail romSeattle for his now post April 29 Itwill be accompanied by Mrs Wrlghand is duo at Yokohama on May 15

Tummy Oins carried out his proiIso to put out within 20 roundsboJim OBrien of Plttsburg and JImWalker of Battle Creek Mich Eachwas disposed of in short order

District Attorney Jerome has allkedJustice Dowllng to appoint a spoclalgrand Jury to Investigate tho Insuranbusiness lu New York city

On a charge that hla connectionwIIh tho contribution of 48702front tho funds of tho New York Lifolimuruncc Co to tho republican natloal committee In tho campaign of 190fconntltuted grand larceny in tho fintdegree George W Perkins a memberof the firm of JP Morgan Ciand until recently first vlco presideof that Insurance company was awnsed on a warrant Issued nttho Instlgtlon ot District Attorney Jerome NewYork

Delegates from the blue and grayelate organizations from a score ofstales mot at Atlanta Go Tho obJect-or tho gathering Is to form a nationorganization which will perpetualwithout distinction between north nnlJsouth tho memory of those who foughton clthor side In that memorablo con

filetI am In no sense a candidateWIh these words Wm R Hearst motan inquiry concerning presidential tither and Issues for tho campaign of108

Drlg Gen Eric Swayne who wassecond In command In the Somllalatcampaign against tho Mad Mullah hasbeen appointed to succeed Sir DlckhaSweetUecott as governor of DriLls

HondurasDavidDurbans coachman for Cor

nellus N Sues tho banker and troaurea ot tho republican national commlttcc shot and kilted tbo groocThomas llcgcrty and then fatally 8bothlmselC

Tho Mississippi bouso commlttcb detslded to report unfavorably a mcasuifor an appropriation for quarautlrpurposes In the state

It U now certain that John D Rock-efeller is in very poor health at blshomo at Lakcvfood N J His condtlon Is grave

Mexico will offer Lower Callfornlfor saleltTtho United States

Parson Davlea has posted a iOOO

forfeit for a 10round return matchat New Orleans between McGoverand Nnlson the week after Nclsdfights Horrora at Los Angeles

Tile Kansas Natural Gas Cos blgas well below CanQY which wasstruck by lightning February 23 walucccsitully extinguished

Two trainmen wero killed one fa-

tally lajTurcd and five other persons >i

rlounly Injured In a wreck onthChesapeake k Ohio railroad near QUiD

cyTCyDuslnces failures In tho Unite

StaloefaraUntwc kontlng March 20iiljmficrlOOr agalihitJ70 tlte provlouweek 227 In tho Ilko week of 1905 and21S 1n1001-

As eastbound Nickel Plate passesgar train No 2 was approaching thetown of South Whltlny Ind tho smoVr r day coach andflvo sleeping carleft the track and turned over In theilltch Injuring 23 persons ono fatally

To save the lIfo of their 15yearolison James McGowan vlctlhr or an eiiloslon of gasollno at a silk mill Itt

Paterson N J tho boys father andmother had akin taken from thelibacks and grafted on tho legs of tatInjured boy

Tho disaster at the Courrlcrci coal-

mInes had a startling sequel when Unlncra worotalwn out alive after bar-Ing endured unspeakable horrors durlag 20 days of entombment Thered for many days on putrid horselesh

Mrs Roosevelt accompanied by hci

iblldrcn Ethel Archie and Quentingaped from Fornandlna Fla for WcsIndIan waters on a cruise of ton daysThe Missouri supreme court an

UAiriccd Its decision that tho St Loutjounly court acted without authoritythen It appointed a receiver for the

U500000 PcoplQa United States bankot St Louis of which E O Lewis Itresident

Tho ChrlMlan Herald sent nnothoiheck for 25000 to tho stato depart-

ment through the Red Cross for transulttal tp Japan for tho relief of fain

Ino sufferers making a total of 12500

Isaac Winder tho negro murdererros hanged at Baltimore The eoncmncd man struggled and fought descratcly and was beaten into Biibmls

Ion by ofljclals and placed over thetrap and his body finally launched IntoelornltyIeel hard for 33 years to payRnd after tho last bill of 250 hadeon handed over to his creditor hang

od himself to tho rafter ot tho shantyIn which ho lived

Mayor Griffith of Covington Indbils sent letters of inquiry to policeuthorlllos In several southern cities

ylng to locate Henry Hunt scion of-

an Indiana family who line been leftn fortuno through the recent death o-Chll parents at Covington

The United States general appralsJrs aupoimccd a decision sustaining n

rotcst against the action ot tho col-

lector of customs at Chicago In asisslng duty upon a baptismal font Imorted for the use of tho Church ot tile

Holy Name at Stcubenvlllo O

The naval authorities wero officiallyHincd by Secr < Bonaparte that

the resignation of Midshipman Moriether of Louisiana has been ncptedFully 10000 people witnessed tho

l ti1fcitnIRKotr0111 Young In tV l

ama coointv 30 miles north of AusliB Tex


Fran Keenan two son of Contra-ctor Jacob Kconun while playing alollltile bonks of Stony Creek river nearJohnstown Pu tell Into the streamHis brother James five Jumped Inlothe river to save him and both bo

JPIAloastory brick building at Reed CltyMich

The annual dinner or tho Ill grlmHIn Now York was the most notable ofthe many Important functions the soclety has given Earl Orey governsgeneral of Canada was the guest ofhonor

Tho date of holding the motional encainpmcnt of tho United States WllrVeterans In WashluRton was flxei tobegin October 8 and last throughoutthe wcel

ExJudge W II Dickers of Lcxln I

ton Ky nt ono time a prominent momher of UQ Kentucky bar commutetuleide attho Gorilla hotel Clnclnnnlby taking morphine-

A correspondent at St Petersburgsays thorn plot has been discovertto blow up the national parllamciwith bombs

Suit for over 5000000 against thoMemphis El Paso Pacific RailroadCo a Texas corporation was begunIn the United States court New Yctkby Charles D Drown of Nowcity

Tho Castcllano hearing is to talteplace In April When Judge Ditto or-

dered It for March 31 the countess approved but next day against thowishes of her counsel she rcquestitho Judge to pot pone the hearing until tho end of April

Coal operators and mIne workerwho returned from the Indianapolisconvention gave assurance that thorewill bo no strlko In tho Plttsburg dlsriot thllearJ-ames H Drcslln one of the most

widely known hotel men In this coun-

try died In his apartments in tho 110tot Wnlcott Now York from Bright

diseaseIn letter to tho president O JMarket of Orrvllle O threatens tosue the government for 500000 fordamages to hla mental capacitiesclaimed to have been received whlln government clerk by constant nutring and tantalizing by his fellow

clerksWilliamSchroedor77 and a forme

Instructor at Notre Dame academy de-

clared to the Chicago police that hohad by false pretenses been Inducedto deliver property In Missouri Indnna Michigan and Colorado valued In

tho aggregate at 25000 to Jas Lowand Aurellus Turpin In exchange forworthless securities Tho two manwore arrested

John A Merritt postmaster of WashIngton will bo appointed by tho presldent to bo collector for the port 0buffalo N T Benjamin F DarnelBsslstaht secretary to the presidentwill stuccoed Mr McrrlttThe Old Dominion Browing and Ice

Co of Newport News Va executeda general doed of assignment Thetangible assets are 500000 and llablllties abut 250000

Father Capon In a letter to tho procurator says ho Is only living In SIPetersburg by tolerance nod demandto be put on trial In order to detenthis honor and legalize his status or Itguilty to bo condemned

The celebration of the 25th annlveriry of the founding ot the Tuskcgctnormal and Industrial Institute washeld at Tuskcgeo Ala lit Rev Croswell Doane bishop of Albany N Y

preached tho anniversary sermonTho government of the united

States caused tho fsauanco of 12 subwcnacs for as many men who animminent In the packing Industriesthey ore In apppur at tho trlalof the-

packlgg corporations In Chicago Sepember l0i i

Ono man to deMit two othersuffcrlng from bullet wounds that arcixpcctcd ta provo fatal a third semi

ruA y ct with alcnlfea fourth burnednd a fifth seriously Injured by a buletls the result of an orgy of miners

In tho woods half a mllo cast ot Twi-

liGht Pa-

Under orders from Washington 118irlsoners who have been confined I1-

tFt Jay Governors Island for somemonths past were sent to the rehabllltodmlltao prison at Ft Leaven

worth RanTho Inaugurals ceremonies In con

icctton with tho induction of henryc Ida into tho office ot governor genernl of the Philippines took place atManila

A mysterious attempt was matte At

last Port ChesterNY to murderReY Jbhn KOPP pastor of tho Gorman

lUthoran church there while on hisaytojhoichurchwhorohlswlfown3laying tho organ It Is thought he

can not Hvo-

Promises that Senator Dopeww9ul4return to his place in the senate havenot been fulfilled for tho reason thathopes of his family for a complete resration of his health have been Ills

appoIntedFire broke out In Dlllonvalo 0 and

tweed a loss estimated at 5n0Tho buildings destroyed wore frame

wrfilllngsJohn nSelt abel merican cons II-

Iagent at Brcmcrhaven Germany willJcbrato April 1 the 50th anniversary

of his entrance into tho American conBular service

Joseph P Tinny note teller at theatlonnl Dank of North AmcrlcaNcw

Yorlt was arrested and arraigned In-

pollco court on a charge of stealing14000MuJ Samuol T Hamilton U S A-

11Ied at a private sanitarium in liarsburtr Pa MaJ Hamilton was one

nf the officers of tho troops whichwont to the relief of ten Custor aftertho Little Dill lions massacre jo ISiS

rDOWIE REPUDIATEDA9IApostle Declared Insane Mrs Dow

Their Son Gladstone Castand

roTheir Lot With the NewLeader of Zion

Chicago At n meeting of 5000 adherents of the Christian Catollc church at Zion City of whIchJohn Alexander Dowfe Is the rounderand first apostle Dowles authorItywas repudiated and Wilbur Glenn VoliVn who for some time has been cotducting the affairs ot the church waserected In his stead Mrs Dowio alsorepudiated her husband and their sonGladstone Dowie cast his lot with hismother and tho new leader Vollva

Mpst of the officials of the churchWire present at the meeting and man-or them denounced Dowio as bnvlngdScelvcd the people and wasted Iltelrmoney In extravagance The meetinghowever refused to hold that he hadknowingly erred and John G Spelcor the former overseer and onto sQCoo

ond In command who was recently deposed peremptorily declared Dowlo tobb Insane Mrs DowIe in her addrcsalso upheld that declnratloq The cast-higoff of tho authority of John AlexRuder DowIe followed the receipt c-

an SOO word telegram from tho firstoalle who is in Mexico in which bo

peremptorily ordered tho discharge orDeacon Alexander Galnger flnnnclmanager of Zion who has been mostaggressive in an effort to placo tbo af-

fairs of tho church on a secure fontdhtlon It is also announced that atotter would follow In which other oficrall are named for deposition

NVtlbur Glenn Vollva the now leador of the church was born in Indianln1870 and has been In themlnlstrot the church stnce1889 He was orMined an overseer In 1901 and 800U

afterwards was sent to Australia


The Operators of Pennsylvania WillPay Miners Advance Asked

Plttsburjr Pa Dispatches from

theJOtt coalfields Indicate almost ngeneral announcement from tho openpayIthstale of 1903 With notices posted atthe majority of the mines nnnouhclnthe granting of the scale the strikeIn tho soft coal field has lost the threat-ening aspect that has surrounded itsince last January

The miners of tho Fairmont W Va-

S al section have not entered Into thepVcseni controversy Of the 4000mined InWest Virginia but COOO nr

Iwith the United Mlno Wort

crs aboutI5Qgr In tho pan andfsection and ave ceased work



Arrangements About Perfected For a-

IRevolution In Venezuela

New York Ono of the largest merchants In New York salthat arrangements are being perfectcihero and In Paris and London for arevolution in Venezuela which will anilbllato Castro and open that cauntrj-to American capital and enterprise Anumber of rich New York merchantsfro said to be Interested in the moveneat which tho prompter declares willnvolvo th6 employment ot 15000 sol

Hers and the expenditure of 6000>00 President Castro If the plans tictot go astray Is to bo either expoun-drdestroyodand a Venezuelan statesnan Is to bo installed as his succes

ecr >

AMENDMENT TO RATE BILLkrovldes For Judicial Review of Oi

dens of Interstate Commission

IWl1shlnJtonFidS of tho houseconference

iHh President Roosevelt at the whitelaude agreed upon an amendment proWing specifically for Jtfdlclalrevle

ot orders of the interstate commercebmmlaslon This amendnucntwlll K

resented by Senator Long a pro

punced opponent of any amendmenthlch would permit tho railroads to

obtaIn a review ot a character amountn to a retrial of tho merits ot the

I bmmleslona order

I Missouri Leases a Coal MineJefferson City MaGov Folk

urou h Warden Hall of the statepnltcritlary leased a mine near

averly from which coalwlllbo mindduring tho strike In sufficient quantitles to supply the 15 state instltu


< Allen Arrivals In New YorkAlbany N YDaring tho lost

tlueQ months of 1905 hero were1G5540 allen arrivals at the port of-

Now York according to the quarterlyullotln of tho state department cf

l i for Just madei Victory For FranceAlgcclras Spain Tho commit

t o ot tho conference on Moroccanr 41orma reached an agreement on all

This agreement was sanctionca at the plenary session of tho conf rcnce It Is regarded as a victoryfor France

I Municipal League ConferencePhiladelphia Tho annual con

f rence of the National MunicipalI which will be held at AtlanticCity 1 pIl21 to 27 Is expected obe-one of the moat Interesting operholy-

yb that organization


The Silt Imposing a License Tax anRectified Liquors Was Passed

Frankfort March 27The KentucUgeneral assembly late Monday after-noon adopted a bill Imposing a licensetax of one and onefourth cents pergallon on all rectified compounded orblended liquor manufactured In thestate or shipped Into It for the putpose of branding Kentucky Thobill was adopted In extra session andafter a bitter struggle between advo-cates of a graded license and of galIon unit tax Much was said durintho session about lobby Influence an

InvestlgaUonItto sIJ was any-one It Is estimated that If held tobe constitutional the act will bringthe state about 150000 annually Inrevenue Last year there was shIppedout of Kentucky ten million live huntdred thousand proof gallons of thlliquor which is about twelve millIonswino gallons upon which the tax Islaid Under the provisions of the actthe rectifiers and blenders are to 10port every six months beginning Juno30 next and failure to report and paltho tax means a closing up of thohouse refusing and flue of from 551to 100 per day To ship such spiritInto the state of Kentucky for tho putpo o of branding Is denounced by thact as a misdemeanor punishable byfine of from 500 to 1000 for eaclsuch shipment Peter Leo Athertonof Louisville who represented the reclifters declared that tho Imposition oftho tax adopted will drive all of tatlarger rectifiers out of the state IntoIndiana and Ohio


Shortage Causes Run On a BankDeficit Partly Made Up

Owensboro Ky March aTherewas a small run on the Standley Deposit bank eight miles from Owensboro caused by the announcement ofa 17000 shortage of Cashier Estll W

I Nell The greater portion of theamount has been made up Nell whowax cashier for two years suddenresigned on Monday The bank offlomits came to Owensboro redlicountei

10000 worth of notes and ire readto pay any of the depositors Thtbank has a capital stock of 15000The deposits amount to 411000 andloans to 63000 Nell has lot for hithome at Morgantown Ky


Newport Dealers Accused of SellingAdulterated Goods Convicted

lNewport March 31Sogeral

Newport groeerswhQ were arrested

MagistrateI I

sellingwas a technical one as the goods dIdnot show adulteration but were 1m

properly labeled and it was for thIsreason that the minimum fine was Imposed The goods Included in theadulterated list were catsup bakingpowder cherries and other cannedgoods

IA Towns C6stly SuitGreen Ky March 31

Judge John D Orlder won the firstsuit ever brought against tho town oftrownsvllle in Edmonson county Angin Arbuckle who foil through a-

board wall dislocating a hp andmaking her a cripple for life obtatn-ed a verdict of 700 which If paidwnt moan a cost of about 1toevcryman woman and child la Brownsville

Cal Edward R Weir ExpiresOwensboro Ky March 31Col Ed-

ward Kumsey Well 67 of GreenvilleKy died here Ho was lieutenantcolonel under Col Starling Jn theunion army la the civil war Ito issurvived by a widow and four chllamen one of whom Is with tho UnitedStates army in the Philippines

I Held on Manslaughter ChargeGlasgow Ky March 30 Clarence

Cuckols who killed his father Henerson Nuckols two weeks ago on

thud Camp creek in Monroe countywas given an examining trial beforeCounty Judge Miller at Tompklnsvllloand wan held on the charge of manlaughter

Conductor Sues For DamagesHarrodsburg Ky March 31Chna

A Roy a freight conductor has suedtor 15000 the Southern railroad nolalms he was Injured to that amountIn a wreck on the road at Lawrenceburgor

A HomeComIng DaysCynthlann Ky March 30ThqCyn

lilana Commercial club has decided tohave a Homecoming for Harrisonounty people to take place during thoHomecoming week at Louisville in

tuneRaid on Moonshiners

Richmond Ky Mnrch 30 GeneralDeputy Collector W T Short has re-

united from a 10 days moonshine raidthrough Perry Pike Knott and Letcher counties Eight stills were locatedand destroyed with a largo amount

ofIbeer andwhiskyMadeConfcaclonsI

Somerset Ky March 30ln the circult court hero Pat Lovo confessedobbery hoary Barger confessedousjebrpaUlng and Stephen Gill horsestealing Each got two years In theenltentiary


Eyes Were Torn Out By the Shot FiredAt Young Strader

Lexington Ky March 28 Whilehunting wild ducks at the reservoir oftho Lexington Hydraulic Co on theRichmond pike James Strader youngest son of the late R S Strader thenoted trotting horse man was shotand perhaps fatally wounded by someunknown person The shooting wasdone With a rifle at a distance of aboutt400 yards and the bullet entered theright temple and came out on the op¬

posite side of the head tearing themuscles of both eyes as It passedthrough According to the informationof eyewitnesses Strader accompaniedby a negro boy was engaged In shoot ¬

ing ducks when he was told by DenStewart to stop shooting and leavothe place As Stewart was not awatchman Strader apparently paid noattention to hlnl and Stewart it Isalleged stepped Into the now pumphouse After the shooting Stewartsecured the services of William Proc-tor tho watchman Taking a boatthey rowed across the lako to Straderand placed him In a wagon and tookhim to the Good Samaritan hospitalStewart made several conflicting state-ments to the officers and others at theJail regarding the shooting and statedIthat he knew nothing about ¬

ter Both of Straders eyes were ta¬

ken out by the surgeons in the hopeof saving his life

Lexington Ky Marcia 30 JamesStrader who was shot on Tuesdaywhile duck hunting and whose injur¬

lea necessitated the removal of bothhIs eyes is being kept In ignoranceof the fact that he Is blind Thursday

removedwith as it Js feared that It would bea fatal shock to tell him of his misfor-tune In his present condition


Three Boys Dead and Two Are DyingNear Alexandria

Newport Ky March 30Death Inone of its most agonizing forms haslaId Its heavy hand on the family ofCharles Hogle a farmer living about

Lye mites south of Alexandria His4yearold son was stricken with ceribrospinal meningitis and died afteruttering for two hours The same dayhis 12yearold boywas stricken withthe disease and succumbed beforenight Next evening the ten year oldson was stricken and died a few hoursafterwards While Drs Houston andZlnn were treating this toy the twothor children aged six and throe repectlvely were stricken with thedread malady and their death seemsonly a matter of momenta The at-

tendIng physicians can not account fortho presence of the terrible afflictionas the family was considered one ofthe healthiest in the section The dis-ease carried off the six year ohd sonot John Nelser also of Alexandriaabout three weeks ago


They Must Vote on the Question ofAbolishing One Lone Saloon

Willlamstown Ky March 23ThaJllage of Jonesvllle is tho topic ofonvereatlon among local option andtntl local option people It lies in

both Grant and Owen counties and Isonly wet place In either county

1the the citizens there have vatseparately on the liquor question

Jid as a majority of them wore in faor of the sale of whisky Jonesvlllo

maintained a saloon while thoseIhns parts of tho two counties have

out of business Under tho Ehrlaw both Grant and Owen coun

lea will hav to vote 09 the questioneparatoly and will have to each hold

11 special election for the counties enUre and vote dry as a whole to putonesvllles saloon out of bnslness

The Hesslg Distillery SoldPaducah Ky March 2t1Tho Hes

slg distillery recently sold in bank-ruptcy has been purchased by H Well

Son ono of the largest wholesaleliquor firms in Western KentuckyThe capacity of the plant will bo doubled and two largo warehouses willbo erected

A Robbers VictimHudsonvlllo Ky March 29John

A Coke was found dead In his yard110ro Wodnesday with a bullet In hisbead As his pockets wcro tithed it ia

believed ho was robbed and killed byn highwayman

Mrs Julian McGrew AcquittedFreochburg Ky March 31MrsJ-

iiila TilcGrow or this city was acquitted by the Jury hero of causing thedeath of one woman and the Illnessof others by placing arsenic in theirjffee

Suit Against Bowling GreenBowling Green Ky March 31For-

mer JudgeGeorge R form of the lib-IIco court sued the city for 575 nl-

Ilegod to ho due as back salary Helalms the city each year during his

term of office failed to pay him 101-or his salary

Bowling Green A Western RoshBowling Green Ky March UIt

Is stated on presumably good author-

Iltythat construction work wtH beththe Bowling Green Western rail

between this oily nad Morganwithin a few days