chronicling americai the washington times tfesday january 27 1903 11 7ijies want ads results rates...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES TfESDAY JANUARY 27 1903 11 I 7iJiES WANT ADS RESULTS RATES FOR ADVERTISING srrc awss lIEU WASTED ADS ROOMS FOR toEKT ROOMS AND BOARD ONE CEST A WORD j V Minimum charge Thc one insertion AI OJQBi CLASSIFIED USERS mH ssw5 A WORD THREE OR MOveoxsEctrnvE DAYS ONE CESS A WORD HELP WAMTBB FEMALE waitresses for new cafe no iiiiay work 30 general hooseworkers no fees i lvaace SHACKLEFORDS 906 E St nw- v VTED Yooag lady for light oStee work and 11 nstrator a experience necessary 1300 York ave nw It W AN7TED ook 15 chambermaid f4- i irw ISrlatmdtttss 1 day Inquire lots nth M nwSi It VST8 i ria cook nurse pri- v t family woman take washing home In ulire 2022 7th at nw It v A NTED General worker nurse chambermaid good cook this evening or in morning aiso leave city 1013 New York ave It ANTED Servant for general housework riust have good reference Call between 630 7 p 2306 Wth St nw ja273t V XTED A colored woman to do dtamber A laundry w6rf Address 111 8th st nw It VANTED Girt for general housework family 12 Apartment 33 Oam and T nw It H ANTED S20 New Jersey ave se a good i nk at once It ANTED Plain cooks French or German Kir dresser seamstress ladys maid three irls Florence Maw 15 way paid Inquire J n 10th st It 1tK AMERICAN COOKS ASSOCIATION v boy wages 8 per month also girl fi nit 16 or 17 yeses old wages S per month iifa stay udghta Apply ROOM 11 Webster Law sC between Sth and 6th ate nv it 1- Ct i RIG r or BOA1WlNG I J TE Three It w iri j cook d 00 mat 0 1 re i tit JIlted S a i 0 U t < > v ANTED Girl for general housework stay riplits private family 226 New Jersey ave nw It V ANTED A white woman or girl for light Iiisework 80 M st nw ja23t ANTED Girl for general housework in small private family must stay nights 434 H at nw ja272t- Vi ANTED Reliable girl for en nal housework sleep on premises no washing or ironing must lave good references 1908 Eye st nw ja272t V ANTED Two respectable white women and hxn and housework for private fam- ily in country between 9 and 10 19M r It WASTED Neat active honest girl for gen- eral housework 422 2d st nw It Edi and gentlemen for work at irJfiie erfrivel ew pay no canvassing i 3d st nw It vork go home at night Apply at once 825- V st nw Marion st entrance It WASTED Half grown white girl to make her- self generally useful about the house Apply ii 13th st BW It u ANTED Three custom coats helpers on 914 F V ANTED A good tailorew mwt be experi- frijied none other need apply GOODMAN 1100 ttii s nw j 273t- V AXTEDiAn expcrknced white gui te con- fer ionery 132 J4ta at nw It VANTEO Colared girl as ROOK maid ate 1747 Oregon Car general 3 rne nights 1312 R st nw It V ANTED Girl for store 123S 7th at nw It WANTED An experienced German nurse charge of an infant BOX 154 this fiUe ja2J3t- v ANTED Woman to wind baby end for chain tT work Apply after 7 p m 1429 R st nw It t WANTED White chambermaid MS Ken st nw juSti WANTED A good girl for general housework Apply at mID MasBBchnsetU ave aw between li and 7 oclock It ANTED Housekeeper act over thirty years nusi be reliable Address BOX 153 this office oftd nooseworker U5 no other places XJfa- 1C Vermont ave V ANTED Young reliable German girl de irous of good home apply at 1306 G st aw It A1 ANTED Colored woman lor general house Vrk Apply 191 6th aw ia273t THE AMERICAN rooKS ASSOCIATION Wanted a firstclass pastry cook female for Atlantic City 8 per week three female cooks f r this city one laundress wages f2 15 SIS p month telephone calL 515 Y Apply r xm 11 Webster Law Building CHARLES It DAVENPORT Manager W ANTED Young lady clerk f7 weekly hours 1 to 4 ROOM 6 62 roth st nw It cook wash It Un WAN sctive W for general house I thE lit 11 jd7St ave to- e V9D jaJt- A lR di- LL lit It v ArEIiAn experienced Apply I I- twcff go5 Vi C mae S f ¬ ¬ ¬ < WANTEU A white woman to aasfet m house vurk stat care of children Apply 10 G w iaSB2t V WEED Good seat white woman for gn hoHseoork famfly of three good home stav at night Apply at the Oolumbta Flats lab and Binaey sta Flat fi ja2 2t t and experienced chambermaid HOTEL BALTIMORE ISth st York VAXTED goveul experienced cafe waitreeoee- jnod wages Address BOX 147 this office ja263t ANTED A woman for general housework no- w athing stay nights Call 1KH 19th st nw i 2 2t- i ANTED Wrote Woman not over 25 to karrt- ljn lc sg good salary f 0g HOOT ja26 WANTED 19 w ekiy strict salary besides cow trfusion ladles and men novelty plant frrn Philippine ila da grows in ten minutes n vtr dies 718 10th st nw ja23t SITUATIONS WAKTED FEMALK WANTED By neat coloced woman situation as- k or general bouseworker reference S989 st nw It VtJfT D By two competent women place a- gdifral hMsewockcrs or- E arses Inquire lie 7th st nw U v ANTED Situation for girls and women with rJtrences RELIABLE OFFICE 1 Pennae tvanw ave nw Jf- V ANTES Bjr colored tcun4 Louse or aarse rves st place to help or addiSs 107 It V ANTEDy colored girl phw to do general V ANTED By colored woman wasbin to take bume or out by the day WOO New rsey WAKTED By colored woman place to dean fUU or buildings 1 9 ew Jersey ave nw it V VNTED House work rcapectatsle white lady good more desirable than large wages C all m 475 New York ave It TV S experienced washerwoman wash inif t take 5 Columbia Terrace nw A TEU A as coot in lunchroom or ardlaz iota nrrtclasi oyster cook IB- iit th st nw fa26 t- WAKTED HOKSES AND YEHIOLES WANTED A of carriage horses Address Box W this office o2Sat STABLE M AXT8O afcMe w roam to state a t mobile a Thomas Cwefc TAYLO- WCHQfg 1JW Utfc BW It lit ral Wo TED and New ave nw d j JJtn IJL n4 selling h girl Can ISW iUioIIIk Cau 87 L at It are r It place r It i 1 IlL ja26lt I C a nw5 lOt I > < + HELP WANTED MALE WAXTED YouBg man from the country good salary and chance for advancement 1200 New York ave nw It WANTED Hotel carver coffee man BURGESS HOTEL AGENCY 503 10th at phone 2511 Y It WANTED Second cook two stablemen six waiters four dishwashers store porter three house boys SHACKLEFORDS E st nw It WANTED Kindling wood huDdler at once steady work IMS F st ne jaZ73t WANTED A good meat cutter in grocery Ap ply at 601 New Jersey are nw It WASTED At riotel Dunbarton colored good references required Ja27St WANTED Fiftv men to cut wood Apply ROOM 17 Atlantic Building ja273t WASTED Barber and shop boy permanent Address BOX 149 this office ja273t WANTED Man who understands cutting meat wages 1 day with hoard Address BOX 152 this office It WASTED At YeerhofTs galleries 1217 F st a white boy of 18 to work in the shop Inquire between 8 and 1O oclock a m ja272t WANTED Two good barbers at once steady job good guarantee given 915 D st nw It WASTED A smart young colored man in res- taurant to assist in kitchen walt on and make himself generally useful around place must be willing and nt of work other need JOHN T BRASSON llth st sw It WANTED Two boys to distribute cards 007 Pennsylvania ave nw It WANTED Young Than from country 10 permanent Apply after 930 a m ROOM 524 10th sU It WUJfTED Blacksmith must come well recom mended Apply RINGMANN9 EXPRESS 8S7 D st nw ja2 3t WASTED At Columbian Hospital an able bodied white over 17 years of age and not afraid of work references required Apply to Superintendent jaS6St WANTED Experienced grocery clerk one who understands handling meats good references required 201 10th st j 23t WANTED AGENTS WANTED TVn agents male or female easiest selling article out Call between 8 and 10 and 4 and 6 p m 328 Indiana ave nw It SITUATIONS RANTED MALE I I toW tOO porter years none I Ap- ply week- ly 6 boy see tables ¬ ¬ WANTED By two men two boys any kind work best references Inquire 1635 11th It WANTED Situations at any work for men with reference HARRELfS RELIABLE 321 Pennsylvania ave aw It WANTED By young colored man work 203 Brooks court between 0 and P ate It WANTED By respectable colored man place in grocery store bell matt or private family Address 1419 A at se It WANTED Situation as nwtdass bread and cake baker Address RISTO 455 C st aw- ia282t WANTED A male nurse competent to care for fever or surgical cases wants Address BOX 146 this office a262t WANTED By respectable colored placf- ae house man running elevator or for 2219 12th st nw j 28St ROOMS AND BOARD st- ow I aft engage- ment man ¬ FURNISHED FRONT ROOM with board for gen- tleman and wife private family 400 10th st se 2037 H sr NW Rooms with board 4 week table board S3 ia277t FOR RENT Rooms with board 715 llth st nw Ja27St COMFORTABLE ROOMS Soc two excellent board very reasonable 1908 5th st nw ja283t- SUNXY FRONT ROOM good table home corn forts private family moderate terms table boarders REST Xicaly fsmjbed with board 11 6 L st nw j 5S7t WANTED ROOMS WASTED In quiet house well heated furnished room housekeeping with gas by couple with child vicinity oi Smithsonian preferred Address BOX 136 this office ja273t WASTED Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping heat and gas married couple and infant full particulars moderate price Addras BOX 156 this office It WANTED By young couple one or two un r oms for light housekeeping cen- trally joca d not to exceed 12 Address BOX 155 office It WASTED By single gentleman unfurniabcd room between G at and N w fad 8th and 12th ate Address BOX 145 this office ja283t WANTED By young couple three unfurnished rooms for H ht housekeeping heat and gas state price Address BOX 140 this office j 253t WANTED To buy nfty secondhand bicycles Call after 5 p m or address M A LEWIS st and H eta nw ja278t WANTED MISCELLAKEODS jar at Itb tt t jJ FOR two Old thiS I ave WANTEDBICYCLES fliL rooms ¬ WASTED Furniture of all kinds office and store fixtures sell your goods to the man who gives you the most money HOPWOOD 8th end K eta nw Storage 1 per load ja73t MATTRESiES MADE OVER on premises flSQ J J FEENEY 21S 4 St nw ja27st buy old feather beds E MARKS 75 Myrtle st ia2S6t WASTED Furniture pianos organs office and store fixtures cease cotfee mills Sell yrur goods to the man who gives you the most money HOPWOOD Sth and K sU aw Tele- phone Main 2756M Ja25St WANTED Secondhand portable pool table state size and price J B 215 D t nw Jago H WASTED Diamond and other jewelry highest prices paid ABRAHAMS 433 st ia22tf OLD GOLD SILVER AND COINS BOCGHT 615 G st nw G MARTJK iaSlSOt WANTED Highest cash price paid for castoff clothes ladies or gentlemens Address postal and I will calL B TARSHES laos 7th st nw ia330t WANTED Old iron brass copper lead etc also machinery and general merchandise for highest cub prices BAUM ft BERN1IEIMBR- 17S5 7th aw phone Main 3068 Y deSSOt FOR M25 4th ST KW Six rooms gas water large yard parking perfect condition flO90 house open Ja273t FOR RENT 161S rooms two Iktrobes range bath closet front porch in good condition 1250 keys next door ja 7 3t FOR REST K7 13th st se rooms bath cellar front porch and large back yard GEO tom SJ9 JSth at ae ia27St FOR RENT One good atxroom house bay window stable etc 40 88tii st nw per month GEO BAILEY Room 124 Loan and Trust Building ja263t FOR st near North Capitol six room bay window brick good order colored tenants CHAS FUSS tc CO 097 13th st nw ja226t FOR TYPEWRITERS for rent cheap Call at 911 G nw after 7 p m ja253t BIRDS DOGS ETC FOR SALE Two thoroughbred black and tan puppies steed by Champion Sir Avon holder of prizes in bench shows Address aOB Virginia ave aw after 12 i 26St FOR SALE FS e lot o parrots mocking birds mak gaiaea rabbits gold tUb Alan can ri s Inns L0 apwardi- X MlDS BMPORIUU OF PETS 712 lath t WANTEDTo show 9th RENTROUSES K lit e seven six 10 RENTI RENTTYPEWRITERS lilt m pip IIW netSU ¬ > < ± FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT One large storeroom and back room and basement 316 per month Inquire after 10 a 1523 11th st nw ja272t FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms well heat- ed 615 6th st nw ia273t FOR RENTrTwo furnished rooms gas bath light housekeeping J12 O St ja273t FOR RENT FurnislJCil email front room 5 per month back room 10 723 13th st nn it FOR RENT Three rooms s cowl floor heat and gas southern exposure 130 D st It FOR RENT FurnJslied rooms single or entire Soot of three rooms and private bAth at eQuable rate in fine house and choice neighbor- hood 1328 Columbia road ia273t FOR RENT Three good furnished rooms no housekeeping S10 12 S15r refcreBees 221 E st nw Ja273t FOR RENT Furnirfied rooms reasonable 106 2d st nw ia273t FOR RENT Furnished rooms 910 8th st nw ja263t FOR KEST Elegantly furnished rooms heat cold and hot water gentlemen or couple 427 16th st nw ia 62t FOR RENT Large front rooms on first and second floors other rooms transients 50 cents 1111 H st HW ja253t POll RENT Two furnished rooms light house- keeping allowed 232 F st nw ia253t FOR REST Nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping 2117 G st nw i 25 3t FOR RENT Furnished roon second floor litHe and bath heated near Capitol and Pennsylvania ave 327 th st ja253t FOR RET Fumiahed rooms front and back table board home comforts 507 3d st nw ja253t FOR RENT Strictly private family two rooms second story well furnished and heated southern exposure moderate terms 1612 6th st nw ja253t THE most accessible location in Washington sew bouse new furniture rooms single or en suite steam heat hot water private baths bath for every two rooms rates reasonable THE PATIEKCE 910 E st nw delStf FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Lovely front unfurnished room FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms tent rea- sonable 700 T gt nw ja273t FOR ItEKT Three unfurnished rooms second floor newly papered sanitary plumbing 24 nw U273t FOR RENT Three convenient rooms for light housekeeping heat and gas 918 F st ja27St FOR RENT Two lovely front rooms for light housekeeping sear Lincoln Park cheap 121 11th st se ja272t FOR RENT Two large unfurnished rooms facing Lincoln Park 1231 Massacbusets ave FOR RENT Untarnished room in newly pa- pered and painted house desirable locality 1105 13th st nw ja272t FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms on ond floor heat and bath 1115 12th tt J4283t FOR RENT Two pleasant unfurnished rooms on second floor heat gas and bath reasonable 630 Rhode Island aye nw ja253t FOR OR UN FURNISHED ROOMS i I I m i heat nee J secondstory nee see bath on Soor Apply 50S 10th st nw second floor ja2iM P- at nee 5e jd6it Bee S nee RENTFURNISHED Tee ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnished rooms for rent 1 week L su nw ja 73t FOR RENT Three rooms furnished or unfur niahed by February 1 Call alter i p m 422 3d St nw ja873t FOR RENT Double parlors heat gas fur- nished or unfurnished 1429 9th st nw ja273t FOR RENT Four or five rooms furnished or unfurnished fat housekeeping 613 North Capi- tol st ja272t FOR REJCT Fnrnwhed or unfurniMM r SUS II at wm 1 fit2i liSt floor second a ¬ FOR SALE SnSCELLANEOU- SOilCKERING PIANOS i WEEKLY PAYMENTS PIANOS FOR RENT 2 3 5 AND 6 MONTHLY BRADBURY FACTORY WAREROOMS 1226 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE FOR SALE Special banpun Singer ma- chine 5 50 450 Wheeler Witoun 750 Domestic warranted fiVe years machines on credit Soc weekly pay- ments at OPPESHEUtKRS all st nvr FOR SALE Handsome Scotch collie dog 5O- S5th at etc ja273t FOR pawn tickets for ladys 15 Stone diamond locket and ring cheap Address BOX 151 this office ja278t FOR SALE Folding beds with hai mattreaws and other furniture cheap 433 II st nw ja27 t FOR SALE A thoroughbred mile Scotch collie pup nine months old beautifully marked Can seen 319 C nw after 5 oclock ja263t FOR SALE Fine cheval thteegteas mirror suitable for tailor or dressmaker one organ 15 cost 75 bedroom and parlor suite very low prices FRIES ft CO 408 Wth st ja253t FOR Wood cook stoves self eed jug stoF buy now you buy cheap tt CO 40 KHh st nw ja253t FOR SALE lowering k Blake palace organ cost 125 a special chance FRIES CO 4O 10th st nw ja253t TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN We will sell at public auction OB SATURDAY JANUARY 31 1B08 all goods in following names for storage and advance charges Captain Bliss Julia Ennis John Annie Turner Alice Biorden Miss Phillips Mm Green hattie Miller Dora Jones Mrs Dunhoo Ira Page Annie Boose C R Colombia Transfer Ctr E Nelson UNITED STATES STORAGE COJ J B Griffith Manager jaiolit FOR oak rolltop desks cheap Call at CLARK BROS 1333 F st iaS53t FOR SALE Two hundred stoves good as new cheep save money stovepipe and elbows 10 cents each all sizes HOP WOODS Sib and K ate nw ja2a3t FOR SALE Furniture slightly used six fold- ing beds cheap HOPWOOD 8th and K eta man who saves you money Ja25r3t PIANO AND ORGAN BARGAINS Fine Fischer upright Piano 12500 Fine Knabe 93509 Fine Emerson Square PiaK 2500 Fine Stanley ft Sons Square Piano 0000 Fine Estey Ongar 2500 Fine Fairand i Votey Organ 1509 ALL ON EASY PAYMENTS O J DE MOLL CO Phone 1441 1281 G aw FOR SALE Oak wood delivered on sidewalk cord 3J cut 8 12 or 16 inch 1 2117 Sth at ne ja24St FOR SALE Upright piano bargains Kimball 8QO Briggs 150 several oUter makes low on easy payments CHAS M STIEFF 521 11th J C Manager j 23tf BROWN ft TOLSON Auctioneers 1409 and 1411 New York Thursday January 2U IVOR we will sell for storage charges goods stored in the names of Jennie Brown E Bowman F Brent and J Johnson FRIES UOPWOOD FOR SALE 36 for Morris chairs with hair cushion 3 for hair mattress is two parts our prices IIEDMONDS 311313 7th st nw FOR farm cheap near Bowie Md Call 820 Callan st ne j Si STORAGE STORAOK 75c UNITED STATES COt 420 l th Et nw JoS 65 I HowE 11 9th I i SALETwo lit SAL stoves 4t Lucas Rob 60n SALETwo nwthe Square lit aveOn bedroom end parlor suites 1 per Oct elU SALEFARMSF- OR SALEFifteenacre 3 j27tf uSIt JetSti sL- ow ja6t week Iced STOR- AGE ¬ ¬ > BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE LOOK HEAD Grocery and fruit tore on E st nw 200 Grocery store on 3d st nw 1350 snap Grocery store nw 800 doing fine business Dining room n 6th St nw 2X bargain Lunch room on E at nw 350 Dairy lunch on 7th at near Avenue 600 Drug store m Avenue nw 4flOO Saloon Southeast 1000 fine location Grocery store Northwest 1800 or invoice excellent business fine stock and fixtures will stand rigid examination genuine bargain must be sold this week see us at once other for sale We can please you WE are the IS years experience RELIABLE BUSINESS EXCHANGE Room 208 Jenifer Building cor 7th and D nw ja273t FOR shop complete in oak 7j cash or 100 on time HOPWOOD 8th and K sts man who saves you money Storage 1 per load j273t FOR SALE Meat and grocery store Ice box meet tools etc price low to immediate purchaser Address 150 this office ia273t NATIONAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE Room 24 Harper Building ja273t DRUG STORE small suit pushing young man price for fittings stock flO AUSTINS BUSINESS EXCHANGE 1411 G at ia273t small genuine Business same hands ten years stock and Aitlnos only 325 AUSTINS BUSINESS EXCHANGE 1411 G st GROCERY AND PROVISION established seven at price of stock 1SOO trade 10000 a bargain AUSTINS BUSINESS EXCHANgE 1411 G st ia St EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for party with several hundred dollars to secure profitable business Address BOX 157 this office ja273t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Clear residence and rental property in Grant Co Ind gas belt Call or write 201 D st ne Flat 1 ja275t 300 WILLS PURCHASE a legitimate money waking business Apply BOX 150 this office ja273t FOR Invoice lunch stock and fixtures good stand Address 1128 6th at sw Ja273t FOR SALE Large tract of timber land good opening for man with money Apply ROOM 17 Atlantic Building ja273t to buy wood plant mill horses and wagons Apply ROOM 17 Atlantic Building J8273t WANTED Saw talE said man t run it have million feet lumber oak and pine to cut ROOM 17 Atlantic Building ja273t WANTED Cigar stores grocery stores lunch and pool rooms D G MOUNT ft CO Burn new Exchange 600 K st nw phone 773 A WILL SELL YOUR BUSINESS for you D G MOUNT ft CO Bcwneas Exchange 000 K at nw phone 778 A ja2 8t MILLINER would like to meet dressmaker hair- dresser or any light business in renting place Address BOX 144 omce 26St BIG BARGAIN in small grocery store if taken quick owner must leave city See DUN LAP S0 F st ja268t FOR confectionery news stand and news route clearing 125 month W H YOUNG 700 9th st nw ja2 3t FOR SALE OR EXCHAXGE Owe warehouse whisky certificate 500 gallons rye whisky Ad- dress WM Hi nw ja288t WANT PAYING DRUG BUSINESS groceries lunch rooms cigar stores we will locate busi- ness investments for you without charge NA TIONAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE room 24 Har- per Building ja253t FOR SALE Hotels saloons drug stores cigar stores house furnishing stores etc all prices See us before purchasing CAPI- TAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE Atlantic Building ia253t NOTION dry goods and gents furnishing tOTe with in Tenleytown long established clearing 100 m nth Price 91200 or invoice NEW BUSINESS BROKERS 811 F st- ia253t LUNCH ROOM daily sake 5 established six years price bargain SEW YORK BUSI- NESS BIOKERS 611 F at ja253t CIGAR STORE prominent street daily sales ctance YORK BROKERS ll f JaJSSt 1 I I busi- nesses SALEBarber I j nwthe I block ethos Inquire GROCERY jaIlSt SALEAt room WANTEDParty Ap- ply s ute SALECigar WILLSO lit tOO IaQ vase BGS W ANTEDPaznev business years jaMSt lunch- rooms M ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GROCERY never changed hands daily sales fSO thorough investigation asked HI health cause NEW YORK BROKERS enl F st ja25St ESTABLISHED steen years If wish to buy or sea see u NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS U F gt Ja853t FOR SALE Ovst r house good equipments cheap 214 H St nw ia25St WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE corner Ins family trade V J DUGAN 617 Louisiana ja253t GROCERY AND COKFECTIOSERY in North- east rare chance 0USLAP F at ja253t SHOOTING GALLERY and polishing stand making money DITNLAP 0ft F st Ja253t PAYING GROCERY te Northwest nice stock and good location DUNLAP 90S F a25St SALOON center city good busi fe8 will sac- rifice leering city W J DUCAN 817 Lvahv- Ia25St FLOUR AND PEED STORE confectionery and cigar stores paying lunch rooms three swell grocery stores See us about other good business opportunities DCXLAP 906 F ja25St- L NCH ROOM on E St w doing good busi- ness cheap See us today Also dining room on 6th st nw tare chance RELIABLE BUSI- NESS EXCHANGE Room 203 Jenifer Build- ing comer 7th and D eta nw ja253t SALOON Norfolk Vs Main St saloon Bal- timore Md magnificent business W J DU CAN 917 Louisiana ave ja253t GROCERY AND PROVISION doing busineJB 3500 per month inventor Meat stand m market tOp tour shame center city W J DUGAN 617 Louisiana ave ja253t Getting a purchaaer for a business is not the easiest task in the world even though the price asked be lew than the real value Yet there is no reason why a business should not be disposed of satisfactorily tt it is placed in proper hands If you want a partner if you want capital for legitimate enterprises if you want to incorporate a company see us are the only firm hi the city who make a specialty of this work We have had nearly- a lifetimes experience and are the best to advise on all matters relating to business transactions WASHINGTON BUSINESS EX- CHANGED aagF a24gt at reasoaable prices FRANK H GIBSOS i CO 1 9 G 9t nw REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4500 FOR SALE A beautiful new house contain- ing six rooms reception hail attic and cellar very handsomely papered and decorated fin- ished in heated furnace and has every modem convenience Very fine location EDWARDS REEVES Inc 380t 614 13th at nw Saturday the 24th a roll of bills The finder will be rewarded by returning to the oilier of the Kcixeant tArmg ofthe Senate It LOST Saturday evening chatelaine bag and 14 Reward if returned to 6i8 E st se It LOST Thursday a white end brindle bulldog LOST A silverhandle umbrella inlaid with initials C C J Kindly return to C CLINTON JAMES Columbian Building US 5th Bt nw ja263t FOUND POUND Lactgrs Ice cream absolutely pare 70 cents per gallon Delivered in unlettered neoi s 807 Sew York ave nw ralOtf MISCELLANEOUS OIL HE ATEii Heres good news summer prices on ali I heaters at F E HOPKINS 422 9th st nv A ja75C WE CAN PiOC AND CRATK r atldraw- j 25St Furniture Pacfcfr ill at aYe OtIS shoe fixtures I lent aye lit Barter SKLLIN OFT you RI TING Good I BoIOtf I Price 4110O terms k LOST LOSTon the- me Reward if toE12 itb W jaMIt yom furniture for work best Call 1 I N west 5 S guaranteed KIRK < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FOREIGN MAILS WASHINGTON D c POSTOFFICE NOTICE Should be read daily as changes may occur at time FOREIGN MAILS are dispatched to the ports of selling daily and the schedule ot closings is arranged on the presumption of their overland transit For the week end big 81 1903 me last connecting closes will be made from the MAIN OFFICE as fol- lows TransAtlantic Hails TUESDAY fc At 1125 p m for EUROPE per s Celtic from New York via Queens town- a At 715 p m for EUROPE per s s from New York via Southampton Mail must be directed Per 9 s At 1125 p m for NETHERLANDS di- rect per s s Rotterdam from New Yok Mail must be Ikected Per s s Rotterdam At 915 p m for FRANCE SWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TURKEY EGYPT GREECE BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUEZ per s s La Champagne from New York via Havre Mall for other parts of EUROPE must be directed Per s s La Champagne At 12 m for IS- LANDS per s s Wcsternland from Boston- e At 605 m for IRELAND per a s- Etruria from New York via Mall i r other parts of EUROPE must be directed ier s Etruria a At 715 p m for EUROPE per s s Kroonland from New York via Southampton c At 015 p m for ITALY direct r s s- Lahn from New York Mail must be directed Per s hahn c At pm for SCOTLAND direct per S S Ethiopia from New York Mall must be directed s s Ethiopi- ac At 1125 p m for direct per s s Norge from New York Mail must be directed Per s s Norge Mails for South and Central America West Indies Etc TUESDAY d At ff20 a m for GUADF LOUPE MARTINIQUE BARBADOS and BRIT- ISH DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA per a s Talisman from New York d At 12 m for JAMAICA per B s Ad- miral Dewey from Boston WEDNESDAY f At KC5 a m for the BAHAMAS per steamer from Miami Pie c At 1125 p ro for JAMAICA per s a Admiral Sampson from Philadelphia c At 1125 p m l r CAMPKCHE CHIAPAS TABASCO and YUCATAN per s a ICO must be directed Per s s igilancia c At 1125 p m for the BAHAMAS and the PROVINCE OF SANTIAGO CUBA per s s Orizaba from New York THURSDAY f At 1125 m for HAITI per a s Flandria from New York e At 605 p m for NEWFOUNDLAND- per s s Rosalind from New York- c At 1125 p ra for PERNAMBUCO and SAO PAULO per s s Eastern PniKV from New York other parts of BRAZIL roust be directed Per i 8 Eastern Prince e At 1125 m for MEXICO per B s Seneca front New York via Tampico Mail must be directed Per s s Seneca At 1126 p m for BERMUDA- per s s Trinidad from New York c At 1125 m for PORTO RICO CU- RACAO and VENEZUELA except Venezuela York Mail fer SAVANILLA and CATITAGENA must be directed Per s s Ponce- c At 1126 p ro for FORTUNE ISLAND JAMAICA SAVANILLA CARTAGENA GREYTOWN r s s Ytlencia from New York Mail for COSTA RICA must be directed Per s s Valencia SUNDAY k At 1005 a m for the BA- HAMAS steamer from Miami Fla Malls for NEWFOUNDLAND by rail to North Sydney and thence via steamer close here daily except Sundays at 12 m and on unday- at 1130 a ro The connecting doses are made on Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays d k Malls for by rail to Boston and thence via steamer close here daily except Sundays at 12 m and oa Sunday at 1130- a m d k CUBA MAILS chJs here via Port Tampa Fla Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays at 230 p ro h Mails for MEXICO overland unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamers selling from New York close here daily at 1005 a m and m f h Malls for BELIZE PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATEMALA by rail to New Orleans and thence via steamer close here dally at 1005 10 p m the connecting closes Ice whit being on Moadavs h Malls for COSTA RICA by rail to New Or- ients seed theses via steamer close here daily at J08 fc m and Bpj the connecting closes for which being on Tuesdays f h TransPfccific Mails I i I unin- terrupted Frleland c WEDNESDAyc FRIDAYd Quten S II 11 Pet from New York Mail for other of MEN 4 rOS FRIDAYc parcelspoet maths per J a Posers from and and Cf any a 23 nrts New a- in ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ Mails for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco clot here daily at 630 m up to January 27 inclusive for dispatch per L S 0 Mails for AUSTRALIA except those for West Australia which go via Europe and ew via San Francisco and FIJI ISLANDS via Vancouver and Victoria B C close here daily at 630 in after January 24 and up to Jean ary a inclusive for dispatch pet s s fiG were o Mail for OT1NA TAPAN HAWAII and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco close here laDy at 690 p m up to January 31 inclusive for dispatch per a Hpmr Mara 0 Malls for CHINA and JAPAN via Vacoma close here daily at fe3O p m up to January 31 inclusive for dispatch per s a Victoria 0 Mails for HAWAII via San Francisco close here daily at 6W ro up to February 2 in- clusive for dispatch per s Alameda o Mails for CHINA and JAPAN via dose here daily at 630 p m up to Xetaiiary 4 inclusive for dispatch per s Shinaao Maru 0 Mails for CHINA JAPAN HAWAII and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco close here daily at 630 p m up to February 8 inclusive for dispatch per s s China o Mans for TAHITI and ISLANDS vie S R Francisco close here daily at 630 p- ro up to February 11 inclusive for dispatch per a a Mariposa o MaiUjfor AUSTRALIA except those for West NEW ZEALAND FIJI SAMOA and via San Francisco close here daily at M p m after January 31 and up to February U in- clusive for dispatch per s s Sierra o Malls for and JAPAN via Vancouver And Victoria B C close here daily at 630 p m up to February 17 inclusive for dispatcfi the Postal Agency at Shanghai China cannot be forwarded via o for COCHIN CHINA dispatched to New York N Y for connection with Eu ropean steamers ISLANDS Military Mail die ptcbed to San Francisco at all clou for that office o connect with Covermnent transports the sailings of which all irregular REGISTERED MAILS dose at the MAIN OR as follows a At 630 p m diy I At 145 p m day c At 845 p m same day d At 530 a m same day e At 645 p m same day 0 At 935 a m saner day h At 115 p m same day k At 845 p m previous day o At 290 a m aims day p At 1130 a m same day JOHN A MKRRITT Postmaster FOR SALE HORSES VEHICLES FOR SALE Chunky gray 25 sorrel horse 417 st sw ja27St large black horse perfectly sound suitable for carriage large wagon ot horse cart 901 F sw ja273t FOR and wagon cheap must be told at once 1 2 P at n r ja 73t FOR SALE Twenty head heavj draft horses and mules satiable for any purpose some ex- cellent teams THOS M BOND Cleveland Park Cleveland Park D C ja27tt FOR fAIJE One gray mare 1305 llth t se FOR pair hones dirt wagon harness 733 Sheridan ave nw ja253t WALL PAPER I FEW DAYS MORE Hooma papered 150 up HUNT 4 7 G st Ja217t NOLTE 824 9th BW is constantly recelv lug th latest and attractive designs in Wall Papers and papers rooms from tOO up Call and investigate for yourself and be eon mod mlltf FOR RENT Lot corner Delaware ave and C st se 100 about 60 feet on Delaware ave Owner M BENNETT 1214 Massachusetts ave Ja227t FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS TIm SUN typewriter is best visible writing no ribbon work fully reasonable price W IRVING CAY VEIl 717 Sth st nvr N JaS 7t Zealand msiIi fur which are dispatched Kong I Cattle s AlIa which are dispatched via Europe So 8 Empress of China Merchandise for rni are FIe saMe I hone 610 FOR SALEA At SALEHorse StabW jaMSt SALECheap fit most RENTLOTSF- OR I fUt a p HAWAII pet seine 4i guar- anteed > ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ RAILROADS SOUTHERN RAILWAY Schedule effective January 11 1605 Trains from P a 9 vaia Station 610 a m Daily Local for Harrisonbarg- Warrealon Charlotte and way stations 1651 a m Daily sod Florida Limited iratclas crarbes and drawingroom sleeper to Jacksonville i u Dining car 1115 a in Daily United States MaiL Firatolasa and sleeper- to New Orleans D5aug car service 4 01 p JR Week Days for Harrison burs and way stations n Jiiabaaeas branch 490 p m Daily Local for Warrantee sad C31 p m W ek Days Southerns Palm Limited Solid Pullman Through Draw- ing Room Sleepers to Aik i Auguatay Savan- nah Jacksonville and St Augustine Club Dining and Observation Cars 846 p m Daily New York and Atlanta Ex- press Firstclass coach and to Atlanta Mondays Wednesdays Sunset Route Tourist sUpcr Washington to San Francisco Pullman Buffet service CO n ra Daily New York and Florl Express coach and to Cam den Smsmerville Charleston Savannah Jack Eonville and Tampa sleeper to Augusta and connection for Aiken Dining car service 1001 p m Daily Sew York and Memphis Limited via Lynchburg Fintciajg coach sleeping car to Roanoke Knoxville Chat- tanooga and Memphis deeper to New Orleaas Dining car service 104i p m Daily and South- western Limited Alt Pullman train club and ebservatlon cATS to Atlanta and Macon ers to Atlanta Maoen MemphiS Sew Orleans Monday Wednesday and Friday through to Dining car sex vice TRAINS ON BLDEMONT I1RANOH Leave Washington S53 a ra and 448 p ra daily days tuO p m 425 p to and 626 p m Latter Lee burg only trains kern the South arrive Wash- ington 642 a ra 668 a m 7te a ra 945 a n 200 p m 915 p ra and 950 m daily 1015 a m daily except Monday Local trams from Harriscnburg 1186 a m and 905 p m daily From Cbarlottwvfll- 82S a a and 305 p m daily ear reaervatlaiw and de- tailed ca be had at ticket offices 06 l h St ill Pennsylvania Ave and Penn sjlvaria Station Baggage checked through trots hotels and residet es Phone ItO P R R Cab Service C li ACKERT General Manager- S HARDWICK General Pissr Agent L S BROWN General Agent OCEAN STEAMSHIPS AMERICAN LINE NEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON LONDON FrieaIandJan28 10am i Zetland Feb 7 10 am Kroould Jan3110 am j FrksldFeb 14 1 am St PaulFeb 4 10 am PhilphiaFeblSl a RED STAR LINE NEW YORK Kroonld am i Finland Feb14 TO am Zedand Feb 7 VaderrdFeb21 10am COMPANYS WASHINGTON OFFICE 1808 F St N W ac Gee W Mow 1411 G St N W STEAMBOATS NORFOLK WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT COMPANY for Ft Monroe Norfolk Newport and all potato asahi by the aw- perb powerfal steamers Newport News Norfolk sad WashlwrtOR- Lr Washington 630 itO pra Lv Al xo4rta 7iOO pwlLv Norfolk 600 pot Ar Ft Monroe 700 am LT Ft Monroe 70 pm Ar Norfolk 8OOamAr Alexandria 630 am Ar PortsKJOTth 816 700 am connection made at Nor- folk with steamers of Old ofaidoa Steamship Co for New York aad Mar cheats Miners Steemsatpa for Dos tOBtasrfar further ififarmaUon apply at general ticket office Bond Building and N Y ave or 7th st w arf Wasi- Jastoo D C FS tt3 S380 JNO OAtXAHAK Sign FOR two stories eight roamt and two tiled bathe beautiful bay window brick I leave I Fut coaches t1Dwin room Local I train sleeper Port I I I Nashville Plaeft I week cia k S I RIP nJ110 10 am Every in the jeer from loot of pa a Ar Wa and CR LEHOUSKS SALENew sleeper fir Information day b- at News Through Gee ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ located on R st nw rent 4 per an be bought for 1 then An xc p- tionaliy fins opportunity a wennayiaa CANNON SUM3CERS- M22 F St N W Phone Main 293 FOR SALE Sixroom bay window brick frame stable in northwest inreaUaent pnCJ 2100 also sixroom bay window brick in north- east on paved street price flWO easy t CIIAS FUSS A CO TOT 13th st nwi Ja XIt- V HOW TO BE YOUR OWN LAXLOSD Sear Mount Pleasant with cash and monthly For full particulars drop postal or telephone for new o North Columbia Heiffhts FULTON R GORDON Telephone Main S86M lIt l h SC wr NEAR CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY NEAR TWO CAR LINES cated in best section of Second C ae- TWtostory baywindow brick dwelling te good condition six rooms reception ball RENTED AT SS PER 3IOSTH- OXLY TWO OF THOSE BAROAtSS LEFT NEAR GOVERNMENT PRISTIKCJ OfFICE BXCXLLFNT BRICK DWElLINGS AT H175 EACH JOSEPH I WELLER HONEST DBALIKG IK REALTY Tel E 858 So OGfi F St X jalltf EAST WASHIKGTOit PROPERTY Raft you properties in rat Washington- for site or rent Let us handle it for you We guarantee satisfaction for jatS4t fine 100 29 A very Jc or investment Je cellar lot to alley 30 L W any 60 in- vestment k mae aSt3ht g00080 dushEble paved JOEK F IXmOHQE SONS Incorporated Phone East 34 9K EAST CAPITOL ST PERSONALS SPIRITUALISMMRS J GOLD1XG Spiritual Medhnn Circles Thursday evenings at oclock Private interviews daily 611 X nw ia274t MADAME CATHERINE Palmist sad Card 908 5th st nw ten everything you sib to know gives luck for aH things Bring this ad and get a good fortune for SSc and 50- cja72t KM THEO Card Reader Palmist Medium Removes spells reunites the separated gives luck German spoken 919 II at nw tIe SOc j 2fi2t WHO SAID ITS COLD and who wants a good warm of clothes or an overcoat Its the workingman and be gets them slightly used at JUSTHS OLD STAND 19 D st ja37t PROF L M NORRIS Medium Daily at 701 II st N W from to 5 Seances Sunday at 8 p m at Maccabe Temple 513 9th at nw Silver collection j 242t DEADLETTER SALE C G Sloan Co A 1467 8 St The unclaimed articles accumulated in Dead Letter Office will IK sold at Public Auc- tion within the uf C U SLOAN ft CO 14079 G st N W second floo com- mencing on MONDAY FEBRUARY 2 J B AT H A M AND 7 P M and continuing daily at seine hours thereafter until the whole is of Cash on delivery will be ittraished for distribution during Use wte- Jly order of the Oener LE1BKAKDT- Superi t ndfint Dead Latter Office FaMAMee D partHwat Jaowury 1W8 dcthl I I at Reader suit J 10 every lctll ers Special Dead Letter Sale the rooms disposed Terms Catalogues Ser D I 11 ilt i inlet 5 hiut ¬ ¬ < BATLROADS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD STATION CORNER SIXTH AND B STS 9 A X DAILY PrrTB4JR KXPRKii Parlor and Diaiag Harrisburg to Puuourg- iu o A M DAILY PXSS IASU Lilt 1TED PaUnaa steeping toning ObsetvaUoB Can tiarruburg to Uucago Cia aaaati Jadiampeto St Louis CMrciaad Toledo aad Detroit B tlcC Parlor Car to Liar bug A M DAILY FAST LQi Umaa- BuCet Car t Uarrutave et Parlor Car Jiarrkburg to Pittabtos 880 P M l CHICAGO AMD St tXLI3- KXPK aS Sie pii Oar t U- Loua and ttawpH and toning Can narruburg to ladwBapoiw4 at Louis Louisville vie Cia cwaauj CtUcago- 7il6 P iL UAlLy ST LOUIS ZXPRES6 Pullman bleeping Uamsbarg to Louis T o f M l AlLi WSSTWtA JwiPKiiSrPuil man Sleeping Car to llttsBurg sad Cakago Car to Chicago P M DAILY CLEVELAND AND CINCiy NAIL tArHt Pulimaa Cars WaS hind and Cincinnati Lnaimn tAr P M bAlLY PAClFiC ti7- i60 A M DAILY BUFFALO DAY EXPRESS with through Uroiier uset Partor Car and to Jiuftalo via JuapMTiBta 7sO A M for Seas Ca andaigaa Koctxater and Xiagiua U daily KV PI Sunday M aO A M tee Kliaira and itenevo dolly ex- cept Sunday For t t daily A P iL T16 P M BtFALO MuStY KiPKhSS with through Buffet CAT and Cvwcfct to Islam Jviupornim Junction 745 f M DAILY for lot Bouo and Niagara except aatuz day With Sleeping Ute h MuagU to Hocherier P M toe lAss Cananoaigwi Jtocbeater- Ooffxio aad Niagara labIa daily Postman Sleeping Car WaauagMe to JtuOartsc Satur- days 4 60 P M OONORJESBlONAl LIMITED Daily for New York alt Psrwr Can with Dining Car froM Baltimore For Philadelpliia New Yotlc and tl Express Dialag 79 Dune 767 tinning car 819 Dining Car uO Dining Car ad llti tDinuuJ Car trout KUMJ A M ito 3lj 46U 12 night on susdajru a DIalog tAT 7 X Uiaing Car 7 7 310 llA ug Car UU 11 M itouiBZ tat Mom KiimiBgtoa A M Si5 5J1 Ui- OK tnm ttou i s P M ii itf night Fer AOad lphia only Express 7U5 A M 1116 1 M we days 2 lr 4i and lAd P daiiy F Boston without change T A M Baltimore 5 JO otlfi 78 T 750l- OAtf H H BP Jt and USJ on- sundaya 70 7ate 7a O u JOt 1160 A Jt 1314 114 S i Sii rf W law Limited i 4 Je 4M 4U oiu- 0SU 715 746 lU K 34 P M and liUU- M we K teys aonamy A M- For AHMpoliB 719 A M I2la emit iJO P M weec uy Suatiavs AM and S corner Fifuaaitt and U and at Ae nation SlatS and B sneeu to ocMiaauoa lenin hotels sid call JMHf Jar li iyiv a u RU road Cab Service W W ATTEHBURY J WOOD Manager General Agent CHfiSAttsAKE AND OHIO RY Schedule Effective 28 190- 2Tiutcs Leave eaof 11012 atati au 3 P M IMUI iJosvoAAAil JLU LOUIS V1LUC isXfitfcoa auud vututxue tot CiBf tBatt tustvOft CtutauiiMtu ito a m- LunWtiie lO tu a au at l iua p Ju- 6du ai Pulonan saeefvtt tu Cia and iMiiy MOsce unit jn pyi i tj si LoWs aaa uucaicu itotu tAr g P M Daily CHICAGO AJID ST LOUiS a EClAl A soud vestibued- eJaSHeUgMerf train miring CiiwnBaaU St Louis wtUHMtt change iarl r Car Cla- dnnau w Uiicatju Uuuaf Gee 1110 f M usol i JLaUTKD Solid stale foe tincinnan Pullman aiccferj to Cindnoat Lexington and Luuiavilic without Hot apriags Iveaday ThursdyK- eaervMtums ad tickets at Cneaapeake and Ohio irfntT avcnac XW Four t ecth stated Beat If at the stotioa Telephone tow for R cab Service H FULLER General Pnsafngrr Agent Telephone Mate J00C AD OHIO R R Chicago ana ItorUW K fc m- sifi m- JK O sad U p HasfittowE a 9 a and jJiJO p K WajatenKta Junction aad way tt a m nU6 iH3fi il Baltimore days x3 A 30 68- s7 7 8 S 336 sSM x fl8 1150 a xlfca la5 z3 JO x40 x3- 45L rfOS 5 tt 63 6 it 1 11130 U35 ii m Sundays x3t0 x7 5 736 1886 x909 a m x220 1J4 3 5 6 5 8 0 JtS O xU30 OF aa4 Parlor Bud AIL Washington and tAr St D 746 ngton to kriiiourg u4 barr tco Cieio luoW BKSiPuU- Lar to Coaches DAlLY iee Erie 1Vf only East iW Cal lot tihnsng Cat tram iiaiumore 65t 1Utal i5 L iIV 450 Baltimore i P 11 da For 761 BoSS 11M A 1 ULiI- iCiH Z1II UIII LuwteiJ 410 4110 i eight Itif w aig8t1 II Creek 730 J K and p P jW iO PM Streets tented erdea sea be left to Ute Te k General f 4jiQ citi I p i p PI- Ut eeper to ugtiiia IIIId SatwrlaY- aI to Ohicago and sc Lows Gay 613 JL W Leave lnJcnef sad C itJ- uM aa 6 Cf U BL s IsonimWs t16 JD CMP- jtUbuta Cleveland a a po- W a and 4415 p AnnaOli5 il1 fiRM a p Frederick ltaa 1l5 Boyd So 1Jt Iln p anti W57 poinis tJ OO ulr50 ll tisdi iJi1O- 7eo Po WI li8 9 week IlL nose 4l OO l11i Po ears smoking 10541 steeping seen pmag PLIeg Junction vat Rochester katie osby GaO 10119 Dining tAO M Week- days and 450 Sdi 8i0 V0Q 10W 1tS I1i L3f 435 e50 840 uL5 0i ki For Popes Line 500 Ticket trdicss CLeekipSOI hedgers s4en Passes se November train tsissgo Louisville 1ite MaagOtia 5th Ia St Lost St4Ipi man lceIsae biitii1st aa4 change ijomnrtment Inning Pennsylvania twit BALTIMORE WashIngton Ave pin Louis 100- 0ast 1i0 and 3030 tS4S- p as ead litO isIbt- Ctunibaa aM Wheeling ri33 as j31S 1105- 4pm as as j4J0 4JJ0f0 a as m m slid any points t 990 i- n1ll tlSMi as- OaftbetabiME b a- sl 5W LIUJO points P M aLlIS s tW < > > > > > > > > < = > > > > °° ROYAL LUE LHCX All tiaias iUumiaated with PiaUch light ore VhUdelnhia Kw York tfuatoa East 3 n6 ifitncdl tjSJO Buf Bbier JilA a Ua a Diner 0 and U p m- OMB at 10 J Atlantic Oily 117 OC JM illi28 left at ticket offlccs 610 Pennaylvaiua JtVenu n d west New Avenue aad Fifteenth Street and at station SEABOARD AIR LIRE RAILWAY Leave Waahwgton Pam R K Station 1046 MAIL Through uallV Pullman to Tills eaUBectiag at hamlet with Pullman to Atlanta 7p m SEABOARD FLORIDA LIM- Dflily ITEDSolid train to JaiWm villa awl st Augustine with Pullman Dryi- ng Room and Compartment Sleepers Ubstna thou Club Car train to Jacksonville and Tampa Sleepers and Cafe Diniag Car PuUsnaa Sleeper to Atlanta Through service to Ptneotrs- t4IO LOCAL To Petembarg Raleigh DailY Southern Pines Pmehurst Hamlet and intermediate points Office 1421 Peaaa Ave C B RYAN W K COXKLTX Oenl Par A wt GenI Art Dept 1 0 KENT STABLES FOR RENT Rear lilt OJh si n two story brick stable low rent WT2 h st nw jail it MONEY TO LOAN OH REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN Money to lean at SK to 5 par cent in sum jX Heeo t 110090 MI D C real ca at pay- off east per ce t and begin anew all traMBctioM conducted with irnamaiiial COB Marati M borrowers WM IL SAUNDERS t CO 14 7 F at aw lD let IlL S OyaJ q iOi tAr o clock a 00 po IlL Dsily Baggage called for and checked Jy Union Transfer Cu era York t m AR Sleepers and p EXPRESS Solid with Pultnian m r S for seiS t4 900 U20 Llztitea- Thuerj IhIladSlt i caping a IIEZCSSI Sunday 8undty o1y- xEtprese traiSs ftousbotela sod resideuc Jackson 850 a S mortgage I < > > ¬

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Post on 01-Jan-2021




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j V Minimum chargeThc one insertion


MOveoxsEctrnvE DAYS ONE



waitresses for new cafe noiiiiay work 30 general hooseworkers no fees

i lvaace SHACKLEFORDS 906 E St nw-

v VTED Yooag lady for light oStee work and11 nstrator a experience necessary 1300

York ave nw ItW AN7TED ook 15 chambermaid f4-i irw ISrlatmdtttss 1 day Inquire lots nthM nwSi It

VST8 i ria cook nurse pri-v t family woman take washing home Inulire 2022 7th at nw It

v A NTED General worker nurse chambermaidgood cook this evening or in morning

aiso leave city 1013 New York ave ItANTED Servant for general housework

riust have good reference Call between 6307 p 2306 Wth St nw ja273t

V XTED A colored woman to do dtamberA laundry w6rf Address 111 8th st nw It

VANTED Girt for general housework family12 Apartment 33 Oam

and T nw ItH ANTED S20 New Jersey ave se a good

i nk at once ItANTED Plain cooks French or German

Kir dresser seamstress ladys maid threeirls Florence Maw 15 way paid InquireJ n 10th st It1tK AMERICAN COOKS ASSOCIATIONv boy wages 8 per month also girlfi nit 16 or 17 yeses old wages S per monthiifa stay udghta Apply ROOM 11 WebsterLaw sC between Sth and 6th atenv it


Ct iRIGr





TE Three






d 00 mat

0 1 rei tit










v ANTED Girl for general housework stayriplits private family 226 New Jersey avenw ItV ANTED A white woman or girl for lightIiisework 80 M st nw ja23t

ANTED Girl for general housework in smallprivate family must stay nights 434 H atnw ja272t-

Vi ANTED Reliable girl for en nal houseworksleep on premises no washing or ironing mustlave good references 1908 Eye st nw ja272tV ANTED Two respectable white women

and hxn and housework for private fam-ily in country between 9 and 10 19Mr ItWASTED Neat active honest girl for gen-eral housework 422 2d st nw It

Edi and gentlemen for work atirJfiie erfrivel ew pay no canvassingi 3d st nw It

vork go home at night Apply at once 825-

V st nw Marion st entrance ItWASTED Half grown white girl to make her-self generally useful about the house Applyii 13th st BW Itu ANTED Threecustom coats

helpers on914 F

V ANTED A good tailorew mwt be experi-frijied none other need apply GOODMAN 1100ttii s nw j 273t-V AXTEDiAn expcrknced white gui te con-fer ionery 132 J4ta at nw ItVANTEO Colared girl as ROOK maid ate

1747 OregonCar general

3 rne nights 1312 R st nw ItV ANTED Girl for store 123S 7th at nw ItWANTED An experienced German nurse

charge of an infant BOX 154 thisfiUe ja2J3t-v ANTED Woman to wind baby end for chain

tT work Apply after 7 p m 1429 R st nwIt t

WANTED White chambermaid MS Kenst nw juStiWANTED A good girl for general houseworkApply at mID MasBBchnsetU ave aw betweenli and 7 oclock It

ANTED Housekeeper act over thirty yearsnusi be reliable Address BOX 153 this office

oftd nooseworker U5 noother places XJfa-

1C Vermont aveV ANTED Young reliable German girl de

irous of good home apply at 1306 G st awIt

A1 ANTED Colored woman lor general houseVrk Apply 191 6th aw ia273tTHE AMERICAN rooKS ASSOCIATIONWanted a firstclass pastry cook female forAtlantic City 8 per week three female cooks

f r this city one laundress wages f2 15SIS p month telephone calL 515 Y Applyr xm 11 Webster Law Building CHARLESIt DAVENPORT ManagerW ANTED Young lady clerk f7 weekly hours1 to 4 ROOM 6 62 roth st nw It


It Un


sctive W for general house


11 jd7St









v ArEIiAn



I-twcff go5










WANTEU A white woman to aasfet m housevurk stat care of children Apply 10 G

w iaSB2tV WEED Good seat white woman for g n

hoHseoork famfly of three good homestav at night Apply at the Oolumbta Flatslab and Binaey sta Flat fi ja2 2t

t and experienced chambermaidHOTEL BALTIMORE ISth st York

VAXTED goveul experienced cafe waitreeoee-jnod wages Address BOX 147 this office

ja263tANTED A woman for general housework no-

w athing stay nights Call 1KH 19th st nwi 2 2t-

i ANTED Wrote Woman not over 25 to karrt-ljn lc sg good salary f 0gHOOT ja26

WANTED 19 w ekiy strict salary besides cowtrfusion ladles and men novelty plantfrrn Philippine ila da grows in ten minutesn vtr dies 718 10th st nw ja23t


WANTED By neat coloced woman situation as-k or general bouseworker reference S989st nw It

VtJfT D By two competent women place a-

gdifral hMsewockcrs or-E arses Inquire lie 7th st nw Uv ANTED Situation for girls and women withrJtrences RELIABLE OFFICE

1 Pennae tvanw ave nw Jf-

V ANTES Bjr coloredtcun4 Louse or aarse

rves st

place to helpor addiSs 107

ItV ANTEDy colored girl phw to do general

V ANTED By colored woman wasbin to takebume or out by the day WOO New rsey

WAKTED By colored woman place to deanfUU or buildings 1 9 ew Jersey ave nw

itV VNTED House work rcapectatsle white ladygood more desirable than large wagesC all m 475 New York ave ItTV S experienced washerwoman washinif t take 5 Columbia Terrace nw

A TEU A as coot in lunchroom orardlaz iota nrrtclasi oyster cook IB-

iit th st nw fa26 t-


WANTED A of carriage horses AddressBox W this office o2Sat


M AXT8O afcMe w roam to state at mobile a Thomas Cwefc TAYLO-WCHQfg 1JW Utfc BW It



Wo TEDand New

ave nw

d j

JJtn IJL n4selling




iUioIIIk Cau 87 L at It

arer It
















WAXTED YouBg man from the country goodsalary and chance for advancement 1200 NewYork ave nw ItWANTED Hotel carver coffee manBURGESS HOTEL AGENCY 503 10th atphone 2511 Y ItWANTED Second cook two stablemen sixwaiters four dishwashers store porter threehouse boys SHACKLEFORDS E st nw

ItWANTED Kindling wood huDdler at oncesteady work IMS F st ne jaZ73t

WANTED A good meat cutter in grocery Apply at 601 New Jersey are nw ItWASTED At riotel Dunbarton coloredgood references required Ja27St

WANTED Fiftv men to cut wood ApplyROOM 17 Atlantic Building ja273t

WASTED Barber and shop boy permanentAddress BOX 149 this office ja273t

WANTED Man who understands cutting meatwages 1 day with hoard Address BOX 152this office ItWASTED At YeerhofTs galleries 1217 F sta white boy of 18 to work in the shopInquire between 8 and 1O oclock a m ja272t

WANTED Two good barbers at once steadyjob good guarantee given 915 D st nw ItWASTED A smart young colored man in res-

taurant to assist in kitchen walt onand make himself generally useful around placemust be willing and nt of workother need JOHN T BRASSONllth st sw ItWANTED Two boys to distribute cards

007 Pennsylvania ave nw ItWANTED Young Than from country 10

permanent Apply after 930 a m ROOM524 10th sU It

WUJfTED Blacksmith must come well recommended Apply RINGMANN9 EXPRESS8S7 D st nw ja2 3t

WASTED At Columbian Hospital an ablebodied white over 17 years of age andnot afraid of work references required Applyto Superintendent jaS6St

WANTED Experienced grocery clerk one whounderstands handling meats good referencesrequired 201 10th st j 23t


WANTED TVn agents male or female easiestselling article out Call between 8 and 10and 4 and 6 p m 328 Indiana ave nw It








none I








WANTED By two men two boys any kindwork best references Inquire 1635 11th

ItWANTED Situations at any work for menwith reference HARRELfS RELIABLE 321Pennsylvania ave aw ItWANTED By young colored man work 203Brooks court between 0 and P ate ItWANTED By respectable colored man place ingrocery store bell matt or private familyAddress 1419 A at se ItWANTED Situation as nwtdass bread andcake baker Address RISTO 455 C st aw-

ia282tWANTED A male nurse competent to carefor fever or surgical cases wants

Address BOX 146 this office a262t

WANTED By respectable colored placf-ae house man running elevator or for2219 12th st nw j 28St




aft engage-ment



FURNISHED FRONT ROOM with board for gen-

tleman and wife private family 400 10th stse

2037 H sr NW Rooms with board 4 weektable board S3 ia277tFOR RENT Rooms with board 715 llth stnw Ja27StCOMFORTABLE ROOMS Soc two excellentboard very reasonable 1908 5th st nw


SUNXY FRONT ROOM good table home cornforts private family moderate terms tableboarders

REST Xicaly fsmjbed withboard 11 6 L st nw j 5S7t


WASTED In quiet house well heated furnishedroom housekeeping with gas by couple with

child vicinity oi Smithsonianpreferred Address BOX 136 this office

ja273tWASTED Two unfurnished rooms for lighthousekeeping heat and gas married coupleand infant full particulars moderate priceAddras BOX 156 this office ItWANTED By young couple one or two un

r oms for light housekeeping cen-trally joca d not to exceed 12 AddressBOX 155 office ItWASTED By single gentleman unfurniabcdroom between G at and N w fad 8thand 12th ate Address BOX 145 this office

ja283tWANTED By young couple three unfurnishedrooms for H ht housekeeping heat and gasstate price Address BOX 140 this office

j 253t

WANTED To buy nfty secondhand bicyclesCall after 5 p m or address M A LEWIS

st and H eta nw ja278t


jar at

Itb tt t jJFOR

two Old







WASTED Furniture of all kinds office andstore fixtures sell your goods to the man whogives you the most money HOPWOOD 8thend K eta nw Storage 1 per load ja73tMATTRESiES MADE OVER on premises flSQJ J FEENEY 21S 4 St nw ja27st

buy old feather beds E MARKS75 Myrtle st ia2S6tWASTED Furniture pianos organs office andstore fixtures cease cotfee mills Sellyrur goods to the man who gives you the mostmoney HOPWOOD Sth and K sU aw Tele-phone Main 2756M Ja25StWANTED Secondhand portable pool tablestate size and price J B 215 D t nw

Jago H

WASTED Diamond and other jewelry highestprices paid ABRAHAMS 433 st ia22tfOLD GOLD SILVER AND COINS BOCGHT615 G st nw G MARTJK iaSlSOtWANTED Highest cash price paid for castoffclothes ladies or gentlemens Address postaland I will calL B TARSHES laos 7th st nw

ia330tWANTED Old iron brass copper lead etcalso machinery and general merchandise forhighest cub prices BAUM ft BERN1IEIMBR-17S5 7th aw phone Main 3068 Y deSSOt


M25 4th ST KW Six rooms gas waterlarge yard parking perfect condition flO90house open Ja273tFOR RENT 161S rooms twoIktrobes range bath closet front porch ingood condition 1250 keys next door ja 7 3t

FOR REST K7 13th st se rooms bathcellar front porch and large back yard GEOtom SJ9 JSth at ae ia27StFOR RENT One good atxroom house baywindow stable etc 40 88tii st nwper month GEO BAILEY Room 124 Loanand Trust Building ja263t

FOR st near North Capitol sixroom bay window brick good order coloredtenants CHAS FUSS tc CO 097 13th st nw



TYPEWRITERS for rent cheap Call at 911 G

nw after 7 p m ja253t

BIRDS DOGS ETCFOR SALE Two thoroughbred black and tanpuppies steed by Champion Sir Avon holderof prizes in bench shows Address aOB Virginiaave aw after 12 i 26StFOR SALE FS e lot o parrots mocking birds

mak gaiaea rabbits goldtUb Alan can ri s Inns L0 apwardi-X MlDS BMPORIUU OF PETS 712 lath t





K lit e seven














FOR RENT One large storeroom and backroom and basement 316 per month Inquireafter 10 a 1523 11th st nw ja272t

FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms well heat-ed 615 6th st nw ia273t

FOR RENTrTwo furnished rooms gasbath light housekeeping J12 O St


FOR RENT FurnislJCil email front room 5per month back room 10 72313th st nn itFOR RENT Three rooms s cowl floor heat andgas southern exposure 130 D st ItFOR RENT FurnJslied rooms single or entireSoot of three rooms and private bAth ateQuable rate in fine house and choice neighbor-hood 1328 Columbia road ia273t

FOR RENT Three good furnished rooms nohousekeeping S10 12 S15r refcreBees 221E st nw Ja273tFOR RENT Furnirfied rooms reasonable 1062d st nw ia273tFOR RENT Furnished rooms 910 8th st nw

ja263tFOR KEST Elegantly furnished rooms heatcold and hot water gentlemen or couple 42716th st nw ia 62tFOR RENT Large front rooms on first andsecond floors other rooms transients 50 cents1111 H st HW ja253t

POll RENT Two furnished rooms light house-keeping allowed 232 F st nw ia253tFOR REST Nicely furnished rooms for lighthousekeeping 2117 G st nw i 25 3tFOR RENT Furnished roon second floorlitHe and bath heated near Capitol andPennsylvania ave 327 th st ja253tFOR RET Fumiahed rooms front and backtable board home comforts 507 3d st nw

ja253tFOR RENT Strictly private family tworooms second story well furnished and heatedsouthern exposure moderate terms 1612 6th stnw ja253t

THE most accessible location in Washingtonsew bouse new furniture rooms single or ensuite steam heat hot water private bathsbath for every two rooms rates reasonableTHE PATIEKCE 910 E st nw delStf


FOR RENT Lovely front unfurnished room

FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms tent rea-sonable 700 T gt nw ja273tFOR ItEKT Three unfurnished rooms secondfloor newly papered sanitary plumbing 24

nw U273tFOR RENT Three convenient rooms for lighthousekeeping heat and gas 918 F st

ja27StFOR RENT Two lovely front rooms for lighthousekeeping sear Lincoln Park cheap 12111th st se ja272tFOR RENT Two large unfurnished roomsfacing Lincoln Park 1231 Massacbusets ave

FOR RENT Untarnished room in newly pa-pered and painted house desirable locality1105 13th st nw ja272tFOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms onond floor heat and bath 1115 12th tt

J4283tFOR RENT Two pleasant unfurnished rooms onsecond floor heat gas and bath reasonable630 Rhode Island aye nw ja253t





m i






bath on Soor Apply 50S 10th st nw secondfloor ja2iM




5e jd6it


S nee






FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnished roomsfor rent 1 week L su nw ja 73tFOR RENT Three rooms furnished or unfurniahed by February 1 Call alter i p m 4223d St nw ja873tFOR RENT Double parlors heat gas fur-

nished or unfurnished 1429 9th st nwja273t

FOR RENT Four or five rooms furnished orunfurnished fat housekeeping 613 North Capi-tol st ja272tFOR REJCT Fnrnwhed or unfurniMM r

SUS II at wm 1 fit2i


floorsecond a







FOR SALE Special banpun Singer ma-

chine 5 50 450 WheelerWitoun 750 Domestic warranted fiVe

years machines on credit Soc weekly pay-

ments at OPPESHEUtKRS all st nvr

FOR SALE Handsome Scotch collie dog 5O-S5th at etc ja273tFOR pawn tickets for ladys 15Stone diamond locket and ring cheap AddressBOX 151 this office ja278tFOR SALE Folding beds with hai mattreawsand other furniture cheap 433 II st nw

ja27 tFOR SALE A thoroughbred mile Scotch colliepup nine months old beautifully marked Can

seen 319 C nw after 5 oclock ja263t

FOR SALE Fine cheval thteegteas mirrorsuitable for tailor or dressmaker one organ

15 cost 75 bedroom and parlor suite verylow prices FRIES ft CO 408 Wth st ja253t

FOR Wood cook stoves self eedjug stoF buy now you buy cheap ttCO 40 KHh st nw ja253t

FOR SALE lowering k Blake palace organcost 125 a special chance FRIES

CO 4O 10th st nw ja253t

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN We will sellat public auction OB SATURDAY JANUARY31 1B08 all goods in following names forstorage and advance charges Captain BlissJulia Ennis John Annie Turner AliceBiorden Miss Phillips Mm Green hattieMiller Dora Jones Mrs Dunhoo Ira PageAnnie Boose C R Colombia TransferCtr E Nelson UNITED STATES STORAGECOJ J B Griffith Manager jaiolitFOR oak rolltop desks cheapCall at CLARK BROS 1333 F st iaS53tFOR SALE Two hundred stoves good as newcheep save money stovepipe and elbows 10cents each all sizes HOP WOODS Sib and Kate nw ja2a3tFOR SALE Furniture slightly used six fold-ing beds cheap HOPWOOD 8th and K eta

man who saves you money Ja25r3t

PIANO AND ORGAN BARGAINSFine Fischer upright Piano 12500Fine Knabe 93509Fine Emerson Square PiaK 2500Fine Stanley ft Sons Square Piano 0000Fine Estey Ongar 2500Fine Fairand i Votey Organ 1509


Phone 1441 1281 G aw

FOR SALE Oak wood delivered on sidewalkcord 3J cut 8 12 or 16 inch 1 2117

Sth at ne ja24St

FOR SALE Upright piano bargains Kimball8QO Briggs 150 several oUter makes low on

easy payments CHAS M STIEFF 521 11thJ C Manager j 23tf

BROWN ft TOLSON Auctioneers 1409 and 1411New York Thursday January 2U IVOR

we will sell for storage charges goods storedin the names of Jennie Brown E Bowman FBrent and J Johnson FRIES UOPWOOD

FOR SALE 36 for Morris chairs with haircushion 3 for hair mattress is two parts

our prices IIEDMONDS 311313 7th st nw


farm cheap nearBowie Md Call 820 Callan st ne j Si










SAL stoves



Rob 60n






bedroom end parlor suites 1 per Oct



OR SALEFifteenacre













FOR SALE LOOK HEADGrocery and fruit tore on E st nw 200Grocery store on 3d st nw 1350 snapGrocery store nw 800 doing fine businessDining room n 6th St nw 2X bargainLunch room on E at nw 350Dairy lunch on 7th at near Avenue 600Drug store m Avenue nw 4flOO

Saloon Southeast 1000 fine locationGrocery store Northwest 1800 or invoice

excellent business fine stock and fixtures willstand rigid examination genuine bargain mustbe sold this week see us at once other

for sale We can please you WE arethe IS years experience

RELIABLE BUSINESS EXCHANGERoom 208 Jenifer Building cor 7th and D nw

ja273tFOR shop complete in oak 7jcash or 100 on time HOPWOOD 8th and Ksts man who saves you moneyStorage 1 per load j273tFOR SALE Meat and grocery store Ice boxmeet tools etc price low to immediatepurchaser Address 150 this office



Harper Building ja273tDRUG STORE small suit pushing youngman price for fittings stock flO


small genuine Business same handsten years stock and Aitlnos only 325AUSTINS BUSINESS EXCHANGE 1411 G st

GROCERY AND PROVISION established sevenat price of stock 1SOO trade 10000

a bargain AUSTINS BUSINESS EXCHANgE1411 G st ia StEXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for party withseveral hundred dollars to secure profitablebusiness Address BOX 157 this office ja273t

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Clear residenceand rental property in Grant Co Ind gasbelt Call or write 201 D st ne Flat 1

ja275t300 WILLS PURCHASE a legitimate money

waking business Apply BOX 150 this officeja273t

FOR Invoice lunch stockand fixtures good stand Address 1128 6th atsw Ja273tFOR SALE Large tract of timber land goodopening for man with money Apply ROOM 17

Atlantic Building ja273tto buy wood plant mill

horses and wagons Apply ROOM 17 AtlanticBuilding J8273tWANTED Saw talE said man t run it havemillion feet lumber oak and pine to cut

ROOM 17 Atlantic Building ja273tWANTED Cigar stores grocery stores lunchand pool rooms D G MOUNT ft CO Burnnew Exchange 600 K st nw phone 773 A

WILL SELL YOUR BUSINESS for you D GMOUNT ft CO Bcwneas Exchange 000 K atnw phone 778 A ja2 8t

MILLINER would like to meet dressmaker hair-dresser or any light business in renting placeAddress BOX 144 omce 26St

BIG BARGAIN in small grocery store if takenquick owner must leave city See DUNLAP S0 F st ja268t

FOR confectionery news standand news route clearing 125 month W HYOUNG 700 9th st nw ja2 3t

FOR SALE OR EXCHAXGE Owe warehousewhisky certificate 500 gallons rye whisky Ad-

dress WM Hi nw ja288tWANT PAYING DRUG BUSINESS grocerieslunch rooms cigar stores we will locate busi-ness investments for you without charge NATIONAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE room 24 Har-per Building ja253t

FOR SALE Hotels saloons drug storescigar stores house furnishing stores etc

all prices See us before purchasing CAPI-TAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE Atlantic Building

ia253tNOTION dry goods and gents furnishing tOTewith in Tenleytown long establishedclearing 100 m nth Price 91200 or invoiceNEW BUSINESS BROKERS 811 F st-


LUNCH ROOM daily sake 5 established sixyears price bargain SEW YORK BUSI-

NESS BIOKERS 611 F at ja253t

CIGAR STORE prominent street daily salesctance YORK






SALEBarber I




ethos Inquire



SALEAt room







IaQ vase BGS

W ANTEDPaznev business











GROCERY never changed hands daily salesfSO thorough investigation asked HI healthcause NEW YORK BROKERS enlF st ja25St

ESTABLISHED steen years If wish tobuy or sea see u NEW YORK BUSINESSBROKERS U F gt Ja853tFOR SALE Ovst r house good equipmentscheap 214 H St nw ia25St

WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE corner Insfamily trade V J DUGAN 617 Louisiana

ja253tGROCERY AND COKFECTIOSERY in North-east rare chance 0USLAP F at ja253t

SHOOTING GALLERY and polishing standmaking money DITNLAP 0ft F st Ja253tPAYING GROCERY te Northwest nice stock

and good location DUNLAP 90S Fa25St

SALOON center city good busi fe8 will sac-rifice leering city W J DUCAN 817 Lvahv-

Ia25StFLOUR AND PEED STORE confectionery andcigar stores paying lunch rooms three swellgrocery stores See us about other good businessopportunities DCXLAP 906 F ja25St-

L NCH ROOM on E St w doing good busi-

ness cheap See us today Also dining roomon 6th st nw tare chance RELIABLE BUSI-NESS EXCHANGE Room 203 Jenifer Build-ing comer 7th and D eta nw ja253tSALOON Norfolk Vs Main St saloon Bal-

timore Md magnificent business W J DUCAN 917 Louisiana ave ja253tGROCERY AND PROVISION doing busineJB3500 per month inventor Meat stand m

market tOp tour shame center cityW J DUGAN 617 Louisiana ave ja253t

Getting a purchaaer for a business is not theeasiest task in the world even though theprice asked be lew than the real value Yetthere is no reason why a business should notbe disposed of satisfactorily tt it is placed inproper hands If you want a partner if youwant capital for legitimate enterprises if youwant to incorporate a company see usare the only firm hi the city who make aspecialty of this work We have had nearly-a lifetimes experience and are the best toadvise on all matters relating to businesstransactions WASHINGTON BUSINESS EX-

CHANGED aagF a24gtat reasoaable prices

FRANK H GIBSOS i CO 1 9 G 9t nw


FOR SALE 4500FOR SALE A beautiful new house contain-

ing six rooms reception hail attic and cellarvery handsomely papered and decorated fin-

ished in heated furnace and hasevery modem convenience Very fine location

EDWARDS REEVES Inc380t 614 13th at nw

Saturday the 24th a roll of billsThe finder will be rewarded by returning

to the oilier of the Kcixeant tArmg oftheSenate ItLOST Saturday evening chatelaine bag and

14 Reward if returned to 6i8 E st se ItLOST Thursday a white end brindle bulldog

LOST A silverhandle umbrella inlaid withinitials C C J Kindly return to

C CLINTON JAMES Columbian Building US5th Bt nw ja263t


POUND Lactgrs Ice cream absolutely pare70 cents per gallon Delivered in unletteredneoi s 807 Sew York ave nw ralOtf


OIL HE ATEii Heres good news summerprices on ali I heaters at F E HOPKINS422 9th st nv A ja75CWE CAN PiOC AND CRATK

r atldraw-j 25St

Furniture Pacfcfr ill at





lent aye








Price 4110O termsk




Reward if toE12 itb W jaMIt

yom furniturefor work best Call

















WASHINGTON D c POSTOFFICE NOTICEShould be read daily as changes may occur

at timeFOREIGN MAILS are dispatched to the ports

of selling daily and the schedule ot closings isarranged on the presumption of their

overland transit For the week endbig 81 1903 me last connecting closeswill be made from the MAIN OFFICE as fol-


TransAtlantic HailsTUESDAY fc At 1125 p m for EUROPE

per s Celtic from New York via Queenstown-

a At 715 p m for EUROPE per s sfrom New York via Southampton

Mail must be directed Per 9 sAt 1125 p m for NETHERLANDS di-

rect per s s Rotterdam from New Yok Mailmust be Ikected Per s s Rotterdam

At 915 p m forFRANCE SWITZERLAND ITALY SPAINPORTUGAL TURKEY EGYPT GREECEBRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUEZper s s La Champagne from New York viaHavre Mall for other parts of EUROPE mustbe directed Per s s La Champagne

At 12 m for IS-

LANDS per s s Wcsternland from Boston-e At 605 m for IRELAND per a s-

Etruria from New York via Malli r other parts of EUROPE must be directed

ier s Etruriaa At 715 p m for EUROPE per s s

Kroonland from New York via Southamptonc At 015 p m for ITALY direct r s s-

Lahn from New York Mail must be directedPer s hahn

c At pm for SCOTLAND direct perS S Ethiopia from New York Mall must bedirected s s Ethiopi-

ac At 1125 p m for direct pers s Norge from New York Mail must bedirected Per s s Norge

Mails for South and Central America

West Indies EtcTUESDAY d At ff20 a m for GUADF


d At 12 m for JAMAICA per B s Ad-

miral Dewey from BostonWEDNESDAY f At KC5 a m for the

BAHAMAS per steamer from Miami Piec At 1125 p ro for JAMAICA per s a

Admiral Sampson from Philadelphiac At 1125 p m l r CAMPKCHE CHIAPAS


ICO must be directed Per s s igilanciac At 1125 p m for the BAHAMAS and

the PROVINCE OF SANTIAGO CUBA per s sOrizaba from New York

THURSDAY f At 1125 m for HAITIper a s Flandria from New York

e At 605 p m for NEWFOUNDLAND-per s s Rosalind from New York-

c At 1125 p ra for PERNAMBUCOand SAO PAULO per s s Eastern

PniKV from New York other partsof BRAZIL roust be directed Per i 8 EasternPrince

e At 1125 m for MEXICO per B sSeneca front New York via Tampico Mailmust be directed Per s s Seneca

At 1126 p m for BERMUDA-per s s Trinidad from New York

c At 1125 m for PORTO RICO CU-

RACAO and VENEZUELA except Venezuela

York Mail fer SAVANILLA and CATITAGENAmust be directed Per s s Ponce-

c At 1126 p ro for FORTUNE ISLANDJAMAICA SAVANILLA CARTAGENAGREYTOWN r s s Ytlencia from NewYork Mail for COSTA RICA must be directedPer s s Valencia

SUNDAY k At 1005 a m for the BA-

HAMAS steamer from Miami FlaMalls for NEWFOUNDLAND by rail to North

Sydney and thence via steamer close heredaily except Sundays at 12 m and on unday-at 1130 a ro The connecting doses are madeon Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays d k

Malls for by rail to Boston andthence via steamer close here daily exceptSundays at 12 m and oa Sunday at 1130-a m d k

CUBA MAILS chJs here via Port TampaFla Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays at230 p ro h

Mails for MEXICO overland unless speciallyaddressed for dispatch by steamers selling fromNew York close here daily at 1005 a m and

m f hMalls for BELIZE PUERTO CORTEZ and

GUATEMALA by rail to New Orleans andthence via steamer close here dally at 1005

10 p m the connecting closes Icewhit being on Moadavs h

Malls for COSTA RICA by rail to New Or-

ients seed theses via steamer close here dailyat J08 fc m and Bpj the connectingcloses for which being on Tuesdays f h

TransPfccific Mails












from New York Mail for other of MEN

4 rOS


parcelspoet maths per J a Posers from

















Mails for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS viaSan Francisco clot here daily at 630 mup to January 27 inclusive for dispatch perL S 0

Mails for AUSTRALIA except those for WestAustralia which go via Europe and ew

via San Francisco and FIJI ISLANDS viaVancouver and Victoria B C close here dailyat 630 in after January 24 and up to Jeanary a inclusive for dispatch pet s s fiGwere o

Mail for OT1NA TAPAN HAWAII andPHILIPPINE ISLANDS via San Franciscoclose here laDy at 690 p m up to January31 inclusive for dispatch per a HpmrMara 0

Malls for CHINA and JAPAN via Vacomaclose here daily at fe3O p m up to January 31

inclusive for dispatch per s a Victoria 0Mails for HAWAII via San Francisco close

here daily at 6W ro up to February 2 in-

clusive for dispatch per s Alameda oMails for CHINA and JAPAN via

dose here daily at 630 p m up to Xetaiiary4 inclusive for dispatch per s ShinaaoMaru 0

Mails for CHINA JAPAN HAWAII andPHILIPPINE ISLANDS via San Franciscoclose here daily at 630 p m up to February8 inclusive for dispatch per s s China o

Mans for TAHITI and ISLANDSvie S R Francisco close here daily at 630 p-

ro up to February 11 inclusive for dispatchper a a Mariposa o

MaiUjfor AUSTRALIA except those for West

NEW ZEALAND FIJI SAMOA andvia San Francisco close here daily at M pm after January 31 and up to February U in-

clusive for dispatch per s s Sierra oMalls for and JAPAN via Vancouver

And Victoria B C close here daily at 630p m up to February 17 inclusive for dispatcfi

the Postal Agency at ShanghaiChina cannot be forwarded via o

for COCHIN CHINA dispatched toNew York N Y for connection with European steamers

ISLANDS Military Mail dieptcbed to San Francisco at all clou for thatoffice o connect with Covermnent transportsthe sailings of which all irregular

REGISTERED MAILS dose at the MAIN ORas follows a At 630 p m diy

I At 145 p m day c At 845 pm same day d At 530 a m same day eAt 645 p m same day 0 At 935 a msaner day h At 115 p m same day kAt 845 p m previous day o At 290 a maims day p At 1130 a m same day



FOR SALE Chunky gray 25 sorrelhorse 417 st sw ja27St

large black horse perfectlysound suitable for carriage large wagon othorse cart 901 F sw ja273t

FOR and wagon cheap must betold at once 1 2 P at n r ja 73tFOR SALE Twenty head heavj draft horsesand mules satiable for any purpose some ex-

cellent teams THOS M BOND ClevelandPark Cleveland Park D C ja27ttFOR fAIJE One gray mare 1305 llth t se

FOR pair hones dirt wagonharness 733 Sheridan ave nw ja253t


FEW DAYS MORE Hooma papered 150 upHUNT 4 7 G st Ja217tNOLTE 824 9th BW is constantly recelvlug th latest and attractive designs inWall Papers and papers rooms from tOO upCall and investigate for yourself and be eonmod mlltf


RENT Lot corner Delaware ave and Cst se 100 about 60 feet on Delaware aveOwner M BENNETT 1214 Massachusetts ave



TIm SUN typewriter is best visible writing noribbon work fully

reasonable price W IRVING CAYVEIl 717 Sth st nvr N JaS 7t

Zealand msiIi fur which are dispatched


I Cattles

AlIa which are dispatched via Europe

So 8 Empress of China Merchandise forrni


FIe saMe


























SOUTHERN RAILWAYSchedule effective January 11 1605

Trains from P a 9 vaia Station610 a m Daily Local for Harrisonbarg-

Warrealon Charlotte and way stations1651 a m Daily sod Florida

Limited iratclas crarbes and drawingroomsleeper to Jacksonville i u Dining car

1115 a in Daily United States MaiLFiratolasa and sleeper-to New Orleans D5aug car service

4 01 p JR Week Days for Harrisonburs and way stations n Jiiabaaeas branch

490 p m Daily Local for Warrantee sad

C31 p m W ek Days Southerns PalmLimited Solid Pullman Through Draw-ing Room Sleepers to Aik i Auguatay Savan-nah Jacksonville and St Augustine ClubDining and Observation Cars

846 p m Daily New York and Atlanta Ex-press Firstclass coach and to AtlantaMondays Wednesdays SunsetRoute Tourist sUpcr Washington to SanFrancisco Pullman Buffet service

CO n ra Daily New York and FlorlExpress coach and to Camden Smsmerville Charleston Savannah JackEonville and Tampa sleeper to Augustaand connection for Aiken Dining car service

1001 p m Daily Sew York and MemphisLimited via Lynchburg Fintciajg coachsleeping car to Roanoke Knoxville Chat-tanooga and Memphis deeper to New OrleaasDining car service

104i p m Daily and South-western Limited Alt Pullman train club andebservatlon cATS to Atlanta and Maconers to Atlanta Maoen MemphiSSew Orleans Monday Wednesday and Fridaythrough to Dining car sexvice

TRAINS ON BLDEMONT I1RANOHLeave Washington S53 a ra and 448 p ra

daily days tuO p m 425 p to and626 p m Latter Lee burg only

trains kern the South arrive Wash-ington 642 a ra 668 a m 7te a ra 945a n 200 p m 915 p ra and 950 mdaily 1015 a m daily except Monday Localtrams from Harriscnburg 1186 a mand 905 p m daily From Cbarlottwvfll-82S a a and 305 p m daily

ear reaervatlaiw and de-

tailed ca be had at ticket offices06 l h St ill Pennsylvania Ave and Penn

sjlvaria Station Baggage checked throughtrots hotels and residet es

Phone ItO P R R Cab ServiceC li ACKERT General Manager-

S HARDWICK General Pissr AgentL S BROWN General Agent



FrieaIandJan28 10am i Zetland Feb 7 10 amKroould Jan3110 am j FrksldFeb 14 1 amSt PaulFeb 4 10 am PhilphiaFeblSl a


Kroonld am i Finland Feb14 TO amZedand Feb 7 VaderrdFeb21 10amCOMPANYS WASHINGTON OFFICE 1808 F StN W ac Gee W Mow 1411 G St N W




for Ft Monroe Norfolk Newportand all potato asahi by the aw-

perb powerfal steamersNewport News Norfolk sadWashlwrtOR-

Lr Washington 630 itO praLv Al xo4rta 7iOO pwlLv Norfolk 600 potAr Ft Monroe 700 am LT Ft Monroe 70 pmAr Norfolk 8OOamAr Alexandria 630 amAr PortsKJOTth 816 700 am

connection made at Nor-

folk with steamers of Old ofaidoaSteamship Co for New York aad Marcheats Miners Steemsatpa for Dos

tOBtasrfar further ififarmaUon apply atgeneral ticket office Bond Buildingand N Y ave or 7th st w arf Wasi-Jastoo D C

FS tt3 S380 JNO OAtXAHAK Sign

FOR two stories eight roamt andtwo tiled bathe beautiful bay window brick




Futcoaches t1Dwin room









week cia





10 am

Every in the jeer from loot of


a Ar Waand





day b-










located on R st nw rent 4 per anbe bought for 1 then An xc p-

tionaliy fins opportunity a wennayiaa

CANNON SUM3CERS-M22 F St N W Phone Main 293

FOR SALE Sixroom bay window brick framestable in northwest inreaUaent pnCJ2100 also sixroom bay window brick in north-

east on paved street price flWO easy tCIIAS FUSS A CO TOT 13th st nwi Ja XIt-

V HOW TO BE YOUR OWN LAXLOSDSear Mount Pleasant with cash andmonthly For full particulars drop postal ortelephone for newo North Columbia Heiffhts

FULTON R GORDONTelephone Main S86M lIt l h SC wr


cated in best section of Second C ae-TWtostory baywindow brick dwelling tegood condition six rooms reception ball




Tel E 858 So OGfi F St XjalltfEAST WASHIKGTOit PROPERTYRaft you properties in rat Washington-

for site or rent Let us handle it for youWe guarantee satisfaction




100 29

A very Jc or investment Je

cellar lot to alley30












Phone East 34 9K EAST CAPITOL ST


SPIRITUALISMMRS J GOLD1XG SpiritualMedhnn Circles Thursday evenings atoclock Private interviews daily 611 X

nw ia274tMADAME CATHERINE Palmist sad Card

908 5th st nw ten everything yousib to know gives luck for aH things Bringthis ad and get a good fortune for SSc and 50-

cja72tKM THEO

Card Reader Palmist Medium Removes spellsreunites the separated gives luck Germanspoken 919 II at nw tIe SOc j 2fi2tWHO SAID ITS COLD and who wants a goodwarm of clothes or an overcoat Its theworkingman and be gets them slightly usedat JUSTHS OLD STAND 19 D st ja37t

PROF L M NORRIS MediumDaily at 701 II st N W from to 5

Seances Sunday at 8 p m at MaccabeTemple 513 9th at nw Silver collection j 242t


C G Sloan Co A 1467 8 St

The unclaimed articles accumulated inDead Letter Office will IK sold at Public Auc-tion within the uf C U SLOAN ftCO 14079 G st N W second floo com-mencing on MONDAY FEBRUARY 2 J B ATH A M AND 7 P M and continuing dailyat seine hours thereafter until the whole is

ofCash on delivery

will be ittraished for distributionduring Use wte-

Jly order of the OenerLE1BKAKDT-

Superi t ndfint Dead Latter OfficeFaMAMee D partHwat Jaowury 1W8








lctll ers

Special DeadLetter Sale




SerD I












Parlor and Diaiag Harrisburg to Puuourg-iu o A M DAILY PXSS IASU Lilt1TED PaUnaa steeping toningObsetvaUoB Can tiarruburg to Uucago Ciaaaaati Jadiampeto St Louis CMrciaadToledo aad Detroit B tlcC Parlor Car to Liarbug

A M DAILY FAST LQi Umaa-BuCet Car t Uarrutave et ParlorCar Jiarrkburg to Pittabtos880 P M l CHICAGO AMD St tXLI3-KXPK aS Sie pii Oar t U-

Loua and ttawpH and toning Can narruburgto ladwBapoiw4 at Louis Louisville vie Ciacwaauj CtUcago-7il6 P iL UAlLy ST LOUIS ZXPRES6Pullman bleeping Uamsbarg to LouisT o f M l AlLi WSSTWtA JwiPKiiSrPuilman Sleeping Car to llttsBurg sad Cakago


NAIL tArHt Pulimaa Cars WaS

hind and Cincinnati Lnaimn tArP M bAlLY PAClFiC ti7-

i60 A M DAILY BUFFALO DAY EXPRESSwith through Uroiier uset Partor Car and

to Jiuftalo via JuapMTiBta7sO A M for Seas Ca andaigaa Koctxaterand Xiagiua U daily KV PI SundayM aO A M tee Kliaira and itenevo dolly ex-cept Sunday For t t daily A P iLT16 P M BtFALO MuStY KiPKhSSwith through Buffet CAT and Cvwcfctto Islam Jviupornim Junction745 f M DAILY for lotBouo and Niagara except aatuzday With Sleeping Ute h MuagU to Hocherier

P M toe lAss Cananoaigwi Jtocbeater-Ooffxio aad Niagara labIa daily PostmanSleeping Car WaauagMe to JtuOartsc Satur-days4 60 P M OONORJESBlONAl LIMITEDDaily for New York alt Psrwr Can withDining Car froM Baltimore

For Philadelpliia New Yotlc and tl

Express Dialag 79 Dune767 tinning car 819 Dining Car uO

Dining Car ad llti tDinuuJCar trout KUMJ A M ito 3lj 46U

12 night on susdajru a DIalog tAT7 X Uiaing Car 7 7 310llA u g Car UU 11 M itouiBZ tat MomKiimiBgtoa A M Si5 5J1 Ui-

OK tnm ttou i s P M ii itf

nightFer AOad lphia only Express 7U5 A M

1116 1 M we days 2 lr 4i and lAd Pdaiiy

F Boston without change T A M

Baltimore 5 JO otlfi 78 T 750l-

OAtf H H B P Jt and USJ on-sundaya 70 7ate 7a O u

JOt 1160 A Jt 1314 114 S i Sii rf W

law Limited i 4 Je 4M 4U oiu-0SU 715 746 lU K 34 P M and liUU-

M we K teys aonamy A M-

For AHMpoliB 719 A M I2la emit iJO PM weec uy Suatiavs AM and S

corner Fifuaaitt and Uand at Ae nation SlatS and B sneeu

to ocMiaauoa lenin hotels sidcall JMHf Jar li iyiv a u RU

road Cab ServiceW W ATTEHBURY J WOOD

Manager General Agent


Schedule Effective 28 190-

2Tiutcs Leave eaof 11012 atati au

3 P M IMUI iJosvoAAAil JLU LOUISV1LUC isXfitfcoa auud vututxue totCiBf tBatt tustvOft CtutauiiMtu ito a m-

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jn pyi i tj si LoWs aaa uucaicu itotutAr

g P M Daily CHICAGO AJID STLOUiS a EClAl A soud vestibued-eJaSHeUgMerf train miring CiiwnBaaU

St Louis wtUHMtt change iarl r Car Cla-

dnnau w Uiicatju Uuuaf Gee1110 f M usol i JLaUTKD Solid

stale foe tincinnan Pullman aiccferj toCindnoat Lexington and Luuiavilic without

Hot apriags Iveaday ThursdyK-

eaervMtums a d tickets at Cneaapeake andOhio irfntT avcnac XW Fourt ecth stated Beat If at the stotioaTelephone tow for R cabService H FULLER

General Pnsafngrr AgentTelephone Mate J00C


Chicago ana ItorUW K

fc m-

sifi m-

JK O sad U pHasfittowE a 9 a and jJiJO p K

WajatenKta Junction aad waytt a m nU6 iH3fi il

Baltimore days x3 A 30 68-s7 7 8 S 336 sSM x fl8 1150 a

xlfca la5 z3 JO x40 x3-45L rfOS 5 tt 63 6 it 1

11130 U35 ii m Sundays x3t0 x7 5

736 1886 x909 a m x220 1J43 5 6 5 8 0 JtS O xU30



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All tiaias iUumiaated with PiaUch lightore VhUdelnhia Kw York tfuatoaEast 3 n6 ifitncdl tjSJO Buf

Bbier JilA a Ua a

Diner 0 and U p m-

OMB at 10 J

Atlantic Oily 117 OC JM illi28

left at ticket offlccs 610 Pennaylvaiua JtVenun d west New Avenue aad FifteenthStreet and at station


Leave Waahwgton Pam R K Station1046 MAIL Through

uallV Pullman toTills eaUBectiag at hamlet

with Pullman to Atlanta7 p m SEABOARD FLORIDA LIM-

Dflily ITEDSolid train to JaiWmvilla awl st Augustine with Pullman Dryi-ng Room and Compartment Sleepers Ubstnathou Club Car

train to Jacksonville and TampaSleepers and Cafe Diniag Car PuUsnaa Sleeperto Atlanta Through service to Ptneotrs-t4IO LOCAL To Petembarg Raleigh

DailY Southern Pines PmehurstHamlet and intermediate points

Office 1421 Peaaa AveC B RYAN W K COXKLTX

Oenl Par A wt GenI Art Dept


FOR RENT Rear lilt OJh si n two storybrick stable low rent WT2 h st nw jail it


MONEY TO LOANMoney to lean at SK to 5 par cent in sum

jX Heeo t 110090 MI D C real ca at pay-off east per ce t and begin anewall traMBctioM conducted with irnamaiiial COB

Marati M borrowersWM IL SAUNDERS t CO 14 7 F at aw

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