cheshvan-kislev from the mouths of babes l 11...

Volume 75, Issue 10 Eternal Light Cheshvan-Kislev November 2017 From the Mouths of Babes 5778 In June, I had the opportunity to spend a weekend as the visiting rabbi at Henry S. Jacobs Camp. I have lived and worked at Jewish summer camps many times and I am always taken by how special Shabbat feels at camp. I have often asked myself why this is so. This summer, I discovered the answer. The night prior to Shabbat, I ran a “Cabin Time” when the kids have a program prior to going to bed. As part of the program, this boys’ cabins shared their thoughts on the question: Why is Shabbat so special at camp? The first boy said. “Shabbat is different at camp because I’m with my friends.” The next boy said “Shabbat is different at camp because we do all the blessings and have a special meal together.” One boy after another expressed one of these two sentiments, until the last boy, looking a bit embarrassed, said quietly “Shabbat is different at camp because we don’t have Shabbat at home.” His statement was so striking because it was so honest. He said what so many others wanted to say but felt was not politically correct to say at a Jewish summer camp. Shabbat was so great for him at camp because on three consecutive weekends during the summer, he was able to live Shabbat. What is so remarkable is that most of the kids who go to Jewish summer camp feel the same way about their Shabbat experience. They love it, or at least some aspect of it. (continued on page 2)

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Volume 75, Issue 10




l Li


t Cheshvan-Kislev

November 2017

From the Mouths of Babes


In June, I had the opportunity to spend a

weekend as the visiting rabbi at Henry S. Jacobs

Camp. I have lived and worked at Jewish

summer camps many times and I am always

taken by how special Shabbat feels at camp. I

have often asked myself why this is so. This

summer, I discovered the answer.

The night prior to Shabbat, I ran a “Cabin

Time” when the kids have a program prior to going to bed. As

part of the program, this boys’ cabins shared their thoughts on

the question: Why is Shabbat so special at camp?

The first boy said. “Shabbat is different at camp because I’m

with my friends.” The next boy said “Shabbat is different at

camp because we do all the blessings and have a special meal

together.” One boy after another expressed one of these two

sentiments, until the last boy, looking a bit embarrassed, said

quietly “Shabbat is different at camp because we don’t have

Shabbat at home.”

His statement was so striking because it was so honest. He

said what so many others wanted to say but felt was not

politically correct to say at a Jewish summer camp. Shabbat was

so great for him at camp because on three consecutive weekends

during the summer, he was able to live Shabbat. What is so

remarkable is that most of the kids who go to Jewish summer

camp feel the same way about their Shabbat experience. They

love it, or at least some aspect of it.

(continued on page 2)

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Join us for

Shabbat Morning Tefilah & Torah Study

Saturdays, 10 am

In the Gary J. Weill Youth Room

Rabbi Jordan Goldson

Cheshvan-Kislev Page 2

The question then is “Can we create an enjoyable Shabbat experience for our

kids and ourselves at home?” The answer to this question is yes. How? We

only have to listen to the pure sentiment expressed by that boy. He was telling

us to “Just Do It.” IF you make an effort to carve out some time which is

dedicated in some way to Shabbat, then you and your children will feel that time

is different and special from the rest of the week. IF you share this experience

with your friends and your kids’ friends, then you will feel some of the special

sense of community that kids feel is so “awesome” at camp.

The challenge is two-fold: First is setting aside the time. For many, that is

difficult to do. It means adjusting our schedules and our priorities. But it can be

done. The second challenge is more intimidating. For those of us who didn’t

grow up in families where Shabbat was observed in a meaningful way, then we

don’t really know how to make Shabbat special and different in our own homes.

Fortunately, this is something we can easily learn.

Yes, it is a challenge to try to make Shabbat something like what is

experienced at camp. But what an opportunity it is to transform time with your

family into something that is extraordinary and holy.

Wishing you many Shabbats with Shalom in the year ahead.

From the Mouths of Babes (cont)

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President’s Message

by Jay Jalenak

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Giving Thanks

In November, Americans are reminded to pause and give thanks. This

year, as president of the Congregation, I am readily cognizant of how much

gratitude is due to you—our members—for keeping B’nai Israel energetic,

instructive, and significant. This Congregation does not exist merely for its

members; it exists because of the dedication and commitment of its


I thank you for your participation. The Sukkot Picnic was an

overwhelming success, and it was wonderful to see the proud and loving families at our

Kindergarten Consecration and Simchat Torah. I thank Rabbi Jordan for continuing to

provide services and programs which are thought-provoking, entertaining, and fulfilling.

I thank you for your volunteerism. There are so many who give their time to the

Congregation, and I cannot begin to name them all. Cathy Duplechin and James Hickman do

a wonderful job running the day to day operations, but they could not do it without our

committed office volunteers: Edie Bernard, Edie Bender, Laurie Brandt and Robbie Rubin.

Thanks also to Andy Blumberg, Mark Sager and Michael Roth who recently cleaned out the

storage room…in the rain.

I thank you for your generosity. Asking for money—be it dues, religious school

tuition, High Holy Day Appeal, fundraisers—is the most dreaded and distasteful part of my

job. But, I also know it is necessary to fulfill our obligation to sustain our Jewish home and

educate our children. Thank you for not only tolerating our pleas, but responding with your

valued contributions.

I thank you for entrusting us with your children. I continually say it, but I will say it

again: There is no better religious school. I thank Jessica Yellen, Julie Tepper, and our

religious school faculty for your dedication in nurturing the future of our faith.

Finally, I thank the members and leaders who came before us. B’nai Israel was

founded in 1858. Unfortunately, the South is littered with communities which no longer have

a Jewish congregation, a Jewish identity or a Jewish presence. In stark contrast, as we

approach 160 years, Congregation B’nai Israel continues to strengthen and engage.

As your Congregation president, I am thankful for all you do to sustain our ongoing


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November November 1

B’nai Academy:

Finding God, 6:30-7:30pm

November 2

WCBI Mah Jongg, 6pm

November 3

Shabbat Service, 6pm

November 4

Shabbat Tefilah & Torah

Study, 10am

November 5

Religious School, 9:30am

Confirmation, 12pm

November 8

B’nai Academy:

Finding God, 6:30-7:30pm

November 10

Shabbat Shiraz, 6pm

November 11

Shabbat Tefilah & Torah

Study, 10am

November 12

Religious School, 10am

TURKEY TRAIN, 11:30 am

Israeli Folk Dancing, 7-8:30pm

November 14

Board Meeting, 6pm

November 15

B’nai Academy:

Finding God, 6:30-7:30pm

November 16

Men’s Club Happy Hour, 5:30-7:30pm

November 17

Shabbat Service, 6pm

Union Prayer Book

November 18

Shabbat Tefilah &

Torah Study, 10am

November 19


Israeli Folk Dancing, 7-8:30pm

November 21

B’nai Academy:

Wine & Wisdom, 7-8pm

November 23 - 24



November 24

Shabbat Service, 6pm

November 25

Shabbat Tefilah & Torah

Study, 10am

November 26


November 29

B’nai Academy:

Finding God, 6:30-7:30pm


December 1

Shabbat Service, 6pm

December 2

Shabbat Tefilah &

Torah Study, 10am

December 3

Religious School, 9:30am

Confirmation, 12pm

December 5

Men’s Club Big Buddy

Shopping Spree, 5:30pm

December 7

WCBI Mah Jongg, 6pm

December 8

Shabbat Service, 6pm

Union Prayer Book

December 9

Shabbat Tefilah & Torah

Study, 10am

December 10

Religious School, 9:30am

December 12

First Night of Chanukah

Board Meeting, 6pm

December 15

Shabbat Chanukah Service, 6pm

w/ Latke Dinner

December 16

Shabbat Tefilah & Torah

Study, 10am

December 17

Religious School, 9:30am

Confirmation, 12pm

December 22

Shabbat Service, 6pm

December 23

Shabbat Tefilah &

Torah Study, 10am

December 24


December 25


December 26

B’nai Academy:

Wine & Wisdom, 7-8pm

December 29

Shabbat Service, 6pm

December 30

Shabbat Tefilah &

Torah Study, 10am

December 31


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2017-2018/ 5778


WINE & WISDOM Meet at Blend Wine Bar downtown on Tuesday nights from 7-8pm to learn about and discuss

what Reform Judaism has to say about modern day issues. (First meeting began on Tuesday,

Oct. 17th but late registrants welcome - call or email Rabbi)


HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF As we study Jewish history from the time of Abraham to the present day, we will learn lessons

that will help us to understand our lives. Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm.. Taught by Rabbi

Jordan Goldson. Class dates TBA

AN AMUSING JOURNEY THROUGH JEWISH HUMOR Discover why our humor continues to nourish and sustain us. Look with Rabbi Barry

Weinstein at examples of Jewish humor from a variety of sources throughout the Jewish world

over time. Wednesdays: 6:30-7:30 pm. Class dates TBA

Classes offered through the B’nai Academy are free to members of Congregation B’nai Israel.

Non-members are welcome to participate for a fee of $50.

For more information, please email or call Rabbi Jordan Goldson ([email protected] or 225-

343-0111 x203).

You can also register online at

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HIGH HOLY DAYs APPEAL Thank you to those congregants who have given generously to the High Holy Days Appeal. If you haven’t taken the opportunity to give, please consider a generous gift. You may send checks to 3354 Kleinert Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70806 or to pledge and / or pay online with a credit card at

Shabbat Shiraz

Music provided by Michael Roth

Friday, November 10th

Wine & Cheese Pre-Oneg begins at 6 pm

Union Prayer Book Service Schedule

Fridays at 6 p.m.

November 17

December 8

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CBI Men’s Club


Thursday, November 16th


Join us at Driftwood Cask & Barrel Located Downtown (326 N. 3rd Street)


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RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DATES: November 5 9:30 Religious School

November 12 TURKEY TRAIN 12:00 Confirmation




Break No Religious School


November 19th and 26th

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us Sch


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Each $20 ticket will provide a ride for 1 turkey on the Turkey Train to St. Vincent de Paul where they will provide the main course in meals for families in need this Thanksgiving!

2 Ways to purchase that ticket for this mitzvah!

1) Donate $20 for the purchase of a turkey by NOV. 5th Matherne’s Market Downtown is providing free delivery. Please bring your donation to Religious School Drop your donation by the temple office Checks should be made out to Congregation B’nai Israel Religious School

(memo Turkey Train) Go online to donate at

2) Donate a frozen turkey on November 12th Bring a frozen turkey of any size to Religious School on the morning of

Sunday, November 12th Due to space restrictions, we cannot accept frozen turkeys before this date

All students will have a “hand” in this mitzvah by participating in our train of passing each turkey from the kitchen to the truck(s). The turkeys will then be delivered to St. Vincent de Paul, where they will be feeding hungry families throughout the long Thanksgiving weekend.

Bring mittens/gloves to wear on November 12th at 11:30am and participate in the mitzvah of feeding the hungry this Thanksgiving by joining us on THE TURKEY TRAIN!


to the 9th Annual

Congregation B’nai Israel

Religious School

Turkey Train

November 12th

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You may donate to the Temple in many ways. The designated Temple funds are listed below with a brief de-scription of each. When making your donations, please designate your fund of choice. Chunky & Ellen Folks Building Fund: for maintenance, repairs & improvements to the building Camp Scholarship Fund: for need-based scholarships to a Jewish camp. Carolyn & Bernard Schmulen Cemetery Beautification Fund: To plant appropriate shrubbery and trees, particularly in the new part of the cemetery, to create a more beautiful and peaceful setting Cemetery Maintenance Fund: Cemetery maintenance CBI Foundation - Endowment Fund: to establish a permanent base of financial support for Congregation B’nai Israel. Gary Weill Youth Room Fund: for maintenance, upkeep and improvements of the Youth Room General Fund: for support of general operating expenses of the Temple Alvin & Janice Rubin Ner Tamid Break Fast Fund: to provide continued support for the Annual Yom Kippur Break Fast. Prayer Book Fund: to purchase new prayer books. Rabbi's Discretionary Fund: support ofworthy charitable organizations & to assist members in need Sandy Sager Beautification and Garden Fund: for outdoor Temple beautification Sylvia Steiner Religious School Fund: to purchase needed items and provide scholarship assistance for Religious School Torah Repair Fund: for repairs to Torahs.

The following memorials or dedications are also available:

Tree of Life Leaf: $250 Tree of Life Stone: $1000 Yahrzeit Memorial Plaque: $250 Sanctuary Pew (1/2 side): $1500

Page 12

DONATE ONLINE at Pay by credit card online with an easy form that allows you to choose a designated fund or the

general donation fund and the purpose of your gift.

Donations may also be mailed to 3354 Kleinert Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70806


Rabbi Discretionary Fund

Joy Lewis: in memory of Gerald “JJ” Judge

Susan & Richard Lipsey: in honor of Rabbi Jordan

Barry Weinstein: in honor of Rabbi Jordan

General Fund

Brenda & Lee Berg: in memory of Jerry Berkowitz, Holly Clegg’s father

Dave Safer: in memory of Mike Safer

CBI Foundation

Robbie & David Rubin: in memory of Freddie Miller

Robbie & David Rubin: in memory of Janice Rubin

Gary Weill Youth Room Fund

Lynn & Felix Weill: in memory of Betty Hirsch

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Sarah Black Mother of Jerry Black Grandmother of Doug Black

Kay Carroll Mother of Kathy Beck

Ruth Gainsburgh Dampf Grandmother of Jack Dampf Great-grandmother of Paige Wormser and Paul Dampf

Henry L. Dreyfus Father of Rachelle Hirsch

John W. Dupaquier, Sr. Father of John Dupaquier

Rosalie Preis Marcus Grandmother of Susan Dampf Great-grandmother of Paige Wormser and Paul Dampf

Janice Ginsberg Rubin Mother of David & Michael Rubin

Nathalee B. Rubin Aunt of David and Michael Rubin

Bernard Savell Father of Taris Savell

Sara Schwamberg Mother of Norman Schwamberg

Rosa Van Os Grandmother of Sidney Dreyfus


George Joel Ginsberg Grandfather of David Rubin and Michael Rubin

Jack Isaacs Sr. Father of Jack Isaacs

Dorris Rubenstein Kantrow Grandmother of Staci Sommer

Leonard Levy Grandfather of Laurie Brandt and Felix Weill

Great-grandfather of David Weill

לברכה זכרונם Zichronam Livracha

May their memories be a blessing

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לברכה זכרונם Zichronam Livracha

May their memories be a blessing


Ralph Israel Brookner Brother of JoAnn Bender Uncle of Ralph Bender

Rufus Craig Father of Cathy Craig Labens

Karen Dinning Gibbs Mother of Shoshanah Ferguson

Harold Kaplan Grandfather of Jeffrey Bender

Elsa Rosenthal Mother of Susan Kantrow


Harold Berg Grandfather of Seth Kaplan

Irwin E. Coen Father of Linda Weinstein

Juanita Henry Mother of Diana Mann

Sam Hoffman Father-in-law of Paula Hoffman

Eli Jaffe Grandfather of Rebecca Svensson

Rocky Moyse Mother of Buck Moyse

David Paille Friend of Deborah Salazar

Betty Rothberg Grandmother of Hilary Shaw

Frances Rubin Grandmother of Michael Rubin and David Rubin

Simon Rubin Grandfather of Michael Rubin and David Rubin

Sarah L. Safer Mother of David Safer

Carolyn R. Schmulen Mother of Lynn Weill Grandmother of David Weill

Doris Levy Watsky Aunt of Nathan Levy

Dorothy Weinstein Mother of Richard Weinstein

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Cemetery Security at The Jewish Cemetery:

A Police Officer is on site at the cemetery

every 2nd Sunday of the month: 10:00am - 2:00pm.

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YARZHEITS Yarzheit names are traditionally read during the Friday night Shabbat service prior to the anniversary of a loved ones death unless other arrangements are made through the temple office. You may add your yahrzeit dates online at Click on contact us then Yahrzeit Reminder Form or call the office at 225-343-0111. We will now send out Yahrzeit reminders by email unless requested mailed. By email, you will receive a reminder 30 days, 15 days & Monday prior to the Friday before the Yahrzeit. If you do not receive a reminder, please contact the office by email ([email protected]) or call the temple office.

VISITING THOSE WHO ARE ILL Congregation B’nai Israel wants to make sure we care for our members and their families. If you have a family member or know of someone in our congregation who is in the hospital, has been in an accident, or is ill and recuperating at home, please call the Temple office at 343-0111 so Rabbi Jordan can contact them and arrange for a visit.

HEALING Mi Shebeirach, the prayer for physical and emotional healing, is recited at the Friday evening Shabbat service. If you are ill and would like a Mi Shebeirach recited on your behalf, please call the Temple office at 343-0111 before noon on Thursdays, so the congregation may offer its prayers for you. If you know another person who needs the same, please ask the individual for permission to read his/her name before calling the office.

Condolences to Holly Clegg and family on the recent death of her father,

Jerry Berkowitz May his memory be a blessing.

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To include your event in the newsletter, email the information

and any pictures or graphics that you want included to

[email protected]. All requests are presented to Rabbi and/or

the board for approval. Requests must be received before the

15th of the month preceding the newsletter.

Israeli Folk Dancing at CBI

CBI Social Hall from 7:00 - 8:30pm

Dancers, experienced or novice, singles, couples or families, young or

young-at-heart, are invited to attend free of charge. Or, if you prefer to,

just come and listen to the lovely music of Israel on the following Sun-


November 12, 19

December 3, 17

Contact: David Kirshner at 756-5291


The newly renovated Social Hall and the Gary J. Weill Youth Room

are available for your next event at a reasonable cost.

For information, contact the office at 225-343-0111.



Do you want to learn how to play Mah Jongg? Lessons are now being taught in the

Gary Weill Youth Room

First Thursday of each month

beginning at 6pm (play is until)

Bring snacks to share (temple food restrictions apply).

If you are interested, please call: Jill Roby (225-921-9529)



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Mazel Tov to everyone who celebrates birthdays and anniversaries this month!

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BaRFTY NEWS Shalom y’all. Thank you to everybody who contributed to the food drive last

month, we greatly appreciate it! Thanks to you it was very successful. There was a Sukkot gathering where we had the chance to get together and enjoy each other's company, and do what we do Later this month, we will ship our Barftyites up to Shreveport on November 10-12. If you haven’t registered your teen yet, you still can at

In December, we are working on having a Louisiana teen lock-in. We will be having this event with New Orleans, Lafayette, Shreveport and surrounding areas. It should be a fun time for all! Stay tuned, Hannah Kaplan Barfty Communications Vice President

Mazel Tov to our

Consecration Class

Brock Alton

Milo Gutfreund

Rowan marks

Scarlett Ritchey

Sawyer Rachleff

Charli Thigpen

Sam Thigpen

Emma Suggs

Benjamin Suggs

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Annual Men’s Club

Big Buddy Shopping Spree December 5th: 5pm - 8pm

Macy’s, Mall of Louisiana

HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP! DONATE before November 30th - any amount will help

because funding is critical for this project - it costs $125 per child to put a few wrapped gifts under the tree. Make checks payable to CBI Men’s Club, 3354 Kleinert Ave., Baton Rouge, LA. 70806. Donate or volunteer online at

VOLUNTEER - help the kids choose good gifts for their

family members on December 5th. Contact Nathan Levy at [email protected]

Thank you for your past support. Over the past 40 years, the Men’s Club has helped over 1000 children bring the holidays in their home because of your help with this mitzvah. We look forward to bringing happiness in many homes again this year with your help.

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Jan 10-14, 2018 | Manship Theatre

Tickets are now on sale for the 12th Annual Baton Rouge Jewish Film Festival. The

Festival has become one of the outstanding entertainment and cultural events of the city. If you have been to the previous Festivals, you know the quality of the films and

speakers. If you have not attended the festival, don’t let another opportunity go by.

Call the Manship Theatre box office at 225.344.0334 or order online at Follow the Festival

on Facebook, too, for the latest updates.

Already a lifelong fan? Consider becoming a Patron. Patrons get free tickets to the Saturday night show as

well as tickets to the pre-show dinner upstairs at the Shaw Center’s 3rd floor Turner Gallery. Contact the

Federation office at 225.379.7393 for information on becoming a Patron of the Baton Rouge Jewish Film


See you at the movies!

Congregation B’nai Israel

TRIP TO ISRAEL June 3 - 14, 2018

E x p e r i e n c e t h e w o n d e r a n d m a g i c o f J e r u s a l e m ' s a n c i e n t an d mod ern s i t es

Tour Masada and re lax at a Dead Sea S pa

Explore the wonders of Israel ’s north

View the exquisite gardens of the Baha’ i Temple

Meet with sett lers and Palest inians engaged in construct ive dialogue

Part ic ipate in an on -going archeologica l d ig

Enjoy city walking tours, vis it markets, and sample the var ied f lavors of I srae l

Register at:

For information contact: Rabbi Jordan Goldson at [email protected]

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Eternal Light Newsletter

Call Cathy at the Temple office at 225-343-0111.

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Address Service Requested

Congregation B’nai Israel 3354 Kleinert Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70806


Jay Jalenak, President Deborah Sternberg, Past President

Seth Kaplan, Vice President Warren Sager, Treasurer

Andy Blumberg, Secretary

Ronnie Bombet Linda Dubois Shawn Folks Adrian Hirsch Mike Kantrow Donna Kunstler Robbie Rubin Norman Schwamberg Lynn Weill

Nathan Levy, Men’s Club President Paige Wormser, Women of CBI President

Max Sager, BaRFTY Co-President Eliana Levy, BaRFTY Co-President


Jordan E. Goldson Rabbi ([email protected])

Barry Weinstein Rabbi Emeritus

Cathy Duplechin Office Administrator ([email protected])

Jessica Yellen Religious School Co-Director ([email protected])

Julie Tepper Religious School Co-Director ([email protected])

James Hickman, Custodian

TEMPLE OFFICE VOLUNTEERS (TOV) Edie Bender Edie Bernard Laurie Brandt Robbie Rubin

For Itinerary, Information and Registion:

For more information contact:

Rabbi Jordan Goldson

at [email protected]

or 225-343-0111 x203