ccps policies/procedures – key definitions ccps policies/procedures – key statements examples of...

CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Definitions CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Statements Examples of Appropriate and Inappropriate emails Key Summary Points Using Email Appropriately Calvert County Public Schools

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Page 1: CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Definitions CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Statements Examples of Appropriate and Inappropriate emails Key Summary Points

CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Definitions

CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Statements

Examples of Appropriate andInappropriate emails

Key Summary Points

Using Email Appropriately

Calvert County Public Schools

Page 2: CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Definitions CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Statements Examples of Appropriate and Inappropriate emails Key Summary Points

CCPS Policies/ProceduresKey Definitions

Calvert County Public Schools

Page 3: CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Definitions CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Statements Examples of Appropriate and Inappropriate emails Key Summary Points

CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Definitions

Calvert County Public Schools

E-mail – A means or system for transmitting messages electronically; messages sent and received electronically through such means or system.

**All references to email in this document apply to text messaging as well. If you use text messaging, please adhere to the same guidelines as those outlined for emails.

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Confidential – Private information regarding students, families or employees which is only to be disclosed to school officials, employees, temporary employees, and/or authorized agencies and/or individuals who have a legitimate educational interest in receiving the information. Confidential information may be in any form including written, electronic, or oral including information which is overheard or observed.

Confidential information regarding students includes education records, special education records, grades, discipline information, health records, and family information. Confidential information regarding employees includes personnel records, discipline information, certain financial information and health records.

CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Definitions

Calvert County Public Schools

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Disclosure – To release, disseminate or otherwise communicate any information orally, in writing, in electronic format or by any other means to any person or entity.

CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Definitions

Calvert County Public Schools

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Educational Purposes – Those actions directly promoting the educational, instructional, administrative, business, and support services mission of CCPS and related to any instruction, project, job, work assignment, task, or function for which the user is responsible.

CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Definitions

Calvert County Public Schools

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Personally identifiable information – Data or information which includes a student or employee’s name, address, personal identifier (e.g. Social Security number), or a list of personal characteristics or other information that would make the person’s identity easily traceable.

CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Definitions

Calvert County Public Schools

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CCPS Policies/Procedures Key Statements

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CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Statements

Calvert County Public Schools

Users are responsible for using computer systems in an ethical, efficient, responsible, and legal manner.

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Users shall not reveal personally identifiable information about others to any individual or agency unless they have a legitimate educational interest.

CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Statements

Calvert County Public Schools

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Staff are responsible for the content of all e-mails sent from their accounts.

A standard confidentiality notice provided by the System Administrator is attached to the bottom of all e-mail sent from the CCPS e-mail system to outside email accounts.

CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Statements

Calvert County Public Schools

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All uses of CCPS computer systems must be for educational purposes and are subject to review and may be logged and archived.

The Superintendent or his/her designee has the right to monitor file server space and review materials on user accounts when a legitimate business need exists or as is otherwise necessary to promote the interests of the Calvert County Public Schools.

CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Statements

Calvert County Public Schools

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Users should never access computer systems via another user’s account or facilitate unauthorized access by another.

CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Statements

Calvert County Public Schools

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CCPS staff should carefully guard against carelessly disclosing confidential or personally identifiable information.

Individuals may not:

i. Discuss confidential information in open areas where they can be easily overheard by individuals who do not have a legitimate educational interest;

ii. Share passwords (See Policy #2718 – Acceptable Use of Computer Systems);

iii. Share student records with a student’s parent/guardian or an authorized user that contains information about another student;

iv. Fail to protect confidential information displayed on computer monitors (See Policy #2718 – Acceptable Use of Computer Systems);

v. Fail to take care when transmitting confidential information in electronic format (See Policy #2718 – Acceptable Use of Computer Systems);

vi. Fail to dispose of confidential information in an appropriate, secure manner;

vii. Leave confidential information in open areas where it can be easily accessed or viewed by unauthorized users.

Calvert County Public Schools

CCPS Policies/Procedures – Key Statements

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Discipline for Inappropriate Use of Email

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Discipline for Inappropriate Use of Email

Calvert County Public Schools

Disclosing confidential student and employee information to unauthorized persons OR inappropriate/unprofessional conduct toward or relations with other persons are actions that are not in compliance with CCPS policies and procedures.

This includes communications that are employee (staff member) to parent, and communications that are employee (staff member) to employee (staff member).

(Policy 1750 Regarding Employee Discipline, Policy 2718 Regarding Acceptable Use of Computer Systems, Policy 1740 Regarding Ethics Procedures 1740.6 Regarding Confidentiality, and Policy 1920 Regarding Records Retention and Disposal).

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When staff members are not careful in their choices of words in electronic communications, their words can be misinterpreted or the communication can misrepresent their thoughts.

Depending on the content, this type of action can be considered “inappropriate or unprofessional conduct.”

Emails that are sent to co-workers, emails that are forwarded to others or emails that are mistakenly sent to unintended recipients will often be considered as “inappropriate or unprofessional conduct” depending on their content.

In addition, when teachers use the CCPS email system for non-educational purposes, this action can be considered inappropriate or unprofessional conduct.”

Discipline for Inappropriate Use of Email

Calvert County Public Schools

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The Calvert County Public School System recognizes that action taken by the administrator/supervisor will be informed by the standards established for employees by federal and state laws and regulations, rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and the Maryland State Department of Education and the policies and procedures of the Calvert County Public School System.

In accordance with the Employee Discipline Policy 1750, CCPS recognizes that non-compliance with the Acceptable Use of Computer Systems policy is proper cause for the following disciplinary action, depending on the circumstances:

•Verbal Warning•Written Warning•Letter of Reprimand•Suspension with or without pay•Demotion•Dismissal

Discipline for Inappropriate Use of Email

Calvert County Public Schools

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Inappropriate And


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Don’t:•use email to explain discipline incidents.•use email to explain complex problems, issues or situations.•send email that has ambiguous information (or information that can be misconstrued).•use email as the primary source for communication; instead,

rely on verbal communication (in person or by phone).•send email when you are emotional (mad, upset or frustrated).•generalize about a student’s ability.

“Joe is not a good math student.”“Science is not her thing.”“He doesn’t do well in reading.”

•generalize about a student.“She is disruptive.”“He is a pain.”“She is so hard to deal with.”“He can be so difficult.”

•state your feelings toward a situation or student.“I wanted to rip my hair out.”“I wanted to rip his hair out.”“I lost it.”“I’ve lost it.”“I’m tired of dealing with it.”

•use a negative tone.“He needs to sit down and keep his mouth shut.”“If she can’t handle it, then that’s how it will be.”“Too bad. Better luck next time.”

•use email to communicate confidential information related to IEP’s including screening information in preparation for IEP meetings.

•write an email that you would be uncomfortable having printed, shared with or forwarded to others. The email could appear in the public, in court, in a newspaper, or in an attorney’s hands. Remember, your email could easily be forwarded to anyone.

Inappropriate Practices

Calvert County Public Schools

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Do:•verbally express information to parents via conferences or

phone calls instead of using email.•talk or meet with a parent when explaining grades, observations that you have made or information is that is not 100% clear.•state facts or data using clear, unambiguous language.•re-read your email (several times, if necessary) to make

sure it is clear and could not be misunderstood.•re-read your email (several times, if necessary) to decide

whether it might be better to communicate the information via a phone call or meeting rather than putting it in an email.

•be positive and use words that explain how you want the student to be successful.

•ask a colleague to read an email if you have any questionsabout its appropriateness.

Appropriate Practices

Calvert County Public Schools

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Examples of Appropriate Emails to Parents

Dear Mr. Guardian/Parent,I am concerned that Jack’s grade is quite lower

than at interim time. I was hoping that we may be able to talk further about this. I can be reached at school between 8-8:45am (my planning period) or between 3-3:20pm (after students leave for the day). If you would like, I can call you tomorrow during one of these times. Please let me know.

Sincerely,Mrs. Jane Doe Teacher

Dear Mr. Guardian/Parent,Today during math class, an incident occurred

that involved your son, Jack. I would like to talk or meet with you to explain. I can be reached at school between 8-8:45am (my planning period) or between 3-3:20pm (after students leave for the day). If you would like, I can call you tomorrow during one of these times. Please let me know.

Sincerely,Mrs. Jane Doe Teacher

Dear Mr. Guardian/Parent,Jack mentioned you had some questions about

his grade in my class. I will be sending a grade sheet home with him today. If you have other questions, I can be reached at school between 8-8:45am (my planning period) or between 3-3:20pm (after students leave for the day). If you would like, I can call you tomorrow during one of these times. Please let me know.

Sincerely,Mrs. Jane Doe Teacher

Calvert County Public Schools

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Examples of Appropriate Email interactionParent to Teacher – Teacher to Parent

Dear Mrs. Jane Doe Teacher,Can you please tell me how Jack is doing in

class right now?Sincerely,Mr. Guardian/Parent

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Mr. Guardian/Parent,

It might be best if we talk or meet. If you would like, I can call you tomorrow between 8-8:45am, 12-12:45pm or after school between 3 – 3:20pm.

Sincerely,Mrs. Jane DoeTeacher

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Mrs. Jane Doe Teacher,

Can you just send me his grade?

Sincerely,Mr. Guardian/Parent

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Mr. Guardian/Parent,

I understand that you want to see his progress as quickly as possible. It is probably best to see all of his grades so you can see where hehas done well and where he has been performing a little lower. I will send home a grade sheet with Jack tonight. You will see updated grades for all assignments to this point in the quarter. It will break down tests, quizzes and homework grades with due dates for each grade. If you would like to talk further about this, please let me know.

Sincerely,Mrs. Jane Doe Teacher

Calvert County Public Schools

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Examples of Inappropriate Emails to Parents

Dear Mr. Smith,Jack has not been doing very well in class. He

has been quite a challenge since the beginning of the year. I try to get him to sit down and listen, but he won’t. He won’t follow any rules in the class and it is very frustrating. Please talk to him and tell him that this will not be tolerated.

Sincerely,Mrs. Jane Doe

Dear Mr. Smith,Jack is probably not going to pass my class

this quarter. His grades are bad on tests and quizzes. Please talk to him and make sure he does his homework. He scores are pretty bad. For some reason, he just doesn’t do well in math and I’m not sure what to do.

Sincerely,Mrs. Jane Doe

Dear Mr. Smith,Your son has caused a lot of problems in class

this year. I am very frustrated. It is time for something to be done. He is very disruptive and someone needs to get him focused and doing the right thing. If he continues to cause problems, I will write a referral.

Sincerely,Mrs. Jane Doe

Calvert County Public Schools

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Key Summary Points

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Email is a tool that provides convenience in communication. Getting information to parents as quickly as possible is desirable, but using good judgment is most important.

More and more CCPS staff members, are not using good judgment when communicating via email.

Misuse of email has caused employees, association representatives, and the school system many problems. When using email, please use caution!

Calvert County Public Schools

Key Summary Points

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If an email can be interpreted in several ways, many times it will be interpreted in a manner that maximizes the damage and/or is most negative.

Keeping information clear and factual will minimize the likelihood of the receiver misconstruing the information.

Key Summary Points

Calvert County Public Schools

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Email can easily be forwarded to anyone. Your name and professional reputation will be attached to emails permanently.

Key Summary Points

Do not expect a receiver of your emails to perceive the tone of an email the way you have intended it. Attempts at using sarcasm or humor are usually not well received.

Calvert County Public Schools

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Key Summary Points

Communications among staff members must always remain professional and appropriate. Inappropriate content in emails sent to co-workers, forwarded by a recipient or mistakenly sent to someone else happens frequently and can cause problems for staff members.

Being careful and re-thinking the content you send in an email is very important.

Calvert County Public Schools

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Staff members interact and sometimes communicate regularly with parents because of the nature of their work. While job-related relationships with parents and students are very important, staff members are reminded to always keep a “professional distance” between themselves and parents.

It is important to not cross the line between giving factual information and entering thoughts, generalizations or information that could be taken out of context. When corresponding electronically, remember your emails can be made visible to anyone.

Electronic communications can be retained and if carelessly written, could easily be referenced, printed or be shown to others (presently or at a future time).

Key Summary Points

Calvert County Public Schools

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Using email as a mechanism to schedule a meeting or phone call is much better than trying to use it to discuss complex issues like a student’s progress or concerns that you may have regarding a student. Avoid explaining any problems or incidents in an email.

Key Summary Points

Calvert County Public Schools