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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Most don't concern about privacy while they share their

personal sensitive content with somebody they trust. Unfortunately,

in some cases, it creates a unreversable situation in the viral world of social media.

To prevent people from this kind of violence and call all the other

reactive people to action, to become a shield, we created

an invisible photo Filter which will help us to understand when the

content will be shared on the Social platforms. If it happens our social

media Partners going to change the all Call the Action buttons (Like, RT, Fav..)

on that specific photo to our new #VAW button. And by the click of the reactive

people, photo become blur and spread our message to the everybody.

From now on our social media partners, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter will include

this transparent and invisible VAW Filter in their mobile and web applications.


One of the biggest source for Digital Harassment is Sexting.

After the end of an affiliation, some people share their partners explicit photos

in order to win a fame.

Besides that, almost all of us get involved in circulating this sensitive content

all over social media. iCloud hacking of 2014 was the best example

of the situation. This example and insight brought us to 2 important step;

1) To remove the sensitive content from Social Platforms. Not only by deleting it but also by giving a strong message to everyone who wants to display the content.

2) Preventing people from sharing the content and also giving them a call to action to become a shield against this violence whether if they are man or women.

We want to help people protecting themselves with our Digital Shield

long before they become Victims. And we are willing to kick-start a movement

between digital audiences to take action on stopping Digital VAW.


With the help of our Social Media Partners (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

we are including a transparent and invisible Filter called #VAW Shield on

their mobile and web applications.

We can’t stop the perpetrator to share this content in the future but since

we know to whom we are sending this photo, our filter include our hashtag

#VAW and the information of the perpetrators to the EXIF of the sensitive photo.

By doing so we can track this content on our partner Social Platforms and know when it

was shared. After it was shared, we will recognize that photo from it’s hidden EXIF

and Voila! All the CTA buttons will be converted to a #VAW button!

The sensitive content will be converted to a benign virus to stop and create awareness…

The perpetrator will become our campaign’s spokesman, without even knowing it!


When a women take a photo of herself, she can use this transparent #VAW Shield Filter in Facebook, Instagram or Twitter applications before sending it to her partner. If the receiver or someone else shares this photo on social media, the call to action buttons of platforms (Like, RT, Fav..) changes to #VAW button to call all the people to action to stop this photo circulate.

When people take action and click the #VAW button, photo become blur and spreads our message. By doing so we are both stoping circulation, giving our message and making all people to take action and become a shield against digital violence against women.