c by rajesh

QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION Language The media of communication between the user and the system is known as Language. It is classified into three types. They are. a) Machine language: This language is also known as binary language or first generation language or low level language. It consists of binary digits or bits (0-pulse off,1-pulse on). b) Assembly language: It is also known as middle level language or second generation language. Its process is faster than high level language and easy to understand when compared to machine language. Ex: c, c++ c) High level language: This is the user language. It consists of codes which is very easy to understand as the code is similar to English language. Ex: BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, JAVA, C# Operating system: It is an interface between user and the computer. It is used to perform the required operations in the system. It is classified into two types. They are 1) single user operating system: it supports only one user at a time. These are micro computers Ex: DOS 2) Multi user operating system: it supports more than one user at a time. These are mini, main-frame and super computers. Ex: Windows NT, UNIX, XENIX etc., Booting: The process of loading an operating system into the computer internal memory is known as Booting. It is classified into two types. They are 1

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QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION Language The media of communication between the user and the system is known as Language. It is classified into three types. They are. a) Machine language: This language is also known as binary language or first generation language or low level language. It consists of binary digits or bits (0-pulse off,1-pulse on). b) Assembly language: It is also known as middle level language or second generation language. Its process is faster than high level language and easy to understand when compared to machine language. Ex: c, c++ c) High level language: This is the user language. It consists of codes which is very easy to understand as the code is similar to English language. Ex: BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, JAVA, C# Operating system: It is an interface between user and the computer. It is used to perform the required operations in the system. It is classified into two types. They are 1) single user operating system: it supports only one user at a time. These are micro computers Ex: DOS 2) Multi user operating system: it supports more than one user at a time. These are mini, main-frame and super computers. Ex: Windows NT, UNIX, XENIX etc., Booting: The process of loading an operating system into the computer internal memory is known as Booting. It is classified into two types. They are 1) Cold booting: when the power is switched on then the process of loading operating system into the computer memory is known as cold booting 2) warm booting: when there is a problem with the computer then the process of rebooting is known as warm booting. Warm booting is done using warm keys or control keys (alt+del+ctrl) or Reset button in CPU. History of c-language: COBOL :COmmon Business Oriented Language : Business BASIC : Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code : Beginners FORTRAN: FORmula TRANslation : Scientific and Engineering purpose Dbase : Data base -doALGOL: AlGOrithmic Language : Some requirements. CPL : Combined Programming Language : More requirement, difficult. BCPL : Basic Combined Programming Language: More requirement, easy B : New concepts (different from BCPL).


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION C : BCPL + B + some more features( data types)

Advantages or features of c-language 1) C-language is designed in assembly language because its compilation will be faster and also easy to understand 2) C-language is used for scientific purpose, engineering purpose, business purpose and general purpose. 3) C-language is used to design and application software and system software. Ex: Unix 4) C-language supports the storage classes such as static, external, register and automatic 5) In C-language a large program is divided into number of functions so that the size of the program can be reduced as well as program becomes simple. 6) C-language is very easy to understand and use. 7) C-language supports pre-defined functions, user-defined functions and recursive functions. 8) It is flexible. The same program can be designed in required format with different logics. 9) Data structures can be build in c-language. 10) Memory can be allocated at run-time using Dynamic Memory Locations. 11) The user can create Derived data types and User-defined data type using the Primary data types. 12) The arguments can be passed from the command prompt using command line arguments and can perform required operations. C-language: It is a middle level language and is known as structured programming language or function oriented programming language. It is designed and developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT & T (American Telegraph and Telephone) bell laboratory in USA in the year 1972. It could satisfy all the user requirements. Hardware: The set of physical components of the computer is known as hardware Software : The set of programs (language, package, operating system, files, folders etc) is known as software. Firmware: The set of standard routine tasks is known as Firmware Lineware: The Computer Personnel is known as Lineware Program: The set of instruction is known as program Instruction: The set of commands to perform a particular task is known as instruction. A=5 B=6 instruction program


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION C=A+B DISPLAY C Source code: The code, which is written by the user is known as source code Object code : The system understandable code is called object code. The source code is converted into ASCII code or EBCDIC code for the system identification based on the operating system. ASCII : American Standard Coded for Information Interchange. It uses 8 bits to represent a character. It belongs to Microsoft user ASCII Ex: A=65, a=97, 0 =48 , BCD: Binary coded decimal. It uses 6 bits to represent a character (IBM=International Business Machine) EBCDIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. It uses 8 bits to represent a character. Compiler and interpreter: These are used to convert source code into object code. Compiler converts the entire program at a time where as interpreter converts the program in line wise. 0,1 8 bits 1024 bytes 1024 KB 1024 MB 1024 GB = 1bit = 1 byte = 1 KB ( Kilo Byte) = 1MB (Mega Byte) = 1GB (Giga Bytes) = 1TB (Tera Byte)

Variable: The value, which changes during the execution of a program, is known as variable. It is used to store the contents in a memory cell. a 65536 a : 65536 : 6 : 6 variable address of cell value in the cell

Rules for writing a variable name


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION 1) Every variable name should be started with an alphabet. 2) The length of the variable should not exceed more than 8 characters. Some compilers may support upto 40 characters. 3) Spaces should not be provided in a variable name. 4) Reserved words should not be used as a variable name. 5) Except underscore, other symbols should not be used as a variable name. 6) A variable can store the value of particular data type only. Ex: s_no, s1, snumber, a Constants: The value, which does not change during the execution of the program is known as constant. Numericals: the numbers should not contain quotations. These values could be used for calculations. Ex: 56, 77.788 Characters: The single character should be enclosed within single quotation. A character may be numbers, special symbols, space, alphabets Ex: 7, A, u, $, Strings: the set of characters is known as a string and should be enclosed within double quotation. Ex: ravi, 123, it is c-language Datatypes it is used to define the type of the data used for a variable so that the contents can be stored in a variable based on the data type. 1) Primary data types: it is also known as fundamental data types or basic data types. These data types are generally of 4 types. a) integer: it is used to accept numeric values, which are used for calculations.It occupies 2 bytes and it is represented with "int". It is again classified into 3 types.They are int, short int, long int. b) Float: it is used to accept numeric values as well as decimal values. it occupies 4 bytes.it is classified into 3 types. Thay are float, double, long double. c) Character: It is used to accept a single character into a variable. It occupies 1 byte. It is represented with "char". The collection of characters is referred as string and it is defined with arrays ex: char s[4]="ravi" d) Void: it occupies 0 bytes and it will not return any value.


formatted Length



stringchar unsigned char enum short int int long int unsigned short int unsigned int unsigned long int float double long double %c %c -%hd %d %ld %hu %u %lu %f %lf %Lf 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 1 bytes 2 bytes 4 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 8 bytes 10 bytes -128 to 127 0 to 255 -32,768 to 32,767 -128 to +127 -32,768 to +32,767 -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 0 to 255 0 to 65,535 0 to 4,294,967,295 3.4 * e-38 to 3.4 * e+38 1.7 * e- 308 to 1.7 *e+308 3.4*e-4932 to 1.1*e+4932

2) User-defined data types: By using the all the primary data types, user-defined data types will be created, i.e., using more than one primary data types a new data type is created. ex: struct, class, enum (enumerated data types) struct student { int sno, c, cpp, java; char sname[500; float avg, total; }stud; 3) Derived data types: By using a single primary data type a new data type is created, it is known as Derived data types. ex: arrays, functions, pointers clrscr(): This statement is used to clear the screen at run-time. Rules for writing C Program 1) The header files should be declared at the starting of the program in each line. ex: # include "stdio.h" (input and output streams) #include If header file is included within quotations then the file will be searched or path of the file can be specified which may be located in any directory but if the header file is included within then the file will be searched only in the include directory. 2) Every program should contain "main" statement with return-type void. By default it takes "int" as the return-type. It is the main function where the compiler starts executing the program. 3) The block of statements should be enclosed within '{' and '}' 4) Every statement should be terminated with semicolon (;) 5) The variable should be declared at the starting of the statement. 6) C is a case sensitive so the program should be written in lower case letters except some


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION keywords, class name etc., Shortcuts f2- save the program file alt + f9 : Compile the program ctrl+f9: Run the program alt +f5 : To display the result alt + f : File menu alt + red character in menu bar : to display the options of the corresponding menu. alt + x : Exit for c++ editor (turbo editor) Formatted input and output statement 1) scanf(): it is used to accept the contents into the variable until it founds enter (return) key or space symbol. Syntax: scanf(formatted string,&var1,&var2.); Example: scanf(%d,&a); scanf(%d%d%d,&a,&b,&c); scanf(%c,&ch); printf(): it is used to display the string or to display the contents in the output screen Syntax: printf(string /formatted string,var1,var2..); Example: printf(it is c-language); printf(the value is: %d,a);


Escape characters \n - new line \t - tab space \a - alert ( bell) \f - form feed \b - backspace \\ - slash symbol \ - single quote symbol \ - double quotation \r - carriage return \0 - NULL character Operators c-language is rich in operators because it support many number of operators. If true it returns is 1 otherwise value is 0 for any operator. ex: c=a+b+10 =, + operator c,a,b,10 operands (variables, constants)


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION 1) Assignment operator: it is used to assign or store a value into the variable. The operator is = Syntax: variable=expression; Ex: c=6 (c 6) c=(a+b)-(d+e)/f Arithmetic operator: it is used to perform the arithmetical operations. These operators are also known as basic operators. The operators are +, -, *, \, %(modulus). Ex: c=5+7 (c=12) C=5%2 c=1 (remainder) Relational operators or Comparison operators: These operators are used to provide relation between the variables. The operators are >,= ,b)?a:b;


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION 7) Casting Operators: It is used to change the data type of the variable and the content is stored in the other variable. Ex: k=(int)f; (where k is int and f is float) K=(char) ch; (where ch is a character containing integer value) Comma Operator: It is used to separate the contents or variable. It is indicated with , Ex: int a,b,c; Unary operators: a) Address operator: it is represented with &. It is used to specify the address of a variable. b) Increment operator: it is indicated with ++. It is used to increase the value of the variable. It is classified into two types. They are Pre increment: it is used to increase the value of the variable of the variable in the present statement. Here the operator is preceded by the variable Post increment: it is used to increase the value of the variable of the variable in the next statement. Here the variable is preceded by the operator. c) Decrement operator: it is indicated with - -. It is used to decrease the value of the variable. It is classified into two types. They are Pre decrement: it is used to decrease the value of the variable of the variable in the present statement. Here the operator is preceded by the variable Post decrement: it is used to decrease the value of the variable of the variable in the next statement. Here the variable is preceded by the operator. d) Pointer operator: it is indicated with * . It is used to specify the value in a pointer variable. Ex: int *p; e) typedef operator : it is used to specify the alternative name for a data type so that this altenative name can be used instead of original data type name Ex: typedef int integer ; Integer a,b,c ; f) sizeof operator : It is used to specify the number of bytes occupied by a variable. Ex: printf( the number of byte of integer var is :%d ,sizeof(int)) ;




QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION Other operators: in addition to these operators c++ supports many number of operators which are used for the special purpose such as - >, .( ) , [] , ,, { } etc., Program to display information on the output screen #include void main() { clrscr(); printf("welcome to c world"); } WAP to display your address #include #include main() { clrscr(); printf("\n Name : GRK"); printf("\n D.No. : 19-168"); printf("\n Street : GPT"); printf("\n City : VSP"); getch(); } Program for demo on \n (new line) #include #include void main() { clrscr(); printf("\nhello"); printf("\nhai"); printf("\nthis is ravi"); getch(); } Program for demo on \t (tab space) #include #include void main() { clrscr(); printf("\nWelcome \t to \t c-language"); } Program to find sum of two numbers #include 10)


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION #include void main() { int a,b,c; clrscr(); printf("enter two numbers"); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); c=a+b; printf("sum of two nos:%d",c); getch(); } WAP to accept address and display the address #include #include main() { char name[20],st[20],city[20],dno[20]; clrscr(); printf(" Enter Name :"); scanf("%s",name); printf(" Enter D.No. :"); scanf("%s",dno); printf(" Enter Street :"); scanf("%s",st); printf(" Enter City :"); scanf("%s",city); printf("\n Name : %s",name); printf("\n Door no:%s",dno); printf("\n street :%s",st); printf("\n city :%s",city); getch(); } Write a program to read a character from keyboard and print its ASCII value. #include #include void main() { char ch; clrscr(); printf("enter a character"); scanf("%c",&ch); printf("The Equivalent ASCII value for the given characters is :%d",ch); getch(); }



Write a program to read length and breadth or a rectangle and find its area and perimeter. #include #include void main() { int l,b,area,peri; clrscr(); printf("enter length of rectangle:"); scanf("%d",&l); printf("enter breadth of rectangle:"); scanf("%d",&b); area=l*b; peri= printf("The area of the rectangle:%d",area); printf("The perimeter of the rectangle:%d",perm); getch(); } WAP to convert the given number is ASCII character #include #include void main() { int n; clrscr(); printf("Enter a value:"); scanf("%d",&n); /* char ch; ch=n;*/ printf("\n The ASCII charcter is:%c",n); getch(); } Write a program to read radius of a circle and find area and circumference. #include #include void main() { int r,area,cir; clrscr(); printf("enter radius of the circle:"); scanf("%d",&r); area=(3.14*r*r); cir=(2*3.14*r); printf("The area of the circle:%d",area); printf("The circumference of the circle:%d",cir); getch();


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION } Program to find addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and modulus of two numbers #include #include void main() { int a,b,c,d,e,g; float f; clrscr(); printf("enter two numbers"); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); c=a+b; d=a-b; e=a*b; f=a/b; g=(float)a%b; printf("\n sum of two numbers:%d",c); printf("\n sub of two numbers:%d",d); printf("\n multiplication of two numbers:%d",e); printf("\n division of two numbers:%d",f); printf("\n modulus of two numbers:%d",g); getch(); } Program to convert centigrade to Fahrenheit # include # include void main() { int c,f; clrscr(); printf("enter the value of centigrade"); scanf("%d",&c); f=(9*c/5)+32; printf(" the value in Fahrenheit is %d",f); getch(); } program to swap two numbers using intermediate variable #include #include void main() { int a,b,c;


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION clrscr(); printf(Enter two number); scanf(%d%d,&a,&b); c=a; a=b; b=c; printf(After swapping the values are :%d %d,a,b); getch(); } program to swap two numbers without using intermediate variable #include #include void main() { int a,b; clrscr(); printf(Enter two number); scanf(%d%d,&a,&b); a=a+b; b=a-b; a=a-b; printf(After swapping the values are :%d %d,a,b); getch(); } program to find the biggest of 2 numbers using conditional operator #include #include void main() { int a,b,max; clrscr(); printf("enter first value"); scanf("%d",&a); printf("enter second value"); scanf("%d",&b); max=(a>b)?a:b; printf("max value :%d",max); getch(); } program to find the biggest of 3 numbers using conditional operator #include #include void main()


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION { int a,b,c,x,y; clrscr(); printf("enter three values"); scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); x=(a>b)?a:b; y=(x>c)?x:c; printf("max value:%d",y); getch(); } WAP to find the smallest of 5 numbers using ternary operator (or) conditional operator #include #include void main() { int a,b,c,d,e,x,y,z,p; clrscr(); printf("Enter five values"); scanf("%d%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c,&d,&e); x=(ac) { printf(" the biggest number is:%d",b); } else { printf(" the biggest number is:%d",c); } getch(); } program to find whether the given number is positive, negative or zero #include #include void main() { int n; clrscr(); printf ("enter one number"); scanf("%d",&n); if (n>0) { printf("the no is positive:%d",n); } else if (n=21) printf("He is Eligible for voting"); else prinf("He is Not eligible for voting"); } else if(gender=='f' || gender=='F') { if(age>=18) printf("She is Eligible for voting"); else prinf("She is Not eligible for voting"); } else { printf("Wrong input"); } getch(); } the above program using switch-case


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION /* switch(n%2) { case 0: printf("It is even"); case 1: printf("It is odd");

WAP to find Quadratic Roots #include #include #include void main() { int a,b,c,d; float x1,x2; clrscr(); printf("Enter values for a,b,c"); scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); d=(b*b)-(4*a*c); if (d==0) { printf("\n Roots are real & equal"); x1=x2=-b/(2*a); printf("\n The two roots are:%f\t%f" } else if (d>0) { printf("\n Roots are real & unequal"); x1=(-b+sqrt(d) )/(2*a); x2=(-b-sqrt(d) )/(2*a); printf("\n The two roots are:%f\t%f",x1,x2); } else { printf("\n Roots are imaginary"); x1=-b/(2*a); x2=sqrt(d)/(2*a); printf("\n First root: %f+i(%f)",x1,x2); printf("\n Second root: %f-i(%f)",x1,x2); } getch(); }


Program to accept employ number, employ name, basic salary and calculate ta,da, hra, pf, it, net salary, gross salary (if-statement) #include #include void main()


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION { char ename[10]; int eno; float ta,da,hra,pf,it,nsal,gsal,basic; clrscr(); printf("Enter employ number"); scanf("%d",&eno); printf("Enter Employ Name"); scanf("%s",ename); printf("Enter Basic salary"); scanf("%f",&basic); if (basic5000 && basic10000 && basic20000) { ta=(15.8*basic)/100; da=(16.8*basic)/100; hra=(19.8*basic)/100; pf=(19.5*basic)/100; it=(18.99*basic)/100; } gsal=basic+ta+da+hra; nsal=gsal-it-pf; clrscr();


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION printf("\n printf("\n printf("\n printf("\n printf("\n printf("\n printf("\n printf("\n printf("\n printf("\n getch(); } The employ number:%d",eno); The employ name:%s",ename); The Basic Salary:%0.2f",basic); The Travelling allowance:%0.2f",ta); The Dearness allowance:%0.2f",da); The Provident fund:%0.2f",pf); The Income Tax:%0.2f",it); The House Rent Alowance:%0.2f",hra); The Gross Salary:%0.2f",gsal); The Net Salary:%0.2f",nsal);

write a program to accept 3 sides and check whether it is right angled triangle, obtuse angled triangle, acute angled triangle, scalene triangle, equivaleteral triangle or isosceles triangle #include #include void main() { int a,b,c,max,x,y; clrscr(); printf("Enter values for three sides"): scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); if (a>b && a>c) { max=a; x=b; y=c; } else if (b>a && b>c) { max=b; x=a; y=c; } else { max=c; x=a; y=b; } if (max(x*x)+(y*y) ) printf("\n It is Obtuse angled triangle"); else printf("\n It is Acute angled triangle"); if(a==b==c) printf("\n It is Equilateral triangle"); else if(a==b || b==c || c==a) printf("\n It is Isosceles triangle"); else printf("\n It is Scalene triangle"); } else { printf(It is not a triangle); } getch(); } Program to display the equivalent day for the given value(1-7) (switch-case) #include #include void main() { int n; clrscr(); printf("Enter a number(1-7)"); scanf("%d",&n); switch(n) { case 1: printf("\n Sunday");break; case 2: printf("\n Monday");break; case 3: printf("\n Tuesday");break; case 4: printf("\n Wednesday");break; case 5: printf("\n Thursday");break; case 6: printf("\n Friday");break; case 7: printf("\n Saturday");break; default: printf("Wrong input"); } getch(); } #include #include void main() { int n;


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION clrscr(); printf("Enter a number(1-7)"); scanf("%d",&n); switch(n) { case 1: printf("\n Sunday"); case 2: printf("\n Monday"); case 3: printf("\n Tuesday"); case 4: printf("\n Wednesday"); case 5: printf("\n Thursday"); case 6: printf("\n Friday"); case 7: printf("\n Saturday");break; default: printf("Wrong input"); } getch(); } WAP to check whether the given character is vowel or consonant #include #include void main() { char ch; clrscr(); printf("Enter a character"); scanf("%c",&ch); switch(ch) { case 'a': case 'A': case 'e': case 'E': case 'i': case 'I': case 'o': case 'O': case 'u': case 'U': printf("It is vowel");break; default: printf("It is consonant");break; } getch(); } Program to display the day for the given date in august 2002 (switch-case) #include #include void main() { int date; clrscr();


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION printf("Enter date in August 2002(1-31)"); scanf("%d",&date); if (date>=1 && dateinfo) cout left); cout no) bnode->left = build(bnode->left,tno); else bnode->right = build(bnode->right,tno); return (bnode); }

void printtreeinorder(struct node *ptr) { if(ptr != NULL) {


QUALITY COMPUTER EDUCATION printtreeinorder(ptr->left); printf("\t%d",ptr->no); printtreeinorder(ptr->right); } } void printtreepreorder(struct node *ptr) { if(ptr != NULL) { printf("\t%d",ptr->no); printtreepreorder(ptr->left); printtreepreorder(ptr->right); } }

void printtreepostorder(struct node *ptr) { if(ptr != NULL) { printtreepostorder(ptr->left); printtreepostorder(ptr->right); printf("\t%d",ptr->no); } } program for binary tree #include #include #include struct node { int no; struct node *left; struct node *right; }; void printtree1(struct node *); void printtree2(struct node *); void printtree3(struct node *);



struct node *build(struct node *,int); void main() { struct node *root,*build(); char ch; int tno=0; clrscr(); root=NULL; printf("\nEnter any number: "); scanf("%d",&tno); fflush(stdin); while(tno != 0) { root = build(root,tno); printf("\nEnter any number (0-stop)"); scanf("%d",&tno); fflush(stdin); } printtree1(root); printf("\n"); printtree2(root); printf("\n"); printtree3(root); getch(); } struct node *build(struct node *bnode , int tno) { if(bnode == NULL) { bnode =(struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); bnode->no = tno; bnode->left = bnode->right = NULL; } else if(tno < bnode->no) bnode->left = build(bnode->left,tno); else bnode->right = build(bnode->right,tno); return (bnode); } //inorder



void printtree1(struct node *ptr) { if(ptr != NULL) { printtree1(ptr->left); printf("%d\t",ptr->no); printtree1(ptr->right); } } //preorder void printtree2(struct node *ptr) { if(ptr != NULL) { printf("%d\t",ptr->no); printtree2(ptr->left); printtree2(ptr->right); } } //postorder void printtree3(struct node *ptr) { if(ptr != NULL) { printtree3(ptr->left); printtree3(ptr->right); printf("%d\t",ptr->no); } }