bw ctt-ar tr evening bulletin - university of hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · sinco tha timo he has not...

HHBBgfHRIHWMKnHHMMPKflaHHM r 851 "BW ;- -" i i Tfr ,f. CTt"-aR TTOPWWI'.WW'JIW IHJll . J f8iBlftgaTaiT'i,?T glyjgJtWIllWWeqff j nTI " t-- .- Fl fmk .,.- - wr 1- - jp Tr "flV" '' WT-JS- W ' !"! WW ACQUIRE INFORMATION BY READING Evening Bulletin THE BULLETIN - Vol. V. No. 1012. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER I), 1898. THE HAWAIIAN JUDICIARY JUDGE ANTONE ROSA DEAD WILL PLAY AT BASEBALL ON EDUCATIONAL MATTERS CITY OF COLUMBIA AT HILO ' Its Structure Under tlio New Govern- - Passes Away In Prime ot Life Early New York Boys to Indulge in the Am- erican Schedule of Assistants and List of Sal- aries Pioneer Seattle Steamer Makes Hawaii meat Is Considered. This Morning. Game. Adopted. Brethren Happy. I'" i ii' J Proceedings ot Bar Meeting Arizona Judge Elucidates Territorial Experienc- e- Ques tlons or Race and Boat Races. Tln-r- wob n culled meotiug of tbo Bur yesterday afternoon. Thoso present wero: Attorney General W. O. Smith, Assistant to Attoruoy Genornl A. L. 0. At- kinson, Pnul Neumann, F. M. Hatch, L. A. Thurston, J. M. "Davidson, W. Horace Wright, W. A. Honshall, Enoch Johueon, J. I. Knulia, J. M. Vivas, P. L. Weaver, John U. Willard, llnjal Mend, R. D. Sillitnau, J. L. Coko and Harry P. Weber. Judge J. 13. Enrly of Arizona was a visitor. Tho Attorney General presided and his Assistant nctod as secre- tary. Tho chairman gave the object cf tho meeting ns being a response to a resolution passed by tho Hawnium Commission, soliciting tho viowb of tho members of the local Bar on a Judiciary Bystem under tho now govorumout to be prescribed by Congress. Ho also submittod tho draft of a series of resolutions for coneid eration. They are as follows: Resolved: That tho Hawaiian Bar fully recommend to tho Ha- waiian Commission, tho following judiciary system: 1. That tho Supromo Court of Hawaii bo tho court of last resort of all matters within its jurisdic- tion. 2. That a Federal Court bo es- tablished with tho samo jurisdio 'lion as that exorcised by Federal Courts in tho sovoral States, and with appeal to tho Higher United States Courts in aocordanca with law. 3. That tho presont sstom of a purely appollato Supremo Court with Circuit Judges for tho vari- ous circuits and District Magis trates bo preserved. 1. That tho Judges of Courts of record bo appointed by the Governor of Hawaii by and with tho ndvico and consent of the majority of tho Senato of Hawaii. 5. That tbo torm of tho Jus ticos of tho Supromo Court bo eight years, that of tho Circuit Court six years, and District Mag istrates two years. G. That the distinction botween Common Law and Equity Proce- dure be preserved. 7. That tho presont system of committal of persons oharged with crimo, by District Magistrutoj in- stead of presentment by graud jury be continued so far as offen- ces ngainst local lawB aro con- cerned. i 8. That tho present (.yst-i- u of I jury trial bo continued undor which a verdict in both civil and criminal cases may bo rendered by nino out of twolvo jurors. 9. That tho presont system of requiring juries composed of mi tivo Hawaiians to try cases in whioh native HawuiianB aro con- cerned, and of foroign juries to try foreigners, bo abolished. After tho reading of tho resolu- tions there was a desultory con- versation, touching upon several of tho propositions and lasting for several minutes. Then expres- sions bocomo moro defiinito as well as positive. Mr. Thurston did not want to admit of appeals on purely local questions being carried to Wash- ington. Also ho thought the ap pollato court ought to bo distinct from tho district or circuit courts apposed from. Tho noaror they could ndhero to tho presont sys- tem tho better it would bo. On a constitutional question a mattor could bo carried to Washington i upon a writ of orror. J Tho chairman said that tho ' gontlemou of tho Commission, at a hearing tho other day, seemed Continued on Third Pugo. Was Leader of Native Bar Had Filled Several Offices -- His Education and Professional Training Purely Local. Antono Rosa is dead. This was tho startling word from mouth to mouth as tho city woko up tbis morning. Although Mr. Rosa's casual acquaintances had missed him sometime, comparatively few wero awaro that ho was dosparato ly ill. Ho had been confined to his house, however, for two months with a complication of ailmonts, which resulted in bis death at 2:30 this morning. Autono Rosa was born at Kalne, Mnlokni, on Novombor 10, 1855, and was tboreforo within three months of boing forty-thr- eo yoara of age. His father was tho late Antono Rosa, a Portuguese far- mer, who lately lived at Kalihi near Honolulu and died a fow years ago. Mr. Rosa leaves a wifo and throe young children. Ho was married twice, his first wifo dying. Tho widow was formerly Mibs Ladd, of tho family of a pioneer Amorican sugar planter, whoso namo is porpetuated today in a claim ponding at Washington that oE Brinaruado & Ladd against a former Hawaiian Gov- ernment for breach of a leaso. Thero aro sovoral brothers of Mr. Rosa surviving bim, Joseph boing foroman of tho Independent nows composing room. First attendiug school at Ahui- - raanu on this island, Mr. Rosa completed bis education at tho Royal school undor Rav. A Mackintosh. Ho hob clerk for 0. C. Harris, and on Octobor 25, 1877 when Mr. Harris was Chief Justice, ho was appointed deputy clerk of the Supremo Court. Tbis oflioo bo hold until September 3, loba, and afterward ho studied law in tho oflico of W. R. Castle. Ho was admitted to tho Bar on examination October 27, 188-1- . After having been Deputy At tornoy-Gono- rol for somo time, Mr. Rosa was appointed by King Ka lakaua as Attorney-Genera- l on November 15, 1880, going ouf of otlice with the last Gibson ad ministration tho latter part of Juno, 1887. Mr. Rosa nctod as Chamberlain of tho Household for somo time. Upon tho death of Judge Austin of tho Fourth Circuit, Mr. Rosa was commission- ed to Buccoed bim in October, 189G. Although bo bad boon an opponent of the Republic, ho sunk. his personal looungs on tms oo cnalou to roliovo an embarasBinc situation in the Judioiary. Aftor presiding with acknowledged ab- ility nt tho Kohala torm, ho ro- - simied tho iudanship in favor of private practiso of the law. Mr. ltisa was easily leader of tho native Hawaiian Bar. Thoro was none bis superior pleading a caso to a native jury, and bo was tho one nativo barrister who could bold bis own in English, with any practitioner, in addressing a foro- - Coutinuud on olghth iai;e. Royal mki the food pure, wholesome and ddlclMM. 7jl POWDER Absolute! puro nom MMNq rowci n eo., new mat. Col. Barber Das Purchased Outfit Engineers Laying Out Diamond There Will Be Four Teams. From tbo prosont appearanco of things out in tho camp of the Now Yorkers, tbo boys aro to remain hero for somo timo yot. Ouo thing is stirring up a great doal of interest in tho camp now. This is basobull. A short timo since Col. Barber announced bis intention to bavo a number of baseball teams in tho regimont. Ho has purchased a wholo baso-ba- ll outfit, aud tbis morning ougineors were busy laying out tho diamond insido tho Kapiolani park raco track. Senator Grant, quartormastor in Co F, baa intoreated himself in tho movement and has made a pro- position that will undoubtedly bo adoptod. Thoro aro to bo lour teamB, ono from each of tho threo battalions in tho rogimeut and ono from tho body of engineers. Four men, ono from each com pany in oach battalion, will con- stitute a board to chooso mou for tho toam in their battalion. A praoti90 gamo will bo played tomorrow and practise will than bo indulgod in daily. Thoro nro fine players among tbo Now York- ers and a soriea of oxcitiug games is expected. The rivalry botween tho various battalions will undoubtedly bo great. Anotbor evont would go to show that the Now Yorkers aro to ro-m- ain hero for somo timo yot. Col. Barber has oxpreBsed his inten- tion to set up a range in tho vicin- ity of tbo camp for rifle practise. Still another point. Wood floors aro boing put iuto tbo men's tents. Uopotlteil u Kalukuiia. Henry Smith, Clork of tbo Ju diciary, whilo in Washington visitod the Smithsonian Institu- tion. He dopnsitfd with bis card the only Hawaiian coin be hap- pened to bavo in bis pookot, and Geo, P. Merrill, the noting oxecu-tiv- o curator U. S. Museum, no knowledged tho gift in a formal receipt as a "Hawaiian Dollar of tho issuo of 1883 in circulation during tho roign of Kalakaua I." It is numbered on tbo form as "Accession 33,909." l'trl ua Ml'. Inc. A placard announcing Goo. P. Halberstadt of Philadelphia, Pa., as missing, I us just boon received and posted a the police station. Halberstadt bade farowell to his peoplo at the corner of Chicago Avenuo and Superior St., Chicago, in June 1, with tho intention of going further west. Sinco tha timo he has not beon heard from Foul play or mental aberration, probably tho Iattpr, is suspected. Liko most peoplo afliicted with doraontia ho may havo assumed anotbor namo. Halberstadt is described ns fol- lows: 33 years of ug 5 feet 10 inches in height, slondor with very sloping sbouldors, walks Grout with swinging gait, bluo eyes, blond hair not very light uor sandy, thin growth of board, Van- dyke style. Flrn ConimUiiloitera. Thoro was a meeting of tho Board of Firo Commissioners yos torday evoning Andrew Brown, chairman, Charles Grozier and J. H. Fishor, with W. It. Sims, sec- retary, all present. Routine busi- ness only was transacted. Tho Board will bold another meeting tomorrow nnd a spocial ono next week. Action will bo taken on tho matter of additional equipment provided for by tbo Legislature. IIP! M Changes and Appointments Made Kamehamcha Graduate Gets Position Resigna- tion of Vivian Smith. At a mooting of tho Commis- sioners of Education held yester day afternoon thoro woro present tbo following: President Cooper, Prof. Alexander, Mrs. Jorkan, Mr. Hopkins. Tbo Teachers' Coramittoo re- ported tbo schodulo of assistants; also list of proposod salaries. The saheclulo wns adopted as recom- - mondod nud tho salary list adopted. Mies Jnnhnko who was recently appointed to a position on tho Island of Kauai rosignod. Tho r s'gnntion was accepted and S. W. Mohoula was appointed to tako her place at Hannlei. Mr. Mohoula, a graduato of. Kamoha-meh- a, has been teaching with sua cess at Waihoo. W. K. Knlaiwaa, a graduate of Kamebamoha Normal School, was appointed to tho position at Wai- hoe, vico Mr. Meboula. Mrs. Harriet M. Davis was ap- pointed to Labaiua, vico Miss Ida Horner. Miss Auna Christian was ap- pointed to Hnnamaulu and Miss Arnold to Kalihi-uk- a. S. W. Lukua was transferred from Kalihi-- uka to Pohakupnka, Hawaii. This chango was made in order that a lady might bo placed as as- sistant to tbo principal of Kalihi-uk- a for the purposo of carrying on instruction in sowing. Tho salary of F. W. Abbott was fixed. Tho rosiguatidn of Vivian Smith from tho Waiawa school was ac- cepted. Miss Tillio Provior waB ap- pointed in Mr. Smith's place. Other roattorsof importance on ly to tho Board, woro nttendod to and tbo mooting adjourned to moot again next week. a ii:liiitfui. iiiwakfaht. Fint Appearand) of Snowdrop llama anil Ilacona In tho Murkct. Many peoplo were attracted on Bothel streot today by tho grocory window of J. T. Watorbouso. In it woro displayed snowdrop hams and bacon a spocial pack put up in Chicago for this firm. It has beon fourteen days on routo from tho Lako City aud is nil innova- tion in tho Honolulu markot. Tho bacon and hams como from corn-fe- d hogs; thoy woro specially cured, covorod with puro whito canvas and packed in tho finost of tablo salt. Tho moat is of tho most doliciouB flavor, sucoulont aud tonder and mnkes a dolightful breakfast. In tho lino of ham and bacon tho snowdrop brand is incomparnblo. It is tbo no plus ultra of all bams and bacon, But this wasn't all. Tbo firm dis- played n wealth of bologna and iho celebrated silver leaf lard, in small cans for family use. Thoso desiring to try tho ham and bncon should send in their orders early. s lilt Cyclery. 231 King Street. Hit been appointed agent In the Hawaiian lUn.ll (or the lamous "STOIiMEIt" Bicycle wtll known for their ability to Han i liar i wear They are LOW In rrlce but HIGH In quality They have MORGAN & WHIGIITS DOUM-- TUHE TIRLS, fluih Joints. Tauber luneers, 13 lllock chain anJ eery modern Improvement I nainel anj tlnKh equal to any. "ully guarantee J a tiunatulal anj worUmanhlp In every way eiualto hluh prlceJ ma. chines lor hard work and wear Price spot cash $40 00 Ladles and gentlemen's In stock Contracts taken to repair all, punctures and keep bike In euod order al $1.00 per month, PltlOK Q OENT3. 'M i9 Chamber of Commerce Started Request from U. S. Postal Service Republican Club Memorial. Tho Hawaii Horald announces tho arrival in Hilo of tho steamer City of Columbia, Tuesday morn- ing, Sopt.G. There aro sixty-fiv- o first cabin paseongors on tho steamer, most of whom aro roprosontatives of tho press and business bousos on tho Sound who visit tbo islands for tbo purpoBO of investigation. It is undorstood that Hilo will bo tho first and final port touched by tho steamers in tbis lino and tho promoters confidently expect a big trade. Thoy hopo to secure tho shipment of nil the coffee grown in tho vicinity of Hilo bo-sid- es any othor products that may bo presonted. Tho City of Col- umbia is fitted with a porfect plant, nud fruits nud vonotables of all kinds from Ore gon and Washington maj- - be brought bero in excollent condi- - Hon. Hor cargo on this voyogo consists of hay, grain and feed stuffs. Sho hns zUUO barrels ot Hour trom the Contonnial Milliug Company aud kog beer measuring 100 tons. Sho linB for ber return voyage 700 tons of sugar promised by Theo. H. Davios cfe Co., Ltd., of Honolulu Following is tno list ot snip's officers: Captain, W J Smith; first officer, Chas L Aroy, lato raastor of tho Bchooucr Noyo; second officor, Edward Uloment; third officer, P. Jncobsen; chief engineor, 11 A Tumor; assistant, U. A lrumuoll; second nssistaut, M Soli8; purser, S W Bokor; froight clerk, O E Bryant and steward, Frank Howe. Tbo City of Columbia is ex- pected to arrive in Honolulu to morrow. Tbo following have sigued them solves as mombers of tho Hilo Chamber of Commerco: Dr P ltice, E G Hitchcock, E N Holmes, WS WiBo, WA Hardy, J T Stacker, L Turner, E E Riohards, E D Baldwin, F0 Le Blond, O A Galbraith, H L Shaw. F L Wintor, H O Austin, F S Lyman,ltobert Rycroft,L L Grant, OO Kennedy, W W Goodale, T J Higgins, J W Mason, Floroutin Souza, Ilonry Jonos and Ohif Omstod. Tbo committee appointed from among mombors of tbo Bomiblio an Club to draft a momonal to be prosented to tho Hawaiiau Com missioners has resigned, aud auotber committee will be olectod by tho club. Undo Sara has moro pull than all tho politicians in Hilo com binod. Postmaster Soveranco re- ceived on tho City of Columbia a letter from tho postmaster ut Seat-tl- o asking for a list of all post offices in Hawaii whioh rely upon Hilo as a distributing office. This moanB that Hilo is recognized in tho United States as a real post-offic- o and for tho first timo in his- tory a foroign mail has como to Hilo without having to pass through tho Honolulu oflico. it is probaulo now, if tho citizens make a formal request of tbo postmaster coneral at Wasbincton, that Hilo can bo miulo a foroign money ordei oflico. Fred. Lee, representing tho firm of O. Sidnoy Shopard & Co., of Seattlo, is in Hilo m tho intorosts of his firm whioh, by the way, is tho largost in the manufacture of stamped and Japauned tinwaro aluminum goods, etc, iu tho world, Ho states that tbo business men on tho Sound aro anxious to ex tend thoir business to tho Hawai- ian islands, and thoy havo faith in Hilo because thoy havo loarned of tho possibilities hern. Amorican Messongor sorvico. Masonic Templo.Tolophono 111. INCREASE 9 Business M By Advertising tS The Bulletin m WAITING ON WASHINGTON 9 Matter of Permanent Garrison for De- - 1 clslon by Secretary of War. J fB Many Sites Planned and Inspected Nothing ji New About Quartering Troops In m City of Honolulu. M Brigadier General Charles A. King, commanding tho District of Hawaii, was seon by a Bulletin reporter this afternoon and asked if auything had been done regnrd-m- g tho selection of a sito for per- manent garrison quartors. "Wo havo seen a good mauy sites, wo havo mapped out a good many sites, and wo have talked ovor a good many sites," ho nns-wore- d, "but nothing can bo dono until we boar from tho Secretary of War. "Oh, yes, tbo Secretary of War hns to pnsB upon tho plans and give tho decision." Asked if anything bad been dono with respoct to tho quarter- ing of a detachment of troops in the city, General King roplicd figuratively and with emphasis: "I nevor cross n bridgo until I como to it, sir." IMIICKS SMIIIM1 UIIIV.V. Stik KiclninuH Not Partlrulnrly CSS Use Stock pricos showed a tendency to decline at the meeting of tbo Board this morning, Two lots of Ooknln, of 20 and 25 shares sold at 8100 a drop from S10!) asked yes- - t'rday. Ewn has dropped from 82.15 to $242 GQ witb no sales nud Iutir-Islan- comes down to $145. The Bhaving down of prices is said to bo duo to tho banks having reached tho limit of tho amount that cau bo borrowed on stocks. Tho tendency now eeoms to be to hold unlops small lots can bo ob- tained at reduced prices. Following aro . . tions: AskoU. Hid. '' fllZM AaiorUwi Suptr Co. 12(1 00 Hiiwn Agr Co 1(H) 00 Hiinn HllKiir Co (Mnk) 17ft llouokit.i 100 Hnlku Knliiikii 15(1 (X) Oiilni (iissoks iblu) 10 00 I'iio SiiKitr Mill lOK)0kl'O l'iuiivor Mill 4(H) 00 Wullukii Stipir Co Wiilnmimio 107 f,() Wllilor S S Co 115 (() I INN Co 115 00 Miitllul Tol Co 1 1 00 II uvn KlL'o C 200 00 Honomti I135 00 KIii tlmlu Ooknln 102 Vt 100 Ulovwilll Frauk Davey took tbo flashlight picture in his wholo caroor at tho juaii given by Princess Kaiulani iu honor of tho Hawaiian Com- mission the other night. Tho faces of Governor Cleidiorn, Minister Damon, Admiral Miller, Congress- man Hitt nnd others nro as cloar as life. Honolulu AreH-ong- or Service do-live- rs messages nud packogos. Tel..phono378. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. dold Medal, Midwinter Pair. DR CREAM BAKING A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Po 40 YEARS THE ST7 f:A-mt- . rfcrifri tft.i ,.;,mfll. ...a filtflU rfnin In 'Wfuv'" ,aTTftfifr 'c!5rfftftt,Tr.-,- 3 ,i.,rtJftM'wlfoviw.ii'r'.l Xw. tH M m 1 . M ' vjj .s, ... .,.... !.. .u.. v -- - - rf. ii.-- - '! tit. 'iff ' " if iri f j -- V ,i,

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Page 1: BW CTt-aR Tr Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · Sinco tha timo he has not beon heard from Foul play or mental aberration, probably tho Iattpr, is suspected

HHBBgfHRIHWMKnHHMMPKflaHHM r851 "BW ;- -" i i Tfr ,f. CTt"-aR TTOPWWI'.WW'JIW I H Jll . Jf8iBlftgaTaiT'i,?T glyjgJtWIllWWeqff j nTI" t-- .- Fl fmk.,.- - wr 1- - jp Tr "flV" '' WT-JS- W ' !"!WW





Vol. V. No. 1012. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER I), 1898.


' Its Structure Under tlio New Govern- - Passes Away In Prime ot Life Early New York Boys to Indulge in the Am-


Schedule of Assistants and List of Sal-


Pioneer Seattle Steamer Makes Hawaii

meat Is Considered. This Morning. Game. Adopted. Brethren Happy.





Proceedings ot Bar Meeting Arizona Judge

Elucidates Territorial Experienc- e- Ques

tlons or Race and Boat Races.

Tln-r- wob n culled meotiug of

tbo Bur yesterday afternoon.Thoso present wero: AttorneyGeneral W. O. Smith, Assistantto Attoruoy Genornl A. L. 0. At-

kinson, Pnul Neumann, F. M.

Hatch, L. A. Thurston, J. M."Davidson, W. Horace Wright, W.

A. Honshall, Enoch Johueon, J.I. Knulia, J. M. Vivas, P. L.Weaver, John U. Willard, llnjalMend, R. D. Sillitnau, J. L. Coko

and Harry P. Weber. Judge J.13. Enrly of Arizona was a visitor.

Tho Attorney General presidedand his Assistant nctod as secre-tary.

Tho chairman gave the objectcf tho meeting ns being a responseto a resolution passed by thoHawnium Commission, solicitingtho viowb of tho members of thelocal Bar on a Judiciary Bystemunder tho now govorumout to beprescribed by Congress.

Ho also submittod tho draft ofa series of resolutions for coneideration. They are as follows:

Resolved: That tho HawaiianBar fully recommend to tho Ha-waiian Commission, tho followingjudiciary system:

1. That tho Supromo Court ofHawaii bo tho court of last resortof all matters within its jurisdic-tion.

2. That a Federal Court bo es-

tablished with tho samo jurisdio'lion as that exorcised by FederalCourts in tho sovoral States, andwith appeal to tho Higher UnitedStates Courts in aocordanca withlaw.

3. That tho presont sstom ofa purely appollato Supremo Courtwith Circuit Judges for tho vari-ous circuits and District Magistrates bo preserved.

1. That tho Judges of Courtsof record bo appointed by theGovernor of Hawaii by and withtho ndvico and consent of themajority of tho Senato of Hawaii.

5. That tbo torm of tho Justicos of tho Supromo Court boeight years, that of tho CircuitCourt six years, and District Magistrates two years.

G. That the distinction botweenCommon Law and Equity Proce-

dure be preserved.7. That tho presont system of

committal of persons oharged withcrimo, by District Magistrutoj in-

stead of presentment by graudjury be continued so far as offen-ces ngainst local lawB aro con-

cerned.i 8. That tho present (.yst-i- u ofI jury trial bo continued undor

which a verdict in both civil andcriminal cases may bo renderedby nino out of twolvo jurors.

9. That tho presont system ofrequiring juries composed of mitivo Hawaiians to try cases inwhioh native HawuiianB aro con-cerned, and of foroign juries totry foreigners, bo abolished.

After tho reading of tho resolu-tions there was a desultory con-

versation, touching upon severalof tho propositions and lasting forseveral minutes. Then expres-sions bocomo moro defiinito aswell as positive.

Mr. Thurston did not want toadmit of appeals on purely localquestions being carried to Wash-

ington. Also ho thought the appollato court ought to bo distinctfrom tho district or circuit courtsapposed from. Tho noaror theycould ndhero to tho presont sys-

tem tho better it would bo. On aconstitutional question a mattorcould bo carried to Washington

i upon a writ of orror.J Tho chairman said that tho' gontlemou of tho Commission, at

a hearing tho other day, seemed

Continued on Third Pugo.

Was Leader of Native Bar Had Filled Several

Offices -- His Education and Professional

Training Purely Local.

Antono Rosa is dead. This wastho startling word from mouth tomouth as tho city woko up tbismorning. Although Mr. Rosa'scasual acquaintances had missedhim sometime, comparatively few

wero awaro that ho was dosparatoly ill. Ho had been confinedto his house, however, for two

months with a complication of

ailmonts, which resulted in bisdeath at 2:30 this morning.

Autono Rosa was born at Kalne,Mnlokni, on Novombor 10, 1855,and was tboreforo within threemonths of boing forty-thr- eo yoaraof age. His father was tho lateAntono Rosa, a Portuguese far-mer, who lately lived at Kalihinear Honolulu and died a fowyears ago. Mr. Rosa leaves a wifoand throe young children. Howas married twice, his first wifodying. Tho widow was formerlyMibs Ladd, of tho family of apioneer Amorican sugar planter,whoso namo is porpetuated todayin a claim ponding at Washington

that oE Brinaruado & Laddagainst a former Hawaiian Gov-ernment for breach of a leaso.Thero aro sovoral brothers of Mr.Rosa surviving bim, Joseph boingforoman of tho Independent nowscomposing room.

First attendiug school at Ahui- -raanu on this island, Mr. Rosacompleted bis education at thoRoyal school undor Rav. AMackintosh. Ho hob clerk for0. C. Harris, and on Octobor 25,1877 when Mr. Harris was ChiefJustice, ho was appointed deputyclerk of the Supremo Court. Tbisoflioo bo hold until September 3,loba, and afterward ho studiedlaw in tho oflico of W. R. Castle.Ho was admitted to tho Bar onexamination October 27, 188-1- .

After having been Deputy Attornoy-Gono- rol for somo time, Mr.Rosa was appointed by King Kalakaua as Attorney-Genera- l onNovember 15, 1880, going ouf ofotlice with the last Gibson administration tho latter part ofJuno, 1887. Mr. Rosa nctod asChamberlain of tho Household forsomo time. Upon tho death ofJudge Austin of tho FourthCircuit, Mr. Rosa was commission-ed to Buccoed bim in October,189G. Although bo bad boon anopponent of the Republic, ho sunk.his personal looungs on tms oocnalou to roliovo an embarasBincsituation in the Judioiary. Aftorpresiding with acknowledged ab-ility nt tho Kohala torm, ho ro--simied tho iudanship in favor ofprivate practiso of the law.

Mr. ltisa was easily leader oftho native Hawaiian Bar. Thorowas none bis superiorpleading a caso to anative jury, and bo was tho onenativo barrister who could boldbis own in English, with anypractitioner, in addressing a foro- -

Coutinuud on olghth iai;e.

Royal mki the food pure,wholesome and ddlclMM.

7jlPOWDERAbsolute! puro

nom MMNq rowci n eo., new mat.

Col. Barber Das Purchased Outfit Engineers

Laying Out Diamond There Will

Be Four Teams.

From tbo prosont appearanco ofthings out in tho camp of the NowYorkers, tbo boys aro to remainhero for somo timo yot.

Ouo thing is stirring up a greatdoal of interest in tho camp now.This is basobull. A short timosince Col. Barber announced bisintention to bavo a number ofbaseball teams in tho regimont.Ho has purchased a wholo baso-ba- ll

outfit, aud tbis morningougineors were busy laying outtho diamond insido tho Kapiolanipark raco track.

Senator Grant, quartormastor inCo F, baa intoreated himself intho movement and has made a pro-position that will undoubtedly boadoptod.

Thoro aro to bo lour teamB, onofrom each of tho threo battalionsin tho rogimeut and ono from thobody of engineers.

Four men, ono from each company in oach battalion, will con-

stitute a board to chooso mou fortho toam in their battalion.

A praoti90 gamo will bo playedtomorrow and practise will thanbo indulgod in daily. Thoro nrofine players among tbo Now York-ers and a soriea of oxcitiug gamesis expected.

The rivalry botween tho variousbattalions will undoubtedly bogreat.

Anotbor evont would go to showthat the Now Yorkers aro to ro-m- ain

hero for somo timo yot. Col.Barber has oxpreBsed his inten-tion to set up a range in tho vicin-ity of tbo camp for rifle practise.

Still another point. Wood floorsaro boing put iuto tbo men's tents.

Uopotlteil u Kalukuiia.Henry Smith, Clork of tbo Ju

diciary, whilo in Washingtonvisitod the Smithsonian Institu-tion. He dopnsitfd with bis cardthe only Hawaiian coin be hap-pened to bavo in bis pookot, andGeo, P. Merrill, the noting oxecu-tiv- o

curator U. S. Museum, noknowledged tho gift in a formalreceipt as a "Hawaiian Dollar oftho issuo of 1883 in circulationduring tho roign of Kalakaua I."It is numbered on tbo form as"Accession 33,909."

l'trl ua Ml'. Inc.

A placard announcing Goo. P.Halberstadt of Philadelphia, Pa.,as missing, I us just boon receivedand posted a the police station.

Halberstadt bade farowell to hispeoplo at the corner of ChicagoAvenuo and Superior St., Chicago,in June 1, with tho intention ofgoing further west. Sinco thatimo he has not beon heard fromFoul play or mental aberration,probably tho Iattpr, is suspected.Liko most peoplo afliicted withdoraontia ho may havo assumedanotbor namo.

Halberstadt is described ns fol-

lows: 33 years of ug 5 feet 10inches in height, slondor with verysloping sbouldors, walks Groutwith swinging gait, bluo eyes,blond hair not very light uorsandy, thin growth of board, Van-dyke style.

Flrn ConimUiiloitera.Thoro was a meeting of tho

Board of Firo Commissioners yostorday evoning Andrew Brown,chairman, Charles Grozier and J.H. Fishor, with W. It. Sims, sec-

retary, all present. Routine busi-ness only was transacted. ThoBoard will bold another meetingtomorrow nnd a spocial ono nextweek. Action will bo taken on thomatter of additional equipmentprovided for by tbo Legislature.


Changes and Appointments Made Kamehamcha

Graduate Gets Position Resigna-

tion of Vivian Smith.

At a mooting of tho Commis-

sioners of Education held yesterday afternoon thoro woro presenttbo following: President Cooper,Prof. Alexander, Mrs. Jorkan, Mr.Hopkins.

Tbo Teachers' Coramittoo re-

ported tbo schodulo of assistants;also list of proposod salaries. Thesaheclulo wns adopted as recom- -mondod nud tho salary list adopted.

Mies Jnnhnko who was recentlyappointed to a position on thoIsland of Kauai rosignod. Thor s'gnntion was accepted and S.W. Mohoula was appointed totako her place at Hannlei. Mr.Mohoula, a graduato of. Kamoha-meh-a,

has been teaching with suacess at Waihoo.

W. K. Knlaiwaa, a graduate ofKamebamoha Normal School, wasappointed to tho position at Wai-hoe, vico Mr. Meboula.

Mrs. Harriet M. Davis was ap-pointed to Labaiua, vico Miss IdaHorner.

Miss Auna Christian was ap-pointed to Hnnamaulu and MissArnold to Kalihi-uk- a. S. W.Lukua was transferred from Kalihi--

uka to Pohakupnka, Hawaii.This chango was made in orderthat a lady might bo placed as as-

sistant to tbo principal of Kalihi-uk- a

for the purposo of carryingon instruction in sowing.

Tho salary of F. W. Abbott wasfixed.

Tho rosiguatidn of Vivian Smithfrom tho Waiawa school was ac-

cepted.Miss Tillio Provior waB ap-

pointed in Mr. Smith's place.Other roattorsof importance on

ly to tho Board, woro nttendod toand tbo mooting adjourned tomoot again next week.

a ii:liiitfui. iiiwakfaht.

Fint Appearand) of Snowdrop llamaanil Ilacona In tho Murkct.

Many peoplo were attracted onBothel streot today by tho grocorywindow of J. T. Watorbouso. Init woro displayed snowdrop hamsand bacon a spocial pack put upin Chicago for this firm. It hasbeon fourteen days on routo fromtho Lako City aud is nil innova-tion in tho Honolulu markot. Thobacon and hams como from corn-fe- d

hogs; thoy woro speciallycured, covorod with puro whitocanvas and packed in tho finost oftablo salt. Tho moat is of thomost doliciouB flavor, sucoulontaud tonder and mnkes a dolightfulbreakfast. In tho lino of hamand bacon tho snowdrop brand isincomparnblo. It is tbo no plusultra of all bams and bacon, Butthis wasn't all. Tbo firm dis-played n wealth of bologna andiho celebrated silver leaf lard, insmall cans for family use. Thosodesiring to try tho ham and bnconshould send in their orders early.

s lilt Cyclery.

231 King Street.

Hit been appointed agent In the Hawaiian lUn.ll(or the lamous

"STOIiMEIt"Bicycle wtll known for their ability to Han i liar iwear

They are LOW In rrlce but HIGH In quality Theyhave MORGAN & WHIGIITS DOUM-- TUHETIRLS, fluih Joints. Tauber luneers, 13 lllock chainanJ eery modern Improvement I nainel anj tlnKhequal to any. "ully guarantee J a tiunatulal anjworUmanhlp In every way eiualto hluh prlceJ ma.chines lor hard work and wear Price spot cash $40 00

Ladles and gentlemen's In stock

Contracts taken to repair all, punctures and keep

bike In euod order al $1.00 per month,

PltlOK Q OENT3. 'Mi9

Chamber of Commerce Started Request from

U. S. Postal Service Republican

Club Memorial.

Tho Hawaii Horald announcestho arrival in Hilo of tho steamerCity of Columbia, Tuesday morn-

ing, Sopt.G.There aro sixty-fiv- o first cabin

paseongors on tho steamer, mostof whom aro roprosontatives of thopress and business bousos on thoSound who visit tbo islands fortbo purpoBO of investigation.

It is undorstood that Hilo willbo tho first and final port touchedby tho steamers in tbis lino andtho promoters confidently expect abig trade. Thoy hopo to securetho shipment of nil the coffeegrown in tho vicinity of Hilo bo-sid- es

any othor products that maybo presonted. Tho City of Col-

umbia is fitted with a porfectplant, nud fruits nud

vonotables of all kinds from Oregon and Washington maj- - bebrought bero in excollent condi- -Hon.Hor cargo on this voyogo consists

of hay, grain and feed stuffs. Shohns zUUO barrels ot Hour trom theContonnial Milliug Company audkog beer measuring 100 tons. SholinB for ber return voyage 700 tonsof sugar promised by Theo. H.Davios cfe Co., Ltd., of Honolulu

Following is tno list ot snip'sofficers: Captain, W J Smith;first officer, Chas L Aroy, latoraastor of tho Bchooucr Noyo;second officor, Edward Uloment;third officer, P. Jncobsen; chiefengineor, 11 A Tumor; assistant,U. A lrumuoll; second nssistaut,M Soli8; purser, S W Bokor;froight clerk, O E Bryant andsteward, Frank Howe.

Tbo City of Columbia is ex-

pected to arrive in Honolulu tomorrow.

Tbo following have sigued themsolves as mombers of tho HiloChamber of Commerco: Dr Pltice, E G Hitchcock, E NHolmes, W S WiBo, W A Hardy,J T Stacker, L Turner, E ERiohards, E D Baldwin, F 0 LeBlond, O A Galbraith, H L Shaw.F L Wintor, H O Austin, F SLyman,ltobert Rycroft,L L Grant,O O Kennedy, W W Goodale, T JHiggins, J W Mason, FloroutinSouza, Ilonry Jonos and OhifOmstod.

Tbo committee appointed fromamong mombors of tbo Bomiblioan Club to draft a momonal to beprosented to tho Hawaiiau Commissioners has resigned, audauotber committee will be olectodby tho club.

Undo Sara has moro pull thanall tho politicians in Hilo combinod. Postmaster Soveranco re-

ceived on tho City of Columbia aletter from tho postmaster ut Seat-tl- o

asking for a list of all postoffices in Hawaii whioh rely uponHilo as a distributing office. ThismoanB that Hilo is recognized intho United States as a real post-offic- o

and for tho first timo in his-

tory a foroign mail has como toHilo without having to passthrough tho Honolulu oflico. it isprobaulo now, if tho citizens makea formal request of tbo postmasterconeral at Wasbincton, that Hilocan bo miulo a foroign moneyordei oflico.

Fred. Lee, representing tho firmof O. Sidnoy Shopard & Co., ofSeattlo, is in Hilo m tho intorostsof his firm whioh, by the way, istho largost in the manufacture ofstamped and Japauned tinwaroaluminum goods, etc, iu tho world,Ho states that tbo business menon tho Sound aro anxious to extend thoir business to tho Hawai-ian islands, and thoy havo faith inHilo because thoy havo loarned oftho possibilities hern.

Amorican Messongor sorvico.Masonic Templo.Tolophono 111.

INCREASE 9Business M

By Advertising tS

The Bulletin m

WAITING ON WASHINGTON 9Matter of Permanent Garrison for De- - 1

clslon by Secretary of War. JfB

Many Sites Planned and Inspected Nothing jiNew About Quartering Troops In m

City of Honolulu. M

Brigadier General Charles A.King, commanding tho District ofHawaii, was seon by a Bulletinreporter this afternoon and askedif auything had been done regnrd-m- g

tho selection of a sito for per-manent garrison quartors.

"Wo havo seen a good mauysites, wo havo mapped out a goodmany sites, and wo have talkedovor a good many sites," ho nns-wore- d,

"but nothing can bo donountil we boar from tho Secretaryof War.

"Oh, yes, tbo Secretary of Warhns to pnsB upon tho plans andgive tho decision."

Asked if anything bad beendono with respoct to tho quarter-ing of a detachment of troops inthe city, General King roplicdfiguratively and with emphasis:

"I nevor cross n bridgo until Icomo to it, sir."


Stik KiclninuH Not PartlrulnrlyCSS Use

Stock pricos showed a tendencyto decline at the meeting of tboBoard this morning, Two lots ofOoknln, of 20 and 25 shares sold at8100 a drop from S10!) asked yes--t'rday. Ewn has dropped from82.15 to $242 GQ witb no sales nudIutir-Islan- comes down to $145.

The Bhaving down of prices issaid to bo duo to tho banks havingreached tho limit of tho amountthat cau bo borrowed on stocks.Tho tendency now eeoms to be tohold unlops small lots can bo ob-tained at reduced prices.

Following aro . .


AskoU. Hid.'' fllZMAaiorUwi Suptr Co. 12(1 00Hiiwn Agr Co 1(H) 00Hiinn HllKiir Co (Mnk) 17ftllouokit.i 100HnlkuKnliiikii 15(1 (X)

Oiilni (iissoks iblu) 10 00I'iio SiiKitr MilllOK)0kl'Ol'iuiivor Mill 4(H) 00Wullukii Stipir CoWiilnmimio 107 f,()Wllilor S S Co 115 (()I INN Co 115 00Miitllul Tol Co 1 1 00II uvn KlL'o C 200 00Honomti I135 00KIii tlmluOoknln 102 Vt 100Ulovwilll

Frauk Davey took tbo flashlightpicture in his wholo caroor at thojuaii given by Princess Kaiulaniiu honor of tho Hawaiian Com-mission the other night. Tho facesof Governor Cleidiorn, MinisterDamon, Admiral Miller, Congress-man Hitt nnd others nro as cloaras life.

Honolulu AreH-ong- or Service do-live- rs

messages nud packogos.Tel..phono378.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

dold Medal, Midwinter Pair.




A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Po


f:A-mt- . rfcrifri tft.i ,.;,mfll. ...a filtflU rfnin In 'Wfuv'" ,aTTftfifr 'c!5rfftftt,Tr.-,- 3 ,i.,rtJftM'wlfoviw.ii'r'.l Xw.






.s, ... .,.... !.. .u.. v -- - - rf. ii.-- - '! tit. 'iff ' " if iri f j --V ,i,

Page 2: BW CTt-aR Tr Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · Sinco tha timo he has not beon heard from Foul play or mental aberration, probably tho Iattpr, is suspected



,'trt" ty tt , f. h",- -r- .


Agents, Brokers and Jobbers.


No. 45 Queen Street.

Export Apprniaomont ofEhtato nnd Furniture.



Mercantile Agency210 King street,

Difficult Collections a Specialty


Queen street, Honolulu, II.l.

AGENTS AEilcultural Compsny, Onom SnearCompany, llonomu Sugar Company, WalluknBngar Company, Walhte Sugar Company, MaVeeSugar Company, HaleaVala Ranch ka.papala Ranch. --- FIsntMs' Line San t ranclscoPackets, Chas. Brewer fc Co.'t Line of BostonPackets.Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

list or orriOEiutP 0 Jones, Presidents George H Robertson,Manager; E F Hlsliop, Treasurer nnd Sec-

retary; Col. V F Alleu, Auditors 0 M Cooke,H Watcrhouso, A V Carter, Direotors.


Wliolesalo Importers nnd Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods

Fort and Qneen Streets.

Wm. G. Irwin & Go.(limited).

Wra. Q. Irwin, - President nnd MnnnfjerOlnus Bpreckols, - - -W. M. Qifliird, - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter, - - - Auditor

Sugar FactorsCommission Agents.






Oor. Fort aud Qnoen Streets, Honolulu.

Consolidate!! Sofia Water Co., L'd

Corner Allen & fort St., Honolulu


& CO.,

Hawaiian Carriage Mfg. Co, Ltd,121 Queen Street.

Ciirrliigo mid Wukoii Hulldors."

Ruimicn ttkks and hollkkISKAHIXG AXLKS.

WILSON c? WHTEHOUSE,Solo LIct'iict'M Hawalliui Inland.

Queen Stroot.

tawanan FewilizinoCOMPANY

1h prepared to furnish

Nitrato o( Soda, Rono Meal, raw ordissolved Florida nnd KUIot IslandGuano, Sulphate of Ammonia, Murlatoand Sulphate of Potash and Kalnito, Co-

ral Llmo Stono and Manures. In quanti-

ties to suit.

A. P. COOKE, Manager,

Feed and Stock.

Mules For Sale.

A choice of Missouri and.Callfor-ni- a


JustNow for aalo

qui roof

905-t- f






at low terms. En



SCHUMAN,Club Stables.

Cor. Queen and Fort iSts.

Importers and Wliolesalo Dealers In

.... liny, Grain, Peed, ....Plour, Meals, etc

Our Goods arc Always Fresh.Orders Solicited.

Phor 422.





Latest Th ingsIn Fine French Organdies

Latest ThingsIn Embroideries and Laces

Latest ThingsIn Dress Trimmings

New Line

Of Hosiery

Ladies' and Children's

Full Line

Of Gents' Furnishing Goods

At Lowest Prices.

EGAN'S,Fort StreetArchitects, Contractors and Builders.


ARCHITECT223 Merchant St,, Honolulu,

Between Fort nnd Alnkea,Tklepjione : : : 734


Contractor and Builder.Offices and Stores fitted up and

Estimates given on


13T Olllco and 8hop: No. 619 Fort street,adjoining W. V. Wrl-U- t's Carriage Shop.

To My Patrons and the Public,

Having rocovored from my re-

cent illness, I nm ogniu preparedto do nil kinds of Tinsmith nndPlumbing work as heretofore.Thanking you for prtBt fnvors, 1

rpuctfully solicit n continuanceof the Bruno.


Jr,Sff- i- Tel. 84-1- .

Monuments and Headstones,

Tlio undersigned Is proparod to doCHMHTKRY WORK OK ALL KINDS,and supply MONUMENTS and HKADSTONES of which ho has a great va- -

rloty of the latest and Most ArtisticDesigns, and will alio supply Stono Cop-

ing separately for surrounding como-tor-

lots.Jfiy Estimates given In Marhlo, Gnv

nlto, Hawaiian Stono, etc.FRED. HARRISON.


Doalora in Lumber nnd Connd Building Mutorinls of nil

ciudfiOnean "Uieot. f.fonolnln,

A New Paint Shop.

Having associated with us Mr. JohnII, West, n nictlcal Houso l'.ilnlor,Docorator and Wood Pollslier, wo arenow prepared to glvo estimates on allkinds of work in that lino.

Mr. West having had a practicalof ovor twonty years In San

Francisco and other largo cltlos on theCoast, wo fool confident that any workentrusted to us will gio entire satisfac-tion to our patrons.

Peerless Preserving Paint Co.

Ol3Lsipisrt" on- -

The IKON FENCING, ORNA-MENTAL IRON andWIKK WORK ofall kinds sold liy us. The Fencing' Is

Just the Thing;to beautify your grounds, and It Is im-mutable Call and inspect it.

Wo have somaGreat Bargains in Ileal Estate!

Hawaiian Iron Pencemental Co.

and Monu- -


CrtXSoo agency of the Swift ,V Co,Packing Uouso Products of Chicago.


Nicely furnished roomu at thePopulnr Bouse, 164 Fort Btreot,from Sl.OO per week up.


Everybody will bo nt tho cham-pionship races tomorrow.

Tlio lied Men will have theirrocular mooting this ovoning at7:30.

Boat races over tlio Ponrl Har-bor courso at 1 o'clock tomorrowafternoon.

A fino lady's wheel, "World,"'97 model, is for salo on easyteruiB. See ad.

Fresh castorn oysters aro beingnerved in any stylo at tho BeaverLunch Boom.

Wm. Wagner has boon giventho controot for building tho nowstenm laundry in Iwiloi.

A bright boy is wanted at B. F.Elders & Co, to handlo each. It'sn good place to youngstor.

John Nott has rocoivod a largoinvoico ot tlio Moaaiiion juniorBanco. This ranco is noted forits excellonco.

Thoro will bo a mooting of theHonolulu Firo KindorpartenTraining class in Emma Hall at 3o'clock tomorrow.

Thero was tho UPtial large attendance nt the concert on tho Ha-waiian hool grounds last evening.Tho singing was particularly ap-

preciated.A special meeting of the sharo

holders of tho Pioneer Mill Co.,Ltd., will bo hold on Snturdny, at10 a. m., at tho ofBco of H. Hack- -feld & Co.

Tho largo L cottogo at Victoriaana (ireon Btreots, owned byArthur Hnrrison, is beinc movedbock on its lot and will havo averanda added.

Boyal Worcester corsets (W. 0.C), similar to tho Fronch P. D.Corset and famed for its perfectfit, enso and comfort, enn bo ob-

tained atB. F. Ehlors & CoMiss Annio narvoy wan mar-

ried to Dr. Hilbert Wood in St.Andrew's Cnthedrnl Snturdnyafternoon. Miss Harvey recentlynrrived from her homo in Now-po- rt,

Nova Scotia.Thero will bo a reception to Mr.

and Mrs. Francis M. Hntch, Mr.nnd Mrs. Lorrin A. Thurston nndMr. nnd Mrs. James B. Cnstln nttlio homo of President nnd Mrs.Dolo next Fridny from i to 7.

Josoph Frurawn, clork nt thoYokolinma Specie bank leaves forJnpan by tlio Jiolgic. I Ins jp inrospouso to nn order trom thohomo oflico. Mr. Frurawn hopesto return to his dutios horo in thenenr future.

Stoddard Fil.pntrick of the Alba-

ny-Times Union, whoso fatherwns for yenrs ono of tho prominent-r-

aembors of tho Now YorkHernld staff, is n privnto in thoAlbany Company of tho NewYorkrogimout.

Honolulu has never had such along cricket season nineteonmonths of two practices iueludingmatches a week, barring about nmonth to givo plnco to footbnll.It is tho intontion of tho cricketersagain to givo full swing to foot-bul- l

in tho month of October.

"When Fred. Hnrrison getsthrough with tho grading of Goo.Beckloy's lot on Punchbowl, howill bo woll ablo to tacklo thoearthworks of Undo Snra's fortifi-cations. No moro prodigious aquantity of oarth hns over boeumoved, or more extensive terrac-ing done, in any Binglo job inHonolulu.

Mrs. Hitt nnd youngorson leavefor Japan in tho steamer Bolgioduo to snil Saturday. Should thosteamer bo delayed, which is notprobable, it may provont tho uro

of tho Commision for Mo-iok-

on Saturday ovoning. Com-missioner Hitt does not wish tolenvo town until ho sees his wifennd son comfortably departed ontheir long voyago acrosB thoPacific.

Ilcalnni Bibbons at GoldenBulo Baznnr.

I.iin"n' Naiiltury l'ioil,Washington, August 27. Fol

lowing is tho health roport fromSantiago today.

"Santiago, August 27(via Hay ti).Adiutant-Gonera- l, Wnshincton:

Totnl siok, C55; total fovor cases,1VI7: now cases ot favor, 1U: returned to duty, 21; deaths, 2.

Lawton."m m

Heuttlu l!ter.This ovor popular Banier boor

is boooming a housohold wordnnd "will you havo a gloss ofSeattle" is moro otton Hoard tlinnonythinu olso.Saloon hnvo-th- o. boor on tnp or inbottlos.

Kriiicittlon fr Hervnntt.

Bov. T. Okomura pastor of theJapanoso church has oponed aniudmtrinl school for Japanese foreducation ns cooks nnd gonornlliouso servants. Meetings for monaro hold every Monday nnd Satur-day; for women every Friday forinstruction in sewing. A compe-tent teachor for each departmenthas been engnged. Thoso desir-ing servauts may commuuicatowith Mr. Okomura.

Tho uso of tho Singer in mil-

lions of homes shows tho unpre-cedented success of theso idealsowing machines. It is convinc-ing proof that tho Singer oxcolsin nil kinds of family sowing andart ueedlo work. All our Bowingmachines are of tho host construc-tion, beautifully decorated, andare mounted on solected woods infinely finished cabinets of artisticdesigns. B. Bergorson,agout, 1GJBothol street.

Fraternal Societies.


Meets every Monday evening at 7:30,in Harmony Hall, King street.

O. L. SORRENSON, N. G.K R. HENDRY, Secretary.

All visiting brothers very cordiallyInvited. 1003

HAWAIIAN TBIBE JSo. 1,Improved Order of Bed Mon.

Moots on tho second and fourth Fridayof each month, nt 7::i() p. in., In Knightsof Pythias Hall, Fort street. Visitingbrothors nro cordially Invited to attend.S..T.SAI.TER,Sachom; .I.F.ECKARDT,Chiof of Records. 1003

Hotels and Restaurants.

Queen Hotel. REFURNISHED and


Oll'ers Miec-ln- l inducements In comfortand excellence to travelers and families.

A notably clean kitchen; prompt andK)llte service to gnosis.

CttTFirst -- class RESTAURANT De-

partment.K. A.IIIM,, Proprietor.

Tolephono SOU. P. O. Pox 1010

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor

The Best Lunch in Town

'Tea and Coffeeat all nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON nAND.

The Elito Ice Cream ParlorslOS UJOTEI STREETS.

Cakes and Candies,

Fine Ice Cream.

Onr EstabliBhniont is tho Finest ResortIn the City. Call and seo ns. Open till 11

n'olook p. m.

Excelsior Dining Saloon33.1 Nl'UANU ST.,


CHAS. LIND, Prop'r.First-clas- s meals, undor tho supervis

ion of n whlto man, sorvod from G a. m,to8 p. in. MEALS TWENTY-FIV- E Cts,

Experienced Caterer.

J. V. CHAPMANAnnouncos to tho public that ho is now

opon for ongagoinonts to tako charge of

Ilanquots, Ralls, Diuuors and Ciardon

Parties, Socials, etc.

Address caro Union lOxpross Company

Bakery II niinnnllauid

And Ice Cream Parlors.E. POPPI.KTOX. M'o'it.

This Ih a inodoru Amoricanro'Uuiraut. t meals for 25 conts.


Dewey Restaurant.On SATURDAY, Soptombor 10th. wo

shall open a First-clas- s Restaurant.,,,, .. Kvorythlng in tho Markot In tlio wav of

iihlos.xuo uuiuriiiu Dollcaclos will ho on tho

1008LOOK HOP ,fc CO.,

lloretaula and Fort stroots.


These Lots Are Now Offered on Easy Terms:











95 s
















S U I 13

95 95


CI &

O 8.r--


r .

2 CO




Hi &

n s


j 95

2 1

I95 95


Apply GEAR, LANSING & CO.,210 King street. Telephone 26.

The Remington TypewriterA

Diploma of HonorAT







BRUSSELS EXPOSITION OF 1897.Tjr tho Highest Awakd, rankinc

aboYO Gold Medal.


Sold Sold Sold



This Possible

HACKFELD & CO.Sole Dealers.


Since We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the 'Best.

Just Opened Up anInvoice of . . .

ScEffLLiiiq's Best Tesconsistino of

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also 'SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER,

Give them a trial.-- Money baok don't like tliew. Also, just received

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery ButterFidelity Brand Bacon, Hams, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next to tho Arlington.

v .. Wil c J . .' ...



if you


Page 3: BW CTt-aR Tr Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · Sinco tha timo he has not beon heard from Foul play or mental aberration, probably tho Iattpr, is suspected

IR!Kif5iBiBHiKrPf8r'T,W v..,, .-- ; fp,


I.WCifjP!! WntffTWi?.'rr1' f tV1 -- ;i y 'XHriJ$rVfF"P'' l '''," W .Ijnp'. MJK-j-vv.- v, . - - , ,. f " ' ,"f'41'f" j?




?Q 8


)8$ '8- -

- w -- CO

1)8; '


FVJJso 0)


Q w

003 H

o0 M

VJ tO" to v

., VJ 10

O "w

.. to tovO to

4 I1s to gS CO







The a"bovo Lots will be Sold


Telephone 92.



Groceries, Provisions and FeedNew goods received by every packet from the States Europo.

J7RESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER.All orders faithfully attended und (roods delivered

TO ANY PART OF THE CITY FREE.Oonoval Agents for the Sanitarium brand of Health Eoods.

Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

East Corner Fort and King Sts.Beer and Wine Dealers.


Wine ill Lipr Dealers.Agentj for the BottleJ Rainier Beer 01 Seattle.

No. 19 Nuuanu Stm:i:tU'Foster Block, Honolulu. Hawaiian Isianus.

P. O. Box i jr. Mutual Telephone )o8.



.MANUt'ArrURi:n nv

T. KEVBN.Depot, 536 Q.ueen St.Families suppliod nt SI por do, quarts.

Tolophono 8S8.

It can bo obtnlnod In nil of Its orig-

inal purity from tho original Uroliam.This justly famed boor Is particularlyadaptod for tho cllmato of Honolulu.

BQramily tnido a specialty.N. IIKHHAM.

Dopot 17 Konia street.T. 0. Box 185.

PureMilk.Tlio Dairymen's Association Is AL-

WAYS prepared to supply PURE MILKnnd C1U:AM In any quantities, doll vorodto any part of tho city.

F1UMH ISLAND 1IUTTKH always onhand.

Ptypgffigqw vWWVHfWR&WWm?1'

I4M I4T.5


COr 0


34a. 1

vj On -

H$10 S


" ,O vw "

vO 10 -

140.7 40.

g CO



. . . . . .




P. O. Box 145

W.G. Irwin & Go.Limited.

A.gents forWestern Sugar Refinery Oo. of San

Francisco,llaldwin Loooniotive Works of Phila-

delphia, Penn.. U. 8. A.Newell Universal Mill Oo. (National

Oaue ShroddetLNew York, U. 8. A.N'.OUlaadt & Go's Ohomical Fertilizers.Alex Gross & Sons, high grado fertil-

izers for Oane and Coffoe.Heeds Steam Pipe Covering


Offer for SalePorafflne Paint Go's P & B Paints and

Papers) Lucol and Linseed oils, rawand boiled.

Indurino, (a oold water paint) In whiteand colors.

Filter Press Oloths, Cement, Lime andUriCKB.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekauwila Sts.

Hqb a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.' Estimatos given for house wir-

ing and Electrical plants.Marino Wiring a specialty,


Millinery and Gowning.



Ex jVEarirsosa.Hats, Flowers,Feathers,Ribbons andLaces, andDress Trimmings

Tho goods itro of tholatest dosign, nouost oiroct. Novoltlos'.hat aro wondorftilly attractive at tlmolypriros



Indies nro cordially Invited to call nttho Arlington Cottngo, Hotol stroot nndinspect dosigus for artistic gowning.Stylish and porfoct fitting studies, inthe height of fashion; nnd speciallyndaptcd to tho individual wearer.Dulles uunulo to visit this city nro fur-nished with skotchos nnd samples, nndguaranteed n porfoct fit without per-sonal interview.




William A. HenshalfA-ttorne-

y atXjaw113 Knnuumann Street Tele. 663,

W. S. EDINGS,Counsellor at Law.

Corner Rethol und King Streets,Honolulu, H. I.


A.ttorn.Qy at Law andJSTotary .Public.

Kuabumauu Btreet.


LAWYER.Corner of Klug and Betljol Streets,

Second Floor.



John D. Willard,ATTORNEY AT- - LAW.

In Paul Nouiimnn'NOfllcoU Morchantstrcot, Honolulu. 1010


Counsellor at Law.liil Moieliant Stront (upst'ilrs),

Honolulu, II, I.


DR. C. L. GARVINOlllco: 637 Ki.mi Siuiii.T, near Punch-

bowl, Honolulu, II. I.TELEPHONE No. IIS

Hours: 8:.'10 to II ; :i to 5 p. in.;7 to 8 p. in.

Mrs. Savant-Jerom- e, JV1. D.


Office: Progress Block. Cor, fort k Beretania sis.

Hours 0-- (Lin., und 1,11.

Evening hours by appoint incut only.Special studies made or Physialrics and Dietetics

Kos. 518 Fort St. Cor. ClmplnluSt.Ruslduncu Tel. 458.


Wanted.Permanent board nnd rooms for ono

or two guiitlomoii. May ulso makofor uso of piano. Address

"Vocal Instructor,"1011-l- w Cliro llullotln Olllco.

To Let.IIouso and JM nt Wulklkl, In of

Jainos Cumplwll's rosldonco. Itontal ?30por month. Knqulro of

J. S. walki:r.803-t- f

The Evening Bulletin, 75 cts. pemonth.

The Hawaiian Judiciary,

Continued from first pngo.

to think it best that in cases in-

volving only local law the finalresort should bo in tbis country.Otherwise wealthy corporationsmilit get ahead of poor inon. Inanswer to a question ho statedthat tho position of tho islamic as

would bo that of theSroposed without statohood.Air. Thurston was not awaro if

tho Commission wero going intodotails. If it wero, thon tho BarBhould go into details.

Judge Early was asked if howould kindly enlighten tho moot-ing from his Territorial experi-ence. In substanco ho respondedthus: Our territorial systom isnot satisfactory. There nro fourdistricts whoso judges act also asUnited States justjees. Each Su-

premo Court juetico has a differout district in which ho holds aTerritorial district court and aUnited Stales court. There areprobato courts, tho judgps of whicharo elected. Wo havo homo rulo sofar as that is concerned. In allmatters ovor $100 tho Districtcourts have jurisdiction with anappeal to tho Supreme Court. Wohavo found tho system very unsatisfactory. Cases aro fought butit is a very hard matter to got acaeo reversed. Arizona, Oklahomaand Now Mexico havo petitionedto havo one Supremo Court for thothree Territories. If you got different courts from what wo havo intho Territories it will bo bettor foryou. Au indepondont appellatecourt, with at loast three judges,would bo much better for you.You could havo Federal courtsCircuit or District as you hko tocall them. Twice a year our Supromo Court holds a Federal ses-

sion, but thoro aro very few casesa few revenus ones, oto. Wo

have petitioned for Rl&w to onsblons to elect Circuit judges, not tocomo into couilict with tho Fedoral judges. In your organic Actwhich you will havo you ought toguard against that, or you willhavo your Supromo Court judgeshearing appoals of caBes that theyhavo already tried. Our peoplowant to elect their other judges, asthoy now elect probato judgesamount! county oOicers.

Mr. Thurston, having anotherengagement, wished to say boforoleaving that ho would vote "Aye"for everything there exceptingNo. C.

Tho Atloruoy General Aro youin favor of limiting tho tenure ofoffico for Supromo Court justices ?

Mr. Thurston Yos, I am.Mr. Neumann understood tho

opinion of tho mombors of tho Barwith whom ho had convorsod tobo that a distinction should bopreserved betwoon tho Federal andthe local courts as in tho States.I am in favor of haviug our sys-tem pretty much the same as now.I am not in favor of having thotonuro liraitod. I should proferhaving tho judges appointod bytho Prosidont of United States,rather than by a Governor whomI do not know.

Mr. Silliman suggested that iftho appointments woro mado bytho President tho judgos might bechanged ovory four years.

Mr. Neumann That may bo,but I have a good deal of conndonee in tho Prosidont of thoUnited States. Thoro has novorboeu a cipher in that oilico yot.

Mr. Hatch, boiug callod on bytho chair for his views, said hothought thoy might vote on thosoresolutions that day.

Tho Chair Without roferringthorn?

Mr. Hatch thought it was verydesirable to havo tho prosont systern continued so far as possible.With Mr. Noumann ho was op-posed to having it changed.

Mr. Neumann said thoso wasbound to bo a Federal Court here

Fed oral cases were bound toariooso that thoy did not nood tosay anything about that. Theywanted to havo their local systemns simplo as possiblo. It wasabsolutely necessary that thoroshould bo local judges on thootlior islands. Ho thought this

Continued on sixth page.

Guoil Knoiitfh to Take,Tho finest quality of loaf sugar

is used in tho manufacture ofChamborlain'B Cough llemodyand tho roots usoViu its prepara-tion givo it a flpfO'similnr to thatof maplo syrup, making it voryploasant to tako. As a tnediciuofor tho euro of coughs, colds, lagrippe, croup aud whooping coughit is unoqualod by nuy other, Italways cures, and cures quickly.For sale by all dealers, Bouson,Smith & Co., Gouoral Agents.

Real Estate and Insurance,

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merchant Btreet.

FOR SALE.12 Chinese G rani to mtchlne Posts: S6

each.1 Bnrrey in fine order) price $200.Uonse and Lot, 75x165 ft., en No. 7)

Voting street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchendining-room- , eto.

Real Estate Transaction p.

Bnbserlbors are famished with from fivrto six lists per week, giving an aconratereoord of nil deeds, mortgages, leases, re-

leases, powers ot attorney, oto., eto., whlobare placed on reeord.

Subscription Price, $2.00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,210KinRBt.nonolnln.

Boardman & MasudaBusiness Agency.

Houses for Rent.Kcnl Estato Agents.

Brokers lit Japanese Goods.Employment Agents.

Collections Made.Legal and other documents trans-

lated Into nuy language.

Agents for Japan Emigration Company,


U. . tiutfoni Hottfe Bfok;e.Room No. 1, Sprcckels Block. Tele-

phone 017.

W. C. ACHI a CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

realjState& We will Buy or Sell Real Estato ic

'" purls of tbe group.Ey Wo will Soli Properties on Reason.

iblo Commissions i

OFFICE. io West King Street

JLIiTK and FIREllpptJE A$.

AGENTS FOR..New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

Etna Fire Insurance Company

of hartford.J. S. WALKER,

Qenkiui, Aoent ron Hawaiian Islands.Iloyal Insurance Oompnny.Alliance Assurance Company.Alliance Marine and Oonoral Assnranot

Ban Life Assurance Company ot Canada,Wllhelma of Madgeburg Insurance Com-

pany.Boottish Union and National Insurnnoe


Room 12 Sprcckels Block, Honolulu, H. 1.

Bruce Waring & Co.

Lands for Sale.Money to Loan on Mortgages.

We arb Aocnts forSvea Fire Insurance Co. of Gothenburg


American Fire Insurance Co. of Phila.

PROGRESS BLOCK.Rooms t ni 8. Telephone 678.

L. C. ABLE3,Heal Estato and Financial

Agent.sis poht sTiunrr.



Olllce: 208 Morchant street, Camp-bell Block, rear of J. O. Carter's oilico.P. O. Box 101.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands,

Onto! Merohant street, Honolulu 1

P. SILVA,AuknttoTakii

Acknowledgments to Instruments,District of TConn, Ouliu.


At W. C. Acid's olllco, King stroot, noarKuuanu.

Real Estate and Insurance.

Splendid SitesPOR

Villa Country Homes


Beautiful Manoa Valley.

Tracts from ono to three aoros Inheart of valley on Main Itoad.

Unsuri)sc(l Uow mid location.Number limited.If you want n lovoly Sumtnor Homo

In Honolulu's Knsliioimblo Suburb, callnt onto upon A. C. LOVEIvLV,100!M!v lllsbop Ustato Olllco.


Siocks, Ilo.siw ami Oriimi 3kcuiiitii:s.Loans Negotiated. Henl Ustitto.

Honolulu, II. I.


Fort St.


There are 8 Good ResidenceLots on the Waikiki side ofFort Street, for sale, about 70feet above the east corner ofFort andJVineyard Streets.

The lots are leveled andready to be built on at once.

The location is in a quietand respectable neighborhood

The prices are cheap andreasonable.

The terms are very easy.

For further particulars applyto

W. C. ACHI & CO,

Real Estate Brokers.

July 21.180S.

Plantation Investments.

Lanai Sugar Co.Tho SUBSCRIPTION LIST fur tlm

ubovo Plantation is now open nt myolllco.

Tho prospectus may be had on ap-plication.


Shake Bkokkh,100') Corner King and Bethel Sin.

Nahiku Plantation.

The SUBSCRIPTION LIST of thoubovo Plantation Is now open ami theprospectus may be seen at my olllce.


Roal und Shore Broker.

Corner King snd Bethel sheets.1000

To Let.Tho promisos belonging to Mrs. C. O.

Borgor, sltuuto on tho cornor of Boro-tanlaa-

Pniuhou Mroots. The housowhich is lnri:o and nrmiiiinillmi i..iuJust boon put In through ioulr, and thogiiuiiius coiisiHuug oi iwo acres, nroplanted with fruit and ornamontal trees.For further particulars apply to070-t- f P. W. MACPARLANE.

J.mi&tiM rfmWbM




Page 4: BW CTt-aR Tr Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · Sinco tha timo he has not beon heard from Foul play or mental aberration, probably tho Iattpr, is suspected


f 4 THEIV !L Jl HT



Evening Bulletin,ufcllshei tvcry Day, except SunJay, at sio KinR

street, Honolulu, II I., by the




tillorCity EJItor

.Mibirrlptlou HalPKlPer month, anywhere In Hawaiian Islands.... $ .75

" " " 8Per ear ooPer year, America, CanaJa orMexIco 10 oo

Per jear, postpalJ, other foreign countries .ij oo

rPayaHe Invariably In advance.

'I'Ii'IiIhmic!Business Oftice 5l. EJItorlal Rooms, Hill.

I'ot"Sce tlo, m,

lilllDA?, SEPT. 9, 1898

Who is to bo tbo Mark llnuunof future Hnwniinu politics ?

A comedy Comimuy is on theway to Honolulu. Tbo beer gnr-de-

is only a few months behind.

"When Honolulu hours tlmt Hilolitis been placed on tbo U. S. map,there will bo a roar. Hawaii Her-ald.

Wbero from ?

Kev. Cruzan is to preach to hieHilo flock on "Temper." A morekindly feeling towards Honolulumay now bo expected.

Besides haviug troubles of hisown, Secretary Alger will now becalled upon to listen to the Honolulu tale of garrison woo.

It is worthy of noto that JudgeEarly, in giving his opinions onterritorial judiciary, supports theelected rather than the appointed

The Advertiser announces thatits political methods are "down onall fours." Bight you aro. TheAdvertiser has always como upsmiling when thoro is a politicalmoukoy act to bo performed.

Division of tbo Saraoau islandsbotweou Germany, Great Britainami the United States soirns to bethe only way of settling the SoutlSea complication in Samomwaters. Thus the aboriginalkingdoms go down in order to

keep tbo Powers satisfied andquiet.

Tho peace paragraphs spreadbeforo tho world by tho Czar oflvussia sound well, but when considerod as a part of tbo internation-al gamo.Jthey hiivo the apponrancoof a play for time. If Russia hasgained all tbo concessions possiblein China without war with GreatBritain, the Czar has good reasonto raise a peaco cry until he canget bis urmy and navy into bettorshape.

According to tho Hawaii Herald,tho first work of the Now Gbamborof Comraerco, not yot fully orgauized, will bo to draft a memorial tothe Commission. Since memorialsseem to be tho proper thing, thonewspaper men bettor organizeand ask tho Commission for spe-

cial legislation in favor of opensessions of tho Commission, shorter hours of labor, contract laborersfor Asiatic editions, freo pissoson all lines of transportation, freecigars, free beer, and n pensionaftor death to pay up old debts.Thoro would be valuable excep-

tions to American laws.


Unfortunately simo of the goodpeople of Hawaii consider thoman who buys stocks, and thensells at a higher price, in tho samemoral catergory as tho pokor play-o- r

who "stauds pat" nnd bluffsout tho gamo on a bobtailed Hush.While thoro is no knowing to whathorriblo lengths tho Honolulupublic may go in tho futuro, it

oinnot bo said that we aro now intho inidat of a gonoral stcck gam-

ble Thero probably is not aplnco in tho world whtro stockbuying and selling has less of thofont m ea of camb'iug than in Ho- -

. wa&XaCtte..viu ...'X,. f. . . Mlihi ,

whoso stock is on tho market arewollknowu to tho buying public.Tho otliuero and members of tboworking force aro known. Thedotails of tbo business done by thocorporations aro known to a greater or less extent. Tbo brokorsami largo holders havo not reachod tho point whoro largo pur-

chases or salo aro inado to muui-pula- to

tho market.If tho stock markot today repro

souts a public gamble, thon thepromoters of Kalmku plantationworb oamblors. because whou

they started in they did not allowfor tho burying of a cano Bold byland slides !nst wiutor. Unfortunately thoro aro no absolutely"sure things" in tho world of in-

vestment.Tho values placed on stocks aro

figured on tho corning capacity oftho corporations. The iniluonceof tho Stock Exchango thus farhas beon to Bcalo down priceBand put the market on n properfooting. It assists the small buy-

er in giving him a moro acenratoview of financial as woll as indus-trial conditions. If any young orold men have gone stock crazywith the situation as it is today,ho had bettor keep right on going.He would got off tho hooks if hebought a bag of peanuts at fivecents and fivo minutes later soldit at six cents.


Muy I.rnvi- - by Htvaiuer Alnmeila onVAVlti!liiy Next.

Sonator Cullom, chairman oftho Hawaiian Commission, wasasked this afternoon if the Com-

missioners wore going to breakcamp for tho steamer Alameda dueto sail for San Francisco on Wed-

nesday.Ho said that if they could get

off in that steamer they would likeit. It was not certain, howover, ifthey could get through their workin time.

In answer to a question, Mr.Cullom said tho Hawaiian iiieiu- -

hers would not no to Washingtonat this time. Thoy might go onhit-- r.

This morning members of thoCabinet had another hearing,"with regard to their interests,"beforo the Commission.


"CUIrni" Sprit k ofSerloiit DllllciilllreIn Time orHltknt,

EniTon Evkniko Bulletin:With all tho onergy and pushand method and ap-

pliances in use in Honolulu thorois one thing neglected or lostsight of. Strango as it may nppear, it is a fact that aftor sixo'clock or thoro-a-bo- ut it is im-

possible to got a pieco of ico smallor largo at tho Ico Works andthoy ore unable to inform onowbero ice can bo procured at such'after hours.'

As I had oxperionco in this mat-ter a fow nights ago,I know where-of 1 speak and becauso it did nofprovo a serious or fatal mattorwas no fault or credit to tho IcoCompany. I make this statementas otbors might find their iceabort just os thoy discover ono oftheir family with too high fever,to bo safo with ico on handthrough-o- ut tbo Iour night andwith the bopps that tho loo Com-pany will mako some provisionswhere by ono can accommodatedunder such circumstance

Citizen.Sept. 8, 1898.


Ontriil Amrrlcun I'eili'rMllon Nemt OnlyPresident mill Coiifrreiitf.

Managua, Nicaragua, Aug. 27Tho mombeis of the conventionwhich has beon ongagod hero informulating a Constitution for theUnited States of Central America,embracing Salvador, Hondurasaud Nicaragua, havo signed thoConstitution. Senors Angell, Ug-art- o,

Salvador, Golligos, Manuel,Coronel and Matez have beon ted

Commissioners and em-powered to act as afodoral govern-ment until tho election in Decem-ber noxt of a fodoral Presidentand Congressmen to bo installed

nolulu toJny. Tho corporations on March 1, 1899.


.Jii(&i&ffi&u.. -

r"vr tWm?mfvm i '3"" WV"',



.1, I.nnilo l'lirclintrn I. i:. Trncy'e Nlockof Uooili.

J. Lando has purchased L. E.Tracy's stock of goods and takenpossession of tho woll-know- n

gents' furnishing store on T?ortstreot. Mr. Lando comes fromMarshfield Oregon whoro ho hasbeon in tho general dry goods busineas for fiftoen years. Lto camo toHonolulu on tbo Doric and wasso favorably impressed with thetown that he concluded to remainulhI ongago in business.

Air. Tracy has beon a residentof Honolulu for nino yours. Dur-ing that time ho had mado manyfriends who regret his retirementfrom business and his contomplated departure from Honolulu. Hobelongs to that class ot citizensthat tho town can ill afford to loso.It is Mr. Tracy's intention tomakoCalifornia his future Lome.

1I1IE ifi 11Thing to know is that wo aregas and elootricul onginours andthat wo aro hero for business. Woinstall comploto gas and oloctricplants with all tho fixtures, etc.,roady to run.

Wo handle all kinds of ELEC-TRICAL GOODS, gas and electrie fixtures.

Wo aro also solo agents for thoColumbia Phonograph Co., andAmorican Battory Co. "makers ofthe best storago bnttories in theworld."

Wo havo already installed thofollowing Accylclcnc gas plantscomploto with all fixtures whichare giving entire satisfaction.Government Light House in har-

bor, Hawaiian Tramways Co., MrIT. Hills' rcsidonco, Oahu Railway and Land Co., and tho nowrcsidonco of Hon. C. W. Mucfa- r-

lanc at tho Peninsula.Tho light is absolutely reliable

and will not go out os long as anygas remains in tho generator.

Tho cost based on candlo poweris from to ?, as cheap as electriclights at the present rates.

Several of tho plants alreadyinstalled aro equipped with elec-

tric g humors whichmako tho use of gas as convenientas electric lights at about one-ha- lf

the cost. A plant placed in yourhouse makes you independent oflighting companies.

Uur generator lias rocoived thounqualified approval of tho Honolulu Board of Underwriters whichdoes away with any increased rateof insurance. Call in and examinegoods nuu got our prices. Wowant only a fair profit.

Romombor that nil our work.big or little is absolutoly guaran-teed and wo replace and repair allmaterial and labor winch is de-fective within six months. Giveus a trial ordor.

M. M. KoilN, Manager.Hotki. Sriuiirr.

School Goods

School Tablets !

School Composition . Books !

School Crayons!

School Pencils!School Slates!

School Pons!School Straps!School Lunch Boxes!

School Bags!

And everything else

needed in school stationery,at tho



316 Fort Street,




We Have Just Received and Opened UpIfOIi YOUlt INSPECTION, IN



Tho high of tho ami tliolow will yon.

lly tho way, lo you havo with

Do you hreukTry our now OIL

will cost you nomoro than tho common

Wo havo Just ii now lot ofmill

Call In midWo havo ninilo a now of

In thlH lino ns woll us In many

good wo nro nowfor ?2.85 por

All othor In

You can get the most and the best forthe leant at

lly n who in nman and


II., euro KrultCo., Ilox 707,


Stock and and soldtho rulos mid In tho board

rooms of tho

to board atcan bo

at MItS. H. 11.

810 nor 055-U-

what thoaro now.Wo havo boon

for two

past, and now havo tho moststock of

andto put on tliolrthat can lto found

In town. Tho noxtto A call will

of this fact.Hats nnd caps to suittho tasto of all.All of this to bo had In tho

retail and furn- -

store In town.


VARIETYTable Linens and Napkins, Linen and Cotton Towels,

Lace Curtains and Curtain Muslins,Flannelettes and Shirting Flannels, French Flannels,

1111111 and Figured Art Doming.

Also, Linen and Cotton Pillow Casings and Sheetings

We want you to compareour qualities and prices,when you will see the ad-

vantage of dealing with di-

rect importers.



LAMPS,Table Cutlery and Plated Ware

Kitchen LamnsVeranda LampsDining-Itoo-m LampsParlor LampsBedroom Lamps

quality goodsprieos ploaso


nuinyTFINISH!'.!) KMXT

CIIIMXKYS. Tlioyarticle.


hchodnlopricesothors. 8ILVKU PLATKI)

quality,soiling dozon.prlco $3.30.

artlclos propoitlou.

Tne People's Store.


King Street.Wanted Situation.

practical farmer, first-cla- ss

bnsinoss accountant, posi-

tion responsibility. Sugar plantationproforrod. Ituforonccs bonds. Ad-dro- ss

Hawaiian nndl'laiitHonolulu. 1009-l-


Kino Stuvjet.

Commission Brokersllouds bought under

Honolulu Stook ExchangeNotice.

Persons wishing obtainMakuwao, Maul, accommodated

IIAILKY'S.Terms, wook.

Dry Goods


People'FORT Providers


Goring Ready for Scliool.

That's youngstersdoing

gottlngready months

comploto Hoys'Children's clothing





largost clothingIslilng goods

The Kash,"Hotel Street faycrlcyBloci

Agents for Dr. Delmel's Llnen-Mc- sl

Underweur. Send for Catalogue

We Hake Shirts to Order.




Practical Watchmaker417NUUANUST.

KeDalrl fine rnmnllrftt,1 Watrhaa M...t- -' """" """"Boxes ani Jewelry.All work Kuiranteed. Thirty-fiv- e years experience.

LATEST STYLES JEWELRYBy last steamer from the Coast.

THE REGULAR THINGAt my store, wbero the


J8 lon repairing and new workboth. PIub, rluge, bracelets, watch-making, etc.

H.G.BIART, -- 4041 Fort St.,


$hooiiji$pJ GWHISWs& Wax

.. .And you will find tho host to....

gUBgGipFor the Daily



HF1 E1te (Examinee

SSS" PWjj: CST Sgx, siwr Sti --Jw


of the WgThrooSun Francisco Daily l'apors.



ProposedBuiIding.Tho undersigned propose Erecting

a modern store and olllco bulldlug ontho Iiisterly comer of King and Ala-ke- a

streotsund invite tho attentionof persons desiring stores or oillces Inthe proposed building to sketch plansnowllon view at their! olllco whorofurther particulars may bo obtained.

ALLEN & ROBINSON.Honolulu, August 30, 1808. 1003-l- ni

Aloha gljoolinglliallei'ifilOTIJI.Sr., N12AII NuiIANf.

John h. Lang. ProprietorIs the only Shooling Oallery In the cttvDrop In anJtry jour

iiuJjA.i'tWillitftak.iir J.-.- -- t...... iu ..tika,,,,. ,4yT



..fM,-.l- t eLikjlMUi .

Page 5: BW CTt-aR Tr Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · Sinco tha timo he has not beon heard from Foul play or mental aberration, probably tho Iattpr, is suspected

Iifrvrm Wf"PM t --p -- "W!Tr?r 7JBpp,pni",,' n ' "y " "ww "WfPWfW""




vfi r


Mufl'- - v


Tbo Mibbob Wiclilifiold lmvofrom n visit to Maui.

Just nrrived at Mrs. linn tin'stho latest in benutifal ribbons.

O.A.llosecrtitis returned to Mauiin tbo Muuim Loa this forenoon.

Marshal Brown has gono to Ka-uai to appear as a witness in theBirt caso.

Miss Olivia Houghtniling andMiss Kaia loft this morning in thoMauna Loa for a trip to Kona.

J. W. Brown has returned froma business trip to Hawaii. MissAnna Koso carao oti tho Kinautoday on hor way to Toptika, Kas.

Tho Araoricau Comedy Compa-

ny of sixteen people is on tho Cityof Columbia, und will show inHonolulu.

J. T. Watorhouso hai just re-

ceived some celebrated snow drophams and bacon. It is tlio firstappearanco in tho Honolulu mar-

ket of this brnud.A luau was given last ovoning

to tho friends of Miss Alice Lishman. A largo number of localpooplo wore presont also officersfrom tho army and navy.

Among tho arrivals from Mauiend Hawaii ports on the Kinauthis forenoon woro tho following:Dr A 0 Wall, Mies A E Wall, H8 Towusond, Bov S L Dosha, SNowlein and wife, W H Cornwoll.

The paesongers who capo toHonolulu on tho Aorangi lastweek woro entertained at tho homoof A. F. Cooke, last ovening.Thoro woro besides the host andhostess about 25 people present.

Wilder steamer Kinau will bo-g- in

making weekly round trips toand from Hilo on Tuosday. ThoKinau will arrive back Sundaymorning as tho Claudino doesfrom Maui.

Boturn permit to Chinese in-

tending to leave for China in theBolgio had roached 30 in numberby 10 o'clock this morning andworo still being issued. Tho re-

cipients miiBt all comoback withina year or their permits will bovoid. It is expected that a hun-

dred will go away without returnpermits.

Amorican Messenger Sorvico,Mosouic Temple. Telephone4.U.

Iliittiuaii In Town.

Qoorgo H. Ruttman, conviotedrecently of a charge and sentoncedto a torm of imprisonment, ar-

rived in tho Kinau with his wifothis forenoon. Buttmau wasin charge of Lieut, of Polico Duchalsky of Hilo. He was drivenimmediately to tho polico stationand thoro appoared boforo DeputyMarshal Ohillingworth. Ho willbe sent to Oahu jail this aftornoonwhoro ho will await his trial, setfor tho 19th inst.

Police Court Note..

The following cases woro disposed of in tho Polico Court thisforonoon:

H. Lewis, assault and battory,caso further postponed until Sep-tember 13.

Kauhano.tho whistling nuisance,drunkenness, 82 and costs.

Manuel Simoos, solljng spirit-uous liquor without a liconso, casosot for Septombor 10.

Manuel Simoos, obstructing andporvorting justice, nollo pros.

J. Kakaio, assault and batteryon J. Sylva, sontonco suspondeduntil Saturday.

Gootl News.

D. J. Camarinos has rocoivod ontho etoamer Australia a big in-

voice of dolioaoies, comprisingtho following: Fresh Salmon,Crabs, Frozon Oysters (tin andshell), Apples, Qrapos, Figs, Lo-mo- ns,

Puro Olivo Oil, DryFruit, etc., otc.

There is no Better


Cleveland.H. E, WALKEE

Masonic :: Temple :: Block

Call uiul iiiHpoct tliom.








will for

EVENING H. 1., 9,


n. x m,




ou IS.xi.o-- w

.Tlrnt tlio Illryclc lias been sold Inthat fviiiv purchaser will tell you thatHonolulu since 1893,

Ills wheel now runs in easy ami elves hlin the same NitUtiictioti nHthe day ho bouulit It. and this without expending a cent cm repairs?iiK iriuune ruicra nuout tucir mounts.

Wo do eiuimi'lliiL' iind your wheel.

THE 1898.


Ring Telephone 740, and we

EAKIN & WHITMAN,Telephone 746. FORT ST.

Next to Golden Utile Bazaar.


H H H H H 8 H K H H H H

NOW OPENI The Bergstrom Music Co., Ltd. I

"Take pleasin stating that their store is complete in every depart-

ment, and is the finest in the Islands and the equal ofany on the Pacific Coast. They carry a complete stockof musical instruments, musical sundries and sheetmusic.







Pianos for Rent. Tuning, repairing and polishing doneby competent men.



Telephone 321.


Corsets I

Famed for Perfect Fit, Ease and Comfort.They are similar to the French P. D. Corset. Eachcorset marked "A7".0-CX- , which assures itspopularity.










B.F. HJJER8 fe CO.IFort Street.





As bolnn nmcl Intoruxt on anYou uro qulto right in

belluWiijtM). Now jiiot think a mo-mo- nt

nnd consider tlio udlsulillltyof roneulnj? your old Hnlr, Tooth,Null or l'lt'hh lirush, boforo tho

of price tnkos place, nnd nao15 porront.

FINESTVt'o lme anticipated tho cli.mtjo

which annexiitloti would bring nitwitIn prices, mid in conspquonoo uhao liiiM)rtod a large nnd completelino of lino Ilrlxtlo llruhcs fromDupont, tlio lending maker of I'raneo.

EVERWe now proposo to glo rs

tho bonoflt of our purclinslngnt low Ilguros, nnd will continue tosoil nil brushes nt tlio 15 por cont. re-


IMPORTEDAll Kugllsh, Fronch nnd German

goods must lncrcnso In price Audiyourself of this opportunity.Tooth Ilrushos from lOo to fiOeNnll " 10oto$l.'jr.Hnlr " 2."o to $1.50Hesli " iWoto$.I.OO


EST Manufactured.

Hollister Drug Co.

Gents' Crepe Suits $1.85!



Bargain Counter Sale !

Hig Slaughter of Gouts' Furnishing Goods! Look inour Show windows and see the bargains in plainly-marke- d

prices. Pongee Coats, Pongee Shirts, Undershirts, Collarsand Xeckties in all shades and many designs.



Just received from the B. F. Gravely's Factory,an assortment of their celebrated Tobaccos, includingtheir

--" SUPERIOR,"- -

vhichis the finest and most expensive Plug Chew-ing Tobacco manufactured in the world. Everyleaf hand-brush- ed and carefully cleaned.

Also their well-kno- wn Smoking Tobacco,

S" Flue-Cur-ed Plug Cut,"vin 4 and 8 oz. tins.


TOBACCONISTS.Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets.

E. W. JORDANNo. lO Fort Street.

RugsA largo assortment of

Contor Hugs, Art Squares, liovoraiblos,Sofa ltugs, Fancy and Fibre Door Mats,"Hull and Stair Carpets, Hassocks, etc.Japaneso Hugs and Straw Mats,Floor Linoleum, Oil Cloth,Hall Linoleum and Bath Mats.

Bed Spreads.Marcolla, Toilot and Honeycomb,(for Double lied, Threo-quarto- r and Smglo),Ohoapcst to Best.


A splonilid Assortment in all qualities,'widths and sizes.

Towels,Turkish in Linen and Cotton.Turkish Bath Blankets,Damask and Huckaback,fringed and hemstitched.All especially good value.

CurtainsA big choico in Xottingham Laco.Also Oreton by the yard."Worth inspection.

Come early and got first ohoico at

E. W. JORDAN'S,No. lO Fort Street.

.a... rtlftiiAai.i.i'Mfti.-iafii'i- i ii" .,,,.1'f .!.4el. ,








Page 6: BW CTt-aR Tr Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · Sinco tha timo he has not beon heard from Foul play or mental aberration, probably tho Iattpr, is suspected




' Typewriters







TypowriteRTypewriters ! ! !

Yost and Densmore


Hawaiian fa Co., liil


Ho ulciuarters for T. V. Supplies.

Merchant Street.

This Day

The Last Invoices of

New Goods.FOR.

I l SMI & Son's

Have arrived and are being

t . .

I "r.j j.p at the same

low prjlfts and extra 10 percent, discount as former impor-


E. &liiiii k Son's,

Kllig Street, Vcn Holt Block.

JusfcEke Gold Coin.

For more than fifty yearshas PERKY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood the testagainst-al- l remedies preparedto eradjeato pain, and todaystandfj 'fit the head of the listamong .9io medicines that areso essowtjal to keep at hand inthe hqiiiV

It in3t a n )v fHftplo remedynor uoc)tho proprietors layclaim rotyvy wonderful revela-

tion of tjii ingredients that en-

ter in3toTthe manufacture ofthis ovd-,y6pul- romedy.

It if gijffectly harmless, youneed luujano fear of becominghabitufluv inclined to its use.

- ForitSihc, Cramps, Dysen-tery, fWdk, and all painfulaffectionija fow doses will cer-

tainly ie 'relief. You cannotafford ter.. be without a bottlein thoutobso.

YourTtorofathors used itand founc i linnnfirtinl

l IV UUIIUUW.l..Wliv. experiment with some

remedy jtitap is now and its effecton thejsjjjsjipm unknown?

It liafff many rivals but noequal, r

Iffij T4tp now 35 c. size con- -

tains ojVgMoublo the quantityvf t,i Min size.l wiw r1"!1

I JlHolder -:- - Drug

.'rtnmnnnv.. v'J1BMi'iCgents for the Island),






Wo lire prepared to furnishollleoi-- s ntiil men In regulation uniforms,nt tlio shortest notlco, iv ml nt reasonablerates.

Kit guaranteed In ovory ease.

CST641 King Street. -- U


UMUsSl'HKCKELS. Wm. G. luwm.

uidtig jjfylfeck Big UO.


Sin Jfyanchco AgmtnTua Nevada Banc oiBan Fhancisco.

IU1AW EICnANOE onikx Krancisco The Nevada Dank ol Sac

Francisco.London Tin; Union Dank of London, Ltd.Sew Veins American Exchange National

Dank.OniUAOO Merchant National Dank.Pahis Comtitolr National d'Escompt de

Paris.Berlin Drctdncr Hank;HON0KONQ AND YOKOHAMA Hongkong A

Sliaiijilisil llanklni; Corporation.Sew 7. and Australia Bank of New

Zci'...r.dVlCToniA and Vancooteii Bank of llrltlth

North America.

fraEsact a General Banting anlEicbine Bnsmess

Dcpolsts Kccclvcd. Loans made on8ccurlty. Commercial and Travelers

Credits Issued. Dills of Exchange boughtind sotd.'.I1.I.SCTI0S8 ruOMfTLT ACCOUNTED FOR.

Established 1858


Transact a General Bankingind Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, available in all the principal citiesof the world.

Interest allowed after Jul'1, 1S98, on fixed deposits 3months 3 per cent., C months3h per cent., 12 months iper cent ;

Tjje Aohuma Specie BanlI.IHITKD.

Subscribed Capital .Yen 12,000,000Paid Op Capital .Yen 7,500,000deserve Fund .Yen 5,464,500


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Trauanclti a General Banking and Ex-

change Business.Agency Yokohama Spotie Bank

New Republic Building. Ill Kins SI, Honolulu.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets June 30, 1S0S, $113,032.61.Uoney Loaned on Approved bocurlty,V Savings Bank or Monthly Deposits.Uouseg Built on the Monthly Installment

Plan.Seventeenth Series of Stook now opem

tor further particulars apply toA. V. GEAR. Soorotary.

Chamber of Commerce Rooms.Office Lotirs. 12:30 1:30 FiM. 373-t- f


SaviiigsBankOn October 1st, 1898, and

continuing: until further notice,Savings Deposits will be re-

ceived, and interest allowed bvthis Bank, at four and one-ha- lf

per cent, per annum.The terms, rules and regula-

tions of the Hawaiian PostalSavings Bank will be adoptedas far as it is practicable to ap-

ply them, and the Cash Re-

serve of $?0,000 required under the Postal Act will bemaintained.

Printed copies of the Rulesand Regulations may be ob-

tained on the first of Octoberon application.

BISHOP & CO.Honolulu, Sept. 7, 1898.

I010-t- f


YOU NEED Ito be cautious about your food.f Never buy adulterated Oro- - I

corles when you enn buy puroPk food nt tlio same or almost the J

same price.






J; Stock 1h the best In tho CMly.

r "

k I T. WatfirhniififiJ; Wnverley lllock, Uetliel St.


2 5

tfeS5&rvr iAIhr-ri- v


n r? trTl-x- l i' 6 . " ?- - i5

I Sffisa s5- - ff'j :x

j ? ."SB 3 Ci sj

it? HgS ff if: : . i T"! : t

t j-- ' 1 ru :

11V """ N

Chinese and Japanese Firms.

MANILA CIGARS!If you want to iiiiri'lia.o tlio bottbrand of Manila I'l.iri ut Heason-abl- u

ltateN.Call on KAM TAI,

Hotel St. near l'ort.


Importer of JapaneseFancy and Staple Goods.

Corner of Queon and Niiiiami Streets.U92.


Merchant TailorShirts and Suits iimdo to order, l'or-fe- ct


HQOU Hotol htroot near Niiuauii; oppo-site Wavorloy lllock. 0U1.

HOP WO COMPANY.King Stroot, I'alaco Square

Merchant Tailor.Crash Duck and Ltnou Suits mado to

ordor. Kino assort inont of now and latohtdoslgns Just arrlvod. 1'orfoct Kit Guar-anteed. Lowest 1'ricos.

Ivory WareLacquer WareSilver WareCrockery WareWing WoTai & Co.

SUKuunnu Street.

Yee Sing TieI Large

kjY2e&MRfHHH WioketChairsof themm Latest

Htf$'Siii'''''(lfll Styles..AND..

EurnituroOf all kinds.

Fort Street, opp. Club Stables

Tk Hawaiian Judiciary,

Continued from Third I'aire.

would bo recognized by Congress.Thou it they bud n court of npponltogotlier with othor courts ofrecords, judges of tlio inferiorcourts might bu choson by thoGovornor, with or without tmy-bod- y's

consout.Tho Attorney-Gorjor- al hero

quoted figures to show tbo volumoof work for the Judiciary.

Mr. Sillimau wanted to laystress on tho coutinuiug of thoproteut syBtom.

Tlio Attorney-Gener- al dis-coursed on section 7 of the draft.Thoro nover had been any troublefrom tho prajtico of this countryin having commitals by districtmagistrates instead of indictmentsby u grand jury. Tho vordict ofnino out of twolvo jurors, also,had worked admirably in thiscountry. Of courso in Fedoralcasos ft unanimous vordict wouldbo uocpssarv, but iu some Statesgraud juries were not r3quired.Michigan was ono. It seomedanomalous to them iu this countryto requires n uuania ous verdict.One ignorant or corrupt mancould defeat juBtico.

Mr. Neumann observed that agrand jury in this country wasunnecessary. Tho only thing inwhich it was useful was the tak-

ing cognizance of offenses bypublic ofiicore, but as thoro wnsnover anything wrong with pub-lic oflicors here a graud jury wasentirely uuiiceseary

Mr. Johnson objected to thoproposal to abolish soparato racojuries.

Mr. Vivas moved to havo thoresolutions referred toacommitteoof threo to report on Monday.

Mr. Weavor felt very stronglyon section No. C. Tho distinctionbotweon law and equity was in-

herent iu tho anciont practicecoming down to English law toAmerican. It should read, "distinctiou botweon tho forms of lawand equity."

Tho Chair suggested, owing toshortness of time, Saturday forthe roport of committee

Mr. Vivas in eagor alarmThe races on Saturday.

Tho Chair pleadingly Satur-day morning.

Mr. Woavor thought memberswho could not attend should beusked to send in thoir votes.

Mr. Neumann objected thatanybody not having interestenough to bo present, thoy did notwant his vote.

Saturday morning at 9 o'clockcarried, and on motion the Chairwas asked to appoint the com-

mitteeTho Chair thought Mr. Uallou,

who had compiled tho laws, oughtto bo on tho committoo. Mr.Nou-inan- n

also must be ono. Thogentleman pleaded lack of timo,but, on tho Uhair s gently insist-ing on the groat importance oftho mattor, ho capitulated withtho remark thnt ho supposed, likotho Indian, be "had all tho timethoro was."

Messrs. Untch, Neumann andDallou weru named as tho committeo.

Tho pain of a bum or ecnld ibabnost instantly roliovod by ap-plying Chamberlain's Pain Balm.It also heals tho iujured partsmoro quickly than any other treatmont, and without tho burn is vorysovoro does not loavo a scar. Forsalo by all dealors, Benson, Smith& Co., General Agents.


Tlio I.ii.t Pur.Tho last cars of tho King street

lino going to Waikiki and l'alamapass tho Anchor Saloon. Thocleverest mixologists in tho cityare thero always to put you upanything you may dosiro. Dropin and tako a drop before you takotho car. Tho colobrated Hoattloboor is to bo had horo ou draught.A full lino of liquors includingJohn Dowar's Scotch, O. P. S.,oto., always on hand. Tho mostexacting and varied demands canbe satisfiod. Tho Anchor Saloonis hero to ploaso its patrons.

Just Received




Beaver LunchROOM,

H. J. Nolte, Proprietor1011 3t

EiLrifsmiuc. 2nHitl. i --.ill lid. - J .


Hardware, etc,

Do you want

Ahtists' Materials 1

Go to tlio

Pacific Hardware Co.

Do you want

The Best Cutlery 1

Go to tho

Pacific Ilardwaro Oo.

Do you want

A Stove 1

Go to thePacific Ilardwaro Co.

Anything in tho

Hardware Line1?

Wo can supply you.


Kort Street.

Home Decorating I

Gold Paint:

Which In a Hiibstlttito for goldleaf, and will LAST.


For Imparting a hard and glassysurface to any material.

Bath-tu- b Enamel:For porcelain finish on tubs,flower pots. etc. Not atlectedby cold or hot water.

Varnish Stains:For furniture, baskets, etc.

tSTFull directions for use. Try them.

Lewers & Cooke.


"lYoie xarjge foiLe$ MoneiJ"

Than any In the market.In two slzos 25 and 28


John Nott,75-7- 9 KING ST.

Tolophono No. .11.

The Club StablesLimited.

O. Bellixa, : Manager.FORT STREET,

Telephone 477Livery, Boarding & Sale Stables

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouts.Safe Drivers.

Wo aro osnochilly equipped to cator toyour trado. Kalr dealing und good sor-vlc- o

Is what wo dopond upon to got it.Wo havo for salo Family Carrlago and

Driving Uorsos, slnglo or doublo toams.Thoy aro In good condition and will bosold on favorablo tonus.

Dr. Rowat is always In nttondanco attlio Stables.

Club Stables HackstandCor. Union it Hotol Sts.



or Doublo Toains at a luoinont's noticeHack Nos. 125, 183, 100, 70, 77.


Notice.The Queon and Eiiglo aro now under

the management of Mr. W. K. Azhlllwho assumed full control on the 1st ofhopt. Mr. Uarl Kleinmo Is now onlyconnected with the Tivoll at Walklkl.



Pate De

Foie GrasA dollcacy sought after by conno-Issou-

in all parts of tho world; ItIs rich mid dollcato, and Is used atbanquots and for lunches at ovon-ln- g


To servo Rato do Kolo Gras Is to bo

ultra fasblonablo.

No houso In Honolulu carrlos any-

thing llko tho variety In this linothat wo do. Ourassortniontls vorylargo and comploto.


aro ollvos stuffed with plinlontoi,a swoot Simnlsh I'oppor.

Evon tlio brine tastes good.Thoy aro a rich morsel, dollghtlngtho palalo and assisting dlgostlon.

An ollvo fork frco with each boltlo.



225 Quoen atroot. Honnlnlu. H. J,

EMAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail Qrocories.

516 & 517 Fort St.. HonoluluTelephoner 22 P.O. Box 470


Annexation lias alreadyhad tho ofleot of lowering thoprices at tlinPalama Grocery Co.

You can save quite a fowdollars monthly by dealingWilli UH.

The cars stop right at our door.

Palama tiye Grocery Co.upposuo Jtauway Depot, KlngSt.Tho ve Plan is

proving a genuine success totho general public as woll assubscribers.


T. B. CLAPHAM,Veterinary Snrgeon s Dentist

Olllco : Hotel Stiiblna. f',.lla .i,. n.night, promptly answorod. Specialties:uuiiemui aiiuiiuiouess, 1005

A. R. ROWAT,Veterinary Surgeon. 510 Fort Street.


Orders left at Club or PantheoaStables will bo received and promptlyattended. Diseases of dogs a specialty.

J.R.Shaw,D.V.S. )

Office and Infirmary, - - 863 King St.TELEPHONE 700.

J6T Modom and Humano Troatmont




EMBALMINGA specialty.

Office and Parlors511 & 510 Fort St. , near 1 lotel.

Tulophono 170.


Page 7: BW CTt-aR Tr Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · Sinco tha timo he has not beon heard from Foul play or mental aberration, probably tho Iattpr, is suspected

sf " y tWTfl iir;.'""'jWHW1!'


Lines of

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Tho Fino Passenger Steamers of TLib Lino "Will Arrive at nr"

Loavo This Tort as Hereunder.

Prom San Franoisco:MARIPOSA August 17

MOANA September 11

ALAMEDA October 12

In connection with tho Bailing of tho abovo steamers, tho Ageutiaro proparod to issuo, to intending passengers, coupon throne!tickets by any railroad from San Franoisco, to all pointB in thUnitod and from Now YorH by any steamship lino to al

Enropoan ports.

For further particulars apply to

Win. G. Irwin & Co., LimitedGeneral Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.

Lines of Travel.

O. It. & L. Co.


STATIONS. o -si ?

(Outward). (A

X XtJ a

I 3 3

A.M. A. M.

Honolulu .. 7t to 911 J! 10 5: toPurl City.. 8:07 9:48 3:4 5:50Cw. Mill.., 8: 57 10 : 08 4103Walanae. ., 9! aj 10:51 4 "2Walalua .. la 00


STATIONS. 0eIS(Inward). 5a si


A, M P M. P.M

Walalua... 6:n !39Walanae... 7 : u 10 : 09 S:55EwaMIII... J!5 7 s 47 10 : 59 4 : 3 a: 45Parl City. : 15 8 107 II i 34 4!!I 1 : 10Honolulu .. 61 ;o 8 :o4 u: 15 5: 114!

F. C. Smith, Clon'l lilts, .t TicketAgont.

G. P. Ii:nison, Stiporlntoiuloiit.


' ' Annexationof theIslands !

The Official

in Pictures !

J. J. Williams Has Them I

Tho following nro somo of tho viows:OmVlitl Landing of Troops.Presenting Nowlund's Resolution to

Dole liy iSowall.

Loworing of one Flag nml tho Raising

of tho otlior.Last shot of tho 21 saluting tho Flag.

All lncltlonts connected w Itli tho coro-monl-

At tho old stand hi Fort street.


F. ANTON SEVERIN, PROP'R.Coloring and laree work a specialty. Fine ISLAND

VIEWS for ale. The finest workmanship at thelowest prices. Amateur and kodak work solicited.


Nuuanu Street, opp. Queen Emma Hall.1 doi. Cabinets. $J. Work Neatly Executed.


Hawaiian Stamps Purchased,

I am prepared to purchaso anyquantity of used Hawaiian stamps forcash, and will pay tho following pricesfor tho lasiissuo:

lo 000 per 1002o 50o "5o ?1 "

ino u "l!0 0 "2.50 15 "

All stumps to bo In good condition.Prices furnished 011 application for

oltler Issues.All shipments should be made by

registered mall, and remittance willalways follow within three days ofreceipt.

Reference : Clans Spreckles & Co.C. U. OALMAN,

18 East 23rd St., Now York, N. Y.1000-- 1 m



For San Francisco:MOANA August 17

ALAMEDA :.. September 1

MARIPOSA October li

Lines of Travel.

filler's Steamship Co's


0. L. WIGHT, Pres. S. B. HOSE, Boo.Oapt. J. A. KINO, PortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will Intivn TTnnnlnln uitac. Wi.ab.1.... -- a ino'clock A. m., touching at Lakninni Maa-lao- a

Bay and Makena the samo day;Mahnkona, Kawalhao and Lanpahoehootho following day, arriving at Hllo on

veuut"ouiiy.Rfetnrnlng, will gall from Hllo every

Laupnhoohoe, Mahukona and KawalhaoBtiuiu uuj iuuKuui, aiaaiaoa iiay anaLalminn tho followinp day; arriving ntllouolnln Sunday a. m.

" Will call at l'ohoikl, Pnna, on thesecond trip of tack mouth, arrivingtllfro nn thn tnnmlnn nf tlm .In,.sulllng from Hilo to Honolulu.

xne popular route to tho Volcano isVIA Hi Ifl. A irortit nurrlnrvA onml lnon tiro distance.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will loavfl ITnnnliilti .Tnftalntr nt K n wtouching at Kahninl, liana, UamoaandKipahnla, Maui. Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will oall at Nun. Knmin nn nnnnml irl.of eaoh month.

4 p. m. 01 day of sailing.

This 0 mnany will reserves tha rlnlil tnmako changes in tho time of departure andarrival of its stoamerswithont notice andit will not be responsible for any conse-quences arising thorefromi

uonsignnes must 00 at the Landings toreceivo thoir Froight; this Company willnot hold Itself responsible for freight afterit has been landed.

Live Stook only at ownor's risk.This Company will not bo resnonsibh

for Monoy or Valuables of passengersamoss piacoa in mo care 01 1'ursers.

Packagos containing porsonnl oilbcts,whothor shlppod 11s bangiigo or froight,if tho contonts thoroof oxcood SlOO.OO Invaltio, must liavo tho vnluo thoroofplainly stated mid marked, and thoCompany will not hold itsolf llablo forany loss or damago In oxross of thissum oxcopt tho goods Uo shlppod undora spoclnl contract.

All omployoos of tho Company nroforbidden to rocolvo froight without

a shipping rccolpt thorofor Intho form proscribed by tho Companyand which may bo soon by shippersuiwii application to tho pursors of thoCompany's Stoamors.

Shlpjiors nro notlllod that If froight Isshlpiod without such rccolpt, It will bosololy at tho risk of tho shlnpor.

Fasscngers are requested to purchasetickets before embarklngt Those failing todo so will bo subjoot to an additionaloharge of twenty-liv- e per cent.



Ohia, Algerota and Pine FirewoodCut and Split (ready for tho Stove).




At Lowest Prices, dollvered to any part olthe City.

VEoSPHONE; I I 1 414

HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Street.

EOBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMerchant Street, Honolulu, H. I,

Over Hawaiian NewBOompany'eRnnk Rtnro. mv iP-

Notice.I)u J. II. IIAYMONI) gives notlio

that ho resiunod his practice, witholllco on Boretaula streot, near Kmnm,and has changed his olllco hours, as fol-

lows: l:00 to 11:00 a. m., 1:00 to 3:00and 7:00 to 8:00 p. in. 1000-l- m

SHIPPING NEWSAdditional, and the latest Shlpplne News, will be

found on the eighth page.


t--i en 5 a aioDay. 15 3. M B

s. c. c c.I k n re o

n.111. p.m. p.m. p.m.Monday 0; 7.22 0.25 11.5:1 2.55

Tuesday 0 8.22 7.30 a.m. G.25

Vcdnesdav, 7' 0.29 0.55 12.13 0.55jnursday in wit no in 11 in it

p.m. p.m.Friday 01.31 a.m. 7.52 2.00

1.Saturday 10 12.20 12.50 8.03 4.20

Sunday 11 1.02 J 8.1GI 5.51)

Tho Standard tlinowblstlnRniiiiilHiit12h. Om. Os. rmldtilL'ht). nrconwlchtlllln. wlllcli Im 111. .'tllrii 11 111. ofltii--wnllan Standard time.

MOVEMENTS OF STEAME118.Steamers duo nntl to sail tomorrow

and for tho next six days are ns follows:


Stbameiis. Fiiom. Due.Unohl Kohala and Kona Sept 0Kinau Maul nnd Hawaii Rent 9Uelglc San Francisco Sept 10Lehua Molokal and Lantil Sept 10Mlkahala Kaunl Sept 11Claudlnc Maul Sent 11Moana San Francisco Sent 14MaunaLoa Maul iindIIawall...Sept 10

DEPAllT.STEAMEltS. Foil. Bails.MnunaLoa Maul and Hawaii .SeptOUelglc China and Japan .Sept 10TJnolu Kohala and Kona .Sept 13Kinau Maul and Hawaii ,Sept 13Australia San Francisco .Sept 13Claudlnc Maul .Sept 13WO Hal .Sept 13Moana Colonies .Scptli

Chronic Diarrhoea Cured.This i8 to certify that I have

had chronic diarrhoea over sincethe war. I pot so wenk I couldhardly walk or do anything, Onebottle of Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedycured mo Bound and woll.

J. It. Gibbs, Fiucnstlo, Vn.I had chronic diarrhoon for

twelve yoars. Throo bottles ofChamberlain's Colic, Cholera andDiarrhoea Ilomedy cured mo.

S. L. Shaver, Fincastlo, Va.Both Mr. Gibbs aud Mr. Shaver

nro prominent faruiors aud rosidonear Fiucnstlo, Yn. They pro-cured tho remedy from Mr. W. E.Casper, a druggist of that placo,who is well acquainted with themand will vouoli for tho truth ofthoir statements. For salo bv alldealers, lienson, Smith & Co.,UOuoral Agonts.


BEST OF MEATS.Families desiring tender,Juley steaks and chops shouldcall on tho

Central Meat MarketWo mako 11 specialty of family tradoand soil tho bust at ruasonabloilgnros.

H. E. GARES, Proprietor.21 I XtUMtlU St. Tolophono 104

CityMeatMarketJOSEPH TINKER, Propr.

Family and Siiiti'ini Uutchuk.

Poultry and tho choleostof meats kept.Vogotnblos frosh every morning.All onion quickly dnlhored.



108 KING STREET.G. J. Walleii, : :

"Wholesale aud Retail


Naw Oiin tractors,Refrigerated Poultry

-- AND-


Metoopolitan IVfeafe (lo.

Telephone 45.

SEPTEMBER 9, 1898. 7 "S


Tho schooner Mokulelo will sailfor Konn ports this afternoon.

Two coal passers and a mrssboy have desorted from the Scan.din.

If the Iwa can pot her thirdpump iu shnpo today she will sailfor Maui ports this afternoon.

Tho Arizona hauled aloncrsidotho ship Goneral Gordon in thostream this foreuoon and booantakiug ou coal.

Tho barkeutiuo Addonda is now2G days out from Ilakodato with acargo of sulphur for this port.Sho is thorofore due.

Tho Paul iBonbere becau diecharging

T . her.carco

"of . conoral-

morcnanuiso at JJrowor's wharfyesterday.

The John A Briggs is tho deepest vessol thnt has ever ontorcdthis port. Sho drew 2G feet I) inches upon leaving Nowcastlo and26 foet 7 inches upon arrival inport. Hor gross tonuago is 2033whilo tho Goneral Gordon, a verylargo British shin from Newcastlois only 1551.

'Iho American ship John ABriggs arrived in port early Instevouing, 17 days from Newcastle,N S W, with a cargo of 3,130 tonsof coal consigned to order. Thosecond mato sprained his ankleshortly aftor soiling from New-castle. Iho Briggs is in thestream.

Tho Erskino M Pholps, nowloading at Baltimore for SanFrancisco, is American from stomto stom and from kool to truck.Sho waB launched from tho Sowallyards laBt July, and should arrivein San Francisco uoxt February.Captain Graham, who is wollknown hero ns master of tho W F .

liabcock, will command tho nowcrack.

llliisttra.Tlin fnllnwinn il!ann(rrn nrn re

ported in tho Marino Record ofAugust 31:

Leon (bk), which, whilo boundfrom Newcastle, NSW, to IIouo-lul- u,

coal laden, sprang a leak,and on May 25 last put intoWhaugnroo, near Auckland, N Z,for repairs, has been fixed up andchanged hands. Ou July 25 shewns sold to J J Craig of Aucklandwho proposes placing her in thocoast coal trade. tier master,Capt Bergman, is now in SanFrancisco, having loft Capt Wil-liams, tho former first mate, incharge

Philomouo (Br sp) St. Mi-

chaels, Azores, Aug 2(5 From Bal-timor- o

for IIouolulu, will dis-

charge half of hor cargo, it boingheated; also sho will be


For Hawaii, per stmr Maui,Sept 8 Jnmcs Barry.

For Ilouokna, per stmr Noeau,Sept 8 Mibs M Jordan.

For San Francisco, per bktn SG "Wilder, Sopt 8- -B N Ericksou,F B Biknor.

For Kapia, por stmr James Makce, Sopt 8 Marshal Brown, WG Smith, Li Cheong, W L Bow-ers.

For Miikawoli and Eleelo, porstmr Kauai, Sept 8 Mr Borch-grovinc- k,

Miss Mohlura, M DMonsarrat.

For Maui a and Hawaii ports,por stmr Mauna Lon, Sopt 0 MrsII Moyors, Mrs W W Wright, JHennessey, Capt L Ahlborn, MrsII A Lindley, Miss M Kaia, Akana Liilii, Miss O Houghtniling,Paahnu, Mrs Lazarus, Mrs Coerper, Miss Hadloy, Miss A Kaalon,S Lessor, Uro Thoodoro, O o,

J Joogonson, O A Roso-cra- us

aud wife, Miss Willis.

A I'lltmil'rt Siiifi;iatlun." I have long been troubled

with cczoma. I was almost readyto give up in despair when a friendsuggested Hood's Sarsaparilla. Igladly thank my friond for hissuggestion, for I bogan takiugHood's Sarsaparilla and today Iam iu bottor health than for years."S. A. Collin, Dover, ArkutiBus.

Hood's Pills euro nil livor ills.Mailodfor 25o. by O. I. Hood &

Co., Lowell, Mass.

Mechanics' Homo, oorner Hoteland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, woek or month. Torms: 26and 50 contH por night. $1, andS1.25 nor '"k.

Wanted, 500 Mento ai:r

Shaved for 15 Cents.At OlOJi Tort stroot, opioslto the Club

Ktablos.II. Jiwra, l'roprlotor.

Miscellaneous, .s :I - , . . 7,Z J

Agents for foNowipg n

BICYCLES:The Well-know- n-

The Unexcelled- -

The Up-to-Da- te-


The Juvenile ElffllC

.Also Bicyole Sundries, svicli asTires, Rims, Spokes, LampsfEtcr

If you don't know what you want, our bicycle man,R. C. Geer, will help you out.

KH Vll I wK'rmtW iTl 1 rVaPB


A NATURAL MEDICAL SPRING WATER.for Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Diseases ot tho Kidney ,

and Bladdor, Skin Eruptions, Etc, Etc,

Benson, Smith. & Co.Comer Fort nnd Hotel Streets.




hvemmj Ilulletm,'month.

Celebrate Raising of Flag !



" Pommery Sec ChampagneMEETS THE FULLY. . ,

F"or Sale toyW. C. PEACOCK &, CO.,Wu



Dontist,COUNKIt AND HOTi:i. H'VH.,

MOTI'-SMIT- II IU.OCIC.Tiu.Kriio.NiiH; Olllco, Olfi; ltesldonco,

781). Horns: 0 it. in. to 1 1. in.

A. C. WALL, D. D.


New Lovo'b Ilaildlng, Fort titrectiTELEI'HONK 4M.


DENTIST.13-- 14 Progress lllock, corner IloroUmlii

it ml Fort Streets, IIouolulu.

D.indriitl'wlll not euro Tobo free of It you must treat yourlmlr nnd wulp with somo roinedy

Dandruff killer.liroturod and sold only by ns Is

Warranted to& Fernandes,

Arlington lllock, Hotol Stregt.3

Ihf ijivea ALLthe ncwi for 75 cents a

the the





Page 8: BW CTt-aR Tr Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · Sinco tha timo he has not beon heard from Foul play or mental aberration, probably tho Iattpr, is suspected







Chamber Suites,


Side Boards,China Closets,

Extension Tables,

Library$Parlor Tables

f Chan's, ate.




And want you to help burn tliom. If you have notgot a rifle or sliot-u- u to burn them in, we can furnish youtho l'lMjuircd articles in that line, also. We have a linostock of smokeless and black powder shot-gu- n cartridges ;

also powder, shot, shells, wads, and loading tools for thosewho wish to load their own ammunition.

Shot-gun- s, Rifles, Revolvers, Air-gun- s, &c, fcc.

E. 0. HALL & SON, Limited,

Corner "Fort and Kina Streets.

f Rubber TiresPut on a.'y WiiHKL, and

Full Line of and

orilci-- llllcd.


Satisfaction Ultakaxtkui.Delivery Wagons Other Vehicles.

SCHUMA3NT3VSCarriage and Harness Repository

tSriHlmiil promptly

.Four stiu:i:t, Aitovi: Or.un

m o-- o LiGKHTiysr khhstd.

Imperial Wheels!Best Bicycle for general use made in the United States.

See for yourself and be convinced.

PEARSON & HOBRON, Agts312 FORT ST. Telephone 565.





Cathartic PillsIt Is caBy to purgo, but that Is not what

Is wanted. A mild but euro and undls-turbin- g

cathartic will set Naturo to go-ing, and relievo tho head, tho stomach,tho liver and all tho organs of tho body

CURBfrom the many and dangerous evils of aclogged corporeal drainage.

Hood's Pills CUKE Liver Ills, sick head-ach- o,

biliousness, constipation, withoutpurging, without pain, without violence

Iiver IllsHood's Pills aro tho only pills to tako

with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sold by alldruggists. 25c. Sent by mall on receiptoi price, uy u. i. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass.


Department of Public In-struction.

Tkmii:ks roii School Jlrii.uiNci.Sealed tenders for the construction

of a two-stor- twelve-roo- brickschool building In Honolulu will hereceived at the olllco of the undersigned III the Kxoeutlve Hlltldliiguntll12 ii clock noon on Thursday, September 15.

Plans and specifications can he Keenat the olllce of Messrs. Itlplcy AWokey, Architects.

Kuoli hid must liu lu't'ompniiled by acertlllcd check for live per cent of theestimated cost of building.

The Minister docs not lilnd himselfto accept the lowest or any bid.

(Signed) HKN'ltV H.COOPKK,Minister of Publlo Instruction.

liil()-:i- t

Irr-gatio-n Notice.

Holders of water privileges, urthocpaying water rates, art-- hereby nntl-llo- d

that the hours for Irrigation pur-poses are from (I to K o'clock a. m. andfrom 4 to I) o'clock p. in.

II. Holders of water privileges onthe slopes of Punchbowl above Greenstreet, and in Xiiimini Valley aboveSchool street aro hereby notified thatthey will not be restricted to the irri-gation hours of (1 to 8 a. in. and I to6 p. in., nut will lio allowed to irrigatewheiieversulllclent water isavailahlc,provided that they do not use thewatei for Irrigation purposes for inorothan four hours In every twenty-fou- r.

ANDKKW HItOWN,Supl. Honolulu Waterworks.

Approved: J. A. KINO,Mlulstorof Interior.

Honolulu, II. I., Sept. 7, 1S9S1010-t- f


THIRD- -Annual Championship Races,

SEPT. 10, 1898,ivkhtiii:

Pearl Harbor Course.First Itnco Four-onro- d Slioll, .Senior

Championship.Second Huco l'"our-o.iro- d Shell, Ju-


Uncos will start at I p. in., after thearrival of soron 1 train.

Trains will leave Honolulu ik-pi-t atl:4riinl :i: n, and return Immediatelyafter tho racos. Hound trip tlckots, 7Ccents. S. Ii l TAYLOR,

100'J-- Chalnnaii.

O. R. & L. CO.c hi(iiini) at liu

At Pearl Harbor,

Saturday, Sept. 10th.

B3i. Trains will loavo Honolulu at1:45 p. ni. and :t:l.r p. in.

Excursion Tickets, 75o.N. U. Tho Rogiilur Train Scheduled

to lonio Honolulu at 5:10 p. in. will notloimi until after tho arrival of tiaiu fromthe races. F. C. SMITH,

O. 1". ,t T. A.


thi: sonsofthi:ami:rican rkv- -IHA'TIOX will cib-o- tho Anniversaryof "1'orry's Victory" of Sopteinbor 10,1813, by a mooting at tho rosldonco ofMr. A. K. Judd, l'resldont, on Saturday,Soptombor 10, at 7:30 p. ni.

ismng Compatriots aio Invited tobo present. 101().:it


1 or aJJitiorut Shipping News see seventh page

Diamond Head Signal Stntlnn, SoptI), 1 pin Weather hazy, wind fresh


AltMVALS.Thursday, Sopt 8.

Am ship John A ItrlggH, Hatch,from Newcastle, N 8 W.

Friday, Sept 0.

Stmr Kcntilimi, Thompson, fromKauai ports.

Ktmr Mlknhaln, Thompson, fromKauai ports.

Stmr Kliuui, Clarke, from Hawaiiand Maul ports.

Dd'AHTOHES.Friday, Sept 0.

Stmr Miunm Lna, Slinerson, for La--

halnn, Maalaea, Ivoiia ami Kau.Stmr Keauhou, Thompson, for Kn-liuk- u

at 4 til.


Captain Ahlborn returned toMnui on tho Mauna Lon tin's foronoon.

After tbis tho Kinau will Htiil

ou Tuesdays and nrrivo ou Sundays, mnkiug a trip a weok.

Tho steamer llnwaii will bo intomorrow with 00 bond of cattlefor tho Metropolitan Meat Com-pnu- y.

L T Kennko of tlio Post Officoroturned ou tbo Kinau tbis fore-uoo- n

after a most pleasant vaca-tion in uud about Ililo.

Tbo S S City of Columbia wnssuppo3od to suil from llilo fortbis port today. According tothat sbo will arrivo tomorrow.

During tbo two weeks whichonded September 1, 100,000 fishwero received at tbo fisbmarkot.I'lin majority of those wero pubi-ki- i.

Tho bark Annio Johnson, Mat-so- n

master, with cargo consistingof 136'J bags sugar, 2'2 bags coffee,1 cleat' ic motor and 3 cylinders,hns suited from Hilo.

The schooner Metlm Nelson,Itico mostor, from Abordoon.Washington, with cargo a lumborconsisting of '1135,851 feot dressedpine, 00 bundles laths, I.J1 sacksbran, '220 sucks ot oats has arriv-ed in llilo.


From Maui and Hawaii ports,per stmr Kinau, Sept 9 Volcano:M W Fogg aud wifo, J W Brown,Mrs F Simpson and child, A liuchauan, Mibb O Snow, Miss I Tnuner, Miss M Suntor, W Hancock,Miss A E Wall, Miss E K Day-ton, Miss Emma Lyons, L T Koniike, Dr A 0 Wall, II L Wheatly, II B Gehr, A S Gurnoy andwife, H O Davis, A A Hobson.Way ports: Miss L M Lemon, IIS Townsend, wife aud 3 children,Mrs Jenkins and 2 children, RevS L Desha and 3 children, S Nowlein, wifo and 2 childron, MisBAunio Boso, Miss F Hill, ThosByan, D Bietl. H F Humbloy, BC Saddler, B lymoud Cowan, MrsGeo Buttmnu, Miss M Mnby,Miss Kaloi Ewaliko, Miss J Ka-pua- bi,

Master W Vannatta, Most-or J Vannatta, Miss B Horner,Mies Maud Horner, Mrs J J Hor-ner, Miss E Horner, Arthur Hor-ner, Master Jack Winter, CbasWilliams and 7 childron, MissAlice Kong, Master Bridge, BobtHughes, Miss M Hughes, H TKing, J A M Osorio and i child-ron, Master J Lang, Master WPerry, Master S Maheloua, MissGerty, Miss A Doweott, Miss MDowsott, Chew Man, W H Cornwell, Miss A Widdifield, Miss 0WiddiQeld, J K Kahinu, and 188deck ga6sengors.

From Honaloi, per stmr Keau-hou, Sept 9 FalhorSylvestor, thofour Bortlemann children, MasterBruco Hopkins aud 0 on dock.


From Hanaloi, per stmr Koau-bou- ,

Sopt 91100 bags paddy, 80bags rico.

From Maui and Hawaii ports,per stmr Kinau, Sept 9392 bagsspuds, 91 bags corn, 17 balos awa,3G bags coffee, 07 bales hidoB, 4head hogs, 25 head cattlo, 175pkgs sundries.

Bopresontativos from tho variousyoung peoplo's Bociotios of tho citvwill meet in the Y. M. 0. A. hallthis evening to talk over plans fortbo proposed union mooting to bohold in tho association hall Mon-day ovoning noxt.

If you want a nico Bubber tirohack with a caroful driver ring upClub Stable Hack Stand Tol. 319,and wo guarautoo you will besatisfied.


IlmtnrM Trnninctril uta Meeting HeldYeilenlny.

At ft mooting of tho HawaiianNational Leniruo hold yestordayaftornoon, tbo following businesswas transacted:

Momorial to Commission asdrawn up by tbo committoo, roadand laid on the tablo subject tofuturo action.

Clerk instructed to roply to tboWnianao nativos granting thoirrequost that thoy bo nllowed tosend dolegfttca to Honolulu to ox-um- inc

tho memorial.Clork instructed to roply to the

Hui Aloha Aina tolling thorn oftho acoeptanco of thoir request tojoin with tho Hawaiian NationalLoaguo undor tho following condi-tions:

1. That tho Hui Aloha Ainaohaugo its preset platform whichis ngainst annexation.

2. That tho Hui Aloha Ainadplecatos meet with them for thospecial purposo of considering tbo i

moraonni to bo prcsonteu to tl.oCommission aud for nono other.

Tomorrov' llac Kvrnln.Tho Championship races set for

tomorrow afternoon promise to boof tho most exciting naturo. Thosewho havo watched tho prnotiso ofthe crows ou tbo Poarl harborcourse givo it as their opinion thattho Healanis will comoout winnorin the Senior ovcut.

As to tho Junior ovont, it isagreed that tbo strugglo will bo anoven one between tho crews,

All arrangements for tho raceshavo boon made nnd nil that isnow taking is to havo tho clockstriko 1 o'clock tomorrow.

Tho first train for tho racesleaves tbo city at 1:45 nud tbo

1 T i i n risoconu auu last at o:io. J. ramswill leavo tho Peninsula immodiatoly aftor the races. Excureiontickots will bo sold by tho O. It.&, L. Co.


Continued from First Page.

ign jury. Ho was also exact andmethodical in preparing his cases.Privately Mr. BoBa always oviuceda light aud gay disposition. Howas very companionable. At thosamu timo ho foit doeply on pub-lic mattors, being always ready todiscuss thorn with intolligonco nndforco. Ho was n member of thoLogislaturo of 1890 and ono of itsmost poworf ul debaters. His pol-itics wns always Natiounlist.

The funeral will tako place fromtho Catholio cathedral to thoCntholio cemetery tit 4 o'clock thisnftornoon. These will bo tho pallbearers: 8. O. Dwight, O. B.Wilson, Carl Mett, Honry Smith,J. K. Kahooknno, J. K. Knulin,Attorney-Gener- al W. O. Smithaud Justice W. A. Whiting.

A platoon of police under Lieut.Wnrren will oscort the procession,which will bo lod by tho Ha-waiian band.

At tho ndjournod mooting of theBar tomorrow morning n com-mittoo will bo appointed to draftsuitable rosolutions touching thememory of Mr. Bosa.


The Nliuriliootnri Not In I'oiltlon toto Chiilleiitfe tho Nmv Yorkers.

Thero is no prospect of a match,for a good while at leuBt, botwoonHonolulu marksmen and the crackshots of tho Now York Begiraont.Cnptnin F. S. Dodgo was askedabout it this morning. Ho saidtho Sharpshooters company woreonly hanging together now to dis-poB-

of a matter of business ofsix months' btanding. When thatwas done tho movement to reor-ganize tho old Hawaiian Biflo As-sociation would bo brought to nbend. If a sufficient number camoin, good nnd well. Otherwise,both tho old organizations will goto pieces.

Hetl Crou Noddy Hull.

Tho ladies of tho Bod Cross So-

ciety have docidod to givo a ballin Progress Hall on Monday ovening to raiso funds for tho organi-zation. Mrs. Widdiffold has geu-or- nl

suporvision of tho whole af-

fair. Tho hall is to bo prettily docorated, nativo musicians aro tofurnish tho music and an nilaround good timo is to bo had.Tickets will bo on salo at tho fol-lowing places: Wall, Nichols Co.,Benson, Smith & Co. and the Ho-bro- n

Drug Co. The rocoptioncommittee will bocompoBodof tbofollowing oflicorsof tho Bod CroesSociety : Mrs. Sowall, Mrs. Dole,Princess Kaiulnni, Mrs. E. Jor-dan, Mrs. John Lucas, Mrs. O. II.Cooper, Mrs. M. O. Widdifiold,Mrs. A. Fuller.



"I Consider it Unequaled"

Mr. Edwin Bright of Brisbane,Queensland, gives this strong tcsti-uionia- l:

am pleased to say I have used


both hi the United States and through-out Australia whenever I have felt theneed of a tonic. As a remedy for lomof appetite, weakness nnd debility, andto touc up the system to withstand theoppressive hent nnd sudden changes Iconsider it unequaled."

For constipation tako Dr. Ayi'r'n rm TUrprnmpllf ninl tiirdr cure Tike tl rtnTtllb Dr. AjiT'i Sariaparllto: una hIiIk tho otlit'i.

Hollistei' Drug Co., Ltd.,Solo AKonts for the Republic of Hawaii.



mC'YCI.K, 1)7 MOIi:i Ill'T UTTI.KUSi:i. 1'ilco $.'). For nil particularsregarding this bargain eull at112 TllKimLI.irilXOlT CE.

Notice.A NH?elal meeting of tlio SlinrolioldoM

ofthoOAIIUSlUJAU CO., Ud., will boheld at tbo Chamber of Coinmoieo nt 10a. in. ou Tuesday, Soptnmhnr l.'ltli, 1S!H.

1I.A. ISKNllICIta,Soerotnry.

Honolulu, Soytonilior llth, IhUS.



UyordorofJ. M. Dousett, adniiiiKtni-to- rof tbo estato of J. I. IIowkoI, 1 will

noil at public auction,

3 Largo Hawaiian Canoes.For furtbor particulars Inquire of

JAS. P. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

In the Circuit Court First

Circuit of the Hawaiian


Iq the Matter or the Bankruptcy of

Kate S. Treagloan.

Upon rondliifr and llllimtlio petition ofKATK S. TltHAtlLOAX, of Honolulu,allogliiKtlmt inoro than six niontbs havoolapsod Hlnco sbo was adjudicated nbankrupt, and pmylng for a dischargefrom all bor dehtN.

It Is ordered that MONDAY, Soptom-bor 20, 18U8, in Alllolnnl Halo, Hono-lulu, nt 10 a. in. of that duy, boforo Mr.Justlco Terry, bo and tlio miho IshorobynpiHilntod for tbo hearing of wild potf-tlo-n,

at which tlmo and plaeo all credi-tors who havo proved thoir claimsagainst silil bankrupt iiiny appear andHhow eauso, if any tboy haw, why thoprayor of h.iIiI bankrupt should not lxigrnntod.

My the Court:J. A. TIIOSII'SOX,

Deputy Clerk.Honolulu,; Sept. tl, IM)8. 1012 2W

Boy Wanted.A imidllT CAHII 30Y IS WANT-e-d

at IJ. V. Khlers & Co 'h Dry OoodnStore, Fort street.

Notice.A special mooting of tho Shareholders

of tho i'lonoor Mill Co. Ltd.. will bo hniiiat tho olllco of H. Hiiekfuld A-- Co. Ltd.,at 10 ii. in. ou Soptombor 10, 181)8.

II. A. ISKXIIHW),Acting Soerotnry.

Honolulu, Sopt. 8, 1898. 1011--

DIM I).POPPKXHKltO-- lii San Francisco,Augusts, 1808, Mrs. l'aullnol'op-lienbor- g,

mother of Mrs. II. Loseof this city, a native of Goorlitz,aornuuiy, aged 7fi years, 4 mouths21 days.

'i tJUl J. jMu:.a.iaii... itau.j.!!. ,jjj,c