business models for private sector participation in service delivery world bank land and poverty...

Download Business Models for Private Sector Participation in Service Delivery World Bank Land and Poverty Conference March 27, 2014 Presenters: Mr. Ernesto Camarillo,

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  • Slide 1
  • Business Models for Private Sector Participation in Service Delivery World Bank Land and Poverty Conference March 27, 2014 Presenters: Mr. Ernesto Camarillo, Jr. Mr. Gaurav Saigal Mr. Ashish Raj
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  • IL&FS : Integrated infrastructure financing and developing institution IL&FS is pioneer in PPP Infrastructure Projects with experience across a range of sectors; We specialise in the area of Project Development, Project structuring, Project Management, Construction and Operations and Maintenance; and Delivery Framework through sector specific companies. Airports | Education | eGovernance | Environment | Health Municipal Finance | Ports | Power | Rehabilitation of Assets Resettlement & Rehabilitation | Roads & Bridges | Water Roads & Bridges | Solid Waste Management | Sewerage Special Economic Zone | Telecom | Urban Infrastructure S ECTORS WHERE WE OPERATE
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  • Outline Business ModelsCase StudiesConclusion
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  • Business Models Pure BOO / BOOT JV / Hybrid PPP Turnkey / Milestone Based Managed Services Model
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  • Case Study : BOO Model The Philippines Land Titling Computerization Project
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  • Introduction Land Registration Systems, Inc. or LARES (IL&FS subsidiary) is the Private Proponent for the Land Titling Computerization Project No intention to speak in behalf of the Government Sponsor, which is the Land Registration Authority (LRA)
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  • Outline Project Brief through Audio Visual Presentation Status of the Project Observed BenefitsNew Services and Initiatives
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  • Context The Philippines is made up of approximately 30M hectares of land, almost half of which alienable and disposable Torrens System of Land Titling implemented LRA, through its RDs, in charge of registering transactions on property Other Players DENR Land Surveys, Disposition, Land Classification DAR Disposition in relation to the Agrarian Reform Program NCIP Disposition in relation to the Indigenous People Act Courts Disposition and settlements Local Government Units Planning and taxation
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  • The Government Sponsor Key Facts Organization Land Registration Authority 164 Registries of Deeds Established 1903 Attached to the Department of Justice Mandate Original Registration Subsequent Registration Subdivision and Consolidation Condominium Reconstitution Real Property Registry Chattel Mortgage Movable Property Registry Certified True Copies Certifications Verifications Information Services
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  • The LTCP LRAs answer to the call to provide better public service IT-based modernization project Implemented under the Build- Operate-Transfer (BOT) Law, using the Build-Own-Operate (BOO) Scheme The LTCP is implemented with No Cash Out nor Guarantees from the Government LARES allowed to collect IT Service Fees More secure titles and documents, and prevention of duplicates and overlaps Standardized processes, fees, and requirements Up-to-date information and records, available anytime and anywhere Disaster recovery and business continuity Objectives
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  • Scope of Work 164 Registries of Deeds 1 Central Office 1 Information Management Center Systems Integration Software Development IT Infrastructure Supply Change Management Data Conversion Mapping Site Preparation
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  • Project Brief Please see Audio Visual Presentation
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  • IT Infrastructure setup Supply of Hardware, Software, and Network Equipment Established DC and DR Built 36 new RD buildings Built the IMC Renovated 128 RDs Network & Architecture & Support Distributed Architecture WAN using MPLS technology Established a Customer Service Desk Established a Technical Help Desk Change Management & Training Core s/w, GIS & Mapping system training Nationwide Change management 2500 people in 152 locations and ongoing On-site Trainers Customized Enterprise Systems Registry of Deeds System to issue land titles, etc. Central Office System to approve subdivision/consolidation plans, etc. Operations Support System for the back-end Service Desk System Data Conversion of Existing titles, maps, documents Digital Conversion of Cadastral Maps, Land Titles & Supporting Docs (38.5 M) Conversion of 21,583 MIMs (Municipal Index Maps) and PIMs (province Index Maps) Build-up of a land parcel- based map Scanning & Encoding Custom built data conversion software Centralized Encoding Centers Site Specific scanning
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  • Site Delivery Methodology Site Preparation Works IT Infrastructure Works Training Testing and Acceptance Go Live Data Conversion and Mapping
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  • Challenges Quality and timely availability of titles and documents for conversion Availability of data from other Government Agencies, especially for workflows requiring maps Lack of Manpower from LRA to support Project Delivery and Project Operations Availability of Utilities and Facilities in remote Registries of Deeds Project acceptance and Trainability of LRA Employees
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  • Observed Benefits For LRA More secure titles and documents Continuous Improvement on Systems and Processes Stronger business continuity stance Stronger security stance --- transactions logs are kept showing who did what when For the General Public More visibility of transaction status through the On-line Tracking System Standard documentary requirements across all RDs Easier access to information on an anywhere-to-anywhere basis
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  • Some numbers 2012 vs. 2013 Key Metrics20122013 LRA Fees Collected P4.365BP5.244B Transactions Entered 1,661,712 or 138,476 per month 1,884,601 or 157,050 per month Certified True Copies Issued 695,055 or 57,921 per month 695,211 or 57,934 per month Titles Issued480,504 or 40,042 per month 526,762 or 43,897 per month TAT on Selected RDs
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  • Connectivity
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  • Waterways Project Objective was to identify titled properties falling within the 3-meter buffer zone of selected waterways Worked with the 5 Government Agencies Used 5 layers from different Agencies
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  • ROW Project 38Km right-of-way 20 meters per side Objective was to identify properties falling with in the corridor Use data from multiple sources
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  • ROW Project
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  • ROW Project
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  • ROW Project
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  • LRA Web Portal Anywhere-to-anywhere Core Application Registration and Information Systems Extension Office System Transacting Public Real Property Database Personal Property Database X 164 Institutional Users
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  • Other Case Studies
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  • Business Models Pure BOO / BOOT JV / Hybrid PPP Turnkey / Milestone Based Managed Services Model
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  • A comprehensive BOOT project of computerization of 177 registration offices on PPP mode across Orissa (Area 15.6 M Ha). Automation of Land registration process including installation, commissioning and operations & maintenance for five years for the Govt. of Orissa Department of Revenue and Disaster Management. This project was started in Dec09 and was completed in Dec10..NET was used for application development Oracle 9i was used for backend development IBM Tivoli monitoring & Tivoli service level advisor, Tivoli Omnibus Web server and email server Centralized web based application software encompassing 64 deed types Management Information System Workflow based System Web based application software for e- Registration and e-services Infrastructure and manpower for 5 yrs Digitization of more than 60 M pages and benchmark valuation of 50 M plots Supply and Maintenance of IT hardware Various reports such as Fee book, Cash book, Index reports, Power of Attorney, Deed summary, Book report, Master reports etc are generated with an Option to generate ad hoc reports online Facility to enable anywhere registration Introduction SolutionTechnology Client Benefits Orissa eRegistration (Revenue Department) "Best Electronic Delivery of Services Category Award - 2011
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  • Assam Computerization of Land Registration Procurement of Goods and related Services for Statewide Rollout of Computerization of Land Registration in Assam (Area 7.8 M Ha) Design and Site Preparation of the central storage data center Design and Site Preparation of the sub registrar offices Supply, installation and setting up of the necessary Physical Infrastructure Supply and installation of IT and non-IT components Computerization of 92 Sub-Registrars Offices Site Preparation at all Sub-Registrar office Operational Support for two years Training for IGR, Sub-Registrars & Sub- Registrar staffs Warranty of IT and non-IT components for three years Automation of property valuation based on Land Valuation Register and revenue collection Established a secure & error-free Registration of movable and immovable properties Improvement in the quality of service delivery and transparency to citizens Introduction Solution Technology Client Benefits
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  • Bihar eRegistration Project Digitization of Registration records, development of web-based retrieval system and online access mechanism for updating database on a daily basis (Area = 10 M Ha) Design and Site Preparation of the central storage data center Design and Site Preparation of the sub registrar offices Supply, installation and setting up of the necessary Physical Infrastructure Supply and installation of IT and non-IT components Set up of central data centre Development of Web based application Set up connectivity between Sub- registrar office and data centre Set up replicatation data between Sub- registrars office and data centre Supply and Maintenance of IT hardware Automation of property valuation based on circle rates Established a secure & error-free Registration of movable and immovable properties Improvement in the quality of service delivery and transparency to citizens Introduction Solution Technology Client Benefits
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  • Conclusion There is no single one size fits all model All models have success stories (in difficult geos as well) Framework based replicable models are available Proper evaluation based on socio-economic-political environments Both mature and nascent environments stand to benefit with end-to-end PPP-based outsourcing [email protected] [email protected]