bryan cofer - · dear bryan cofer, the sld is currently reviewing your appeal for...

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From: Sent: To: Subject:

Bryan Cofer Tuesday, March 09,2004 10:50 AM 'Christine Monje' RE: SLD - Request for Add'l Info on Appeal - appM327398

Dear Ms. Monje,

I have contacted FedEx Customer Service regarding the signature proof of delivery for the package. I was informed by one of their representatives, Mr. John Hunter, that this is only kept in their system for a period of 3 months. Unfortunately, this package was sent over a year ago.

Naturally, I am very concerned that the signature proof of delivery is unavailable However, I did follow the Form 486 instructions, which advised me to keep proof of mailing. I am hopeful that this will be sufficient for our appeal to be approved.

Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide, and thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter.


Bryan Cofer Supervisor of Technology Morgan County Schools, TN (423) 346-6214

----- Original Message----- From: Christine Monje [mailto:[email protected] Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 3:35 PM To: Bryan Cofer Subject: SLD - Request for Add'l Info on Appeal - appl#327398

Dear Bryan Cofer,

The SLD is currently reviewing your appeal for Funding Year 2002 Form 471 appl# 327398, regarding the associated Form 486. In your appeal letter, you state that the Form 486 was completed and mailed on December 23, 2002, and you also included a copy of the proof of mailing from FedEx.

Please provide the following information: Signature proof of delivery from FedEx for Tracking Number 8357 3075 4604.

Please fax the information to 973-599-6525, Attention: Christine Monje.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me

Thank you for your help!


Christine Monje Schools and Libraries Division - Program Compliance Phone: (973) 884-8268 Fax: (973) 599-6525 Email: [email protected]


From: Sent: To: Subject:

Christine Monje [[email protected]] Monday, March 08,2004 3:35 PM Bryan Cofer SLD - Request for Addl Info on Appeal - appH327398

Dear Bryan Cofer,

The SLD is currently reviewing your appeal for Funding Year 2002 Form 471 appl# 327398, regarding the associated Form 486. In your appeal letter, you state that the Form 486 was completed and mailed on December 23, 2002, and you also included a copy of the proof of mailing from FedEx.

Please provide the following information: Signature proof of delivery from FedEx for Tracking Number 8357 3075 4604

Please fax the information to 973-599-6525, Attention: Christine Monje.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me

Thank you for your help!


Christine Monje Schools and Libraries Division - Program Compliance Phone: (973) 884-8268 Fax: (973) 599-6525 Email: [email protected]


Federal Communications Commission DA 04-306

In the Matter of

Request for Review

Saint Vincent’s Home School Fall River, Maine

Before the Federal Communications Commission

Washington, DC 20554

) ) ) )

) ) File No. SLD-335335

Schools and Libraries Universal Service ) CC Docket No. 02-6 Support Mechanism )


Adopted: February 5,2004 Released: February 6,2004

By the Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau:

1. The Telecommunications Access Policy Division has under consideration a Request for Review filed by Saint Vincent’s Home School, Fall River, Maine (Saint Vincent’s).’ Saint Vincent’s requests review of a decision by the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the Universal Service Administrative Company? For the reasons set forth below, we grant the Request for Review and remand Saint Vincent’s application to the SLD for further processing.

In its Request for Review, Saint Vincent’s argues that its completed FCC Form 2. 471 (Form 471) application was timely filed on January 17,2002, the Funding Year 2002 Form 471 filing window deadline? As evidence of its assertion, Saint Vincent’s attaches a copy of its Express Mail Receipt from the United States Postal Service (Postal Service), dated January 17, 2002.4 In the alternative, Saint Vincent’s requests a waiver ofthe Funding Year 2002 Form 471 filing window deadline.’ Saint Vincent’s states that it appears that its original Form 471 application was not delivered to SLD, and after it learned of this, it re-submitted the completed application.6 Saint Vincent’s argues that the circumstances leading up to its application package

’ Letter from Paul Michael, Saint Vincent’s, to Federal Communications Commission, filed August 5,2002 (Request for Review). Section 54.71%~) ofthe Commission’s rules provides that any person aggrieved by an action taken by a division of the Universal Service Administrative Company may seek review from the Commission. 47 C.F.R. 54.719(c).



Id. at attachment,


‘ Id.

Fedcrsl Communications Commission DA 04-306

not being delivered was beyond its control and that its re-submitted application should be accepted?

3. We find that Saint Vincent’s provides documentation indicating that its Form 471 application package was postmarked prior to the close of the filing window deadline. We therefore grant Saint Vincent’s request for review and remand the matter to SLD, so that Saint Vincent’s Form 471 may be processed as a timely application.

4. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to authority delegated under sections 0.91,0.291, and 54.722(a) ofthe Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. $5 0.91,0.291, and 54.722(a), that the Request for Review filed by Saint Vincent’s on August 5,2002 IS GRANTED and Saint Vincent’s application is REMANDED to SLD for further consideration.


Narda M. Jones Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division Wireline Competition Bureau


Federal Communications Commission DA 03-3054

Before the Federal Communications Commission

Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of ) )

Request for Waiver by ) )

Woodburn, Oregon 1 )

Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service ) CC Docket No. 96-45 )

Changes to the Board of Directors of the ) CC Docket No. 97-21 National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. )

Woodburn School District ) File No. SLD-24096 1


Adopted: October 3,2003

By the Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau:

Released: October 6,2003

1. Before the Telecommunications Access Policy Division is a Request for Waiver filed by the Woodbum School District (Woodburn).’ Petitioner seeks waiver of the filing deadline of October 28,2001 for filing FCC Form 486 in Funding Year 2001 of the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism? For the reasons set forth below, we grant Woodburn’s Request for Waiver.

before the October 28 deadline, but failed to complete the required Block 4 certification? However, SLD did not notify Woodbum of the problem with its form until SLD mailed notice on October 22,2001, shortly before the October 28,2001 deadline.4 Woodburn filed the corrected

2. Woodburn filed its FCC Form 486 on August 8,2001, more than two months

See Letter from Paul A. Goodwin, Woodbum School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed I

November 27,2002 (Request for Waiver).

See Request for Waiver. Section 54.719(c) of the Commission’s rules provides that any penon aggrieved by an action taken by a division of the Administrator may seek review from the Commission. 47 C.F.R. 8 54.719(c). Section 1.3 of the Commission’s rules provides that the Commission may waive any provision of its rules if good cause is shown. 47 C.F.R. 5 1.3.

See Letter from Schools and Libraries Division, Universal Service Administrative Company, to lo Anne Wolf, 3

Woodbum Scbool District, dated October 17,2002 (Administrator’s Decision on Appeal).

‘ See Letter from Schools and Libraries Division, Universal Service Administrative Company, to Jo Anne Wolf, Woodburn School District, dated October 22,2001 (Woodburn Form 486 Return Letter).

Federal Communications Commission DA 03-3054

FCC Form 486 on November 1,2001, after the October 28,2001 deadline? Consequent1 , it received discounts only for services starting November 1,2001, rather than July 1,2001. t?,

3. A rule may be waived where the particular facts make strict compliance inconsistent with the public intere~t.~ In addition, the Commission may take into account considerations of hardship, equity, or effective implementation of overall policy on an individual basis? In sum, waiver is appropriate if special circumstances warrant a deviation from the general rule, and such deviation would better serve the public interest than strict adherence to the general rule.’

4. Consistent with our precedent in the Eastern Lebanon Order, we conclude that Woodburn’s request for discounts on telecommunications services presents special circumstances warranting a waiver of our rules.” As was the case in the Eastern Lebanon Order, Woodburn made a g o d faith effort to comply with the deadline by filing its original FCC Form 486 early in the funding year and by filing the corrected version shortly after being apprised of the mistake.” Moreover, the deadline involved a first-time information request.’* Woodburn also sought discounts only for telecommunications services, and the Commission has authority to waive the deadline with respect to requests that involve only telecommunications services.l’

See FCC Form 486, Woodbum School District, filed November 1,2001. 5

‘ Under the Children’s Internet Protection Act, Funding Year 2001 applicants were required to file their FCC Forms 486 by no later than October 28,2001 unless their service began after that date or a funding commitment decision letter issued after that date. See 47 U.S.C. $8 254(hX5HE), 254(hx6)(E); ClPA Order, 16 FCC Rcd at 8188-89,8191, paras. IO, 18. A Funding Year 2001 applicant with a funding commitment decision letter who failed to meet the October 28,2001 deadline could obtain discounts only for services received on or after the date that its FCC Form 486 was postmarked. See Schools and Libraries Universal Service, Receipt of Service Confirmation Form, OMB 3060-0853 (July 2001) (FCC Form 486); Instructions for Completing the Schools and Libraries Universal Service, Receipt of Service Confirmation Form (FCC Form 486), OMB 3060-0853 (July 2001) at 9 (Form 486 Instructions).

Northeast Cellular Telephone Co. v. FCC, 897 F.2d 1164, 1166 (D.C. Cir. 1990) (Northeast Cellular).

* WAITRadio, 418 F.2d 1027,1157 (1972)(WAITRadio).

Northeast Cellular, 897 F.2d at 1166. 9

See Request for Review by Eustern Lebanon County School Dishict, FederaIMtate Joint Board on Universal Service, Changes to the Board of Directors of the National fichange Cawier Assmiation, Inc., File No. SLD- 232946, CC Docket Nos. 96-45 and 97-21, Order, 18 FCC Rcd 5466 (Wireline Comp. Bur. 2003) (Eastern Lebanon Order) (granting waiver request for telecommunications services for Funding Year 2001 where SLD unduly delayed notifying applicant of incomplete FCC Form 486).

‘I See id.; Request for Waiver.


See Eastern Lebanon Order; Request for Waiver.

See Eastern Lebanon Order.



Federal Communications Commission DA 03-3054

5. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to authority delegated under sections 0.91, 0.291, 1.3, and 54.722(a) ofthe Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. $5 0.91, 0.291, 1.3, and 54.722(a), that the Request for Waiver filed by Woodbum School District, Woodburn, Oregon on November 27,2002 IS GRANTED and REMANDED TO SLD to the extent provided herein.


Mark G. Seifert Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division Wireline Competition Bureau

Morgan County Schools 136 Flat Fork Road

Wartburg, Tennessee 37887

David Freels - Director of Schools

Mike Davis - Assistant Director of Schools Central Oftice Phone: (423) 346-6274 FAX: (423) 346-6043

SupervisorsDepartment Heads: David A m e s - Transportation

J.R. Harnby - Mahtenance

Jennifer Blackbum - Food Service James Jones - Title I

Bryan Cofer - Technology Carolyn Shannon - Special Education

Ronnie Wilson - Anendance Edd Diden -Instruction

Letter of Appeal Schools and Libraries Division Box 125 -Correspondence Unit 80 South Jefferson Road Whippany, NJ 07981

Dear Administrators:

We received your 472 Notification :iter today infom !2 us th; we

January 22,2004

we been denied our Telecommur ., ations reimbursements because our Form 486 Start of Services had not been filed. However, our 486 Form was completed and mailed on December 23,2002. This was well within our filing window, since we had only received our Funding Commitment Decision Letter less than one week prior to this date. We have enclosed a copy of our proof of mailing as well as a copy of the 486 Form that was sent. Our school system really needs this funding as soon as possible. We would very much appreciate it if you would resolve this matter at your earliest convenience.

Thank you. -+ Bryan Cofer Supervisor of Technology

Contact Information: Bryan Cofer c/o Morgan County School District Phone: (423) 346-6214 136 Flat Fork Road Fax: (423) 346-6043 Wartburg, TN 37887 Email: [email protected]

Other Pertinent Information: Billed Entity Name: Billed Entity Number: 128406 486 Applicant’s Form Identifier: 650YR5486A

Morgan County School District

Funding Year: 2002

USAC Universal Service Administrative Company Schools & Libraries Division

Form 472 (BEAR Form) N o t i f i c a t i o n Let ter

January 13, 2004

BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc . Fay Reed 675 West Peachtree S t . Room 17M61-Bellsouth Center A t l an ta , GA 30375

Re: Form 472 Invoice Number: 417185 Serv ice Provider I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Number: 143004824 Applicant Form 472 I d e n t i f i e r : 650-YR5-472-B Bi l l ed E n t i t y Number: 128406


Prefer red Mode of Contact : N / A Tota l Amount of Reimbursement Approved f o r Payment: $0 .00

This l e t t e r i s t o n o t i f y you t h a t t h e Schools and L i b r a r i e s Divis ion (SLD) of t h e Universal Serv ice Adminis t ra t ive Company (USAC) has received and accepted a Form 472 from t h e above named a p p l i c a n t l i s t i n g you a s t h e s e r v i c e provider . The SLD has committed to reimburse t h e discounted po r t ion of t h e c o s t of e l i g i b l e s e r v i c e s provided to e l i g i b l e e n t i t i e s pursuant to one o r more Forms 471. A s s t a t e d i n t h e Form 466 Not i f i ca t ion L e t t e r s e n t t o you previous ly , t h e a p p l i c a n t has f i l e d a Form 486 advis ing t h e SLD t h a t s e r v i c e d e l i v e r y has begun. The a p p l i c a n t has completed t h i s Form 472 w i t h your a s s i s t a n c e , seeking reimbursement of t h e d iscounted por t ion of b i l l s a l ready pa id i n f u l l t o you s i n c e t h e e f f e c t i v e d a t e of t h e d i s c o u n t .

The SLD has processed t h e Form 472. Pursuant t o t h e Service Provider Acknowledgment page of t h e Form 472 which you s igned, you must r e m i t t o the app l i can t t h e amount shown a s "Total Amount of Reimbursement Approved f o r Payment" above, no l a t e r than 1 0 ca lendar days a f t e r r e c e i p t of payment of t h e approved d i s c o u n t s from USAC. You a l s o agreed n o t t o tender o r make use of t h e payment of t h e approved discounts issued by USAC t o you p r i o r t o r emi t t i ng t h e d i s c o u n t t o t h e a p p l i c a n t .

The USAC check should be mailed t o t h e s e r v i c e p rov ide r named above wi th in 20 ca lendar days of t h e d a t e of t h i s l e t t e r .

To reimburse t h e "Total Amount of Reimbursement Approved f o r Payment," to t h e a p p l i c a n t , t h e s e r v i c e provider may (1) i s s u e a check o r ( 2 i s s u e a c r e d i t t o t h e a p p l i c a n t . The dec is ion a s to which form t h e reimbursement shou 2. d t a k e should be a mutual one between t h e s e r v i c e provider and t h e a p p l i c a n t .

The maximum remaining amount a v a i l a b l e f o r each Funding Request Number (FRN) l i s t e d on t h e synopsis on t h e fo l lowing page(s) w i l l be t h e o r i g i n a l commitment less t h e amount approved he re in f o r reimbursement and l e s s any e a r l i e r disbursements t o t h e a p p l i c a n t .

PLEASE NOTE: Beginning wi th Funding Year 2000 (07/01/2000 - 06/30/2001), if t h e f i r s t payment reques t processed f o r an FRN i s on a Form 472, a l l subsequent payment r e q u e s t s f o r t h a t FRN must be made on a Form 472; a Form 474 (Service Provider Invoice Form) f o r t h a t FRN w i l l no t be accepted .

Box 125 -Correspondence Unit. 80 South Jefferson Road, Whippany, hew Jersey. 07981 Visit us online at:

EXPLANATION OF INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS FORM 472 (BEAR FORM) NOTIFICATION LETTER To help understand the Form 472 Notification Letter Applicant Reimbursement Synopsis the following definitions are provided. Fundin Request Number (FRN): Block ? of a Form 471 once an application has been processed. report t o a plicants and service providers the status of individual discount funding requests sugmitted on a Form 471.

A Funding Request Number is assi ned by the SLD t o each ?his number is used to

471 A plication Number: page 7 of the Form 471. A unique identifier assigned t o a Form 471 by the SLD, from

Funding Year: The funding ear for which discounts have been approved. Funding years be in on July 1 and end on {he following June 30. Funding years are designated by the cayendar year in which they begin. Contract Number: The contract or agreement number as identified in Block 5, Item 15 of the Form 471. Funding Commitment Decision: This represents the TOTAL amount of,funding that the SLD has reserved to reimburse the cost of the discounts for this service for the specified funding year. Reimbursement Amount for this.FRN: This i s the amount of reimbursement t o the applicant that has been approved for this FRN on this Form 472. Reimbursement Request Decision Explanation (SHOWN ONLY IF RELEVANT): This is the reason(s) that a Reimbursement Request was reduced or rejected. Schools and Libraries Division Universal Service Administrative Company CC: MORGAN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT

Schools and Libraries Division/USAC BEAR Ltr. 01/13/2004


Funding Request Number: 878548 471 Application Number: 327398 Funding Year : 07 01/2002 - 06/30/2003 Funding Commitment Decision: $3168.00 Reimbursement Amount for this FRN: $0.00 Reimbursement R e uest Decision Ex lanation:

Contract Number: 4 486 wi?h Service Start gate never filed;

Schools and Libraries DivisionjUSAC BEAR Ltr. 01/13/2004

USAC Universal Service Administrative Company Schools .& Libraries Division

Form 472 (BEAR Form) N o t i f i c a t i o n L e t t e r

January 13, 2004

Highland Tel . Coop. I n c . James Hambv P . O . BOX i i g 7840 Morgan County Hwy. Sunbright , TN 37872-0119

Re: Form 472 Invoice Number: 417188 Serv ice Provider I d e n t i f l c a t i o n Number: 143001630 Applicant Form 472 I d e n t i f i e r : 650-YR5-472-A B i l l e d En t i ty Number: 128406


Prefer red Mode of Contact: N / A Tota l Amount of Reimbursement Approved f o r Payment: $0.00

This l e t t e r i s t o n o t i f y you t h a t t h e Schools and L i b r a r i e s Division (SLD) of t h e Universal Service Adminis t ra t ive Company (USAC) h a s received and accepted a Form 472 from t h e above named a p p l i c a n t l i s t i n g you a s t h e s e r v i c e p rov ide r . The SLD has committed t o reimburse t h e discounted po r t ion of t h e c o s t of e l i g i b l e s e r v i c e s provided t o e l i g i b l e e n t i t i e s pursuant t o one o r more Forms 471. A s s t a t e d i n t h e Form 486 Not i f i ca t ion L e t t e r s e n t t o you previous ly , t h e a p p l i c a n t has f i l e d a Form 486 advis ing t h e SLD t h a t s e r v i c e d e l i v e r y has begun. The a p p l i c a n t has completed t h i s Form 472 with your a s s i s t a n c e , seeking reimbursement of t h e d iscounted por t ion of b i l l s a l r eady paid i n f u l l t o you s i n c e t h e e f f e c t i v e da t e of t h e d i scoun t .

The SLD has processed t h e Form 472. Pursuant t o t h e Serv ice Provider Acknowledgment pag; of t h e Form 472 which you s igned , you must remit t o t h e app l i can t t h e amount shown a s To ta l Amount of Reimbursement Approved f o r Payment" above, no l a t e r t h a n 1 0 calendar davs a f t e r rece iDt of Davment of t h e aDDrOVed d i scoun t s from U S A C . You a l s o aareed n o t t o - t ende r o r make use b f - t h e payment OF t h e approved d iscounts i s sued by USAC f o you p r i o r t o r emi t t i ng t h e d iscount t o t h e a p p l i c a n t .

The USAC check should be mailed t o t h e se rv ice p rov ide r named above within 20 calendar days of t h e d a t e of t h i s l e t t e r .

To reimburse t h e "Total Amount of Reimbursement Approved f o r Payment," t o t h e a p p l i c a n t , t h e s e r v i c e provider may ( 1 i s s u e a check o r (2 i s s u e a c r e d i t t o t h e a p p l i c a n t . The

t h e s e r v i c e provider and t h e app l i can t .

The maximum remaining amount a v a i l a b l e f o r each Funding Request Number (FRN) l i s t e d on the synopsis on t h e fo l lowing page(s ) w i l l be t h e o r i g i n a l commitment less t h e amount approved he re in f o r reimbursement and l e s s any e a r l i e r disbursements t o t h e a p p l i c a n t .

PLEASE NOTE: Beginning w i t h Funding Year 2000 (07/01/2000 - 06/30/2001), if t h e f i r s t payment reques t p rocessed f o r an FRN i s on a Form 472, a l l subsequent payment r eques t s f o r t h a t FRN must be made on a Form 472; a Form 474 (Serv ice Provider Invoice Form) f o r t h a t FRN w i l l n o t be accepted .

dec is ion a s t o which form t h ' e reimbursement shou 1 d t ake should be a mutual one between

Box 125 - Correspondence Unit. 80 South Jefferson Road, Whippany, New Jersey, 07981 Visit us online at:

EXPLANATION OF INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS FORM 472 (BEAR FORM) NOTIFICATION LETTER To help understand the Form 472 Notification Letter Applicant Reimbursement Synopsis the following definitions are provided. Fundin Request Number (FRN): A Funding Request Number is assi ned by the SLD to each Block 2 of a Form 471 once an application has been processed. report to a plicants and service providers the status of individual discount funding requests sugmitted on a Form 471.

?his number is used to

471 A plication Number: A unique identifier assigned to a Form 471 by the SLD, from page ? of the Form 471. Funding Year: The funding ear for which discounts have been approved. Funding years caqendar year in which they begin. be in on July 1 and end on r he following June 30. Funding years are designated by the

Contract Number: The contract or agreement number as identified in Block 5 , Item 15 of the Form 471. Funding Commitment Decision: This represents the TOTAL amount of funding that the SLD has reserved to reimburse the cost of the discounts for this service for the specified funding year. Reimbursement Amount for this,FRN: This 1 s the amount of reimbursement to the applicant that has been approved for this FRN on this Form 472. Reimbursement Request Decision Explanation (SHOWN ONLY IF RELEVANT): This is the reason(s) that a Reimbursement Request was reduced or rejected. Schools and Libraries,D+vision Universal Service Administrative Company CC: MORGAN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT

Schools and Libraries Division/USAC BEAR Ltr. 01/13/2004


Schools and Libraries DivisionjUSAC BEAR Ltr. 01/13/2004

USAC Universal Service Administrative Company Schools & Libraries Division

~~ ~

Form 472 (BEAR Form) Notification Letter

January 13, 2004

BellSouth Personal Communications. Inc Tammv Smith ~ ~~~ ..~ ~~~~~~ ~~~

12525 Cingular Way Suite 3230 Alpharetta, GA 30004

Re: Form 472 Invoice Number: 417184 Service Provider Identification Number: 143013705 Applicant Form 472 Identifier: 650-YR5-472-E Billed Entity Number: 128406


Preferred Mode of Contact: N/A Total Amount of Reimbursement Approved for Payment: $0.00

This letter is to notify you that the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) has received and accepted a Form 472 from the above named applicant listing you as the service provider. The SLD has committed to reimburse the discounted portion of the cost of eligible services provided to eligible entities pursuant to one or more Forms 471. Notification Letter sent to you previously, the applicant has filed a Form 486 advising the SLD that service delivery has begun. your assistance, seeking reimbursement of the discounted portion of bills already paid in full to you since the effective date of the discount.

The SLD has rocessed the Form 472. Pursuant to the Service Provider Acknowledgment page of the Form 472 which you signed, you must remit to the applicant the amount shown as "Total Amount of Reimbursement Approved for Payment" above, no later than 10 calendar days after receipt of payment of the approved discounts from USAC. You also agreed not to tender or make use of the payment of the approved discounts issued by USAC to you prior to remitting the discount to the applicant.

As stated in the Form 486

The applicant has completed this Form 472 with

The USAC check should be mailed to the service provider named above within 20 calendar days of the date of this letter.

To reimburse the "Total Amount of Reimbursement Approved for Payment," to the applicant, the service provider may (1 issue a check or (2 issue a credit to the applicant. The

the service provider and the applicant.

The maximum remaining amount available for each Funding Request Number (FRN) listed on the synopsis on the following page(s) will be the original commitment less the amount approved herein for reimbursement and less any earlier disbursements to the applicant.

PLEASE NOTE: Beginning with Funding Year 2000 (07/01/2000 - 06/30/2001), if the first payment request processed for an FRN is on a Form 472, all subsequent payment requests for that FRN must be made on a Form 472; a Form 474 (Service Provider Invoice Form) for that FRN will not be accepted.

decision as to which form t A ' e reimbursement shou 1 d take should be a mutual one between

Box 125- Chrespondence Unit, 80 South Jefferson Road, Whippany, Kew Jersey, 07981 Visit us online at:

EXPLANATION OF INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS FORM 472 (BEAR FORM) NOTIFICATION LETTER To help understand the Form 472 Notification Letter Applicant Reimbursement Synopsis the following definitions are provided. Fundin Request Number (FRN): Block ? of a Form 471 once an,applicatlon has been processed, ,?his number is used to report to a plicants and service providers the status of indlvidual dlscount funding requests suEmitted on a Form 471.

A Funding Request Number is assi ned by the SLD to each

471 A plication Number: page '1 of the Form 471. A unique identifier assigned to a Form 471 by the SLD, from

Funding Year: The funding ear for which discounts have been approved. Funding years be in on July 1 and,end on The following June 30. Funding years are designated by the cayendar year in which they begin. Contract Number: of the Form 471.

The contract or agreement number as identified in Block 5 , Item 15

Funding Commitment,Decision: This represents the TOTAL amount of,funding that the SLD has reserved to reimburse the cost of the discounts for thls service for the specified funding year. .~

Reimbursement Amount for this,FRN: that has been approved for this FRN on this Form 472.

This Is the amount of reimbursement to the applicant

Reimbursement Request Decision Explanation (SHOWN ONLY IF RELEVANT): reason(s) that a Relmbursement Request was reduced or rejected.

This is the

Schools and Libraries,Djvision Universal Service Adminlstratlve Company CC: MORGAN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT

Schools and Libraries DivisionfUSAC BEAR Ltr. 01/13/2004


Schools and Libraries Division/USAC BEAR Ltr. 01/13/2004

USAC Universal Service Administrative Company Schools & Libraries Division

Form 472 (BEAR Form) Not i f i ca t ion L e t t e r

January 23, 2004

Tennessee RSA 3 Limited Pa r tne r sh ip Beth Bengston 9040 Executive Park Drive S u i t e 325 Knoxvil le , TN 37923

Re: Form 472 Invoice Number: 420053 Serv ice Provider I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Number: 143000661 Applicant Form 472 I d e n t i f i e r : 650-YR5-472-D B i l l e d Ent i ty Number: 128406

Prefer red Mode of Contact : N / A To ta l Amount of Reimbursement Approved f o r Payment: $0.00

This l e t t e r i s t o n o t i f y you t h a t t h e Schools and L ib ra r i e s Div is ion (SLD) of t h e Universal Service Adminis t ra t ive Company (USAC) has received and accepted a Form 472 f r n m the above named a o o l i c a n t l i s t i n g YOU a s t h e se rv ice DrOVider. The SLD has

.~&~. ~ ~

- - - ... _. . - __ - . . . . - committed t o reimburse t h e d iscounted-pbr t ion of t h e c o s t bf e l i g i b l e se rv i ces provided t o e l i g i b l e e n t i t i e s pursuant t o one o r more Forms 471. N o t i f i c a t i o n L e t t e r s en t t o YOU Previous ly , t h e app l i can t has f i l e d a Form 486 advis ing

A s s t a t e d i n t h e Form 486

t h e SLD t h a t s e rv i ce d e l i v e r y hak begun. -The app i i can t has completed t h i s Form 472 with your a s s i s t a n c e , seeking reimbursement of t h e discounted po r t ion of b i l l s a l ready paid i n f u l l t o you s ince t h e e f f e c t i v e d a t e of t h e d iscount .

The SLD has processed t h e Form 472. page of t h e Form 472 which you s igned, you must remit t o t h e a p p l i c a n t t h e amount shown a s "Total Amount of Reimbursement Approved f o r Payment" above, no l a t e r than 1 0 ca lendar days a f t e r r e c e i p t of payment of t h e approved d iscounts from USAC. You a l s o agreed not t o t ende r o r make use of t h e payment of t h e approved d iscounts i s sued by USAC t o you p r i o r t o r emi t t i ng t h e d i s c o u n t t o t h e a p p l i c a n t .

The USAC check should be mailed t o the s e r v i c e provider named above wi th in 20 ca lendar days of t h e d a t e of t h i s l e t t e r .

To reimburse t h e "Total Amount of Reimbursement Approved f o r Payment," t o t h e a p p l i c a n t , t h e s e r v i c e provider may (1) i s s u e a check o r ( 2 i s sue a c r e d i t t o t h e a p p l i c a n t . The

t h e s e r v i c e provider and t h e a p p l i c a n t .

The maximum remaining amount a v a i l a b l e f o r each Funding Request Number (FRN) l i s t e d on t h e synopsis on t h e fol lowing page ( s ) w i l l be t h e o r i g i n a l commitment less t h e amount approved he re in f o r reimbursement and less any e a r l i e r disbursements t o t h e a p p l i c a n t .

PLEASE NOTE: Beginning wi th Funding Year 2000 (07/01/2000 - 06/30/2001), if t h e f i r s t payment reques t processed f o r an FRN i s on a Form 472, a l l subsequent payment r eques t s f o r t h a t FRN must be made on a Form 472; a Form 474 (Serv ice Provider Invoice Form) f o r t h a t FRN w i l l no t be accepted .

Pursuant t o t h e Serv ice Provider Acknowledgment

dec i s ion a s t o which form t h e reimbursement shou 1 d t ake should be a mutual one between

Box 125.- Correspondence Unit. 80 South Jefferson Road, Whippany, New Jersey, 07981 Visit us online at:

EXPLANATION OF INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS FORM 472 (BEAR FORM) NOTIFICATION LETTER To help understand the Form 472 Notification Letter Applicant Reimbursement Synopsis the following definitions are provided. Fundin Request Number (FRN): report to a plicants and servlce providers the status of individual discount funding requests sugmitted on a Form 471. 171 A plication Number: A unique identifier assigned to a Form 471 by the SLD, from page ? of the Form 471.

A Funding Request Number is assi ned by the SLD to each Block 2 of a Form 471 once an,application has been processed, , ? his number is used to

Funding Year: The funding ear for which discounts have been approved. Funding years caqendar year Ln which they begin. be in on July 1 and end on r he following June 30. Funding years are designated by the

Contract Number: The contract or agreement number as identified in Block 5, Item 15 of the Form 471. Funding Commitment,Decision: This represents the TOTAL amount of,funding that the SLD has reserved to reimburse the cost of the discounts for this service for the specified funding year. Reimbursement Amount for this,FRN: that has been approved for this FRN on this Form 412. Reimbursement Request Decision Explanation (SHOWN ONLY IF RELEVANT): reason(s) that a Relmbursement Request was reduced or rejected.

This 1 s the amount of reimbursement to the applicant

This is the

Schools and Libraries,D&vision Universal Service Administrative Company CC: MORGAN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT

Schools and Libraries Division/USAC BEAR Ltr. 01/23/2004


Fundincr Recruest Number: 878550


Fundina Commitment Declslon: $192(

4 7 1 - ~ A p ~ l i c ~ t i o n Number: 327398 Funding Year : 07 01/2002 - 06/30/2003 Contract Number: LTM Reimbufsement Amount for this FRN: $0.00 Reimbursement Re uest Decislon Ex lanation:


486 wifh Service Start E ate never filed;

Schools and Libraries Division/USAC BEAR Ltr. 01/23/2004

USAC Universal Service Administrative Company Schools gL Libraries Division

Form 472 (BEAR Form) Not i f i ca t ion L e t t e r

January 23, 2004

Verizon S e l e c t Serv ices I n c . Jane Wilson 6665 N . MacArthur Blvd. MC - K01AI.9 I rv ing , TX 75039

Re: Form 472 Invoice Number: 417219 Serv ice Provider I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Number: 143004038 Applicant Form 472 I d e n t i f i e r : 650-YR5-472-C B i l l e d E n t i t y Number: 128406


Prefer red Mode of Contact: N / A To ta l Amount of Reimbursement Approved f o r Payment: $0 .00

This l e t t e r i s t o n o t i f y you t h a t t h e Schools and L i b r a r i e s Div is ion (SLD) of t h e Universal Serv ice Adminis t ra t ive Company (USAC) has received and accepted a Form 472 from t h e above named app l i can t l i s t i n g you a s t h e se rv ice provider . The SLD has committed t o reimburse t h e discounted p o r t i o n of t h e c o s t of e l i g i b l e s e r v i c e s provided t o e l i g i b l e e n t i t i e s pursuant t o one o r more Forms 471. A s s t a t e d i n t h e Form 486 Not i f i ca t ion L e t t e r s e n t t o you p rev ious ly , t h e app l i can t has f i l e d a Form 486 advis ing t h e SLD t h a t s e r v i c e de l ive ry has begun. The app l i can t has completed t h i s Form 472 w i t h your a s s i s t a n c e , seeking reimbursement of t h e discounted po r t ion of b i l l s a l ready pa id i n f u l l t o you s ince t h e e f f e c t i v e d a t e of t h e d iscount .

The SLD has processed t h e Form 472. page of t h e Form 472 which you s igned , you must remit t o t h e a p p l i c a n t t h e amount shown a s "Total Amount of Reimbursement Approved f o r Payment" above, no l a t e r than 10 calendar days a f t e r r e c e i p t of payment of t h e approved discounts from USAC. You a l s o agreed n o t t o tender o r make use of t h e payment of t h e approved d lscounts i s s u e d by USAC t o you p r i o r t o r emi t t i ng t h e d iscount t o t h e a p p l i c a n t .

Pursuant t o t h e Serv ice Provider Acknowledgment

The USAC check should be mailed t o t h e s e r v i c e provider named above w i t h i n 20 ca lendar days of t h e d a t e of t h i s l e t t e r .

To reimburse t h e "Total Amount of Reimbursement Approved f o r Payment," t o t h e a p p l i c a n t , t h e s e r v i c e provider may (1) i s s u e a check o r ( 2 ) i s s u e a c r e d i t t o t h e a p p l i c a n t . The dec is ion a s t o which form t h e reimbursement should t ake should be a mutual one between t h e s e r v i c e provider and t h e a p p l i c a n t .

The maximum remaining amount a v a i l a b l e f o r each Funding Request Number (FRN) l i s t e d on t h e synopsis on t h e fol lowing page ( s ) w i l l be the o r i g i n a l commitment l e s s t h e amount approved he re in f o r reimbursement and less any e a r l i e r disbursements t o t h e a p p l i c a n t .

PLEASE NOTE: Beginning with Funding Year 2000 (07/01/2000 - 06/30/2001), if t h e f i r s t payment reques t processed f o r an FRN i s on a Form 472, a l l subsequent payment r eques t s f o r t h a t FRN must be made on a Form 472; a Form 474 (Serv ice Provider Invoice Form) f o r t h a t F R N w i l l no t be accepted.

Box 125- Correspondence Unit, 80 South Jefferson Road, Whippany, h e w Jersey, 07981 Visit us online at:

EXPLANATION OF INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS FORM 472 (BEAR FORM) NOTIFICATION LETTER To help understand the Form 472 Notification Letter Applicant Reimbursement Synopsis the following deflnitions are provided. Fundin Request Number (FRN): Block 2 of a Form 471 once an application has been processed. report to a plicants and service providers the status of individual discount funding requests sugmitted on a Form 471.

A Funding Request Number is ass1 ned by the SLD to each ?his number is used to

471 A plication Number: page ? of the Form 471. A unique identifier assigned to a Form 471 by the SLD, from

Funding Year: The funding ear for which discounts have been approved. Funding years be in on July 1 and end on ?he followlng June 30. Fundlng years are designated by the cayendar year in which they begin. Contract Number: The contract or agreement number as identified in Block 5 , Item 15 of the Form 471. Funding Commitment Decision: This represents the TOTAL amount of funding that the SLD has reserved to reimburse the cost of the discounts for this service for the specified funding year. Reimbursement Amount for this,FRN: that has been approved for this FRN on this Form 472.

This 1 s the amount of reimbursement to the applicant

Reimbursement Request Decision Explanation (SHOWN ONLY IF RELEVANT): reason(s) that a Reimbursement Request was reduced or re~ected.

This is the

Schools and Libraries,D$vision Universal Service Administrative Company CC: MORGAN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT

Schools and Libraries Division/USAC BEAR Ltr. 01/23/2004


Funding Request Number: 878549 471 Apphcat ion Number: 327398 Funding Year : 07 01 2002 - 06/30/2003 Funding Commitment Decislon: $7680.00 Reimbursement Amount f o r t h l s FRN: $ 0 . 0 0 Reimbursement Re u e s t Decision Ex l a n a t i o n :

Contract Number: i i 00 -650-3

486 wi?h Service S t a r t E a t e never f i l e d ;

Schools and L i b r a r i e s Division/USAC BEAR L t r . 01/23/2004

USAC Universal Service Administrative Company Schools & Libraries Division

Form 472 (BEAR Form) Notification Letter

March 02, 2004

Metrocall, Inc. Lisa Anderson

B;iied Entity Number: 128406


Preferred Mode of Contact: N/A Total Amount of Reimbursement Approved for Payment: $0.00

This letter is to notify you that the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) has received and accepted a Form 472 from the above named applicant listing you as the service provider. The SLD has committed to reimburse the discounted portion of the cost of eligible services provided to eligible entities pursuant to one or more Forms 471. Notification Letter sent to you previously, the applicant has filed a Form 486 advising the SLD that service delivery has begun. The applicant has completed this Form 472 with your assistance, seeking reimbursement of the discounted portion of bills already paid in full to you since the effective date of the discount.

The SLD has processed the Form 472. pag: of the Form 472 which you signed, you must remit to the applicant the amount shown as Total Amount of Reimbursement Approved for Payment” above, no later than 10 calendar days after receipt of payment of the approved discounts from USAC. You also agreed not to tender or make use of the payment of the,approved discounts issued by USAC to you prior to remitting the discount to the applicant.

The USAC check should be mailed to the service provider named above within 20 calendar days of the date of this letter.

To reimburse the “Total Amount of Reimbursement Approved for Payment,” to the applicant, the service provider may (1) issue a check or (2 issue a credit to the applicant. The

the service provider and the applicant.

The maximum remaining amount available for each Funding Request Number (FRN) listed on the synopsis on the following page(s) will be the original commitment less the amount approved herein for reimbursement and less any earlier disbursements to the applicant.

PLEASE NOTE: Beginning with Funding Year 2000 (07/01/2000 - 06/30/2001), if the first payment request processed for an FRN is on a Form 472, all subsequent payment requests for that FRN must be made on a Form 472; a Form 474 (Service Provider Invoice Form) for that FRN will not be accepted.

As stated in the Form 486

Pursuant to the Service Provider Acknowledgment

decision as to which form the reimbursement shou 1 d take should be a mutual one between

Box 125- Correspondence Unit, 80 South Jefferson Road, Whippany, New Jersey, 07981 Visit us o n l i e at:

EXPLANATION OF INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS FORM 472 (BEAR FORM) NOTIFICATION LETTER To help understand the Form 472 Notification Letter Applicant Reimbursement Synopsis the following definitions are provided. Fundin Request Number (FRN): Block 2 of a Form 471 once an,application has been processed, ,?his number is used to report to a plicants and service providers the status of individual discount fundlng requests suEmitted on a Form 471.

A Funding Request Number is assi ned by the SLD to each

471 A plication Number: page ? of the Form 471.

A unique identifier assigned to a Form 471 by the SLD, from

Funding Year: be in on July 1 and end on cayendar year in which they begin.

The funding rear for which discounts have been approved. Funding years Funding years are designated by the he following June 30.

Contract Number: The contract or agreement number as identified in Block 5, Item 15 of the Form 471.

Funding Commitment,Decision: This represents the TOTAL amount of,funding that the SLD has reserved to relmburse the cost of the discounts for this service for the specified funding year. Reimbursement Amount for this.FRN: that has been approved for this FRN on thls Form 472.

This 1s the amount of reimbursement to the applicant

Reimbursement Request Decision Explanation (SHOWN ONLY IF RELEVANT): This is the reason(s) that a Reimbursement Request was reduced or rejected.

Schools and Libraries,D$vision Universal Servlce Administrative Company CC: MORGAN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT

Schools and Libraries Division/USAC BEAR Ltr. 03/02/2004


Funding Request Number: 878552 471 Application Number: 327398 Funding Year : 07 01/2002 - 06/30/2003 Contract Number: dTM Funding Commitment Decision: $2405.76 Reimbursement Amount for thls FRN: $0.00 Reimbursement Re uest Decision Ex lanation:

486 wi!h Service Start E ate never filed;

Schools and Libraries Division/USAC BEAR Ltr. 03/02/2004