brain training tips

Brain Training Tips By :akwaci25

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Post on 14-Jan-2017




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Brain Training Tips

By :akwaci25

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Exercise has a follow-on effect. While you might be working out to reduce the fat around your belly, your other organs in turn can become healthier, and so on. Your brain also benefits when you exercise your body, and maintaining a healthy weight through exercise is a good way of ensuring that your brain functions to the best of its abilities.

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When it comes to dining, remember that your brain actually uses a significant amount of the nutrients you consume, so an unhealthy diet can result in an unhealthy brain. Eat significant amounts of fresh food and vegetables, as well as food high in Omega-3 fatty oils, such as walnuts, flax seeds, sardines, tuna and salmon.

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After a hard day, it’s tempting to sit on the sofa and watch a fairly dumb movie or TV show- something that we don’t need to think about too much. While this is fine in moderation, be selective with your viewing choices and become an active, rather than a passive observer. Choose complex films and TV shows that actually require you to think about the conclusion or a particular characters motivation. Also consider watching foreign films with subtitles, as these require your brain to work constantly, rather than “zoning out.” My personal favourite is Family Guy, this could be a great choice for you as well.

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Your brain can benefit from ongoing learning, although this doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to go back to school. Simply think of something you’ve always wanted to do- something that requires study and concentration, and get to it. Whether it’s learning Hungarian or learning how to parachute jump, the challenge of learning something new keeps your brain from becoming lazy and lethargic.

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The best brain training can also be something that’s developed specifically for the purpose. If you have a Smartphone or a gaming system (such as anything from Nintendo or Sony), you can easily find an app or a game that gives you various memory tasks in an amusing and straightforward way. There are also a number of these available online – which are probably more beneficial than most of the websites out there! My personal favorite is lumosity, I highly recommend to check it out.

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Your brain needs rest, even though its form of rest often results in us having some rather strange dreams at night. Make sure you get enough sleep, and eight hours per night is widely considered to be the magic number. This should be eight hours of natural sleep, so anything that’s been induced via sleeping pills or alcohol won’t have the same rejuvenating effect. Just think of how slow you can feel in the morning when you don’t get enough sleep – that’s basically your brain telling you that another hour or two would have been nice.

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When was the last time you wrote anything without texting or typing? Consider using a pen and paper from time to time, as this stimulates brain activity. The Huffington Post reported on a University of Indiana study that showed children who were encouraged to actively write things down, rather than simply watching their teacher do the same, showed significantly increased neurological stimulation.

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While illegal recreational drugs are never a good idea, it’s long been known that certain drugs such as Ecstasy and MDMA can actively destroy brain cells, particularly through their manipulation of the serotonin nerve terminals. While the brain has the ability to repair itself in certain circumstances, prolonged use of these drugs can result in permanent damage to the brain.

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The Guardian newspaper has reported on a neurological study by University College London, which showed that a heavy drinker (which in this study was more than 2 pints/950ml of beer per day) demonstrated significant memory loss six years earlier than those who drank in smaller amounts or not at all. The study showed that while some memory loss is common as part of the aging process, excessive alcohol can dramatically speed this process.

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Some of us are more prone to stress and anxiety than others, although of course there are a wide variety of contributing factors to consider. One of the best brain training methods for a healthier, happier brain is to avoid stress as much as possible. Sometimes this can be making adjustments to your home and working life, although in some cases therapy or counselling can be necessary. Reducing stress will result in a healthier brain, which is something we all want.