bradley parry trainings (1)

- E 5 ¡< lD) E H E x E È< E - E .\¡l H E È{ E H E Èl X Èl E È< E È{ E DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNIVERSITY Bradle Høs successfully completed the FOUNDATIONS IN LEADERSFIIP CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Mry L8,2007 Snlt Løke City, Utah Ùq Dolores Chacon President, DOI University Lyrr McPheeters Chief, DOI University Leadership & Performance Division :t ts E x E x E x E x E x E X X X )i E )i 3I ðl H E H E tst E )i E H X tt E l(rñffÑrñíslrÑrñrffiñflñffsfiÑrÑrÑrÑrñrrÑrÑrÁ<rÑrÑrñrrÑrÁf rÑrñrrÑ W

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BradleHøs successfully completed the


Mry L8,2007Snlt Løke City, Utah

ÙqDolores Chacon

President, DOI UniversityLyrr McPheeters

Chief, DOI UniversityLeadership & Performance Division



l(rñffÑrñíslrÑrñrffiñflñffsfiÑrÑrÑrÑrñrrÑrÑrÁ<rÑrÑrñrrÑrÁf rÑrñrrÑ W

ßral@ QaryHas Successfully Completed a Program of Instruction in

Creativity and Innovation

Location:Dates:Hours Attended (Live):CEU:CPE:Field of Study:Delivery Method:

Salt Lake City, UT31812006 - 3t9t200616.00 / r 6.001.2


NASBA Sponsor Number 103278In accordance with the standa¡ds of the NationalRegistry ofCPE Sponsors, CPE credits have beengranted based on a 5O-minute hour.

((MANAGEMENTCONCEPTS8230 Lg¡ssunc Prx¡ . Vr¡NNe, VA22182

ßraltey ?øryHqs SuccettÍ"lly Cornpleted a Program of Instructíon in

Leadership and ManagementSkills for Non-Managers

Location: Salt Lake City, UTDates: 5116/2006 - 511812006Hours Attended (Live): 24.00 124.00CEU: 1.8CPE: 24.00Field of Study; ManagementDelivery Method: Group-Live

((MANAGEMENTCONCEPTS8230 Le¡ssunc Prr<¡ . Vr¡NNe, VA22182

NASBA Sponsor Number 103278In accordance with the standards of the NationalRegistry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have beengranted based on a 5O-minute hour.

George Mason U niversitYOffice of Continuing Professional Educøtion


Bradley Parry

8.0 Continuing Education Units for Satisfactory Participation in

Department of the Interior University's

"Foundations in Leadership Programs "April 23 - 27 and May 14 - 18, 2007

Office of Continuing Professional Educution

ßral (Pery

Has Successfully Completed a Program of Instruction in


Salt Lake City, UT6112t2007 - 6n4t200724.00 124.001.8


Skills: DevelopingRelationships

Location:Dates:Hours Attended (Live):CEU:CPE:Field of Study:Delivery Method:

((MANAGEMENTCONCEPTS8230 LpeseuRc Prx¡ . VrsNN¿, VA22LB2

NASBA Sponsor Number 103278In acco¡dance with the standards of the NationalRegistry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have beengranted based on a 50-minute hour.

(Bral ?øryHas Succettl"lly Completed a Program of Instruction in

Increasing IndividualProductivity

Location:Dates:Hours Attended (Live):CEU:CPE:Field of Study:Delivery Method:

Salt Lake City, UT71tv2007 -7tr2t200716.00 / 16.00t.216.00Personal DevelopmentGroup-Live

NASBA Sponsor Numb e¡ | 0327 8In accordance with the standards of the NationalRegistry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have beengranted based on a 5O-minute hour.


Cerfirtcatu of Completion

This is to certify that

Bradley Parryhas successfully completed

Project Management Competencies & Structureconducted by Twin Star Consulting Comp àny,

a PMI Registered Education Provider (PMI REP #II94).

This course was conducted on Janvary 28 - February I, 2008 andcovered 25 Professional Development llnits (PDtIs) of material.

Robert St.Germain, MBA, PMPInstructor


w t t e 0t T, i t

ßx-nDLEV ?rRRVis awarded24 Continuous Education Units (CEU)

forFinancial Assistance Training Seminar

Presented by the Office of Acquisition and Property Managementon June 9-11,2009

E. Metodee Stith, Associate DirectorAcquisition and Financial AssistanceOffice of Acquisition and Property Management



Bnno¡-ev Pnnnv

is certified as eligible for designation as

Gontract¡ ng Officer's Representative

for contracts administered by

the Upper Colorado Region of the Bureau of Reclamation

This certificate confers no authority except as described in a specificdelegation signed by a warranted Contracting Officer to serve as

Contracting Officer's Representative on an individual contract.

No. UC-1022 Date Mav 2, 2008Chief of Contracting Office

Expiration Date: Mav 2.2010

Defense Acq u is itio n U n ivers ity

This certifies that

BRADLEY PARRYhas succe ssfu I ly com pleted

Green ProcurementCLC046 Secúion 888

Completed on Date 09/24/2010CLPs : 2

fí**,;.* e! fr/.- E-ç-*Jl'I

P resident Defense Acqu isitio n U niversity

Defense Acq u isitio n U n iversity

This certifies that


contractins:i;,"::".:;:::::#:"T;::i,"sionFocusCLC106 Section 891

com pte"o t:r|a:t: 01 /1 2/201 I

--lí?t^'; '! tr!Ì.- l-{ç*-;JJI


P resi dent Defense Acq u i s itio n U n ivers ity

Defense Acq u isiti o n U n iversity

This certifies that

BRADLEYPARRYhas succe ssfu lly completed

Contracf So urce SelectionCLC007 Secúion 889

Completed on Date 01/13/2011CLPs:3

Ì-r - ¿ -.î l--; /'T-4i4.t,à- eI &/.: F**ç*{=r'J

P res i d ent Defen s e Acq u i siti o n U n iversity

Defense Acq u isitio n U n iversity

This certifies that

BRADLEY PARRYhas succes sfully completed

Markeú ResearchCLC004 Secúion 889

Completed on Date 01/13/2011CLPs : 3

{- a?r. *.;-'t F/.= EÈ* ¿ -}I

President Defense Acqu isition U niversity

RECLAMATIONMana ging Wat er in the West

C ertifÏc ate of Completionpresented to

Brad Parry

Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting TrainingJuly 5, 20ll - 6 Continuous Learning Points (CLPs)

/f Éfi lilll"'--.-"..*\,\/zl.d\'-Etr-lllery

U S Departnrent of the lnteriorBureau of Reclamation

Mike C Ward

The Federal Acquisition Certification Academy

hereby certifies that

is awarded the

Master's Certificate inFederal Acquisition Management

Benjamin R. Sellers

President, FAC Academy

Apri|29,20lICertificate #00098

United States Department of the Interior


Denver, CO 80225-0007

August 7,2013


Bradley J. ParryFAC-COR, Level IIBOR-1078

Steven J. Schmidt

Subject: Certificate of Federal Acquisition Certification for Contracting Officer's Representatives(FAC-COR) Program - Level II

Congratulationsl You have met the Department of Interior's FAC-COR Program requirements forFAC-COR certification, Level II. This memorandum contains some important information for you:

This cenification is valid for 2 years from your anniversary date and will expire on:February 18, 2015

In order to qualify for re-certification, 40 continuous learning points (CLPs) over the next twoyears are required to maintain Level II;You cannot take the Basic COR course (new tiue! FAC-COR Level II) for maintenancetraining. You may only take the FAC-COR Refresher COR course ry every 4 years;In order to qualify for Level III, 60 CLPs and two years of COR experience are required;Depending on your specific function, there may be additional learning requirements which willbe communicated to you during your tenure as a COR;If you allow your certification to expire, you will no longer be able to serve as a COR and youwill have to apply for a re-instatement;It is your responsibility to conduct your COR duties in accordance with all applicable rules andregulations and to complete all required training within the prescribed timeframe;Your Regional FAC-COR Coordinator is a great resource for FAC-COR program updates, DOImessages for the acquisition workforce and training opportunities for the COR community; andFinally, only a contracting ofhcer may appoint you as a Contracting Officer's Representative(COR) and it will be in the form of a COR Designation Memorandum fsee RAC 12-05].

Thankyouþr your interest in the DOI FAC-COR program.Questions may be directed to Russell Moulton at (303) 445-2402, rmoulton@,


lN ]ùrl'LY lül EI{ 1C)




FAI Reclamation FAC-COR Program



F e deral Acquisition C erttfication forCONTRACTING OFFICER'S


Bradley J. ParryHas met the requirements for Level ll Certification

lssuance date: February 18,2Ot3

Bureau Procurement Chief, Bureau of Reclamation

Department of the lnter¡or

No. BOR-1078

Wu-Donna M. JenkinsDirector

Federal Acq u¡sition I nstitute