black diamond ranch may 2013 newsletter

MAY 2013

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Page 1: Black Diamond Ranch May 2013 Newsletter

MAY 2013

w w w. b l a c k d i a m o n d r a n c h . c o m

Page 2: Black Diamond Ranch May 2013 Newsletter

Club StaffDoug EglyGeneral Manager

[email protected]

Matt DiMasEDirector of Golf Course Maintenance

[email protected]

PEggy glEasonAccounting

[email protected]

RoB KingDirector of [email protected]


MaRy naPolitanoFitness Center

[email protected]

BRaD t. REiDClub Manager

[email protected]

BRyan RichaRDDirector of Golf

[email protected]

JEnniFER stauFFPOA Manager

[email protected]

KEnnEth tuFoExecutive Chef

[email protected]

page 2

A Message from Brad T. Reid, Food & Beverage Manager

Communication….. One thing I consistently hear from our membership is, “I wish I would have known…” We put out information in many ways so I wanted to remind everyone where to find information on upcoming events. First thing would be the Happenings that you are reading now, we always have a calendar for all the monthly events posted in here and

I recommend you simply hang it on the refrigerator so you can see the events throughout the month.

We send out email blasts to the entire membership on a weekly basis and also separate ones for specific events.

Channel 19 on Bright House Networks is kept up to date to let you all know what is going on throughout Black Diamond. Our membership website is loaded with information as well.

Here in lies the BIG question, “What kind of communication works best?” I am open to all suggestions that you may have. Here are some new things we will be doing as well. For those of you who are on Facebook, please go to the Black Diamond Ranch page and Like it as we will be continuing to update and post new things on a regular basis. On bulletin boards near the locker rooms of the club, we will start posting more flyers on a regular basis and those flyers will be able to be found throughout the club as well.

Black Diamond FoundationFree Dental Clinic

Nature Coast Ministries and Catholic Charities have been working to open a dental/medical clinic in Citrus County. It will be housed in the building The Knights of Columbus have donated on Atlas Drive in Homosassa. The free service will fill a great need for the elderly, low income families, veterans and homeless. The clinic is scheduled to open May 20th and with the help of the Black Diamond Foundation they will have the basic dental supplies they need to begin services. The free dental clinic is hoping to help at least 50 patients a week with comprehensive dental care and subsequently increase that number with the help of more volunteer dentists and equipment. This is a great example of our community coming together to meet a glaring need for a free, permanent dental/medical clinic.

Page 3: Black Diamond Ranch May 2013 Newsletter

A Message from Matt DiMaseDirector of Golf Course Maintenance

Dear Members: Where has this season gone? I think we completely skipped right past spring this year! We went from winter temperatures straight into what feels like summer already. What does this mean for Golf Course Maintenance? From a golf course maintenance perspective we will be conducting a combination of cultural practices throughout the summer months to promote Bermuda growth. This includes verti-cutting, slicing, aerifying, and top dressing. Pre-Emergent Herbicides as well as Post-Emergent Herbicides have been sprayed in April, coupled with a wall to wall fertilizer application, and over 120 Acres were treated with an Insecticide which leaves us with a strong foundation for Bermuda growth going into May, June, and July. With a little help from Mother Nature (with some rain) we will see the Bermuda growth expedited. In May, it is perfectly normal to see areas of turf brown out in overseeded areas. What that is is the Winter Rye grass dying out. Since the Bermuda Grass is a lateral grower, it will fill in the voids left from the dead rye grass. The same thing will take place on the Ranch and Highland Greens. The Poa Trivialis will brown out and dye as the days get hotter and the sunlight duration throughout the day is longer. As this happens we will be pushing Bermuda growth through fertility and hand watering.

May 13-16, HighlandsMay 20-24, RanchJune 3-7, QuarryJune 24-27, HighlandsJuly 22-26, Ranch

July 29-August 2, QuarryAugust 12-15, HighlandsSeptember 3-6, RanchSeptember 9-13, Quarry

AerificAtion Schedule

Schedule is Subject to change

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Page 4: Black Diamond Ranch May 2013 Newsletter

Recipe of the Month - Chef KennySpicy Moroccan Swordfish

Serves 6

Because of its meaty texture, swordfish -- one of the best fish for sport-fishing -- is one of the few fish that can stand up to an intense blend of Moroccan flavors. (The same is true of its close relative, pink swordfish.) This recipe has them all: cumin, coriander, harissa, cilantro, turmeric, and lemon. As delicious as the marinade is, the key to this recipe is to cook the fish just right: Too much time on the grill and it becomes tough; underdone and it doesn’t taste good at all.

Serve this with Fennel Salad with Aged Pecorino Toscano, Fried Green Tomatoes, and/or Aïoli on the side.

2 tablespoons toasted cumin seed2 tablespoons toasted cracked coriander seed1 tablespoon harissa (page 000)½ cup olive oil plus more for serving4 tablespoons chopped cilantro leaves2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped1 teaspoon turmericFine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper6 boneless, skinless swordfish fillets, 6 ounces each (ideally 1 ¼-inch thick)Juice of 2 Meyer lemons, or regular lemons

1. MAKE THE MARINADE: In a bowl, stir together the cumin, coriander, harissa, olive oil, cilantro, garlic, and turmeric. Set the fish in a single layer in a glass baking dish. Cover with the marinade, cover, and let marinate in the refrigerator for 6 to 12 hours.

2. COOK THE FISH: Prepare an outdoor grill for cooking, letting the coals burn until covered with white ash, or preheat an indoor grill or the broiler. Remove the fish and shake gently to release any excess oil but leaving the spices more or less intact. Season with salt and pepper. Grill or broil the fish for 8 to 10 minutes, turning once.

3. TO SERVE: Serve the fillets family style from a platter in the center of the table, finishing them with lemon juice and a drizzle of olive oil. Garnish with lemon slices if you like.

page 4


Fennel Salad with Aged Pecorino Toscano

Serves 6 as an accompaniment

If you love fennel, here’s a quick way to enjoy it without the trouble of cooking it.

2 large fennel bulbs, shaved paper thin¼ small red onion, peeled and sliced paper thin1 cup coarsely grated aged pecorino Toscana cheese or Parmigiano-Reggiano½ cup croutons (page 000)3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juiceFine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Chill the fennel in ice water for 1 hour before serving. Drain and pat it dry. Put the fennel in a bowl with the onion, cheese, and croutons. Drizzle the oil and lemon juice over the top and season with salt and pepper. Toss.

WineCold Heaven, “Sanford and Benedict”, Viogner, 2000, Santa Barbara. A white from California with floral, Asian spice and apricot aromas.

Page 5: Black Diamond Ranch May 2013 Newsletter






s’ Golf Ass




BDLGA MAY LADIES’ DAY GAMES(Some games may be switched to different

days because of course selection)

MAY 7, 2013Team Game.

1 best ball on hardest 9 holes and 2 best balls

on easiest 9 holes. Gross and Net

MAY 14, 2013Team Nassau 2 BB Net only

MAY 21, 2013Team Game.Cha-cha-cha.

1-2-1-2-3 Net Only

MAY 28, 2013Team Game.

1 BB Net on front, Scramble on Back

page 5

Golf outside

the Gatescheck bulletin board or BDLGA

section of website for details

heRitaGe PiNes ladYBuG


May 7, 2013heritage Pines Country Club

A Note from... Jane Smart, President It has been a busy spring with a wide variety of BDLGA events. These events have been successful because of the work and support of so many individuals.Thank you - to the tournament chairpersons who facilitated each event and ensured that everything was in place for it.Thank you - to all of those who supported the chairpersons as they planned and implemented the tournaments. A list of these women, who gave so much of their time and energy, is on our bulletin board outside the Golf Shop.Thank you - to our photographers who kept a visual record of our events.Thank you - to the Nominating Committee for your work in selecting and presenting the 2013-2014 Executive Committee to the BDLGA membership.Thank you - to the 2012-13 Executive Committee and Board for your continued commitment to making BDLGA run smoothly.Thank you - to the Golf Shop staff, the Dining Room staff, the Greens staff and to Escalante for the support given to BDLGA. Thank you - to all of our members for your participation in these events. Your participation is what makes BDLGA so special.


Conquering Cancer in Citrus County We had an amazing day of great weather, fun golf and wonderful friends. A full field tore up the course with some incredibly low scores which of course had nothing to do with our scramble format or coupons for mulligans and free drops, miracle putt ribbons, or outright bribery on the 18th hole! While we were having such a great time, we raised much needed funds to support The BDLGA Cancer Screening Project and cancer research, $15,290 in total after expenses. The Citrus County Family Resource Center will receive $11,390 plus $1000 from Birdies for Tampa Bay Charities. This amount is 10% of the $10,000 that was pledged prior to the event for a total of $12,066. The Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa will receive $4,000. A sincere thank you to everyone who was involved from staff and committee members to donors, sponsors and auction bidders! Our new event specific “Conquering Cancer in Citrus County” pin-flags, donated by Southern Flag, will hopefully be used for many years to come as the efforts and generosity of the Black Diamond members continues to save lives.Susan Nanni, chair - C4 Golf Tournament

Page 6: Black Diamond Ranch May 2013 Newsletter


page 6

1st GrossDebbie MookSang

& Sisi Hedges

1st NetClare Rodes &

Beverly Winders

LaDieS’ MeMBeR-GueStapRiL 2013

Page 7: Black Diamond Ranch May 2013 Newsletter


page 7

Stamina and determination. Easy words, easy to say, everybody has some. But how do you really measure stamina and determination. Webster defines stamina as, and I quote, “thread of life spun by the Fates.” Which makes one wonder why we even use Webster anymore, but I digress. Stamina is sticking it out. Finishing the job. Having the strength to endure.

Determination, again by Webster and I quote is, “the fixation of the destiny of undifferentiated embryonic tissue.” And we wonder how we ever made it through our school years when we were told to “look it up” in the dictionary. Ok, so everyone knows what determination and stamina are but this is how it’s measured. Temperatures without wind chill in the high 50’s. Bay chop at about a foot to a foot and a half. Water temperatures in the 60’s. So put the two together and what have you got? The picture to the left can only sum up how this year’s Black Diamond Fishing Contest got under way.

Yet it was with sheer determination that the Black Diamond anglers made this year’s contest the best yet. 2013 had thirteen teams registered comprising 39

anglers. Unfortunately Mother Nature wasn’t the least bit cooperative and four teams got weathered out. In fact, your fish commish never saw the water this year. 60 degree temps and a moderate chop are one thing, but 50 degree temps and 2 foot seas are entirely another. But Mother Nature could not stop the stamina and determination of team “Take Me Fishing.” This was a new team for 2013, in fact one of three husband and wife teams that signed up for the competition. Team Take Me Fishing ventured out onto the flats on April 5th, a day that is famous for a few memorable events. First of all, April 5th was made infamous because it was on that day that St. Patrick returned to Ireland as a missionary bishop. Second, it was on April 5th that Babe Didrikson-Zaharias won the LPGA Babe Didrikson-Zaharias Golf Open. But most important, it was on that day that Dorothy Brice, the undisputed captain of team Take Me Fishing, returned to the sport she has missed since childhood. And, it didn’t take long for Dorothy to capture the coveted Largest Redfish category for 2013 as well as the new category this year of the Redfish with the most spots. Her stamina and determination rewarded her with the prize to the right.

Now, trout fishing the past few weeks was at best hit and miss. Frustrating anglers could see the potential trophies slowly making their way around the weed beds but could not entice them to strike. Last year’s record trout was 26 ½ inches and all anglers were focused on achieving that length or better. Again however, it appeared that lean times were upon us. Seven teams managed to catch a trout that they thought was worthy of a measurement and an entry into the contest category. But one managed to squeak out a first place prize by one-half an inch. On April 9th in the year 193 Septimius Severus was proclaimed Roman Emperor by the army in Illyricum (in the Balkans). And on April 9th 2013, Major General Sandy Sharpe, USAF retired, caught a 22 inch trout – large enough to claim the coveted largest trout category for 2013. Although not the largest fish in the sea Sandy proudly accepted his trophy at the awards ceremony. The third category in this year’s fishing contest was the largest fish of any other species. Now I’ve got to tell you that when I received the information from Team Islamorada Cheeca’s I was somewhat

skeptical. In fact, after doing some online research, I put in a phone call to their guide. I thought that I had a dyslexic captain recording fish lengths. One of the largest fish in the genus Caranx is known to grow to a maximum length of 124 cm (about 49 inches for you non-metric types) although it is rare for one to exceed 60 cm or about 23 inches. But the contest sheet had recorded a length of 32 inches, thus the phone call. But according to Captain Mark Zorn and supported by the picture to the right, Brenda Belford captured the coveted award for the Largest Other Species Category for 2013 by catching a 32 inch Crevalle jack. Now not only is it rare to catch a Crevalle jack that big, but Leslie Landham managed to back up Brenda’s catch with a just smaller jack at the same time. The ladies will not forget that experience. A Crevalle jack only knows how to pull when you get one on the line and pull they did. Congratulations Brenda and Leslie. ~Story continued on back cover.

Black Diamond 3rd Annual Flats Fishing Contest Results

Page 8: Black Diamond Ranch May 2013 Newsletter

M a y C a l e n d a r o f E v e n t s








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Club Closed 3pm



21Ladies’ Day

Ladies’ Day


A la Carte5:30 – 7:30 pm

Reservations Required

A la Carte5:30 – 7:30 pm

Reservations Required


A la Carte5:30 – 7:30 pm

Reservations Required

A la Carte5:30 – 7:30 pm

Reservations Required


Reading & Discussion Group

4:00 pm

— MeMbers —

Mahjong 12:00 pm

bd Foundation meeting 4:00 pm Club Closed

Mahjong 12:00 pm

Club Closed

Mahjong 12:00 pm

Club Closed

Mahjong 12:00 pm

Duplicate briDge - 6:30pM

Duplicate briDge - 6:30pM

KNitterS & craFterS10aM - 12 NOON

KNitterS & craFterS10aM - 12 NOON





SliDe bOttOM giN 6:30pM

KNitterS & craFterS10aM - 12 NOON

KNitterS & craFterS10aM - 12 NOON

KNitterS & craFterS10aM - 12 NOON

briDge - 9:00aM

briDge - 9:00aM

briDge - 9:00aM

briDge - 9:00aM

briDge 9:00aM


No Dinner Service

No Dinner Service




LUnch11 am - 4 pm

LUnch11 am - 4 pm


No Dinner Service

No Dinner Service

No Dinner Service

No Dinner Service

No Dinner Service


Please help us to ensure that your dining experience is satisfactory by making reservations in advance for all evening

dinner service. Our staffing is based on your reservations.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Wine Dinner6:00 pm

LUnch11 am - 4 pm


Clubhouse MenuAvailable

5:30-7:30 pm

All You Can Eat Pasta Night

5:30-7:30 pm

BBQ Buffet Night

5:30-7:30 pm

Taco Bar & Karaoke Night5:30-7:30 pm

Asian Buffet5:30-7:30 pm

Chef ’sCooking

Class3:00 pm



5:30-7:00 pmGame Starts

6:30 pm

Ladies’ Day

Ladies’ Day




A la Carte5:30 – 7:30 pm

Reservations Required

A la Carte5:30 – 7:30 pm

Reservations Required

A la Carte5:30 – 7:30 pm

Reservations Required

Comedy Buffet Night

5:30 – 7:30 pm

Turkey Buffet Night

5:30 – 7:30 pm

Lunch Schedule

Tuesday - Sunday11 am - 4 pm


Mother's DayBrunch

10 am - 2 pm


memoriaL daypooL partycookoUt

memoriaL toUrnament

LUnch11 am - 4 pm

LUnch11 am - 4 pm

LUnch11 am - 4 pm

LUnch 11 am - 4 pm

Kentucky Derby Lunch Specials

Page 9: Black Diamond Ranch May 2013 Newsletter


ing &



ion G

roup “Eighty Days: Nellie Bly and Elizabeth Bisland’s History-Making Race around

the World” by Matthew Goodman will be the topic of discussion at the May 16th meeting of the book and discussion group. On November 14, 1889, Nellie bly, the crusading young female reporter for Joseph Pulitzer’s World newspaper, left New York City by steamship on a quest to break the record for the fastest trip around the world. also departing from New York that day—and heading in the opposite direction by train—was a young journalist from The Cosmopolitan magazine, Elizabeth bisland. Each woman was determined to outdo Jules Verne’s fictional hero Phileas fogg and circle the globe in less than eighty days. The dramatic race that ensued would span twenty-eight thousand miles, captivate the nation, and change both competitors’ lives forever. for more information contact faeth Houle.

Hours of Operation

Driving RangeMonday – Saturday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pmSunday: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm

Golf ShopMonday – Sunday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pmForeTees Internet: 24-Hour Access

Tennis CourtsMonday – Sunday: 7:00 am – 9:00 pm

PoolMonday – Sunday: 8:00 am – 8:00 pmPool temperature maintained at 84°

Fitness CenterOpen 24/7 with use of Access Code

The Clubhouse @ Black Diamond RanchBreakfast: Sunday: 8:30 am – 11:00 amLunch:Tuesday – Sunday: 11:00 am – 4:00 pmDinner: See Calendar Take-Out Window:Tuesday – Sunday: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Men’s LoungeTuesday – Friday:12:00 noon – closeSaturday: 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm


Trivia NighT WiNNers 4-4-13

1st Place Split:FORGOT AGAIN: $192

Kevin KellyBill & Beth Joens

Phil & Nancy PletcherBob & Lucy Reiner

Jim Bob & Joan PlunkettChristy Soule

Carl & Susan Nanni & Guest

2nd Place Tie Split: JOHNNY COME LATELY: $192

Roger & Dawn HertzRon & Sandy Hanson

Foster & Stephanie LammArt & Toni MitchellMike & Jan Carter

2nd Place Tie Split: BRAIN ON THE WANE: $192

Don & Jewel HasekKent & Nancy Rinker

John & Mary Jane BowerJohn & Diane Collick

Dave & Nicole Ragaini

Black Diamond 3rd Annual Flats Fishing Contest Results ~continued from page 8.

So at this point you’re wondering who won the Black Diamond 3rd Annual Fishing Contest. If you’re recall, the first year Ellen Hinsenkamp, Ellie Mullenix and Mary Lou Roth of team the Three Hook Hers were victorious. They caught 34 fish the first year. Last year, Leslie Landham, Brenda Belford and Marsha Taormina of team Islamorada Cheeca’s were victorious. They caught 143 fish! So the challenge was on for the teams this year. Finishing in first place with a total of 143 fish (the same as last year) are the Fine Lines with anglers Nan Rinker, Mary Jane Bower and Mathilde Guathier. Pictured above are the victors accepting their well earned first place awards.

So after a longer than planned contest period and dealing with a somewhat testy Mother Nature it’s time to put the rod and reels away until next year. I look forward to next year when the anglers at Black Diamond will once again compete among each other in the annual battle of the “flats.”

The picture to the left sums up the end of the day and the end of the contest….

As always, good luck and “thanks” for participating…Bill Williams (the fish commish)