big data, iot and the third industrial revolution

Entrepreneurship Sessions. Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos en Telecomunicaciones The End of Labor. Session 1. Emerging Business Tools for a New Social and Economic Order. Roberto Ponieman January 2015 C IR.ponieman 2015

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Entrepreneurship Sessions.

Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos en Telecomunicaciones

The End of Labor. Session 1.

Emerging Business Tools for a New Social and Economic Order. Roberto Ponieman

January 2015

C IR.ponieman 2015

The Third Industrial Revolution.

A Trilogy of Sessions To Understand The Upcoming Prosperity.

1. Defining The Work Frame:

Wisdom Networks:

IoT ,Big Data Analytics and Exponential Technologies as Tools for Transformation and Change Management of Business, Society

and Self.

Somebody will do what you do for money, for free, (or almost)

(And yes, she’s also a Robot….)

What’s next?

• Moving into a quite different society.

• Change management becomes key issue.

• Understanding the new paradigm as central issue in corporate culture.

• Radical mindset change needed to adapt, evolve and survive.

• CCMO’s increasingly becoming corporate Rock Stars.

• Huge emerging opportunities/threats.

Towards an age of abundance….


Socio/Eco/Political issues riskier than ever.

2. Next:

A New (Survival) Mindset

Redefining Business, Society and Self

Designing a New Economic/Social Order

Road Map.


The Empathic Civilization

3. Exponential Change


4. Tools of the trade.

Internet of Everything


Datification of Everything.

Big Data is a name given to a data repository that contains large amounts of data, from many different sources and in

many different formats, and that is able to capture data at a rapid rate, and enable it to processed in real-time.

Image Wikimedia commons/Darpa

Wisdom Networks

The New Gold Standard

Peter Goldmacher

"The biggest winners in the big data world aren't the big data technology vendors, but rather the companies that will leverage big data

technology to create entirely new businesses or disrupt legacy businesses."

Data Scientists

Data Scientist Core Skills

The Importance of Making Big Data Accessible to Non-Data Scientists



A Sensitive World

Predictive Analytics

Alpine Data Labs

Defense and Security


The Human Sensor

Security Smarter Cities

Law Enforcement Support

Make it Easy: Open Api’s Ecosystem


Big Data & Allergies

New Business Opportunities In The Age of


Challenges, opportunities and privacy issues in the days of

Smart Glass, Wearable data gathering

devices & Bio Signal.

Lifelogging can be defined as

…a combination of metrics about your


Connected Wearable Sensors


Collective Health


Intention Patterns

Bio-signal will be core user content for consumer digital platforms

The Big picture:

A Collective

Biosignal Signature.

Through Big Data Analytics

The Opportunity 4 Startups

Bio Signal


Live bio-signals acquired organically, passively and dynamically

Samsung wants ‘SAMI’ and ‘Simband’ to be the

start of a new biohealth ecosystem


Big Data To Combat Fraud Data Journalism

Thank You