besiii tof monitoring systemfah/bestalks/tof_monitoring_nov2010.pdfmonitor the amplitude and time...

BESIII TOF Monitoring System UH: Fred Harris, Jim Kennedy, Qian Liu, Steve Olsen, Marc Rosen, Chengping Shen, and Gary Varner

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  • BESIII TOF Monitoring System

    UH: Fred Harris, Jim Kennedy, Qian Liu, Steve Olsen, Marc Rosen, Chengping Shen, and Gary Varner

  • TOFCrucial for particle ID and for

    fast trigger.• Barrel

    – 50mm x 60mm x 2320 mm (inner layer).

    – BC408 – 2 layers – 88 in each– Radius from 810 to 930 mm.

    • Endcap– 48 fan shaped pieces – each

    end.– BC404

    • PMT: Hamamatsu R5942fine mesh– 2 on each barrel scintillator– 1 on each endcap counter

    • Resolution– Barrel: σT = 100 ps– Endcap: σT = 110 ps

    TOF – IHEP TOF groupTOF electronics - USTC Barrel


  • TOF Status Oct. 23, 2007

  • BESIII TOF Calibration System(Fred Harris, Jim Kennedy, Qian Liu, Steve Olsen, Marc

    Rosen, Chengping Shen, and Gary Varner)

    • Hawaii is building a state-of-the-art TOF calibration system for BESIII.

    • Important as system monitor and for calibration.• UH built such systems for both BESII and Belle. • Major improvements:

    – Diode Laser– High quality multi fiber – fiber optic cable

  • Monitor the amplitude and time performance of each channel including PMTs and electronics. Concept:

    Use fiber cable bundles (2 cables) to distribute light to barrel and endcap TOF counters.Use light splitter to illuminate one bundle at a time.

    BESIII TOF Monitoring System

    TOF endcap 48 fibers

    TOF endcap 48 fibers


    Light splitter

    TOF barrelPMT PMT

    Ref. PMTsTo TOFelectronicsFiber

    TOF barrel 176 fibers

    TOF barrel 176 fibers

    Electronic switchFiber bundles


    connectorBeam splitter

  • Use PicoQuant 440M Laser Diode.– Simple to use and maintain.– Long lifetime (6 k hours at

    full power).– Peak power: ~1W– Pulse width < 70 ps.– Wavelength 440 ± 10 nm.– Power stability 1% RMS.

    BESIII TOF Monitoring System

    PicoQuant LDH-P-440M

    • State-of-the-art TOF monitoring system built by Hawaii.

    • Major improvements:– Diode Laser– High quality multi fiber – fiber optic cables

  • Fiber Bundle Cables (need 2)

    Barrel TOF

    EC TOF

  • Fiber BundlesDesign done by UH in conjunction with vendors.Manufactured by RoMack Fiberoptics.Distribution boxes built at UH.

    Barrel fibers – each boxsupplies ½ of one end.

    Endcap fibers

  • Pulsed lightsource

    Delivery fibers


    1” x 3”tube

    Flexible common end

    Scheme: measure relative times between each deliveryfiber and a reference fiber with two reference PMTs.

    Fiber relative time measurement




    Dark box

    Neutral densityfilters

  • Laser diode illuminating common end of bundle through diffuser.

    Time difference measurement setupCommon endDiffuser

    Two distribution fibers connected toreference PMTs.

  • Time difference measurement results

    Time diff.σ = 66 ps

    Pulse heightσ = 3.4%


    Time diff.σ = 83 ps

    Ref. PMT

    Pulse heightσ = 0.8%

    All otherPMTs


    Measures PH stability of laser and length and light transmissionuniformity of bundle fibers. Also illumination uniformity.

  • TOF Monitor System – Light Coupling



    1. Laser diode2. Beam splitter (5%-95%)3. Prismatic beam splitters (50-50)4. Shutters5. Reference PMTs6. Diffusers7. Fiber bundles

    Marc Rosen

  • Laser Box

  • Control Box – J. KennedySupplies PMT voltages, solenoid currents, laser interlock, and laser pulse train. Accepts control pulses from USTC VME module. Interfaces to PC.

    Power suppliesXilinx programable board

  • All fibers successfully installed on east side of detector – Nov. 10, 2007.

  • 2 layers of tubesFibers

  • Workers installing the fibers. Liu Qian (Hawaii) supervised installation at IHEP.

  • TOF Monitoring

    West Barrel TOF’s Tmean and Tsigma vs. PMT number.

    NIM A593, 255 (2008).

    10,000 laser pulses @ 1kHz

    ~75 ps

  • Barrel Time of Flight – last run.

    Liu QianBarrel TOF’s Qm and Qsigma vs. PMT number.

    ~5 % resolution

  • Liu Qian

    Data Base Information for BIE01

  • History Database (BIE01)

    Liu Qian

  • TOF monitoring status• Liu Qian developed monitoring software and has

    developed a nice web user interface for people to check the results.

    • Results can be correlated with run number, B, and HV. Will allow monitoring system performance with time.

    The collaboration between IHEP TOF group, USTC (interface), and Hawaii on the TOF monitoring system has worked extremely well.

    BESIII TOF Monitoring System TOFBESIII TOF Calibration System�(Fred Harris, Jim Kennedy, Qian Liu, Steve Olsen, Marc Rosen, Chengping Shen, and Gary Varner)�BESIII TOF Monitoring SystemBESIII TOF Monitoring SystemFiber BundlesTOF Monitor System – Light CouplingLaser BoxTOF MonitoringTOF monitoring status