be a successful kindle publisher without writing books

PRESENTED BY ALLCUSTOMCONTENT.COM Stop Writing Books and Make More Money by Being a Kindle Publisher

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Post on 02-Nov-2014




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Publishing on Kindle requires more than just a great product. This slide shows you where to put your focus, so you can make the most of your Kindle marketing efforts.


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Stop Writing Books and Make More Money by Being a Kindle Publisher

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An Opportunity to Reach Millions

Did you know that in March 2011, Amazon announced that it was selling more digital books than print books?

Kindle provides an amazing opportunity to reach millions of consumers, just waiting to read the books you publish.

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It Takes More Than Writing Books

But a word of warning…

Success with Kindle takes more than just putting your books together.

With Kindle, you must remember you are the PUBLISHER and you need to market your book.

No one is going to market it for you.

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You Don’t Actually Need to Write

The good news is…

You don’t actually need to write any books to be a publisher.

By getting someone else to write the content, you can focus on the marketing and being a successful publisher.

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Get Ready to Publish

With that in mind, here are 11 Kindle publishing tips for you…

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Tip #1: Do Your Research

One of the biggest keys to success on Kindle is to sell content that is in demand.

Always research topics and find the right category to sell your ebooks.

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Tip#2: Follow Formatting Guidelines

Kindle has specific formatting guidelines, so make sure to follow them to get more assured acceptance of your work.

It also makes your books easier to read and encourages repeat purchases.

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Tip #3: Grab Their Attention Right Away

Kindle takes the first 10% of your content and offers it as a free sample. Make sure your writer uses the first few pages to grab your audience’s attention, making them want to buy your book and read more.

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Tip #4: Professionally-Designed Cover

Your promotional book cover image should be at least 500 x 800 pixels with an ideal height/weight ratio of 1.6. It should also be saved at 72 dpi for optimal viewing.

Don’t know what that means? If not, get a designer’s professional help.

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Tip #5: Titles and Descriptions Matter

Titles and descriptions are the first things people will see when searching the Kindle store.

Take the time to do research and brainstorm ideas before you publish.

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Tip #7: Write a Great Bio

Write a compelling bio to get your potential customers interested in you. Include your experience and credentials so you’ll be seen as the expert.

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Tip #7: Test Different Pricing

It might be easier to sell more copies at a lower price or you may find that you earn more by selling to fewer people at a higher price.

The key is to test different price points to find out what works best.

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Tip #8: Try The Lending Program

See if you can earn money with Kindle by lending your book.

When you enroll in the “KDP Select” program and make your book exclusive to Kindle for 90 days, you will be eligible to earn a share of a $6 million annual fund.

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Tip #9: Encourage Reviews

Build social proof and credibility for your work by asking customers to publish reviews for your book.

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Tip #10: Publish More

Encourage repeat purchases from your customers by creating a series and publishing more books.

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Tip #11: Join the KDP Community

Kindle Direct Publishing has a very active community where you can ask questions, get support and share ideas.

Use it to make the most out of your Kindle publishing experience.

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We’ll Write and Format, You Get the Profit!

Put away the keyboard…

Good writing takes time. And once you’re done, you still have to publish and market your book.

Let us painstakingly create your book, while you focus on the marketing.

Not only can we write your books, we can format them for you too. It’s easy at…