basic quantitative analysis

Agenda Contents The Purpose of Statistics 2 Common Terminology 4 Regression Analysis 15 Common Distributions 30 Stochastic Process 37 Queuing Theory 47

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presentation on Basic Quantitative Analysis for MBA


  • Agenda

    ContentsThe Purpose of Statistics2Common Terminology4Regression Analysis15Common Distributions30Stochastic Process37Queuing Theory47

  • The Purpose of Statistics

  • The Purpose of StatisticsWays of interpreting a collection of data

    Conclusion from limited amount of dataExploratory data analysis using descriptive statisticsStatistical inference using probabilistic assumptionsMaking predictions into the futureTesting validity of assumptionsStatisticsApplications

  • Common Terminology

  • Data & Summary

  • Measures of Central Tendency

  • Measures of Dispersion

  • SkewnessSkewness: Describes asymmetry from the normal distribution in a set of statistical data. Skewness can come in the form of "negative skewness" or "positive skewness", depending on whether data points are skewed to the left (negative skew) or to the right (positive skew) of the data average.

  • KurtosisKurtosis: Measure to describe the peakedness of a distribution when compared to the standard normal distribution

  • Empirical RuleAssumption: Data has a bell-shaped distribution (close to normal)

  • Chebyshevs RuleObservations lying outside 3 SDs of the mean are called Outliers.Outliers need to be properly dealt with before analyzing the data,

  • Covariance : Cov(X,Y)

    Measure of how 2 variables move together

    +ve implies X and Y move in same direction; -ve implies they move in different directions Measure of Linear Relationship Between the 2 Variables

    Sign determines nature of relationship Does not capture quadratic or any other type of relationship,like Y= X2 ONLY for linear relationship

  • Correlation

    Measure of how 2 variables move together

    r=+1 perfect +ve relationship r= -1 perfect ve relationship r= 0 no relationship Standardized Measure Interpretation of Values r = Cov(X,Y)/[Var(X).Var(Y)] Lies between +1 and -1 Level of Association Only Linear Relationship

  • Regression Analysis

  • Regression

  • Estimation of Parameters

  • Logistic Regression

  • Multicollinearity in Multiple Regression

  • Assumptions of Regression

  • Residual Diagnostics

  • Estimation of Parameters in Regression

  • Coefficients in Equations

  • Variations in Predictor VariableCoefficient of determination is the ratio sum of squares due to regression to the total sum of squares

  • Standard Error

    Standard error is the estimate of the standard deviation of the regression errors

    Standard error of estimate, Se, measures the variability or scatter of the observed values around the regression line.

  • Multiple Linear Regression

  • Estimation of parameters in Multiple Linear Regression

  • Partial Correlation and Semi Partial Correlation

    Partial correlation coefficient measures the relationship between two variables (say Y and X1) when the influence of all other variables (say X2, X3, , Xn) connected with these two variables (Y and X1) are removed.

    Partial correlation represents the correlation between the response variable and a predictor after common variance with other variables have been removed from both response and predictor variables.

    Partial correlation is the correlation between residualized response and residualized predictor.

    Semi-partial (or part correlation) coefficient measures the relationship between two variables (say Y and X1) when the influence of all other variables (say X2, X3, , Xn) connected with these two variables (Y and X1) are removed from one of the variables (X1).

  • Partial Correlation and Semi Partial Correlation

  • Common Distributions

  • Uniform Distribution

  • Normal Distribution

  • Normal Distribution contd

  • Binomial Distribution

  • Poisson Distribution

  • A few more distributions

  • Stochastic Processes

  • What is a Stochastic Process?Stochastic Process: A family of random variables {X(t) | t T } defined on a given probability space. T is an index set; it may be discrete or continuous. Values assumed by X(t) are called states. State space (I): Set of all possible states. A stochastic process is also known as a random process or a chance process.

  • ExamplesContinuous-time, discrete state space: Number of job requests processed by a server in a system during the interval (0,t). X(t) = {0,1,}Discrete-time, discrete state space: Number of requests served during the n-th hour of day, Xn, n = {1,2,,24}, Xn = {0,1,}.Continuous-time, continuous state space: Response time of a request to a server given that it arrives at time t; {X(t), t > 0}.Discrete-time, continuous state space: Waiting time of nth customer in the system before receiving service; Xn, n = {1,2, }Stock market price at the end of each day.

  • Process with independent incrementsIf for all t1,t2, ,tn, t1 < t2< < tn, the RVs X(t1) X(t2), X(t3) X(t2),, X(tn) X(t n-1) are independent, then {X(t), t T} is said to be a process with independent increments. If E[X(t)]2
  • Stationary ProcessA stochastic process is wide-sense or covariance stationary if (t) =E[X(t)] is independent of t,Cov [X(t), X(s)] depends only on the time difference |t-s|, for all t, s.E[X2(t)] 0, then {X(t), t T} is said to be stationary of order n. It is strictly stationary if it is stationary of order n for any integer n. Distribution is invariant under shifts of the time origin.Strictly stationary does not imply wide-sense stationary and converse also.

  • Markov Process A Markov Process is a stochastic process {X(t) : tT} where for any t0 < t1< < tn < t,

    P[X(t) x| X(tn) xn, X(tn-1) xn-1, , X(t0) x0] = P[X(t) x|X(tn) xn] .Discrete time Markov chain, Continuous time Markov chain

  • Bernoulli ProcessFor each trial Yi, P(Yi=1)=p, if the outcome is a success or P(Yi=0)=q, if the outcome is a failure, then {Yi | i=1,2,} is a Bernoulli ProcessE[Yi] = p ; Var[Yi] = p (1-p){Yi | i=1,2,} is a discrete-time, discrete-state stochastic processStrict sense as well as wide sense stationaryExample: Packet transmission in the communication channel

    Let Sn = Y1+Y2++Yn , Yis are sequence of Bernoulli trialsSn = S n-1 +Yn, {Sn} is a discrete-time discrete state Markov process.P[Sn = k / S n-1 = k] = P[Yn = 0] = 1 p P[Sn = k / S n-1 = k-1] = P[Yn = 1] = pHere, Sn is a binomial r.v. {Sn, n = 1,2, .} is Binomial process

    Binomial Process

  • Random WalkIf each trial has more than two possible outcomes, Yi , i=1,2,,n be the set of independent discrete random variables, Sn = Yi, Sum process {Sn, n=1,2,} is a Markov chain known as random walk. Sn = Sn-1 + yn ..

  • Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC)If {X(t), t T} satisfies the Markov property then {X(t), t T} is a Markov process.If state space I is discrete, then {X(t), t T} is a Markov chain.If parameter space T is discrete, then {X(t), t T} is a DTMC ti - discrete time points, T={0,1,2,}

    We can write as { Xn , n = 0,1,2,3,} is a DTMC where P{Xn = in | X0= i0, X1= i1,,Xn-1= in-1] =P { Xn= in | Xn-1= in-1}We observe the system at discrete set of time points. Xi - state of the system at ith time step.

  • Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC)Xi -> state of the system at ith time step.X0 -> initial state of the system.

    Distribution of XnPj(n) = P(Xn = j), j=0,1,2,

    Conditional DistributionPj,k(m,n) = P[Xn = k | Xn = j], 0 m n When the Markov chain is time-homogeneousPj,k(n) = P[Xn+m = k | Xm = j], n-step transition prob.Pjk = Pjk(1) = P[Xn = k | Xn-1 = j], n 10-step transition prob. Pjk(0)= 1, if j=k 0, otherwise

  • Queuing Theory

  • Queueing SystemsModel processes in which customers arrive. Wait for their turn to receive service.Are serviced and then leave. Examples: - Supermarket check outs - Railway reservation counters - Computer service center - Calls allocation in telecommunication system

  • Pictorial RepresentationServer Queue(waiting line)CustomerArrivalsCustomerDepartures

  • Queuing CharacteristicsArrival pattern of customers.Service pattern of customers.Number of service channels.System capacity.Queue discipline.Kendall Notation (A/B/X/Y/Z) is used to represent a queueing system.

  • Kendall Notation: A/B/X/Y/ZA: Distribution of inter arrival timesB: Distribution of service timesX: Number of servers Y: Maximum number of customers in systemZ: Queue Discipline

  • M/M/1 QueueArrival process: Poisson with rate Service times: Exponential with parameter Service times and interarrival times are independentSingle serverInfinite capacity in a system N(t): Number of customers in a system at time t (state)

    State transition diagram

  • M/M/1 Queue: Markov Chain Formulation Transitions due to arrival or departure of customers Only nearest neighbors transitions are allowed. State of the process at time t: N(t) = i ( i 0). {N(t): t 0} is a continuous-time Markov chain with

  • Stationary DistributionBirth-death process

    Normalization constant

    Stationary distribution

  • Performance Measures (1)

  • Performance Measures (2)

  • M/M/c QueuePoisson arrivals with rate Exponential service times with parameter c serversArriving customer finds n customers in system n < c: it is routed to any idle server n c: it joins the waiting queue all servers are busy

    Birth-death process with state-dependent death rates

  • M/M/c QueueSteady state solutions


  • Performance Measures (1)

  • Performance Measures (2)

  • M/M/c/K QueuesPoisson arrivals with rate Exponential service times with parameter c Servers with system capacity KArriving customer find n customers already in system, where, if n < c: it is routed to an idle server n c: it joins the waiting queue all servers are busyCustomers forced to leave the system if already K present in the system.

    Birth death process with state dependent death rates

    Steady state solutions

  • Performance Measures(1)

  • Performance Measures(2)

  • M/M/c/c Queuec servers, no waiting roomAn arriving customer that finds all servers busy is blockedStationary distribution:

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