bajenski george vera 1987 poland

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    communicatorVOLUME 10 JANUARY. FEBRUARY, 1987


    It is difficult to imagine thatin a few short months wg willbe able to say "Wt? are 'cominghome' to our own facilitieswhich will house our offices,recording studio and storage

    This has been the quiet,unfulfilled desire of ourhearts and we tiave now ta^;:enthe initial steps to achievethi goal .A place wliere our braadcasterscan prepare their messages,record them on maste^r tape^.then combine them with introductions and suitable music inthe four languages we are

    can prepare

    record themthen combineducti ons andthe four

    currently working with.

    place where if needs arise andpre-recorded music is notsuitable, we could also recordour own singing with instrumental or tape accampanimen :.I'liKing and making up our 15minute j-i i lU'"-uiiv- is a part ofour regular ministry and hasbeen the main thrust of BMRMover the years. We also havean extensive tape and record1ibrary of pre-recordedfnessagt?s and iniAsic that isavailable to us when producingour short wave [.'< ouf :im;rAll of our [H .ii ruii'; , whencompleted- require packaging forshipment to various parts oftlie wof'1 d-Gai par^, I'lonte Carlo

  • and Korea are^ some of ourbroadcast points. Speciallabels -for customs alsorequire organisation andworking space. This we willnow have in our new -facility.Storage space has over theyears been a -factor that wenever seem to have enough of.Whether newly printed Belorus-sian New Testaments, song booksliterature, Bible helps, goodclothing or special projectsfrom time to time. Thisrequires organisation andshelving for e-fficient handling. This, too, will become areali ty.A room to hold our executivemeetings, greet any visitors,hold our devotions which is aregular part of our ministry atBMRM.Also, very important to ouroperation is our general officeworking area. Every day mailis received, sorted, receipted,(with special attention tospecific requests). Ihis,too,when necessary is handled infour languages. liai 1 ofencouragement and specialrequests arrives almost dailyfrom P-'oland directed sr>pecifi-cally at the name of our PolishRadio r-'r -oq r am. t h :i , t a
  • News' i: o 31av i c: I' ei* p 1 ^"Eastern Europe.We now "feel that in cominghome' to our own f ac11i ti es, wevail be able to best servethose who Itave yet to hear theGospel. We arc? committed toe: je r c:i z e t lie s t c? wa r d s h i pnecessary to make these thingshapipen in a Iioikhh int.).,

  • Ukrai ne, USSFv: "We qreet youdearly beloved friends inChrist. We are a young familyof five...We listen regularlyto your programes and thank Godand you for them. I cannotdescribe how precious andedifying the programes are. Aswe sit by the idio we shedtears. . .of joy anci comfort. . .praise and glory to Godforever *"

    Si ber i a ,, USSR: "Sine: r- ] 96ti) wehave been listening to shortwave radio programes. You mightask how we found out aboL(t theprogrames. The KGB toldus! During their regularlectures at workers' mc^etinqs,they would talk about: loyaltyto commLUtiBin, rl ;i. 1 i cjerir: e r.\\- workand watchfulness againi?>t theenemies. Thtiv would cautiona q a i n s h. p r o pia q a ru i a f r (>in 1I) ewest and actual ly naiiif-j onsand frequencies. Ihey wouldthreaten the workers thatlistening to these proqramos issufficient cauc:.e for boingfined and having ones radioconfiscated. No one want'>: tolose a radio, a preciouscommodity. But many take thatrisk just to find au(: whai: theK(5L< are a'Iraid of. Wc t ouldhardly wait to get hum-.y :-=o w-icould listen to that dreadedfrequency. That is how we firstheard the Gospel. We prai-,e Godfor all of you and remi'ii* thathe sent those? tough ITiH .-tqentt-to bring us the 'Good fJews ' . -

    fitter a time, a fellowship ofbelievers was created. We havenow applied to open a churchbut the authorities haven'tgiven us permission yet. But weare pat i ent."L.d. note: Gur gr\cious Godaccomplishes His desires, oftenin ways we would never dream ofor understand.

    Memorial GiftsIN MEhDRY nF

    E. RepetskiT. Shawl i nsk:T. Shawl i nsk.E. RepetskiE. RepetskiE. Repietsh:iE. RepetskiT. Shawl i nsk:E. RepetskiG. F-or si uk1 . Bhawl insik:F. Posn 1 Fcof fE. Repetsk i

    I. Sfiawliniil;


    N/M J- GordonM/M W. Posnikoff

    B.E. YanchukL. I""!, Klein

    M/M F. HolowatyI . Kardasti

    M. Ilel ashenkoM/M R. Lavery

    F. R'ossol

    N. Forsiuk

    M. Waltersj P. Posnikoffs N. PosnikoffI R. Guenthefr

    GMRM MISSIONARIESGeorge liaK-nsUl-Pollsh MInlslry Vera BaJensUl-OfflceAssistant Paul Dlatcl-UUranian Ministry John K. Huk-Russlan Ministry john Huk-Bookkeeper/Co-ordlnator Jacob Kcpvtski-Belorusslan Ministry * George Rcpetskl-Belorusslan Ministry

    Our NEW Mailing address Is;CMRM Box 2^6, PICKERING, OntarioLIV2K4

    Published 6 limes a yearPRINTED IN CANADA


    February 198?


    Dear Christian Friends,

    John Huk, Jr., son of John K. Huk, who v/rote the article"Coming Home" went to be with the Lord suddenly on the 10th ofJanuary. "Vanya," as we called him (a Russian diminutive of"John") died at home of a heart attack.

    Kis last project for GMRM was initiating the purchase ofthis property. Your missionaries, and the members of the Boardof Directors, have given the go-ahead to proceed with thispurchase so that GMRM may have a permanent home.

    V/e ask your help as we raise the funds necessary for thishome for GMRM, and your prayers for the family of John Jr.

    Brother John K. Huk, Sr., has been recovering since hislast hospitalization and thanks all who have prayed for him.Understandably, both he and his wife, Mary, are experiencingdeep grief over the loss of their son.

    As a result of John's death, different ministries of GMRMhave undergone some delays but they continue, as before. Wev/ould request your special prayers for all of us at this timeof adjustment.

    P.S. Please note that due to this unexpected development thetelephone number of GMRM has been temporarily changed to(^16) ^27-5757.


    :rsonneloflONTO, CANADA.



    VOLUME 10

    communicatorMARCH, APRIL, 1987


    Would it he the Soviet Union, Polandor any other country in East Europe,people would tell a similar story#"...seventy years of living underthe materialistic philosophy ofCommunism and Atheism is long, longenough!" In recent years we couldsee slogans, such as, "We want moreof God" freely displayed on thestreets of Poland. Prom Russia wealso heaj? news of newly developingrefona programmes. People arehungry for truth. Who can satisfythis thirst? Can man* s philosophyaccomplish this? Can any politicalor economical reform? No, none ofthese things can, but ChristIRecognizing that radio is such aneffective tool in bringing theGospel message to people living inthese lands, GMRM missionaries havededicated their life and talents tothis ministry. As a matter of fact,one of our Russian programmes,-"The Everlasting Gospel" has beenbeamed over several powerful shortwave transmitters around the worldfor almost 30 years. Our Polishprogramme, "Voice of Truth" lastyear celebrated its 25th year onthe air. Our Belorussian programme,"Good News", is the only Belorussian

    evangelical programme on the airat the present time and it hasbeen broadcast by us for 12 yearsalready.

    God spoke through His prophet,Isaiah, in the 53rd chapter," word that goes out from my mouthit will not return to me empty, butwill accomplish what I desire andachieve the purpose for which Isent it." God is faithful to Hisword! We can witness it in ourdaily correspondence, and throughour visitation programme as peopleare saved and encouraged in theirChristian living through our radiobroadcasts.

    Letter from Poland: - "May JesusChrist be praised! Prom the bottomof ray heart I thank you for yourprogramme and for the Bible thatyou sent me. The whole family isreading it. Through your programmeswe came to know this wonderful Lord.It opened for us the door to eternal life. It helps us grow spiritually, But dear brothers, pleasehelp us now to reach others whoalso need to know God.


    Every father is proud of his sonespecially when the son is following in his father's footsteps,

    Pifty-two years ago, my wife and Iwere "blessed with our first child,a son, v/hom we named John. In thefamily circle we called him Vanya.He grew in a Christian atmosphereright from childhood, Vanya grewstrong physically and spiritually.As a young man he developed histalents in the area of art andphotography. He held several responsible positions and establishedhis fine reputation among manyassociates.

    At the same time, while I was ministering to a Russian EvangelicalChristian Church in the city ofToronto, John was involved in manyaspects of our church life. Hisdeep, "base voice complimented amen* s quartet and choir for severalyears. His strong arras and humblespirit did not overlook any jobthat needed to be done for the Lord.For nearly thirty years John workedin downtown Toronto with severalvarious graphic arts firms, but hisdesire was always to use his abilities for the Lord.

    After resigning from my duties asminister of the Russian congregation, John, his wife Ruth, andchildren, Dan, Peter and Debbie,already living in Pickering, becameinvolved in the local fellowship ofthe Bayfair Baptist Church. As Johnbecame more involved," his heartdirected him to resign from hisposition in the commercial worldand take on the new responsibilityof church custodian, because of hislove for the people and the Lord.He happily performed his dutiesuntil the time he felt led to workwith Global Missionary Radio Ministries. John assumed the responsibilities of office manager, bookkeeper,and the preparation of all materialfor mission publication. In fact,this enclosed, colourful brochure,'Reaching the Slavic World forChrist' was the result of John'sefforts. Furthermore, Vanya waspreparing himself to assist me inall of our Russian ministry, including the preparation of Russianradio programmes.

    What a Joy it was to have my sonworking with me! Vanya was pleasedwith his new work, bringing withhim all his talents and abilitiesfrom his experiences in the commercial world. He was truely thrilledto be involved in this ministry,and I was more than thrilled tohave him working with us! On a morepersonal note, our relationshipgrew strong and close in the yearwe had together at the mission. Ouropportunities for closeness werefurther enhanced because of thefact that my wife, Mary, and I alsomoved to Pickering in the summer of'86.

  • All too soon our time of livingclose together drew to an abruptend. We shared many difficult moments together throughout my ownillness, but this too, served todraw the bond between us evencloser.

    On January 10th, I987, the Lordwelcomed Vanya to his eternal home.To be absent from the body is to bepresent with the Lord. Yes, we havethat blessed assurance that Vanyanow standfS, rejoicing in his newhome, but the depth of grief, whilewe yet remain on this earth, isdifficult to bear. His loss isdeeply felt by the mission and byall members of his family.One of John* s favourite hymnsincluded the line, Come HolySpirit, revive your Church today.*Though his funeral was deeply impressive and sad, victory wastruely experienced by many peoplewho went tnrough personal revivalin their own hearts.

    Pray with us in these months thatwe might be comforted by the HolySpirit. Pray with us as we plan tomove the mission to its new facilities, of which, Vanya was instrumental in implementing.

    John K. Huk

    "Father, the time has come.Glorify your Son, that your Sonmay glorify you."


    In memory of Mr. David MaksimowNadia Maksimow

    In memory of Norm SpurrelMr. & Mrs. George Repet^i

    In memory of John HukMr. & Mrs. John K. HukGospel Broadcasting MissionSaturday Night PublicationsMr. & Mrs. T.L. BowlbyBenjamin BajenskiWest End Construction Ltd.Mr. Alexander WandichMrs. Katherine WandichRoyal York Travel AgencyMr. & Mrs. George Repet^iMrs. G. DinnickMr. & Mrs. George BajenskiSamuel L. JohnsonB. -WeaverMr. & Mrs. J, GilliesMr; & Mrs. A. HeronMr. & ?t4rs, Charles W. BranumCharles W. TuneMr. & Mrs. B. HeronMr. & Mirs^ T. KovackDonnie T. DozierMrs. ShlapskiStella WandichMr. William H. ComerMr. & Mrs. Ronald NaydukMr. & Mrs. Fred NaydukPaul BruckiMr. & Mrs. H. MartinWestway Christian ChurchMrs. N. MartinMr. & Mrs. W. GrahamMr. & Mrs. W. PonkeMr. & Mrs. P. Sidorchuk

  • Miss Kellie ICudrickPeoples Jewellers - PickeringKenneth BellPeoples Jewellers - Don MillsJune HerringMr. & Mrs* J. ParisLinda BeerworthMr. & Mrs. Roy PaulMrs. Olga EmterMr. & Mrs. Martin DerlakMr. & Mrs. Roderick HuronMr. & Mrs. W. KowalMr. & Mrs. M. ProciukPamela J. HardingSa^el CranfieldJoe & Karen BakerMr. & Mrs. Edward Ro'binsonMr. & Mrs. James MatikoCalvary Mission Guild - RockfordMary Ann BrownSandra S. MullMr. & Mrs. A. KleinBr. & Mrs. N. UovosickisAlice Marie BaneseMr. & Mrs. Bavid RielBr. & Mrs. Bavid L. EubanksMr. & Mrs. H. WesselmanMr. & Mrs. P. ColverleyMr. & Mrs. L. AndersonEvelyn ScheiringMrs. J. BoyceMr. & Mrs. WortsMiss S. VandijkMr. & Mrs. G. MarsMr. & Mrs. L. HawthorneMrs. E. MillsMr. & Mrs. William TuckerMr. & Mrs. E. BavisMr. & Mrs. G. WilsonMr. & Mrs. B. MortonMr. & Mrs. HettichMr. & Mrs. L. McFarlaneMr. Cliff SchenkMr. & Mrs. L. MacLeodMiss Laurie MacLeodMiss E. Shanks

    Mr. & Mrs. B. AustinMrs. M. PriestMr. & Mrs. K. BakerMrs. Violet LoweMr. & Mrs. E. OwensMr. & Mrs* H. Leig^Miss Frieda RossolMrs. Lorain KerrMiss Jean KaylorMiss Jacqueline R. CarrMr. & Mrs* Ronald Robertson


    We are encouraged and thankful tothe Lord and His people for theresponse to our "Coming Home"project! As to date, $8,300*00 ofdesignated contributions has "beenreceived. Praise the Lord! We trustthe Lord more is on its way. Weneed your prayers!

    " we have opportunity, let usdo good to all people, especiallyto those who belong to the familyof "believers."

    GWRMNISSIONARIESGeorge BajensUl-Poltsh Ministry Vera BaJensUl-OniceAssistant Paul DIatel-Ukranlan Ministry John K. Huk-Russian Ministry George Repets^-Belorusslan MinistryJacob RepelsM-BelorussIan Ministry

    Our Mailing address Is:CMRM Box 246, PICKERING, OntarioL1V2R4

    Published 6 timesa yearPRINTED IN CANADA