awareness techniques - book 1


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THE AWARENESS TECHNIQUES BOOK 1 by William Swygard teaches techniques for Multi-level awareness. Written in the early 70’s, are the only source we have ever seen that teaches this most useful and direct method on how to integrate with your Spirit and receive information directly from Source. Very valuable information for today & is in harmony with truth in our humble opinion. In Oneness


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by WILLIAM SWYGARD and Associates



Copyright 1970 and 1975 by William Swygard

Printed in the United States of America Printed by AWARENESS TECHNIQUES sub. THEATRE UNIVERSITY, INC.

P.O. Box 49, Wellesley Hills, Mass. 02181

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Preface 4

1 - Multi-Level Awareness 6

2 - Ask Questions, Questions, Questions 10

3 - You Can Work Multi-Level Awareness All By Yourself 16

4 - Into A Past Incarnation Through This One 17

You Are the Creator – Illustration by Karen Kacicki 19

5 - What Multi-Level Awareness Is Not 20

6 - Motion, the Basis of "Running" 22

7 - This Creation - From the Beginning To Present Kalaranda Time 24

8 - Colors 31

9 - Letter 36

10 - Source 38

None of the material found in this book can be construed as "messages" from some other being or entity rather than the direct thoughts and words of the author. Each statement in this book can be, and has been, verified

directly from the source through the use of the Awareness Techniques.

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Someone once observed that we live on one planet, and on this planet we find billions of worlds.

Within the present population, as we know it, only the rarest occasion arises when two people can agree on any one subject (truthfully). How has this vast population become so far apart? We have but one Creator or Father of all of us. Even more seriously, how can this vast population get together?

First; Man does not know himself. Second; he has had no way of knowing himself. Third; no one can tell man what to expect when he has come to know himself.

Libraries full of books have been written that speculate on how man can better himself. Thousands of organizations and hundreds of -isms and -ologies have come into being. Governments and religions have held many promises. When we look at history, look at the present situation in the world, and glance hesitatingly at the future, it would not take much more to convince us that mankind is damned with problems, and blinded to solutions.

I believe that man's difficulties on earth arise from the fact that he does not fully recognize that he is more than a physical being. The Masters, who considered the whole man and his problems, taught that increased awareness is the answer. Metaphysical writings of today attribute much to the Masters, and relegate man to the role of student, follower, or less. I hold that any man can find he is Master when he adds more levels of awareness to his being. I worked hard for many years to provide a simple technique for developing "Multi-Level Awareness," a direct method of adding a tremendous awareness to your present consciousness. Any person who follows the technique can find this to be true within a few minutes.

With this method, one learns of his past lives - all of his experiences since he was born of the Creator. He learns astral (mental) awareness, etheric (energy) aware-ness, and celestial (concept) awareness while adding to his physical (detail) awareness. Ultimately, he becomes Master on twelve planes of awareness. All of this is done without trance or suggestion while the individual is wide awake.

The technique, "Multi-Level Awareness," has been tested in all of its aspects upon persons of various races, religious background and ages for over eighteen years in the Miami, Florida area. Ten thousand printed instruction sheets have been distributed throughout the world. The method works for all.

"Multi-Level Awareness" allows your consciousness to choose vantage points and look into the twelve planes. It is then possible to see anything in the present and past, throughout the creation.

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A second, and equally simple technique, "MultiPlane Awareness," allows consciousness to go into the twelve planes and look outward. This affords clear vision into the present and future, throughout creation. A combination of both techniques in action, removes all barriers, and you are indeed a Master.

A third technique, "Perfecting the Spirit," allows awareness that has never been realized on earth, even by 'the Master Teachers. Man is then ready to know that he is the Creator.

With this great additional awareness, you can easily know yourself. You can easily discover why you are here. You can readily realize, plan for, and execute the real meaning of life, methods of broadening this precious life and to thine own self be true, while serving the Creator.

Most of the work involved in the book you are holding, its writing, publication and distribution, was done by the delightful members of the Miami group. They will put out more books such as this one, if man is willing to study with them; to learn with them and from them. I thank them for being with me over the years, and I thank them for the encouragement they have given me when my world turned slowly on its axis.

William Swygard

Miami, Florida

December, 1968

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The following technique is not to be taken lightly, because it is the beginning of a mental-spiritual experience that will allow YOU to KNOW YOURSELF. By this, it is meant that YOU, without the aid of a teacher or an assistant of any kind, (after a few preliminary exercises) can bring into your physical consciousness your entire past - your incarnations on this planet, your experiences before you came to this planet; in fact, you can see for yourself everything you have experienced since your spirit was released from the Creator.

This designation, "Multi-Level Awareness," is the correct nomenclature - a direct translation of its designation throughout more solar systems and galaxies than the present awareness of mankind on Earth understands.

The technique, "Multi-Level Awareness," is simple. There is nothing you can add to it to make it work better or quicker. It works with everyone.

1. Make a person comfortable. Have the person remove his shoes and lie down. Clasp his legs, one at a time, just above the knee and manipulate your hands downward, stopping at the knee briefly to make certain the knee is relaxed; then rubbing on, down to the ankle and bend the ankle; then massage the foot, and then the toes briefly and vigorously. Repeat this manipulation quickly. Next, place the palm of your hand on the person's forehead, and with little pressure, move the skin of the forehead up and down and sideways for a few seconds. This relaxation process should not be overdone.

2. Ask the person to close his eyes and after a brief moment, ask him to become a few inches taller by allowing himself to stretch out through the bottom of his feet. Then say to him, "Tell me as soon as you have done this." When he says that he has accomplished this, pause a few seconds and say, "Go back to normal size. Tell me as soon as you have done this."

Then, ask him to repeat the exercise, only the second time ask him to become "a foot" taller. "Tell me as soon as you have done this." When he agrees, pause again and tell him to go back to normal size. "Tell me as soon as you have done this." Repeat the foot tall routine again. Each time ask him to tell you when he has accomplished the exercise.

Now, go to the other end of the body. "Become a few inches taller by extending yourself out through the top of your head. Tell me when you have done this." Then back to normal size. Then, do a foot taller three times through the head. Always ask him to tell you when he is done.

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The next step requires further exercising. "Now, this time extend yourself through the head, face, body, arms, legs and feet. (Say this slowly, with a moment’s pause between parts of the body.) In other words, blow yourself up just like a balloon. Tell me as soon as you have done this." Then go back to normal size. All of the time, throughout these exercises, be jovial and keep your voice firm and convincing, yet be ready to laugh, and keep the person going quickly and smoothly through these preliminaries. Once he has done them well, there is never a need to repeat them.

Next, tell him to blow up like a balloon again, only much larger this time. When he tells you he has done this, ask him to go quickly and stand in front of the building where he lives. "Tell me when you are there." As soon as he says so, start him talking. Ask him to see this and that, and to describe what he sees. Tell him to look for, one at a time, the door, door knob, windows, walkways, trees, shrubs, marks of any kind. After he sees and describes to you, these objects, tell him to, "Go quickly and stand on the roof of the building and look down into the road (or yard) in front. Tell me as soon as you are there." Ask him to see and describe such objects as cars, road, trees, etc. When this is completed, tell him to go about 500 feet up into the air and look down. (One in a hundred may object at this point but remind him quickly that he is still safe in the room.) Then repeat the request. "Tell me as soon as you are there." Ask him to see what he can observe and report it to you. Keep him talking.

The person may tell you throughout this phase of outdoor work that he is "imagining things," but remind him gently that this is an exercise in awareness and continue as if he had said nothing.

3. After he has described to you things he sees from this advantage of altitude, ask him whether it is daytime or nighttime. When he tells you it is one or the other, ask him to tell you why he thinks so. He will say something like, "It is daytime because everything is light and I can see just as if it were daylight, so it must be daytime." Or, "It is night because I see street lights and house lights," etc. Or, "It is sort of twilight, you know, just like after the sun has gone down." If it is nighttime or twilight in his vision, ask him to make it daytime - bright as sunlight. "Tell me as soon as you have done this." Then ask him to tell you why he thinks it is daytime. Keep him talking, talking all of the time. If it was daytime to begin with, ask him to make it night; and then ask him why he thinks it is night. Turn the days into nights and back again at least three times, but be certain that you finish this phase by having it day-time - a very bright sunny day.

Then, quickly ask him, "Who is making it night and day?" Most will quickly answer, "I am!" If he hesitates more than ten seconds, ask him, "Are YOU making it night and day?" He will agree. It is very important that he understands that he is causing this change.

4. "Now, are you still high in the air?" The answer will be, "Yes." "Please keep the scene very bright. Come back to earth in another lifetime that you lived many years

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ago. Come down quickly as you go back in time; bring your feet down quickly and firmly, but gently, and stand on the ground. Tell me as soon as you are there."

Watch the person's face. As soon as there is eye movement under the lids, tell him, "Please look down at your feet and tell me what you are wearing on your feet."

The person is now experiencing a good vision of a previous life.

Remind him frequently to, "Look out through your eyes and listen through your ears." Ask, "What are you wearing on the lower part of your body?" Wait for des-criptions, but keep the person talking. The more talk the better he will see in the beginning. Insist that the person do only what you tell him to do and answer your questions; remembering to keep the questions in some semblance of chronological order. Move the person onward in time - skip a day, a week, a month or year in his lifetime, but keep him moving and talking.

At the end of the lifetime, ask the person to go to an earlier lifetime by requesting, "Come down in an earlier lifetime - look down at your feet and tell me what you are wearing on them."

At the end of the second or third lifetime you have run through, ask him to "die" and follow through the "death," asking, "What happens next?" (when you do not have specific questions). No matter what he reports, do not question the validity. This is new material for people to understand. After you have run a few people through several lifetimes, you will understand that this material is valid. When he has run incidents between his lives, ask him to go back and find his present parents, from the first time he saw them until after he was born.

Ask questions, questions, questions.

When you discontinue the running process at any time, ask the person, "Do you see any need to continue at this time?" Let him decide when to stop.

When you continue with this person at a later time, make him comfortable (but no need to rub), tell him to turn the lights on inside, and go quickly back to where he left off last time.

After three to five hours of "coaching" or assisting a person, he should be quite ready to run himself. It takes a person a little time to learn to ask himself questions. As soon as he can ask himself questions, he is ready to go alone. If he reports back to you that he is "stuck," run him a little more, but make him ask the questions.

Practice is of the essence. Soon an entire lifetime can be seen in a few minutes with all senses in force.

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There are no wasted words in the above. Failure to succeed is failure to follow the instructions. It is fun to run and to be run. Change off. The more you run, the better coach you become. Do a lot of both.

As this technique of "Multi-Level Awareness" is mastered, write to the publisher for Book 2 and Book 3 of this series. They will be sent promptly.

Mastery of these three easy books and their techniques will prove that mankind, his beliefs, ideals, goals and performances on this planet are obsolete.

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The shortest paragraph in the written technique, "Multi-Level Awareness" is only four words in length. This brevity certainly does not detract from its importance. This short paragraph is the key to your advancement when utilizing ALL of the Awareness Techniques.

Your desire to know is a function handed directly to you from your spirit. This desire to know is your prime motivating force to move your consciousness into and through the life experiences and realizations. Those individuals who have a generous questioning ability are the happy, moving, productive individuals. Those who lack a desire to know are the unhappy, static, unhealthy and unproductive people of your acquaintance.

Why is it then that most individuals on this planet fit the latter category? They do not ask questions (except as children) because they do not have enough integrated awareness to receive and understand answers. The unintegrated individual can be handed answers continually by his spirit and he does not accept the answers because he lacks depth of understanding (love) and regard for progress. They do not ask for the answers and do not act upon spirit's directing.

Now that you are integrated with several more levels of consciousness; that you are brim-full of questions; that your ability to receive and accept good, solid answers, why delay further in accomplishing this most fulfilling way of realization and progression?

The Awareness Techniques are tools. You are always master of these tools; they never master you. Questions are the motivating factors in the use of the Awareness Techniques. When you integrate the four kinds of consciousness, detail, mind, energy and concept along with the monitor, spirit, only a question or desire can put these tools to work. These tools are not some rogue factor to dominate you or your consciousness. To the contrary. When the question is asked or a desire to know is manifest, when your consciousness is in an integrated state, the "running" of the answer to your question or desire will continue only as long as it takes to answer the question or desire. Then, the answer manifestation will discontinue. It shuts off. It takes another question or desire to motivate the integrated consciousness tool further. Of course, should you like, the manifestation can be terminated during the answering process at your dismissal of the integration of your multi-leveled consciousness.

You certainly noticed that when you ran the first few times with "Multi-Level Awareness," and you were following the instructions closely, questions were answered much beyond your expectations. It may have gone so well that you

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thought it couldn't be answers, it must be imagination. Your ability to receive answers was never like this. Since that time your ability to receive answers has increased dramatically. Have you become aware of it?

Your financial, age, educational, environmental, race, religious situations or any other circumstance will not bar you from receiving answers. These answers are true answers. Should you not believe the answers because they may contradict or be different from an answer you may expect, ask the question again. The answer will remain constant. If you still do not believe the answer, break up the question into smaller pieces, or ask to be shown more of the answer. It will continue to come in pictures, a rush of awareness, or both. Should you decide not to accept the answer, do not discard the information, but rather hold it in abeyance until you are further able to realize the validity of it. One thing to always keep in mind: When you ask questions and are in integrated consciousness, no outside influence can in any way disturb or distort an answer. This is also true regarding your present misconceptions of subject matter. Your present beliefs cannot alter the truth of any actual and truthful situation in the entire creation.

Questions, themselves, are transitory things, They are sometimes present for a moment and occasionally they linger for a few years. It seems that questions are stimulated into being in our consciousness by a lack of understanding (love) when an unclear situation arises. As the situation passes on and the question remains unanswered, a certain amount of awareness remains bound to the question in the remembered situation. The amount of awareness polarized to the unanswered question is equivalent to the amount of awareness-energy necessary to answer the question or solve the problem. The more unfinished business we accumulate, the more awareness (and consciousness) we have bound to the unfinished incidents and it becomes unavailable to conduct our present and future activities.

When we compare our present knowledge, as vast as it may be, with the unanswered questions in our awareness, then it is not difficult to understand man's slow, laborious progress.

Please, for your sake, become the most questioning person ever to be. (Note: become "questioning," not "doubting" as explained previously.)

Millions upon millions of questions could have been asked during your previous embodiments on this and other planets. They are mostly forgotten, but not re-solved. Forgetting the question does not solve the problem. Unanswered questions still hold awareness to them if they are remembered or not. Unanswered questions must be unpolarized through the answering process, and the awareness must be freed from the involvement of questioning through the realization of an answer. The realization gives you repossession of the now unbound awareness, transmutes the experience of finding an answer into soul. Whether or not it is clear to you at the moment, this realization-experience activity is the basic reason for your existence, according to the Creator, when he admonished you at the time of your creation, "Go know the Creation and return it to Me." Knowing, realizing, experiencing all

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have the same root meaning, and in the Creator's concept add many things unto you.

A request to you from the Creator would include in His concept a way and means for you to fulfill the request. This provision does embrace the results of the Awareness Techniques - a good integration, an opening to communication with your other plane consciousnesses, and your own Spirit, which is definitely a part of the Creator's very body and consciousness.

Had man retained his degree of integration with his other parts; had he continued to rely on his own ability to question, experience and realize and return to the Creator his gained knowledge of the creation; had he not returned to other men and away from his own spirit and ask his questions, he could have had retained his awareness and served his Creator better.

Other men cannot answer our questions because they are not integrated. Our own spirit cannot answer our questions because there is no communication. Our Creator does not receive our knowledge because it is not communicated. These are heavy barriers to progress.

How can the concept of the Creator be complete when man so blatantly unbalances the intentions of the Creator? Does it seem unfair to ask the Creator to provide for us when we refuse to accept His established provisions which already include our every need to progress and to serve Him at the same time?

Being integrated, as you now are, is only a reserve of awareness of your true and whole self unless you put this vast reserve to experience. When a question appears, ask it of your integrated consciousnesses. Ask it immediately, don't delay a moment. This is the golden opportunity to release tied up awareness. No doubt you have been confronted by this question before in a past life-time. Perhaps it has arisen dozens or hundreds of times. By answering the question now, enormous amounts of polarized awareness can be released from present and past involvements. How eager your spirit is to answer the question, to unravel much polarized awareness, to release this awareness to your present needs, to have you experience and realize the answer, to serve the Creator by now knowing more about the creation.

One person opined to me that every time he asked a question of his integrated self, another question or two arose. Could that be a complaint? Since the answers are so instantaneous, the realization so full and satisfying, the experience so magnificent and rewarding, his Spirit and the Creator so well served, he has become a perfect consciousness. Is not this the goal man has searched for since his beginning as man?

Do not believe that your other plane consciousnesses can work out your unfinished business for you while you delay asking questions. Whatever was begun on the third plane of consciousness must be finished there. One other point that is well

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worth making is in regard to thinking and discussing material you have brought into the detail consciousness. It is profitable to think about and review material you have run. You can realize new ideas, bring a reflective awareness to mind, or relate your experience to another person which could inspire them to a new and greater understanding.

This activity is worthwhile, but one other direction of attention can bring an additional bountiful reward. Should you have run a past-life incident, or perhaps were on the planes or reading the planetary or solar system records instead of letting it go, run it again and see more detail. This additional running could take place moments or days later, but make certain you do run more of it. Additional running will certainly bring additional opportunity to ask more questions. All of these things you are learning are so new to man on this planet that they cannot be over-observed or over-learned.

Some few persons, however, are not so dexterous in the question department, but even this lack of ability is overcome with continued practice. At the beginning of the Awareness Technique experience some individuals are so taken up by the results of the running that they are left quite amazed. Questions are the least of their desires. That is why we recommend that someone coach them through the first hours of their running. Once the person being coached finds the abundance of material to be viewed and questioned, he soon finds that running is even more pleasurable when directed through his own questions and desires.

As we have mentioned, man has been continually questioning everything he can put his awareness to. However, we believe that since man has had such little success in having his questions answered, or fulfilled, he actually does not know much about the nature and function of questions. In other words, when he has integrated consciousness and he knows the source, structure and relative content of a question, he will definitely have a comparable result in an answer.

All questions arise within the spirit are conceptual in nature. Concepts come from the broadest sense of spiritual consciousness. Some concept words in your dictionary are, for instance, planet, mankind, city, nature, speed, space and question. It is not necessarily meaning or category of the word, but the broad terms that hit the consciousness that define these words as being conceptual. So we can say that questions arise from the broadest areas of spiritual consciousness. The structure of questions, being of spirit, are of negative polarity. All answers are of positive polarity.

When a question is formed and all channels to positive answers are open through the integration of total consciousness, the negative pole instantly finds the positive pole, or its "mate." Each question is formed about a matrix of color. The color is not one particular color, but rather a variegated but well defined pattern of two, three or four or more colors. You will learn about colors in an article further on in this book. All communication is conducted by and through color or colors in this creation. Questions and answers are a form of communication.

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Spirit forms and communicates a negative polarity, conceptual nature communication. As the communication is projected outward from spirit, it will be drawn to its exact opposite in the positive polarity realms of experience. This experience record, or soul as it is called, contains countless units or crystallized bits of record. A negative red color will polarize to an exact bit of green color to match its configuration and intensity. Or it may match a great number of bits of recorded experience. If there is a yellow color configuration in the negative polarized question, it will instantly find a positive polarized purple of an exact configuration and intensity. Regardless of the number of colors, configurations and intensities contained in the question, a matching number of positive "mates" will be found in the soul.

Could you find yourself worrying whether a question could not be answered?

Please do not be concerned whether this always works because your spirit cannot form a question about yourself unless the answer exists somewhere in your experiences or the record of those experiences, called your soul. You cannot answer a question about your planet unless the answer is in the planetary records. These experiences may not be filed under the subject matter of the question but are retrieved under the color coding of standard communication.

You will soon find yourself finding answers on a universe-wide or even a creation-wide scale. Do not be amazed. Many have preceded you.

In summary, vast new experiences can be opened by questioning and then using the answer based on a number of previous and seemingly unrelated experiences as the foundation for a new awareness.

Should this or any material found in our Awareness Techniques books be difficult to grasp, integrate and ask questions about the material. Do not be surprised that you already have a good awareness of the subject. You have not been using this material through a lack of integration of consciousness.

Another item that mankind has not understood falls in the area of the content of a question. Many people seem to feel that a short question, word wise, should declare a short answer. A "longer" question should demand a longer answer. This is not true. The content of a question is determined by the amount of concept it contains. A question containing "creation" is more conceptual because it contains the broadest concept we know of. "Planet" is less conceptual than "galaxy." And "speed" is less conceptual than "planet." "Memory" less conceptual than "speed," while "speed" is more conceptual than the noun "button."

Many people have told me that they integrated and asked just a tiny question like "How many times have I lived before with the person who is now my young brother?" They said that a short answer consisting of twenty-three various life-times experience move before their consciousness. Little did they realize that they ganged up about fifteen concepts, as local as they may be, and caused a fifteen

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pronged question to be projected into their soul. All of the answer could not come into the consciousness at once. Beyond that, it was left up to the detail consciousness to count the experiences. Spirit does not want to know anything about numbers. You were interfering with spirit consciousness.

As you progress into more awareness by reading and practicing material in the forthcoming Awareness Technique books, you will discover that you exist on the "third plane" or "detail" level of consciousness. Further, you will find that you have more consciousness on the other planes.

You have built within your system of consciousnesses a most remarkable tool to become intimately aware of yourself. This tool, like any other instrument is worthless until you put it to use. Tools become even more valuable when they are used with dexterity, which comes after practice.

A most wonderful lady awareness practitioner told me recently that she was coming to depend on her integration. She continued to explain that her questions were always answered, her problems were always quickly solved and her life really became worth living. She mentioned these things in confidence. I know they are true. I see her periodically and the change she has experienced is most obvious and remarkable. She is an excellent example of a person who has found a good tool, integration of consciousnesses, and has applied it with good and correct practice to each facet of her being as it presents itself. "I ask millions and millions of questions," she spoke seriously.

Shall we overlook her slight exaggeration?

William Swygard

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Sometimes one cannot find someone to do the exercises with. After you have exhausted all means of finding someone to work with (and this is hard to believe) you may wish to resort to doing it yourself.

Please do not try this at bedtime as you will likely fall asleep.

When writing the technique for world-wide distribution, and at the same time, guaranteeing that it will work with everyone, I had to devise instructions that even the dullest person could use. I am certain that you are intelligent enough to do it alone.

When you are well rested, skip Item No. 1. Then go to Item No. 2. Read it through several times and memorize it. Then go through the exercises of stretching out and moving outside, etc. Speak out loud and tell yourself to do these things. (After all, you are alone.) When you are able to do the instructions well, after one or more tries, call it a day. Next day (or soon) memorize Item No. 3. Then begin with Item No. 2 and continue clear through Item No. 3. When this goes well, stop again until later.

Next time, memorize Item No. 4. Begin with Item No. 2 and go all the way through. Be well rested each time you do these exercises. Do not be concerned about being "stuck" or left in the lurch. This is NOT hypnosis. Your higher plane consciousnesses are intelligent enough to realign themselves. You will feel energetic when you are finished.

Should you not run well, go back to the place where you do run well. Practice a bit more in that area. Then proceed, following the instructions exactly.

Practice often. When you have run at least twenty past lives and have spent considerable time "between lives" on the higher planes, then you will be ready to understand and accept "Multi-Plane Awareness."

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Occasionally, an individual does not go into a past incarnation quickly and with clarity due to the third-plane consciousness blocking the movement into broader consciousness.

A third-plane consciousness has every right to do this blocking. It has no understanding of the matter of reincarnation, or any other factor for that matter, except that which it has been allowed to observe and experience - just those incidents tied strongly to third-plane consciousness. It is also true that such a blocking action has in many previous circumstances steadied a mental equilibrium.

There is a first time to learn everything. The learning process is best aided by tying it to a more familiar phase of experience. If the third-plane consciousness can find a point of agreement in the broad scope of possibility of an earlier existence, it will accept the opportunity to grasp it. This observation is proposed by the fact that the desire element has brought the individual this far toward the discovery of his whole and true self. Desire is similar to an iceberg. It is submerged, for the most part, in the waters of consciousness; only a small part is visible and felt in the third-plane consciousness. Desire always arises in spirit (your permanent self) and has a deep impenetrable structure. However, spirit does not pursue the third-plane con-sciousness, but rather holds its sign constantly before the consciousness until they finally heed the signs and follow spirit's direction. This seems to be an era when most spirits of those incarnated have strongly worded signs before the third-plane consciousness reading, "change" and "find the truth."

With this in mind, then be patient and help the third-plane consciousness you are working with (in the capacity of a coach) to find a reasonable path into a previous incarnation - a path that is logical, and at the same time can demonstrate the added and newfound awareness.

The following has been used a number of times down through the years and has proven adequate for overcoming the third-plane block.

Should a person balk at Item No. 4 in the standard technique, then instead of asking the individual to come down in a previous incarnation, ask him to come down at the age of six years in his present life. Be specific, and tell him to come down on his sixth birthday at a time when he was eating.

Third-plane consciousness cannot deny that he lived at that time. He "knows" that he cannot "remember" what he ate at a meal on that day. Yet, with the newfound awarenesses, he can and does see, feel, hear, taste and smell exactly the

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circumstances, at that time, on that day. His third-plane consciousness is learning quickly; it is readily convinced that there is something to this new ability.

Ask for plenty of detail. Follow the instructions of "Multi-Level Awareness," just as if this activity were in a past incarnation. Who is there? Describe their clothes, face, hair, height, etc. Where are you? Describe the taste and smell of the various food items, etc.

Then, when the individual is seeing and describing well for ten to fifteen minutes, move him quickly into a previous incarnation when he was six years old. "Now, go quickly into another lifetime when you were six years old. Go quickly now, and tell me as soon as you are there."

When his eyelids begin to quiver, ask him, "Look down and tell me what you are wearing on your feet." Keep going, just as you have been helping individuals who were not previously blocked by the third-plane consciousness.

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None of the Awareness Techniques are hypnosis. I have often been accused of spreading hypnosis beyond its presently known boundaries. The fact of the matter is, the Awareness Techniques are the opposite of hypnosis.

Hypnosis (mesmerism, animal magnetism) takes away consciousness, as well as energy from the life function. It is not a natural thing to transfer energy in this manner and should be avoided. The Awareness Techniques add to your awareness, and make available great quantities of energy to the life function. When you have mastered the Awareness Techniques, you will be able to be aware of all energy sources and functions, and will confirm to your satisfaction these statements. When you are following the instructions as given in the Awareness Technique papers, you will always remember all that you do, and can repeat at any time those things you did previously. This is not true with hypnosis.

Some people have told me that when finished with an exercise, I should instruct them to "cancel out" the instructions to alleviate the "post hypnotic" command. Allow me to explain the function of Items 2, 3, and 4 in the paper, "Multi-Level Awareness."

Item 2 is an exercise of introduction to what is sometimes called the Astral Body and Astral Consciousness. It is like saying to you, "Meet your friend, Astral. Astral is right with you all of the time (and always has been) and Astral wants to show you what he can do." It is an introduction.

Item 3 is the same thing all over again. This time you are introduced to what is sometimes called Etheric Consciousness. Etheric has always been there. Time you got acquainted.

Item 4 is Soul introduction. Soul is a complete record of everything you have accomplished since your Spirit was released from the Creator. This is a recording you have been introduced to. It takes three or more levels of integrated consciousness working at one time to be able to read your Soul (sometimes called Akashic) Record, and to bring this information into Physical Consciousness. "Multi-Level Awareness" is the only technique throughout 'the creation to teach this ability. Everything else you have learned is of no avail; including meditation and hypnosis. If someone tells you that this is hypnosis, then that person knows very little about hypnosis and absolutely nothing about the Awareness Techniques.

It is not hypnotic to tell a friend to go to the grocery store. He can choose to favor your request, or refuse. So it is with the Awareness instructions. He knows the grocery store exists, at least in some part of his consciousness. It is-up to him to make the trip. During your past experiences, you have been aware of all aspects of life as you now know it. You have been introduced to these Astral and Etheric

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Conseiousnesses. Now you are ready to take the first, and highly important, step in knowing yourself.

Another common complaint is that I proffer "imagination" in my techniques. Nothing could be further from the truth. To imagine means to form pictures, to create ideas, to indulge in fantasy; or to conjure, invoke, or to influence yourself. Now, where in any of the Awareness Techniques are you told to do these things? You are told to "go there," to "look at," and to "describe." In other words, you are told to become aware of things that already exist.

Since imagination changes each time you use it, then it could not come into play when following Awareness instructions. You may test this yourself. Run a past life incident twenty-five or more times. Each time you run the incident, it will be the same. Just as you run a strip of motion picture film (a recording) through a projector, you will see the exact recurrence of action on the screen. So, as you view Soul (a recording) it will always be the same. Imagination cannot provide this stability.

"Multi-Level Awareness" provides the same benefits one receives through sleep. It gives you physical body repair, vision, and the tranquility of well-being. It

gives you these things as well as other abilities, but while you are fully awake and conscious. By not being awake, you misinterpret or forget your dreams, which came from your Soul, and you cannot direct that which you desire. "Multi-Level Awareness" brings consciousness and consciousness in action (awareness) to you.

Most important of all, when you can realize the imperfectness and "unfinished business" (sometimes called karma) of your past incarnations, it is easy to "forgive and forget" these actions through self-realization on a mental-spiritual level, and absolve yourself of further action in that regard. This means that you will have completed any "unfinished business" through the highest level of awareness, and will not have to work it out on the slow, painful, unaware level of physical con-sciousness.

In order to master this physical consciousness, and find your creator on this planet, you must bring these higher consciousness activities into your being. With the Awareness Techniques, one can honestly say that all other activities in our civilization can become obsolete.

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"Running" is the term given to the use and manifestation of results gained from the Awareness Techniques. This term, and related meanings, give the Awareness Techniques a great measure of distinction over any and all previous means of attaining awareness. Many of these other means of mental-spiritual development are still in use, but they can afford only a "glimpse" or still picture, or "insight," or revelation." The receiver of such information rarely knows the source of these pictures. No amount of incantation, practice or desire will bring further information of value to the third-plane consciousness. The fault of these methods is that there is not enough energy involved in the process used to bring forth action, direction and full control.

Meditators are told to slow down the mind and concentrate. In dreaming, not enough third-plane consciousness is available to follow the action in detail, and it slips away. In hypnosis, the whole of consciousness is divided, and very little is known or understood by the hypnotist or by the "subject." Astrology, numerology and such methods do not consider all of the facts. Science is not universal. All other methods are variations or combinations of these, which usually makes them even less valuable from the standpoint of mental-spiritual growth.

The Awareness Techniques bring forth ample energy to carry your consciousness to any level of awareness desired to find the source of the entire creation, or any division of it, while you are in complete control.

This requires practice. Everything you ever did required practice to accomplish. However, it takes less time and effort, for instance, than it took you to learn to eat with a spoon.

Practice of the Awareness Techniques begins with motion. Awareness is consciousness in motion. The common denominator of the AwarenessTechniques is motion.

Should the directions in the "Multi-Level Awareness" technique not prepare the individual immediately for an enlarged sense of motion, the following ideas should loosen the staid, sometimes concrete, consciousness.

Start at the beginning of Item 2. Ask the individual to keep his eyes open. Tell him to look at his hands, then look at the wall (or countryside) before him. Then look at his hands again. Then to the wall on his left. Then at his hands. Explain to him that his physical body and his physical (third-plane) consciousness are two distinct

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things. His physical body is static, in place. His consciousness moves to his hands, and he becomes aware of them. Then his consciousness moves to the wall before him (while his body remains static) and he becomes aware of the wall and its external parts. His consciousness in action becomes awareness.

Now, tell him to look at his hands again. Then to the wall on his right. He begins to get the idea - to his hands and to the ceiling -- to his hands and to you.

Have him close his eyes. Now, go to extending beyond the feet, head, etc., as directed in the technique. Follow this direction until he is up in the air high over the building. Have him turn on and off the lights as directed.

Next, tell him to look down and find a road, highway, river, coastline, or the like. Tell him to zoom down to a lower altitude and fly rapidly over the road, or river, or whatever physical line he can find. Go some distance, and then turn around and zoom rapidly back. This time go beyond the starting point and off in the opposite di-rection for some distance. Then zoom up in the air, a mile high, and come down at the starting place. Down to a low level again, and repeat. At the end of this jaunt, he should turn around and "fly" very low; just over car tops, or boat tops, or under bridges. All the while have him describe what he is doing. Have him give you a guided tour type of description.

Practice this activity as long as he enjoys it. Ten minutes is usually sufficient.

Should the individual not be able to get off the ground at all, ask him to sit in an automobile or airplane, whichever vehicle he is famililar with, and do the exercises from within. Some individuals do not want to be up in the air without support. After a little practice in this manner, explain to him that he can do the same thing without the vehicle. He will do it.

Incidentally, this is not hypnosis. You cannot be hypnotized while you are working with three planes of consciousness. An individual flying around the air in his automobile is astral consciousness control. His astral consciousness is actually flying around in the astral apparition of his automobile and can be viewed by others who have astral preception.

The above kinds of exercise instill a good sense of motion.

Bring him again to the position over the building, and have him make it night and day again. Then proceed with the technique in the normal fashion.

Perhaps even those who have been running well would enjoy this kind of motion activity occasionally.

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Just as everything you know of has a name, Faramata is the name of the entire Creation in which you live.

Plans for this Creation call for a final make-up consisting of a Central Universe and forty-nine Universes shaped as concentric spheres extending outward from the center.

The Central Universe was materialized by a Master Creator named Sacrana. This was done, according to plan, before Sacrana sent His Son, Acamanda, to indwell or occupy It. All original energy for this Creation comes through Sacrana. Acamanda, as the Creator within this Creation, transforms and modifies the incoming energy which for all intent and purpose seems to be His original energy.

The first act of the local Creator is to crystallize the outer part of the Central Universe and release the Technician Spirits to indwell each crystal, and assign a function to each. After these become established, the Elohim Spirits are released. Each Elohim (and his counterpart, or balance) is assigned to a color, and one to white. All of the aforementioned activities are part of the built-in plan that the Creators act out. Sacrana is the originator of this plan, and it was put into motion when He materialized the Central Universe,' and Acamanda, who indwells this Creation, fulfills the plan.

Acamanda, the Technicians and Elohim become aware of the plan and of their duty to produce universes. They have become aware that the First Universe is there in the positive aspect, and that they are to manifest in the negative aspect. The Creator realizes that being Spirit in form, He cannot change and that He already is all of this. In order to produce the negative aspect, He must release more Spirits who in turn will project consciousness into the negative aspect and thereby materi-alize the Universe for the Creator.

When the first group of Spirits is released, they work their way up and out from the center of the Central Universe and in so doing, establish the twelve planes of awareness. They pause and experience a level, pause again and experience, etc., working from the first to the twelfth plane, or level, of awareness. At each pause, the most, adept individual of the group remains on that level as the Lord of the Plane. The Technicians teach on each of the levels and appoint the Lords. The Technicians enlarge their "conscious awareness" of their particular crystal which they indwell. They also become brighter and more facetted. After the twelve planes have been complete in the Central Universe, the Creator fully indwells the Central

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Universe, and releases the Lords of the Planes from their duties so they could go and experience in the forthcoming First Universe.

The Elohim are now sent to build the First Universe. They become aware of the plan of this Universe in the positive aspect. This plan outlines how many planets, divisions, etc., will go into the making of the Universe. The Elohim start the vortexial energy which draws the negative material from the positive aspect, which balances each planetwithin the Universe substance, and in turn balances the Universe consciousness with the Creator's consciousness. They watch very carefully to feed the proper energy to form, and to increase, the negative materials to their proper proportions.

When the First Universe is formed and completed as per the plan, the Lords of the Planes are sent to occupy and indwell the newly formed planes. After they have es-tablished themselves, more Central Universe graduate released Spirits are sent from the Central Universe to begin their descent through the planes on all planets. This time, they master the twelfth plane first and go down. When they reach the fourth plane, again the most adept among them are singled out. These are assigned to become Lords of Planets, Solar Systems, Constellations, Galaxies, and Sectors.

By now, many more Spirits have been released from the Creator and are ready to come out to the First Universe to experience. These newly released Spirits are called Elementals. So far, their only experience has been in the negative aspect through the Central Universe.

A combining and solidifying of the first, second and third planes now takes place, and these planes are ready to accept the released Elemental Spirits to project into these planes and begin physical experience. Heretofore, the Lords of the planes manipulated the energy and matter, to form and hold the planes together. Now, we have Elemental Spirits to do the job, and to transform what is there, into what we know as third dimensional planets and stars.

The Elementals continue up the planes and form the atomic structure of-all of them. Upon this cohesive action, the Creator fully indwells the First Universe. Prior to this time, He was sending out the energies to build, etc., and was becoming more aware of this new addition; but now He fully indwells the First Universe and He becomes fully conscious of it because of all who are experiencing there in the negative aspect.

It has been planned by Sacrana that a new group of Spirits be released from the local Creator as soon as the last group has left the Central Universe on assignment to a Universe. This process will continue until the Creation is completed. Exactly what lies beyond that point is not known at the present time.

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The Lord of a Universe indwells a Universe and sends energy to all parts of it. His consciousness comprises all parts of it, but the motion within the Universe is instigated and maintained by the various division Lords.

The Sector Lords are responsible for the motion of a Universe (clockwise or counter-clockwise, depending on the position of the Universe). All Sectors move in concert, in one direction. Sector Lords each indwell a Sector, and supply specialized energy perculiar to Their Sector. The source of the energy is the Universe Lord consciousness, which is transmuted to suit the needs of the Gal-axies within Their particular Sector. Their experience is added onto the Lord of the Universe, which in turn is sent back to the Creator, completing the cycle of energy.

The Lords of Galaxies each indwell Their Galaxy and keep the movement in the chain of Galaxies (phalanx). They are responsible for the changes which occur at the millennia. They also see to it that all within Their realm go into the different experiences of the planes. They direct the Lords of the Planes to speed up or even out progress for a smoother experience throughout.

The Lords of Constellations each indwell a Constellation and are responsible for the order and sequence of the Solar Systems. These must be kept moving in the set path through the Galaxy.

The Lords of Solar Systems each indwell a Solar System, and are responsible for the Planets within each. Proper energies must be transmitted at all times to keep the balance of each Planet in relation to the other Planets, and in relation to other Solar Systems. The progression of each Planet is individual, and the Lord of the Solar System must provide energy accordingly. The distance of each Planet, in relation to the Sun, must be kept in order to insure proper balance. A Planet is not held back in progression, but at times, Planets must be boosted to retain the balance of the whole. This becomes increasingly important as the Universe progresses.

The Lords of Planets each indwell their Planets. They supply Planetary energy for growth and expansion of mineral, plant and animal life upon the Planet. Their awareness increases as more experience is gained by the individuals on the Planet.

According to the Plan of the Creation (set forth by Sacrana), after completion of the first seven Universes, the Planetary Lords relinquish Their duties. They have been replaced by twelve individual Lords of the Planes for each Planet. Each Planetary Lord was given a choice of becoming the Lord of either the third or twelfth plane of the Planet. Heretofore, there were only twelve Plane Lords for all of the Planets of a Universe. However, it is reasoned that as each Universe progresses, more precise and concentrated energies, as well as supervision, are required.

All of the above mentioned divisions have a record (soul) which is duplicated at the Central Universe. The following is the way records are handled: Planetary records,

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made up of individual records, are sent to the Solar System Lord. The combined Solar Records are sent to the Constellation Lord. All Constellation records are combined and forwarded to the Galaxy Lord. The Galaxy Lord receives all Constellation records, combines them and sends them on to the Sector Lord. He in turn gathers the entire group of Galaxy records and forwards them to the Universe Lord. They are then sent on to the Central Universe to the Creator and Creation records. A duplicate of each individual record is kept at each division headquarters, and all activity or experience is added onto the consciousness responsible for that division.

In the Central Universe, the Creator is at the very center. This is His headquarters and the fountainhead of His awareness. From this center, He releases Spirits. To release Spirits, which are part of Him, He increases the vibration of His very awareness. and in so doing, He maintains this increased awareness for about one hour Kalaranda (Earth) time. When His consciousness recedes to its original size, the "residue" becomes individualized Spirits, and Each is given a name. They are admonished, by name, to "Go know My Creation, and return It to me." From this command, They gain more consciousness, and the Technicians come to Them.

Each Spirit chooses a particular field in which to experience, such as engineering, communication, chemistry, physics, etc. In so doing, They begin Their ascent through the Planes of the Central Universe, Each slanting His desire while experiencing. At any time They may substitute another subject or add one or more subjects (usually related). Upon completion of their learning on the Twelfth Plane, the Spirits that were not chosen to be Lords of the Planes, or given other duties in the Central Universe, are assigned and sent in groups to experience in a Universe. When They arrive at the Universe headquarters, They are welcomed by the Universe Lord, and each group is assigned to a Planet. As each group is lead to its assigned Planet, They are welcomed in turn by the Lord of the Sector, Galaxy, Constellation, Solar System, and finally to the Lord of the Twelfth Plane on the assigned Planet. He assigns Them in smaller groups, and gives each group a particular area on the twelfth plane. After a short period of rest, They are sent down the energy lines to the core of the planet to the Lord of the First Plane. The Spirits are now designated as Elemental Spirits and begin Their task of handling energy; transmuting energy into material (atoms). Their first duty is in the mineral kingdom.

As each Elemental becomes more proficient, He is given more duties, starting with the simplest mineral, to the more complex. As these minerals become more com-plex, the Elemental works His way up to the Second Plane, and finally to the Third Plane surface of the Planet. Here at the Third Plane surface, They experience much longer before proceeding on up the planes, as the higher They go, the more refined the work becomes. After completing the work up through the Twelfth Plane, the Elemental Spirits are graduated to Fairy Spirits. Again, They are projected to the center of the Planet where They are assigned to direct a group of Elementals, and to hold material together with Their now superior consciousness.

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As the Fairies progress upwards and reach the Third Plane, They begin to experience through the plant kingdom. As elemental Spirits, experiencing the mineral kingdom, They contributed to the formation of plants. Now, as Fairy Spirits, They oversee the progress of the entire plant as an outdwelling Spirit, and supervise the Elemental Spirits that make up the plant. The Fairies oversee Their plants until the function is over and complete. They then pass on to the other planes, and experience in the same way, the plant life on the higher planes. From the Twelfth Plane, the Fairies are now assigned to the Third Plane animal kingdom.

In this new assignment, They are still outdwelling Spirits, but now They take care of many more Elementals and less experienced Fairies. They are responsible for an animal and must keep close watch on its development and progress. This also entails more awareness of handling energy.

When the Fairies have mastered this energy handling on the Third Plane, They again return to the Twelfth for reassignment. The more experienced of Them are graduated to Deva, and the others are assigned further duty on the various planes to serve as materializers and maintainers.

The Devas remain on the tenth through twelfth planes and are assigned to do many tasks on a much larger scale than the Fairies. They project consciousness down through the lower planes and manage the energy to hold an entire countryside or large body of water together. They direct the Fairy activity over an entire city, or a weather function such as thunderstorm, hurricane, cyclone, blizzard, flood, earthquake, etc.

Devas supervise Fairies to bring about materialization. On the higher planes, when something is needed, such as a building or furniture, the one in need formulates the concept of the object needed and commands the object to materialize. The Devas, aided by Faries and Elementals, are the directing forces who bring these objects into being on the plane and hold the materials together until the one who desired the materialization has no further use for these objects. The Deva attends to dissolving them. Materials are returned to free energy to be used for another purpose. In this manner, nothing is wasted and many more individuals can experience more frequently.

Now that these three steps, Elemental, Fairy and Deva have been mastered, the working consciousnesses are now regrouped on the Twelfth Plane. From this point, They are given Their new assignment as "The Root Race of Man." They join other Deva graduates from many other Planets and are assigned to a Planet which has evolved and is ready to receive the "Root Race of Man." This planet is located in a Universe further out in Creation.

Each Spirit individually becomes aware of the Twelfth Plane on the assigned Planet, but being Spirit they cannot change or transmute. So each Spirit now sets up the vortexial energy, which draws out the negative material (provided by the Lord of the Twelfth Plane) from the positive aspect of the Twelfth Plane, and

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materializes a body. When this body is fully materialized and complete, it is indwelled by Spirit. This body is the first object ever indwelled by this particular Spirit and it enables Spirit to experience directly on the Twelfth Plane just as a physical body enables you to experience on the Third Plane. The Twelfth Plane consciousness emerges as an "individual," apart from Spirit, but directed by Spirit.

The Lord of the Twelfth Plane, and the Twelfth Plane teachers, now begin the task of educating this individual. Again, this education is slanted to that particular field chosen at the Central Universe. As the Twelfth Plane individual gains more awareness and knowledge, he modifies his body to suit himself. This is done through precipitation, in cooperation with Plane Lord and Creator energy. The Elementals, Fairies and Devas put the command into effect and hold the materials of the body. The Twelfth Plane consciousness masters the Twelfth Plane when he realizes that he and the Creator are one in origin, and further realizes that he has found the Creator on the mastered plane.

Now that the Twelfth Plane consciousness has graduated (or mastered the plane), he takes a good look at himself and decides that the body he now occupies is no longer the one for his needs. He leaves that body and projects another which is more efficient and represents his new awareness. This new form resembles the human form that we know. The body, which the consciousness leaves behind, does not remain idle. It is called the permanent body and is used by Spirit throughout all future time.

With increased awareness and mobility, the graduate Twelfth Plane consciousness soon discovers the Eleventh Plane. He informs Spirit, and Spirit sets up the vortexial

energy pointed in the direction that Twelfth Plane consciousness designates. With the cooperation of the Eleventh Plane Lord, an Eleventh Plane body emerges and is quickly indwelled by Spirit. The Twelfth Plane Consciousness returns to the Twelfth Plane to indulge in his chosen pursuits. The Eleventh Plane consciousness emerges as an "individual," apart from Spirit and Twelfth Plane consciousness.

So, this process of perfection and mastery of the planes continues downward, step by step, through the Fourth Plane.

From the Fourth Plane, Spirit, along with the Fourth Plane consciousness, and all permanent bodies, (twelve through four) come to the Third Plane. Here on the Third Plane, they project the Third Plane permanent body. Spirit and Third Plane permanent body indwell a body produced by Third Plane physical parents, with Fairy and Elemental assistance.

The new Third Plane consciousness is polarized to the Third Plane planetary frequency in a body of water, (ocean, lake, river), near the area of forthcoming experience. Being polarized (this enables the Third Plane consciousness to remain here on the Third Plane while waiting to incarnate), the new consciousness finds its

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parents. After they mate, the body is created within the woman. The new Third Plane consciousness watches the parents very closely, and becomes familiar with surroundings. He also watches the progress of the new body as it grows within the mother. This accounts for the fact that babies know their parents and home surroundings. They are not as dumb and helpless as scientists would have you believe.

As soon as the baby takes its first breath, Spirit and Third Plane consciousness indwell the tiny body. The Fourth Plane consciousness is now ready to go back to the Fourth Plane, and the new Third Plane consciousness is on his own, ready to start the new adventure of Root Race of Man on the Third Plane.

The Fourth and Fifth Plane permanent bodies slowly interpenetrate the Third Plane body and begin to change, car transmute it, physically and mentally. Here, as on the other planes, one must find the Creator to master the plane. This may take many incarnations, or just a few, depending on many factors, and the individual's desire.

When the Third Plane is mastered, and the individual has found the Creator, he need not die as we know death. The physical body undergoes a final transmutation. This is done by raising the frequency of the physical body to that of the Seventh Plane frequency, whereby the physical body completely disappears from the Third Plane; It integrates with the Seventh Plane body and consciousness. Here, the combined Consciousness is graduated to Angel status. He then reviews all experiences leading up to this new status, Angel.

As an Angel, you become very aware of your accomplishments on all levels. The Soul (Akashic) records are now presented for you to study and gain experience. You learn to become a planetary consciousness in addition to individual consciousness.

The Root Race of Man on Kalaranda (your planet) has been incarnating for 18,000,000 years. A comparative few have graduated to Angel.

I am here to show you that it can be done through the Awareness Techniques, and your willingness to learn and progress.

You have been told that you are using only ten percent of your potential. There is nothing to keep you from learning about the other ninety per cent of yourself, but yourself. Renew your hope and enthusiasm and "Go, know the Creation and return it unto the Creator."


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Borayshit Barah Elohim Et Hashamaim . . . These are the opening words of the First Book of Moses (Genesis). Translated and retranslated down through the years, the meaning finally comes to us as: In the beginning, God created the heavens . . . And so he did.

Boray, Shit, Barah, El, 0, Him, Et, Ha, Sha, Ma, Im . . . These are the Universal Language words given to Moses, which tell the whole story of the beginning of this creation.

But as much of the Bible is wrong, either because of mistranslation or because it was intentionally put down incorrectly, this is wrong. Very wrong.

Here is the correction: Rava, El, Lo, Im, Ret, Ar, Sha, Mi, Ma, Or a, Maro, Seed.

Each word is not only the name of a color, but it is also its complete meaning and purpose. These are the colors that are woven into the plans of our embryonic creation.

All of the plans are not manifest, and many factors of the plans are not in operation. Only seven of the proposed forty-nine universes are complete. And every planet in these seven universes is just now concluding the first of seven phases of activity. Therefore, that which we call understanding and perfection, has also just completed the first phase.

In order to bring this phase into being, and to demonstrate this first degree of understanding and perfection, the creation plan requires that only part of the colors were to be released at the beginning to the consciousnesses of those inhabiting these seven universes. The colors which would afford the consciousness to recognize themselves, their fellow consciousnesses, and spiritual, mental and physical relationships that would abound, were the first color rays to be released.

These are the colors as we know them. There are three Primary Colors and three Secondary Colors. We show them as being in a line. Think of them as being in a circle, so that Violet connects with Red. That way the Primary Colors face the Secondary Colors, and vice versa.

All awareness, that is every action, every thought, every physical object, is motivated, activated and culminated by the presence of these colors:

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Color English Translation Function

Rava Red Divine Love

El Orange Peace

Lo Yellow Illumined Wisdom

Im Green Concentration

Ret Blue Will to Do

Ar Violet Rhythm of Invocation

As an example, the function of red, divine love, acts in man's consciousness as physical mentality and action. The function of orange is peace, and it motivates man as intellectual ambition. Yellow, illumined wisdom, manifests in man as intellectual mentality, reason, analysis, judgment, logic and induction - deduction. Green, functioning as concentration, is transposed by man to tranquility, sympathy, compassion, and altruistic emotion. Blue’s function, will to do, governs man's spiritual mentality, devotion, ideals, altruism and religion. Violet's rhythm of invocation results in reverence. A combination of the primary colors, red, yellow and blue, is white. White functions as purity. It is handled through man's activity as pure spirit, or the essence of all that is in motion.

The Color rays also have a definite meaning and function, in their own way, throughout the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms.

The first Sons in the creation are Elohim (El-to-im). Their name is derived from a combination of colors we call orange-yellow-green. To achieve the status of Son,one must possess the qualities that these colors embody; a desire to know everything, and perfect it; a desire to teach this knowledge; the ability to maintain tranquility and compassion.

There is an Elohim, and an Elohim Counterpart (or balance) in charge of each color.

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Color Elohim Female Counterpart

Red Orion Angelica

Orange Porturas Pacifica

Yellow Kaciopea Minerva

Green Vistara Facera

Blue Masaras Astera

Violet Arcturus Diana

White Kosara Asala

The colors, as do all energy manifestations, originate in the creator's consciousness. His constant awareness of his creation causes a flow of energy from his very being, to the outer limitations of his creation. This outward flow provides the necessary energy to put into being every atom, of all substances, on all planes. Then, as this energy arrives at the outermost limits of creation, it is returned by reflection, by the Elohim consciousness. The Elohim act as a whole in this energy return; yet each returns to the creator, through each atom of every sub-stance, on all planes, the very color he, the Elohim, represents.

Six new colors are now being manifest. The creator is making them apparent to us as well. Required energy is being released to our creation (including our planet) so that we may become aware of them.

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These six new colors are:

Color English Translation Being

Sha White Spirit

Mi Silver Technician

Ma Gold Lord

Ora Black Creation Substance

Maro Charcoal Planes

Seed Opalescent Soul

Now, you will quickly say that you have seen these colors all your life. Perhaps in past lives.

I will agree with you. But you have not seen the colors when they are the source of color (with the exception of white, at times). In other words you saw gold and silver, but not as the source or when they originated light. You have seen various jewels but only when they reflected light. You never say black or charcoal radiate those colors. It has always been reflected light you have seen. With the new plan and energy it provides, these reflectected colors will become radiant. The communication colors, too, will become radiant. A creation of pure, radiant, beauty.

Among the new colors, Sha or White; Ora or Black; mid Seed or Opalescent are Primary Colors. They are Spirit, Creation Substance and Seed or Soul respectively.

Sha will provide two Secondary Colors. They are Silver and Gold or the Spirit released Technicians and words, respectively. (More about this in Book IV)

Seed is still growing with every act and has not provided a Secondary Color. In fact, we cannot expect this for some time to come.

The first six colors are communication colors. Colors that express activity, feeling and communication.

The second six colors express the majestic being of the creation: An expansion of the original white representing spirit, its being; as always moving, negative in

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polarity, untransmutable and white. The creation substance being; as still, positive in polarity, transmutable and dark. Such wonderful substance from which all arises.

We show the substance colors as a straight line. Think of them as a circle which has black at the top. A new arrangement with Sha, Ora and Seed as Primary Col-ors. Around in a circle where Seed aids and abets Sha as spirit. The Soul grows and Sha, the Spirit, has more to draw from.

The purpose of a Creation is to demonstrate what the Creator has learned and to provide more Seed or Soul. Your first act in a Creation, as a released Spirit, still provides as motivation or activity for the Spirit. Spirit must always be acting and growing, duplicating that first act. Subsequent acts are drawn on from time to time, each added to and embellished until released Spirit can do very complicated things. Your Spirit has been doing things rather at random. Now it must become aware of order and meaning or demonstration and more forward.

By revealing this new area of function, you can understand that the new attention is focused on the source of all; that is, the creator and his most intimate assistants, the universe lords, and the creators of universes, and the inhabitable planes.

The next phases, then, will be a constant balancing, interbalancing and weaving into the development of further understanding and perfection of the creation. This will include the requirement of each released spirit, who has surpassed the "man" stage, to have a consciousness on each plane; also complete integration of all individual consciousnesses, and the direction of affairs within the planes by individual conscious nesses. These Activities are fully possible under the sponsorship of the six new colors. It will take man away from his self-centered ac-tivities, and still afford him every opportunity to know himself, with an ever-increasing focus in this relationship to the whole of creation.

The definition of these six colors. is so deep and hidden in the creation plans, that only the faintest outline can be determined. What little that can be seen, does cause us to believe that they will lead us to the final and utmost degree of understanding and perfection in this creation.

William Swygard


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An associate of the Institute of Physical Anthropology of Flagstaff, Arizona wrote the following letter, dated 24 November, 1968. The writer, a twenty-three year old woman states that she is "winding up a master's degree in English at Northern Arizona University."

Dear Mr. Swygard,

Your technique of achieving "Multi-Level Awareness" has affected my greatly. I wish to thank you for your devoted efforts to help in the transformation of man to Man, of living to Life. I have had only two experiences with this techniques, one running, and the other being run, since it was first made known tome a week ago. With just these slight encounters, though, I feel poignantly the power and possibility for real transformation that these resultant rediscoveries of previous reincarnation have.

One does indeed challenge the reasons he has posited for making his life important; precisely because this life is no longer seen as singular and isolated. From dis covering the immense panorama of lives, the questions are inevitably evoked, "Why?" "Why all this?" "Whist. keeps me here in this endless, inane round of experience?" The echoing answers are what then lead to the real and necessary Work and Duty of mankind. For one realizes he has incurred debts throughout the centuries, eons, while not heeding the calls of due payment. He realizes that the very same being, soul, links all the lifetimes. Somehow, it is the same "Self," the same "I" which inhabits the different bodies. Thus, regardless of whether the life time be spent as a woman or a man, the same intrinsic characteristics of the soul manifest. A totally revolutionary attitude thereby appears; misconceptions, fancies, imaginations, roles, masques one by one flake off as one seriously asks, "Who am I really?" No longer can the person retain his shallow conceptions of himself, for he urgently must know in reality what he is. He must inquire searchingly then into this eternal, permanent part of himself which manifests in these -multitudinous forms.

This attitude to himself is by no means the only one affected by his re-discoveries. Almost every other idea he has held is challenged; time, space, family relations, death, body, soul, mind, memory, senses, his purpose of living, Time is nullified; no longer can it restrict, hold, bind. The person feels certain, even if he hasn't yet actually done it, that he can move forward in time with as much ease as he has regressed in time. Likewise, one feels he could go in consciousness anywhere and

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observe with as great clarity, or more, as he can sitting in his own living room. Kant's shocking statement, that time and space are only categories of finite sense, is realized as actual. Where relationship with family was previously a large puzzle, it now is an orderly picture. One sees how he actually chose his parents, and if he has real clarity. Exactly what governed his choice. The illusions of death are likewise lifted for it is only the body which is subject to decay, never the entity itself. For it continues undisturbed in its work of perfecting itself. The body is truly seen as an instrumentality, a vessel, a form, a visible manifestation of that which is sensually invisible.

Man is in fact shaken from his all too numerous illusions of play, into a sense of urgent responsibility, both for perfecting his own sullied being, and for bringing further light of eternity onto the finite, suffering scene. Man is offered an unparalleled opportunity to know himself land thence to know God face to face.

For this we continue working. Thank you for the benefits of your faithful service that you have shared with us.

Ever striving to be likewise a true and faithful servant of the Omnipotent God, I stand.

Appreciatively yours,

Susan Hill Brown

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There is only one source. This one source is the creator.

Have you ever been shown, by word or picture, by direct and full truth, the essence, being and' function of the creator?

This is not as difficult as the know-nots will have you believe. They will tell you that man cannot know the creator, and will list a few "limitations" that man has. Or they will refer to a book that tells of the creator as being some mysterious individual who is full of revenge, who keeps his distance from man because man does not deserve the creator's attention. The keeper of the book, not the creator, will punish you for doubting the words in the book. The punishment will come in the form of oppression.

The creator always handles his activities through the rule of permission. When the creator created the spirit of each man, he did it by releasing a part of himself – yes, a portion of himself was released or put out of his very being to become the highest consciousness of each man. In that way, each man is the creator. You can see that the creator is the greatest of all beings, as he also has many parts of himself released and located throughout his creation.

The creator and these released spirits are of this nature: light, moving, negative polarity, and untransmutable. His creation completes the balance by being: dark, still, positive polarity, and transmutable.

When the creator releases a part of himself, he gives that part a name, and he advises it, "Go, and know my creation, and return it to me." This is done just as you would extend your arm and hand and say, "Go out, become aware of that within your grasp; change it, transmute it, create what you can. Then transmit to me what it is like through touch. Bring it into my other senses - sight, sound, smell, and taste."

Understand, then, that the creator is the maker of the creation. We, the released spirits, are the creators within the creation. Every atom, molecule, rock, plant, animal, man, planet, solar system, constellation, galaxy, sector, universe, or creation, is the same thing; the same in manner of creation, of sustaining energy, and in the beginning and the end. The only difference lies in the directorship. The creation is directed by the creator. Each division of the creation is directed by a released spirit of varying experience and ability.

These varying degrees of experience allow each released spirit to be graded in one of these grades (from least to most experience): Elemental, Fairy, Deva, Man, Angel, Manu, and Son (Lord).

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Creation is divided into universes, and each universe is divided into twelve planes. The creation presently contains various "geographical" divisions - as each universe also is divided into 144 sectors. Each sector is divided into 144,000 galaxies. Each galaxy contains 144,000,000 constellations. Each constellation is divided into 12 solar systems, each of these having 12 planets, and a varying number of (or perhaps lack of) satellites or moons. Every planet and its sun (star) has a number of divisions ranging from atoms to angels.

Always remember that each globe: satellite, planet and star, is well populated - the very reason for its creation.

Through these divisions of universes, planes, elementals, fairies, devas, man, angels, manus, and sons, comes a great variety of opportunities to know the creation, to know the creator, and to serve him well.

This one source, the creator, and any division of the creation can be seen, understood and felt intimately through the use of the Awareness Techniques. The creator has no secrets, and does not hold his being, his creation, and his plans from anyone. Only man holds this awareness from himself. In doing so, man fails to serve his creator to the best of his ability. The creator, however, constantly serves man by giving man permission to know the creation in any way that man desires.

William Swygard