assessing learning outcomes objectives

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Post on 31-Oct-2014




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Assessment of Student Learning Subject


  • 1. Goals and Objectives Taxonomy of Educational Objectives ASSESSING LEARNING OUTCOMES

2. Instructional Goals and Objectives- What for? provides direction for the instructional process by clarifying the intended learning outcomes communicate instructional intent to other stakeholders provides basis for assessing 3. LETS DEFINE: GOALS- broad statement of very general educational outcomes which does not include specific level of performance. e.g. a. develop high level thinking skills b. learn problem solving skills c. appreciate the beauty of nature 4. GENERAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OBJECTIVES- narrowly defined statements of educational outcomes that apply to specific programs; formulated on annual basis; developed by program coordinators, principals, and other school administrators INSTRUCTIONAL or EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES- specific statement of the learners behavior or outcomes to be manifested after instruction e.g. add fractions with 100% accuracy 5. GOALS vs. OBJECTIVES broad General intention Intangible Abstract Cannot be validated Long-term hard to narrow precise Tangible Concrete Can be validated Short- term 6. COMPONENTS OF OBJECTIVES (A, B,C,D) 1.Audience- For WHOM are the objectives set? 2.Observable Behavior- WHAT do you expect them to do? 3.Special Conditions- HOW must the behavior be displayed? 4.Stating Criterion Level (degree)- HOW MUCH of the specific set of criteria be met? (completion within a 7. BLOOMS REVISED TAXONOMY Cognitive Domain Evaluation Synthes is Analysis Application Comprehensio n Knowledge Creating Evaluati ng Analyzing Applying Understandin g Rememberin g 1956 2001 NOUN VERB FORM 8. KRATHWOHLs LEVELS OF AFFECTIVE DOMAIN CHARACTERIZATION by Value or Value set ORGANIZATION VALUING RESPONDING RECEIVING Learners are willing to listen Learners are willing to participate Learners are willing to be involved Learners are willing to be an advocate Learners are willing to change ones behavior, lifestyle, or way of life 9. LEVELS OF PSYCHOMOTOR DOMAIN ORIGINATION- create new movement pattern to fit a particular situation ADAPTATION- can modify movement patterns to fit special requirement COMPLEX OVERT RESPONSE- quick, accurate, highly coordinated performance MECHANISM- performs with some confidence and proficiency GUIDED RESPONSE- learning a complex skill through imitation, and trial & error SET- Readiness to act; includes physical, mental & emotional sets PERCEPTION ability to use sensory cues 10. MATCHING INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES TO TEST ITEMS Objective: Discriminate fact from opinion from Pres. Aquinos first SONA. Test Item: From the State of the Nation Address of Pres. Aquino, give 5 examples of facts and 5 examples of opinions. 11. MATCH or NOT? Objective: Recall the names and capitals of all the provinces of Region I and II in the Philippines. Test Item: List the names and capitals of two provinces in region 1 and three provinces in Region 2 12. Objective: Make a freehand drawing about Region 2 using your map as a guide. Test Item: Without using your map, draw the map of Region 2 Objective: Circle the nouns and pronouns from the given list of words Test Item: Give 5 examples of 13. Objective: List the main events in chronological order, after reading the short story, A VENDETTA by Guy de Maupassant. Test Item: From the short story, A VENDETTA, by Guy de Maupassant, list the main events in chronological order.