asp ppt

ASP (Active Server Page) Morteza Sargolzaie Javan IT Scientific Society ا وي پ وب حاب ف ص ي ح را ط)ور ر س ت م س ي س ي و پ ه م ا ري ب(

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ASP (Active Server Page)

Morteza Sargolzaie Javanhttp://www.msjavan.tkIT Scientific Society

پويا وب صفحات طراحي) سرور) سمت نويسي برنامه

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Static Web Pages Page content doesn’t change.

Same every time it is delivered by the web server

Pages we have created so far

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Static Web Page Delivery

Web Server


1Author writesHTML

2Client requests page

3 Web server locates .htm file

HTML stream returned to browser4

5Browser processespage

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Dynamic Web Pages Created on the fly based on user actions

or current conditions. Allows the page to be customized to the

user and the situation.

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Server-side vs. Client-side Processing

Computer processing can happen in two locations Server:

Accepts request, finds page, sends it Client:

Gets HTML (or more?) from net, processes it, displays it

Advanced things can happen on one or both sides

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Server-side Dynamic Page Delivery

Web Server


1Author writesinstructions

2Client requests page

3 Web server locates instructions file

HTML stream returned to browser5

6Browser processespage

4 Web server processes instructions to create HTML

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Client-side Web Page DeliveryWeb Server


1Author writesinstructions

2Client requests page

3 Web server locates instructions file

HTML and script are returned to browser


6 Browser displays HTML


Web browser processes script to create HTML

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Many Technology Choices Client-Side Technologies:

Scripting languages: JavaScript, VBScript Java applets XML

Server-Side Alternatives: CGI Active Server Pages (ASP) PHP Java Server Pages (JSP) ColdFusion

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Server-side scripts or Client-side scripts?

Server-side Processed by server Does not rely on browser

support Provide browser with data

that does not reside on client

Script code not visible in page source

Can Manage sessions

(shopping baskets, etc.) Database processing

Client-side Processed by browser Does not depend on web

server requirements Does not need to interact

with server to create content

processed by browser Script code is viewable in

page source

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Server- and Client-side Scripting

Web Server


1Author writespage code

2Client requests page

3 Web server locates page file

HTML stream passed back to server5

6Browser processesclient side scripts

4 Web server asks script engines to process scripts & generate HTML

7Browser processesHTML & displayspage

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ASP – Middleware for Windows platform

ASP stands for Active Server Pages

VBScript is the default scripting language for ASP

If you are looking for some special software to write an ASP page, Microsoft Visual InterDev is the best tool for you.

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ASP – Middleware for Windows platform Active Server Page can include both client side

and server side scripts.

In an ASP page VBScript is usually used as the server side and Java Script as the client side scripting language

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What is an ASP file?

An ASP file is just the same as an HTML file An ASP file can contain text, HTML, XML, and

scripts Scripts in an ASP file are executed on the server An ASP file has the file extension *.asp

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What is an ASP file?


' This will print to the browser the ' words Hello, ASP World.

response.write "Hello, ASP World!"%></BODY></HTML>

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What can be done with ASP

Dynamically edit, change or add any content of a Web page

Respond to user queries or data submitted from HTML forms

Access any data or databases and return the results to a browser

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Client requests ASP File



Server returns HTML text to client

Server locates the ASP file on the hard drive and parses it, removing all ASP script and replacing it with HTML text

Client/Server Interaction for ASP Files

Taken from Mitchell & Atkinson (2000)

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Client/Server Interaction for ASP Files


' This will print to the browser the ' words Hello, ASP World.

response.write "Hello, ASP World!"%></BODY></HTML>


Hello, ASP World!</BODY></HTML>

Result onClient

File OnServer

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ASP compatibility ASP is an engine/program built into Internet Information

Server (IIS) / Personal Web Server (PWS)

PWS is a smaller - but fully functional - version of IIS

To run IIS you must have Windows NT 4.0 or later

To run PWS you must have Windows 95 or later

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Installing IIS

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Running IIS

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IIS Environment

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IIS Default Folder

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Opening an ASP File



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What Does ASP Look Like in Action?

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What Does ASP Look Like in Action?

<p>Analytical Ultracentrifugation Workshop (May 21-23, 2001) and Symposium (May 24, 2001) at the National Analytical Ultracentrifugation Facility, Storrs, Conn. For additional information</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank"> National Analytical Ultracentrifugation Facility</a></li> <li><a href="naufworkshop.asp">Analytical Ultracentrifugation Workshop and Symposium Description and Registration (PDF Format)</a></li> </ul>

What HTML “looks like”

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What Does ASP Look Like in Action?

What the “real code” looks like*

<% If Today < CDate("5/25/01") Then %> <p>Analytical Ultracentrifugation Workshop (May 21-23, 2001) and Symposium (May 24, 2001) at the National Analytical Ultracentrifugation Facility, Storrs, Conn. For additional information</p> <ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">National Analytical Ultracentrifugation Facility</a></li> <li><a href="naufworkshop.asp">Analytical Ultracentrifugation Workshop and Symposium Description and Registration (PDF Format)</a></li> </ul><% End If %>

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ASP Object Model ASP itself is not Object-Oriented. ASP can

use objects but cannot define new objects Composed of

5 objects 5 components

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ASP Objects Request Response Server Application Session

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ASP Components Scripting Objects Component ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) Component Ad Rotator Component Browser Capabilities Component Content Linking Component

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Request Can get input from query string or form Can get cookie information Can also get total bytes, certificate, server variables Example <% Request.QueryString

(“fname”) %>

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Response Can send output to user through web

page Can set cookie values Can set character set, expiration Can clear, write, flush output Can redirect Example <% Response.Write “message”


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Session Store user information during request and

response and request and response…. Want to identify, maintain user

information or state in stateless HTTP protocol

Client has an id number and expiration time from last request or expires

Client can terminate or abandon causing Session object to be destroyed as well

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Application Information about entire website Global variables Example is a counter Lock and UnLock to access to update

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Server Server related utility functions Script time out for running say a DB query Create an object like DB object Can enable URL encoding Example:


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VBscript <% … %> open and close script area <% Response.Write (“message”) %> <% = “message” %> <% = sStr1 %> & is concatenate operator <% Request.QueryString(“fname”) %> <% Request (fname) %> Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.connection”) Include statement for reuse of say login,


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Logic If … then …. Else … end if Not case sensitive For statement

For I = 1 to 8 statements Next While statement Wend Case statement

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Functions Type casting like CStr(expression) Checking type, Date, Searching (strings) Math abs(number) Also, user defined function and subroutines. Function can return a value, subroutines cannot,

and example: Function add(a,b) add=a+b End Function

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Operators Concatenation operator is & (watch use of ‘ and “ to build string with

variables) + - * < > or and mod etc. = also = to print out

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ASP Syntax VBScript:<html> <body> <% response.write("Hello World!") %> </body>


JavaScript<%@ language="javascript" %><html> <body> <% Response.Write("Hello World!") %> </body> </html>

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Variables <html>


<%dim namename=“Javan"response.write("My name is: " & name)%>


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Arrays <html>


<%Dim famname(6),ifamname(1) = "Jan Egil"famname(2) = "Tove"famname(3) = "Hege"famname(4) = "Stale"famname(5) = "Kai Jim"famname(6) = "Borge"

For i = 1 to 6      response.write(famname(i) & "<br />")Next%>


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Loops <html>


<%dim i for i=1 to 6   response.write("<h" & i & "> Header " & i & "</h" & i & ">")next%>


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Example (VB) <html>

<body><%dim hh=hour(now())

response.write("<p>" & now() &”</p>”)

If h<12 then   response.write("Good Morning!")else   response.write("Good day!")end if%></body></html>

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Example (JavaScipt) <%@ language="javascript" %>

<html><body><%var d=new Date()var h=d.getHours()

Response.Write("<p>“ + d + “</p>”)if (h<12)   {   Response.Write("Good Morning!")   }else   {   Response.Write("Good day!")   }%></body></html>

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Procedures (VB)<html><head> <%

sub vbproc(num1,num2) response.write(num1*num2)

end sub %></head><body> <p>Result: <%call vbproc(3,4)%></p> </body></html>

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Procedures (JavaScript)<%@ language="javascript" %><html><head><% function jsproc(num1,num2){

Response.Write(num1*num2)}%></head><body> <p>Result: <%jsproc(3,4)%></p></body></html>

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Forms<form method="get" action="simpleform.asp"> First Name: <input type="text" name="fname"> <br /> Last Name: <input type="text" name="lname"> <br /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit"></form>

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Sending Information over get method/simpleform.asp?fname=Morteza&lname=Javan

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Process Information<body> Welcome <%

response.write(request.querystring("fname")) response.write(" " & request.querystring("lname"))


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Cookies Create a Cookie:<%

Response.Cookies("firstname")="Alex" %> Retrieve a Cookie value:<%

fname=Request.Cookies("firstname") response.write("Firstname=" & fname)


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Example of Cookies<html><body><%dim numvisitsresponse.cookies("NumVisits").Expires=date+365 numvisits=request.cookies("NumVisits")

if numvisits="" then   response.cookies("NumVisits")=1   response.write("Welcome! This is the first time you are visiting this Web page.")else   response.cookies("NumVisits")=numvisits+1   response.write("You have visited this Web page " & numvisits)   if numvisits=1 then     response.write " time before!"   else     response.write " times before!"   end ifend if%></body></html>

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Online ASP Tutorials
