ashish k. srivastava · ashish k. srivastava an introduction to cluster superalgebras. we write...

An introduction to cluster superalgebras Ashish K. Srivastava Saint Louis University, St. Louis joint work with Li Li, James Mixco and Biswajit Ransingh August 21, 2017 Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

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Page 1: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Ashish K. Srivastava

Saint Louis University, St. Louisjoint work with Li Li, James Mixco and Biswajit Ransingh

August 21, 2017

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 2: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Motivation behind superalgebras

The study of symmetry has always been the central idea inmathematics and physics.

I Rotational symmetry in the theory of spin.

I Poincare symmetry in the classification of elementary particles.

I Permutation symmetry in dealing with the systems of identicalparticles.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 3: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Motivation behind superalgebras

The study of symmetry has always been the central idea inmathematics and physics.

I Rotational symmetry in the theory of spin.

I Poincare symmetry in the classification of elementary particles.

I Permutation symmetry in dealing with the systems of identicalparticles.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 4: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Motivation behind superalgebras

The study of symmetry has always been the central idea inmathematics and physics.

I Rotational symmetry in the theory of spin.

I Poincare symmetry in the classification of elementary particles.

I Permutation symmetry in dealing with the systems of identicalparticles.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 5: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Motivation behind superalgebras

The study of symmetry has always been the central idea inmathematics and physics.

I Rotational symmetry in the theory of spin.

I Poincare symmetry in the classification of elementary particles.

I Permutation symmetry in dealing with the systems of identicalparticles.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 6: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows


Supersymmetry was discovered by physicists in the early 1970s todescribe the boson-fermion symmetry.

Ordinary Lie theory is not sufficient to describe the symmetryarising in boson-fermion interaction.

Superalgebras were introduced to provide an algebraic frameworkfor describing supersymmtery.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 7: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows


Supersymmetry was discovered by physicists in the early 1970s todescribe the boson-fermion symmetry.

Ordinary Lie theory is not sufficient to describe the symmetryarising in boson-fermion interaction.

Superalgebras were introduced to provide an algebraic frameworkfor describing supersymmtery.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 8: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows


Supersymmetry was discovered by physicists in the early 1970s todescribe the boson-fermion symmetry.

Ordinary Lie theory is not sufficient to describe the symmetryarising in boson-fermion interaction.

Superalgebras were introduced to provide an algebraic frameworkfor describing supersymmtery.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 9: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Super vector space

A super vector space V is a vector space that is Z2-graded, that is,it has a decomposition V = V0 ⊕ V1 with 0, 1 ∈ Z2 := Z/2Z.

The elements of V0 are called the even (or bosonic) elements andthe elements of V1 are called the odd (or fermionic) elements. Theelements in V0 ∪ V1 are called homogeneous and their degree,denoted by d , is defined to be 0 or 1 according as they are even orodd.

The morphisms in the category of super vector spaces are linearmaps which preserve the gradings.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 10: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Super vector space

A super vector space V is a vector space that is Z2-graded, that is,it has a decomposition V = V0 ⊕ V1 with 0, 1 ∈ Z2 := Z/2Z.

The elements of V0 are called the even (or bosonic) elements andthe elements of V1 are called the odd (or fermionic) elements. Theelements in V0 ∪ V1 are called homogeneous and their degree,denoted by d , is defined to be 0 or 1 according as they are even orodd.

The morphisms in the category of super vector spaces are linearmaps which preserve the gradings.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 11: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Super vector space

A super vector space V is a vector space that is Z2-graded, that is,it has a decomposition V = V0 ⊕ V1 with 0, 1 ∈ Z2 := Z/2Z.

The elements of V0 are called the even (or bosonic) elements andthe elements of V1 are called the odd (or fermionic) elements. Theelements in V0 ∪ V1 are called homogeneous and their degree,denoted by d , is defined to be 0 or 1 according as they are even orodd.

The morphisms in the category of super vector spaces are linearmaps which preserve the gradings.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 12: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows


A superalgebra A is an associative algebra with an identity element(which is necessarily an even element) such that the multiplicationmap A⊗ A→ A is a morphism in the category of super vectorspaces.

This is the same as requiring d(ab) = d(a) + d(b) for any twohomogeneous elements a and b in A.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 13: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows


A superalgebra A is called supercommutative ifab = (−1)d(a)d(b)ba, for all (homogeneous) a, b ∈ A.

This means in a supercommutative superalgebra, odd elementsanticommute with each other, that is, ab = −ba for any two oddelements a, b ∈ A, whereas even elements commute with any otherelement (even or odd).

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 14: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows


A superalgebra A is called supercommutative ifab = (−1)d(a)d(b)ba, for all (homogeneous) a, b ∈ A.

This means in a supercommutative superalgebra, odd elementsanticommute with each other, that is, ab = −ba for any two oddelements a, b ∈ A, whereas even elements commute with any otherelement (even or odd).

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 15: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Cluster algebras

We set our ambient field F = Q(x1, . . . , xm), the field of rationalfunctions in x1, . . . , xm with coefficients in Q.

Consider the initial seed (X ,B) where X = {x1, . . . , xm} andB = [bij ] is an m ×m skew-symmetrizable integer matrix (that is,there exists a diagonal integer matrix D such that DB is askew-symmetric matrix).

The set X = {x1, . . . , xm} is called the initial cluster and each xi inthis set is called an initial cluster variable.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 16: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Cluster algebras

We set our ambient field F = Q(x1, . . . , xm), the field of rationalfunctions in x1, . . . , xm with coefficients in Q.

Consider the initial seed (X ,B) where X = {x1, . . . , xm} andB = [bij ] is an m ×m skew-symmetrizable integer matrix (that is,there exists a diagonal integer matrix D such that DB is askew-symmetric matrix).

The set X = {x1, . . . , xm} is called the initial cluster and each xi inthis set is called an initial cluster variable.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 17: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Cluster algebras

We set our ambient field F = Q(x1, . . . , xm), the field of rationalfunctions in x1, . . . , xm with coefficients in Q.

Consider the initial seed (X ,B) where X = {x1, . . . , xm} andB = [bij ] is an m ×m skew-symmetrizable integer matrix (that is,there exists a diagonal integer matrix D such that DB is askew-symmetric matrix).

The set X = {x1, . . . , xm} is called the initial cluster and each xi inthis set is called an initial cluster variable.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 18: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

There is a mutation in the direction of each initial cluster variablexk which is denoted by µk .

The mutation is defined as µk(X ,B) = (X ′,B ′) withX ′ = {x ′1, . . . , x ′m} and B ′ = [b′ij ], where

x ′j = xj , j 6= k

x ′k =1








andb′ij = −bij if i = k or j = k , otherwise

b′ij = bij +|bik |bkj + bik |bkj |


Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 19: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

There is a mutation in the direction of each initial cluster variablexk which is denoted by µk .

The mutation is defined as µk(X ,B) = (X ′,B ′) withX ′ = {x ′1, . . . , x ′m} and B ′ = [b′ij ], where

x ′j = xj , j 6= k

x ′k =1








andb′ij = −bij if i = k or j = k , otherwise

b′ij = bij +|bik |bkj + bik |bkj |


Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 20: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Let X be the set of all cluster variables obtained by applying afinite sequence of mutations from (X ,B).

The cluster algebra A(X ,B) is defined to be Z-subalgebra of Fgenerated by X .

Note that in the special case when B is a skew-symmetric integermatrix, B can be encoded by a connected quiver Q which has noloops and no 2-cycles and then mutation of B can be suitablyrephrased in terms of mutation of Q as follows;

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 21: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Let X be the set of all cluster variables obtained by applying afinite sequence of mutations from (X ,B).

The cluster algebra A(X ,B) is defined to be Z-subalgebra of Fgenerated by X .

Note that in the special case when B is a skew-symmetric integermatrix, B can be encoded by a connected quiver Q which has noloops and no 2-cycles and then mutation of B can be suitablyrephrased in terms of mutation of Q as follows;

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 22: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Let X be the set of all cluster variables obtained by applying afinite sequence of mutations from (X ,B).

The cluster algebra A(X ,B) is defined to be Z-subalgebra of Fgenerated by X .

Note that in the special case when B is a skew-symmetric integermatrix, B can be encoded by a connected quiver Q which has noloops and no 2-cycles and then mutation of B can be suitablyrephrased in terms of mutation of Q as follows;

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 23: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

We write µk(Q) = Q ′, where Q ′ is obtained from Q by keepingthe same vertices and changing arrows by the following rule:

(i) If there is a path xi → xk → xj , add an arrow xi → xj for eachdistinct path.

(ii) Reverse all arrows incident at xk .

(iii) Delete any 2-cycle produced in the process.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 24: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

We write µk(Q) = Q ′, where Q ′ is obtained from Q by keepingthe same vertices and changing arrows by the following rule:

(i) If there is a path xi → xk → xj , add an arrow xi → xj for eachdistinct path.

(ii) Reverse all arrows incident at xk .

(iii) Delete any 2-cycle produced in the process.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 25: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Scattering amplitudes

The study of scattering amplitudes is crucial to our understandingof quantum field theory.

Scattering amplitudes are complicated functions of the helicitiesand momenta of the external particles.

But to visually interpret them in easier manner, one may labelparticles involved by {1, 2, . . . , n} and interaction of particlesinvolved could be associated with a permutation of {1, 2, . . . , n}.One of the ways to represent scattering amplitudes is on-shelldiagram.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 26: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Scattering amplitudes

The study of scattering amplitudes is crucial to our understandingof quantum field theory.

Scattering amplitudes are complicated functions of the helicitiesand momenta of the external particles.

But to visually interpret them in easier manner, one may labelparticles involved by {1, 2, . . . , n} and interaction of particlesinvolved could be associated with a permutation of {1, 2, . . . , n}.One of the ways to represent scattering amplitudes is on-shelldiagram.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 27: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Scattering amplitudes

The study of scattering amplitudes is crucial to our understandingof quantum field theory.

Scattering amplitudes are complicated functions of the helicitiesand momenta of the external particles.

But to visually interpret them in easier manner, one may labelparticles involved by {1, 2, . . . , n} and interaction of particlesinvolved could be associated with a permutation of {1, 2, . . . , n}.One of the ways to represent scattering amplitudes is on-shelldiagram.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 28: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Scattering amplitudes

Consider the following two four-particle scattering amplitudes. Letus label the faces of the diagram as indicated below and assumethat rays bend to the right of black vertices and to the left ofwhite vertices.

1 2

4 3 4



Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 29: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

On-shell diagrams

The above on-shell diagrams denote the following twopermutations of scattering of four particles, respectively 1 2 3 4↓ ↓ ↓ ↓3 4 1 2


1 2 3 4↓ ↓ ↓ ↓1 2 3 4


Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 30: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Quiver attached to a bipartite graph

Let N denote the supersymmetry supercharge. Note that N = 0represents only bosons and N > 0 represents bosons withfermions. The latter case is also known as supersymmetry. Thenumber of fermions and type of Lagrangian determine the value ofN . Dual of a bipartite graph in physics of N = 4 supersymmetryis called a quiver. We associate a quiver with a planar bipartitegraph by taking a vertex for each face and for each edge in thebipartite graph, we draw an arrow in this quiver in such a way thatit sees the white arrow in left as depicted below.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 31: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Quiver gauge theories

1 2

4 3





The complicated on-shell diagrams are related with complicatedquiver gauge theories and it makes sense to be able to deal withsituations when we have loops and oriented 2-cycles in quiver tomodel more natural physical systems.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 32: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Cluster Superalgebra

Recently, Ovsienko has made an attempt to define clustersuperalgebras. He considers extension of a quiver by adding oddvertices and makes it an oriented hypergraph. Note that in anoriented hypergraph, an arrow can connect any number of vertices.

The main limitations of his approach are:

1. absence of arrows between odd vertces.

2. lack of exchange relations for the odd variables.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 33: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Cluster Superalgebra

Recently, Ovsienko has made an attempt to define clustersuperalgebras. He considers extension of a quiver by adding oddvertices and makes it an oriented hypergraph. Note that in anoriented hypergraph, an arrow can connect any number of vertices.

The main limitations of his approach are:

1. absence of arrows between odd vertces.

2. lack of exchange relations for the odd variables.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 34: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Supercluster quivers and supercluster variables

Consider an initial seed (X |Y ,Q) with X = {x1, . . . , xm} is the setof variable that commute with each other and Y = {y1, . . . , yn} isthe set of Grassman (or odd) variables that anticommute witheach other.

These variables x1, . . . , xm, y1, . . . , yn are called initial superclustervariables.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 35: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Let Q be a qiver with m + n vertices which are labelled asx1, . . . , xm, y1, . . . , yn. We will call the vertices labelled withx1, . . . , xm as even vertices and the vertices labelled with y1, . . . , ynas odd vertices.

We allow arrows between odd vertices.

Just as in the case of classical cluster algebras, we do not allow2-cycles between two even variables or two odd variables. However,we allow 2-cycles between an even vertex and an odd vertex. Justas in the case of classical cluster algebras, we do not allow loopson even vertices however, we do allow loops on odd vertices. Wewill call such a quiver a supercluster quiver.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 36: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Let Q be a qiver with m + n vertices which are labelled asx1, . . . , xm, y1, . . . , yn. We will call the vertices labelled withx1, . . . , xm as even vertices and the vertices labelled with y1, . . . , ynas odd vertices.

We allow arrows between odd vertices.

Just as in the case of classical cluster algebras, we do not allow2-cycles between two even variables or two odd variables. However,we allow 2-cycles between an even vertex and an odd vertex. Justas in the case of classical cluster algebras, we do not allow loopson even vertices however, we do allow loops on odd vertices. Wewill call such a quiver a supercluster quiver.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 37: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Let Q be a qiver with m + n vertices which are labelled asx1, . . . , xm, y1, . . . , yn. We will call the vertices labelled withx1, . . . , xm as even vertices and the vertices labelled with y1, . . . , ynas odd vertices.

We allow arrows between odd vertices.

Just as in the case of classical cluster algebras, we do not allow2-cycles between two even variables or two odd variables. However,we allow 2-cycles between an even vertex and an odd vertex. Justas in the case of classical cluster algebras, we do not allow loopson even vertices however, we do allow loops on odd vertices. Wewill call such a quiver a supercluster quiver.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 38: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Even and odd mutations

We first define Fomin-Zelevinsky type mutation for our setting.

There may be two types of even (odd) variables: exchangeableeven (odd) variables and frozen even (odd) variables. We definetwo types of mutations: an even mutation and an odd mutation.We will denote the even mutation in the direction of anexchangeable vertex xk as µk and odd mutation in the direction ofan exchangeable vertex yk as ηk .

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 39: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Even and odd mutations

We first define Fomin-Zelevinsky type mutation for our setting.

There may be two types of even (odd) variables: exchangeableeven (odd) variables and frozen even (odd) variables. We definetwo types of mutations: an even mutation and an odd mutation.We will denote the even mutation in the direction of anexchangeable vertex xk as µk and odd mutation in the direction ofan exchangeable vertex yk as ηk .

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 40: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Even mutation

We define the even mutation in the direction of vertex xk as

µk(x1, · · · , xm, y1, · · · , yn,Q) = (µk(x1), · · · , µk(xm), µk(y1), · · · , µk(yn), µk(Q))(2)


µk(yi ) = yi for each iµk(xi ) = xi , for each i 6= k

µk(xk) = 1xk


( ∏xi→xk


)+ (−1)v

( ∏xk→xj



( ∑yi→xk→yj ,yi→yj



Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 41: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Even mutation

We define the even mutation in the direction of vertex xk as

µk(x1, · · · , xm, y1, · · · , yn,Q) = (µk(x1), · · · , µk(xm), µk(y1), · · · , µk(yn), µk(Q))(2)


µk(yi ) = yi for each iµk(xi ) = xi , for each i 6= k

µk(xk) = 1xk


( ∏xi→xk


)+ (−1)v

( ∏xk→xj



( ∑yi→xk→yj ,yi→yj



Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 42: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Even mutation

where u is the total number of loops on all odd vertices which havearrows between them and even vertices xi with arrow xi → xk , v isthe total number of loops on all odd vertices which have arrowsbetween them and even vertices xj with arrow xk → xj . In the


( ∑yi→xk→yj ,yi→yj


)above, both conditions

yi → xk → yj and yi → yj must be satisfied and we consider themultiplicity in the sense that if there are a arrows yi → xk , barrows xk → yj and c arrows yi → yj , then it will give contributeabcyiyj in the sum.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 43: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Even mutation

The new quiver µk(Q) is obtained from Q by modifying vertices inview of the above mentioned exchange rules and changing arrowsas follows:

(i) If there is a path xi → xk → xj , add an arrow xi → xj for eachdistinct path.

(ii) Reverse all arrows connecting xk to another even vertex.

(iii) Delete any 2-cycle produced between two even variables in theprocess.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 44: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Even mutation

The new quiver µk(Q) is obtained from Q by modifying vertices inview of the above mentioned exchange rules and changing arrowsas follows:

(i) If there is a path xi → xk → xj , add an arrow xi → xj for eachdistinct path.

(ii) Reverse all arrows connecting xk to another even vertex.

(iii) Delete any 2-cycle produced between two even variables in theprocess.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 45: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Odd mutation

We define the odd mutation in the direction of an exchangeableodd vertex yi as

ηi (x1, · · · , xm, y1, · · · , yn,Q) = (ηi (x1), · · · , ηi (xm), ηi (y1), · · · , ηi (yn), ηi (Q))(4)


ηi (yj) = yj , j 6= i

ηi (yi ) = δ(yi )yi +

( ∏xk�yi


)[( ∑yi→yj


)( ∏yi→xl→yj



( ∑yj→yi


)( ∏yj→xl→yi


)]ηi (xk) = xk for each k

(5)Here δ(yi ) = 1 if there is no arrow between yi and another odd

vertex and δ(yi ) = 0 otherwise. In the expressions

( ∑yi→yj


)and( ∑



)above, we consider only for i 6= j .

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Odd mutation

The new quiver ηi (Q) is obtained from Q by modifying vertices inview of the above mentioned exchange rules and changing arrowsas follows:

(i) If there is a path yk → yi → yj for k 6= i 6= j , then add anarrow yk → yj for each distinct path.

(ii) Reverse all arrows incident on yi .

(iii) Delete any 2-cycle produced between two odd variables in theprocess.

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Page 47: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

It is not difficult to see that the even mutation is involutive, thatis, µ2k = 1. So, if there are m′ number of exchangeable evenvariables, then the exchange pattern for even vertices is anm′-regular tree. Also, we have η3k(y) = ηk(y) for each y ∈ Y andeach element in η2k(Y ) can be generated by X ,Y and ηk(Y ).

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Page 48: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Cluster Superalgebra

Let Xeven be the set of all supercluster even variables that can beobtained by applying a sequence of even mutations to the initialseed (X |Y ,Q) and Xodd be the set of all supercluster oddvariables that can be obtained by applying a sequence of oddmutations to the initial seed (X |Y ,Q). Then the clustersuperalgebra CK(X |Y ,Q) over a field K (of characteristic differentfrom 2) is defined to be the supercommutative K-superalgebragenerated by Xeven ∪ Xodd .

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If there are no Grassman variables, then even mutation is exactlythe same as Fomin-Zelevinsky mutation for classical clusteralgebras.

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Combinatorial geometric model of even and odd mutations

Consider a bipartite planar graph B given as follows:


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Page 51: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

We associate a quiver Q = Q(B) with the bipartite graph B in thefollowing manner. Take a vertex for each face and for each edge inthe graph B, we draw an arrow in this quiver in such a way that itsees the white arrow in left. So we get the following quiver:






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Page 52: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

If we do the “flip” move on B (which swaps white and blackvertices), we get the new bipartite graph B ′ as


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Page 53: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Clearly the quiver Q ′ = Q(B ′) associated to this bipartite graph is






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Page 54: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Note that if we take vertices 1, 3, 5 as even vertices and 2, 4 asodd, then under our definition of even and odd mutations we haveη4η2µ1(Q) = Q ′.

This shows that the “flip” move of planar bipartite graphs providesa geometric combinatorial model for a sequence of even and oddmutations.

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Note that if we take vertices 1, 3, 5 as even vertices and 2, 4 asodd, then under our definition of even and odd mutations we haveη4η2µ1(Q) = Q ′.This shows that the “flip” move of planar bipartite graphs providesa geometric combinatorial model for a sequence of even and oddmutations.

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y1 `` //






We have:

µ1(x1) =1

x1(2 + y1y2), η1(y1) = y2, η2(y2) = y1 (7)

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��x1 // x2


We have:

µ1(x1) =1

x1(1+x2), µ2(x2) =


x2(1+x1+y1y2), µ1(x2) = x2, µ2(x1) = x1


η1(y1) =y2x1, η2(y2) = y1x2, η3(y3) = y3 (10)

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zz ��



x1 // x2


µ1(x1) =1 + x2

x1, µ2(x2) =


x2(1 + x1 + 2y1y2) (12)

η1(y1) = 2y2x2, η2(y2) = 2y1 (13)

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A supermatrix over a superalgebra A is a matrix M =



where the matrices A,D have even entries and they are of sizesm×m and n× n, respectively. The matrices B,C have odd entriesand are of sizes m × n , n ×m, respectively.

The general linear supergroup GL(m|n) over a superlagera A is thegroup of all invertible supermatrices M of size (m + n)× (m + n),i.e. the supermatrices M with the superdetminantsdet(M) = det(A− BD−1C )det(D−1) invertible in A.

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Page 60: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

A supermatrix over a superalgebra A is a matrix M =



where the matrices A,D have even entries and they are of sizesm×m and n× n, respectively. The matrices B,C have odd entriesand are of sizes m × n , n ×m, respectively.

The general linear supergroup GL(m|n) over a superlagera A is thegroup of all invertible supermatrices M of size (m + n)× (m + n),i.e. the supermatrices M with the superdetminantsdet(M) = det(A− BD−1C )det(D−1) invertible in A.

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Let At denote transpose of a matrix A and Mst denote thesupertranspose of a supermatrix M. Then

Mst =




(At C t

−Bt Dt

)Let us write

Jm =

(0 Im−Im 0


K2k+1 =

−1 0 00 0 −Ik0 −Ik 0

K2k =

(0 −Ik−Ik 0


Jm,n = diag(Jm,Kn).

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Page 62: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Let At denote transpose of a matrix A and Mst denote thesupertranspose of a supermatrix M. Then

Mst =




(At C t

−Bt Dt

)Let us write

Jm =

(0 Im−Im 0


K2k+1 =

−1 0 00 0 −Ik0 −Ik 0

K2k =

(0 −Ik−Ik 0


Jm,n = diag(Jm,Kn).

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The symplectic-orthogonal superalgebra SpO(2m|n) over asuperring R = R0 ⊕ R1 is defined as the superalgebra consisting of(2m + n)× (2m + n) supermatrices M with entries in R such thatsdet(M) is invertible in R and MstJm,nM = Jm,n.

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The symplectic-orthogonal superalgebra SpO(2|1) over anysuperring R = R0 ⊕ R1 admits a cluster superalgebra structure.

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Page 65: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Let R = R0 ⊕ R1 be a superring. The symplectic-orthogonalsuperalgebra SpO(2|1) over a superring R = R0 ⊕ R1 consists of


a b γc d δα β e

such that

ad = 1 + bc + αβ, e = 1 + αβ, γ = aβ − bα, δ = cβ − dα. (14)

The elements a, b, c , d , e ∈ R0 and α, β, γ, δ ∈ R1. Note that theelements a, b, c , d , α, β generate the symplectic-orthogonalsuperalgebra SpO(2|1).

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Choose a, b, c ,∈ R0 and α, β ∈ R1. Consider the initial seed(X |Y ) with X = {a, b, c} where b, c are frozen and Y = {α, β}and consider the following quiver Q:



// β@@

b oo a // c

We have

µa(a) =1

a[bc + 1 + αβ] (15)

Set µa(a) = d . Then ad = 1 + bc + αβ. This gives us the firstrelation of the Equation 14. Note that µ2a(a) = a, so iterating evenmutations does not produce more new exchangeable even variablesother than a and d , thus Xeven = {a, b, c, d}.

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Next, we show that every odd variable can be generated by{a, α, β}. Indeed, iterated odd mutations may produce three moredistinct quivers:

α′ ^^oo β′


b oo a // c

α′ ^^// β′

��b oo a // c



oo β′

��b oo a // c

For all the four quivers, we must have ηα′(α′) = β′ or aβ′, andηβ′(β′) = α′ or aα′; thus the new odd cluster variables aregenerated by a, α′, β′. Therefore all odd cluster variables aregenerated by a, α, β by induction. In fact, a simple computationshows

Xodd = {aiα | i ≥ 0} ∪ {aiβ | i ≥ 0}.

This shows that the symplectic-orthogonal superalgebra SpO(2|1)over any superring R = R0 ⊕ R1 admits a cluster superalgebrastructure.

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We do not know whether the more general result that thesymplectic-orthogonal superalgebra SpO(2m|n) over any superringR = R0 ⊕ R1 admits a cluster superalgebra structure is true or not.For m = 1 and n = 2, we haveThe symplectic-orthogonal superalgebra SpO(2|2) over anysuperring R = R0 ⊕ R1 is quotient of a subalgebra of a clustersuperalgebra.

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The symplectic-orthogonal superalgebra SpO(2|2) over a superringR = R0 ⊕ R1 consists of supermatrices

M =

a b γ1 γ2c d δ1 δ2α1 β1 e1 e2α2 β2 e3 e4

such that sdet(M) is invertible in R and

MstJ1,2M = J1,2.

The above condition gives us the following set of equations

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ad = 1 + bc − α1β2 − α2β1e1e4 + e2e3 = 1− γ1δ2 − γ2δ1e1e3 = −γ1δ1e2e4 = −γ2δ2−cγ1 + aδ1 = e1α2 + e3α1

−cγ2 + aδ2 = e2α2 + e4α1

−dγ1 + bδ1 = e1β2 + e3β1−dγ2 + bδ2 = e2β2 + e4β1


Choose a, b, c, e1, e2, e3 ∈ R0 and α1, α2, β1, β2, γ1, γ2, δ1, δ2 ∈ R1.

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Page 71: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Consider the initial seed (X |Y ) with X = {a, b, c , e1, e2, e3} whereb, c , e2, e3 are frozen and Y = {α1, α2, β1, β2, γ1, γ2, δ1, δ2} andconsider the following quiver:

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Page 72: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Mutating along the directions of vertices a and e1, we get

µa(a) =1

a[bc + 1 + β2α1 + β1α2] (17)

µe1(e1) =1

e1[1− e2e3 + δ2γ1 + δ1γ2] (18)

Set µa(a) = d and µe1(e1) = e4.This shows that the superalgebra SpO(2|2) is a quotient of asubalgebra of the cluster superalgebra C (X |Y ,Q).

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A superfrieze, or a supersymmetric frieze pattern over a Z2-gradedring R = R0 ⊕R1 has been defined as the following array

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. . . 0 0 0

. . . 0 0 0 0 0 . . .

1 1 1 . . .

ϕ0,0 ϕ 12, 12

ϕ1,1 ϕ 32, 32

ϕ2,2 . . .

f0,0 f1,1 f2,2

ϕ− 12, 12

ϕ0,1 ϕ 12, 32

ϕ1,2 ϕ 32, 52

. . .

f−1,0 f0,1 f1,2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

f2−m,1 f0,m−1 f1,m

. . . ϕ 32−m, 3

2ϕ2−m,2 . . . ϕ0,m ϕ 1

2,m+ 1


1 1 1

. . . 0 0 0 0 0 0

. . . 0 0 0 . . .

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where fi ,j ∈ R0 and ϕi ,j ∈ R1, and where every elementarydiamond:






satisfies the following conditions:

AD − BC = 1 + ΣΞ,

BΦ− AΨ = Ξ,

BΣ− DΞ = Ψ,


that we call the frieze rule.The number of even rows between the rows of 1’s is called thewidth of the superfrieze.

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The last two equations are equivalent to

AΣ− C Ξ = Φ, DΦ− C Ψ = Σ.

Note also that these equations also imply ΞΣ = ΦΨ, so that thefirst equation can also be written as follows: AD − BC = 1− ΦΨ.

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One can associate an elementary diamond with every element ofSpO(2|1) using the following formula:

a b γ

c d δ

α β e



γ α

b −c

−β δ


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Consider the following extension of the standard Dynkin quiver oftype An with a set of n even vertices X = {x1, . . . , xn} and a set ofn + 1 odd vertices Y = {y1, . . . , yn+1} :

y1 oo `` y2





aa· · · yn ooaa yn+1

||x1 // x2 // x3 · · · xn


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Let Q̃ denote the supercluster quiver and consider CK(X |Y , Q̃)with K a field of characteristic different from 2. We have thefollowing:The supercommutative superalgebra generated by all the entries ofa superfrieze of width n is a subalgebra of the cluster superalgebraCK(X |Y , Q̃).

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Page 80: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Choose the following entries of the superfrieze on paralleldiagonals:

1 1

∗ y1 ∗ y ′1

x1 x ′1

∗ y2 ∗ y ′2

x2. . . x ′2

. . .

. . . yn. . . y ′n

xn x ′n

∗ yn+1 ∗ y ′n+1

1 1

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All entries of the superfrieze are determined byx1, . . . , xn, y1, . . . , yn+1 and hence these can be taken as initialcoordinates. Note that we are done if we can show that thesuperfrieze entries x ′1, . . . , x

′n, y′1, . . . , y

′n+1 ∈ CK(X |Y , Q̃).

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We have that

xkx ′k = 1 + xk+1x ′k−1 + yk+1yk (21)

Now perform even mutations on Q̃ at vertices x1, then x2, until xn.After the first k − 1 mutations we obtain the following quiver:

y1 oo__






· · · yk oo__




cc· · ·

x ′1// x ′2 · · · x ′k−1

oo xk // xk+1 · · ·

Mutating at vertex xk we obtain the following from our rule foreven mutation:

xkx ′k = 1 + xk+1x ′k−1 + yk+1yk . (22)

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This shows that the entries x ′1, . . . , x′n from the superfrieze are the

same as the supercluster variables x ′1, . . . , x′n obtained by iterated

even mutations at consecutive even vertices in Q̃.We now consider the odd entries of the superfrieze y ′1, . . . , y


We have thaty ′1 = y2 − x ′1y1,

so clearly y ′1 ∈ CK(X |Y , Q̃). We have the following for odd entriesof the superfrieze for all k :

y ′k = y ′k−1 − y1x ′k .

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As y ′k is a linear combination of y ′k−1, y1, and x ′k for all k, it follows

that y ′k ∈ CK(X |Y , Q̃) for all k since it has already been

established that y ′1 ∈ CK(X |Y , Q̃).By a similar argument, this holds for all parallel diagonals and itcan be established that all entries of the superfrieze are containedin CK(X |Y , Q̃).

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Failure of Laurent Phenomenon

As a major contrast to the classical cluster algebra setting, theLaurent phenomenon fails to hold in the case of clustersuperalgebras as we will see in the example below. Consider theinitial seed (X |Y ,Q) with X = {x1, x2, x3}, Y = {y1, y2} andquiver Q given as:



x1 // x3>>

��y1 y2


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Failure of Laurent Phenomenon

As a major contrast to the classical cluster algebra setting, theLaurent phenomenon fails to hold in the case of clustersuperalgebras as we will see in the example below. Consider theinitial seed (X |Y ,Q) with X = {x1, x2, x3}, Y = {y1, y2} andquiver Q given as:



x1 // x3>>

��y1 y2


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We have

µ1µ3µ1{x1, x2, x3, y1, y2,Q} = {x ′′1 , x2, x ′3, y1, y2, µ1µ3µ1(Q)}


x ′′1 =1 + x3 + x1(1− y1y2) + x1x3

x3(1 + x3)

Note that x ′′1 obtained above is not a Laurent polynomial in initialcluster variables x1, x2, x3, y1, y2 and this shows that the Laurentphenomenon fails to hold in the case of cluster superalgebras.

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We have

µ1µ3µ1{x1, x2, x3, y1, y2,Q} = {x ′′1 , x2, x ′3, y1, y2, µ1µ3µ1(Q)}


x ′′1 =1 + x3 + x1(1− y1y2) + x1x3

x3(1 + x3)

Note that x ′′1 obtained above is not a Laurent polynomial in initialcluster variables x1, x2, x3, y1, y2 and this shows that the Laurentphenomenon fails to hold in the case of cluster superalgebras.

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A supercluster quiver Q ′ is said to be mutation equivalent toanother supercluster quiver Q if there exists mutations σ1, . . . , σrwith each σi being either an even mutation or an odd mutationsuch that σr ◦ · · · ◦ σ1(Q) = Q ′.

A cluster superalgebra CK (X |Y ,Q) is said to be of

1. finite type if the number of supercluster variables is finite.

2. finite mutation type if the number of supercluster quivers Q ′

that are mutation equivalent to Q is finite.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 90: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

A supercluster quiver Q ′ is said to be mutation equivalent toanother supercluster quiver Q if there exists mutations σ1, . . . , σrwith each σi being either an even mutation or an odd mutationsuch that σr ◦ · · · ◦ σ1(Q) = Q ′.

A cluster superalgebra CK (X |Y ,Q) is said to be of

1. finite type if the number of supercluster variables is finite.

2. finite mutation type if the number of supercluster quivers Q ′

that are mutation equivalent to Q is finite.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 91: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

We propose following problems for further development of thenotion of cluster superalgebras.

1. Characterize cluster superalgebras that are of finite type.

2. Characterize cluster superalgebras that are of finite mutationtype.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 92: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

We propose following problems for further development of thenotion of cluster superalgebras.

1. Characterize cluster superalgebras that are of finite type.

2. Characterize cluster superalgebras that are of finite mutationtype.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 93: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

We propose following problems for further development of thenotion of cluster superalgebras.

1. Characterize cluster superalgebras that are of finite type.

2. Characterize cluster superalgebras that are of finite mutationtype.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 94: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Infinite supercluster variables

It is well-known that the cluster algebra A(X ,Q) is of finite type ifthe uderlying graph of the quiver Q is mutation equivalent to asimply laced Dynkin diagram.

It is natural to ask then if a quiver whose underslying graph is asimply laced Dynkin diagram is extended by some odd vertices, dowe still end up getting only finitely many supercluster variables inthe corresponding cluster superalgebra?We answer this question in the negative in following example.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 95: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Infinite supercluster variables

It is well-known that the cluster algebra A(X ,Q) is of finite type ifthe uderlying graph of the quiver Q is mutation equivalent to asimply laced Dynkin diagram.It is natural to ask then if a quiver whose underslying graph is asimply laced Dynkin diagram is extended by some odd vertices, dowe still end up getting only finitely many supercluster variables inthe corresponding cluster superalgebra?

We answer this question in the negative in following example.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 96: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Infinite supercluster variables

It is well-known that the cluster algebra A(X ,Q) is of finite type ifthe uderlying graph of the quiver Q is mutation equivalent to asimply laced Dynkin diagram.It is natural to ask then if a quiver whose underslying graph is asimply laced Dynkin diagram is extended by some odd vertices, dowe still end up getting only finitely many supercluster variables inthe corresponding cluster superalgebra?We answer this question in the negative in following example.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 97: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Consider an initial seed (X |Y ,Q) where X = {x1, x2},Y = {y1, y2} and quiver Q (whose even vertices form the Dynkindiagram of type A2) is as given below


x1 //






Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 98: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Let x3 = µ1(x1) = x−11 (1 + x2 + y1y2).

Then apply µ2, let x4 = µ2(x2) = x−12 (1 + x3 + y1y2), etc. Soxn = x−1n−2(1 + xn−1 + y1y2).

We claim that the cluster superalgebra CK (X |Y ,Q) is generatedby infinitely many super cluster variables.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 99: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Let x3 = µ1(x1) = x−11 (1 + x2 + y1y2).

Then apply µ2, let x4 = µ2(x2) = x−12 (1 + x3 + y1y2), etc. Soxn = x−1n−2(1 + xn−1 + y1y2).

We claim that the cluster superalgebra CK (X |Y ,Q) is generatedby infinitely many super cluster variables.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 100: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Let x3 = µ1(x1) = x−11 (1 + x2 + y1y2).

Then apply µ2, let x4 = µ2(x2) = x−12 (1 + x3 + y1y2), etc. Soxn = x−1n−2(1 + xn−1 + y1y2).

We claim that the cluster superalgebra CK (X |Y ,Q) is generatedby infinitely many super cluster variables.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 101: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

Define a function

f : CK (X |Y ,Q) −→ Q[w ]/w2

x1 −→ 1

x2 −→ 1

y1y2 −→ w


It turns out that {f (xi )} is an infinite set.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 102: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

f (x1) f (x2) f (x3) f (x4) f (x5)

1 1 2 + w 3 + 2w 2 + 12w

f (x6) f (x7) f (x8) f (x9) f (x10)

1− 16w 1 + 1

6w 2 + 32w 3 + 2w 2

f (x11) f (x12) f (x13) f (x14) f (x15)

1− 13w 1 + 1

3w 2 + 2w 3 + 2w 2− 12w

f (x16) f (x17) f (x18) f (x19) f (x20)

1− 12w 1 + 1

2w 2 + 12w 3 + 2w 2− w


Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 103: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

In general,

f (x5k+1) f (x5k+2) f (x5k+3) f (x5k+4) f (x5k+5)

1− k6w 1 + k

6w 2 + k+22 w 3 + 2w 2− k−1

2 w

(27)for k = 1, 2, 3, · · · ,.

This shows that there are infinitely many different values of{f (xi )}.

This establishes the claim that the cluster superalgebraCK (X |Y ,Q) is generated by infinitely many super cluster variables.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 104: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

In general,

f (x5k+1) f (x5k+2) f (x5k+3) f (x5k+4) f (x5k+5)

1− k6w 1 + k

6w 2 + k+22 w 3 + 2w 2− k−1

2 w

(27)for k = 1, 2, 3, · · · ,.

This shows that there are infinitely many different values of{f (xi )}.

This establishes the claim that the cluster superalgebraCK (X |Y ,Q) is generated by infinitely many super cluster variables.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras

Page 105: Ashish K. Srivastava · Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras. We write k(Q) = Q0, where Q0is obtained from Q by keeping the same vertices and changing arrows

In general,

f (x5k+1) f (x5k+2) f (x5k+3) f (x5k+4) f (x5k+5)

1− k6w 1 + k

6w 2 + k+22 w 3 + 2w 2− k−1

2 w

(27)for k = 1, 2, 3, · · · ,.

This shows that there are infinitely many different values of{f (xi )}.

This establishes the claim that the cluster superalgebraCK (X |Y ,Q) is generated by infinitely many super cluster variables.

Ashish K. Srivastava An introduction to cluster superalgebras