armand background

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Post on 02-Nov-2015




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Gatorman character background for Iron Kingdoms Unleashed.


  • Armand Leblanc was never a normal gatorman. Some say getting in the mind of the beasts in the swamps made him a little funny. Some say he accidentally snorted too much necromantic powder as an apprentice. In all honesty, some daft sunovabitch probably spilled some liquor in the pool with the young gators years ago, and Armand just never developed right in the head after that.

    Either way, he never fit in well with his tribe. He did have the gift, though, and the bokor Lisette needed an apprentice. She taught him the basics of life and death and gave him some authority in the tribe. He used that authority to start some trade with a human settlement. Mostly, he traded access to peat for liquor and the occasional cigar. He started to enjoy these luxuries a little too much and began to view himself as a bit of a bon vivant. He had a always been a little too loud and a little too friendly (he was even quick to share meat from his kills).

    The situation became even more complicated when it became apparent he was a warlock. One day while going about his business, he dropped a bottle of rum into the water, and he didn't even think twice about jumping in after it. Unfortunately, he didn't notice it was floating next to a hiding bull snapper. The massive beast moved to strike Armand, and as the two came into contact, the snapper calmed down. Armand had bonded with it and became the only warlock in the village.

    The other gatormen started to talk, though. They hated the idea of being led by the loud, fun-loving Armand. Lisette wanted to kill him, but she did not relish the idea of having a rampaging bull snapper go through the village. The decision was made to kick exile him, an odd measure for an odd gatorman. Armand left, but he felt cheated. It was his destiny to take over from Lisette, to take her power, and to take over the tribe. One day, when he was stronger with more warbeasts and powers over life and death, he'd come back.

    To survive in the swamp, though, he'd need to be able to move without getting attacked for crossing through territory. He decided to strike a deal with the largest group around, the Blindwater Congregation. He found a younger, less prominent bokor named Pierre to deal with. If he can travel through their territories unmolested, when he finally gained the strength to deal with Lisette and whatever new apprentice she might have, he'd give the whole tribe of fifty gatomen over the Pierre and the Congregation. He agreed.

    Now, Armand seeks new power and new pleasures. He still has to get revenge on Lisette and the tribe that cast him out, but what's the point of living if you don't enjoy life? He keeps his eyes open for liquor, cigars, or new meat to try.