are you plagued by racism? here's how to deal with it

CALLING ALL RACIST You are so loved and I love you so much

Upload: beatrice-watson

Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Are you plagued by Racism? Here's how to deal with it

CALLING ALL RACISTYou are so loved

and I love you so much

Page 2: Are you plagued by Racism? Here's how to deal with it

WALK WITH ME Even though you might hate me let’s

talk – our lives depend upon it.

Page 3: Are you plagued by Racism? Here's how to deal with it

PLEASE LET’S BE HONEST Bear with me and play along with me.

Remember what I said – I love you even though you may not love me and you love me too even though you may not realize it.

Ready, let’s play

Page 4: Are you plagued by Racism? Here's how to deal with it

WHO ARE YOU I’m not interested in Your name, profession, roles you play

e.g. Parent, husband, wife, etc. dig deeper – who are you? Are you there? Can you go deeper Who are you?

Page 5: Are you plagued by Racism? Here's how to deal with it

WHY ARE YOU HERE What is your purpose? This may need some time to think but

you do not have to answer right away but think about it a few days.

Keep asking the questions: what is my purpose? What is my purpose – then let it go and the answer will pop into your head or someone out of the blue will give you a hint. Trust. Moving on

Page 6: Are you plagued by Racism? Here's how to deal with it

WHAT ARE YOUR CORE BELIEFS? About Race About love About class About relationship About death Moving on

Page 7: Are you plagued by Racism? Here's how to deal with it

HOW DID YOU ARRIVE AT THOSE BELIEFS? Did you born with these beliefs? Were you taught to believe in these

beliefs? Are these really what you came up with? Did you research or investigate to come

up with these beliefs

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ARE THESE BELIEFS WORKING FOR YOU How so? How not so? Do these beliefs make you happier Do these beliefs make you feel


Page 9: Are you plagued by Racism? Here's how to deal with it

WHAT ARE YOUR BIGGEST FEARS? About other races than your own About your own race?

Page 10: Are you plagued by Racism? Here's how to deal with it

WHAT IF YOU SWITCH FROM FEAR TO CURIOUSITY? Why people behave in certain ways? Is there any justification for their


Page 11: Are you plagued by Racism? Here's how to deal with it

WHAT IF.. There was no country There was no race There was no sex What if we were like flowers in a

garden? What then

Page 12: Are you plagued by Racism? Here's how to deal with it

WHAT IF You had all the money in the world The world was a peaceful place Everyone got along with little

disagreements Everyone was treated as if they

mattered We respected everyone’s human rights The world was a good place to be in

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HOW WOULD YOU SPEND YOUR TIME? How do you imagine you would feel

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WHEN YOU HATE PEOPLE FOR NO VALID REASON How do you feel? Do you feel happy? Do you feel uncomfortable? Do you see “the other” as human

beings – wanting the same things you want? Having the same feelings as you have

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What are you willing to give up

What’s it worth to you?

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Today I embrace loving myself fully because I know the more I love myself the more I will love others. The love in my heart, in my mind, in my body and in my soul is lifting me to higher ground of being. My heart sings with lightness. My feet are lighter and I am seeing the beauty of God’s creation everywhere with brand new eye. And so it is.