april 23, 2017 23 de abril 2017 my lord and my god!...uno de los admiradores de cristo fue mahatma...

April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 St. Mary’s Parish Mass Schedule of Intentions April 22 - 28 Saturday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of John Omolo Saturday 5:00 PM ~ Memory of Miriam Chipps Saturday 7:00 PM ~ Sunday 8:30 AM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of Randy Lloyd Sunday 1:00 PM ~ Monday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Maria Niebuhr Tuesday 8:30 AM ~ Intenon for Fran Pace Wednesday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Doug Wainwright Wednesday 5:30 PM ~ Thursday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Maria Niebuhr Friday 8:30 AM ~ For the Souls in Purgatory April 29 - 30 Saturday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Bey Ross Saturday 5:00 PM ~ Memory of Mariam Chipps Saturday 7:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s Sunday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Doug Wainwright Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of Lee & Phyllis White Sunday 1:00 PM ~ Memory of Manuel Cuellar Mass Intentions & Memorial Candles If you would like to have a Mass offered for a particular Intention or for someone who has died, or if you would like to dedicate a candle to an intention or a loved one, please call the parish office. The stipend for the Mass is $10. The candles are $30 for 1 month, $60 for 6 months, or $90 for one year. Our office staff will help you find an open date and time for a Mass, or available candles for dedications. My Lord and my God!

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Page 1: April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 My Lord and my God!...Uno de los admiradores de Cristo fue Mahatma Gandhi. Cuando era estudiante en Sudáfrica, leyó la Biblia y se inspiró en el

April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 St. Mary’s Parish

Mass Schedule of Intentions

April 22 - 28 Saturday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of John Omolo Saturday 5:00 PM ~ Memory of Miriam Chipps Saturday 7:00 PM ~ Sunday 8:30 AM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of Randy Lloyd Sunday 1:00 PM ~ Monday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Maria Niebuhr Tuesday 8:30 AM ~ Intention for Fran Pace Wednesday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Doug Wainwright Wednesday 5:30 PM ~ Thursday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Maria Niebuhr Friday 8:30 AM ~ For the Souls in Purgatory

April 29 - 30 Saturday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Betty Ross Saturday 5:00 PM ~ Memory of Mariam Chipps Saturday 7:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s Sunday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Doug Wainwright Sunday 11:00 AM ~ Memory of Lee & Phyllis White Sunday 1:00 PM ~ Memory of Manuel Cuellar Mass Intentions & Memorial Candles If you would like to have a Mass offered for a particular Intention or for someone who has died, or if you would like to dedicate a candle to an intention or a loved one, please call the parish office. The stipend for the Mass is $10. The candles are $30 for 1 month, $60 for 6 months, or $90 for one year. Our office staff will help you find an open date and time for a Mass, or available candles for dedications.

My Lord and my God!

Page 2: April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 My Lord and my God!...Uno de los admiradores de Cristo fue Mahatma Gandhi. Cuando era estudiante en Sudáfrica, leyó la Biblia y se inspiró en el

What happened to Jesus’ disciples when Jesus died? The Christian community

was formed. Even though the situation was totally difficult, the new community was

taking shape because of three things: faith, unity and sharing. The old adage “In unity

there is strength” did not disappoint.

As described by Luke, the new Christian community was vibrant. They were

one and they helped each other by sharing what they have so that they would be able

to give what each one needed. Christ was a community builder. After his resurrection,

the same community building character has made the new Christian community

survive the difficult situations and then the vibrant community grew exponentially

due to the witnessing of these vibrant Christian communities.

Did the vibrant community grow naturally? No. It grew from the work of the

Holy Spirit that was moving the disciples to do what they were commissioned to do and the faithful followed

them. The unity and solidarity that served as a magnet to keep adding new members were the outward mani-

festations of that movement.

Christ had always challenged the status quo in order that the righteousness of God would be revealed.

The Christian community was always charged to do that. Jesus had done that because he was faithful and

obedient to the Father and He listened to the guidance of the Spirit. Only through openness to the movement of

the Holy Spirit and faithfulness to the Church teachings would the Christian community be able to do that

charge successfully.

The vibrant community that was growing rapidly had met many challenges. One of them was getting

distracted by their former ways. Many times, the community was misled by their personal interests which led

them to disagree. They had resolved many issues with the guidance of the Holy Spirit working through their

leaders. Those who believed in the work of the Holy Spirit stayed. Those who failed to recognize the inspira-

tion of the Holy Spirit fell back to their previous life.

The work of the Holy Spirit is a mystery that continues to awe us. He is there perpetually moving us to

do just as Jesus commanded us: “Love one another as I have loved you.”


One of the admirers of Christ was Mahatma Gandhi. When he was a student in South Africa, he read

the Bible and was inspired by the Jesus character. He thought, Jesus would be an effective antidote to the caste

system in India. He was inspired to learn more about the Christian faith. He decided to visit a local Christian

church. He was shown the door and told he could only attend Mass for black people. He left the church and

never returned.

There are two sides to this story:1) Is Christ our way to provide solutions to our human problems?

2) Do we build a church of communion?


Divine Mercy Sunday reminds us of the unlimited mercy of God. In St. Faustina’s encounter with

Jesus, she saw the saving work of baptism and Eucharist. Jesus, who was sacrificed, has the power to cleanse

us of our sins and strengthen us from the temptations of the world. The water and blood that flowed out from

the side of Jesus are the cleansing water of baptism and the nourishing blood and body of Christ, the Eucha-


St. Faustina also pleaded to the world to listen to the message of Christ. She calls all men and women

to receive the Gospel and to accept Christ in their hearts. All of us who know Christ must strive to be models

for the world to see and be inspired to conversion.

Page 3: April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 My Lord and my God!...Uno de los admiradores de Cristo fue Mahatma Gandhi. Cuando era estudiante en Sudáfrica, leyó la Biblia y se inspiró en el

Prayer Corner

Please keep all those who are in the military, or are ill or suffering in your prayers.

For those who are ill or homebound: Tom Barnes, Jeanette Duncan, Bob Worthington, Dick K., John H., Ryan Huber,

Gretta Aker, Brian Faligowski and those struggling with cancer and other illnesses or upcoming surgeries

We pray for peace throughout our entire world. We remember our family members and friends who are serving in the

military: Michael Pennington, Mike Andre, Alec Ogg

If you would like to add the name of someone who is serving in the military, please call the office.

For the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed: Wayne Fisk, Max Cochrane

¿Qué pasó con los discípulos de Jesús cuando Jesús murió? La comunidad cristiana se formó. Aunque

la situación era totalmente difícil, la nueva comunidad estaba tomando forma debido a tres cosas: la fe, la uni-

dad y el compartir. Como dice el viejo dicho "En la unidad hay fuerza" no decepciona.

Según lo descrito por Lucas, la nueva comunidad cristiana era vibrante. Ellos eran uno y se ayudaban

mutuamente compartiendo lo que tenían para poder dar lo que cada uno necesitaba. Cristo fue un constructor

de la comunidad. Después de su resurrección, el mismo carácter de construcción comunitaria ha hecho que la

nueva comunidad cristiana sobreviva a las situaciones difíciles y luego la vibrante comunidad creció exponen-

cialmente debido al testimonio de estas vibrantes comunidades cristianas.

¿La comunidad vibrante creció naturalmente? No. Creció de la obra del Espíritu Santo que estaba mo-

viendo a los discípulos a hacer lo que se les encargó hacer y los fieles los siguieron. La unidad y la solidaridad

la cuales sirvieron de imán para seguir añadiendo nuevos miembros, fueron las manifestaciones externas de

ese movimiento.

Cristo siempre había desafiado el status para que la justicia de Dios fuera revelada. La comunidad cris-

tiana siempre fue acusada de hacer eso. Jesús lo había hecho porque era fiel y obediente al Padre y escuchaba

la guía del Espíritu. Sólo a través de la apertura al movimiento del Espíritu Santo y la fidelidad a las enseñan-

zas de la Iglesia la comunidad cristiana sería capaz de hacer esa carga con éxito.

La vibrante comunidad que estaba creciendo rápidamente se había enfrentado a muchos desafíos. Uno

de ellos estaba distraído por sus formas anteriores. Muchas veces, la comunidad fue engañada por sus intereses

personales lo que los llevó a estar en desacuerdo. Habían resuelto muchos asuntos con la guía del Espíritu San-

to trabajando a través de sus líderes. Quienes creyeron en la obra del Espíritu Santo y permanecieron. Aquellos

que no reconocieron la inspiración del Espíritu Santo volvieron a su vida anterior.

La obra del Espíritu Santo es un misterio que continúa imponiéndonos. Él está allí perpetuamente

moviéndonos a hacer lo que Jesús nos mandó: "Amaos los unos a los otros como yo os he amado”.


Uno de los admiradores de Cristo fue Mahatma Gandhi. Cuando era estudiante en Sudáfrica, leyó la

Biblia y se inspiró en el carácter de Jesús. Él pensó, Jesús sería un antídoto eficaz al sistema de la casta en la

India. Se inspiró para aprender más sobre la fe cristiana. Decidió visitar una iglesia cristiana local. Le mostra-

ron la puerta y le dijeron que sólo podía asistir a la misa de personas de color. Él dejó la iglesia y nunca regre-


Hay dos aspectos en esta historia: 1) ¿Es Cristo nuestra manera de proveer soluciones a nuestros pro-

blemas humanos? 2) ¿Construimos una iglesia de comunión?


El Domingo de la Divina Misericordia nos recuerda la misericordia ilimitada de Dios. En el encuentro

de Santa Faustina con Jesús, vio la obra salvadora del bautismo y de la Eucaristía. Jesús, quien fue sacrificado,

tiene el poder de limpiarnos de nuestros pecados y fortalecernos de las tentaciones del mundo. El agua y la

sangre que fluyeron del costado de Jesús son el agua purificadora del bautismo y la sangre nutritiva y el cuerpo

de Cristo, en la Eucaristía.

Santa Faustina también rogó al mundo que escuchara el mensaje de Cristo. Ella llama a todos los hom-

bres y mujeres a recibir el Evangelio y a aceptar a Cristo en sus corazones. Todos nosotros que conocemos a

Cristo debemos esforzarnos por ser modelos para que el mundo vea y sea inspirado a la conversión.

Page 4: April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 My Lord and my God!...Uno de los admiradores de Cristo fue Mahatma Gandhi. Cuando era estudiante en Sudáfrica, leyó la Biblia y se inspiró en el

Easter Flowers in

Memory of ...

John and Ruby Busse

William Lawrence

Pat Ramsey

Chad Engel

Lynda Ann Hoch

Celerino & Victoria P. Hernando

Dave & Gertrude Collins

Ray & Velma Maddy

Mel & Emma Stephen

Shirley Fagel

Alverda Huntimer

Verena Schettler

Fred Anderson

Louie & Nora Bernt

Daniel Paul Dooley

Angela Vanderyacht

Bertha Kluemke

Stephen Austin

Casey Anne Weiler

Michael Dzurenko

Jim Angel

Bill & Ellen Grenz

Chris Schieman

Bill & Rose Grenz

Marguerite Klein

Margarita Walker

Alex Jansen

Herman Jansen

Leroy Walker

Bob & Gussie Richards

Ben Mumper

Linnie Townlin

Douglas & Maria Fysh

Frank & Ann Hood

Bill Birky

Carlos Linares

Jenny Schmidt

John & Carol Beausoleil

Page 5: April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 My Lord and my God!...Uno de los admiradores de Cristo fue Mahatma Gandhi. Cuando era estudiante en Sudáfrica, leyó la Biblia y se inspiró en el

Easter Flowers in

Memory of ...

Family and Friends

Vernon E. Pound

Dick & Lee Erb

Herb & Betty Kuebrich

Howard & Elaine Hood

Jose & Leonida Thiam

Francis Benson

Robert, Maxine and David Borst

Dale Henderson

Agnes Samek

John Kinkley

Nick & Dolores Cassinelli

The Family of Ralph Younce

Earl, Margaret Ann and David McLean

Eugene & Evelyn Borthwick

Russell & Dortha Harshberger

Joseph & Ann Egan

Rita Moore

Fred Knudtson

Sharon Dudek

Doug Wainwright

Camille De Wilde

Bob Todd

Lee & Phyllis White

Lucy Hagan

The Kruger Family

Fred & Vera Walters

Peter Kuebrich

Bernard T. Bender

Irene McKinley

Margaret Conser

Marvin & Betsy Nichols

Harold & Geri Jensen

David White

Lonnie Stevens

Arlene Boese

Robert Dempsey

Mark Dempsey

Ricky Parent

Randy Lloyd

Page 6: April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 My Lord and my God!...Uno de los admiradores de Cristo fue Mahatma Gandhi. Cuando era estudiante en Sudáfrica, leyó la Biblia y se inspiró en el

James Paul Jamison

Linnie Townlin

Bobby Loper

Philip Dale Vogt

Jack Keller

Rickey Keller

Fernando Esquerra

Marvin & Betsy Nichols

Shun-Yi Ma Chou

Father Cit

Father Leonard

Ace Tupasi

Gretta Aker and Family

Jon Angel and Family

The John Koch & Sondra Peccia Families

Larry and Joseph Stouth

The Family of Buenaventura Rivera

Easter Flowers in

Honor of ...

Paschal Candle in

Honor of ... Paschal Candle in

Memory of ...

Page 7: April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 My Lord and my God!...Uno de los admiradores de Cristo fue Mahatma Gandhi. Cuando era estudiante en Sudáfrica, leyó la Biblia y se inspiró en el

Elementary Faith Formation Calendar Sunday, April 23: Class Friday, April 28: First Reconciliation 6 pm Sunday, April 30: Last RE Class. Note: ALL CHILDREN WILL ATTEND THE 11:00 MASS TOGETHER AFTER CLASS Friday, May 5: First Eucharist Rehearsal and Pictures 6:30 pm Sunday, May 7: First Eucharist 11 am English, 2 pm Spanish

Thank you for participating in CRS Rice Bowl this Lent. Please return your filled Rice Bowl through the collection or to the Office. Checks may be made payable to St. Mary’s.

Next week, we will take up the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Right now, over 40 percent

of dioceses in the US are considered home missions because they are unable to fund essential

pastoral work needed in their communities. Your support of this appeal helps ease the struggle

of these dioceses. Please prayerfully consider how you can support this appeal. More infor-

mation can be found at www.usccb.org/home-missions.

La próxima semana llevaremos a cabo el Llamado para las Misiones Católicas. Hoy, a más del

40 por ciento de las diócesis en Estados Unidos se le considera como diócesis misioneras ya

que no les es posible financiar las labores pastorales básicas en sus comunidades. Su apoyo a

este llamado ayuda a aliviar los esfuerzos de estas diócesis. Por favor, en oración, consideren la

manera de apoyar a este llamado. Pueden encontrar más información entrando a


Pray One! Knit One! The Prayer Shawl Ministry will gather on Monday, April 24 at 9:00am - 11:00am in the basement of the Lady of Guada-

lupe House. The meeting will conclude with a no-host luncheon outing. Please bring any white pocket shawls you may

have made for First Communion so that we may evaluate our supply for the upcoming event. Thank you to each one

of you that made the beautiful white shawls given to each new candidate and catechumen at the Easter vigil. We wel-

come all of into the St. Mary's family. St. Mary's Prayer Shawl Ministry welcomes all those too that are interested in

joining the journey of this beautiful ministry. If you wish to obtain more information please contact Carol Hawke at

541-926-2106 or email [email protected].

The 82nd Annual Archbishop’s Seminary Tea will be held at the Portland Golf Club on

Wednesday, May 3. The Tea is a fundraiser in support of seminarians preparing to

serve the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon. All are welcome to attend.

Stress in Your Marriage?

Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frus-

trated, or angry in their marriage. Some experience coldness. Others experience

conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know how to change the situation or even

communicate with their spouse about it. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s

of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential information

about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on June 23-25,

2017, call 1-503-225-9191 or visit www.helpourmarriage.org.

Seeking a Leader for the Greeters

Are you good at coordinating peo-

ple? We are in need of someone

to take on the leadership of the

Greeters. This would be to coordi-

nate when we have sign-ups to be

greeters in the first place,, lead

training sessions, be sure we have

coverage for special events and

the like. It would be across all

Masses - not that the leader has

to be at all Masses, just that they

are the go-to person for schedul-

ing and such. Please call Ace at

the office - 541-926-1449.


Page 8: April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 My Lord and my God!...Uno de los admiradores de Cristo fue Mahatma Gandhi. Cuando era estudiante en Sudáfrica, leyó la Biblia y se inspiró en el

5th Sunday Rosary

To help bring families together in a spiritual

activity and promote devotion to Mary, the Albany Knights of Columbus are

pleased to announce a new church activity, the 5th Sunday Rosary Program.

Knights, their families and other parishioners are encouraged to pray the rosary as

a corporate body every time a 5th Sunday occurs during in a month.

The Knights will lead a decade of the Rosary before each mass.

The next 5th Sunday Rosary services will be conducted on April 30th, July 30th,

October 29th



Albany Council 1577


Offertory Update 4/16/17 Parish General Collection: $14,819

Building & Maintenance: $100

Raise the Roof: $150

Local Charities: $198

Family Crisis Fund: $20

Catholic Education Fund: $123

Thank you for your support of St. Mary’s Parish through

your prayers, good wishes and gifts of time and money. If

you would like to use envelopes or EFT to make your

donations, please contact the parish office. Thanks!

Total Given Goal Percent of Goal

$19,614.50 $54,560.51 36%


You Can Help Your Marriage Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Have you stopped talking to each other? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times. This program has helped tens of thousands of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on June 23-25, 2017, call 1-503-225-9191 or visit www.helpourmarriage.org

Gathering Space Closed 4/22-23 No Coffee and Doughnuts

The Gathering Space will be closed off the weekend of April 22-23 for Confirmation activities. Please join us for Confirmation Mass at 5pm on SUNDAY and stay for the celebration afterwards.


Grow more fully into the person God has called

you to be through a dynamic, life-changing weekend

retreat. The Come, Follow Me retreat creates an en-

vironment where a personal encounter with Christ is

possible. By encountering Christ, you will develop

an ever-lasting relationship with Jesus. Through

your personal journey with Christ, you transform

your four fundamental relationships: with God, with

self, with others and the world.

Come together in fellowship and friendship while

rekindling and deepening your relationship with


June 2-4, 2017 $125.00/Scholarships available

Fr. Bernard Youth Center, Mt. Angel

For more information or to register online:


Parish rep: Pete Shobe 480-231-0307 or [email protected]

Through your generosity …

our Holy Thursday collection raised

$918 for Fish of Albany. This will

help Fish continue to carry out

their mission “… to provide

temporary assistance to persons in need” in our

community. Thank you!

Page 9: April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 My Lord and my God!...Uno de los admiradores de Cristo fue Mahatma Gandhi. Cuando era estudiante en Sudáfrica, leyó la Biblia y se inspiró en el


Be inspired by a new Catholic program for every day living that will motivate you to achieve your hopes and

dreams as you live a life of power, impact, freedom and purpose. It provides practical ways of living life to

the fullest and helping you make faith a part of your daily life. Bruce Downes The Catholic Guy Television has

changed lives by his down-to-earth approach. For more info, see

DirectTV ch 371, DISH ch 258, AT&T U-Verse ch 565, Verizon Fios ch 288 at 5:30am (PST)

or go to BruceDownesThe CatholicGuy.com

Walk for Life!

Sunday, May 21, 2017, bring the entire family to the Walk for Life! Meet at St Joseph’s Catholic Church in Salem in the parish center at Center & Cottage Streets Silent Auction from 9:30 am - 3:15 pm;

Lunch available 12 – 2 pm; Walk from 2 – 3 pm rain or shine! All proceeds benefit Michael the Archangel & St Germaine Pregnancy Support Centers.

Questions? Call 503-581-2229 or email [email protected]


Theme: “Growth in Prayer” Speaker: Father Brian Mullady, O.P. Date: Friday, May 5 – 7, 2017 Location: 3600 SW 170th Ave., Beaverton Suggested donation: $150

Father adds new insights and reflections to his favorite theme. Retreat begins with Friday Dinner at 6 pm and concludes after Brunch on Sunday. To register, phone the Retreat House at 503-649-7127 or email [email protected]


Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you." Celebrate God’s

love and mercy to each other by going to a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on May 26th - 28th at

Our Lady of Peace Retreat House in Beaverton Oregon. For more information call 503-853-2758 or apply on-

line at www.rediscoverthespark.org. Additional dates and locations are listed on-line.


Please do not throw anything other than the linens in the netted bin in the kitchen. I have recently found fruit, water bottles, wrappers, paper towels and an entire plate of food and a sauce in the bin. It's not pleasant and some of these things have made it into my washer. Nothing other than the used wash clothes and towels should be in there. If you are working in the kitchen and have small children with you, please watch that they don't unknowingly toss anything in with the linen. Thank you for your cooperation, and God bless all our volunteers....Peace, hugs & love, Fran Pace


Favor, de no tirar nada más que las toallas en la canasta que esta en la cocina al lado del refrigerador. Recientemente he encontrado fruta, botellas de agua, envolturas de comida, toallas de papel un plato con comida y salsa en la canasta. No es agradable y algunas de estas cosas se han ido en mi lavadora. Solamente las toallas que se usan en la cocina deben ir en esa canasta. Si Cuando usted está trabajando en la cocina y tiene niños pequeños con usted, favor, de ver que no tiren basura en la canasta donde van las toallas. Gracias por su cooperación, y Dios bendiga a todos nuestros voluntarios .... Paz, abrazos y amor, Fran Pace

Page 10: April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 My Lord and my God!...Uno de los admiradores de Cristo fue Mahatma Gandhi. Cuando era estudiante en Sudáfrica, leyó la Biblia y se inspiró en el

Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Feast of Divine Mercy – April 23: Go to Mass, Adoration, Confession, and Pray a Chaplet.

I adore You, Lord and Creator, hidden in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I adore You for all the works of Your

hands, that reveal to me so much wisdom, goodness and mercy, O Lord. You have spread so much beauty over the earth

and it tells me about Your beauty; even though these beautiful things are but a faint reflecton of Your incomprehensible

Beauty. And although You have hidden yourself and concealed Your beauty, my eyes, enlightened by faith, reaches You

and my soul recognizes its Creator, its Highest Good, and my heart is completely immerses in prayer of adoration. O

Christ, let my greatest delight be to see You loved and Your praise and glory proclaimed, especially the the honor of

Your mercy. O Christ, let me glorify Your goodness and mercy to the last moment of my life, with every drop of my

blood and every beat of my heart. Would that I be transformed into a hymn of adoration of You. When I find myself on

my death bed, may the last beat of my heart be a loving hymn glorifying Your unfathomable mery. Amen. (St. Maria


Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration is available in the chapel 24

hours every day. For adoration outside of the 24-hour regular Thursday schedule, call the office for instructions and to

enlist. Everyone is welcome. Spend as much or as little time as you can. Thank you for offering our Lord this special

hour. Expect God's blessing, and give Him thanks.

Mater Dei Radio 2017 Spring Sharathon

Mater Dei Radio – KBVM 88.3 FM will broadcast its Spring Sharathon 2017 on May 1st through the 5th. Help them in “Building a Bridge of Mercy” by tuning in for a variety of special guests, inspiring conversion stories, special gifts, and an oppor-tunity for you to support the re-gion’s only Catholic radio sta-tion. Find out more about Spring Sharathon 2017 at MaterDeiRadio.com or call 1-888-823-5286.


100th Anniversary Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima 10 Day Pilgrimage to Portugal offered over three dates in October 2017. We can be departing Your Airport and at the all land inclusive cost of $2149.00 in twin accom-modations with single accommodations also available. Call for the special air price from your city. We will be visiting Lisbon, Fatima ,Santarem Portugal, Lourdes France and Barcelona Spain. Please call Mr. James Adair at 1-855-564-1008 toll free or simply e-mail [email protected]


The Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land have the unique responsibility of caring for the Holy Places as well as caring for the Christians living in the Holy Land. It is vital that we care for the Christians living in the Holy Land in order to maintain a Christian presence in a land that is filled with a majority Islamic and Jewish population.

Through your generous donations of $800 on Good Friday, we are able to help the Friars in their mission.

Page 11: April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 My Lord and my God!...Uno de los admiradores de Cristo fue Mahatma Gandhi. Cuando era estudiante en Sudáfrica, leyó la Biblia y se inspiró en el

Catholic Daughters of the Americas #1461

Regent: Dorothy Gall 541-926-4699 1st Monday each month @ 6:30 PM All lady parishioners welcome!

For information about an ad

in the bulletin, contact Joni

at stmarysbusi-

[email protected]

St. Mary’s

Appreciates our

Bulletin advertisers!

Albany Helping Hands Thrift Store 705 First Ave E Changing Lives

Open 10 AM— 6 PM Monday– Saturday

Donate a Vehicle Help a Neighbor

St. Vincent de Paul’s Car Program 1-800-227-8223

Free towing

Quality Hay Bales Orchard, Fescue, Ryegrass mix

3-stringed bales avg. 115# each Contact: Call or text Michelle

Nowak @ 541-409-4103

To our anonymous parishioner who is generously donating

flowers every month ... THANK YOU!!

Patty Mello

Independent Beauty


(541) 926-2631

Holy Mary,

Mother of God,

pray for us.

Dave Pautsch

St. Mary’s


Principal Broker

Listing Specialist

Buyer Broker

Juan Vasquez

Listing Specialist

Buyer Broker

Se Habla


Bill Raschko

Listing Specialist

Buyer Broker

Our Bulletin goes out in print, via email and is posted on the web &


A big THANK YOU! To the groups who faithfully set

out our coffee and donuts each Sunday.

St. Mary’s Celebrating

132 Years!

1885– 2017

Page 12: April 23, 2017 23 de Abril 2017 My Lord and my God!...Uno de los admiradores de Cristo fue Mahatma Gandhi. Cuando era estudiante en Sudáfrica, leyó la Biblia y se inspiró en el

ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish

706 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321-2366 541-926-1449

WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 5:00PM English, 7:00 PM Spanish; Sunday 8:30AM English, 11:00 AM English, 1:00PM Spanish DAILY MASSES: Monday to Saturday 8:30AM, Wednesday 5:30PM, 1st Thursdays @ 9:45AM in Mennonite Home Chapel CONFESSIONS: Wednesday 9:15AM - 5PM, Saturday 3:30 - 4:30PM, 6:15 - 7:00PM, Sunday 7:30 - 8:30AM, 10:00 - 11:00AM, 12:15 - 1PM NOVENA to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Daily Communal Recitation 8:00-8:30AM and 5:00-5:30PM on Wednesday, personal recitation all day Wednesday in the chapel (Novena booklets available in both languages.) ADORATION: Thursday 9:00AM to Friday 8:15AM

In Times of Need PRAYER CHAIN: Fran Pace, [email protected] PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: if you would like a prayer shawl for someone who is ill or experiencing a loss, please contact Carol Hawke at 541-926-2106 or [email protected]. RETROUVAILLE / REDISCOVERY OF OREGON: for couples whose marriages are experiencing pain or communication breakdown. 1-800-470-2230 or www.helpourmarriage.com. BEGINNING EXPERIENCE: weekly support meetings and weekend retreats to aid in healing and beginning again for the widowed, divorced and separated or anyone experiencing the death or loss of a friend or relative. 503-393-2361.

Father Aniceto Guiriba, Administrator, ext 338 Father Leonard Omolo, ALCP, Parochial Vicar, ext 338 Administrative Assistant to the Priests: Teresa Middlemiss, ext 338 Parish Office: Marty Kloeck (AM), Janice, Margie and other volunteers Business Office: Joni Siewell, ext 305 Elementary Religious Education Director: Suzanne Duda, ext 344 Youth Coordinator: Cherrie Barnes, ext 315

Adult & Young Adult Religious Education Director and Liturgy Coordinator: Ace Tupasi, ext 304 Music Director: Lan VoBa Office hours Tuesday- Friday ~ 9 to Noon & 1 to 4 PM Parish Office: 541-926-1449 Emergency Phone: 541-220-0634 Fax: 541-926-2191 Email: [email protected] web site: www.stmarysalbany.com

Welcome! April 23, 2017 2nd Sunday of Easter

Bienvenidos a su casa a su iglesia Santa María

Asistentes en el Pastoral del Ministerio Hispano Marciano y Honorina Lopez 541- 619-1504

Los Sacramentos en español :

Bautismo: Marcos y Aracely Rodriguez; Anselmo Nunez Primera Comunion: Suzanne Duda Boda: Humberto y Susana Martinez 541-971-2698 Quinceanera: Honorina Lopez Confirmacion: Marciano y Honorina Lopez Catecismo para Adulto: Antonio Reyes - Domingo de 11:20 am a 12:40 pm

Representante del Consejo Pastoral: Marisol de la Torre

Para preguntas llamar o venir a la oficina de Martes a Viernes de 1:00pm a 4:00pm 541-926-1449 o al 541-619-1504

Horario de las Confesiones son: Miercoles : De 9:15am a 5:00pm Sabados : De 3:30pm a 4:30pm y 6:15pm a 7:00pm Domingo : De 7:30 a 8:30am, 10:00 a 11:00am, y 12:15pm a 1:00pm

Horario de las misas en español Sábado: 7:00pm Domingo 1:00pm

Aquí en nuestra parroquia tenemos grupos de oración y evange-lización. Los invitamos a formar parte de esta familia parroquial . Lunes grupo de oración en la capilla a las 7:00pm Martes grupo San Juan Diego para hombres a las 7:00pm en la casa Guadalupe Miércoles grupo San Juan Diego para mujeres a las 7:00pm en la casa Guadalupe Viernes grupo Apóstoles de la palabra a las 7:00pm en la casa Guadalupe