applying video games in language learning - satu eskelinen

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  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen


  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    Tie"e'!nta 1 2ac!lt#

    H!+anistinen tie"e'!nta

    Lait%s 1 Depart+ent

    3ielten lait%s

    Te'i4* 1 A!th%r

    Sat! Es'elinenT#5n ni+i 1 Title

    Appl#in, vi"e% ,a+es in lan,!a,e learnin, an" teachin,

    The learner perspective a case st!"#

    Oppiaine 1 S!64ect


    T#5n la4i 1 Level


    Ai'a 1 M%nth an" #ear

    'es*'!! ./0.

    Siv!+**r* 1 N!+6er %( pa,es

    .7 siv!a 8 9 liitett*

    Tiivistel+* 1 A6stract

    T!t'iel+an tar'%it!'sena %n selvitt** %ppi4%i"en n*'e+#'si* vi"e%pelien n#'#isist* 4a

    +ah"%llisista '*#tt5tav%ista 'ielten%pet!'sessa %ttaen h!%+i%%n '%ehen'il5i"en '%!l!t!s: 4a

    pelaa4ata!stan; Pelit!t'i+!sta ei %le viel* teht# 'a!aa< 4%ten ala %n ha4anainen< +!tta t*+*

    t!t'i+!s p%h4a!t!! tiet%'%neav!steisen %ppi+isen =CALL> 4a vi"e%peleihin per!st!van

    %ppi+isen =DG$L> t!t'i+!'seen; CALL ei 'es'it# eri'seen pelien '*#tt55n tai '*sittelee

    ene++*n 'ielten%ppi+iseen teht#4* %h4el+ia< '!n taas peleihin per!st!vassa %pet!'sessa

    'ielet eiv*t %le erit#isase+assa; Oppi+ist!l%'sia 4a %ppi4a'%'e+!'sia pelien '*#t5st* %n

    'er*tt# l*hinn* esi'%!l!: 4a per!s'%!l!i'*isilt*< 4%ten l!'i%lais'%'eil! t*#"ent** t!t'i+!sten

    i'*4a'a!+aa; T!t'i+!sta varten '%ehen'il5t pelasivat viihteellist*< s!!relta %sin

    te'stip%h4aista The 3in,"%+ %( L%athin, :ver''%r%%lipeli* 4a vastasivat t!t'i+!s'#s#+#'siin

    '#sel#l%+a''een 4a haastattel!n p%h4alta; Osallist!4at '%'ivat %ppineensa pelist* l*hinn*sanast%a 4a te'stin#++*rr#st* se'* pelaa+iselle %+inaisia tiet%4a 4a tait%4a; T!l%'set t!'ivat

    pelien '*#tt5* perinteise++*n 'ielten%pet!'sen t!'ena +!tta eiv*t %+ana itsen*isen*

    %pet!s+!%t%naan aina'aan testat!n pelin %salta;

    Asiasanat 1 3e#?%r"s Vi"e%pelit< 'ielen %ppi+inen< 'ielet 1 %pet!s< tiet%'%neav!steinen

    %ppi+inen< tiet%'%neav!steinen %petta+inen< peleihin per!st!va %pet!s vi"e% ,a+es;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;B

    .;.;0 Ga+es in learnin, c!rric!lar c%ntent;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    .;.;. Ga+es in learnin, %ther 'n%?le",e an" s'ills;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;7

    .;.;9 Attit!"es t%?ar"s ,a+es in teachin, an" %6stacles t% !sin, ,a+es;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0/

    9 METHODOLOGY;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0.

    9;0 The 3in,"%+ %( L%athin, an" the present st!"#;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0.

    9;. Meth%"s %( "ata c%llecti%n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;09

    9;.;0 E+pirical settin,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0

    9;.;. !esti%nnaire an" intervie?;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0

    9;9 Meth%"s %( anal#sis;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0

    LEARNER VIEFS ON GAMES IN LANGUAGE TEACHING;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0B

    ;0 E"!cati%n< lan,!a,e an" ,a+in, 6ac',r%!n";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0B

    ;. 3%L in lan,!a,e learnin,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0;9 3%L in lan,!a,e teachin,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;./

    ; Attit!"es an" practical iss!es;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.0

    ; Other reacti%ns t% the ,a+e;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.


    B $I$LIOGRAPHY;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.-


  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen




    Vi"e% ,a+e in"!str# is a rapi"l# ,r%?in, (iel" especiall# in 2inlan"; The en%r+%!s s!ccess

    %( the +%6ile ,a+e An,r# $ir"s has sh%?n h%? ,a+es c%!l" 6e the c%!ntr#&s ne? specialt# ?hich %((ers "e,ree pr%,ra+s %n ,a+e "evel%pin,;

    Si+ilarl# the (iel" %( ,a+e st!"ies< als% calle" l!"%l%,#< is ,ainin, ,r%!n" an" ?i"enin, its

    sc%pe even t% ,a+er i"entities an" ,a+e c!lt!res as ne? research is +a"e;

    O( c%!rse< pe%ple "% n%t %nl# pla# vi"e% ,a+es t% st!"# %r t% +a'e +%ne# %!t %( the+;

    Acc%r"in, t% the +%st recent 2innish Pla#er $ar%+eter =3arvinen an" M*#r* ./00 ./>< the

    +a4%rit# %( 2innish pe%ple =B> a,e" (r%+ 0/ t% pla#e" c%+p!ter< vi"e%< +%6ile %r %ther

    p%ssi6le "i,ital ,a+es at least %nce a +%nth< an" "!rin, the #ear ./00< 7 ha" pla#e" s%+e

    "i,ital ,a+e; 2%r c%+paris%n< . %( A+erican h%!seh%l"s pla#e" c%+p!ter %r vi"e% ,a+es

    in ./0/ =ESA ./0.>; Certainl# it is n%t %nl# the #%!n, an" chil"ren ?h% pla#< as the avera,e

    a,e %( a ,a+er is 9 in 6%th c%!ntries; In 2inlan"< all a,e ,r%!ps n%? pla# +%re "i,ital ,a+es

    than in the previ%!s t?% #ears; H%?ever< the +%st active pla#ers in 2inlan" =%ver ./ h%!rs per?ee'> are #%!n, +en< an" the ,ap 6et?een %l"er an" #%!n,er ,enerati%ns is lar,er than the

    "i((erences 6et?een +en an" ?%+en =3arvinen an" M*#r* ./00 ./>;

    The En,lish lan,!a,e has a special r%le in 2inlan" as a (%rei,n lan,!a,e; It is ?i"el# 'n%?n

    an" sp%'en< an" +%st 2inns enc%!nter En,lish "ail# in their lives an" speci(icall# thr%!,h

    +e"ia< s% En,lish is a sec%n" lan,!a,e t% +an# "espite it n%t 6ein, an %((icial lan,!a,e in

    2inlan"; This stat!s %( lin,!a (ranca has pr%6a6l# le" t% +%st ,a+es 6ein, 6r%!,ht t% 2inlan"

    ?ith%!t 2innish translati%n al+%st all vi"e% ,a+es s%l" in 2inlan"< ecept (%r chil"ren&s

    ,a+es< are in En,lish; An%ther ver# li'el# reas%n (%r this is the s+all siJe %( the 2innish:

    spea'in, ,a+e +ar'et< s% %(ten %nl# the a""iti%nal ,a+e 6%%'lets %r +an!als ?ith 6asic

    instr!cti%ns t% the ,a+e are translate"; M%re%ver< translate" s!6titles< ?hich are ver# c%++%n

    in 2innish televisi%n< are etre+el# rare i( n%neistent in vi"e% ,a+es< an" it is +%re c%++%n

    t% have an %pti%n (%r En,lish:lan,!a,e s!6titles; Chil"ren&s ,a+es< h%?ever< are +!ch +%re

    c%nsistentl# translate" c%+pletel# int% %ther lan,!a,es< 6!t nevertheless "epen"in, %n the a,e

    %( the tar,et ,r%!p the# +i,ht als% 6e le(t !ntranslate";
  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen


    Ga+es as a +ainl# En,lish 6!t ver# p%p!lar +e"i!+ pr%vi"es an en,a,in, %pp%rt!nit# (%r

    in(%r+al lan,!a,e learnin, %!tsi"e (%r+al e"!cati%n; A recent pr% ,ra"! thesis 6# Olli

    U!s'%s'i at the Universit# %( Helsin'i sh%?e" that 2innish !pper sec%n"ar# sch%%l st!"ents< +an# areas are #et t% 6e researche";

    Fhereas CALL research has l%n, 6een "irectl# c%+pare" ?ith classr%%+ teachin, as a

    separate +eth%"< CALL n%? c%+ple+ents tra"iti%nal teachin, as c%+p!ters have 6ec%+e a

    (ir+ part %( sch%%ls =$eatt# .//9 09:0>; There have 6een atte+pts t% incl!"e c%+p!ter:

    6ase" ?ritin, an" spea'in, activities in a""iti%nal t% tra"iti%nal< easil# realisa6le rea"in, an"

    listenin, eercises< 6!t "i((erent speech s#nthesis< v%ice rec%,niti%n an" arti(icial intelli,ence

    techn%l%,ies have n%t #et pr%vi"e" s!((icient res!lts =$eatt# .//9 0.>;

    One +%re speci(ic (%r+ %( CALL< cl%sel# relate" t% %nline +!ltipla#er ,a+es ?here pe%ple

    can c%++!nicate ?ith pla#ers (r%+ all %ver the ?%rl"< is C%+p!ter:Me"iate"

    C%++!nicati%n =CMC>; $eatt# eplains it as (%ll%?s

    CMC re(ers t% a sit!ati%n in ?hich c%+p!ter:6ase" "isc!ssi%n +a# ta'e place 6!t

    ?ith%!t necessaril# inv%lvin, learnin,; O( c%!rse< %pp%rt!nities (%r learnin, are

    inherentl# present< especiall# in sit!ati%ns in ?hich learners nee" t% en,a,e in ne,%tiati%n

    %( +eanin, ?ith native spea'ers %( the tar,et lan,!a,e %r even ?ith peers %( n%n:native

    pr%(icienc#; =$eatt# .//9 B.>

    Negotiation of meaning< as presente" 6# $eatt# =.//9 ->< is the act %( learners ens!rin, the#

    have a c%++%n !n"erstan"in, %( ?hat is +eant; It is als% relate" t% the c%ncept %(

    comprehensible input< ?hich si+pl# +eans !n"erstan"a6le lan,!a,e pr%vi"e" t% the learners

    =$eatt# .//9 -0:-.>< an" ?hich is ,enerall# c%nsi"ere" i+p%rtant in lan,!a,e teachin, s%

    that the inp!t (%ll%?s the learners& level %( c%+prehensi%n; $eatt# =i6i";> n%tes that CALL can

    als% pr%vi"e etralin,!istic c!es thr%!,h s%!n"< i+a,es< ani+ati%n an" vi"e% t% ai"

    c%+prehensi%n; H%?ever< he sa#s that the pr%6le+ ?ith c%+p!ters as %pp%se" t% teachers is

    (in"in, the s!ita6le level %( "i((ic!lt#; S%+e ?a#s he presents t% res%lve this are learner:pr%+pte" cl!es< learners selectin, their %?n level %r testin, their lan,!a,e s'ills (irst;

    Acc%r"in, t% $eatt# =.//9 ->< CALL has 6een +ar'ete" an" !se" (%r "i((erent learnin,

    p!rp%ses< s!ch as a Kc%+plete +eth%" %( learnin, a lan,!a,eK< %r at sch%%l as an ai" (%r

    ?ea'er %r as a re?ar" (%r (aster learners; One %( the stren,hts %( CALL is that it pr%vi"es

    %pp%rt!nities (%r learner a!t%n%+#< as the# can !se learnin, s%(t?are n%t %nl# at sch%%l< %r it

    helps learners "irect their %?n learnin, an" learn critical s'ills; =$eatt# .//9 0/< B>;

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    2.2 '$ta" $ame-(ase! "ear##$ %')BL&

    DG$L is a ,r%?in, (iel" %( !sin, "i,ital ,a+es in e"!cati%n an" trainin, %( "i((erent

    'n%?le",e an" s'ills< an" s%+e a!th%rs s!ch as Prens'# =.//0> an" Gee =.//9> are seen as

    lea"ers %( the "i,ital ,a+e rev%l!ti%n in learnin,; As %pp%se" t% CALL< ?here the c%+p!ter

    assists learnin,< in Di,ital ,a+e:based learnin, the ,a+es are central an" ?here p%ssi6le s%+e?hat

    tra"iti%nal ei,ht ,enres an" Pelitiet%;net&s =.//7> perhaps +%re c%nte+p%rar#< ,a+er

    c%++!nit#&s percepti%n %( seven ,a+e t#pes have s%+ethin, in c%++%n 6!t als% "i((er

    s!6stantiall#; There is +!ch %verlap an" +an# ,a+es cann%t 6e "esi,nate" int% a sin,le %r

    an# ,enre; Ga+es als% have their tar,et a!"ience< ?hich can 6e 6ase" (%r instance %n pla#ers&

    a,e< se< interests an" c%!ntr#; There certainl# are ,a+es n%t %nl# (%r core gamers=?h% see

    pla#in, as part %( their li(e< as %pp%se" t% casual gaming> %r 6%#s< an" a6%!t c%!ntless t%pics;

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen


    Prens'# =.//0> an" Gee =.//9> 6%th state that vi"e% ,a+es can 6e i++ensel# en,a,in,;

    Even "#in, in a ,a+e is n%t "isc%!ra,in,< as the pla#er ?ill 'n%? ?hat he %r she "i" ?r%n,

    an" then tr# a,ain; $eca!se the ,a+es are s% en4%#a6le< the pla#er ?ill n%t +in" pla#in, the

    sa+e sp%t a,ain (%r h%!rs !ntil havin, learne" the c%rrect acti%n< an" the st%ries that ,a+es

    tell +a'e the pla#ers 6ec%+e e+%ti%nall# attache" t% the+< an" the# ?ant t% learn ne? s'ills

    t% 'n%? h%? the ,a+e en"s;

    2.2.1 )ames # "ear##$ *urr*u"ar *o#te#t

    N%n:e"!cati%nal ,a+es are n%t "irecte" at learnin, a certain s'ill< s% their c%ntent is %(ten

    ver# inter"isciplinar#; H%?ever< as !sin, ,a+es in sch%%l teachin, is eperi+ente"< the

    c%ntent has t% 6e "irectl# relate" t% the c!rric!l!+ an" the ,a+es ch%sen acc%r"in,l#< rather

    than ch%%sin, a ,%%" ,a+e in itsel( an" learnin, ?hatever it has t% %((er; In a s!rve# sent t%

    2innish c%+prehensive sch%%l teachers =3le+etti< Tai+ist% an" 3arppinen .//7 0//:0/0>< (%ll%?e" 6# 2innish =.>< an" %n the (%!rth place ?ere (%rei,n lan,!a,es =07>; S!rprisin,l# %( - E!r%pean c%!ntries =2inlan" n%t incl!"e">< the !se %( ,a+es in

    teachin, ?as +%st c%++%n in (irst an" (%rei,n lan,!a,e teachin, ?ith a p%rti%n %( .;

    A(ter lan,!a,es< ,a+es ?ere !se" %(ten in ,e%,raph#< +aths an" hist%r# less%ns< then

    (%ll%?e" 6# science an" 6!siness st!"ies; The r%le %( ,a+es in (irst lan,!a,e teachin, +i,ht

    6e +%re pr%+inent in pri+ar# sch%%l than later %n 6eca!se %( the availa6il# %( ,a+es that

    enhance literac# s'ills< 6!t these st!"ies "i" n%t c%+pare the !se %( ,a+es 6et?een (irst an"

    (%rei,n lan,!a,es;

    EUN< E!r%pean Sch%%lnet =Fastia!< 3earne#< an" Van "en $er,he .//7> c%n"!cte" case st!"ies

    in - E!r%pean c%!ntries< ?here the !se %( ,a+es ?as ea+ine" an" eperiences %( the case

    st!"ies ?ere s!rve#e"; Di((erent ,a+es ?ere !se" ?ith "i((erent ai+s s!ch as inspirin,

    ?ritten pr%"!cti%n< +etac%,nitive s'ills li'e sel(:assess+ent an" c%ncentrati%n< s%cial an"

    tea+?%r' s'ills; One %( the case st!"ies =Fastia!< 3earne# an" Van "en $er,he .//7 99:9>

    !se" ,a+es speci(icall# in lan,!a,e teachin, the ,a+e %% T#c%%n . ?as !se" in A!stria t%

    teach lan,!a,e s'ills t% 0.:#ear:%l"s; 2irst the ,a+e ?as pla#e" in Ger+an< in ?hich the

    p!pils c%!l" have "e6ates %r ?rite "iaries< 6l%, entries an" letters %( the ,a+e&s c%ntent< an"

    then the ,a+e ?as pla#e" in En,lish "!rin, En,lish less%ns; The p!pils ,aine" ne?

    v%ca6!lar#< 'n%?le",e %( the ani+als an" plannin, ec%n%+ical ch%ices in a"vance; The

    teachers c%ncl!"e" that the ,a+e c%+6ine" (!n an" learnin, per(ectl# an" that it c%!l" 6e

    !se" in c%nnecti%n ?ith the c!rric!l!+ in +an# "i((erent s!64ects;

    In the Unite" 3in,"%+< case st!"ies ?ere si+ilarl# c%n"!cte" 6# 2!t!rela6 =San"(%r"< the !se %( ,a+es in the %ther 2rench class

    ?as "escri6e" in "etail the learnin, ,%al ?as t% learn v%ca6!lar# an" its !se ?ithin c%ntet

    =San"(%r" et al; .//B .>; Despite technical pr%6le+s that le" t% %nl# %ne learner pla#in, at a

    ti+e an" %thers %nl# ?ritin, a st%r# 6ase" %n the pla#in,< eperience %( the less%n ?as

    p%sitive an" the v%ca6!lar# ?as +%re +e+%ra6le than thr%!,h ?%r" lists;

    There are +an# %ther ea+ples %( vi"e% ,a+es !se" in teachin, "i((erent s!64ects in a""iti%n

    t% the case st!"ies +enti%ne" a6%ve< %ne 'n%?n ea+ple 6ein, Aar%n Fhelchel =Fhelchel

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    .//>< ?h% !se" three civiliJati%n strate,# ,a+es =CiviliJati%n III< A,e %( E+pires II an"

    Rise %( Nati%ns> in teachin, ?%rl" hist%r# 6# "esi,nin, a speci(ic c%!rse 6ase" %n the c%ntent

    %((ere" 6# the ,a+es; O( c%!rse< there eist e"!cati%nal ,a+es (%r all s!64ects< Min,%ville

    =Me#er an" Srensen .//7> 6ein, %ne +a"e (%r teachin, En,lish as a (%rei,n lan,!a,e< 6!t

    %!t %( the+ %nl# s%+e< +ainl# ?%r" ,a+es =e;,; F%r" Shar'>< are p%p!lar "espite their clear

    e"!cati%nal p!rp%se; In a""iti%n< s%+e ,a+es (%r entertain+ent c%!l" easil# 6e inte,rate" in

    teachin, %( certain t%pics %r s'ills as +an# ,a+es are 6ase" %n s!ch s'ills< (%r ea+ple p!JJle

    ,a+es ?ith "etaile" ph#sics +%"elin, s!ch as in An,r# $ir"s;

    St!"ies %n in(%r+al learnin, %( c!rric!lar c%ntent< +eanin, learnin, %!tsi"e sch%%l %r (%r+al

    e"!cati%n< sh%? the ,reat r%le %( En,lish in 2inlan" pr%+inentl#; The a(%re+enti%ne" pr%

    ,ra"! thesis %( Olli U!si'%s'i =YLE U!tiset 3%ti+aa ./00> sh%?e" a c%rrelati%n 6et?een

    in(%r+al ,a+in, an" En,lish ,ra"es in 2innish !pper sec%n"ar# sch%%ls; Er+i< Heli5 an"

    M*#r*&s =.// BB:B7> st!"# %n 0/:0.:#ear:%l" chil"ren as a,ents in ,a+e c!lt!res als%

    sh%?e" h%? En,lish is visi6le in ,a+in, En,lish ?as the +%st central t%pic learne"

    in(%r+all# thr%!,h ,a+es; Chil"ren learne" v%ca6!lar# %(ten thr%!,h the translati%n help %(

    their parents %r %l"er si6lin,s< 6!t the# als% c%!l" c%pe %n their %?n; Saaren'!nnas =.//B>

    (%c!se" %n in(%r+al lan,!a,e learnin, %( a 0/:#ear:%l" 6%#; In her case st!"#< c%lla6%rati%n

    an" c%++!nicati%n %( +an# pla#ers ?as a ,reat res%!rce (%r learnin,< +ainl# thr%!,h

    ne,%tiati%n %( v%ca6!lar#; The 6%#< ?h% ha" st!"ie" En,lish (%r+all# %nl# (%r %ne #ear an" a

    hal(< c%!l" rea" l%n, stretches %( tet an" c%++!nicate creativel# in En,lish; Overall< the

    in(%r+al learnin, %( En,lish is p%ssi6l# ,reater than %( an# %ther s!64ect in 2inlan"< an"

    thr%!,h ,a+es< sch%%ls c%!l" thrive t% 6!il" 6ri",es 6et?een (%r+al e"!cati%n an" the p!pils&

    ever#"a# li(e;

    2.2.2 )ames # "ear##$ ot+er ,#o"e!$e a#! s,""s

    Even th%!,h ,a+es (%r entertain+ent are n%t "esi,ne" t% teach certain s!64ects< s%+e s'ills

    are essential (%r pla#in, an" learnin, thin,s in ,eneral; Fell:"esi,ne" ,a+es teach the

    necessar# s'ills t% the pla#er ?hen the pla#er nee"s the+< an" these teachin, principles can

    p%ssi6l# 6e applie" t% (%r+al learnin,; Gee =.//9> intr%"!ce" the c%ncept %(game literacy< a

    s'ill charactecteristic t% ne? ,a+in, ,enerati%ns an" a s'ill that h%pe(!ll# ?%!l" trans(er t%

    the learnin, %( %ther s'ills; Ga+e literac# is eplaine" 6# San"(%r" et al; =.//B :> as!n"erstan"in, Kthe !n"erl#in, narrative %( the ,a+e an" its ele+entsK an" trans(errin,

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    'n%?le",e 6et?een "i((erent ,a+es< s!ch as s#+6%ls !se" in ,a+es ="%%r +eans eit> an"

    c%++%n acti%ns nee"e" =clic'in, an" "ra,,in, ?ith +%!se> an" +%re c%+ple +eanin,s %(

    ,a+e "esi,n =(l%atin, re" n!+6ers +ean l%ss %( +%ne#>;

    Pla#in, ,a+es can als% teach "i((erent +etac%,nitive s'ills that are nee"e" in sch%%l an"

    "i,ital envir%n+ents; St!"ies have sh%?n that especiall# ?ea'er st!"ents have ha" 6etter

    c%ncentrati%n< ,aine" sel(:c%n(i"ence an" learne" sel(:assess+ent (r%+ pla#in,< an" ,a+es

    ha" the +%st p%sitive learnin, i+pact %n ?ea'er rather than 6etter st!"ents; Rather than

    lea"in, t% anti:s%cial 6ehavi%!r< +%st st!"ies rep%rt learnin, s%cial an" c%%perati%n s'ills

    thr%!,h pla#in,< an" %(ten sch%%ls have i+ple+ente" ,a+es as eercises that reQ!ire

    tea+?%r'; H%?ever< critical thin'in, is n%t al?a#s seen s% clearl# as a res!lt %( pla#in,

    ,a+es; S%+e %ther s'ills n%t tie" t% an# sch%%l s!64ect that are learne" (r%+ ,a+es are

    pr%6le+:s%lvin, s'ills< spatial an" +%t%r s'ills =han":e#e:c%%r"inati%n>< technical an" IT

    s'ills; =Fastia!< 3earne#< an" Van "en $er,he .//7 :B Er+i< Heli5 an" M*#r* .// BB:

    B7 San"(%r" et al; .//B 0:0->;

    2.2. Atttu!es toar!s $ames # tea*+#$ a#! o(sta*"es to us#$ $ames

    $ase" %n teacher s!rve#s< +an# teachers are p%sitive %r ea,er t% !se vi"e% ,a+es in teachin,;

    H%?ever< s!rve#s %n teacher attit!"es have sel"%+ +a"e a "istincti%n 6et?een e"!cati%nal

    ,a+es %r ,a+es (%r entertain+ent; In the s!rve# c%n"!cte" 6# EUN =Fastia!< 3earne#< an"

    Van "en $er,he .//7 9B:/>< / %( the teachers ?ere alrea"# !sin, vi"e% ,a+es in their

    teachin,< an" a +a4%rit# =-/> ?ere intereste" in 'n%?in, +%re; In an%ther s!rve# %n teacher

    attit!"es =3le+etti< Tai+ist% an" 3arppinen .//7>< B %( the 2innish c%+prehensive sch%%l

    teachers ?h% participate" t%l" the# !se "i,ital learnin, ,a+es; H%?ever< in 2!t!rela6&s s!rve#

    in the U3 =San"(%r" et al; .//B 0->< the ,enerati%nal ,ap is clear< as . %( the s!rve#e"

    pri+ar# an" sec%n"ar# sch%%l teachers sai" the# never pla# vi"e% ,a+es< ?hereas -. %( the

    chil"ren pla#e" re,!larl#; Ma4%rit# %( the+ ?as p%sitive< 6!t a thir" %( the teachers an" a (i(th

    %( the st!"ents th%!,ht that c%+p!ter ,a+es sh%!l" n%t 6e !se" in the classr%%+;

    There are +an# teacher epectati%ns t% vi"e% ,a+es; 2%r the ,a+es !se"< the# sh%!l" 6e

    versatile an" s!((icient (%r several less%ns< 6!t the# sh%!l" s!it the li+its %( a sin,le less%n at

    a ti+e; M%re%ver< the# sh%!l" 6e challen,in, 6!t eas# t% learn an" !se =3le+etti< Tai+ist%

    an" 3arppinen .//7 0/0:0/.>; M%tivati%n is the +%st epecte" %!tc%+e %( !sin, ,a+es in a

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    classr%%+ =77 %( 2innish teachers in 3le+etti< Tai+ist% an" 3arppinen .//7 0//:0/0>;

    An%ther ,reat %6stacle is the lac' %( ti+e an" res%!rces; Teachers (eel that plannin, less%ns

    ?ith ,a+es ta'es +%re ti+e< %(ten 6eca!se the# have t% 'n%? the ,a+e the+selves (irst; Als%

    the len,th %( a n%r+al less%n< :7/ +in!tes in 2inlan"< "%es n%t s!it the ti+e reQ!ire" (%r a

    sin,le ,a+e sessi%n ?ell; S%+e learners are ver# Q!ic' in learnin, h%? the ,a+e ?%r's an"

    then c%+pletin, all the nee"e" tas's in the ,a+e< 6!t there learners "i((er ,reatl# in their

    spee"; Technical pr%6le+s< ?hich +a# c%+e as a s!rprise< can als% re"!ce the ti+e availa6le

    (%r teachin,; The lac' %( res%!rces incl!"es the lac' %( c%+p!ters an" +%ne#< 6!t als% the

    lac' %( trainin, an" s!pp%rt (%r teachers an" %ther sch%%l pers%nnel; Even th%!,h c%+p!ters

    are ?i"e:sprea" in sch%%ls< there are n%t #et even nearl# en%!,h c%+p!ters (%r ever# st!"ent

    an" the# are n%t al?a#s availa6le; N%t %nl# the in(rastr!ct!re c%sts +!ch< 6!t the ,a+es

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    the+selves an" the licences reQ!ire" (%r sch%%ls t% !se the+ can c%st t%% +!ch t% 6e 6%!,ht

    (%r ever# st!"ent; 2!n"in, is n%t easil# acQ!ire"< as sch%%ls the+selves chan,e sl%?l# an"

    n%n:tra"iti%nal +eth%"s are easil# l%%'e" !p%n; =Fastia!< 3earne#< an" Van "en $er,he .//7

    /:9 3le+etti< Tai+ist% an" 3arppinen .//7 7-:0/. San"(%r" et al; .//B 0-:.>;


    The present st!"# is +ainl# epl%rat%r# an" eperi+ental in nat!re< as a ne? 'in" %( a

    +eth%" is teste" an" st!"ie" =3ala4a< Alanen an" D!(va ./00 0>; Th!s< it is a Q!alitative

    case st!"# an" s% it "%es n%t atte+pt t% ,eneraliJe the res!lts t% all 2innish !pper sec%n"ar#

    sch%%l st!"ents =3ala4a et al; ./00 0->; M%re%ver< there ?ere n% c%ntr%l ,r%!ps %pp%se"

    ?ith the test ,r%!p %r initial an" (inal tests %( their s'ills< since the learnin, res!lts %( the ne?

    +eth%" ?ere n%t teste"< 6!t rather eperiences %( the eperi+ent ?ere as'e" (r%+ the learners

    =3ala4a et al; ./00 0->; $ase" %n $eatt#&s =.//9 077> vie? %( "i((erent +eth%"s in

    researchin, CALL< the present st!"# can 6e c%nsi"ere" a pil%t st!"# as the "ata ?ill n%t 6e

    s!((icient (%r "ra?in, c%ncl!si%ns; H%?ever< it can als% 6e "escri6e" ver# (ittin,l# as a case

    st!"#< ?hich acc%r"in, t% $eatt# =.//9 ./-> ai+s t% !nc%ver the !nepecte" an" is a ver#

    c%++%n research +eth%" in CALL research;

    .1 T+e K#$!om o/ Loat+#$ a#! t+e prese#t stu!0

    The ,a+e !se" in the present st!"#< The 3in,"%+ %( L%athin, =KoL>< is a (ree< par%"ic

    %nline r%le:pla#in, ,a+e; It is +%stl# tet:6ase" ?ith ill!strati%ns< an" the ,a+e inter(ace is

    !se" +ainl# thr%!,h +%!se:clic'in, an" in s%+e %ccasi%ns thr%!,h ?ritin, in En,lish< s% it

    incl!"es a relativel# ,reat a+%!nt %( tet c%ntent =see appen"i 0 (%r screensh%ts %( the


    3%L&s lan,!a,e is En,lish< 6!t pla#ers can c%++!nicate ?ith each %ther in %ther lan,!a,es;

    The +ain lan,!a,e in the ,a+e&s "isc!ssi%n (%r!+s an" chats is nevertheless En,lish; Man#

    in:,a+e Q!ests< p!JJles an" 4%'es are 6ase" %n p%p!lar c!lt!re re(erences %r p!ns that are

    !niQ!e t% each lan,!a,e an" th!s c%!l" 6e "i((ic!lt even t% a"vance" learners; At least +%re

    entertain+ent can 6e ,aine" (r%+ the ,a+e i( the pla#er can !n"erstan" these re(erences; The

    ,a+e (%r!+s pr%vi"e sp%iler:(ree help %(ten in the (%r+ %( hai'! p%e+s< +eanin, that the

    hints "% n%t ,ive the s%l!ti%n t%% easil#< %r 6# acci"ent t% th%se ?h% ?ant t% (in" the ans?ers

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    %n their %?n; The ,a+e ?as +ainl# ch%sen 6ase" %n the etent %( the lin,!istic c%ntent< the

    "iversit# an" the "i((ic!lt# %( the lan,!a,e< its appr%acha6ilit# an" availa6ilit#< an" (inall#

    (a+iliarit# t% the researcher 6!t n%t t% the participants;

    The present st!"# "%es n%t +eas!re learnin, res!lts ,aine" thr%!,h %ne +eth%" c%+pare" t%

    an%ther< 6!t epl%res the "i((erent applicati%ns %( vi"e% ,a+es in lan,!a,e teachin,; The

    st!"# ai+s t% "% this 6# sh%?in, the learner perspective t% !sin, entertainin, vi"e% ,a+es in

    lan,!a,e learnin, an" teachin,; The ,a+e is i+ple+ente" thr%!,h a +ainl# in(%r+al< 6!t

    partl# (%r+al learnin, sit!ati%n< an" s% aspires t% (in" a 6ri",e 6et?een these t?% learnin,

    envir%n+ents; As +an# previ%!s st!"ies have s!rve#e" learner vie?s (r%+ :0B:#ear:%l"s; The participants c%!l" 6e,in ans?erin, ri,ht a?a#< 6!t als% (irst pla# the

    ,a+e +%re an" (ill the Q!esti%nnaire %n their (ree ti+e;

    The sec%n" sessi%n ?as (%r in"ivi"!al intervie?s a ?ee' a(ter 6e,innin, t% pla#; D!e t% the

    s+all n!+6er %( participants< 6%th %( the+ c%!l" 6e intervie?e" ela6%ratel#; The intervie?s

    ?ere tape rec%r"e" an" then transcri6e" (%r later anal#sis; The# ?ere the+e" intervie?s< as

    +%st %( the Q!esti%ns ?ere planne" in a"vance =see appen"i 9>< 6!t the plan ?as %pen t%

    chan,es an" ne? the+es that ?%!l" arise "!rin, the intervie?s; The intervie? als% incl!"e" a

    (e? 6asic Q!esti%ns that ?ere n%t in the Q!esti%nnaire t% 'eep it sh%rter< s!ch as the pla#ers&

    ,a+in, 6ac',r%!n" an" previ%!s eperience %( ,a+es in lan,!a,e learnin, %r teachin,; S%+e

    +a4%r the+es (%r the intervie?s ?ere the p%ssi6le applicati%ns %( the ,a+e in sch%%ls an" its

    s!ita6ilit# (%r teachin,< (!rther re(lecti%n %( learnin, (r%+ the ,a+e< an" perhaps (in"in,

    "i((erin, eperiences an" s%cial interacti%n;

    . et+o!s o/ a#a"0ss

    The "ata ?as anal#se" Q!alitativel# thr%!,h c%ntent anal#sis =eplaine" in 3ala4a et al; ./00

    097>; The ai+ %( the anal#sis ?as t% (in" rec!rrin, the+es (r%+ the ans?ers< t% c%+pare the

    "i((erences 6et?een the participants& reacti%ns an" ?hether these "i((erences +i,ht 6e

    c%nnecte" t% their e"!cati%n %r ,a+in, 6ac',r%!n"; All the "ata (r%+ each participant ?as

    anal#se" as a ?h%le instea" %( "isc!ssin, the Q!esti%nnaire an" the intervie? separatel#< as

    the intervie?s ela6%rate" ,reatl# %n the ?ritten ans?ers; The participants are calle" ?ith

    pse!"%n#+s t% pr%tect their an%n#+it#< 6!t t% "istin,!ish the ans?erers clearl# =3ala4a et al;

    ./00 .9>;

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen




    In this chapter< the res!lts ?ill 6e presente" 6ase" %n the pla#in, sessi%n< the Q!esti%nnaire

    an" the intervie? as %r,anise" in the+es; 2irstl#< the participants& 6ac',r%!n" ?ill 6e

    eplaine"< sec%n"l# the p%ssi6le applicati%ns %( 3%L in lan,!a,e learnin, an" teachin,; These 'in"s %( %nline ,a+es that are n%t installe" %n the pla#er&s c%+p!ter %(ten

    rel# %n si+plicit# rather than "etaile" ,raphics< an" Matti th%!,ht that the# ?ere si+ilar t%

    3%L in re,ar" t%just clicking all kinds of stuff and stats rising=,ainin, +%re p%?er>; He has

    als% pla#e" s%+e (irst:pers%n sh%%ter =2PS> ,a+es< s% he has en4%#e" 6%th sl%?:pace" an"

    (ast:pace" ,a+es; His pla#in, has n%t 6een ver# s%ciall# t#in,< as he has c%++!nicate" ?ith

    %ther pla#ers +ainl# a6%!t ,a+e events an" ,a+e:relate" rather than pers%nal t%pics; Ott%< %n

    the %ther han"< has pla#e" +%re tra"iti%nal c%+p!ter ,a+es that can 6e pla#e" als% %((line;

    S%+e %( the+ are r%le:pla#in, ,a+es =RPGs> an" s%+e< (%r ea+ple CiviliJati%n IV< are

    strate,# ,a+es; The ea+ples he ,ave are ver# vis!al ?ith "etaile" ,raphics< s% he has ha"

    less eperience %( a tet:6ase" !ser inter(ace si+ilar t% 3%L; Ott% !se" t% participate in a

    ,a+er c%++!nit# %!tsi"e %( the ,a+e CiviliJati%n IV itsel( (%r a c%!ple %( #ears;

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    It is p%ssi6le that the 6%#s& ,a+in, h%66# has i+pr%ve" their En,lish s'ills< as is the case ?ith

    +an# 2innish 6%#s in !pper sec%n"ar# sch%%ls =YLE U!tiset 3%ti+aa ./00>; Ott% hi+sel(

    esti+ate" that ,a+es an" the Internet have ha" a ,reat r%le in his En,lish learnin,< as ,a+es

    %(ten %((er ne? v%ca6!lar# an" %nline there are even +%re %pp%rt!nities s!ch as (%r!+s t%

    !se the lan,!a,e in practice; In (act< Ott% sai" that ,a+es pr%vi"e +ainl# +aterial (%r rea"in,

    c%+prehensi%n< ?hereas Matti n%te" that the ,a+e c!tscenes %r st%r# seQ!ences %(ten can

    als% pr%vi"e sp%'en lan,!a,e in a""iti%n t% ,eneral lin,!istic 'n%?le",e;

    4.2 KoL # "a#$ua$e "ear##$

    $%th participants (%!n" that the lan,!a,e %( the ,a+e ?as challen,in, 6!t s!ita6le (%r their

    level; Neither %( the+ ha" n%ticea6le tr%!6le !n"erstan"in, the ,a+e&s tets< as the# "i" n%t

    as' the s!pervis%r (%r help ?ith the+ %r !se an# "icti%nar# "!rin, the (irst sessi%n; Matti

    eplains his %pini%n %( the lan,!a,e level in ea+ple 0

    I Intervie?er

    M KMattiK

    O KOtt%K

    Example 1:

    I +iten'*s t%ta peli* sitten v%isi '*#tt** %ppi+isessa tai %petta+isessa< +iten se

    se++%seen s%pii 4a

    M 4aa:a

    I %n's s!lla siit* a4at!sta ett*< v%isi'% t*t* '*#tt** se++%sessa; vai vai'!ttais'% se

    4%ten'in ett* ei eh'*

    M n% ei aina'aa iha al!: al!n %pis'el!ssa niin'! ett* ene++i: ene+pi sillai ett* 4%s< pit**

    vaan t*++5st*< %ppia 4!st s#n%n##+e4* 4a< ett* #++*rt** te'stin vai''a ei #++*rr*

    'ai''ia san%4a 4a +!!ta; et se++%selta sitte laa4e++in 4%s %pis'elee ni

    I eli v*h*n e"ist#nee++ille ==M nii>> 4%t'a t!ntee 4% nii'! en,lantia ai'a h#vi 4a

    M nii tavallaa

    I sitte v%i s#vent** ent* 4%s %is'% sitte l!'i%laiset vai v%is'% %lla 4%#l*astelaisille'i vai ;;;

    M l!'i%laisille var+aa

    : how could that game then be used in learning or teaching, how would it suit there and

    !: well

    : do you have any of that that, could this be used in them, or would it affect somehow

    that not maybe

    !: well not at least at the very beg" beginning like that more" more like that if, you have

    to, learn just synonyms and, that you understand the text even if you don#t understand all

    the words and else$ like that then if you study further then

    : so for a little more advanced %%!: yeah&& who know English 'uite well and

    !: yeah (kinda(: (then you can( elaborate what if then would it be upper secondary school students

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    or could it be already for secondary pupils or )*+

    !: upper secondary school students probably

    Matti state" that the lan,!a,e ?%!l" 6e +%st s!ita6le at a +%re a"vance" level s!ch as !ppersec%n"ar# sch%%l rather than sec%n"ar# sch%%l %r at l%?er levels< as %ne ?%!l" nee" a 6asic

    'n%?le",e %( the lan,!a,e; These +%re a"vance" st!"ents c%!l" then !se the ,a+e in

    learnin, s#n%n#+s an" !n"erstan" the tet (r%+ an %vervie?; Ott% eplains his vie? %( the

    s'ill level in ea+ple .

    Example :

    I en,lannin 'ieli siin* et +in'*tas%ista se %n

    O n% t%ta en,lannin 'ieli %li +!n +ielest* ai'a niin'!n haastavaa< l!'i%i'*selle< aa+t%ta; sitten ite:

    I %li'se s!lle haastavaa vai arvelit'% et s* et< #leens* %ttaen l!'i%laisille

    O n%; 'h#l se +!lle'in %li ai'a haastavaa et piti niin'!n< v*lill*< sillai p%htia et +it*h*n

    t*ss* niin'!n< #ritet**n san%a; et t%ta; 4a '!iten'ii; +* '%en et +* %%n niin'! '%htalaisen

    h#v* en,lannissa

    : the English language in it that of what level is it

    -: well English was in my opinion 'uite challenging, for a student, um well$ then"

    : was it challenging to you or did you think that, to students in general

    -: well$ yyeah it was 'uite challenging to even me so had to like, sometimes, think that

    what like, they#re trying to say$ so$ and still$ feel like #m like fairly good in English

    Ott% ha" realise" that s%+eti+es he p!JJle" %ver s%+e +eanin,s "espite 6ein, Q!ite s'ille"

    in En,lish< s% he als% th%!,ht the ,a+e ?%!l" pr%vi"e a challen,e t% +%st !pper sec%n"ar#

    sch%%l st!"ents; H%?ever< he "i" n%t c%ns!lt a "icti%nar# later either an" c%!l" "e"!ce the

    ?%r" +eanin,s ?hen nee"e"< s% his pla#in, ?as n%t hin"ere" 6# the c%+ple lan,!a,e; $%th

    the 6%#s sh%?e" s'ills in "e"!cin, +eanin,s "espite n%t 'n%?in, all the ne? ?%r"s %r

    st!ct!res; Matti eplains s%+e %( the strate,ies he !se" in "e"!cin, ?%r" +eanin,s in

    ea+ple 9

    Example .:

    I a!tt%i'% ne '!vat sitte ta4!a+aan

    M n% '#ll* %sa niist* %n sillai ett*< '!va'i a!ttaa +!tta l*hinn* sillai< itelle %li; ett*; siit*

    sitte +!ista san%ista 4a< %n'se n# sitte p%sitiivista vai ne,atiivista 4a t*++5st* ett*

    I #leis'!van 'a!tta

    M nii sitten niit* %li ett* sa+an'altasia san%4a 4%s tiet** nii'!< !l'%n*5lt**n

    sa+an'altasia san%4a ni niist* v%i p**tell* sitte 4%ta'i

    I et +ist* se sana t!lee tai vastaavaa< 4%%

    : did the images help in understanding then!: well some of them are like, the image helps too but mostly like to me$ that$ then from

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    other words and, is it then positive or negative and like this so

    : through an overview

    !: yeah then there were similar words if you know like, similar appearing words so

    you can deduce something of them then: where the word comes from or similar, yeah

    Matti th%!,ht that the i+a,es c%!l" s%+eti+es help in !n"erstan"in, ne? ?%r"s< 6!t he

    eplaine" h%? he %(ten "e"!ce" the ?%r"s 6ase" %n their c%ntet an" a ,eneral i+a,e %( the

    sentence; This ?as Q!ite in c%ntrast t% Saaren'!nnas&s =.//B .0> res!lts< ?here vis!al ai"s

    ?ere %( ,reat i+p%rtance (%r an a"vance" En,lish learner in !n"erstan"in, ,a+e lan,!a,e;

    M%re%ver< Matti %(ten ha" n%tice" si+ilarities t% (a+iliar v%ca6!lar#< s% he !tiliJe" his

    'n%?le",e %( ?%r" (%r+ati%n an" c%+p%!n" ?%r"s t% "e"!ce the ?%r"s; Matti t%l" he ha"

    !se" a "icti%nar# a (e? ti+es< 6!t %(ten he "i" n%t (in" the (%rei,n ?%r" there; Nevertheless res!lts in c%lla6%rati%n an" s%cial ,a+in, 6ein, an

    i+p%rtant part %( lan,!a,e !se in ,a+in,; Ott% "i" n%t !se the ,a+e chat %r (%r!+ at all an"

    "i" n%t rep%rt an# %ther s%cialit# in the ,a+e either; Matti ha" visite" the (%r!+ %nl# t% (in"

    ,a+e help< an" he sai" that he !s!all# rea"s %nline (%r!+s ?ith%!t participatin, t% the

    "isc!ssi%n; He ha" n%tice" that the ,a+e has a clan s#ste+ an" pla#er vers!s pla#er (i,htin,; The attit!"es %( 2innish sch%%l teachers

    t%?ar"s c%++ercial e"!cati%nal ,a+es; In M; 3an'aanranta an" P; Neittaan+*'i

    =e"s;>; Lan,!a,e learnin, thr%!,h net?%r'e" c%+p!ter ,a+es 1 the case

    %( an e((icient n%vice; In P; Pietil*< P; Lint!nen an" H;:M; )*rvinen =e"s;>;

    9ielenoppija tnn 3 7anguage learners of today$ =0in7=n vuosikirja ;;2;

    S!%+en s%veltavan 'ielitieteen #h"ist#'sen 4!l'ais!4a n%; B; )#v*s'#l*; 077:../;
  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    San"(%r"< R;< Ulicsa'< M;< 2acer< 3; an" R!""< T; =.//B>; 5eaching with >ames %nline;

    $rist%l 2!t!rela6;


    a+esTFGWrep%rt;p"(;=. March ./0.>;

    Fastia!< P;< 3earne#< C; an" Van "en $er,he< F; =.//7>; Synthesis report, ?ow are digital

    games used in schools@%nline; $r!ssels E!r%pean Sch%%lnet;

    http,a+es;e!n;%r,!pl%a",is:s#nthesisWrep%rtWen;p"(; =00 )an!ar# ./0.>;

    Fhelchel< A; =.//>; Usin, civiliJati%n si+!lati%n vi"e% ,a+es in the ?%rl" hist%r#

    classr%%+; 8orld ?istory Aonnected%nline =.>< n; pa,;

    http?%rl"hist%r#c%nnecte";press;illin%is;e"!;.?helchel;ht+l;=./ Oct%6er;

    YLE U!tiset 3%ti+aa =./00>; P%4at 'iilaavat t#tt54en %hi en,lannin 'ieless* tiet%'%nepelien

    ansi%sta %nline;


    Wtiet%'%nepelienWansi%staW9/0..7;ht+l; =7 N%ve+6er< ./00>;
  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen




    =ppendix 1: Screenshots of the game 9ingdom of 7oathing$

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    =ppendix : Buestionnaire

    The Kingdom of Questions An Answerer is You!



    S!'!p!%li nainen +ies +!!

    M%nta'% v!%tta %let %pis'ell!t en,lantia WWWWWW v!%tta

    M%nta'% l!'i%n en,lannin 'ielen '!rssia %let s!%rittan!t WWWWWW '!rssia

    Mi'* %li vii+eisin t%"ist!sarv%sanasi en,lannista WWWWW

    $%s%&%'s( )!*st( T+! $,-"#& #. L#at+,-Arvi%i< +%nta'% sei''ail!a =a"vent!res> pelasit #hteens* WWWWWWWWW

    Arvi%i< 'a!an'% pelasit peli* #hteens* WWWWWWW t!ntia

    1. t7 ,oet opp#ees e#$"a### ,e"est7 pe"7 pe"atessa8

    2. t7 muuta ,oet opp#ees pe"7 pe"atessa8


  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    . te# pe" 3o me"est7s auttaa ,e"e# oppmsta8

    4. te# pe" 3o me"est7s +atata ,e"e# oppmsta8

    6. te# pe" sop me"est7s suoma"as""e "u,o"as"""e8

    :. t7 me"t7 o"et pe"st7 muute#8

    Ktos 3astau,sstas9

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    =ppendix .: nterview plan



    Harrastat'% vi"e%pelien pelaa+ista

    3!in'a !sein< '!in'a pal4%n

    Millaisia pele4* #leens* pelaat

    Olet'% pelann!t t*+*n t##ppisi* pele4* =RPG> ennen

    Min'*'ielisi* pele4* #leens* pelaat

    Pelit %ppi+isessa 4a %pet!'sessa

    Olet'% %ppin!t peleist* =en,lantia tai +!!ta>

    On'% '%!l!ssa '*#tett# pele4*

    On'% s#it* '*#tt** %lla '*#tt*+*tt* pele4* Millaisia

    Vie'5 ai'aa On'% 'ai'illa +ah"%llis!!tta pelata '%t%na'%!l!ssa Te'niset

    %n,el+at Erilaiset %ppilaat

    M%tivaati%< vaihtel!< teh%'as< inn%stava< +%nip!%linen

    Millainen asenne =en,lannin> %petta4illa %n pelaa+iseen

    3%L %ppi+isessa

    3#sel# +it'* %livat t*r'ei+pi* asi%ita< hal!at'% selitt** vasta!'siasi

    Mit* +ielt* %let

    Mit* asi%ita pelist* v%i %ppia Mit* ei v%i %ppia Mit* pelist* p!!tt!!

    Tarvitsit'% ap!a pelin tai en,lannin 'ielen 'anssa

    Mist* etsit ap!a Oli'% siit* h#5t#*

    Miten peli* v%isi parantaa niin< ett* se a!ttaisi %ppi+ista ene++*n

  • 8/10/2019 Applying Video Games in Language Learning - Satu Eskelinen



    Peli %pet!'sessa

    Miten s%pii l!'i%laisille< +i'si

    P*ihteet< se'sivih4ail!< 'ir%il!

    Miten vai'eaa 'ielt*

    Pal4%n'% ai'aa vaatii

    Mit* +ielt* %lit pelitilanteesta l!%'assa 4a '%t%na

    Olisi'% h#v*< 4%s %petta4a %lisi +!'ana

    Antaisi %h4eita< %ppi+istav%itteita

    Pelaisi +!'ana

    Pelaisit'% peli* l*'s#n* %petta4an '*s'#st*

    Riitt*isi'5 peli #'sin**n vai tarvitsisi'% se 4%tain +!!ta lis*'si Mit*

    Miten peli* v%isi parantaa niin< ett* se s%pisi pare++in 'ielten %petta+iseen


    Pelasit'% #'sin vai +!i"en< t!tt!4en tai t!nte+att%+ien 'anssa

    T!t!st!it'% pelin 'a!tta 'ehen'**n L!!let'% t!t!st!vasi =%lisi'% helpp%a>

    Peli +!!ten

    Mit* +ielt* %let pelist*

    Helpp%vai'ea< ha!s'at#ls*;;;

    Miten '!vailisit peli* +!ille Ent* en,lannin%petta4allesi

    Pelaisit'% peli* +!!ll%in'in

    Mi'si viihteen< %ppi+isen< 'averei"en tai 4%n'in +!!n ta'ia 3*#tt*isit'5 sit* en,lannin %ppi+iseen

    S!%sittelisit'% sit* 4%lle'in