apologetics verses (category 1)

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  • 8/9/2019 Apologetics Verses (Category 1)


    1. 1D1: Trinity

    Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.

    Matthew :!6 !# !6 when $esus was %a&ti'ed, immediately he went u& (rom the water,and %ehold, the hea)ens were o&ened to him, and he saw the *&irit o( God des+endinli-e a do)e and +omin to rest on him !# and %ehold, a )oi+e (rom hea)en said, "This ismy %elo)ed *on, with whom I am well &leased."

    Matthew /0:!1 Go there(ore and ma-e dis+i&les o( all nations, %a&ti'in them in thename o( the 2ather and o( the *on and o( the Holy *&irit

    $ohn !:! 4 ! In the %e innin was the 3ord, and the 3ord was with God, and the 3ordwas God. / He was in the %e innin with God. ll thin s were made throu h him, andwithout him was not any thin made that was made. 4 In him was li(e, and the li(e was theli ht o( men.

    $ohn !5: 5 I and the 2ather are one."

    $ohn !4:1 !! 1 3hoe)er has seen me has seen the 2ather. How +an you say, *how usthe 2ather 7 !5 Do you not %elie)e that I am in the 2ather and the 2ather is in me7 Thewords that I say to you I do not s&ea- on my own authority, %ut the 2ather who dwells inme does his wor-s. !! 8elie)e me that I am in the 2ather and the 2ather is in me, or else%elie)e on a++ount o( the wor-s themsel)es.

  • 8/9/2019 Apologetics Verses (Category 1)


    / 9orinthians ! :!4 The ra+e o( the Lord $esus 9hrist and the lo)e o( God and the(ellowshi& o( the Holy *&irit %e with you all.

    &hesians 4:4 6 4 There is one %ody and one *&irit;

  • 8/9/2019 Apologetics Verses (Category 1)


    2. 1D2: Omniscience of God

    ! 9hroni+les /0:1 The LORD sear+hes all hearts and understands e)ery &lan andthou ht.

    $o% #:!6 Do you -now the %alan+in s o( the +louds, the wondrous wor-s o( him who is&er(e+t in -nowled e7>salm :! != ! The LORD loo-s down (rom hea)en he sees all the +hildren o( man !4

    (rom where he sits enthroned he loo-s out on all the inha%itants o( the earth, != he who(ashions the hearts o( them all and o%ser)es all their deeds.

    >salm ! 1:! 4 ! O LORD, you ha)e sear+hed me and -nown me? / @ou -now when I sitdown and when I rise u& you dis+ern my thou hts (rom a(ar. @ou sear+h out my &athand my lyin down and are a+Auainted with all my ways. 4 )en %e(ore a word is on myton ue, %ehold, O LORD, you -now it alto ether.

    >salm !4#:4 = 4 BGodC determines the num%er o( the stars he i)es to all o( them theirnames. = Great is our Lord, and a%undant in &ower his understandin is %eyondmeasure.

    >ro)er%s =:/! man s ways are %e(ore the eyes o( the LORD, and he &onders all his&aths.

    >ro)er%s !=: The eyes o( the LORD are in e)ery &la+e, -ee&in wat+h on the e)il andthe ood.

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    Isaiah 45:/0 Ha)e you not -nown7 Ha)e you not heard7 The LORD is the e)erlastinGod, the 9reator o( the ends o( the earth. He does not (aint or row weary hisunderstandin is unsear+ha%le.

    $ohn /!:!# BGodC said to B*imon >eterC the third time, " *imon, son o( $ohn, do you lo)e

    me7 " >eter was rie)ed %e+ause he said to him the third time, " Do you lo)e me7 " and hesaid to him, "Lord, you -now e)erythin you -now that I lo)e you."

    Matthew !5: 5 )en the hairs o( your head are all num%ered.

    He%rews 4:! o +reature is hidden (rom his si ht, %ut all are na-ed and eE&osed to theeyes o( him to whom we must i)e a++ount.

    ! $ohn :/ 5 3hene)er our heart +ondemns us, God is reater than our heart, and he-nows e)erythin .

  • 8/9/2019 Apologetics Verses (Category 1)


    3. 1D3: Omnipotence of God

    Genesis !0:!4 Is anythin too hard (or the LORD7 t the a&&ointed time I will return toyou, a%out this time neEt year, and *arah shall ha)e a son."

    Daniel 4: = all the inha%itants o( the earth are a++ounted as nothin , and he doesa++ordin to his will amon the host o( hea)en and amon the inha%itants o( the earthand none +an stay his hand or say to him, "3hat ha)e you done7"

    $o% !/:!5 In his hand is the li(e o( e)ery li)in thin and the %reath o( all man-ind.

    $o% 4/:/ "I -now that you +an do all thin s, and that no &ur&ose o( yours +an %ethwarted.

    >salm :6 1 6

    8y the word o( the LORD the hea)ens were made, and %y the %reath o(his mouth all their host. # He athers the waters o( the sea as a hea& he &uts the dee&sin storehouses. 0 Let all the earth (ear the LORD let all the inha%itants o( the world standin awe o( him? 1 2or he s&o-e, and it +ame to %e he +ommanded, and it stood (irm.

    >salm !!=: Our God is in the hea)ens he does all that he &leases.

    $eremiah /:!# h, Lord GOD? It is you who ha)e made the hea)ens and the earth %y

    your reat &ower and %y your outstret+hed arm? othin is too hard (or you.ahum !: 6 The LORD is slow to an er and reat in &ower, and the LORD will %y no

    means +lear the uilty. His way is in whirlwind and storm, and the +louds are the dust o(his (eet. 4 He re%u-es the sea and ma-es it dry he dries u& all the ri)ers 8ashan and

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    9armel wither the %loom o( Le%anon withers. = The mountains Aua-e %e(ore him the hillsmelt the earth hea)es %e(ore him, the world and all who dwell in it. 6 3ho +an stand%e(ore his indi nation7 3ho +an endure the heat o( his an er7 His wrath is &oured outli-e (ire, and the ro+-s are %ro-en into &ie+es %y him.

    Matthew !1:/6 B (ter the en+ounter with the ri+h youn ruler, and then the dis+i&lesas-in $esus who +an %e sa)edC $esus loo-ed at them and said, " 3ith man this isim&ossi%le, %ut with God all thin s are &ossi%le. "

    Mar- !5:/# B (ter the en+ounter with the ri+h youn ruler, and then the dis+i&les as-in$esus who +an %e sa)edC $esus loo-ed at them and said, " 3ith man it is im&ossi%le, %utnot with God. 2or all thin s are &ossi%le with God. "

    Lu-e !: # BThe an el tells Mary that she and li'a%eth will ha)e +hildren, then he saysCothin will %e im&ossi%le with God."

    Romans !!: 4 "3ho has -nown the mind o( the Lord, or who has %een his +ounselor7"

    Re)elation /5:! ! I saw an an el +omin down (rom hea)en, holdin in his hand the -eyto the %ottomless &it and a reat +hain. / nd he sei'ed the dra on, that an+ient ser&ent,who is the de)il and *atan, and %ound him (or a thousand years, and threw him into the

    &it, and shut it and sealed it o)er him, so that he mi ht not de+ei)e the nations any lon er ...

  • 8/9/2019 Apologetics Verses (Category 1)


    4. 1D4: Omnipresence of God

    / 9hroni+les !6:1 the eyes o( the LORD run to and (ro throu hout the whole earth, to i)estron su&&ort to those whose heart is %lameless toward him. ...

    >salm / :4 )en thou h I wal- throu h the )alley o( the shadow o( death, I will (ear noe)il, (or you are with me your rod and your sta((, they +om(ort me.>salm ! 1:# !/ # 3here shall I o (rom your *&irit7 Or where shall I (lee (rom your&resen+e7 0 I( I as+end to hea)en, you are there? I( I ma-e my %ed in *heol, you arethere? 1 I( I ta-e the win s o( the mornin and dwell in the uttermost &arts o( the sea, !5 e)en there your hand shall lead me, and your ri ht hand shall hold me. !! I( I say, "*urelythe dar-ness shall +o)er me, and the li ht a%out me %e ni ht," !/ e)en the dar-ness is not

    dar- to you the ni ht is %ri ht as the day, (or dar-ness is as li ht with you.$eremiah / :/ /4 / " m I a God at hand, de+lares the LORD, and not a God (ar away7/4 9an a man hide himsel( in se+ret &la+es so that I +annot see him7 de+lares the LORD.Do I not (ill hea)en and earth7 de+lares the LORD.

    Matthew /0:!1 /5 !1 Go there(ore and ma-e dis+i&les o( all nations, %a&ti'in them in thename o( the 2ather and o( the *on and o( the Holy *&irit, /5 tea+hin them to o%ser)e all

    that I ha)e +ommanded you. nd %ehold, I am with you always, to the end o( the a e. "

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  • 8/9/2019 Apologetics Verses (Category 1)


    5. 1D5: Transcendence of God

    >salm !! :4 The LORD is hi h a%o)e all nations, and his lory a%o)e the hea)ens?

    Isaiah ==:0 1 0 My thou hts are not your thou hts, neither are your ways my ways,de+lares the LORD. 1 2or as the hea)ens are hi her than the earth, so are my wayshi her than your ways and my thou hts than your thou hts.$ohn =:/6 s the 2ather has li(e in himsel(, so he has ranted the *on also to ha)e li(e inhimsel(.

    $ohn 0:/ B (ter the $ews as-ed i( $esus would -ill himsel(C He said to them, " @ou are(rom %elow I am (rom a%o)e. @ou are o( this world I am not o( this world.

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    6. 1D6: Immanence of God

    $eremiah / :/ /4 / " m I a God at hand, de+lares the LORD, and not a God (ar away7/4 9an a man hide himsel( in se+ret &la+es so that I +annot see him7 de+lares the LORD.Do I not (ill hea)en and earth7 de+lares the LORD.

    +ts !#:/# /0 B>aul is s&ea-in to the &eo&le o( thens a%out God +reatin e)eryoneC /# that they should see- God, in the ho&e that they mi ht (eel their way toward him and (indhim. @et he is a+tually not (ar (rom ea+h one o( us, /0 (or " In him we li)e and mo)e andha)e our %ein as e)en some o( your own &oets ha)e said, " 2or we are indeed hiso((s&rin .

    &hesians 4:6 one God and 2ather o( all, who is o)er all and throu h all and in all.

    9olossians !:!# he is %e(ore all thin s, and in him all thin s hold to ether.

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    7. 1D7: Eternality of God

    Eodus !=:!0 The LORD will rei n (ore)er and e)er."

    Deuteronomy /:45 I li(t u& my hand to hea)en and swear, s I li)e (ore)er

    ! 9hroni+les !6: 6 8lessed %e the LORD, the God o( Israel, (rom e)erlastin toe)erlastin ?" Then all the &eo&le said, " men?" and &raised the LORD.

    ehemiah 1:= Then the Le)ites, $eshua, Fadmiel, 8ani, Hasha%neiah, *here%iah,Hodiah, *he%aniah, and >ethahiah, said, "*tand u& and %less the LORD your God (rome)erlastin to e)erlastin . 8lessed %e your lorious name, whi+h is eEalted a%o)e all%lessin and &raise.

    >salm 4!:! 8lessed %e the LORD, the God o( Israel, (rom e)erlastin to e)erlastin ? men and men.

    >salm 40:!4 this is God, our God (ore)er and e)er. He will uide us (ore)er.

    >salm !5/:/6 /# /6 They will &erish, %ut you will remain they will all wear out li-e aarment. @ou will +han e them li-e a ro%e, and they will &ass away, /# %ut you are the

    same, and your years ha)e no end.

    >salm !56:40 8lessed %e the LORD, the God o( Israel, (rom e)erlastin to e)erlastin ? nd let all the &eo&le say, " men?" >raise the LORD?

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    Isaiah 45:/0 Ha)e you not -nown7 Ha)e you not heard7 The LORD is the e)erlastinGod, the 9reator o( the ends o( the earth. He does not (aint or row weary hisunderstandin is unsear+ha%le.

    Isaiah =!:6 Li(t u& your eyes to the hea)ens, and loo- at the earth %eneath (or the

    hea)ens )anish li-e smo-e, the earth will wear out li-e a arment, and they who dwell init will die in li-e manner %ut my sal)ation will %e (ore)er, and my ri hteousness will ne)er%e dismayed.

    Daniel 4: 4 t the end o( the days I, e%u+hadne''ar, li(ted my eyes to hea)en, and myreason returned to me, and I %lessed the Most Hi h, and &raised and honored him wholi)es (ore)er, (or his dominion is an e)erlastin dominion, and his -in dom endures (rom

    eneration to eneration

    Daniel 6:/6 I ma-e a de+ree, that in all my royal dominion &eo&le are to trem%le and (ear%e(ore the God o( Daniel, (or he is the li)in God, endurin (ore)er his -in dom shallne)er %e destroyed, and his dominion shall %e to the end.

    Ha%a--u- !:!/ re you not (rom e)erlastin , O LORD my God, my Holy One7 3e shallnot die. O LORD, you ha)e ordained them as a

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    ! Timothy 6:!6 B>aul is writin a%out $esusC who alone has immortality, who dwells inuna&&roa+ha%le li ht, whom no one has e)er seen or +an see. To him %e honor andeternal dominion. men.

    / >eter :0 Do not o)erloo- this one (a+t, %elo)ed, that with the Lord one day is as a

    thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.Re)elation !:0 "I am the l&ha and the Ome a, " says the Lord God, " who is and who wasand who is to +ome, the lmi hty. "

    Re)elation !4:6 I saw another an el (lyin dire+tly o)erhead, with an eternal os&el to&ro+laim to those who dwell on earth, to e)ery nation and tri%e and lan ua e and &eo&le.

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    . 1D : Imm!ta"ility of God

    um%ers / :!1 God is not man, that he should lie, or a son o( man, that he should+han e his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it7 Or has he s&o-en, and will he not(ul(ill it7

    Deuteronomy /:4 "The Ro+-, his wor- is &er(e+t, (or all his ways are

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    / Timothy /:! I( we are (aithless, he remains (aith(ul (or he +annot deny himsel(.

    He%rews 6:!# !0 !# when God desired to show more +on)in+in ly to the heirs o( the&romise the un+han ea%le +hara+ter o( his &ur&ose, he uaranteed it with an oath, !0 sothat %y two un+han ea%le thin s, in whi+h it is im&ossi%le (or God to lie, we who ha)e (led

    (or re(u e mi ht ha)e stron en+oura ement to hold (ast to the ho&e set %e(ore us.He%rews ! :0 $esus 9hrist is the same yesterday and today and (ore)er.

    $ames !:!# )ery ood i(t and e)ery &er(e+t i(t is (rom a%o)e, +omin down (rom the2ather o( li hts with whom there is no )ariation or shadow due to +han e.

  • 8/9/2019 Apologetics Verses (Category 1)


    #. 1D#: Infinite nat!re of God

    ! Fin s 0:/# B*olomon is worshi&in God and saysC will God indeed dwell on the earth78ehold, hea)en and the hi hest hea)en +annot +ontain you how mu+h less this housethat I ha)e %uilt?

    $o% 1:!5 B$o% is writin a%out GodC who does reat thin s %eyond sear+hin out, andmar)elous thin s %eyond num%er.

    $o% !!:# 1 # "9an you (ind out the dee& thin s o( God7 9an you (ind out the limit o( the lmi hty7 0 It is hi her than hea)en what +an you do7 Dee&er than *heol what +an you-now7 1 Its measure is lon er than the earth and %roader than the sea.

    >salm !4=: Great is the LORD, and reatly to %e &raised, and his reatness isunsear+ha%le.

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  • 8/9/2019 Apologetics Verses (Category 1)


    Mar- !:/ /4 B$esus is tea+hin in the syna o ue on the *a%%athC / nd immediatelythere was in their syna o ue a man with an un+lean s&irit. nd he +ried out, /4 "3hatha)e you to do with us, $esus o( a'areth7 Ha)e you +ome to destroy us7 I -now whoyou are the Holy One o( God."

    Romans #:!/ the law is holy, and the +ommandment is holy and ri hteous and ood.! >eter !:!4 !6 !4 s o%edient +hildren, do not %e +on(ormed to the &assions o( your(ormer i noran+e, != %ut as he who +alled you is holy, you also %e holy in all your +ondu+t,!6 sin+e it is written, "@ou shall %e holy, (or I am holy."

    ! $ohn !:= This is the messa e we ha)e heard (rom him and &ro+laim to you, that God isli ht, and in him is no dar-ness at all.

    Re)elation 4:0 B$ohn is writin a%out his )ision o( God s throneC nd the (our li)in+reatures, ea+h o( them with siE win s, are (ull o( eyes all around and within, and day andni ht they ne)er +ease to say, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God lmi hty, who was and isand is to +ome?"

    Re)elation !=:4 3ho will not (ear, O Lord, and lori(y your name7 2or you alone are holy. ll nations will +ome and worshi& you, (or your ri hteous a+ts ha)e %een re)ealed."

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  • 8/9/2019 Apologetics Verses (Category 1)


    Romans :/! // /! now the ri hteousness o( God has %een mani(ested a&art (rom thelaw, althou h the Law and the >ro&hets %ear witness to it // the ri hteousness o( Godthrou h (aith in $esus 9hrist (or all who %elie)e.

    Romans !5: 4 %ein i norant o( the ri hteousness o( God, and see-in to esta%lish

    their own, they did not su%mit to God s ri hteousness.4

    2or 9hrist is the end o( the law(or ri hteousness to e)eryone who %elie)es.

    >hili&&ians :1 B>aul is writin a%out how he a)e u& the &assions o( his (lesh so that hemi ht ain 9hristC and %e (ound in him, not ha)in a ri hteousness o( my own that +omes(rom the law, %ut that whi+h +omes throu h (aith in 9hrist, the ri hteousness (rom Godthat de&ends on (aith

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    12. 1D12: )!stice of God

    Eodus 4:6 # 6 "The LORD, the LORD, a God mer+i(ul and ra+ious, slow to an er, anda%oundin in stead(ast lo)e and (aith(ulness, # -ee&in stead(ast lo)e (or thousands,(or i)in iniAuity and trans ression and sin, %ut who will %y no means +lear the uilty,)isitin the iniAuity o( the (athers on the +hildren and the +hildren s +hildren, to the thirdand the (ourth eneration."

    Deuteronomy /:4 "The Ro+-, his wor- is &er(e+t, (or all his ways are

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    Isaiah 5:!0 !1 !0 the LORD waits to %e ra+ious to you, and there(ore he eEalts himsel(to show mer+y to you. 2or the LORD is a God o( ro&hets I ha)enot +ome to a%olish them %ut to (ul(ill them.

    Romans :/6 B>aul is tal-in a%out redem&tion and &ro&itiationC It was to show his

    ri hteousness at the &resent time, so that he mi ht %e

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    / 9orinthians =:!5 we must all a&&ear %e(ore the

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    Daniel 4: = all the inha%itants o( the earth are a++ounted as nothin , and he doesa++ordin to his will amon the host o( hea)en and amon the inha%itants o( the earthand none +an stay his hand or say to him, "3hat ha)e you done7"

    Lu-e 0:/4 /= B$esus and the dis+i&les are stu+- in a %oat in a stormy la-eC /4 nd theywent and wo-e him, sayin , "Master, Master, we are &erishin ?" nd he awo-e andre%u-ed the wind and the ra in wa)es, and they +eased, and there was a +alm. /= Hesaid to them, " 3here is your (aith7 " nd they were a(raid, and they mar)eled, sayin toone another, "3ho then is this, that he +ommands e)en winds and water, and they o%eyhim7"

    &hesians !: = 8lessed %e the God and 2ather o( our Lord $esus 9hrist, who has%lessed us in 9hrist with e)ery s&iritual %lessin in the hea)enly &la+es, 4 e)en as he+hose us in him %e(ore the (oundation o( the world, that we should %e holy and %lameless%e(ore him. In lo)e = he &redestined us (or ado&tion as sons throu h $esus 9hrist,a++ordin to the &ur&ose o( his will

    &hesians /:!5 we are his wor-manshi&, +reated in 9hrist $esus (or ood wor-s, whi+hGod &re&ared %e(orehand, that we should wal- in them.

    ! Timothy 6:!= B>aul is writin a%out 9hrist s +omin C whi+h he will dis&lay at the &ro&ertime he who is the %lessed and only *o)erei n, the Fin o( -in s and Lord o( lords

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    14. 1D14: ,ercy of God

    $o% :/# 5 /# I sinned and &er)erted what was ri ht, and it was not re&aid to me. /0 Hehas redeemed my soul (rom oin down into the &it, and my li(e shall loo- u&on the li ht./1 "8ehold, God does all these thin s, twi+e, three times, with a man, 5 to %rin %a+- hissoul (rom the &it, that he may %e li hted with the li ht o( li(e.

    >salm =!:! Ha)e mer+y on me, O God, a++ordin to your stead(ast lo)e a++ordin toyour a%undant mer+y %lot out my trans ressions.

    >salm !5 :!5 ! !5 He does not deal with us a++ordin to our sins, nor re&ay usa++ordin to our iniAuities. !! 2or as hi h as the hea)ens are a%o)e the earth, so reat ishis stead(ast lo)e toward those who (ear him !/ as (ar as the east is (rom the west, so (ar

    does he remo)e our trans ressions (rom us.!

    s a (ather shows +om&assion to his+hildren, so the LORD shows +om&assion to those who (ear him.

    Isaiah ==:# let the wi+-ed (orsa-e his way, and the unri hteous man his thou hts let himreturn to the LORD, that he may ha)e +om&assion on him, and to our God, (or he willa%undantly &ardon.

    Mi+ah #:!0 3ho is a God li-e you, &ardonin iniAuity and &assin o)er trans ression (or

    the remnant o( his inheritan+e7 He does not retain his an er (ore)er, %e+ause he deli htsin stead(ast lo)e.

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    Matthew !0:/ /# / The -in dom o( hea)en may %e +om&ared to a -in who wished tosettle a++ounts with his ser)ants. /4 3hen he %e an to settle, one was %rou ht to himwho owed him ten thousand talents. /= nd sin+e he +ould not &ay, his master orderedhim to %e sold, with his wi(e and +hildren and all that he had, and &ayment to %e made. /6

    *o the ser)ant (ell on his -nees, im&lorin him, Ha)e &atien+e with me, and I will &ay youe)erythin . /# nd out o( &ity (or him, the master o( that ser)ant released him and (or a)ehim the de%t. /0 8ut when that same ser)ant went out, he (ound one o( his (ellow ser)antswho owed him a hundred denarii, and sei'in him, he %e an to +ho-e him, sayin , >aywhat you owe. /1 *o his (ellow ser)ant (ell down and &leaded with him, Ha)e &atien+ewith me, and I will &ay you. 5 He re(used and went and &ut him in &rison until he should&ay the de%t. ! 3hen his (ellow ser)ants saw what had ta-en &la+e, they were reatlydistressed, and they went and re&orted to their master all that had ta-en &la+e. / Thenhis master summoned him and said to him, @ou wi+-ed ser)ant? I (or a)e you all thatde%t %e+ause you &leaded with me. nd should not you ha)e had mer+y on your (ellowser)ant, as I had mer+y on you7 4 nd in an er his master deli)ered him to the

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    sa)e sinners, o( whom I am the (oremost. !6 8ut I re+ei)ed mer+y (or this reason, that inme, as the (oremost, $esus 9hrist mi ht dis&lay his &er(e+t &atien+e as an eEam&le tothose who were to %elie)e in him (or eternal li(e.

    He%rews 4:!6 Let us then with +on(iden+e draw near to the throne o( ra+e, that we mayre+ei)e mer+y and (ind ra+e to hel& in time o( need.

    ! >eter !: 8lessed %e the God and 2ather o( our Lord $esus 9hrist? ++ordin to hisreat mer+y, he has +aused us to %e %orn a ain to a li)in ho&e throu h the resurre+tion

    o( $esus 9hrist (rom the dead

    ! >eter /:1 !5 1 you are a +hosen ra+e, a royal &riesthood, a holy nation, a &eo&le (or hisown &ossession, that you may &ro+laim the eE+ellen+ies o( him who +alled you out o(dar-ness into his mar)elous li ht. !5 On+e you were not a &eo&le, %ut now you are God s&eo&le on+e you had not re+ei)ed mer+y, %ut now you ha)e re+ei)ed mer+y.

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    15. 1D15: Grace of God

    +ts /5: / nd now I +ommend you to God and to the word o( his ra+e, whi+h is a%le to%uild you u& and to i)e you the inheritan+e amon all those who are san+ti(ied.

    Romans :/ /4 / all ha)e sinned and (all short o( the lory o( God, /4 and are

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