analysis of still images

Still Image Analysis This group shot is used to introd the characters, the shot is also to emphasise the danger involved what they are doing as they are g into a dark cave. Also the fact t they are standing on a railway tr suggests that they doing somethin that they’re not allowed to do. T emphasises the potential danger t may occur. Also the shot shows th male leading the group which impl that he is the brave character wh will protect them. This gives an insight into the characters personality. This mid shot is used to introduc the dangerous setting that the characters are in. The shot shows that there are many skulls which typically associated with death a being haunted. This creates a wea and frightening atmosphere and implies that the characters are i real danger. Also the cross (in t left third) implies that there is spiritual atmosphere which may be related to spirits and supernatur forces. These are typically associated to the horror genre as they add a sense of danger and a in tension. The close up used in this scene highlights the characters emotion which suggest that he is in pain. shot also shows that he is in a camped a confined space, this cre a sense of danger and therefore w sympathise with the character as is in danger and in need of help. This is typical for a horror to h

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Post on 28-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Analysis of still images

Still Image AnalysisThis group shot is used to introduce the characters, the shot is also used to emphasise the danger involved in what they are doing as they are going into a dark cave. Also the fact that they are standing on a railway track, suggests that they doing something that they’re not allowed to do. This emphasises the potential danger that may occur. Also the shot shows the male leading the group which implies that he is the brave character who will protect them. This gives an insight into the characters personality.

This mid shot is used to introduce the dangerous setting that the characters are in. The shot shows that there are many skulls which are typically associated with death and being haunted. This creates a weary and frightening atmosphere and implies that the characters are in real danger. Also the cross (in the left third) implies that there is a spiritual atmosphere which may be related to spirits and supernatural forces. These are typically associated to the horror genre as they add a sense of danger and a rise in tension.

The close up used in this scene highlights the characters emotions of which suggest that he is in pain. The shot also shows that he is in a camped a confined space, this creates a sense of danger and therefore we sympathise with the character as he is in danger and in need of help. This is typical for a horror to have a character in need of rescuing. The shot shows him wearing a headlight which implies that he is in a dark and frightening situation, therefore again we sympathise with the character.

This close-up shot of blood being splattered, emphasises that someone may have been killed or injured which creates a sense of shock and panic which is typical for a horror film for someone to be killed or injured. This also suggests that all of the other characters are at risk of also being killed. We therefore sympathise with the characters and create an emotional bond between both the characters and the audience.

Page 2: Analysis of still images

This two-shot shows the characters reactions and facial expressions; their shock and fright implies that they are in danger and scared for their lives. The blood shows that she may have been injured and is in need of help. Also the fact that the male is staring at her injured arm implies that he is caring and is trying to look after her as she is In need of help.The dark low-key lighting adds to the sense of danger and panic as they are vulnerable in the situation and are at risk of being hurt with no one to help them.

This mid shot of the character emphasises the danger that they are in. It also highlights how they are vulnerable to attack by supernatural forces. This image creates a sense of shock and panic which is typical for a horror film. This also suggests that all of the other characters are at risk. We therefore sympathise with the characters.This shot could also imply that the character may end up like the figures embedded into the wall. This may be an indication of potential death.

This horrifying image shows the dramatic consequences of going into the cave and creates a huge impact on the audience as we realise that she may die and have no way to escape. This is highlighted by her facial expressions which indicate that she is screaming for help and she is fighting for her life. This is typical for the horror genre, to show horrific and terrifying images that shock the audience. The high-angle shot shows how she is deep under which implies that she has no way out.