an introduction to technical codes (ms1)

Technical Codes What is the grammar of cinema & television?

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Post on 15-Jun-2015




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A look at what different camera angles and editing are available to filmmakers and how they can be understood - using World War Z as an example


  • 1. Technical Codes What is the grammar of cinema & television?

2. Technical codes Filmmakers control what the audience focus on and therefore every shot is chosen for a reason. Changing how an object or person is framed can drastically alter how audiences react to that character / object There is no such thing as neutral. 3. Establishing Shot An Establishing Shot lets the viewer know where the action is taking place it can also give a feel for the type of location the character might spend time 4. Long Shot A Long Shot shows a large distance and makes a character symbolically small within a space 5. Full Shot A Full Shot shows the character from head to toe and allows them to feel part of their surroundings 6. Mid Shot The Mid-shot is the most emotionally neutral and reflects normal conversation distance 7. Close Up A Close Up shows the emotion in a characters face. It is an intimate shot and normally allows us to relate to a person. 8. Extreme close up An Extreme Close Up is incredibly intense and shows a moment of action or suspense. We hardly ever get this close to people in real life. 9. Focus Shallow focus can highlight the emotion of a character and bring them out of a location (more artistic) Deep focus can add a distance between characters and their surroundings and make them feel small or insignificant (more realistic) 10. High Angle Vs. Low Angle High Angle looks down on a character reducing their importance or strength Low Angle looks up at a character increasing their domination of the frame 11. Mini Quiz What type of shot is this and what is a possible reading? 12. Reminder When analysing a frame it is important to think about Distance / Focus and Angle When analysing filmmaking it is important to focus on Duration / Movement and Edit 13. Duration Different shot durations have different uses: Quick Editing is used to create action and excitement. Often the viewer is tricked into thinking they have seen more than they really have Slow Editing is used to create emotional attachment to the onscreen action. For example, a moving dramatic scene or lengthy conversations 14. Camera Movement From A Fixed PointWith Movement Hand-Held shaky as if Pan moving left & right the point of view is in the action (realistic) Tilt moving up & down Tracking smoothly on Zoom moving in & out tracks or with a steadicam to provide a distance from viewer (artistic) 15. Editing (Techniques) Editing is the name of the process that puts moving images in order. Some useful examples are: Match Cut graphically (or with audio) linking two shots together to create a higher meaning(Jump Cut) Jump Cut purposefully jolting the action forward normally to convey waiting around (Match Cut) Cutaway showing an important object or person away from the main action / main characters eye line 16. Editing (Transitions) A transition is an obvious edit between two scenes: Fade to Black signals the end of a scene Cross dissolve shows the passing of time Wipe usually means Meanwhile 17. An Example 18. World War Z The Framing of a Hero 19. Establishing Shot 20. Mid Shot (4 shot) 21. Close Up (2 Shot) 22. Close Up (2 Shot) 23. Extreme Close Up 24. Close Up 25. Low Angle 26. Mid Shot 27. Long Shot 28. Extreme Close Up 29. Over Shoulder Shot 30. Low Angle 31. (slightly) High Angle 32. Your turn! In pairs / groups, watch a film trailer and comment on the types of camera angles / editing being used: o Distance o Movement o Focus o Editing o Angle o Duration What does this say about the genre of the film and how is the audience supposed to read these codes Make ten bullet points / screen shots and we will watch them together next week