an accident - endeavour primary school · 2018. 11. 20. · an accident “this advertisement is...

An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents were watching television in the living room. Upon hearing the words “road safety”, I came out from my bedroom to watch the advertisement with them. When the advertisement came to the part on zebra-crossing, my memory brought me back to what happened one month ago... It was a Monday morning. I was on my way to school. “Adniel! Adniel!” I heard a voice calling me from across the road. It was my classmate, Alan. He was waving happily at me and running quickly across the zebra-crossing to meet me. “No! Alan…there is a car coming…” I shouted at the top of my voice to Alan when I saw a grey car zooming very quickly towards the zebra-crossing. I was frozen in my tracks at the neck-breaking speed of the car. Suddenly, in the nick of time, the car swerved to the side, avoiding Alan by a few inches. I broke out into cold sweat and was relieved that Alan was not knocked down by the car. “BANG!” But the car slammed into a tree by the roadside instead. My heart almost jumped out of my mouth. Alan and I quickly rushed towards the car. We were stunned and speechless at what had just happened. The car was badly smashed with its windscreen shattered into pieces and mangled metal was strewn all over the road. The still conscious driver’s forehead was bleeding profusely and he was groaning in pain. By that time, a crowd of curious onlookers had gathered around the accident scene with their mouths agape. One quick-witted onlooker whipped out his phone and called the ambulance and the police. Within minutes, the sirens of the ambulance and the police could be heard wailing from a distance. Upon arriving at the scene, the paramedics quickly sprang into action. The paramedics put the injured driver on the stretcher, wheeled him into the ambulance and sent him to the hospital. The policemen began taking down statements from me, Alan and other witnesses. It was a shocking experience for me. I could not believe that I had witnessed the horrifying accident. It all happened in a flash, in a blink of an eye. Now Alan and I have a deeper understanding of road safety. Pedestrians should always look out for cars before crossing roads and drivers should always drive with care.

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Page 1: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

An accident

“This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on

road safety…” My parents were watching television in the living room. Upon hearing the

words “road safety”, I came out from my bedroom to watch the advertisement with them.

When the advertisement came to the part on zebra-crossing, my memory brought me

back to what happened one month ago...

It was a Monday morning. I was on my way to school. “Adniel! Adniel!” I heard a

voice calling me from across the road. It was my classmate, Alan. He was waving happily

at me and running quickly across the zebra-crossing to meet me.

“No! Alan…there is a car coming…” I shouted at the top of my voice to Alan when

I saw a grey car zooming very quickly towards the zebra-crossing. I was frozen in my

tracks at the neck-breaking speed of the car.

Suddenly, in the nick of time, the car swerved to the side, avoiding Alan by a few

inches. I broke out into cold sweat and was relieved that Alan was not knocked down by

the car. “BANG!” But the car slammed into a tree by the roadside instead. My heart almost

jumped out of my mouth.

Alan and I quickly rushed towards the car. We were stunned and speechless at

what had just happened. The car was badly smashed with its windscreen shattered into

pieces and mangled metal was strewn all over the road. The still conscious driver’s

forehead was bleeding profusely and he was groaning in pain.

By that time, a crowd of curious onlookers had gathered around the accident scene

with their mouths agape. One quick-witted onlooker whipped out his phone and called the

ambulance and the police.

Within minutes, the sirens of the ambulance and the police could be heard wailing

from a distance. Upon arriving at the scene, the paramedics quickly sprang into action.

The paramedics put the injured driver on the stretcher, wheeled him into the ambulance

and sent him to the hospital. The policemen began taking down statements from me, Alan

and other witnesses.

It was a shocking experience for me. I could not believe that I had witnessed the

horrifying accident. It all happened in a flash, in a blink of an eye. Now Alan and I have a

deeper understanding of road safety. Pedestrians should always look out for cars before

crossing roads and drivers should always drive with care.

Page 2: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

“Adniel, look at this advertisement. Always remember the road safety rules it

teaches,” My father reminded me. I snapped out from my flashback when I heard his

voice. “Yes, I will never forget,” I replied.

Adniel Yeo, 3 Perseverance

Page 3: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

A Time I fell ill

“Wow! It’s such a satisfying game today!” exclaimed Matthew. Both Matthew and

I had just finished a two hour long basketball game. We were feeling very hot and

needed to cool ourselves down before going home. “Let’s go into the library to cool

ourselves down.” Matthew started to walk towards the school library. Upon hearing

Matthew’s suggestion, I tumbled head-long into the unpleasant experience I had on

that fateful day six months ago…

I was drenching wet in sweat after playing basketball with my friends in school.

The sun was blazing hot on that fateful day, making my desire for anything to cool me

down even greater. Right then I spotted the library! “Yes! The library! The air-

conditioner in the library will surely cool my body down in no time!” I thought to myself

with great joy in my heart. Without hesitation, I rushed towards the library as quick as


“Ahh..!” I let out a sigh of relief when I felt the first gush of cool air blowing onto

me the moment I opened the library door. I felt like I had reached heaven.

I happily browsed through the bookshelves quickly for a good book, threw myself

into a chair and started reading. When I checked my watch, I realised that 30 minutes

had passed since I started reading. I quickly packed up my stuff and left the library

for home.

Immediately after reaching home, I went for a cold shower. Still feeling tired, I

turned on the air-conditioner in my bedroom to 20 degree Celsius and fell asleep.

When I awoke an hour later, my body felt burning hot. I could not get out of bed

as I was feeling dizzy and had a bad headache. Agonizing in great discomfort, I cried

out to my mum for help. “Help! Mum!”

Mum came rushing to me and was shocked to find my face pale as a sheet and

my body trembling. My forehead was as hot as fire. Mum quickly reached for the

thermometer on my table and was very worried as I was running a high fever at 40

degree Celsius.

Without any delay, mum brought me to Dr. Chua’s Clinic in our neighbourhood.

After a thorough check and a few questions, Dr. Chua told us that my high fever was

due to lack of water and sudden temperature changes after my long hours of

basketball game. He advised me to rest well in bed and drink plenty of water. He also

prescribed some medicines for me. I faithfully obeyed all his instructions. Thankfully

I recovered fully three days later.

Page 4: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

“Adniel! Do you want to come with me?” called Matthew. I snapped out of my

flashback and quickly grabbed onto Matthew’s arm to stop him from going into the

library. Once bitten, twice shy, I told Matthew about my bad previous illness

experience and suggested that we could cool down ourselves in the canteen instead.

I was glad that Matthew accepted my suggestion and we headed towards the canteen

together. We got some water from the water cooler to drink and cool down ourselves

while we rested in the canteen.

Adniel Yeo, 3 Perseverance

Page 5: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

An Unlucky Day

“I told you to bring your umbrella and not to watch horror movies at night!” shouted

mother. It all started last night…

I was watching a horror movie at 11pm called ‘Ghost Busters’. “Adniel , go and

sleep now. It’s late,” warned mother. “But the show just started!” I grumbled. That night I

couldn’t sleep. I was thinking of all the horror scenes in the show.

“Ring! Ring!” The alarm clock screamed in my ears, I muffled the sound with the

pillow. “Adniel , are you going to be late for school?” asked mother. I looked at the clock,

to my horror it was already 7.25am! I had only ten minutes to get to school! I rushed to

change into my school uniform, then I took my bag and rushed out of the door. I had

completely missed breakfast. “Don’t forget to take your umbrella!” reminded mother but I

ignored her.

When I was halfway to the bus stop, it suddenly began raining. The rain fell in

torrents. The rain slapped me in the face. I was caught by surprise and regretted not

listening to my mother’s reminder. I was drenched from head toe as I quickened my pace

towards the bus stop.

Broom! Broom! To my horror the school bus had rumbled off without me. I quickly

chased after the school bus but it was to no avail. By then I had no choice but to run to

school in the rain.

“Adniel! What happened to you, why are you so late for school?” yelled Mr. Tan

when I stepped into the classroom. I could hear murmuring and giggling among my

classmates when I was explaining what had happened to me to Mr. Tan. I felt so

embarrassed and apologised to him for being late for school.

“Adniel, I hope you have learnt your lesson today,” bellowed mother. I snapped

out of my flashback... “Yes, I have learnt my lesson.” I replied. Once bitten, twice shy, I

will never watch horror shows at night again and I will not ignore my mother’s advice again.

Adniel Yeo, 3 Perseverance

Page 6: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

A Challenge I Faced in a Test

“Argh! This question is too difficult! Why must the teacher set such stupid question!”

grumbled Max, who was panic-stricken. He was sitting at his desk facing his worst

nightmare - A SCIENCE test, it was his weakest subject!

Max was not well-prepared for the test. With time vanishing away, Max hurriedly

scribbled his answers. He submitted his test paper to the Science teacher when the test

time ended. BUT… Max had simply ignored and skipped that difficult question and left

the answer space blank!

One week later…”Oh no! Why? Why? Why did I fail my Science test?” yelled a

disturbed Max while looking at his report card. “It’s because you’ve been playing computer

games all day before your Science test!” bellowed mother angrily. “You could have done

better for this test if you had planned your study before playing computer games. You

have been turning a deaf ear to my reminders to study during the past days before your

tests.” Mother reprimanded Max sternly.

A flood of regret overcame Max. He realised that he had not been responsible in

planning his study. ”I really regret my mistake, Mummy. I want to do better for my test in

the future. I will put in my best effort to study hard from now on,” promised Max as he

wiped away the tears that had rolled down his cheek.

From then on, Max started to study diligently for all his tests. He made sure that he

finished all his homework, revisions and assessment books every day. He was mindful

only to play computer games on weekends for only one hour.

When the day of the year-end examination arrived, Max was brimming with

confidence. “Today is the day! I am going to pass this examination!” Max thought

confidently to himself. Even though Max was a little bit nervous during his examination,

He attempted all the questions to his best effort.

Two weeks later, Max’s Science teacher announced that the class would be getting

back their examination papers. Max fidgeted anxiously as he waited for his paper. After

his teacher handed him the paper, Max gingerly flipped his paper to look at the result.

“Yes! I did it!” exclaimed Max. He had scored 97 marks! He was elated and beamed all

day at school.

In addition to the great achievement, Max was first in class! He was given an “Award

of Excellence”. “Yay! I have received the award of excellence, Mummy!” cheered Max

when he reached home. Mother was pleased with his good results. She praised Max and

told him that his hard work and good planning had paid off.

Page 7: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

Max was proud of himself for the effort he had put in and for overcoming his challenge.

Adniel Yeo, 3 Perseverance

Page 8: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

Helping Others

“Yes! I have finally saved up enough money to buy the newly released video

game!” I exclaimed excitedly to myself as I walked into Causeway Point Shopping Mall.

I could not wait to bring it home to play immediately.

Just as I was about to walk towards the video game shop at level three, I heard a

faint wailing sound of a child. I curiously walked towards the source of the cry and

spotted a young boy squatting at a corner outside a toy shop. There was nobody with


I walked forward to see if I could help the boy. I patted him on his shoulder

gently, but he was startled by me and began to cry louder! Tears streamed down like

broken beads on his cheeks What should I do? He looked so pitiful. “But the video

game? Argh! Never mind…” I thought about the video game for a moment but decided

to help the young boy first. I felt a strong urge to help him. He must have lost his

mother. I could understand exactly how he was feeling as I had the same experience

when I was five years old.

Suddenly, I had a brainwave. I took out the comic book, “Code of Honour -

Police” and showed it to the fearful, crying boy. I was relieved when his crying gradually

grew softer as I flipped the pages of pictures to distract and calm him down.

I told the boy that I would bring him to the information counter at level one to ask

the shopping mall management for help to find his mother. The information counter staff

made a broadcast announcement about the lost boy.

Within a few minutes, an anxious looking middle-aged woman came rushing

frantically towards the information counter calling non-stop “Luke! Luke!…” “Mummy!

Mummy!” the boy shouted at the top of his voice when he saw his mother. They hugged

each other tightly for a seemingly long time.

“Thank you! Thank you for helping Luke!” the mother thanked me profusely. I

could see tears of joy welling up in her eyes and relief on their faces.

After saying goodbye to the boy and his mother, I quickly rushed to the video

game shop. “Sorry, the last copy of the video game was sold just five minutes ago,”

replied the salesman. My heart sank. However, there was no real disappointment. The

sense of satisfaction from helping others that was deep in my heart was something that

this small disappointment could not overwhelm. I felt glad that I had helped the boy who

was in need. A person in need of help is more important than the latest video game.

Adniel Yeo, 3 Perseverance

Page 9: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

A Time That I Fell Ill

As I was flipping through the old photo album, I stumbled across a photo of myself at a

sushi restaurant, grinning from ear to ear and holding a piece of mouth watering sushi near my

mouth. It set me wandering down my memory lane as I remembered what happened a few years

ago on my birthday lunch....

"Allison, would you like to celebrate your birthday at Oiishii Sushi Restaurant?" asked

Mother. "Yes, please !" I replied most earnestly as images of delicious and delectable pieces of

sushi drifted into my mind.

So we set off to one of the best sushi restaurants in the downtown Orchard area. Once

we arrived at the restaurant, the smell of fresh sushi wafted to my nose. I couldn't help but gaze

at the assortment of colourful plates of sushi being carried along the moving conveyor belt to the

diners of the restaurant.

We chose to sit at the side booth and when my first plate of sushi came along, I wasted

no time and grabbed the plate of sushi topped with a generous amount of glistening bright orange

salmon roe. I gobbled it down hungrily.

"Mmm....the sushi is so yummy and the fish roe almost melts in my mouth. This feeling is

so blissful." I smacked my lips with satisfaction. Then, I took out my camera and snapped a selfie

of myself eating the delectable sushi.

Plates of sushi came fast and furious as I chomped down one plate of sushi right after

another. Then, about one hour into our feasting, I suddenly felt a strange, rumbling sound in my

stomach. I grabbed my stomach and headed to the nearest toilet as fast as my legs could carry

me. I slammed the door of the toilet's cubicle and unstoppable runny stools came out like a turned

on tap.

I came out of the toilet cubicle exhausted and my legs felt weak like jelly ready to cave in

at any moment. My mother wondered why I was taking so long and came to the restroom to look

for me.

The moment she stepped in, she exclaimed, "Oh my! Your face is as white as a sheet and

your hands are icy cold! I will have to bring you to see a doctor immediately."

At the clinic, the doctor diagnosed me with food poisoning based on the symptoms I had

experienced. It was likely that the food poisoning was caused by eating contaminated sushi at the

restaurant. It took a few days for the stomachache and diarrhoea to finally come to a halt.

"Allison ! It is time to toss the ‘Yu Sheng’!” said my mother, snapping me out of my

momentary stupor. Then I recalled, it was time for the whole family to gather around the dinner

table to toss the Chinese New Year Prosperity Salad with juicy slices of raw salmon fish inside.

This is a customary traditional must-have dish during Chinese New Year to usher prosperity and

abundance into the new year.

Page 10: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

You might think I would have cringed at the thought of having to eat raw fish again but I

still love my sashimi. Having learnt my lesson, I now make sure I eat only the freshest sashimi

and consume only moderate amounts so as to avoid unpleasant food poisoning again.

Allison Chan Ying En, 3 Perseverance

Toilet Time

Corey went to the toilet today,

Just because he wanted to play.

He racked his brain thinking of what to do,

Perhaps climb over the toilet door and watch others poo!

In the end, he simply decided to play in his own special way.

Allison Chan Ying En, 3 Perseverance

Page 11: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

A Burglary

One sunny afternoon, Sam saw two police cars and some policemen arrest some

burglars. When Sam saw that scene, he remembered an incident that happened three

years ago.

Sam was lying in his bed, dreaming away when he suddenly heard a loud sound.

Waking up from his dream, Sam opened the window to find out what caused the sound.

He saw two shadowy figures.

The two figures were carrying a large box. They were loading the box onto a truck.

Out of curiosity, Sam decided to find out what they were doing. Sam went out to the two

figures and asked, “What are you doing?” The two men, who were dressed in dark clothes,

answered “We are helping your neighbour to move house. Don’t worry. We’re not

suspicious people.” Sam did not believe them.

Sam woke his parents up and told them about the two men and the suspicious

truck. Sam’s parents took one look at what was happening and called the police. They

suspected that the two men were burglars. They reported the suspicious vehicle and men

to the police.

Several minutes later, some police cars arrived with flashing lights and blaring

sirens. They surrounded the suspicious truck and the policemen ordered the suspicious

men to surrender. The two men surrendered and the police arrested them.

A week later, Sam and his parents received a medal from the police force for being

vigilant citizens. Their vigilance resulted in the capture of two burglars who the police

wanted to capture for over 5 years!

Beeeep-Boooop- went the sirens of the police car, jolting Sam from the memory of

the robbery that he foiled.

Amelia Chong Zhi Qi, 3 Perseverance

Page 12: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

Helping Others

“Ring!” The school bell rang. Everyone rushed out of the school gates once the

bell rang. I was strolling home from school and thinking about all the wonderful things I

could do after I finished doing my homework. Suddenly, I heard someone cry, “Help, help!”

I thought I was hearing things, but I heard it again. I went to the place where the

sound came from, but it only led me to a drain. I looked down and saw two boys calling

for help. I asked, “How did you get in there?” One of them said, ”My money dropped into

the drain so I went to retrieve it, but when I was about to come back up someone closed

the grate.” The other boy said, “I tried to help him but I fell in and the grate swung shut.”

I tried to open I was not strong enough to lift it up. I still tried and tried but was

really not strong enough. I searched my bag for my mobile phone to call for help, but

when I found it, it was flat out of batteries. I ran to the nearest telephone booth, but I did

not have any money left. I rushed back to ask the boy for the money he dropped to call

for help. The boy passed me the money and I went back to the telephone booth and

punched nine, nine, five. Then I realised that it did not cost any money to dial nine, nine,


Ten minutes later, the sirens of a fire engine could be heard. Very swiftly, three

strong firemen arrived and rescued the two boys. They lifted up the drain cover and lifted

the boys out. The boys thanked me for helping them and we all headed home.

I hurried home too. Once I was home, I gobbled up my lunch and started on my

homework. I could not wait for my parents to get home as I wanted to tell them about the

adventure I had.

Ang Kai Heng, Trevis, 3 Perseverance

Page 13: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

An Accident

It was a peaceful Monday morning and I was on my way to school. I was eating a

banana and walking along the street. After eating the banana, I looked for a dustbin to

throw my banana peel. There were no dustbins around so I decided to bring the banana

peel to school and throw it into a dustbin before I reached class. Thinking of how I wanted

to litter reminded me of an accident that I witnessed with my very own eyes.

Two weeks ago… I was eating a banana while on my way to school. Lucky for me,

my school was just across the road. As I was going to the zebra crossing, a boy ran past

me without looking left or right. He must be off his rocker!

Suddenly a raven flew past above him. Some say that a raven flying past is a bad

omen, meaning that bad luck is around the corner. “WATCH OUT!”’ I shouted, dropping

my half-eaten banana on the road. As I dashed to pull him back, I saw a car moving at

break-neck speed. He had almost avoided the car but he didn’t. The car had hit his bag,

making him fall over. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

The car had skidded on my half-eaten banana and wrapped itself around a tree.

Thick black smoke came out from underneath the hood. I stood on the pavement, rooted

to the ground. I quickly ran to the nearest phone booth and punched ‘999’ to report the

accident. After that, I ran to the car and tried to open the door. After opening the door, I

found the driver unconscious. I unbuckled his seatbelt and brought him out of the car. The

wailing sirens of the police car and ambulance could be heard.

“Arfan? Why are you standing there with a banana peel?” asked my friend Andres,

bringing me back to reality. “Uh, oh, I was just remembering something that happened a

while ago…” I answered. As Andrew and I walked to school, I told him all about the

accident, “It was a peaceful Monday Morning and … …”

Arfan Daris Bin Mohamed Sani, 3 Perseverance

Page 14: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

Lending a Helping Hand

It was a bright and sunny afternoon. Ring! Ring! Ring! The school bell rang and

school was over. Sara walked out of her school gate happily because there was no

homework that day.

She walked past a sidewalk and saw a person lying on the floor. Sara was shocked

by what she saw. She ran up to the person and asked her whether she was hurt anywhere

but she talked too softly, Sara could not hear clearly but she knew that her name was


After that, Sara tried to carry Alice up but she was too heavy. When Sara withdrew

her hand, she realised her hand was covered in a lot of blood. She was shocked. Sara

checked the back of Alice’s head and it was bleeding. Sara went away and found an adult,

called Jane, to help.

Jane carried Alice and asked her what happened while Sara used her hand-phone to call an ambulance. After a few minutes, the ambulance arrived. The paramedic put

Alice on the stretcher and pushed her into the ambulance.

Sara and Jane followed Alice to the hospital. While going to the hospital, they

asked Alice for her parent’s hand phone number and called them.

When they were in the hospital, Alice’s parents arrived. Alice told Sara and Jane,

“Thank you very much, I was am glad that I met you.” Alice’s parents also thanked her for

saving their daughter. Suddenly, Sara remembered that she needed to go back home

quickly. At home Sara’s mother praised her for helping others but scolded her for coming

back home late and not telling them about her whereabouts. Sara felt both sad but happy.

Cheah Ker Xin, 3 Perseverance

Page 15: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

A Time I Fell Ill

“Hand Foot Mouth Disease is on the rise!” reported the reporter on Channel News

Asia. When I heard the news, I felt a pain in my throat. This reminded me when I was four

years old, I was infected with Hand Foot Mouth Disease!

I was walking home from my kindergarten with my mother, when suddenly, I felt

light headed. I told my mother about it. She touched my forehead to check if I was running

a high fever.

“Oh my, it’s so hot!” exclaimed my mother.

“Let’s go home to check your temperature!” added Mother.

I was under the weather. I noticed spots appearing on my palms. I screamed and

showed my mother the spots. Immediately, my mother took me to the doctor. When we

were at the clinic, I felt something growing in my mouth. Doctor Lee checked my hand,

mouth and foot. He told my mother that I have been infected with Hand Foot Mouth

Disease. My mother was shocked and worried. Doctor Lee advised me to stay away from

school for a week as the disease is contagious.

I stayed at home for a week and I was upset that I could not have fun in school. I

felt miserable as I lost my appetite for food. There were so many ulcers that grew on my

tongue that I had difficulty eating my meals. It was the most painful and unpleasant

experience I ever had.

“Mum, I have red spots growing on my hands!” shouted my brother after watching

the news. “Oh no...!” I said miserably, worried that I would catch it from him.

Cheslyn Liang, 3 Perseverance

Page 16: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

An Accident

One morning, I was walking to Endeavour Primary School. While I was walking to

school I saw my friend Charis on the other side of the road. When she saw me, she

dashed across the road in a flash oblivious of a car.

The car swerved and knocked a tree! I was shocked to see a car crash right in

front of my eyes. I sprang into action and tried to help the miserable driver. He was stuck

as I couldn’t get him out. I fished out my phone to dial 995. I was scared as I didn’t know

what to say but I talked to the person that picked up the phone.

In a few seconds, the ambulance came the paramedics hurried over to the patient

and put him on a stretcher. They wheeled him in the ambulance and drove off. I hurried

to the gate before it closed. I was late but felt good I got scolded but when I told the

teacher about the accident she praised me for my kind act. When I went home my mother

asked why I was so dirty when I told her the story she praised me to.

The next day, I saw Charis again I saw her look right, left and right again then she

raised her hand I think she had learned her lesson.

Cheslyn Liang, 3 Perseverance

Page 17: An accident - Endeavour Primary School · 2018. 11. 20. · An accident “This advertisement is brought to you by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on road safety…” My parents

The Two Burglars

When I was walking home from my tuition classes one night, I heard sirens from a

police car nearby.

“Wee-woo wee-woo.” The wailing of the sirens reminded me of an incident that

happened two months ago.

That late night, while I was having a midnight snack I heard a loud thud outside my

garden. Being curious, I ran towards my window to find what the loud thud was. To my

horror, I saw two suspicious men loitering outside my neighbour’s house. One of them

tried to break into the house. Immediately, I rushed to my parent’s room to inform them

of what I had just witnessed. Dad woke up quickly to check what was happening. He took

out his hand-phone and punched in ‘999’. The police arrived in a few minutes.

When the police arrived, they surrounded our neighbour’s house. Meanwhile, the

burglars were oblivious of the police surrounding them outside the house.

“Hey Ah Beng, hurry! We have to leave soon before the owner comes back!” said

one of the burglars. Both of them packed up their loot in a huge bag. They took all the

valuables and jewelry with them. When they sneaked out of my neighbour’s house, they

were like cats on hot bricks. They were shocked to see the police waiting for them. They

knew they were no match for the policemen who then arrested them.

“Hey Cheslyn, why are you standing here in a daze?” asked my mother, snapping

me out of my memories. “Oh! Hi mum, I was just recalling that burglary two months ago…”

I answered.

Cheslyn Liang Yong Ting, 3Perseverance

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The Time That I Fell Ill.

Crystal was doing her tuition homework when she remembered the time that she

fell ill. It was a sunny morning, Crystal wanted to play outdoors, but she soon remembered

her mother’s advice not to play outdoors. Soon, the advice feel on deaf ears.

Crystal went out to play and she did not notice that she was late for her tuition, she

ran home and ate a slice of cake but did not wash her hands. After eating, she

immediately grabbed her bag and ran off like a tornado as she was late for her tuition


After her tuition class, she had a tummy-ache, her mom saw her acting strangely

so she touched her head. It was as hot as fire, so took her temperature and it was 40.9

degrees Celsius!

Crystal’s mum took Crystal down to the doctor. She was told to rest for 2 days and

was given some medicine to recover. It was such an unlucky day for her.

Crystal soon woke up from her dream and continued to do her homework.

Chin Hui Shan, 3 Perseverance

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An Accident

Each time Miguel walks along the route to school, he is reminded of the incident

which happened two years ago…

One hot and humid day, Miguel was on his way when he saw his best friend, Alex,

across the road. Without looking out for traffic, Miguel dashed across the road. A car was

approaching at breakneck speed. The driver could not stop in time, so he swerved the

car to avoid hitting Miguel. As a result, he hit a tree instead.

Screech! Bang! Thick black smoke came from the front of the car. A crowd of

onlookers gathered. Alex and Miguel stood rooted to the ground. Both of them were

extremely shocked. Someone called the ambulance and after a few minutes, the

ambulance arrived. The driver groaned in pain and bled profusely. The paramedics

stopped the bleeding, put him on a stretcher and brought him into the ambulance.

After that incident, Miguel realised that his carelessness had caused a major

accident. He also realised that he was now late for school. When he entered the school,

the principal scolded him for being late. The principal also called his mother. After school,

Miguel’s mother was as angry as a bull. She scolded him harshly for being careless and

causing the accident.

The next day, Miguel made his way to school again. Once again he saw Alex

across the road. This time, he looked out for traffic and crossed safely once the traffic

was clear.

Dylan Tan Di Wen, 3 Perseverance

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An unlucky day

It was a cold and dark night. Emma was still watching her favourite Korean drama

on television. When she was watching her show, Emma’s mother shouted at her angrily,


Emma did not listen to her mother and continued watching Korean drama until 12 midnight.

The next day, rain poured down from the sky in torrents. Emma was sleeping

soundly on her bed. “Ring…..ring!” the alarm clock screamed at her ear. She was so

sleepy that she could hardly open her eyes. Emma turned her head and look through the

window. As it was raining, it was pitch dark outside. Emma did not know that it was raining,

so she mumbled to herself, “It is still early, I think I can sleep a little bit more.” She turned

her alarm clock off and went back to bed.

One hour later, Emma’s mother shouted, “You are going to be later for school!

Wake up!” Emma work up from her sweet slumber, then she looked at the clock, horrified,

“OH NO! I am late for school.” Emma took a quick bath and changed into her PE attire.

She rushed down stairs like a whirlwind and gobbled her breakfast. Then she swept

around the house to gather her things. While she was taking her bag, she took the wrong

one as Emma and her sister’s bags are identical. She ran as fast as her legs could carry

her and ran out of the house. Emma’s mother reminded her, “You have forgotten your …”

Before Emma’s mother have finished her sentence, she had gone out of the house.

When she was out of her house, the rain slapped her in the face. Emma could not

find her umbrella, she had no choice but to use her file to cover her head, but within

minutes Emma was drenched from head to toe. While Emma was running, she stepped

into a puddle of mud and fell flat on her face while her sister’s homework flew into a

passerby. When she got up, a truck splashed a lot of water on her. Then, when she turned

to the bus stop she saw her bus leaving! She quickly said sorry to the passerby and, ran

towards the bus.

“Wait for me! Wait for me!” Yelled Emma as she ran after the bus. She didn’t know

how, but she stopped right in front of the bus. People in the bus gasped. The bus driver

quickly stopped the bus and the bus was a hair’s breadth away from hitting Emma.

Passengers in the bus got off the bus to help Emma up the bus.

When she got to school, she was all wet. Some students in her class laughed at

her. The teacher asked, “Why are you half an hour late!” Emma told the teacher what had

happened in the morning. Then, she was brought to the general office to get changed.

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From that day onwards, Emma stopped watching Korean drama at night and set

two alarm clocks so that she will not be late for school.

Ember Ng, 3 Perseverance

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Helping Someone in need

I skipped home from school, happily humming my favourite song. I wanted to go

home, take a cool shower and curl up on my bed to read a book.

Suddenly, a shrill cry rang in my ears. I shrugged my shoulders and started walking

through the park. As I walked into the park, I heard the same cry for help. I looked around

and suddenly saw a boy lying on the floor, his bike right on the stomach. I looked around

to see if there was anyone who could help him. Unfortunately, everyone was doing their

own thing. I glanced at my watch, if I helped the boy, I would be late for lunch and my

mother would be mad at me! I sighed and rushed to help the boy.

I tried to lift up the bike with all my strength but it was no use. It was too heavy. I

ran around the park and asked some people if they would mind helping me out. Soon the

bike was off him. The boy happily thanked me and the other people and ran to the other

side of the park. I smiled at myself, proud that I had helped him. Suddenly, a thought hit

me. I glanced at my watch. “Oh no!” I screamed to myself. I picked up my school bag

and quickly ran through the park. It was already one hour past my lunch time! My mother

was going to be so mad at me...

Soon I reached home. I breathlessly opened the door. I took one look at my mother

and could tell that she was already furious. I quickly told her about the boy and why I was

late for lunch. After hearing that, my mother exclaimed, “I’m so proud of you! “ I smiled at

myself. It felt good to help someone in need.

Gooi Yi Xuan, 3 perseverance

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An Unlucky Day

RING!!! RRINNGGGGGG!!!!!!!! The shrill voice of the alarm clock screamed in

Elissa’s ear. She groaned as she heard the alarm. “I’ll just sleep for a few minutes more…”

she murmured to herself as she drifted back into her sweet slumber.

The warm rays of the sun woke Elissa up. She slowly opened her eyes, looked at

alarm clock and cried, “It’s seven already?!” In a hurry, Elissa dashed to her bathroom,

picked up her toothbrush and toothpaste. Brushing her hair and tying it up in on go, she

wobbled to her closet and threw out her uniform. She wore her PE attire shirt and her

uniform skirt. She rushed down the stairs, gobbled down her breakfast and picked up her

bag. “Elissa! Don’t forget your umbrella! There's a storm brewing outside!” her mother

reminded. Unfortunately, Elissa zipped out the door like a whirlwind, wearing her slippers

without hearing her mother. Rain poured and lighting danced in the sky. Wind was

slapping Elissa’s face repeatedly. Elissa rushed through the rain and fog, her slippers

going flip flop as she ran.

Soon the bus stop was in sight Elissa raced towards it as fast as her legs could

carry her. Suddenly, as clumsy as a bear, Elissa tripped on her own slippers and her body

flew through the air. Elissa felt like she was going in slow-motion. Suddenly, her face hit

a wall and it slid down it slowly. Weakly, Elissa picked herself up and started running to

the bus. “Wait!!” she shouted. Sadly, the bus driver did not hear her and drove off. Elissa

sighed as she had no choice but to run to school, drenched from head to toe.

Thankfully, Elissa made it in two minutes just before the bell rang. Elissa looked at

the sky and smiled the rain has cleared and not a droplet of rain was felt on Elissa’s skin.

She smiled again as she thought the day wasn’t so bad after all. She zipped up to her

classroom, opened the doors and walked in as everyone stared at the trail of puddles she

was leaving behind. She got to her seat without making any eye-contact, and quickly sat

down. “Class, please hand up your homework.” announced Mr. Tan. Elissa zipped up her

bag, and took out her worksheet. At least she thought it was her worksheet… She stared

in horror, as she was looking at a child’s drawing of flowers and a sunny day.

Unfortunately, it was too late for her to react. The teacher was coming down her row. Mr.

Tan took the drawing out of Elissa’s hand and frowned. Elissa stared at the floor and

groaned. She knew she was in for a very long lecture…

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Meanwhile…in her sister’s kindergarten, her sister opened her bag and took out

Elissa’s worksheet, handed it in to her teacher, without realising it was the wrong

worksheet. The teacher looked at Elissa’s worksheet and gasped in shock. The teacher

praised Elissa’s sister thinking that she could do primary five math, her sister looked at

her class in confusion as the teacher praised her for what she had not done.

Soon, the dismissal bell rang for both schools. Elissa dashed out the classroom

like a typhoon and ignored the people who stared at her still-wet uniform. “This is the

worst day ever,” Elissa muttered to herself as she flopped down the hallway with her

sister’s bag. Later, Elissa walked too slow and had missed the school bus to send her

home! Elissa moaned and started walking home.

RING!!!! RINGGG!!!! Elissa groaned as she headed the alarm. “Two more


Gooi Yi Xuan, 3 perseverance

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An Accident

Every time Crystal spots a cat she recalls the painful memory when her friend Lily

was almost killed…

It was a breezy morning. Crystal and Lily were on their way to school. As they

approached the zebra crossing, Lily spotted a cat on the other side of the road and dashed

across the road like lighting to pet the cat.

An oncoming car saw Lily ran across the road. But he was driving too fast to break,

so he swerved to the right to avoid them, smashing into a tree. Lily stood rooted to the

ground, her face as white as sheet, not knowing what to do. Crystal’s jaw almost dropped

to the ground when she saw smoke was coming out of the car and blood was splattered

over the car windows. Crystal hurriedly came back to her senses and reached in her

pocket to whip her phone out. To her horror, she had felt nothing in her pocket and

realised she had forgot to bring her phone! Crystal asked Lily to take care of the driver

while she went to the school to get help.

Crystal dashed to the security guard’s post and quickly asked the security guard

to call 995 immediately. Meanwhile, Lily was trying to open the car door, when she did,

she quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and pulled out the unconscious driver.

While waiting, Crystal ran back to Lily. They were trying to predict what was going

to happen while they waited for the ambulance. In a short while, wails sirens could be

heard in the distance.

A few moments later, a crowd of curious onlookers gathered around the accident

while the paramedics loaded the unconscious driver in a stretcher to the ambulance, and

swiftly drove away to the direction of the hospital.

Crystal and Lily dashed to school in a blink of an eye right before the gate closed

and they both breathed out a sigh of relief that they got to school before the gate closed.

However, they were both late by half an hour! The look on the teacher’s face had told

Crystal and Lily that they had to answer why they were late. Without hesitation, Crystal

had explained about the accident that occurred. The teacher praised Crystal for her heroic

actions and warned Lily to be more careful next time.

Crystal! We’re going to be late!” Lily exclaimed as she snapped her fingers in front

of Crystal’s face. Crystal looked at her watch and realised she had been standing by the

zebra crossing for twenty-five minutes! Crystal and Lily walked across the zebra crossing

and both had gotten to school in the nick of time.

Gooi Yi Xuan, 3 perseverance

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The Foiled burglary

The news reporter on the TV was talking about a burglar who stole some money

from the bank. As soon as Ashlyn heard the news, she recalled the time when she saw a


Ashlyn opened the door of her room and went to the kitchen in the middle of the

night for some water to drink. Suddenly, she heard a loud noise coming from outside.

Ashlyn walked to the window and saw two black shadows loading a safe into a truck.

Curiously, she quietly opened the main door of her house and came down and went down

to check it out.

She walked up to the two man and asked, “What are you doing in the middle of the

night?” The two men felt irritated and one of them said, “We are just transferring this to

the bank, just go home little girl.”

Ashlyn was not sure if the two men were telling the truth as she didn’t think anyone

would transfer anything to the bank in the middle of the night. She went back up, woke

her parents and them to look out the window. As soon as her parents saw the truck and

burglars, they called 999 immediately.

Several minutes later, three police cars arrived with flashing lights and blaring

sirens. They surrounded the suspicious truck and arrested the two men.

A week later, Ashlyn and her parents received a medal from the police force for

being vigilant citizens. Their vigilance resulted in the capture of the two notorious burglars

who the police have been trying to capture for 10 years!

“Ashlyn, no more TV, go to bed,” said her mother sternly as Ashlyn quickly snapped

out of her day dream and went to bed.

Gooi Yi Xuan, 3 perseverance

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A Time I Fell Ill

Bella looked at her food and remembered the time, one week ago, when she had

diarrhea. “HMPH! I’m so mad! Jason pranked me again!” Bella shouted. Bella is from a

wealthy family and very arrogant. “Miss Bella, please calm down!” her maid told her.

“What did you say!?I’m a high-class lady! You should all listen to me! ME!

Understand?!”Bella exclaimed. “Yes, Miss Bella.” her maid said. Bella shouted so loudly

that her mother could hear her from upstairs. “Bella! Don’t shout at the maid! Let’s go to

a restaurant!” her mother tried to calm her down. “Fine,” said Bella.

Bella’s mother called the chauffeur, “Hello? Yes, it’s me. Drive me to the “The Italy

Restaurant” Ok, thanks.” Ten minutes later, the chauffeur arrived. “Come in, Madam,” the

driver said. “What about me?” Bella said stubbornly. “Oh, you too, Miss Bella,” the driver


In the restaurant, there were lots of people. “Let’s go find a seat Bella,” her mother

told her. “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Bella told her mother stubbornly. After Bella and her

mother found a seat and order their menu, they waited for 15 minutes. When their food

came, Bella began to eat. She was so happy she didn’t notice she ate too much. After

eating, Bella felt something coming out from her bottom. “Oh no, I think I ate too much

spaghetti…”Bella mumbled to herself. “Bella? Did you say something?” her mother

asked her. “Nothing mom, I just want to use the loo.” Bella laughed nervously. “Ok, come

back quickly, I’ll pay the bill.” Mother told her. Bella ran to the girl’s restroom. “Ah…much

better!” Bella told herself.

“Bella!” Mother shouted. “Ah!” Bella snapped out of her stupor. “Eat your food,”

Mother said. “Ok,” Bella answered. Twenty minutes later, Bella told herself, “I don’t want

the same thing to happen to me 1 week ago.” “Mom, I’m full.” “Ok, I understand you. Is it

what happened last week?” Mother asked. “Yes, I’ll do my homework now.” Bella told her

mom. “Ok!” Mother told Bella.

Shalaine How Jing Ying, 3 Perseverance

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An Unlucky Day

Whenever I hear the alarm ring, I know it is time to go to school .It also reminded

me of a time when I was late for school.

It was seven o’clock and I was still sleeping because my clock was spoilt. When I

woke up, I looked at my watch, I was shocked. I dashed and changed into my uniform. I

gobbled my breakfast and flew out .I ran down the stairs.

When I reached the first story, I dashed through the stormy rain and I was drenched

from head to toe. I did not notice that there was a puddle of mud so I slipped and fell with

a loud thud. When I picked myself up, my uniform was covered with mud. At the same

time, I saw the public bus rumble off so I decided to run to school.

Soon I reached the school, but I was still late for assembly. I was so embarrassed

because all my friends were laughing at my wet and smelly uniform .I mumbled to myself

“What an unlucky day!’’

Howard Wong Kow Voon, 3 Perseverance

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An Unlucky Day

“Switch off the lights and set the alarm, “Mother reminded Peter. As Peter was

turning off the lights, his alarm clock fell off the table and onto the floor. Little did he know

that his alarm clock broke because the clock hands had stopped moving.

It was six-thirty in the morning. Peter was supposed to wake up or else he would

be late! Peter thought it was still nine o’clock at night but it was already seven-thirty in the

morning! He quickly jumped out of bed, changed into his uniform, gobbled up his breakfast

and locked the house all in a space of a second. As the angry clouds approached, he

realized he had forgotten to take his umbrella.

Peter dashed as fast as he could to the bus stop to catch the bus. Unfortunately,

he slipped and fell on a puddle of water. That caused him to miss the bus. As the bus was

rumbling away, he felt sad and embarrassed.

As the people alighted from the other buses, they walked fast to help Peter. Some

gave him tissues as they saw rain slapping his face. Peter learned to take notice of the

things that was happening around him. He also learned that it is important to check when

things fall, especially if it is the alarm clock.

Isaac Neng, 3 Perseverance

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An unlucky day

It was a peaceful night. Sammy was in the living room drinking some black coffee

and watching television. Soon, the clock struck ten and Sammy’s mom bellowed, “Oh

Sammy, it’s time to go to bed!” “Alright Mom!” Sammy replied as he turned off the

television and went to bed, but because of the coffee he drank, he could not sleep until it

was one a.m.

In the morning, his alarm screamed in his ear, Sammy turned it off and went back

to sleep. The next thing he heard was his mom yelling, “Wake up now, you are late!!”

Sammy woke up and looked at his alarm clock. It was seven o’clock! He immediately

turned into a tornado and washed up, stuffed bread into his mouth, snatched the school

bag on the floor and dashed out of the front door. “Don’t forget your umbrella!” Mom

shouted, but it was too late, Sammy was gone.

Sammy was running in the rain to catch the bus, but as he was running, he stepped

into a huge puddle and fell face down on the ground. Sammy felt very embarrassed as

some of the passengers alighted to help him. When he was at school, he realised that he

had grabbed his little sister’s bag and she goes to kindergarten!

From that day on, Sammy never drank coffee at night before bed, he only drank

coffee in the morning or afternoon.

Jolie Tang Yu Tong, 3 Perseverance

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An Unlucky Day

“It is time to sleep!” Mother exclaimed. Tom, who was watching his favorite

television programme, did not reply. “Go sleep or you are going to be late for school!” She

shouted again. Tom still did not reply, so she went to bed herself.

The next morning at six-o'clock sharp, Tom’s alarm began to ring, breaking the

silence, but Tom did not wake up. He thought to himself “A few more minutes would not

make any difference! So he rolled over and continued to sleep.

When Tom finally got up, he realized that he was going to be late! He quickly got

ready, ate breakfast, and bolted down the stairs. “Rumble!” the sky shook as rain poured

down outside. Tom took one look outside and saw that the school bus was about to leave!

As Tom rushed toward the bus, rain splashed on him but he did not care. Suddenly,

Tom lost his balance on the slippery floor and fell face down on the sidewalk, but he got

up and boarded the bus just when it was about to leave.

When Ton finally got to school, he realized that he was an hour late. He regretted

what he had done and promised to the teacher never to do it again, so the next morning,

Tom went to bed early. He did not want to be late again.

Kang Chengxi, 3 Perseverance

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Mischief in the Library

“Mum can we visit the library?” I asked. ”OK, be sure to bring the books to return!”

Mum called. On the way to the library, Mum shared with me her experience with two boys

who were at the library vandalising books.

Once we reached the library, I looked for the book titled “Harry Potter” which is

about a boy whose parents were killed by an evil wizard and ends up with a lightning scar

on his forehead, he then goes on crazy adventures with his friends. While looking for the

book I came across two boys in a dark section, one holding a marker and the other with

a book. ”What are you doing?” I asked curiously. One of the boys said in a hushed voice,

“Get away, it's none of your business boy!”

I noticed that the book was the one I wanted to borrow, and the two boys were

drawing on it. I went to the librarian and alerted her about the boys vandalising the book

I had wanted to borrow. Hearing what I said, she grew very mad. Her face turned red like

an apple, brows furrowed and her eyes not blinking. Furious, she went straight to the

section the boys were at. ”What kind of behaviour is this!” she angrily scolded the two

boys “U-uh, we...we were just reading” one boy lied, trying to look as convincing as

possible. “Nonsense! Look at the book, it's got ink all over it!” the librarian scolded.

Once the librarian had calmed down she phoned the boys’ parents and talked to

them about their bad behaviour. “Oh ok, thanks for letting me know. These two are some

troublemakers, heh.” their mother chuckled, but on the way out she furiously scolded the

two boys as they got in the car. I told mum about the two mischievous boys, she said the

same incident happened to her when she way my age. I noticed the librarian approach

me by the side of my eye, she gratefully praised me and insisted I have a full Harry Potter

book to myself. “Wow!” I exclaimed in excitement. I learned that it's good to help others

as they kindness might be repaid.

Kieran Lim Rui Xian, 3 Perseverance

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An Unlucky Day

“If only I listened to mommy’s reminder, I would not have gotten my uniform and

bag soggy or been late for school,’’ Oscar thought. The incident started before school…

The alarm screamed at his ear. Oscar had trouble waking up from his sweet

slumber. When he finally woke up, he looked at his clock and found out that he was late

for school! “Oh no! I’m late for school!’’ Oscar shouted worriedly. He rushed to the

bathroom to take his shower and his teeth. He skipped his breakfast, grabbed a bag and

left for school. “Wait! Bring this umbrella along with his you,’’ ordered his mom, but he did

not heed her advice.

As Oscar reached the ground floor, rain slapped him in the face. It was raining cats

and dogs! He saw the bus arriving at the bus stop. He did not bring his umbrella so he

chased the bus under the rain. He was drenched from head to toe. When he reached the

bus stop, the bus had not left yet, but it was crowded and he did not have space to

squeeze in. He did not have any no choice but to run to school. He ran like a typhoon

without noticing a large puddle of water. He almost lost his balance and fell.

As he rushed to school, he looked at his watch and realised he was 2 periods late!

When stepped into his classroom, all his classmates and friends laughed at him, all soggy

and wet. He rushed to his table blinking back a wave of tears and sat down. He dug his

head into the bag looking for his text book, but then, he found out that he brought the

wrong bag! It was his Primary one sister’s bag. Oscar’s sister, Olivia, was sick so she did

not go to school. What an unlucky day! Oscar learnt to listen to his mother’s advice and

wake up early in the morning.

Kyanna Talitha Irawan, 3 Perseverance

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Roller-skating with Mia

Mia loves roller-skating,

She does it every day.

He parents always wonder,

Is home where she does not like to stay?

Mia loves roller-skating,

She has tried it in every way.

Strangely she’s never made a blunder

Maybe one day she’ll win a bouquet?

Lai Yi Xuan, 3 Perseverance

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Respecting belongings

Whenever I see people tearing pages out from a book, I will always remember the

time with the same experience…

It was a bright sunny day as I was walking out of my house. “I shall visit the library!’’

I told myself again.

When I reached the library, I pulled out an interesting book about space. When I

was done reading, I put the book back onto the shelf. As I was walking, I saw two boys

tearing pages out from a book. Immediately, I informed the librarian.

She instantly shouted to the 2 boys to come to her. She scolded them and gave

them a warning. The 2 boys apologized profusely and promised they wouldn’t do it again.

I was on cloud nine for doing the right thing.

“Glen, wake up! We are going out to the playground today!” My brother yelled,

waking from my momentary stupor. “I am coming,” I replied, still half asleep.

From that day on, I learnt a lesson: To respect things that belong to others.

Lee Ding Yuan Glen, 3 Perseverance

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I was on my way home from a skateboard stunt competition when my best friend,

Jake, started to perform stunts on his skateboard to show off. Suddenly, a car appeared

from the corner and headed towards Jake. It swerved to avoid Jake and his skateboard.

Unfortunately, it could not stop in time as the brakes were jammed and it hit the wall of

the nearby HDB flat. Glass tinkled from the windows to the floor. Never again, I thought,

was I going to see an incident as bad as this. The moment I thought of that, I remembered

the devastating incident I caused five months ago…

It was Monday morning. I was getting ready to go to school. My mother shouted,

“Don’t forget to take your breakfast, Gilly!” After I took my breakfast, I carried my bag and

went to school. On the way, I was feeling sleepy as I slept late in the night before and

was not paying attention while I was walking. I walking on the wrong part of the road. I

was so tired that I did not even know I was jaywalking until I heard a speeding car’s engine.

Screech! It swerved off the road to avoid me. However, it was driving too fast and hit a

tree. I was horrified and felt guilty.

Luckily, I had my phone. I whipped it out and punched “995”. While waiting for the

ambulance, I checked on the driver. Luckily, he was still conscious. Soon, the paramedics

arrived in no time and so did the police. The driver’s leg was injured. The paramedics

bandaged his leg to stop the bleeding. They then carried him in a stretcher and put him

at the back of the ambulance. As it drove off, it flickered and made deafening siren. The

police asked me a few questions and then left the scene.

I continued my way to school. When I got to school, it was not a pretty scene. I

realised that I missed the first period of school! Even telling the story of what happened

would not make the teacher happy. She gave me a punishment and, to make matters

worse, she also informed my mother, making that day even worse.

Beep! Boop! Beep! Boop! Once I heard the sound of siren, I snapped out of my

momentary stupor and as what happened that day, I saw Jake checking on the driver and

the ambulance arriving from afar.

Lee Jian Hao, Nicholas, 3 Perseverance

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The time Zaky fell ill

“Yum!” Zaky said hungrily as he was as hungry as a bear. Zaky bought two Nasi

Lemak burgers and three large packets of French Fries.

When Zaky finished eating all the food, he went shopping to buy mushrooms,

vegetables, pork chop and potato chips. He ripped the packet of chips open and started

munching on them while he was on the way home.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain on his tongue and in his throat. He rushed, as quickly

as his legs could carry him, to a nearby clinic to see the doctor. The doctor said that Zaky

had an ulcer on his tongue and a swollen throat. Zaky took out a small mirror to see if it

was true. He was shocked to see little white spots on his tongue and large red bumps at

the back of his throat. The doctor said that he had eaten too much fried food and snacks.

Once bitten, twice shy. Zaky promised himself that he would not eat too much fried

food again as he did not walk ulcers on his tongue or red bumps in his throat ever again.

Lee Yu Tze, 3 Perseverance

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A time when I fell ill

Amy was walking home from school as her mother had an appointment. “Ah choo!”

A girl walked past her while sneezing uncontrollably. She walked away as fast as her legs

could carry her, as she remembered the time she had a cold.

“Ring! Ring!” the bell rang, Amy was walking home with her mother happily. Amy

was almost home when she spotted something, a theme park! She asked her mother to

bring her there, but her mother said it was going to rain.

Amy was disappointed as she loves theme parks. She thought of a plan to trick

her mother. “Ouch! My tummy hurts!” she said. Her mother was worried. Amy said that

she needed the toilet, and asks her mother to go home first.

When her mother was gone, she ran to the theme park. She played for ten minutes

before it started pouring. Dark clouds filled the sky. Lightning flashed, thunder banged.

She had to run home for shelter.

When she got home, it was too late, she kept on sneezing. Her mother said she

had a cold and gave her some medicine, then she asked her to have a hot shower.

Several days later, she recovered. She regretted what she did and every time it rains, she

remembers the time she was ill.

“Little girl, are you okay?” Amy heard someone say. She snapped out of her

thoughts, and continued her journey home.

Nicole Lim, 3 Perseverance

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A challenge I faced in a test

“Amy! Wow! You got Band 1 for your English composition writing! How did you do

it?’’ her classmates asked when Mrs. Tan, 3F’s English teacher read out the marks for

their composition writing. Amy smiled and just said calmly, ‘‘do I have a story to tell you!

It all started last Saturday…’’

“Amy! How many times do I need to remind you to do your homework?” Mother’s

scream made glass shatter and crumble onto the floor. Amy lazily got up and dragged

herself to her study table. “I’ll just do it later,” Amy thought to herself. “Don’t forget, your

composition examination is tomorrow!’’ Mother reminded her again. After twenty minutes,

Amy decided to get out her textbooks and started to revise.

The next day, the very first period of the day was her English composition

examination. Amy’s heart beated like she had just ran a thousand miles. She was so

nervous that maybe she would fail like her last test. When the examiner handed out the

paper, Amy had a look around. All her classmates looked confident. When Amy saw the

question and the theme, she couldn’t remember anything she revised. She stared blankly

at the paper and tried to recall the things she had revised. Suddenly, everything flowed

back into her mind. Amy wrote down the words without hesitation. Just before time was

up, Amy finished her last sentence. ‘‘Pens down,’’ said the examiner. Amy let out a sigh

of relief.

“And that’s the story of how I got Band 1 for my composition writing!’’ said Amy as

she finished her story. “You’re amazing, Amy! We should learn from your hard work!’’ her

classmates told her. Amy replied with a grin and knew that this was a day she would

remember forever.

After a few days, the results were given out. Amy was over the moon when she

saw her marks. All her worries vanished and when Mrs. Tan said she would be getting

the award for improvement, Amy nearly fainted!

When she got home, Amy told her mother the good news. “Amy, you made a huge

improvement!’’ her mother told her. Amy smiled a huge smile so big and bright, people

from outer space could see her smile.

Liu Yuyan, 3 Perseverance

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An accident

It was a sunny day and Howard was on his way to school, when saw a pupil cross

the road while looking at his phone. It reminded of the time he did the same and caused

an accident.

It was a cooling day, Howard was on his way to school. He was distracted by his

phone. He crossed the road without looking left and right. He his eyes was on his phone.

Howard crossed the road to get to his school.

Out of nowhere, a car which was speeding came by. The driver swerved his car to

avoid hitting Howard and hit a tree. Howard heard a loud bang, he was frightened and

knew this accident was his fault. The driver was badly injured. Howard took out his phone

and dialed ‘995’. Then he asked some by-standers to help the driver out of the car. The

car was full of smoke when they help the driver out of the car. When Howard saw the

driver bleeding profusely and he looked at his hands that was covered in blood, he

mumbled “blood” feeling like he was a murderer.

The sirens of a police car and an ambulance were soon heard. Paramedics tended

to the injured driver.

“Howard, WATCH OUT!” shouted Ben as he pulled Howard back. Howard’s mind

raced back to reality and thanked ben. Howard thank Ben because if he did not stop him,

he would be knocked down by a car.

Lye Yong Jun, 3 Perseverance

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An Unlucky Day

Joey checked her bag, then she checked to make sure that her alarm clock was

working and put her umbrella in her bag before she went to bed. She remembered the

day that she was late for school.

It all started like this. “Joey, get into bed now or else you will be late for school!”

shouted Joey's mother from the kitchen. “Alright mum,” said Joey. When she finished

brushing her teeth and changing into her pajamas, she ran and jumped onto her bed

without even noticing that she had kicked her alarm clock off the bedside table. When she

realised it, she thought, “Tomorrow I will ask mummy to fix it.” Without any other thoughts

she turned her head and fell asleep.

The next day, Joey's alarm clock did not ring. By the time she woke up, it was

already 7.45 a.m.! She was late for school! Joey quickly hopped out of bed and quickly

went to the bathroom to change. While she was brushing her teeth, she felt her mouth

burn and when she looked, she had accidentally used her father's super spicy toothpaste!

She quickly gargled her mouth with the water and changed into her uniform.

When she looked at her watch, it was 7.47 a.m.! She decided to skip breakfast.

She grabbed her bag and zoomed out the door. Before she left, her mother yelled, “Joey!

Remember to bring your umbrella!”

Joey ignored her and dashed out of the door. When she reached the lobby, it was

very windy and the wind rustled her hair as she ran. Not long after, a flash of lightning cut

through the clouds in the sky. Joey thought, “I should have listened to my mother!” Without

an umbrella she had no choice but to run in the rain.

While she was running on the rain, she spotted her bus in a distance. There was

a huge puddle in front of her. Without noticing it, she stepped into the puddle and slipped.

She landed face first on the bus window. When the people and the bus driver saw what

happened, they quickly helped her into the bus.

By the time Joey reached her school, she was super late. She ran up to her class.

When her teacher saw her, she asked her why she was so late. Joey told whole story and

was thankful that her teacher forgave her. That very evening she asked her mummy to

fix the broken alarm clock. After that, she would check and double check it again before

going to bed.

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Rrringggg! The sound of Joey's alarm clock woke her up from her flashback. Joey

brushed her teeth, put on her uniform and shoes and stepped out of the house with an


Meadow Isabelle Adipura, 3 Perseverance

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Whenever Lia sees a child playing in the rain she would remember the time when

she played in the rain and fell ill.

Ringgg!!! The school bell rang, announcing that the school day has ended. Lia

immediately rushed to the playground to play on the swing. She thought, ''I'm sure that it

isn't going to rain.''

Just when she sat down on the swing, it started to rain heavily. Lia was surprised

and remembered what her mother told her, ''Lia, remember, do not play in the rain.''

However, her mother's advice fell on deaf ears. Lia continued playing in the rain.

After on hour, Lia decided to go back home. She was worried because if she came home

late, her mother would scold her.

When Lia reached home, she immediately went into her room. She didn't want to

take a hot bath but only changed out from her wet uniform into dry clothes because she

was lazy to do it. After changing, she sat on her bed to play videogames on her iPad.

Several hours later, it was dinner time. Before Lia had a bite of her chicken, she

suddenly sneezed, “ACHOO!” Both mum and dad were shocked and very worried too.

Mum took out the thermometer and took her temperature. It was 39.9ºC! Mum asked her

sternly, “Did you play in the rain just now?”

Staring down at the floor, Lia said, “Yes I did.” Mum and dad scolded her harshly.

After scolding, mum gave Lia some fever medicine and sent her to bed.

Several days later, Lia felt better and went back to school to catch up with the

others. Before the dismissal bell rang, dark clouds covered the sky once again. Rain

poured down heavily. This time, Lia walked down the stairs to the canteen and used the

telephone there. She punched the numbers and waited for her mother to answer. After a

while, her mother answered the phone and agreed to drive Lia home.

“Lia!!” yelled her mother from the car window. Getting out of her dream, Lia hopped

into the car, warm and dry.

Meadow Isabelle Adipura, 3 Perseverance

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An Unforgettable Accident

Every time I pass by the big cherry tree and see the blood stain on the bark of the

tree, I would remember the painful and unforgettable accident that happened three

months ago.

One fine Monday morning, birds were chirping and there wasn't a single cloud in

the sky. I was on my way to school with a spring in my steps. Suddenly, I saw my

classmate Ali jaywalking across the road without looking right or left because he saw his

best buddy on the other side.

Suddenly, Vroomm!! A sports car was moving as quick as an arrow towards Ali! I

shouted,” Ali!! Be careful! There is a car driving towards you!” Unfortunately, Ali was too

far to hear me. I felt worried and prayed for Ali to not get hit by the car.

When the driver of the car saw Ali dashing across the road, he immediately

swerved to avoid Ali and ended up crashing into a big cherry tree. Ali froze on the spot.

All the passers -by turned their heads to see what the commotion was, When they saw

the sports car crashed into the tree, little children screamed with the fear and the adults

just stared. After a few seconds, Ali and I went to see if the driver was okay. When we

reached to the tree where the car crashed, there was already a crowd of onlookers

surrounding the area. When I was about to help the poor driver out, a man who didn't

want me to get hurt, pushed me aside and he went to the car to get the driver out. I looked

through the window and saw the man trying to unbuckle his seat belt. After a while, the

man took him out and I saw a big cut on the driver's head. It was bleeding profusely. It

might have been the glass that cut him and he suffered major injuries.

Somebody called 995 and 999. After a while, wails of sirens of the ambulance and

police cars could be heard from a distance. The ambulance doors opened and the

paramedics sprang into action. They quickly put the man on the stretcher and whisked

him to the nearest hospital.

Meanwhile, the police officers asked the bystanders about how it happened. I

related the whole story and what I saw. After listening, the police took down my statement

and warned Ali to look out for the traffic and to look right and left. Ali nodded.

When I looked at my watch, it was 7.50a.m.! I was late for school! I ran so fast that

everything flew past me. I ran through the gate, I ran up the stairs to the 3rd floor and I ran

to my class, 3 Perseverance. When I reached my classroom, I was out of breath. When my

English teacher, Mr Tan saw me, he asked why I was so late. I related the whole story to him. Mr

Tan praised me and said, “You helped to save a life, I am very proud of you for your civic-

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mindedness.” I blushed with embarrassment. Suddenly, the whole class began to cheer. I felt

proud of myself.

The next day after school, my friends and I went to KK hospital to see if the driver was

alright. When we got to his room number, we opened the door and saw him. He said he had

broken his left leg. Luckily, he would be discharged after a few days. We were glad that he was

recovering soon. Ali quickly apologised to him. The driver forgave him. Ali smiled. After that

accident, Ali and I learnt to be more careful when crossing the road. “Lara! W-A-T-C-H-O-U-T!”

yelled Jane as she pulled my back. I raced back to the reality and I thanked Jane as I was just

about to step on the busy road.

Meadow Isabelle Adipura, 3 Perseverance

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A Helping Hand

RRiingg!! Went the recess bell. Pupils rushed out of their classrooms and

dashed to the canteen to eat. Allison skipped towards the canteen with her lunch

box in her hand.

Allison was a kind and cheerful girl who would always stop and help anyone

in need. When she opened her lunch box, she squealed in delight because her

mother had packed her favourite food, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Just as she was finishing up her meal, she heard a pitiful cry, "Ouch!"

Allison followed the sound of the crying. When she reached the staircase, she

saw a P3 girl crying on the floor. She had a cut on her knee.

Allison bent down and introduced herself. The girl muttered, “I’m Yuko."

Allison took out her handkerchief and tied it around her knee to stop the bleeding

before bringing her to the general office.

After tying it around her leg, Allison asked her, "How did you fall down?"

Yuko replied, “I was reading while walking. I did not see the last two steps, so I tripped

and fell." "Next time try not to read while walking,” Allison said. Yuko nodded. "Let me

help you up," added Allison. Yuko shook her head and tried to stand up, but she

fell down. Allison said, “Maybe I can help?" She tried to pull her up, but Yuko was

too heavy to pull up.

Allison looked around and spotted a group of P4 girls her age giggling about

something. Allison went over asked them for help. They nodded and helped Yuko up.

Yuko felt grateful and thanked everyone for their help.

Allison then looked at her watch and, to her horror, realized that she was late

for class! She dashed up to the stairs and into her class panting heavy

Idly. Mr. Tan asked her why she is so late.

Allison explained the whole story to Mr. Tan. He praised her and the whole class


Meadow Isabelle Adipura, 3 Perseverance

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An Unlucky Day

“Goal!” Alexander shouted. It was late at night when Alexander was watching the World Cup Finals as his favourite team was playing. “Alexander go to bed!” mother bellowed. “After this game please?” pleaded Alexander. At around midnight, Alexander started to feel sleepy, so he went to his room and within minutes he was fast asleep.

The next day, the alarm clock rang “Riiiing!” but Alexander was in sweet slumber and he slept on. His mother came in and shouted, “Get out of bed or else you will be late for school!” Alexander was shocked to see that it has past 7.00 a.m. in the morning.

He jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready. As he was grabbing his things, he forgot to take his umbrella. Out of the blue it started raining cats and dogs. Alexander put his hand in his bag and was shocked to see his umbrella wasn’t there but he was already rushing.

As he was running in the rain, he slipped and fell in a puddle of water. He got up and continued running. A car ran through a puddle of dirty water and splashed water on his face. The bus arrived, he rushed to the bus and went into the bus but when the driver saw him, the driver exclaimed, “You are too wet! Get out!” His face started to burn red with embarrassment as he marched out of the bus. He turned and stuck his tongue out at the driver.

When he got to school his teacher was angry when she saw him. The teacher called his mom and told her what she saw. The teacher gave the phone to him and Alexander told his mom every. What an unlucky day.

He learnt that watching television late at night is bad so he does not watch television late at night anymore.

Miguel Alexandro Garcia, 3 Perseverance


Football is my favourite game, I look up to Zenedine Zidane. Dribble, tackle, shoot and score! I really can’t wait for more! I guess I really am soccer-insane.

Miguel Alexandro Garcia, 3 Perseverance

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An Unlucky Day

It was 11:00 p.m., Amanda was still awake doing her homework at the last minute.

Her mother, Mrs. Tan bellowed, “Amanda, it’s eleven o’ clock! Please go to bed!” Amanda

replied loudly, “OK!”

The next morning was stormy, Amanda’s alarm clock rang, BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

She looked at the window and whispered to herself, it’s still dark, I’ll just take a ten minute

snooze.” After that, she woke up and checked her clock. It was 7:00a.m.!

Amanda dashed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. Then she

changed into her school uniform. She took a piece of bread and her school bag then she

dashed her out of the house. Mrs. Tan waved an umbrella in the air and shouted,

“Amanda take your umbrella! But Amanda ignored her mother.

When Amanda was at the void deck and rain was still pouring down in torrents.

She saw the bus and dashed towards it like a whirlwind.

Suddenly, Amanda slipped and fell, her homework flew out of her hands and she

landed in a puddle of muddy water. “SPLASH!” She was drenched from head to toe. The

passengers in the bus alighted to help her up She was also very ashamed of herself that

her cheeks turned red. Her homework also got soaked in muddy water.

When Amanda was about to board the bus, a car zoomed past her and muddy

water splashed onto her school uniform.

Ten minutes passed and Amanda alighted the bus and went to class. She had

gotten a good scolding from her teacher. She yelled, “Amanda, why are you late for class,

why is your homework soaked in muddy water and why is your uniform brown in colour!”

Amanda replied, “Sorry, Ms. Lim.” And she began telling her sorry to her class. Amanda

learnt not to do her homework at the last minute ever again from what she experienced

that day.

The next morning, it was stormy again, Amanda’s alarm clock rang. Instead of

snoozing for ten minutes, she woke up and prepared for school. She did not forget to take

her umbrella. When she was at the void deck, she walked carefully towards the bus stop.

Chloe Ng Enqi, 3 Perseverance

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An Accident

Whenever I see a boy running across the zebra crossing, it brings me back to the

past when my best friend Marvin was knocked down by a car………

It all started like any other day. The chilly morning breeze hit me straight in the face

as I walked out of the door and to the zebra crossing near my house.

As I was approaching the crossing, I saw my best friend, Marvin. He was dashing

across the crossing and did not look at his surroundings before crossing. Looking around,

I spotted a car driving at break-neck speed towards him. The driver did not seem to see

him either! I was shocked. I wanted to tell him that a car was speeding towards him but it

was too late. A deafening crash followed by a loud yelp split the air as the car knocked

Marvin down. Marvin lay hopelessly on the ground, bleeding profusely and groaning in

pain. It was a horrifying sight! The driver and I went to check on him to see if he was okay.

To our horror, he suffered from a major injury! The driver dialed 995 on his phone while

a crowd of onlookers took photographs of Marvin.

Soon, the wail of sirens could be heard from the distance. The paramedics rushed

to the scene and tended to the injured boy before putting Marvin on a stretcher and

rushing him to the nearest hospital for some treatment. I hopped aboard with Marvin to

the hospital as I was worried about him. He murmured, “Where are we going?” “We are

heading to the nearest hospital from here,” I replied.

When we reached the hospital, they informed Marvin’s parents about the accident

before pushing him to the emergency room. He had to be warded for two months. When

Marvin’s parents arrived, they were shocked to see their son lying in the ward and wearing

the oxygen mask. They were crying and sobbing. I was sobbing too. I was worried sick

about my friend. Marvin’s parents commended me for my bravery for accompanying their

son for so long.

When I returned to school, my teacher asked me why I was so late for school. I

told the whole story of why I was late. After hearing that, she praised me for doing a good


A couple of months later, Marvin was back in school and he told the whole class

that he had learnt a valuable lesson after running across the road and not looking at his

surroundings. I too, will never run across the road, never in a million times. My friend

called my name and I stepped out of my momentary stupor.

Ng Tian Le Fabian, 3 Perseverance

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Off his Rocker because of Soccer

Ben was playing soccer

When his friend went off his rocker

He said the game was lame

Because he forgot to aim

And now he’s at his locker

Ong Kah Yung Lincoln, 3 Perseverance

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An Unlucky Day

Whenever I hear anyone talk about ‘Roblox’, I recall the shameful incident that

happened to me. I looked back at the painful and regretful memory of the unlucky day

that I lived through, wide-eyed.

The night before the unlucky day, I watched ‘Roblox’ videos. There were many

games in ‘Roblox’ and I chose to watch people play ‘Survivor’. Participants were in tribes

and tribes challenged each other to win immunity. Slowly participants will be eliminated

until there was only one ‘Sole Survivor’. By the time I finished watching and went to bed,

my eyes were sore and tired. I realised that I had been watching the videos for over an

hour and 30 minutes! I immediately sank into my cozy bed, adjusted my pillow and went

to sleep. Unfortunately, although my body was tired, my mind was awake, thinking about

the videos I had watched.

When morning finally arrived, the shrill sound of my alarm clock woke me up from

my sweet slumber. I leaned and rolled over to look out the window. The sky was as dark

as a crow’s feathers. Ominous clouds filled the sky and there was not a single ray of light

in the sky. “Why did my alarm ring so early? I’m going to snooze for another 10 minutes,”

I mumbled to myself as I pulled the covers over myself again. Thunder rumbled outside

and the soft pitter-patter of falling rain made it even more comfortable, sending me back

to sweet slumber in seconds.

When I finally woke up again, I checked the time. It was already 7.30a.m.! I rushed

out of bed and gobbled up my breakfast. I stuffed my feet into some socks and shoes

then grabbed a bag and water bottle before rushing out to catch the bus to school.

As I left, my mother called out and asked me to bring an umbrella along. However,

I was in such a rush that I thought nothing of it until I reached the void deck. I ran through

the rain to get to the bus stop. The heavy rain slapped me in the face and the wind blew

fallen leaves into my hair. The wind howled and tugged my jacket, causing me to slip and

fall into a puddle. Some passers-by helped me up and onto the bus. That was when I

realised that everyone on the bus and was staring at me. My cheeks turned a shade of

bright red.

When I got to school, everyone was talking about the ‘unlucky boy’ who was late

for school and fell in the rain. All my classmates laughed at me. I decided that I would

sleep early and not binge-watch ‘Roblox’ videos at night. I also learnt never to ignore the

alarm clock.

That evening, I sat on the sofa and turned on the television. Surprisingly, there was

a mid-week night movie on television. I sat back and watched.

Pan Junzuo, Titus, 3 Perseverance

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An Accident

Chloe saw the road opposite her school, she remembered one year ago a lorry

banged into the tree. She was crying and upset because she caused the accident.

One early morning, Chloe was walking to school and singing happily along the way.

While walking to school, Chloe saw her best friend, Xue Yi. Chloe wanted to say hello to

Xue Yi because she was very happy. So Chloe dashed across the road without looking

out for cars. Xue Yi, who was walking on the path, shouted,” Watch out!” Chloe didn’t

hear her.

A car was driving towards Chloe. The car driver did not expect anyone to jay-walk

and was not prepared to stop. Chloe realised that there was a car driving towards her

because she saw car lights shining on her and heard a blaring horn. She froze on the

spot with her tears flowing down. The driver of the car turned and swerved to the side of

the road to avoid crashing into Chloe.

When the car turned to the side of the road it crashed into a tree. When Chloe saw

the accident she was startled by the deafening crashed. Chloe felt very upset. Chloe ran

to the car as fast as lightning, she pulled the driver out of the car and found that he was

bleeding profusely. Chloe was scared and started crying.

After a few minutes later, a crowd of onlookers gathered around some dialed 995.

Some of them helped to direct the traffic so they did not come near to the accident site.

After a while sirens of the ambulance got louder and louder as it arrived.

After a few seconds, the paramedics come out from the ambulance with a stretcher

and lifted him up. Chloe was sad and felt guilty as she knew that it was her fault. She

should not have dashed out the road.

After that, Chloe continued walking to her school. When she reached school she

was late but she did not get scolded by her teacher because she caused the accident. So

she decided not to jay-walk again.

Portia Choo, 3 perseverance

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A Time That I Fell Ill

After the school bell rang for dismissal at 1.15 p.m., I went home strait for lunch. I

was so hungry that I could eat a horse as I did not eat during recess.

As I was too hungry, I did not bother to wash my hands before eating. I ate a big

plate of spaghetti, but I still felt hungry. So, I went to the fridge to take a piece of chocolate

cake, two sausages, a leftover sandwich and half a bowl of coconut jelly. I finished up all

the food and felt full.

I went to the sofa to take a rest. My eyelids felt heavy and dozed off. An hour later, I

woke up with a sharp pain in the stomach. At the same time I felt nauseous. I dashed to

the toilet and vomited. I also had diarrhea for four times within an hour my legs were weak

and wobbly due to the diarrhea.

My mother immediately brought me to a nearby clinic. The doctor examined me

and asked, “What did you have for lunch?” I replied, “A plate of spaghetti, a piece of cake,

two sausages, a leftover sandwich and some jellies.” My mother also informed the doctor

that I ate the food with dirty hands. The doctor confirmed that I had food poisoning due to

the leftover sandwich. He also reminded me to keep proper hygiene before and after


I fully recovered after two days of medication. I reminded myself constantly to

maintain good hygiene and always check the expiry date of the food before eating so as

not to have another round of nausea and diarrhea.

Tang Cheng Yuen, Gavin, 3 Perseverance

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A Challenge I Faced In a Test

Sally was taking her SA2 English Examination. Her goal was to pass the test, but

there were lots of difficult questions and she thought it was very hard to complete them.

The examination was 45 minutes long. Mrs. Ong walked around the classroom to

make sure no one cheated. After 35 minutes there was only 10 minutes left. Sally was

still stuck at question 10. “Ring, Ring,” the timer rang. Sally did not finish on time.

Mrs. Ong collected the test paper. Sally was relieved it was over. It was time to go

home, so she walked home slowly. Her mother asked her “How was your test?” Sally said,

“It was difficult and I could not complete it.” Her mother said, “Did you revise for it?” Sally

said, “Yes, but it was still difficult.” Her mother frowned.

The next day, Mrs. Ong announced the marks and handed out the test papers.

Sally was upset that she got only ten marks. She was so upset that she revised everyday

so she would improve.

When she got home she did not want to show her mother her test paper. Her

mother took it out and saw that she gotten marks. Her mother was very disappointed, so

her mother made sure that she studied for three hours every day. She said, “Make sure

you know how to do every type of question!”

Tee Li Xin Charlotte, 3 Perseverance

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Bad Boy

Tim was a very bad boy.

He pushed over a cup of soy.

But when Mother took out the cane,

He screamed wildly in pain.

Then Mother confiscated his toy.

Then Zhi Xuan, Shyann, 3 Perseverance


I love every holiday,

It started on a Monday.

I went to play football,

Which was the best of all.

Sadly, the next day, was a school-day.

Then Zhi Xuan, Shyann, 3 Perseverance

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An Unlucky Day

Johnson was watching a horror movie late last night as his best friend had given

him a horror movie CD which his mother did not allow him to watch. After he watched the

movie, he crept into his bedroom and went back to sleep but he could not fall asleep as

he was afraid that the ghost would come out to haunt him.

When he finally fell asleep, it was almost time to wake up. “RIING!!RIING!!” the

alarm clock screamed in his ear, but he refused to get out of bed. He muffled the sound

with his pillow. It was raining so it was dark and cooling. When he woke up, he found out

that he would be late for school!

Johnson became a whirlwind as he swept through the house and out the door as

he took a slice of toast on the plate. Without knowing, he took his sister’s school bag while

he mother reminded him to take an umbrella. He thought it was a bother to take an

umbrella as he did not see the rain outside and he was going to be late for school.

He dashed out of the door and was shocked to see that it was raining. Without

thinking, he just ran through the rain to the bus stop while the rain slapped him in the face.

While running, he slipped and stumbled. His file flew out of his hand crashing into the

front of the bus while he fell face flat into a puddle of mud.

The passengers alighted to help him up as died of embarrassment and wished that

the floor could swallow him up. When he reached his school, he was late. His teacher

scolded and punished him. Teacher asked him to take out his homework so he opened

his bag and found some Barbie dolls and children’s work. Then, he realised he took his

little sister’s school bag.

Despite the misfortune, he still insisted on watching movies late at night, but

instead of watching horror movies, he watched cartoons. The next day, he was late and

the same thing happened.

Tong Xuen Nee, 3 Perseverance

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The time Taylor fell ill

Every time Taylor looks at a tub of ice cream she will remember the incident that

happened when she was eight years old…

“Taylor do you want ice cream?” asked Aunt Katherine from the kitchen. Taylor

was staying at her Aunt’s house for a week. “Yes please,” answered Taylor. Aunt

Katherine gave her a bowl filled with ice cream. Taylor gobbled down the ice cream in 1


Taylor went to put her bowl in the kitchen and ran into her room and set the air

conditioner to 22 degrees. She drank icy cold water that Uncle George put in her room.

She began to play on her computer while drinking the water.

“Taylor, dinner!” called Uncle George. Taylor ran down to have dinner, they had

chicken and broccoli that day. Taylor started to cough. She coughed through the entire


Aunt Katherine took Taylor’s temperature, she stood in shock. She was hot. Uncle

George touched her forehead, she was burning hot. Uncle George called Taylor’s mother

to inform her about Taylor’s temperature.

Taylor’s mother brought Taylor to the doctor’s office to get a medical certificate and


Several days later, Taylor went back to school. Her friends were worried about

what had happened to her. Taylor had to do a pile of worksheets piled on top of her table.

“Taylor when you finish online homework, you can go play or fly kites outside,” said

Taylor’s father. Taylor snapped back to attention and finished her online homework. Oh,

would you like some ice cream?” asked her father, holding a tub of chocolate ice cream

in his hand. Taylor quickly shook her head and said, “No thank you, daddy.”

Woo Yi Hui, 3 Perseverance

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An Unlucky Day

Whenever John was late for school, he remembers the time that he slipped on a

puddle of water and fell down, making him super late for school.

One day, at eight p.m. John watched a horror movie, he kept watching until ten

p.m. then he turned his television off and went to sleep, while he was sleeping, he had a

lot of nightmares like a devil coming into his house. The next day when his alarm clock

rang, he muffed the sound with his pillow and kept sleeping. When he thought it’s a good

time to wake up, he woke up, brushed his teeth, had his breakfast and changed into his

school uniform.

When he looked at the clock, he realised that the school bus was about to leave!

His mother told him to take his umbrella but he didn’t care and dashed for the school bus.

When he was right in front of the school bus, he slipped in a puddle of water. When

his friend Andy saw that, he immediately dashed out of the door of the school bus and

helped him. But unfortunately, before John and Andy could board the bus, it rumbled off.

Therefore, they had to slowly walk to school. Not only did they feel unwell, they

also got scolded for being late. They both promised their teacher, Mrs. Lee, that from that

day onwards, they would be on time.

Yee Yu Heng, 3 Perseverance

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An Accident

Whenever I read about news on traffic accidents, a vivid scene comes to my


It was a humid morning, I was running to school and droplets of sweat were trickling

down my forehead. I was almost late for school! I ran as fast as I could so as to make it

on time.

At the road near my school, I saw my classmate Ben crossing the road. I wanted

to wave at him but he was also rushing and dashed across the road without looking at

the traffic.

I saw a car approaching at a breakneck speed but it was too late! The car

produced a loud screeching sound when the driver swerved to avoid Ben. “Bang!” he hit

a tree by the kerb, the windshield cracked and the glass shattered on the road.

For a moment, I was shocked and froze like a statue, but I regained my composure

quickly. I realised that I did not bring my phone. So I cried for help. One of the onlookers

quickly called 995 for the ambulance. Ben was frightened out of his wits and stood there,

not sure what to do. As some onlookers were helping the driver, I quickly brought Ben to

a bench and rushed back to check if the driver was fine.

Soon, the ambulance arrived and the paramedics tendered to the injured man.

The man was bleeding profusely and groaning in pain. The paramedics brought out their

first-aid kit to stop the bleeding before laying him onto the stretcher. They brought the

driver to the nearby hospital immediately. Ben felt guilty and blamed himself for dashing

across the road recklessly. Ben and I were questioned by the police as we were key


When this was over, we were both very late for school. When I reached school, I

told my teacher what had happened but instead of giving me a tongue lashing, my teacher

complimented me and I was glad I had done a good deed. As for Ben, he had detention

and the teacher told his parents.

Yeo Shi Ning, 3 Perseverance

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Cheah Ker Xin 3 Perseverance



一边走,一边谈天,十分开心 。

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Ember Ng

3 Perseverance

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Kieran Lim

3 Perservance

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How Jing Ying, Shalaine

3 Perseverance







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Lee Jian Hao ,Nicholas

3 Perseverance

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老爷爷大声喊道:“为什么你们的球踢到了我的头?” 小明和大伟羞愧地说:“对不




Lee Yu Tze

3 Perseverance




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跑到康康的身边,对他说:“康康!要不要跟我玩“你追我跑”的游戏?” “好啊!”














Liu Yuyan

3 Perseverance

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小膝是一个八岁的小男孩。他个子矮矮的, 脸圆圆的, 身材有些肥胖。他的爱好是跑


有一天, 休息的时间, 小膝和天乐在走廊玩你追我跑的游戏。学长看到了连忙阻止他

们不要在走廊玩游戏。两个男生却把学长的话当耳边风, 头也不回地继续跑上前去。

突然, 小膝失去了平衡, 重重地跌倒在地上, 因为他跑得太快, 不小心摔倒了。他的

膝盖受伤了, 眼泪像断了线的珍珠一样掉了下来。他的同伴感到很惊讶。学长把他扶起来


膝羞愧地底下头, 脸红了起来,向学长道歉。

这时, 老师经过看了, 学长转过头看到了老师, 便向老师问好。老师看到了很惊讶,

还问了学长发生了什么事。听了学长的话后, 她称赞了学长和骂了小膝。

“经一事, 长一智”, 经过这件事后, 小膝学到了不可以在走廊玩你追我跑, 因为那


Ng Tian Le Fabian (Huang Tianle) 3 Perseverance

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Ong Kah Yung Lincoln

3 Perservance

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Yeo Shi Ning

3 Perseverance

Masakan Istimewa

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Ahmad dan adiknya, Siti, sedang memasak di dapur. Matahari

sedang memancarkan sinarnya pada pagi Ahad itu dengan terang sekali.

Mereka telah bangun pagi-pagi lagi kerana mahu menyiapkan sarapan


Ahmad menggoreng telur. Siti memotong roti. Mereka memasak

dengan berhati-hati. Mereka memasak kerana mereka mahu menyiapkan

sarapan pagi. Ahmad menuangkan sedikit minyak ke dalam kuali sebelum

memasukkan telur.

Ahmad dan Siti sudah menyiapkan sarapan. Ahmad menuangkan air

ke dalam cawan-cawan. Ahmad dan Siti memasak masakan istimewa ini

kerana sarapan itu untuk ibu.

Ibu keluar dari bilik tidurnya. Ahmad dan Siti mengucapkan

selamat hari lahir kepada ibu mereka dengan kuat. Ibu berasa gembira

sebab anaknya ingat akan hari lahirnya. Mereka pun makan sarapan

dengan gembira.

Arfan Daris Bin Mohamed Sani

P3 Perseverance