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PROJECT:Empirical analysis of the problems of children at risk and the

evaluation of the existing factors of protection

Prepared by the Institute of Social Work and Social Policy with support from UNICEF Office in Skopje

Skopje, 2004



Introduction 3

I. Framework of research 6

II. Results from the research 8

1. General data on the household 9

2. Completion of functions in the family 19

Conditions of the home for successful studying Capacities of the parents to help the children in the studying Cooperation of the parents with the school Parents’ way of handling with the problems of their children

3. The current condition of the children at risk 30

4. Institutions for social protection of the children at risk 55

5. Police force and Public Prosecution Office for protection of children at risk 56

Conclusion 69

Recommendations 74

Annex 79



The unfavourable economic and political conditions in the Republic of

Macedonia have an influence upon the increase of the social problems and

occurrences within the population. The number of the socially endangered persons is

also increasing, in such way that certain risk groups are in the most unfavourable

condition, and the children are among them.

The world findings in the field of social protection, social work, social

pedagogy and psychology point out a prevalent trend in the researches for the essence

and the causes of the social endangerment of the children.

In the Republic of Macedonia there is certain scientific information on the

conditions of some risks, which is at out disposal, but it is necessary to continue with

the researches of this multidimensional problem, so that the current findings could be


In Macedonia, we have at our disposal certain theoretical data about the risky

situations that the families find themselves in. It refers to the children who have

suffered a stoppage in the development of their potentials because of different


However, there is a lack of detailed researches, through which the social

dimension of the problem would be assessed. In most scientific works, the social

endangerment signifies “unfavourable condition of the individual, the social group or

the social layer, which does not have conditions and possibilities for a relatively

durable and adequate satisfaction of the existential needs” (Lakicevic M., 1987).

The term “children at risk” does not exist in the legal regulative (Law on

social protection, 1997), instead only the term risk of motherhood and family can be

found, and the children are encompassed by the terms “children and young people

with educational-social problems and disturbed behaviour.” From a theoretical point

of view, the children at risk are children and young people who, because of social

reasons, suffer or will suffer a disturbed behaviour (Dimitrijoska S., 2001).

The social needs that have not been satisfied cause a series of problems in the

conduct of children, especially asocial forms of conduct (roaming around, loafing,

skipping school, etc.). The child with a problematic behaviour is not a delinquent; it is

a child exposed to risk that comes into contact with the law.


The aim of this project is to make a deeper analysis of the kinds of children at

risk, their problems and an evaluation of the existing factors of protection that are

being applied in the system for protection of children in our country.

Even though the risks that are most frequently mentioned in the professional

literature are the ones that originate from the disturbed relations within the family and

the social environment (school and local community) as well as the ones that are

caused by the social factors, in this study occurrences in the Republic of Macedonia

are being considered, where the risks, taken as an object of the analysis, are the


1. Children without parents. When both parents are either unknown or not alive,

then it is said that a child has been left without both parents.

2. Children who have no parental care - the parents are prevented from

providing the parental care because of a temporary or permanent

incompletion of their parental duty, illness, absence due to work abroad, or

serving a sentence in a correctional institution.

3. Children who have no parental care - the parents have abandoned the

children and have neglected them, therefore they have been deprived their

parental right, and the children are protected with one of the forms of social


4. Children coming from families with a low life standard are children that come

from families who obtain a permanent financial aid or public welfare.

5. Children coming from families with disturbed family relations are children

who live in families that have no positive communication between the parents.

6. Children - educationally neglected are juveniles with asocial behaviour:

roaming around, running away from home, loafing, skipping school, indecent

behaviour; however they are not involved in criminal acts.

7. Juveniles who are criminally unaccountable are children that have done a

criminal act, but have not yet turned 14.

8. Children with development disabilities. According to the Book of regulations

for an evaluation of the specific needs of persons with disabilities in their

physical or psychological development (Official Gazette of the Republic of

Macedonia number 30/2000), people with disabilities in the physical or

psychological development are:

Persons with damaged sight (partially sighted and blind)


Persons with damaged hearing (hard of hearing and deaf)

Persons with voice, speech and language disorders;

Persons with a physical disability;

Persons with mental disabilities (light, moderate, severe)

Autistic persons;

Persons with chronic diseases;

Persons with more than one kind of a disability (persons with

combined disabilities in their development).

9. Juveniles with one parent. A child that is living with one parent and the other

parent is either deceased or unknown, or lives separated from the child.

10. Children coming from families going through a divorce suit. A child living

with parents who have filed for divorce because of a discord.

11. Children coming from families where the parents or one parent suffers from

impaired health. The child is living in a family where one of the parents or the

members of the family has a disability according to the Book of regulations

for an evaluation of the specific needs of persons with disabilities in their

physical or psychological development or is suffering from a chronic disease

and is in a need of permanent care and help.

12. Children that have changed the place of residence. Children that have changed

the place of residence because of an armed conflict or another reason.

In the study special attention will be paid to:

The nature of the existential needs that have not been met, from a material

aspect (food, clothes, shelter, health protection), as well as from a nonmaterial

aspect (care, fosterage, education and teaching);

Analysis of the functions within the family (natural and foster family) and


General data on children at risk;

Phases of the problem (beginners and advanced phase);

Distribution of children who have come into contact with the law.

Factors of protection, which imply:

Bio-psycho-social potentials of the child at risk (emotional and health state)


Micro-environment where the child is growing up and developing -

completion of the function by the family.

Analysis of the broader social environment (the neighbourhood, the relatives,

and the peers).

Macro-environment in which the influence of the school, local community and

the wider social factors is being considered, as well as the institutions for

social protection in the system and the NGOs.

Determining the levels of efficiency and respect of the procedural regulations

by the authorized persons (Centres for social work, Public Institution (PI) -

Home for infants and young children - Bitola, PI - Children’s home “11

Oktomvri” - Skopje, PI for fostering children with educational-social problems

- Skopje, PI - Bureau for fosterage and education of children and young people

“Ranka Milanovic” - Skopje, PI - Bureau for rehabilitation of children and

young people - Skopje, PI - Bureau for protection and rehabilitation of

physically handicapped persons - Banja Bansko - Strumica, PI - Special

bureau - Demir Kapija, the police force and the Public Prosecution Office).

Suggested measures for an efficient functioning of the factors of protection

(preventive and therapeutic social work).

I. Framework of the research

1. Description of the research procedure

The standard methods that are used in the researches of the social work have

been used in this research as well. A theoretical framework, which is based on the

analysis of scientific hypotheses, has been prepared for the research, as well as

researches relevant to specific problems that have provided comparative analysis.

The general goal of the project is to obtain findings about the problems of the

children at risk.

In order to accomplish this goal, in the period between February 15 th and

March 15th 2004, a research has been conducted in 10 municipalities in the Republic

of Macedonia, in which, according to the statistical data for the year of 2002 (Bureau

for social activities, Skopje, 2003), the percentage of the risks is the highest. On the

other hand, when selecting the 10 municipalities, indicators have been taken into


consideration, according to the analysis of the human development index (HDI) in the

Republic of Macedonia, determining three levels of development of the

municipalities: high, medium and low level.

As a result of crossing the two sources of information, the research has been

conducted in the following municipalities: Kumanovo 20 cases, Tetovo 40 cases,

Kisela Voda 44 cases, Cair 42 cases, Delcevo 14 cases, Skopje 25 cases, Gevgelija 10

cases, Ohrid 20 cases, Kicevo 13 cases and Veles 25 cases - a total of 245 cases of

children at risk.

A quantitative research of the representative sample comprising 0.1% of the

whole population of children in the Republic of Macedonia (245 children and young

people at the age between 0 and 18, Statistical yearbook of the Republic of

Macedonia, 1995). The research has been conducted in urban and rural environments,

sufficiently and insufficiently developed areas, respecting the geographical


The basic technique in the research is the applied interview with the parents of

the children at risk, with a previously prepared, structured questionnaire.

The children at risk are between 0 and 18 years of age and are divided into

three age groups: 0-6 years, 7-14 years and 15-18 years. The selection of the number

of examinees was conditioned by the representation of the risk factors, in percentages,

in the corresponding areas.

An evaluation of the current factors of protection in the system for protection

of the children in the Republic of Macedonia has also been conducted.

A qualitative analysis of a chosen representative sample of professional employed in

the public institutions, who are involved in the work with children and young people.

Interviews have been made with the professional staff employed in the PI Inter-

municipal centre of social work, Skopje, Veles, Tetovo, PI - Home for Infants and

Young Children - Bitola, PI - Children’s Home “11 Oktomvri” - Skopje, PI for

fostering children with educational-social problems - Skopje, PI - Bureau for

fosterage and education of children and young people “Ranka Milanovic” - Skopje, PI

- Bureau for rehabilitation of children and young people - Skopje, PI - Bureau for

protection and rehabilitation of physically handicapped persons - Banja Bansko -

Strumica, PI - Special bureau - Demir Kapija, Public Prosecutors in Skopje, Tetovo,

Veles and inspectors for juvenile delinquency in Skopje, Veles and Tetovo.


2. Hypotheses

The existing findings concerning the analysis of the problems, allow us to set

the following hypotheses:

The bad economic conditions in the families are the main reasons for the

occurrence of all the risk factors which the children are exposed to;

There is a greater risk in the development of the children within the families

who come from rural areas, compared to those coming from the urban


The education of the parents is a factor that influences upon the risky


The health insurance is not a factor that causes risk among the children;

The existing factors of protection provided by the state to the families are not

complementary. Most of the time there is one form of protection applied;

There has not been a methodology built for the police force in the work with

children that have come into contact with the law.

3. Encountered problems during the research

Through the process of carrying out the research, the best contacts were

achieved with the families that are characterized by a low life standard, whereas there

was a problem in establishing a contact with the families going through a divorce


During the research, there was a difficulty in establishing contacts with the

representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Public Prosecution Office,

despite the fact that a permit to carry out the research had been acquired from the

Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice.

II. Results from the research

The research encompassed 245 children and young people at risk (139 males

and 106 females), 30 children ad young people live in rural areas (villages), and 215

in urban areas; 22 are at the age between 0-6 years; 161 children are a the age

between 7-14 and between 15 and 18 years of age are 62 young people.

Professor Maria Donevska


1. General data on the household

The data obtained in the second part of the questionnaire for parents of

children at risk are related to the general data on the household. They have been

structured as responses to 14 questions, which, further in the analysis, have been

compared both among themselves and with the data from the first part of the

questionnaire, i.e. the data on the nationality and the place of residence.

The question on the level of education of the parents offers a total of 11

categories of answers. They can be categorized into four broader categories: persons

without education, persons with elementary education (4 or 8 grades completed),

persons with secondary education (2-3-year secondary education or 4-year of

vocational education or high school graduates), and persons with higher or post-

secondary education. The total number of the examinees, i.e. parents of both sexes, is

424, 199 of who are males, and 225 females. The gathered data shows that 22.41% of

the examinees have no education, 42.45% have elementary education, 31.37% have

secondary education and 3.54% of the total number have completed higher education.

Graph 1 Educational structure of the parents.

The data points out a certain structure and heterogeneity regarding the

nationality and the level of education of the parents. Members of the three larger

national groups, encompassed in the sample, have been compared.

It has been noted that among the Macedonians, a larger portion - 51.67% have

completed secondary education, vocational or high school. 35.41% have completed

elementary education, and a small portion - 6.7% have no education. Within the


Macedonian population, 5.74% have higher education. 80% of the total number of

persons who have completed higher or postsecondary education are Macedonians.

Among the Albanian population the data shows the following: 6.56% have no

education, and 4.92% have completed higher or post-secondary education, which

point out to the great similarity with the Macedonian population. However, there is en

evident difference regarding the elementary and secondary education. The majority of

the Albanian examinees have elementary education - 75.41%, and a much smaller

portion have secondary education - 13.12%.

As far as the members of the Roma are concerned, there is a remarkable

portion of the persons that have no education, who comprise 56.30% of the total

number of Roma examinees. 37.20% have completed elementary education, and a

very small number have completed secondary education - 5.88%. The obtained data is

presented in the following graph.

Graph 2 Nationality and level of education

If the data on the educational structure of the parents (members of the

household) is compared with the type of risk of the child, the following is showed:

In the category “children without parents” 35% of the persons who are taking

care of the children are without education, same is the percentage of those with

4 years of elementary school, and 20% of them have completed secondary

vocational education.


The largest portion of the parents of “children coming from families with a

low life standard” has elementary education - 52.52%, whereas 25.18% have

no education, and 22.3% have secondary education.

Within the category “juveniles coming from families with disturbed family

relations” 32.5% of the parents have elementary education as well as those

who have secondary education, and 27.5% have no education.

The parents of the children who fall into the “children with asocial behaviour”

in most cases - 54.17% have elementary education, with 4 or 8 grades


The data for the category “juveniles who are criminally unaccountable” shows

that their parents in 43.9% of the cases have completed elementary school.

What appears to be specific is that 30% of the total numbers of parents who

have completed higher or postsecondary education are actually parents of

children from this category.

The educational structure of the parents, within the category “juveniles with

special needs,” shows that in 41.3% of the cases they have completed

secondary education.

“Juveniles living with one parent” is a category where the majority of the

examinees - 38.3% have elementary education, 36.17% have no education, and

23.45% have completed secondary education.

The majority - 70.97% of the parents of “juveniles coming from families who

have filed for divorce” have secondary education.

There has been data gathered about the number of members in the household,

which, in terms of the risk, show minor differences that are, most probably, due to the

small number of examinees included in the sample. A larger part of the twelve given

categories of risk have less than 20 examined households, which offers a small

possibility to make a distinction in terms of the number of members in the household.

In the category “children without parents,” the majority of the families are composed

of three members. The category “children coming from families with a low life

standard” shows that these children come from families with a different number of

members. What is striking is that the category “juveniles with special needs” offers

the data that 52.17% are actually households composed of two members, i.e. the

children live with one parent.


The monthly incomes of all the members of the households are an indicator of

the socio-economic state of the household. From the obtained responses it is

noticeable that more than a half of the households have monthly incomes less than

5,000 denars. The state of the rest of the households can be assessed from the

following graph.

Graph 3 Monthly incomes of the household

The comparison of the level of monthly incomes and the type of risk points out

several more specific moments.

“The families with a low life standard” in 78.38% of the cases have monthly

incomes of less than or equal to 5000 denars, and in 17.57% less than or equal

to 10000 denars, which is within the limits of the expected for this type of a


The monthly incomes of the “families with disturbed family relations” in most

cases - 40% are up to 5000 denars; and households that have incomes between

10001 and 20000 denars are of the same percentage.

The data shows that within the category “juveniles who are criminally

unaccountable” 33.33% of the households have monthly incomes less than

5000 denars. Between 5001 and 10000 a month have 23.81% of the

household, and 19.05% of them have monthly incomes between 10001 and

15000 denars. The same is the percentage of those who have between 15001

and 20000 denars.

The households of “juveniles with special needs” in the largest portion -

47.83% have incomes of less than or equal to 5000 denars a month, 17.39%

have between 5001 and 10000 denars, and the rest have more than 10001



In the category of “juveniles coming from families who have filed for divorce”

a total of 31.25% are households that have monthly incomes of more than

15001 denars.

The following data is related to the assessment of the household regarding the

level of monthly incomes and the possibility to satisfy the needs with these incomes .

The largest group of examinees have answered that they do not have enough money

and that they are “making ends meet” - 37.14%. Moreover, the majority of the

examinees get by in such way that they save a lot by satisfying their basic, existential

needs or by buying the cheapest food. Part of the examinees think that the monthly

incomes do meet their needs in a satisfying extent, and part of them do that by saving.

Within a certain part of the households, the resources do not provide food sufficiently,

so they skip part of the everyday meals. The following graph shows the possibility for

the households to satisfy their basic needs.

Graph 4 Monthly incomes and satisfaction of the needs

As far as the variety of the nutrition is concerned, the gathered data shows that

for some of the products there is no difference between the households in rural and

urban areas. That might be a result of the eating habits which are typical for this

region. Some of the products fall into the group of necessary, vital groceries.

Regarding the agricultural products, there are also no differences in their usage in

households in rural and urban environment, which may be conditioned by the fact that

those people living in rural areas are unable to produce them, because of different

reasons. There are more notable differences in the regular consumption of meat, eggs,


milk, margarine, vegetables, fruits and sugar. The gathered data shows that the

families in the urban area (the city) consume the given products more regularly

compared to those living in the rural areas. The same can be observed in the following


Graph 5 Availability of products in the urban and rural areas

There has been data regarding the regularity of the warm meal being prepared

obtained from the general data. This data compared with the number of members in

the household, points out to certain evenness in the preparation of a warm meal. This

could be due to the availability of the products necessary for the preparation, as well

as the established habits in the nutrition people have.

Graph 6 Regularity of a warm meal

The questionnaire offers data about the type of ownership of the apartment the

household lives in, whether it is privately owned, rented or owned by relatives, etc.

There is also data about the area, i.e. the squaring of the apartment. The data shows


that 70.2% of the households own their own apartment, 8.57% live in a rented

apartment, and the other 21.23% live in an apartment with a different ownership.

Graph 7 Ownership of the apartment

The comparison of the type of ownership and the type of the risk points out

the following:

“The families with a low life standard” in 60.81% of the cases live in their

own apartment with an area of less than or equal to 65 m², and 16.22% live in

a privately owned apartment bigger than 66 m². 6.76% of the households live

in a rented apartment, and the other 16.22% have an apartment with a different


Within the category of “families with disturbed family relations” in 70% of the

cases they live in an owned apartment and 10% use a rented apartment.

The households of “juveniles with an asocial behaviour” in 76.92% of the

cases have their own apartment. 69.57% of the households where “juveniles

with special needs” live have their own apartment. This is also confirmed in

64.71% of the cases in the category of “juveniles coming from families that

have initiated a divorce procedure” who also own an apartment.

“Juveniles who are criminally unaccountable” and their families live in their

own apartment in 66.67% of the cases, whereas 18.05% live in a rented

apartment, and the other 14.28% live in an apartment that does not fall under

any of these two categories.

The existence of a communal infrastructure is assumed to depend on the place

of residence, i.e. whether the home is located in an urban or a rural area. Taking into

consideration the circumstances in our country, a lot of great differences have not

been expected, which was also confirmed. This is due to the partially equal material

status of the households who are most often users of a financial aid or social welfare,


as well as to the existence of relatively good communal infrastructure in the rural


Graph 8 Communal infrastructure

The quality of the residential space of the household is varied through sever

types of homes: improvisations, ruined shacks or apartments, dilapidated house or

apartment, shed, basement, a decent apartment and other. The data shows that 16.53%

of the Macedonians live in a dilapidated house, 11.57% of them live in a decent

apartment and 62.81% live in a different home. 20% of the Albanians live in a

dilapidated house. Half of the Turks have a substandard home, i.e. improvisation.

54.41% of the Roma live in a dilapidated house or a shed.

Maintaining the hygiene in the home, or more precisely the member of the

family doing this, is also part of the general question on the household. A difference

between the households in the urban and the ones in the rural areas is assumed, given

the traditional role of the woman in the home, as well as the greater probability and

possibility of a work engagement of the woman outside the home. The obtained data

confirm the assumptions about the greater engagement of the women in the homes

located in the rural areas, but by and large the woman in both environments is the

main carrier of the responsibilities regarding the maintenance of the hygiene in the

home. This is also evident in the following graph:


Graph 9 Maintenance of the hygiene in the home.

Health insurance is one of the indicators that are obtained from the general

data on the household. The number of the individuals who have not been included in

the health insurance is small, due to our health insurance system that the unemployed

individuals receive. The majority of the households - 81.22% are households where

all of the members have health insurance, whereas the number of those in which only

one member is insured, or nobody is insured, is much smaller.

Graph 10 Health insurance

The state of equipment of the household with house furnishing is an indicator

of the material status of the households. The data shows that most households possess

the necessary appliances used for preparing and storing food, such as the stove or

refrigerator, but also most of the households own a TV set, which is most probably

considered to be an appliance that provides certain social communication. This can be

observed in the following overview:


Graph 11 State of equipment with house furnishings

The answers to the question about the possibility of the household to set aside

part of the home budget for clothing and footwear can be grouped into several

categories. Most of them supply themselves only when it is necessary or with the help

of relatives, and a very small number of the households are able to renew the clothing

for all the members of the family without any problem. This is shown in the following


Graph 12 Supply of clothing and footwear

If this issue is considered regarding the national structure, the data shows that

the largest portion of the Macedonians - 34.45% renew the clothing only when it is


absolutely necessary for the children. 30.77% of the Albanians and 64.29% of the

Turks renew the clothing by receiving the already worn clothes from relatives and

friends. 34.25% of the cases within the Roma receive clothing from their relatives and


PhD Divna Lakinska

2. Performing the functions in the family


The family represents a significant segment in the life of each and everyone of

his members, but also for its reputation as a whole. Within the family, there are

several functions being accomplished, primarily the economic, the social i.e. the

parental functions.

In the contemporary society, in the transitional period there are no institutions

that would help the realization of the parental activities (an available regime for

children’s allowance, available criteria for placing the children in preschool

institutions, youth organizations, youth cultural centres, a sufficient number of

internet cafés, availability of school kitchen and a warm meal for the children, resorts

and summer camps, etc.). These benefits from the previous system have disappeared

to a great extent, or are to be found in a ruinous condition with limited resource which

would enable them to function.

The sector of nongovernmental organizations (NGO), with the support from

projects, partially without any support and supervision of the state, has somewhat had

its share in the protection of the children, in terms of substituting the parental


On the other hand, the school becomes less and less attractive both for the

children and for the interest of the parents who would like their children to be regular

and successful students.

The abundant amount of facts that burden the curriculum and leads to

encyclopaedism, directs the learning process mainly to the process of memorizing

without providing a possibility for application and pragmatism of the gained



The easier activity, teaching the lessons, is performed by the teacher, in most

cases through a one-way communication, which conditions the student to do the

harder part, i.e. to realize the learning of the material at home, most often with the

support and help of parents.

The school, unjustifiably, blames the parents for the poor results, behaviour

and regular attendance of the student. However, most of the time, they are not able to

perform this very complex and difficult task because they spend most of the time

outside the family, either to find a way to make a living or their intellectual and

mental level is low and therefore they are not capable of helping the child in the

learning process, or control their child’s attitude towards the school.

Very often the parents, pressured by the great, economic instability and

poverty, are forced to involve themselves in illegal trade deals, in which they also

involve their children, because in case of getting caught, because of the engagement

of the children, they avoid the criminal responsibility.

The parents are trapped in the changes brought by the transition, and in most

cases it is very difficult to perform their parental function well and lead themselves to

a situation where they lose control over many issues regarding the care and the

education of their children.

Therefore, a significant part of this research is dedicated to studying the

quality of the level of performance of the parental functions in the family.

In the questionnaire, within the frame of the project “Empirical analysis of the

problems of children at risk and the evaluation of the existing factors of protection,”

the third chapter has been completely dedicated to those issues related with the

parents’ performance of the family functions, and primarily directed towards the care

of the parents from urban and rural areas, the incomes and the nationality. Through

the 12 tables there have been several issues presented, which, in order to be more

easily studied, are grouped into four wholes regarding:

1. Providing their children with conditions for studying;

2. The capacity of the parents to help their child with the studying;

3. The cooperation of the parents with the school and the appropriate educational

and social institutions;

4. Parents’ way of handling the problems manifested by their children.

The data taken of each whole is first presented in tables with figures and

percentages, followed by an explicative analysis, conclusions and recommendations.


2.1 The capacity of the parents and the conditions in the whole for

successful studying of their children is studied through the following indicators (see

Annex: Table 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and Overview 6):

Abilities to handle the issue of satisfying the child’s needs according to the

place of residence;

Conditions for studying according to the place of residence;

School supplies at disposal according to the place of residence;

School supplies at disposal according to the monthly incomes;

School supplies at disposal according to the nationality;

Conditions for studying according to the nationality;

Room in which the children sleep, according to the nationality;

Abilities to handle the issue of satisfying the child’s needs according to the


Health problems in the family.

2.2 The capacity of the parents to help their children with the studying is

studied through the following indicators (see Annex: Tables 5 and 6):

Education level of the parents;

Helping the child with the studying, according to the place of residence;

Engagement of the parents outside the home;

Capacity of the parents to help their child with the studying, considered from

an aspect of education and time;

Basic hindrances among the parents regarding their helping the child when

doing his homework and studying.

2.3 The cooperation of the parents with the school and the corresponding

educational and social institutions is studied through the following indicators (See

Annex: tables 4 and 5, Overview 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17):

A need and an opportunity for education for responsible parenthood;

Cooperation of the parents with the school;

Undertaken measures towards the child in the school;

Institutions the family has established contacts with;

Forms of using the leisure time;


The attitude of the students towards their school obligations;

The behaviour in the previous school year;

Participation of the students in forms of parallel education.

2.4 Parents’ way of handling the problems of their children is studied

through the following indicators (See Annex: tables 3 and 11, Overview 1, 2, 3, 7, 11,

13, 16):

Talking to the child, according to the place of residence;

Level of information about the child’s activities;

Free time and hobbies of the children;

Differing of the parents’ educational influences;

Reasons for not attending school;

Characteristics of the children’s friends;

Visits between the child and its friends.

Processing the data

The parents’ capacity and the conditions in the home for successful studying

The data in this whole is presented in 8 tables and 1 overview and are related

to three basic indicators:

The ability to handle the issue of satisfying the child’s (student’s) needs;

Conditions for studying at home;

School supplies and equipment at disposal.

The indicators are most often compared with the place of residence of the

family (rural-urban), the nationality and the monthly incomes as basic symbols of the

family status.

The life and conditions for studying of the student in the parental home are

crucial to every student, since most of the school obligations have to be successfully

realized at home, which takes approximately 4-5 hours for writing homework and


87.8% of all the studied families live in urban areas and 36% of them have the

ability to deal with the issue of satisfying the basic needs of their child, whereas

66.5% of the parents have stated that they do not have the appropriate abilities or it is

very difficult to find them, 7.4% of which are at the very edge of existence.


Only 13.3% of the examined parents who live in rural areas are able to satisfy

the basic needs of their children, while 66.6% are not capable to provide to their child

the basic conditions for studying, and 20% of them are at the edge of existence. We

assume that the population in the rural areas is left on its own to struggle for its

existence, in most cases through natural production, where the children are often

much more engaged in the tasks around the households (live stock, ploughed field)

than in school obligations.

Regarding the family living space the research showed that the majority of the

families in urban and rural areas do not own an adequate residential space. Of all of

the families living in rural areas, 30% of the students have their own room, while the

other 70% sleep in shared premises or in inadequate premises. Moreover, only 33% of

the examined children living in urban areas have their own room, while the other 67%

sleep in a shared room or in inadequate premises.

In terms of the nationality, the current state is as follows: 63.3% of the

Macedonian children have their own room (which, we assume, is due to the low birth

rate and the opinions of the parents they ought to sleep in an adapted space, and

provide the children their own room). Only 39.2% of the Albanian families stated that

their children have their own room which they use on their own or share it with their

brothers and sisters. In the rural areas, the Albanian population builds houses

according to tradition and has good residential conditions.

Conclusion: We consider the right to use their own room or to provide the

minimum residential conditions for the children threatened, and this brings along

several negative effects, both upon the health of the child and its development, and the

possibility of spending most of the day outside the home.

In order to achieve regular and successful learning it is of great significance to

own books and school supplies, not only for school needs, but also to be able to

study at home. The biggest and the most frequent problem that the parents have is the

ability to buy the basic school supplies with the material resources they have,

however, very often, buying second-hand school books and having no conditions in

the family for an appropriate space for them, affects the poor motivation and the bad

attitude towards the learning and the school.

In terms of the place of residence of the examined families, 48% of the

parents are not able to buy all of the school books for their children, and 41.2% of the


parents also cannot afford the school supplies. These children use old school books

(often not appropriate), or they use the school books of their friends.

The situation with the rural families is similar. Only 53.3% of the parents are

able to buy school books and 46.6% of them are also able to buy the school supplies

for their children. This leads to the conclusion that more than a half of the students

living in urban and rural areas do not have the elementary conditions that are adequate

in order to approach to school, learning and school obligations. All of which, most

often, affects negatively the interest, the motivation for learning and the poor results.

As far as the monthly incomes of the parents and the ability to buy school

books and supplies are concerned, in the research it was showed that only about

53.3% of the parents, who have higher incomes, manage to buy school books and

46.6% of them manage to buy the school supplies. The research showed that after all

of the necessary expenses are set aside, there is not much left of the parental salary to

use for providing school book and supplies for the children.

In terms of the nationality, 88.7% of the examined parents who are

Macedonians have managed to buy school books for their children, while 78.5% also

managed to buy the school supplies. Only 42.8% of the parents in the examined

Albanian families have bought their children school books and 46.4% of them have

also bought school supplies.

The school books as an important and efficient means in the studying,

including the school supplies, often do not represent a priority in the family budget,

primarily among the Albanian population that was examined, while among the Roma,

the data that there are no possibilities to buy school books in 23.3% of the cases and

school supplies in 18.6% of the cases points out to the most endangered conditions for


Conclusion: In terms of all of the studied parameters that demonstrate the

ability, i.e. the capacity of the parents to provide conditions and possibilities for

regular and successful learning to the child, it has been showed this is highly

unsatisfactory and that maybe this is where we find the most important factors which

influence upon the positive attitude of the student towards the school.

Capacity of the parents to help their children with the studying


Regarding this segment of the studying of the completion of family functions -

the active help of the parent in the immediate studying of the child (student) at home -

the data will be analyzed through two segments:

The help of the parent in the immediate studying the child does at home, in

both urban and rural areas;

The need and the opportunity for education of the parents for family life and

helping their children with the studying.

In this direction of the research, it has been showed that only 32% of the

parents living in urban areas and 33% of those living in rural areas have stated that

they can help their child in the studying, primarily having in mind their efforts to

influence the children, to dedicate more time to studying and to control the time the

children spend studying. Often, the parents influence the elder children so they help

the younger children with their studying.

In the research, from the overview no. 4, it can be noted that only 8.2% of the

parents have stated that they have attended meetings in the school, focused on

improving their capacities for a more successful family life and helping their

children’s studying. The rest of the parents haven’t had that opportunity, but all of

them have expressed the unavoidable need and duty, primarily of the school and the

nongovernmental organizations, for organizing various educational forms for parents.

Cooperation of the parents with the school

In terms of the third segment of the research, the relationships parent - school

have been studied, from the aspect of cooperation with the school and monitoring the

child regarding their school obligations.

This part of the research will be studied through the following indicators:

cooperation between the parents and the school; the opinion of the parents

regarding their child’s attitude towards the school obligations, how well informed the

parents are about their child’s behaviour, how well informed they are about the

participation of their child in the school and the extracurricular activities.

The research showed that only 42.4% of the parents regularly complete their

obligations with the school and attend the informative discussions and parents’

meetings, while the rest of them either come to the school only when they are asked to

do that or do not come at all. This points out the low level of cooperation, primarily


from an aspect of becoming aware that in order to achieve success in the learning, the

school as an institution is not sufficient.

As for the information of the parents on their child’s attitude towards the

school and school obligations, the parents for 7.5% of the students have stated that

they have noticed poor concentration when their children are studying, for 18.3% of

the students they have stated that they have a problem with remembering the material

they are studying, and for 14% of the students the parents have stated that their

children are not interested in studying. However, 23% of the parents have stated that

their children are interested in studying and are regularly completing their school

obligations. For 23.4% of the students the parents have stated that their children make

an effort, try hard and by doing that they achieve the results at school. All of this

creates the need for a greater and more significant role of the school in teaching the

children, and primarily for those children who because of certain reasons, despite their

wish to learn, are not able to do that on their own and to achieve satisfactory results.

The parents should inform themselves not only for the results, but also for the

behaviour of their child, as well as for its participation in the school activities. From

the research it can be observed that the parents know about their children’s attitude at

school and 84% of the students have exemplary behaviour, which leads us to the

conclusion that the social climate among these students is satisfactory and the school

enjoys the authority as an educational institution. The parents have also supported the

need for organizing extracurricular activities in the school (sports, folklore clubs,

courses) in which their children would be actively involved (28.2%).

Parents’ way of handling the problems of their children

In terms of the educational capacities of the parents and their way of handling

the problems of their children, the data is presented through the following indicators:

ways of educating the child; differing between the parents in their educational

influences; communication and relationships with the children in the family; level of

information on the social life of the child and ways of handling the problems their

children have.

In the research, the ways of educating the child are related to the type of the

parental authority. In the research it has been showed that 17% of the parents behave

autocratically with their children, 61.6% of the parents have stated that in their family


life is based on democratic relationships, while 18.37% of the parents, base their

family relations and relationships on the independence of each family member.

Despite that, the educational influences between the parents often are not

coordinated. In our research it has been showed that in 30.2% of the families there is a

discordance of the influences between the father and the mother, which, we assume, is

often abused by the children in different aspects, and is also reflected upon the mutual

respect and the respect in the relation parent - child. The reason for such relations may

be the very small involvement or non-involvement of the parents in an organized

social work, either within the school or the professional social institutions. Further

more, popular literature does not exist or is not available for the parents, and also for

the children, on topics related to this important issue.

In the context of the abovementioned, the indicator that presents the findings

of the parents from an aspect of how well they are informed on the most significant

events and activities of their children was also studied, through direct

conversations. In the research it has been noted that in the largest number of the

families the percentage of usual communication parent - child is high (73.9%), more

precisely 74.4% of them are relations parent - child in urban areas and 70% in rural


The basic information that parents obtain from the children are related to

the familiarity with the friends, in 47%, of the cases, where and how they spend the

pocket money, 43.3% of the families, where do they usually go after school, in 42.4%

of the families, where do they go out at night, in 40.8% of the families and 43.3% of

the families know what activities the children are involved with in their leisure time.

However, for the rest of the families, more than 55% of the parents are somewhat

informed about the abovementioned activities. We think that the state of the

percentage received should not be neglected. It would be useful for the parents to

have information at least about the basic, everyday activities of the child, primarily

from an aspect of preventing the possibility the child to go “the wrong way,” and the

parents to find out about that too late and, in many cases, when it would be difficult

for them to do something about it.

The research showed that in about 84% of the families the parents have stated

that their children have exemplary behaviour at school, i.e. they attend regularly and

are disciplined in class.


Also, in 60% of the families, the parents think that the friends their children

hang out with are good and positively influence each other; 43.7% of the parents

have stated that the children are hanging out together on regular basis.

The largest percentage of the institutions that the family establishes contact

with are the Centres for social work, 89.8%, then the social institutions, 3.7%, while

44.9% of the parents establish contact with the school. These percentages point out

that the family, or the parents, need and receive the adequate help and protection from

the professional institutions.


The completion of the family functions represents a significant segment in

the research, primarily from an aspect of the parents. In order to process the obtained

results more simply and clearly they have been grouped into four groups of data. The

first group of data studies the abilities of the parents and the parental home to help and

support their children, primarily with their studying. More than a half of the families

included in the research, despite their wishes, are not capable to provide their

children the adequate conditions for the stay and studying of the children, and

also for helping them with the studying. Because of this, it is recommended that

Day centres are opened, or in other words more possibilities in the Day stays in the

school for writing the homework, studying and perform free activities.

It is recommended that the schools and the appropriate social and

cultural-educational institutions engage together with the nongovernmental

sector in order to more systematically organize the education of the parents regarding

the life in a family and education of the children.

The school should open itself towards the environment which it is located

in: the local community, the nongovernmental organizations, the parents’ boards and

organizations, in order to be a central institution responsible to the society, with a

wide range of a lot of activities outside the regular curriculum and the learning

process of the students.

Apart from the teachers and the homeroom teachers of the classes, an

increasing significance and responsibility has been given to the professional team:

pedagogue, social worker, psychologist, special education teacher. Their basic task

is the care for improving the educational influences among the students, reducing the

social tensions and problems among the students. The social workers, on the other


hand, with their professional capacities should cooperate with the families of the

students by using the different professional approaches in their work.

Ph D Dimitrijoska Sunchica

3. The current condition of the children at risk

Regarding the health condition of the children, the data enables us to state

that the majority of the children at risk, 79.59%, are healthy. 6.12% of the children

and young people have chronic diseases, and 5.31% have acute illnesses. It can be

concluded that the current state of the children’s health is good, taking into

consideration the conditions which they live in.

Graph 1 Health state of the children

Special needs are present among 23 children, 15 of which are males and 8

females. As far as the causes of the occurrence of a special need are concerned, 14 are

of organic origin and 9 are causatively conditioned.

Regarding the nutrition problems of the child at risk, in 170 families there are

no problems, and in the rest of the families there are such problems, where the most

emphasized is the usage of fast food, 40 children, and 8 of the children have problem

with the weight, obesity.

The participation of the children in different activities apart from the regular

curriculum is an issue for which several answers are offered, typical for the age of the

examinees. These are: sport practices, folklore, courses, computers, religion lectures

etc. If the data is structured according to the age of the children and the type of the

activity, then they show that in most cases the given answer is the sport practices,


especially in the category of children between 15-18 years of age - 33.33%. Among

the high-school students the computer are very popular as an extracurricular activity.

The children from the elementary school show frequent attendance of folklore

dances groups - 17%, as well as different courses - 23.4%.

Even though attendance of religious lecture was offered as an option, there

were no children and young people who attend this type of activities.

Graph 2 Participation in extracurricular activities according to the age

The question about the characteristics of the friends of the children and the

young people offered 6 categories of answers that can be grouped into two: well

behaved and with problematic behaviour, that includes: problematic, problematic and

good, don’t know, other and has no friends.

According to the obtained answers from the parents, it can be stated that in

60% of the cases of examined children they have well behaved friends, and 40% of

them have friends with a problematic behaviour. The fact that the parents know that

their children are friends with some children and young people with problematic

behaviour, leads us to the finding that the parents are familiar with the negative

influence on their children by their friends.

There are differences regarding the gender of the children. 52.52% of the

children and young people who are males and 61.89% of those who are females have

friends that are well behaved children, 47.48% of the children and young people who

are males and 30.19% of those who are females have friends with problematic

behaviour. This leads to the conclusion that the female children in most cases choose

friends who are well behaved and a lot less of those who have problematic behaviour,

compared to the male children.


Graph 3 Characteristics of the friends

When asked whether the family has faced problems in the last 6 months, most

of the examined families of the children at risk answered that they have faced certain

problems, more precisely, 152 of them. 52 of those families have faced death of a

close person in the family, and 20 families have gone through a divorce. It can be

taken into consideration that all of this has had a strong influence upon the

relationships in the family and the completion of the family functions, as well as upon

the development of the children.

The question about the presence of problems within the families of the

children at risk offered four possible problems: chronic diseases, mental illnesses,

physical and mental handicap. In most families, 145 of them, there are no such

problems. In 32 families there is a handicapped member, 15 of them are with physical

and 17 of them are with a mental handicap, and in 8 of the families there is a member

who has a mental illness.

Having in mind that the fundamental conditions for the development of the

children are growing up in a family with good family relations, where there is

understanding, sharing the responsibilities etc, when asking the question about the

spousal relations, four options were offered, divided into two groups: good (good,

sometimes conflictive) and conflictive (cold, constantly conflictive).

149 of the parents of children at risk have characterized their spousal relations

as good, and 96 of them have characterized theirs as bad. The possibility of a risk is


certainly greater if there is another one of the assumed risks present in the family of

the children at risk.

For the question about the styles of educating the children at risk, three

possible answers were offered: autocratic, democratic and laissez faire.

Most of the parents of the children at risk have answered that they educate

their children in a democratic style, whereas the number of those who practice the

autocratic and the laissez faire style is almost identical, autocratic 42, laissez faire 45


Regarding the differences in the educational influence, there were two cases

being considered: differences between the parents and differences between a parent

and another family member. The question about the differences in the educational

influence between the parents of the children at risk was not answered by 143 parents,

and 62 parents answered that they do differ in the education of the child.

There are a lot less difference between the parent and another member of the

family. 133 parents answered that there are no differences, and 20 parents of the

children at risk answered that there are.

The question about having information on the child is related to information

about its friends, its way of spending the allowance, whereabouts after the classes at

school, going out at night and activities in the leisure time. Five options were offered

as answers and we grouped them into two: knows (I know everything and I know) and

does not know (I know a little, I don’t know, No answer).

115 parents of the children at risk answered that they do know their children’s

friends, and 130 of them answered that they do not know.

As far as the ways of spending the allowance is concerned, 106 parents of the

children at risk know how it is spent, and 139 do not know this.

104 parents know the whereabouts of the child after the classes at school,

while 141 parents do not know this.

100 parents answered that they know where their child goes out at nigh, and

145 of them answered that they do not know.

Regarding the leisure time activities, 106 parents answered that they know

what they are, and 139 parents answered that they do not know.

It can be noted that the majority of the parents do not have enough

information on their children, compared to those who have stated that they know

everything about their children.


The following question is related to the estimation given by the parent about

the kind of problem of the child. Five options are offered:

A - impudence, aggressiveness, lying, school problems, loneliness;

A1 - impudence, aggressiveness, lying, school problems, negative relations

with friends;

B - begging, running away from home, smoking, drinking, drug abuse,


B/2 - begging, running away from home, smoking, drinking, drug abuse,

negative relations with friends.

C - stealing, robberies, rapes.

The obtained data shows that the most frequent problems are the ones

categorized in A and A/1. Differences have been determined in terms of the presence

of the sexes regarding certain problems. Among the female children, in 66.67% of the

cases there are problems like lying, school problems, aggressiveness, but it is mainly

true for lonely individuals, which is different from the case with the male children

among which these problems are accompanied by creating a lot of negative

friendships. Further more, problems of different deviant occurrences, such as

robberies, stealing and raping, have been detected among the male children to a much

greater extent - 28.85%.

Graph 4 Problems in the behaviour and the genders

Considering the fact that the research has been based on the actual estimation

of the parents of children and young people at risk, we can state that the subjective

evaluations of the parents, regarding the presence of problems in the behaviour of

their children, have not been overcome, which leads to the probability that there is a

greater presence of problems in the behaviour of the children at risk.


The type of risk compared to the problem in the behaviour of the children and

the young people shows the following result:

The majority of the children with problems in the behaviour - 28.57%, belong

to the category of “juveniles who are criminally irresponsible.” In 80% of

these cases the problems are stealing and robberies.

The children coming from “families with a low life standard,” as well as those

who are “juveniles with asocial behaviour,” encompass, each, 17.14% of the

total number of children at risk with problems in their behaviour. The most

frequent problems are types A and A/1.

12.85% of the children with problems in their behavioural are “juveniles living

with one parent,” among who the problems of types A and A/1 are most


A part of the children with problems - 7.14%, come from “families with

disturbed family relations.”

A smaller portion of the juveniles, who have also demonstrated behavioural

problems are “children deprived of the parental care” and “children with

development disability,” 4.28% each.

Children coming from “families who have filed for divorce” and “children

who live with parents with impaired health” demonstrate behavioural

problems of different types, to a smaller extent - 2.85% of each category.

The least number of children who have behavioural problems, 1.43% each,

come from the categories “children living without parents” and “children that

have no parental care.”

“The change of the place of residence” is a risk in the occurrence of

behavioural problems, but there has not been any data obtained in order to

confirm this assumption, most probably because of the small percentage of

children coming from this category within the sample of the research.

Having in mind the significance of the friends-peers groups for the

development of the children and the young people, realized through mutual visits, a

question about the visits by the friends was asked. There are four options offered,

which can be grouped into two: they visit each other (yes regularly, yes often, yes

very often and other) and they do not visit each other.

The total number of the children and young people included in the research is

245, out of which 76.33% visit each other.


23.67% of the children and young people do not visit each other, and the

majority of them are at the age between 7-14, or more precisely 34 children of which:

18 are female children and 16 are male children.

In terms of the gender, there are small differences observed between the

children and young people who are male and those who are female. This can be seen

from the following:

Graph 5 Visits of friends according to the gender of the children.

It can be stated that a great number of the children and the young people are

visiting each other regularly with their friends, which makes their mutual influence an

important factor for the development of the young person.

The existence of cooperation between the parents of the children at risk and

the school is a question with several categories of answer offered. The obtained data

points out the following:

In the majority of the cases there is some form of cooperation between the

parents and the school. This is particularly emphasized within the elementary

education with a realized cooperation in 63% of the cases. The regular cooperation of

the parents with the educational institution decreases in the case of high school

education to 37.77%.

The non-existence of cooperation, either irregular (only if a previous invitation

has been given) or no cooperation at all, is more frequently observed in the secondary



Graph 6 Cooperation between the parents and the school and the age.

The question about the received services from the Public Institution Inter-

municipal Centre of Social Work offers 12 options and a possibility to add a new one.

The social financial help is realized by persons who are capable of work, but

socially not insured. Among the examined population of families of children at risk,

130 families realize social financial help, out of which 72 are male children and 58 are

female children. Regarding the age group of the children, the majority of the children,

i.e. 85 children, are at the age between 7 and 14.

Permanent financial help as a right is exercised by those families that have

members who are incapable to work and socially are not insured. Within the

examined population, 21 families of children at risk have permanent financial help,

out of which 14 are families of male children and 7 are families of female children.

One-time financial help as a support in an extremely difficult situation has

been realized by 41 families of children at risk. 22 of those are families of male

children, and 19 are families of female children.

Help in kind has been received by 19 families of the children at risk.

84 families of the children at risk have received advisory services, most of

them within the group of children between 7 and 14 years of age, with 30 male

children and 18 female children.

One family received a stay of one of the member in a Day centre.

Four children at risk have been placed in the Social institution.

One child has received a supplement for education.

Documents for treatments in a health institution have been provided for 19



Eight children have been placed in foster homes, because of the inability to

create conditions in the natural family of the children.

In terms of the number of received services, the families of children at the age

between 7 and 14 have received more than one service.

Graph 7 Received services from the Macedonian centre for social work.

The following data is also related to the health aspect, by considering the visits

to the doctor. The responses have been categorized into several groups: regular visits,

both regular and irregular, sometimes, never and other.

The comparison by age categories such as preschool children, school children

and young people, does not show any significant difference between these groups.

Among all of the categories, the regularity of the visits to a doctor is in more than

70% of the cases, and on the other hand the percentage of the children who have

never visited a doctor is very low, under 3%.


Graph 8 Visits to a doctor according to the age

The families encompassed by the research have also provided data on the

source of help and support that they receive. The neighbours, the friends and cousins

as part of the social network, were offered as possible sources in the answer of the

questions, as well as the religious communities and the institutions.

The gathered data shows that a small portion of the families receives help

and support, which on the other most of the time is offered by the cousins and the

friends. Regarding the institutions, the data shows that they offer only temporary help,

and very often there is a lack of it. The religious communities also do not offer help

and support to the families.

Graph 9 Sources of help and support


4. Institutions of social protection of the children at risk

4.1 Centre of social work

Jurisdiction and functions

The Centre of Social Work is the central institution in the field of social


In the Republic of Macedonia there are 27 centres of social work, which cover

the whole territory, with a local jurisdiction. According to the Law on social

protection, Law on family, and the criminal law regulations, in the centres of social

work certain rights and services are provided to the citizens, families and those

groups of the population that are exposed to social risk.

The centre in its operating integrates the public authorizations and the

professional social work.

In regard to the range of the public authorizations, the centre applies the

provisions of the Law on general administrative procedure, and the court protection is

achieved through the possibility of initiating an administrative dispute, before the

Supreme Court.


In a normative sense, the particular conditions when the citizens are in a need

of help of the social protection system, the Law defines as:

Health risks,

Risks of aging,

Risks on maternity and family,

Risks from unemployment and professional inability to adapt,

Risks from not adjusting to the social environment.

When determining the social risk, it is being paid attention primarily to the

social aspects.

The states they can most frequently encounter can be defined as problems of:

Children without parents and parental care,

Abused and neglected children,

Children with educational problems,


Educationally neglected,

Children who are drug users,

Children coming from families that have marital and family conflicts,

Children with disabilities,

Children coming from poor families.

As far as the registering, the documentation and the statistical monitoring of

these groups are concerned, it should be noted that there is no statistical classification,

registering and new definitions of the current problems today (street children, family

violence victims, children drug users etc.). The centres lack contemporary

standardized forms, data base creation and their computer processing. According to

the existing register, the centres work with an average of 18 656 children annually,

1031 of who are children without parents and parental care, 7880 children have

educational problems, educationally neglected are 3378 of them, 5897 children have a

disability, and 470 children have other problems. According to the research carried

out by the Bureau of social activities in 2003, 63 children who are abusing drugs, 377

family violence victims and 465 street juveniles have been registered within the

centres of social work.

Apart from this, the centres work with around 44383 adults with whom in the

treatment, to some extent, the problems of their children are also included.

The range of work has increased with a large number of financial aid for

65000 beneficiaries of social financial help, around 19000 beneficiaries of care and

help from another person, a financial supplement for the families whose sustainers are

in the Army of the Republic of Macedonia (70), civil invalids (423).

From the analysis of the data, it can be noticed that there is a significant

participation of the beneficiaries of financial help. This engages the work of the

Centre to a great extent and therefore reduces the serving of the beneficiaries of the

other services.


The services are aimed towards an individual, a family, a group of population.

The centres of social work provide a wide range of services that can be grouped in

many areas and levels:


Social prevention - takes measures to prevent the occurrence of a social risk

for the citizen, the family or groups of population, through educational-

advisory work, developing forms of self-help, voluntary work;

Extra institutional protection - points out the possible solutions to a problem,

provides counselling or advisory help, domestic care and help, day fostering,

placement in a foster family,

Institutional protection,

The right to financial help.

The procedure to realize a right or a service from the social protection begins

upon a request of the person who is in of a need, upon an official duty or upon a

request of a parent, legal guardian, any citizen, institution or an organization. Article

84 from the Law on family is a provision that regulates the moral responsibility of the

citizens to report a case of an endangerment of a child, which in practice is very

seldom realized. The reporting is mainly based on the request of the person who is in

a situation of a social risk, close relatives or upon a report of officials of authorized

institutions: the national attorney, the court, the Public Prosecutor, the Ministry of

Internal Affairs, the school, NGO.

The Centre of Social Work when completing its tasks identifies and analyzes

the situation, and applies appropriate measures and services of social protection.

In regard to the children, the most frequent services are: putting the children

under guardianship, placing in an institution, in a day centre, placing in a foster

family, adoption, counselling work with parents and children in marital and family

conflicts, committing the children upon a procedure before, during and after a

divorce, executing discipline measures and measures of enforced monitoring,

directing the children to institutions, their monitoring, acceptance and inclusion in the

community, financial help, etc.

There is a lack of services that are related to treating certain population groups

of children (street children, children drug abusers, children victims of family

violence). Having in mind the needs of treatment, political and legal incentives have

been initiated in order to increase the number of services aimed towards these

population groups of children.

Forms and contents of the work with children at risk


When considering the children at risk, according to the current legal solutions,

the possible forms of protection being used are: for children without parents and

parental care, in most cases, guardianship, then placing in foster families, adoption or

placement in an institution.

The legal changes initiated by the Ministry of labour and social policy in the

Law on family and the Law on social protection should provide a more effective

protection of the children, through these forms of care.

It has been showed that in the group of children put under guardianship and

those placed in the homes of their relatives (in most cases at their grandparents’)

greater help is asked in the overcoming of the developmental problems of the children

as well as the process of their education.

The form of placement in foster families is especially used as an instrument in

reducing the institutional placement, and therefore, in the last few years, great

attention has been paid to creating conditions for increasing the number of foster

families. At the moment, the most of the children that have been placed are those

without parents and parental care and children with a handicap. The foster families

are concentrated in several towns (Skopje, Prilep, Makedonski Brod and the village of

Manastirec, Kocani), which additionally creates problems for the centres of social

work in those locations, because of the larger amount of work which has not been

followed by the needed professional and material resources. Until now, there has not

been sufficient work with the issue of guiding the families, i.e. their specialization for

accepting children with a certain problem, for example an abused child, a child with

educational-social problems or children who are educationally neglected.

One of the most complex problems in the centres of social work is the legal

family protection of the children who live in disturbed marital and family relations

and parents living separated (before a divorce, in the time of a divorce and

afterwards), during a procedure for reconciliation, a suggestion of an opinion about

putting children under care, settling the relations between the parents). From the

Centre’s point of view, the work is formally completed by an interdisciplinary and

team approach in providing counselling psychological-social and therapeutic services

to the parents/adults. However, it has been observed that the centres do not work

sufficiently on the issue of traumatization of the children and the emotional problems

that occur in their relations with the members of the family. In order to improve the


treatment in this field, changes and amendments to the Law on family have already

been suggested and are undergoing the procedure of being passed.

Certain group of children with educational problems or neglected and abused

children occurs in those cases when the parents either wrongly perform or make

omissions in exercising their parental right. In all the cases the Centre needs to act on

the basis of the institute for Monitoring of the exercising the parental right.

A special form of a crime act is the exposal of children to exploitation,

prostitutions, begging and other socially deviant occurrences. In this case, the Centre

should file charges against the executer of these deeds.

In such situations, the Centre encounters many procedural problems. It

encounters both its own inefficiency, as well as the inefficiency of the different

systems (police force, Public Prosecutor, court, institutions). If the parent is

neglecting the child during a longer period of time or abusing the child by making the

child beg, often after a longer court procedure the parent is found not guilty and then

the previous activities continue to take place. The centres very rarely suggest

depriving the parents of their parental rights, and the courts even more rarely reach

the verdict to execute this measure. In this way, the centres of social work are being

discouraged in their performance, and the problem continues to move in a vicious

circle, the children and their rights continue to be violated, and the irresponsible

parents are encouraged to continue doing the same, or even worse, activities.

Whenever the children come into conflict with the norms of the Law of torts

and the criminal law, i.e. the children have a disturbed behaviour, our Penal statute’s

starting point is that the children are in a developmental period, and therefore the

children with a disturbed behaviour are considered as children that are in particularly

difficult circumstances or are in a state of social risk, and the children that are

younger than 14 years of age are considered as criminally unaccountable. In the cases

when the Public Prosecutor dismisses the criminal charges and points to the Centre of

Social Work to continue working with the children, because of the long duration of

the procedure, it happens that the Centre either starts working with a delay or fails to

work with the child, the parents and the community.

It is evident that the Centre does not work enough with the parents, does not

work continuously, nor has special programmes for their treatment and training at its



Furthermore, there is a lack of sufficiently clear handling procedures in many

institutions (the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Centre of Social Work, the institution

for social protection/shelter, the Public Prosecutor, the court), which creates

interruptions in the chain of solving this problem. In addition, there are not enough

local resources, equally for the whole territory for the republic of Macedonia, to

provide an immediate shelter for children.

An evident and worrying problem in our country is the drug addiction, i.e. the

drug abuse. The number of drug users increases from year to year and there is a real

epidemic of drug addiction, with drug addicts having different kinds of criminal

behaviour. What is exceptionally worrying is the fact that the age limit of the drug

addicts is decreasing and there have been children of 13 years of age registered as

drug users. The activities of the Centre in this field is reduced to providing

information, counselling services and giving financial help, which is not enough in

relation to the complexity of the problem. The health institutions are only concerned

with the treatment, and the educational institutions with the sporadic programmes

related to these issues. The police force treats the problem at the time when the

juvenile commits an act of crime. There is no link in the acting of these actors on a

local or a national level.

The families with one parent in most cases are recruited from the divorced

marriages. The single mothers with children of up to three years of age, the mothers

whose spouses are working abroad and abandoned the family, as well as the parent

whose spouse has deceased, are also a subject to the work of the Centre of Social

Work. In this heterogeneous group of parents with children, there are mostly

beneficiaries of social welfare.

The group of children with special needs is very heterogeneous, and the needs

of the children are conditioned by their age, the type and the degree of the disability.

In the last few years there have been many projects intended for improving their

status, especially for their inclusion and integration. These activities need to be

supported and carried out continuously, through an inter-sectoral and inter-

institutional cooperation.

Children at risk are also the children who come from poor families whose

parents are unemployed, or if they are employed they do not receive their salaries on

time, families with a larger number of members, families with persons who have a

chronic disease or a disability, agricultural families from poor, rural environments.


The children are not the direct beneficiaries of the financial help given to the family

by the state, but are considered as co-users of the help. Because of a lack of material

resources, the children coming from poor families find themselves in an unfavourable

condition in satisfying their existential needs. Furthermore, this leads to their social

exclusion, i.e. to their inappropriate social participation and lack of integration in the

social community. There have been certain actions taken by the state institutions, the

humanitarian organizations and the nongovernmental organizations to help the

children from poor families, but these are not part of a strategy that would provide

more long-term effects in alleviating the poverty and its consequences.

Personnel and organization of the work

The basic requirement for any Centre of Social Work is to have at least one

professional nucleus, or in other words, a team comprised of a social worker, a

psychologist, a pedagogue, a lawyer. Apart from that, the number of certain profiles

should be increased in relation to the number of inhabitants in the municipality and

the number of social cases.

The 27 centres, located in 30 municipalities employ about 500 people; 184

social workers, 43 psychologists, 35 pedagogues, 53 lawyers, 2 special education

teachers, 14 sociologists and about 15 other professional employees and 143 people

of the administrative personnel. These employees provide various services through

methods of social, psychological, pedagogical, legal and other professional work to

all the citizens, and cover the whole territory of the Republic.

Because of the increased amount of work, especially in the field of social

welfare, on one hand, and the permanent limitations for new employments of the

budget users on the other, in the last few years the centres come across a serious lack

of professional personnel, which also limits their capacity and efficiency in the

realization of the numerous functions, including those which are in the interest of the


The data shows that only 18 centres have complete professional teams. In 12

centres, according to the existing norms, there is a lack of pedagogues, psychologists,

lawyers. Because of the size of the municipality, the complexity and the large number

of cases, the larger centres of social work (Skopje, Tetovo, Kumanovo, Gostivar, and

Strumica) are also in a need of more social workers and other types of professional



The current internal organization of the social work is achieved by combining

the territorial and the categorical approach, in such way that the social workers work

with smaller, local communities about any of the problems, and the other professional

workers (psychologist, pedagogue, and lawyer) are included in certain phases during

the work with the case.

Given all that, the interdisciplinary team approach is being realized only in

few centres of social work. This causes that the centres do not assess the real needs of

the children sufficiently, as well as the capability and the opportunity of the parents to

raise their children, to take complex measures of social and legal family protection.

Furthermore, the phase of monitoring the condition and the evaluation of the applied

measures and services is being neglected.

Moreover, there is an insufficient differentiation of the activities between the

separate professions, in the cases when, apart from the methods of social work, there

is also a need of applying methods of other disciplines (psychologists, pedagogues,


In the last few years a large number of training programmes for the personnel

in the centres of social work and the institutions for social protection have been

carried out. However, the acquired knowledge is not applied adequately and these

programmes are not obligatory. The inappropriate organization of the work in the

centres also contributes to this issue.

In the realization of the financial help, especially in the phase of insight and

control of the beneficiaries, all of the employees are involved, form every department.

This negatively affects the dynamics and the quality of the work of the separate

professional workers in the centre.

Institutional fostering of the children at risk

According to the Law on social protection, in the Republic of Macedonia, the

institutions for social protection are established as public and private institutions. In

the field of providing care for the children, the Government has determined a

minimum of public institutions that is supposed to satisfy the needs of the children

without parents and parental care (2); children with educational problems and

juvenile delinquents (2); children with special needs (3). The first private institution

for children without parents and parental care was established by the International

association Children’s SOS village.


The Centre of Social Work can place a certain person in any of these

institutions, either upon a submitted request of an interested person or based on

personal activities.

In a formal sense, the placement is carried out by reaching a decision on the

basis of the Law on social protection and the Law on general administrative


4.2.1 Public Institution Home for infants and young children - Bitola

Jurisdiction and functions

The home for infants and young children for children without parents and

parental care up to three years of age provides fostering (home, food, clothing, care)

until providing conditions or placement in a home or another form of care. In this

institution, temporary placement and a stay for a single, unemployed pregnant

woman, one month before her due date and for a single parent to up to three months

of age of the child, is also provided.

Category and structure of beneficiaries

The home for infants and young children has a capacity for 100 children and

25 mothers. On a monthly average, there are about 90 children and two to three

mother in the institution. During a year, about 200 children stay in the home. This is

due to the fact that the majority of the children, on an average, stay in the Home from

three to six months, and afterwards they are fostered using another form of protection.

More than a half of the children are illegitimate, and the rest of them come from

families in which the parents, because of different circumstances, have abandoned the

care for their children.

The home fosters healthy children as well as children with special needs.

Organization of the work

Within the work of the Home, because of the age of the children, the care and

the health protection dominate. The developmental needs of the children are satisfied

through programmes for stimulating and monitoring the development of the infants

and the young children. In 1996 the Partridge programme was introduced, according

to which the organization of the work included:


Baby groups that encompass infants from their birth to six months of age, with

contents of work intended to acquire the early skills of movement;

Family groups of children between six months and three years of age, which

include working on stimulation of the young children, motor movement,

speech development, development of skills for self-help, socialization and

cognitive development.

According to this programme, a so-called key worker from the personnel that

provides the care is responsible for the development of the children - one worker for

three to four children. His work is monitored and supported by a professional team of

a doctor, a psychologist and a pedagogue.

For the children between the ages of 2-3 there is also a teacher who works

according to the Programme for preschool education, adapted to the needs of this

institution. There are different cultural and entertainment activities organized for the



There are 50 employees in the Home for infants and young children - Bitola.

In regard to the professional personnel, it has all of the needed profiles: one social

worker, one psychologist, two doctors, one teacher, two lawyers, 28 carers and 14

people as administrative staff.

The number of the employees and the type of the profile of the staff satisfies

the needs of this institution in the completion of its basic functions.

The employees are trained well and they apply many programmes aimed at

the developmental needs of the children. The institution is open to the medical high

school in Bitola, whose students, during their practical work, help in the work of the


4.2.2 PI Children’s home “11 Oktomvri” - Skopje

Jurisdiction and functions

The institution Children’s home “11 Oktomvri” is an institution for placement

of children and young people without parents and parental care, that provides

fostering (home, food, clothing, health care) for the children until providing

conditions for their return in the family, or until enabling them for a independent life


and work, with a maximum stay of up to 6 months upon graduating from high school.

The institution provides attendance of elementary and secondary education,

organizing professional help in overcoming the educational curricula. Furthermore, it

provides different forms of work and life of the children during the whole period of

their stay in the Home.

Category and structure of the beneficiaries

This institution has a capacity for 144 children, with 104 children being places

on an annual average.

The institution fosters children between 3 and 18 years of age, but in the year

of 2003, 23 children who had already turned 18 were staying at the Home. 14 of them

have completed secondary education, two of them are students, and 7 of them are in

the process of completing their secondary education. In regard to this problem, it is

noticed that all of the children who come from different parts of Macedonia stay in

Skopje. This complicates the solution of the employment issue as well as the

permanent residence issue.

Most of the children stay in the institution from 4 to 6 years, and only few

children have a stay in the institution of over 15 years.

According to the family status, 20 children have no parents, 35 of them have a

mother only, and 16 only have a father, 15 children have divorced parents, and 44 of

them have two parents.

Regarding to their health condition, 13 of the children have a light mental


This structure provides the observation that the largest percentage of the

children come from dysfunctional families, in which either one or both of the parents

are not able to take care of their children. This increases the responsibility of the

Centre of Social Work and the institution to invest greater efforts during the stay of

these children, so that they take care of their family relations and to provide an

opportunity for them to return to the family and integrate in the community.

Organization of the work

In regard to the organization of the life of the children in the home, the current

organization is based on the principle of an educational group, with a heterogeneous


composition of the children in terms of age and gender, comprised of 13 to 15

children. A teacher is responsible for the educational group.

There is an influence on the socialization, the education and the acquiring of

abilities of an independent life, which is achieved through programmes for cultural

and hygiene habits, working habits, organizing the leisure time through participation

in workshops for learning foreign languages, or computers, participation in folklore

groups etc.

Through these programmes and other projects the children are included in the

community. This is also helped by a large number of NGO.

A right to a contact with the family, close relatives or friends is fully given

and there are no limitations. In regard to the personnel, the children have established

their own relations and feel free to talk to them about their problems.


There are 33 people, in total, employed in the institution - 13 teachers, one

social worker, one psychologist, one pedagogue, one lawyer. Every one of them is

involved in fulfilling the function of providing professional help in the fostering and

raising the children.

Having in mind the difficult past that the children come to the institution with,

the duration of the institutional care which creates and leaves consequences on its

own, the work of the employees in this institution is assessed as difficult and

complex. The staff possesses good competencies and training. The education during

the work needs to be continued further on and to be obligatory, in order to follow the

contemporary professional and scientific achievements in this field.

4.2.3 Public institution for fostering children with educational-social

problems - Skopje

Jurisdiction and functions

This institution fosters children with educational-social problems, at the ages

between 7 and 18 or until graduating from high school. The main objective is

acceptance and short-term fostering of juveniles, their observation and diagnostics,

continued placement but not more than three years and education. The institution

provides correctional treatment, depending on the needs of the children.


Category and structure of beneficiaries

The institution for fostering children with educational-social problems has the

capacity for placing 90 juveniles - 70 juveniles with educational-social problems, 10

minuvaci and 10 juveniles for execution of the measure referring to a disciplinary


Fifty three juveniles were placed in 2003. The age of the children is between 9

and 18 years. Four persons at the ages between 18 and 21 are children that are

completing their education.

In regard to the family status 8 children are without parents, 12 of them have a

mother only, 5 children have a father only, 21 children have divorced parents, and 6

of them have both parents. The most common reason for placement is children

coming from dysfunctional families without signs of deviant behaviour (22 children)

and the other children have come with some signs of deviant behaviour (roaming

around, loafing, running away from home).

In regard to the health status, 11 children have a light mental disability. 31

children are in elementary school and 18 children are in schools for secondary

education. 42 children come from their biological families, 6 children come from

foster families and 4 children come from the Children’s home “11 Oktomvri.”

The department minuvaci does not function in the needed way because of the

inappropriate space (presence of displaced persons and shelter for victims of family

violence). It is not in the function of the disciplinary centre, for which the centres do

not make suggestions and the court does not pronounce a measure.

Organization of the work

The organization in this institution is based on the principle of an educational

group, or more precisely one educational group in the phase of observation and four

educational groups for re-socialisation.

In the observation phase the children are observed in their behaviour, the

personality and the behaviour of the juvenile are evaluated, as well as the manner of

adaptation. In the phase of treatment their inclusion in the education is continued and

a correctional treatment is being executed. For that purpose, the programme contents

for work with children encompass education for developing working habits,

intellectual, socially-moral, aesthetical, physical and health education, formation of


hygiene habits, speech and language development, and free choice activities. In

cooperation with the NGO, a large number of contents for acquiring skills, that make

their socialization and integration in the social environment easier, have also been



There are 24 employees working in this institution, 13 of them are

professional workers (one social worker, one pedagogue, one psychologist, ten

educators) and 8 people comprise the administration staff.

The personnel are in accordance with the basic activities of the institution. In

the case of a correct set up of the function ‘department for minuvaci’ and the usage of

the space for executing the measure ‘referring to a disciplinary centre,’ a norm for

appropriately equipping the institution with staff should be additionally determined.

The professionals are included in training programmes, but this ought to be

based on the principle of continuous education and obligation.

4.2.4 PI Bureau for fostering and education of children and young people

“Ranka Milanovic” - Skopje

Jurisdiction and functions

The bureau for fostering and education is an institution that fosters children

with a disturbed behaviour at the ages between 10 and 18 years. This institution

executes the educational measure ‘referring to an educational institution’ for juveniles

who have committed a crime act, according to the regulations of execution of

sanctions. Moreover, this institution fosters children with a disturbed behaviour that

have been referred by the Centre of Social Work, according to the Law on family.

Apart from the care and the nourishment, the institution also provides

elementary education which is realized in the school that is functioning within this


Category and structure of the beneficiaries

The capacity of this institution is 75 juveniles, with an average use of 30

children per year.


In the period of conducting the research, there were 26 children placed, 8 of

them were juveniles who had been referred to an educational institution. All of the

children are males, between 10 and 19 years of age.

In terms of the family status, 18 children come from incomplete families and 8

children have both parents. In regard to the health status, two juveniles have a light

mental disability.

In the last few years, the centres of social work have requested that female

children are also placed in this institution, both in terms of fostering them and in

terms of execution of the measure ‘referring to an educational institution.’ There are

no legal hindrances to realize this in practice.

The duration of the placement is 3-4 years, but there are cases that have stayed

in the institution for 6-12 years, which speaks about a long period of

institutionalization of the children.

Organization of the work

The organization of the work with the children is based on the principle of

educational groups, and the level of education of the children is used as a criterion.

In the work programmes, the contents that are being carried out are: education

on forming working habits, intellectual, socially-moral, aesthetical, physical and

health education, leisure time and free-choice activities of the children. There are

contents about a working engagement of the children in a factory for production of

mushrooms, in the arrangement of the yard, participation in sports and cultural

events, training for operating with computers.


There are 28 people employed in this institution; 15 people are professional

workers (one social worker, one psychologist, one pedagogue, one lawyer, four

educators, six teachers for elementary education and one carer).

The structure of the employees corresponds to the needs of the institution. The

professional workers and the other personnel were involved in more training

programmes. The need to make this process continuous and obligatory remains.


4.3 Institutions for children with special needs

The children with special needs are children who have a sensory, physical or

intellectual disability and in order to satisfy their socio-cultural needs they use

institutional protection, as a last resort measure.

4.3.1 Bureau for rehabilitation of children and young people in Skopje

This is an institution for placement of children and young people with

moderate and severe disabilities in the psychological development, which fosters

children between 6 and 18 years of age, from the whole country.

This institution provides observation, rehabilitation-correctional treatment,

education, enabling for a working-productive activity, accommodation and health


It has a capacity of 130 beneficiaries, which has been filled; 85 of them are

placed in a boarding school and 53 are citizens of Skopje. The institution employs 50

people - 16 special education teachers, one psychologist, one social worker, 8

instructors, 2 educators, 4 carers, one doctor, 2 medical nurses and 15 people who are

part of the administration staff.

The organization of the work matches the age and the extent of the intellectual

disability, and therefore there is a department for education in which certain

knowledge and social skills are obtained, a department for work engagement in which

the young people acquire working skills (in processing wood, work in an auto repair

shop, agricultural work, household skills, etc).

Within the institution, for the needs of the city of Skopje, there is also a day

centre for children and a day centre for adults.

4.3.2 Special bureau in Demir Kapija

This is an institution for permanent placement for children and adults with

severe and most severe disabilities in the psychological development.

This institution provides fostering, rehabilitation and health protection. There

is a total of 380 beneficiaries placed, 74 of them are children below 18 years of age

and 306 persons of over 18 years of age. What makes this institution complex is the

fact that a large number of the beneficiaries are immobile or semi mobile, who also


suffer from numerous diseases. The institutionalization is very long, which can be

concluded from the fact that more than a half of the beneficiaries have been in the

institution for over 15 years.

Apart from the care and the health protection which are dominant activities in

this institution, there are also other programmes applied, that are aimed at acquiring

social skills and abilities to work for the adults with a severe mental disability.

There 136 people employed - one doctor, 2 social workers, 5 special education

teachers, 12 medical nurses, one physiotherapist, 6 educators, 86 carers, 11 instructors

and administrative staff. A true problem in this institution is the fact that a large

percentage of the care giving staff is not qualified for the specific treatment and needs

of the beneficiaries in this institution, as well as their insufficiently defined role in the

treatment of the beneficiaries.

The process of deinstitutionalization, supported by the professional and

financial help of the UNICEF office, was first started in this institution. A certain

number of children were included in special programmes for socialization and their

preparation to return to their families or foster families as an alternative institutional

protection. With the help of this programme, about 20 children with a moderate and

severe mental disability are already out of the Special bureau.

4.3.3 Bureau for protection and rehabilitation - Banja Bansko

This is an institution for placement of children and young people with a

physical disability. This institution provides fostering (home, nourishment and care)

until achieving the capabilities for independent life and work, and also provides

health care. Elementary and secondary education is provided for the children. It also

provides the needed professional help for their understanding the educational

curriculum and organizes different forms of life and work.

There are 65 beneficiaries in the institution, coming from the whole country.

Fifteen beneficiaries are children below 18 years of age. Of the total number of

beneficiaries, 50 have a physical disability only, and 13 have also a mental disability.

Half of the beneficiaries are people who either fully or partially depend on the help of

another person. The long institutionalization is typical for the beneficiaries.


The institution employs 40 people - one special education teacher, one

sociologist, one lawyer, one orthopaedist-prosthetist, one medical nurse, 2

physiotherapists, one masseur, 10 carers, 8 teachers and administrative staff.

Apart from the regular education, the institution also organizes various

educational, sports and other recreational activities, either as regular tasks of the

institution or through realization of project activities.

Within the organization of this institution the creation of ikebana, tapestries,

knitting, embroidering and wood carving are performed as regular work-occupational


Natasha Bogoevska

5. Police force and Public Prosecution Office in the protection of children

at risk

5.1 Police force

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia is a body of the

governmental administration, which is authorized to perform the following activities:

protection of the life, the personal security and the property of the people, protection

of the freedoms and rights of the man and the citizen guaranteed by the Constitution,

prevention of criminal acts, finding and catching the executors of criminal acts and

delivering them to the authorized bodies. The discovery of criminal acts is an activity

of the body of internal affairs which is aimed at determining the actual condition, the

material truth about a certain criminal act and the person who is the executor. In that

sense, the police force is specified as a repressive body, but it also acts preventively.

In regard to the prevention, the police operate in two directions: gathers information,

monitors the occurrences and the relations, the conditions that lead to execution of

criminal acts. The police force educates the citizens how to protect themselves from a

criminal activity, how not to become victims of such an act, and on the other hand, the

police force also undertakes more specific operational-preventive measures that are

supposed to prevent the execution of criminal acts and to provide a fast and efficient

discovery of the executor of the criminal act.

The fight against juvenile delinquency is complex and requires an on-time

action of all the subjects that take care of the social protection of the children. The

role of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the preventive work and stopping the crime


among the juveniles, results from the legal obligation stated in the Law on internal

affairs and the Book of regulations for execution of the activities of the Ministry of

Internal Affairs. The activities of the Ministry are performed according to a

previously prepared plan and programme with specific evaluations of the forms and

the extent of endangerment of the area with delinquent behaviours, as well as the

personal characteristics of the juvenile or the group of juveniles. Based on that, the

following is performed:

Corresponding reports and encouraging the bodies for guardianship to take

measures for removal of the causes of the delinquent behaviour, as well as

mutual cooperation of these bodies and the police;

Forming groups of representatives of the bodies for guardianship and the

professionals in the police force who would exchange data and information

about the possibilities and the ways of preventing the juvenile delinquency;

Discovery of the leaders of the juvenile, criminal groups and their separation

of the group and a further social and educational fostering.

The activities in the immediate prevention of the juvenile delinquency are

accomplished by a mobile presence of policemen in the most threatened and most

obvious locations, as well as by controlling the known juveniles-executors of criminal

acts by the authorized services of the criminal police who need to be specially trained

for stamping out the juvenile criminal.

The position of the children in the police procedure

When we talk about the authorizations of the police force in discovering the

criminal acts and their executors, this activity leads to an immediate connection with

the function and the nature of a state body. In fact, the corps of the penal pursuit, the

police force as a body for discovering the criminal acts and the juvenile executors of

criminal acts, the Public Prosecutors as authorized bodies of pursuit and accusation

and the courts as bodies for reaching verdicts, are repressive bodies that have the

authorization to act by applying repressive measures and means, when they handle the

procedure initiated because of a committed crime. However, the fact that we talk

about legal minors imposes the need of a privileged position of the juvenile within the

criminal procedure. This is also required by the Beijing Regulations that define the

term juvenile as a child or a young person who, according to the relative legal system,

can be treated differently than the adults, in regard to the committed act.


Particularly significant are the place and the role of the police force with its

authorizations in the pre-criminal actions, which always implies a humane treatment

with the minor and taking measures that would be free of any repressive elements.

The authorized official while working with juveniles always has to have in mind the

basic principles of realization and respect of the children’s rights, determined in the

Convention on the rights of the child, adopted by the General Assembly of the United

Nations on November 20th 1989. The Republic of Macedonia has ratified the

Convention on the rights of the child in 1993 and with that it became a part of the

internal law order. These postulates-guides which should be followed when

undertaking any kind of measures towards the minor are: non-discrimination of the

child, respecting the best of interest for the child, the right to life, survival and

development, as well as respecting the opinions of the child. It should be always taken

into consideration that the measures undertaken towards the children ought to be for

their protection, force should never be applied and the children should never be

exposed to any kind of physical or psychological torture.

A special procedure is anticipated for the juvenile delinquents and it is

particularly important to respect the legal regulations. The children who have not

turned 14 are not criminally accountable, and therefore a person who is below the age

of 14 cannot be detained or temporary arrested, and if the child has been arrested

because its age has not been known or has voluntarily come to the police station, then

the child needs to be sent home right after the police has taken its personal

information. The authorized official, when establishing its contact with a minor, needs

to always take into consideration the child’s psycho-physical characteristics. The

starting point is the fact that the child is not a fully formed person, undergoing

through its development, who still has not reached its biological, somatic,

psychological and social maturity, and therefore it is not capable to understand the

meaning of its act. The contacts between the authorized official and the juvenile

delinquent need to be organized in such way that status of the minor would be

respected, his well-being will be improved and any possibility to cause damage would

be avoided and all of the circumstances in the case will be adequately treated,

according to the so called Beijing Regulations.

The parent or the guardian ought to have a special role in the police procedure

and must be informed about the undertaking of any measures by the police force

towards the minor-executor of a criminal act. Furthermore, the right of the child to


participate in the decisions reached by the police has to be respected as well, i.e. it is

necessary that the opinion of the child is heard and attention is paid to its opinion. The

child has to be treated as a subject and not as an object during the whole procedure.

During the procedure carried out by the police all of the measures for the protection of

the child’s life need to be undertaken, considering the fact that the child, as any other

human being, has the right to life, security and safety. The child must not be exposed

to torture, inhumane and brutal behaviour, because any physical or psychological

maltreatment of the children is in fact abuse of the children that often has deep

consequences upon their further psycho-physical development. Special protection

needs to be given to the children who are in conflict with the law, using drugs or are

victims of the human trafficking and all the possible measures need to be undertaken

so that they are protected and are helped to return to their normal life.

Organization and way of work of the inspectors for juvenile delinquency

In the Republic of Macedonia, within the Ministry of Internal Affairs there are

34 inspectors for juvenile delinquency employed, 13 of who are males and 21 are

females. The data on the educational and gender structure, the length of service and

the attended trainings by the inspectors for juvenile delinquency is the following:

Table 1 Age structure in regard to the gender


Males FemalesPedagogue 1 2Faculty of pedagogy / 2Faculty of law 2 2Faculty of defence 6 11Social worker / 1Faculty of economics / 2Faculty of philology 1 1National Defence 3 /

TOTAL 13 21

Table 2 Educational structure in regard to the gender


Table 3 Length of service as an inspector for juvenile delinquency and other job positions, within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in regard to the gender


Up to 5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years Over 15 yearsM F M F M F M F

Inspector for juvenile delinquency 10 14 2 4 1 1 / 1

Other job position within the MIA 6 8 3 5 1 2 3 2

Table 4 Number of trainings in regard to the gender


Males Females0 3 31 6 32 1 73 2 04 1 25 0 1

Over 5 0 5

In order to obtain a complete insight in the work of the authorized officials in

the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the children who are executors of criminal acts,

but are criminally unaccountable (minors under the age of 14), interviews have been

conducted with the inspectors for juvenile delinquency in tri larger cities in the

Republic of Macedonia: Skopje, Veles and Tetovo. The main objective -

improvement of the position of the minor in the police procedure - cannot be

accomplished unless the problems they face when completing their job are also taken

into consideration.

In regard to the way of organizing the work, the authorized official within the

Ministry of Internal Affairs underline that there is no department for juvenile

delinquency, as a separately organized unit, but the work is being done in the

department for general crime. Having in mind that this organization of work imposes

on them realization of procedures in other cases, a special department for juvenile


26-35 years of age Over 36 yearsMales 3 10

Females 9 12TOTAL 12 22


delinquency needs to be separated and needs to be managed by a professional in this

area. Within the regional units of the Ministry, depending on which unit is being

discussed, there are different problems arising - problems of organizational character,

lack of personnel, in terms of number and profiles, as well as lack of material


The authorized officials’ opinion is that there are standardized procedures that

need to be followed when working with minors, but that these are not sufficiently

respected. Furthermore, the need for a fast procedure to completely include all of the

institutions for monitoring and helping the juveniles has to be addressed. When

initiating a procedure a parent, who will be present at the hearing of the juvenile, and

the Centre of Social Work are always informed, as it is obligatory, but an additional

problem is the fact that the work of the Centre of Social Work is organized in one

shift. Given the fact that the inspectors are the ones establishing the first contact with

the children, the way of working with children is also imposed as an issue. Do the

children see in them persons that would help them or punish them, are the parents

cooperating with them? The answers obtained are confirmative and the need for

making the education for responsible parenthood obligatory is also emphasized.

The cooperation with the other institutions, which they are referred to in the

context of their work, especially the Centre of Social Work, has been assessed as

satisfactory, while the need for more flexible working hours of the Centre, again, has

been emphasized.

An issue that indeed deserves attention, considering the specificity of the work

and the category of people they work with, is the one addressing the education of the

authorized officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs who work in the field of

juvenile delinquency. Every one of them underlines that they have attended a small

number of seminars about the rights of the children, with an educational character,

which are particularly significant for their work. This emphasizes the need for a

further, continuous education.

The statement that a Law on juveniles, which would encompass all of the

issues related to the juvenile delinquency as well as every aspect of their work, ought

to be passed is in fact a mutual statement.


Conclusions and recommendations

Starting from the existing law regulation in the Republic of Macedonia, the

need to create a separate juvenile crime law appears to be a necessity, and in that

sense, the role of the police force as a body obligated to eliminate the juvenile

delinquency also needs to be redefined. The stress should be placed on the preventive

work, and the criminal tactic methods and procedures should be applied in a specific

way, respecting the personality of the minor. It would be desirable to bring into the

Ministry of Internal Affairs a special police official who would not be involved in the

police procedure, but would take care of the rights and interests of the child while the

child is in the police station. In that way, the rights of the child, determined by the

international regulations and standards, would be guaranteed.

In order to free the procedure from the elements of repression and retribution,

the involvement of the Centre of Social Work must be present at the very beginning,

which would ensure that the measures for re-socialization of the young person are

taken on time. The police should also cooperate with the schools, but the hearing can

be performed within the schools only in exceptional situations, by civil officials and

with a previous consent by the principal of the school.

In order to successfully complete their tasks, the authorized officials need to

have appropriate skills and experience, to be specially trained and qualified for the

work with juvenile delinquent, and special attention should be paid to the possibility

for forming separate units for juvenile delinquency.

Considering the fact that the juveniles under the age of 14, who are criminally

unaccountable, are the subject to analysis, the procedure stops when the Public

Prosecutor dismisses the criminal charges. The further treatment of these minors is in

the jurisdiction of the body for guardianship - the Centre of Social Work, which has at

its disposal a wide range of measures that can be taken in order to re-socialize and

rehabilitate the minor. The register of measures could be further broadened with other

suggestions and requirements directed towards the parents, the school and the other

institutions, so that the cause of the criminal behaviour of the child is removed. As a

controlling mechanism, in this case, it would be useful to bring in specially trained

police officials who would monitor the realization of the measures. Also, in the case

of an ascertained fault, they would inform the Public Prosecutor and, in such way,

take the procedure to the next step.


The preventive police activity must be supplemented with activities of the

pedagogical and social organization, which would fully free the procedure of the

repressive elements and the process of socialization and treatment of the minor in the

social community, would immediately start.

5.2 Public Prosecution Office

In the constitution of the Republic of Macedonia the Public Prosecution Office

is defined as a sole and independent state body that prosecutes the executors of

criminal acts, as well as those of other acts that are by law determined as punishable

acts, and also performs other tasks determined by law. The Public Prosecution Office

performs its functions on the basis of and within the Constitution and the law. Given

the fact that the Constitution represents the highest law acts in which the

constitutional position of the Public Prosecution Office is only generally defined, its

organization, its jurisdiction, the areas and the main offices of the Public Prosecution

Office, as well as the conditions and the procedures for appointing and discharging

Public Prosecutors and their deputies, are all defined in the Law on public

prosecution. The actual function of the Public Prosecution Office is performed by the

Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Macedonia, the Public Prosecutor of the High

Public Prosecution Offices and the Public Prosecutor of the Primary Public

Prosecution Offices. In regard to the issues that are important for the performance of

their functions, as well as those that are of common interest, the Public Prosecutors

cooperate with the bodies in charge of the discovery of criminal and other punishable

acts and their executors, the courts, other bodies and other legal entities.

The position of the juvenile in the penal system

The Public Prosecutor is the authorized prosecutor in the procedure with

juveniles. When a minor is an executor of a criminal act, the criminal charges are

always delivered to the Public Prosecutor, regardless of whether it is a criminal act

prosecuted by official duty, or a criminal act prosecuted upon private charges. The

juvenile has a privileged position when criminal charges have been brought against

him. The basic criterion in making a distinction between the juvenile delinquency and

the other types of crime, which also implies determining a special position of the

juvenile in the criminal proceedings, is the age of the executor of the criminal act.

Therefore, the category juvenile in the criminal law occurs because of the need to


separate the persons who, because of their biological, emotional, psychological and

social immaturity, should not be treated or punished in the same way as the adults. A

juvenile executor of a criminal act is a child or a young person for whom is it assumed

that has executed a criminal act. The minor has not yet reached the emotional,

intellectual and social maturity, and therefore is not capable of understanding the

meaning of the act and to manage his (her) deeds. In the criminal law of the Republic

of Macedonia, in a general and a special part in chapter VI, the general provisions on

the punishment of minors are given, i.e. the special criminal law provisions on

juveniles that are in effect. In this part, it is anticipated that criminal sanctions towards

children are excluded, or more precisely, it is stated that towards a minor, who in the

time of committing the criminal act has turned fourteen (a child), criminal sanctions

cannot be applied. However, it cannot be overseen that even when it is about a person

who is under the legal age, it is an issue of a socially negative behaviour, and

therefore a social reaction, which should always be in the interest of the personality

and the needs of the child, must not be omitted.

In the criminal procedure, as a process way of acting, a series of process

actions are taken by the process subjects and other participants, in order to determine

whether a criminal act has been committed, who the executor is and whether the

conditions, anticipated by the material criminal law, are met, so that the executor can

be sentenced. When the case is about minors, the basic function of the criminal

proceedings is not determining the legally-relevant facts related to the criminal act,

but protection of the personality of the juvenile and the need for his educational

correction. Therefore, the actions in the proceedings, when a minor under the age of

fourteen is the executor of criminal acts, should not be directed towards the

determination of the seriousness of the act, but ought to represent a group of activities

aimed at the socialization and re-socialization of the juvenile executor of a criminal

act. The child that has committed a crime should not be left without any reaction by

the authorized bodies, because it should be showed clearly to the child that it has done

something against the adopted norms of a society, something which is not approved

and provokes certain sanctions.

Because of that, an on-time reaction of all the subjects who are taking care of

the social protection of the children is very much needed.


Criminal proceedings towards minors under the age of fourteen (children)

The police force, as a body that has the defining role in the discovery of the

criminal acts, makes the first contact with the juvenile executor of a criminal act.

Since the position of the children in the police procedure is neglected, there should be

reforms carried out, which would enable that the whole procedure is coordinated with

the requirements for the protection of the rights of the children, who need care and

protection, in order to avoid their abuse in the police procedure. What is important

that the police officer knows, is related to the provisions according to which children

under the age of fourteen are not capable of being criminally accountable, and

therefore a child that has not turned fourteen, cannot be detained or pre-arrested, and

if the child has been arrested because it has been believed that it is older than fourteen

years or if the child has voluntarily come to the police station or this was needed for

its protection, then the child needs to be taken back home as soon as his personal

information has been obtained.

The police force should deliver the criminal charges for the executed criminal

act to the Public Prosecution Office, given the fact that the Public Prosecutor is the

only entity authorized to ascertain that there are no conditions for criminal

prosecution, i.e. the person is not the criminally accountable. When the Public

Prosecutor receives the criminal charges, he performs the assessment according to the

article 144 from the Law on criminal procedure, so that he would be able to reach a

decision for a dismissal of the charges, or to submit a request to initiate a preparatory

procedure towards the juvenile.

In case the charges and the submitted evidence are not enough for the Public

Prosecutor to reach a decision, when the case is about a minor, he can request the

needed reports from the police force or the submitter of the charges. It should always

be insisted that the age of the executor of the criminal act, at the moment of execution

of the act, is precisely determined, using original documents for the birth and the age

of the minor (birth certificate). What happens if there is no relevant data for the age of

the child? The empirical data shows that there is no one, unified procedure that is

applied in such case, or in other words, in the Primary Public Prosecution Offices

different measures are taken. While in some of them an expert opinion is given in an

extrajudicial procedure, in others it is proceeded according to the statements of the

legal representatives. In such case, it should be insisted on initiating process actions

and interrogation of the juvenile himself (herself), which would enable the


determination of his (her) age, by professionals who will apply appropriate scientific

and professional methods and procedures. After confirming that the person is a minor

under the age of fourteen, the Public Prosecutor dismisses the criminal charges.

The proceedings continue and the Centre of Social Work is informed about the

dismissal of the criminal charges, by the Public Prosecutor who has done that. The

Public Prosecutors do not always respect the obligation for informing the Centre of

Social Work. Thus, the social reaction on the committed crime, whose main objective

is correction of the asocial behaviour of the juvenile and creation of conditions for its

re-socialization and rehabilitation, is being left out.

The practice in the centres of social work in our country is also not identical:

some of these centres act upon the information of the Public Prosecutor and take

measures of open protection, and at the worst, take measures of institutional fostering,

while others do not take any measures. Given the fact that there is no legal basis, nor

legally regulated proceedings according to which the centres of social work would be

guided, there is a need for a normative regulation of this part of the procedure, in such

way that the centres of social work would be obliged to take some measures of care,

protection and supervision towards the category of children who are criminally

accountable. Furthermore, the existing register of measures and activities, which can

be taken by the Centre of Social Work, should be enriched with new forms of

measures and tasks, such as: apology to the victim, community work and temporal

stay in a humanitarian governmental or nongovernmental organization with specified


Conclusions and recommendations

The analysis of the role and the function of the Public Prosecution Office, in

the procedure in which a minor under the age of fourteen is an executor of a criminal

act, is based on the working out of the existing legal regulative in the Republic of

Macedonia. The data used was obtained from the deputies Public Prosecutors in the

Primary Public Prosecution Offices in Skopje, Veles and Tetovo, based on the

interviews that were carried out. The completed analysis unavoidably imposes the

need for creating a special, juvenile criminal law, which, in accordance with the

principles for protection of the minors, would also integrate solutions for a clear,

unambiguous regulation of the position, the organization and the procedure of the

Public Prosecutors, in the cases where a criminal has been executed by minors.


The Public Prosecution Office is organized according to the principles of

hierarchy and subordination. The organization and the function of the Public

Prosecution Office set in this way, do not contradict the contemporary tendencies in

the criminal law theory and legislation, but the special procedure towards the juvenile

executor of a criminal act requires that they are further worked out, which would free

the procedure itself from the unnecessary formalism. The issue of specialization of

certain persons within the Public Prosecution Office also requires a special treatment,

having in mind the complexity of the problem called juvenile delinquency. The

previous practice shows heterogeneity in regard to this issue. In some offices there are

special departments for work with cases where the executors of criminal acts are

minors (Deputy Public Prosecutors), while in others there is no division in the work

according to the criterion ‘age of the person who is an executor of criminal acts.’

However, given the fact that for children under the age of fourteen criminal

sanctions cannot be applied, the issue of specialization of the Public Prosecutors

would obtain the deserved importance when the subject of interest would be the

category of persons who in the moment of execution of the criminal act have already

passed the age limit of fourteen years. In that case, the Public Prosecutor should be

able to obtain relevant data which could be used as a basis for determining whether a

criminal charges would be brought or not, because of the existence of the principle of


There is a necessity to determine a deadline for the obligation to inform the

Centre of Social Work about the dismissal of the criminal charges against the act of a

child which fulfils the legal characteristics of the criminal acts. The further procedure

is in the jurisdiction of the Centre, or by the specialization of the judges. The judge

for minors could be involved in the procedure if there is a need for taking measures

towards the parents of the minor or if misunderstandings occur between the parents

and the Centre of Social Work. In any case, all of the actions that will be taken should

be in aimed at providing help and protection, and not punishment for the executed act.

The Public Prosecution Office could be authorized for taking measures towards the

parents of the minor under the age of fourteen, obliging them to attend educations for

responsible parenthood, in case it is determined that there is such a need. The

educations would be organized within the Centre of Social Work, and the

nongovernmental sector would be included in their realization.



In the research that was carried out, there are two methodological wholes - the

first one is refers to the empirical analysis of the problem of children at risk, whereas

the second one refers to the evaluation of the existing factors of protection.

1. The empirical analysis of the problems of children at risk, carried out on

the representative sample of 245 children and their families showed the

following results:

The economic situation of the polled households of children at risk is at a

relatively low level, which can be confirmed with the data that around 54% (more

than a half of them) have a total of 5000 denars per month at their disposal (the

average monthly income in the Republic of Macedonia in a household of four

member, at the beginning of 2004 has been estimated at approximately 11 000

denars). Monthly incomes of more than 20 000 denars have only 4% of the examined

households. The families that have filed a divorce suit are the ones that have the

highest monthly incomes. About 4% of the examinees think that they do not have

enough money and are “making ends meet.”

The social endangerment of the children is more emphasized in the rural

areas, which can be confirmed with the following statements: the urban households

consume food of better quality on more regular basis than the rural households, the

urban households have residential space, where they live in, which is of better quality

and is better equipped than the one that the rural families have at disposal. The parents

of the children at risk in the urban areas are more prepared to satisfy the basic needs

of the children (36% of the population) in contrast to the parents living in rural areas

(13%). In the rural areas the main carrier of the tasks around the household is the


The obtained data shows that 1/5 of the parents of children at risk have no

education, and this occurrence is typical for the Roma population (56.3%). Only

3.54% of the parents of children at risk have a higher education and they are all of

Macedonian nationality. Another characteristic is that of the total number of parents

who have higher or postsecondary education, 30% are parents of children who have

committed criminal acts, but are criminally unaccountable.

The research shows that in 81.22% of the households all of the members have

insurance. The health condition is also very good - only 15% have chronic diseases


and 75.1% of the children pay regular visits to a health institution, in case there need

to. Although the data shows that the health insurance is not a factor of risk, certain

findings from institutions that work with children tell us that there is certain number

of families that do not have health insurance.

The analysis of the completion of the family functions in the households of

children at risk allows us to conclude that the parents are not capable to provide to

their children the adequate conditions for studying in their homes.

According to the evaluation of the parents, around 1/3 of the children from the

examined families have a problem in their behaviour (arrogance, aggressiveness,

lying), where 52 children are males and 18 are females. At the same time, 98% of the

parents have information that their children have some friends with a negative


In 16 children, a critical phase in the development of the problem in the

behaviour is noticed (stealing, robbery).

It is interesting to underline that the problems in the behaviour are present

within children coming from families with a low life standard (12 children) and 9 of

the children have only one parent.

4.5% of the total number of children live outside their biological families. 8 of

them are in foster families and 3 children are in the Public institution Children’s home

“11 Oktomvri” - Skopje.

16.3% of the children are not included in the regular education, 1/4 of who

are children who do not have resources for education.

The families of the children at risk whose children are students have not

established a continuous cooperation with the school. Over 50% of the polled parents

do not have more detailed information about the friends, the pocket money, the

whereabouts after school or the performance of activities during the leisure time of

their children.

The relatives of the families of children at risk in 42.8% of the cases are

resource of support when the family is in such a need, and the friends are the next

resource of support, in 23.7% of the cases.

The families of the children at risk cooperate with the centres of social work in

89.8% of the cases, and in 44.95% of the cases they cooperate with the school.

The centres of social work have had interventions in the families of the

children at risk with one form or service. That intervention, in most cases, has been


related to giving material help. From the total of 368 services and forms of protection

that have been given, 57.3% have been material help.

2. In order to make an evaluation of the factors of protection that are related

to the children at risk interviews have been conducted with the Public

Prosecution Offices. There have also been interviews conducted with the

professional personnel employed in the PI Centres of social work, Skopje,

Tetovo, Veles and institutions that work in the field of social protection

where children have been fostered.

There is a need to publish the National plan for action

The centres of social work should prepare special programmes for work with

children at risk and their families. Special attention should be paid to the children with

an asocial behaviour, while the Centres of social work should provide an obligatory,

coordinated support and help to their families in overcoming the development

problems of these children.

There is a lack of a resource centre on a national level, where a data base for

the children at risk would be created and where a relevant, statistical bulletin on the

conditions would be published, and based on that, a strategy for providing conditions

for growth and development of the children would be set.

The authorizations of the centres of social work as a professional institution

and a body for guardianship cover a wide range of services related to the realization

of the social protection of the children. Currently, their dominant work is handling the

poverty, by serving the beneficiaries of financial help. The professional work and

services are directed towards the individual beneficiaries are reduced and often are of

a formal, legal character.

Despite the fact that the existence of interdisciplinary team work has been

anticipated for the centres of social work, this approach is present only in a small

number of the centres. The real needs of the children are not sufficiently assessed, as

well as the suitability and the capabilities of the parents, nor do they take family law

measure for protection. Moreover, there is a lack of appropriate work with the parents,

in monitoring the condition and in evaluating how the applied form of protection

corresponds to the particular need.

There is no sufficient differentiation of the activities between the separate

professions, whenever there is a need to apply methods of other disciplines


(psychologists, pedagogues, lawyers) in addition to the methods of social work. There

is a lack of standardized procedures and guidelines in the work with certain groups of

population - beneficiaries of the Centres of social work.

In the Republic of Macedonia the number of institutionalized children is not

very high, but it ought to be noted that the time spent in the institution for some

children lasts too long, more than 10 years.

The centres of social work ??? for the insufficient preparation of the child for

an institutional placement, the unsatisfactory preparation of the required

documentation during the child’s stay, the insufficient monitoring of the child during

its stay and maintaining contacts with its family, the insufficient preparation of the

family and the local environment of the child for its return and integration.

It should be worked more on the modernization of the programmes in the

institutions and the increase of the cooperation with the centres of social work in all of

the phases: admission, duration of stay and the moment of leaving the institution. The

institutions could have a more emphasized role in the post institutional help for the

child, in such way that they would develop forms which would enable a faster

integration in the social environment.

There is a need for introducing new programmes of treatment which would

change the location, the capacity, the organization and the way of working of the

existing institutions. The institutions of social protection were established as homes

for living which provide conditions for realization of the traditional kinds of collective

housing and fostering of the children. The objects of all of the institutions were built

purposely, in different time periods, starting from the fifties to the seventies. From

today’s aspect, the constitution of the homes as institutions is classic and does not

correspond today’s needs for new organizational and professionally-methodological

approaches in the work with children.

The small number of resources (shelters for children, day centres, innovative

programmes for work with children and their parents) reduces the value of the work

of the centres of social work and the institutions for social protection in the request for

a complex approach in solving the problems of the children and their families.

The social institutions in the field of social protection, which foster children at

risk, do not have built standard methodical instruments for registering the children at

risk, monitoring their condition and coordinated intervention.


There is a professional potential in all the sectors and institutions (education,

health, culture, child protection, NGO), but this potential is not used in the best way in

the inter-sectoral and inter-institutional cooperation at every level and in all of the

cases. In addition to this problem, there are no legal standards and procedures for

realization of cooperation according to the jurisdiction and the competencies of the

separate subjects.

It can be generally concluded that in the existing system of social protection of

children the plural protection (welfare pluralism), which would ensure cooperation of

all of the factors (state, private and civil sector) in the complete protection of the

children at risk, is not applied.

The activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in putting an end to the

juvenile delinquency are taking place after a previously prepared plan and programme

with specific estimations of the forms and the extent of endangerment of the area with

the delinquent behaviour, as well as the personal characteristics of the juvenile or the

group of juveniles.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs a department for juvenile delinquency, as a

separately organized unit, does not exist. Instead, the work is being done in the

department of general crime. Apart from the problem of an organizational character,

there is also a lack of staff, in terms of number and profile, as well as a lack of

material conditions for work.

There are standardized procedures which should be followed in the work with

minors, but these are not respected sufficiently by the authorized officials.

A parent and the Centre of Social Work, that should be present at the hearing

of the minor, must be informed about the initiation of a procedure. However, an

additional problem is the fact that the working hours of the Centre of Social Work are

organized in one shift only.

The authorized officials have a lack of continuous education, considering the

fact that out of thirty four inspectors for juvenile delinquency; only five have attended

more than five seminars for the rights of the children, with an educational character.

The Public Prosecution Office, within its own authorizations, works with

children under the age of 14 - executors of criminal acts. In some of the Primary

Public Prosecution Offices there are special departments for work with cases of

executors of criminal acts who are minors. In others, the age of the executor of a

criminal act as a criterion, is not taken into consideration when dividing the activities.


The Public Prosecutor is the authorized prosecutor in the proceedings with

minors. When the Public Prosecutor receives the criminal charges, an evaluation,

according to the article 144 of the Law on criminal procedure, is being performed, so

that the prosecutor would be able to reach a decision for a dismissal of the charges or

submitting a request for initiating a preparatory procedure against the minor. After it

has been confirmed that the juvenile is under the age of fourteen (a child), the Public

Prosecutor dismisses the criminal charges.

The empirical data shows that there is no unified procedure applied in case

there is no precise data on the age of the juvenile-executor of a criminal act at the

moment of executing the act, or in other words, there are different measures taken in

the Primary Public Prosecution Offices. While in some of them an expert opinion is

given in an extrajudicial procedure, in others it is proceeded according to the

statements of the legal representatives.

The Public Prosecutors not always respect the obligation to inform the Centre

of Social Work, and therefore the social reaction to the committed criminal act, whose

main objective is correction of the asocial behaviour of the juvenile and the creation

of conditions for its re-socialization and rehabilitation, is being omitted.


The insight in the analysis of the results from the research allows us to give

several recommendations related to the work with risky categories of children:

In our country, in a theoretical and empirical sense, there is no relevant data

for the researched problem. The examinations done so far are partial and do not study

all of the indicators of the analyzed occurrence.

There is a need for a thorough categorization of children at risk, description of

the different kinds of risks, as well as a thorough aetiology and phenomenology of

each of them.

Most of the risks occur in a syndrome, and therefore a corresponding

methodology needs to be prepared, which would be used for the action of the

professionals during the treatments with children at risk.

The treatments should not address the children only, but their family as well,

which means that in the social work complex treatments need to be applied. The

family must be supported by different forms in fulfilling its functions (family centres

in local communities, specialized services, etc.).


The measures taken so far, especially addressing cases of children where the

process of re-socialization needs to be created, should be enriched with the


The institutionalization should be replaced by deinstitutionalization – however

with a certain dose of carefulness. Some of the institutions need to remain, but not

that abundant, instead with enriched forms of functioning.

Basic standards of the activities with all kinds of children at risk need to be


By including alternative measures in the work with children, volunteers, with

an appropriate preparation for their work, could also get involved.

The alternative measures, such as community work, need to be well though

and carried out in practice (in terms of range of resources and material basis).

There should be permanent education for all of the profiles involved in the re-

socialization of the minors (inspectors for juvenile delinquency, school pedagogues,

parents, etc.).

The professional teams that work in the school ought to work out their special

methodology for better, preventive and curative actions in the work with children at


The amount and the quality of the resources in all of the areas of child

protection (institutional, extra-institutional forms, participation of NGO and the

private sector, training for the personnel, etc.) need to be increased, particularly in the

local community in regard to the treatment of children drug users, victims of family

violence, street children. The development of fostering families is especially

supported, as they are a significant resource for care of children at a local level, with

their specialization for the treatment of special problems of the children.

It should always be insisted on precise determination of the age of the minor,

at the moment of executing the act, by using original documents for the time of birth

and age of the juvenile (birth certificate). In case there is no relevant data, it should be

insisted on taking process actions and examining the juvenile himself (herself), which

would enable determining his (her) age, by experts applying appropriate scientific and

professional methods and procedures.

Using the legal regulation in the Republic of Macedonia as a starting point,

there is a necessity of creating a separate, juvenile criminal law, and in that sense,

redefining the role of the police force as a body obliged for putting an end to the


juvenile delinquency. The preventive work should be emphasized, and the criminal-

tactic methods and procedure need to be applied in a specific way, respecting the

personality of the minor.

It is desirable that in the Ministry of Internal Affairs a special police officer is

involved, who will not be included in the police procedure, but will take care of the

rights and the interests of the child while it is in the police station. In that way, the

rights of the child, determined by the international rules and standards, would be


In order to free the procedure of the elements of repression and retribution, the

Centre of social work must be involved in the procedure, at its very beginning, which

would mean that measures for re-socialization of the young person will be taken on


In order to successfully complete their tasks, the authorized officials need to

possess appropriate experience and skills, to be specially trained and qualified for

work with juvenile delinquents, and special attention should be paid to the possibility

for forming special departments for juvenile delinquency.

The analysis of the role and the function of the Public Prosecution Office in

the procedure where the executor of the criminal act is a juvenile, unavoidably

imposes the need to create a special juvenile criminal legislature, which, in

accordance with the principles for protection of the minors, would also incorporate

solutions for a clear, unambiguous regulation of the procedure of the Public

Prosecutors, in the cases where a criminal has been executed by minors.

The Public Prosecution Office is organized according to the principle of

hierarchy and subordination. The organization and the function of the Public

Prosecution Office set in such way do not contradict the contemporary tendencies in

the criminal law theory and legislation, but the special procedure towards a juvenile

executor of a criminal act requires their further working out, so that the procedure

itself would be free from the unnecessary formalism.

There is also a necessity to determine a deadline for the obligation to inform

the Centre of Social Work about the dismissal of the criminal charges against the act

of a child which fulfils the legal characteristics of the criminal acts, so that measures

for help and protection could be taken on time.


In practice, when dealing with irresponsible parents in the care of their

children, all of the authorized institutions (Centre of social work, Public Prosecutor,

Court) ought to act in accordance with the law.

Special programmes intended for work with parents who neglect or abuse the

child need to be created and should be carried out by the Centre of social work and

the state institutions in a partnership with the NGO.

A procedure that would oblige the Ministry of Internal Affairs to report every

case of violence on a child to the Centre of social work ought to be established, so that

the Centre would be able to provide immediate intervention. All of this is to be

followed by an appropriate procedure.

The number of the professionals should be increased in accordance to the new

obligations that result from the increased number of beneficiaries, the requirement to

make the work more efficient and effective and the need for specialization of certain

fields of work according to the new professional and scientific achievements.

The programmes for work with children need to be innovated and in that


The work with the beneficiary should be individualized;

Psychological-social programme for solving the developmental problems and

needs of the children should be introduced;

The mutual cooperation between the Centre of social work and the institution

should be enforced, in terms of returning the child to the family in the local


The institution, in cooperation with the Centres of social work, should work on

returning the child in its family and social environment, where the child

actually comes from, which would also contribute to dealing with the issue of

finding an apartment and employment, by not concentrating this in Skopje;

There is a need for a greater preparation for the independence of the children

through various activities, after they have left the institution, which asks for a

greater engagement by the centres of social work and an increased mutual

communication between the centre and the institution during the stay of the

child in the home;

The work in the department of minuvaci should be developed;


A detailed proposal about the realization of the measure ‘referring to a

disciplinary centre’ needs to be prepared, as well as corresponding

preparations for its functioning;

A department for female minors and their fostering and execution of a

measure ‘referring to an educational institution’ should be opened.

In the preventive and curative work with children at risk, the plural protection

should be present. On one hand this means action with different factors of protection,

and on the other, it means inclusion of state, private and nongovernmental

organizations in the treatments of children and their families.



Table 1. Ability to handle the issue of satisfying the needs of the child, in regard to the place of residence

Place of residence

Ability to handle the satisfaction of the child’s needs TotalYES NO OTHER

Rural areas 4 20 6 30Urban areas 56 143 16 215

Table 2. Conditions for studying in regard to the place of residence

Place of residence

Conditions for studying TotalIts own room Shared Wherever Other

Rural areas 9 4 10 5 28Urban areas 72 20 36 27 155

Table 3. Talking with the child, in regard to the place of residence

Place of residence

Talking with the child TotalOn daily

basisRarely In case of

a problemI don’t


Rural areas 21 5 3 1 / 30Urban areas 160 23 23 5 4 215

Table 4. Availability of teaching supplies, in regard to the place of residence

Place of residence

Availability of teaching supplies School books Notebooks School supplies


Partially None Comple-tely

Partially None Comple-tely

Partially None

Rural 16 11 1 14 13 1 12 12 4Urban 103 43 9 101 41 13 93 42 20

Table 5. Helping the child with the studying, in regard to the place of residence

Place of residence

Helping the child with the studying

YES Not capable NO OtherM F O M F O M F O M F O

Rural areas

10 7 5 5 4 1 5 5 1 / / 1

Urban areas

69 48 31 11 10 5 29 32 13 / / 27


Table 6. Availability of teaching supplies, in regard to the monthly income

Monthly income

Availability of teaching suppliesSchool books Notebooks School supplies

Completely Partially None Completely Partially None Completely Partially None1 45 43 7 41 43 11 33 43 192 29 11 2 31 9 2 28 11 33 20 2 1 22 1 / 22 1 /4 15 / / 15 / / 15 / /5 4 / / 4 / / 4 / /6 2 / / 2 / / 2 / /7 1 / / 1 / / 1 / /8 1 / / 1 / / 1 / /Total 117 56 10 117 53 13 106 55 22

Table 7. Availability of teaching supplies, in regard to the nationality


Availability of teaching suppliesSchool books Note books School supplies

Completely Partially None Completely Partially None Completely Partially NoneMacedonians

87 9 2 85 13 / 77 17 4

Albanians 12 15 1 12 14 2 13 13 2Turks 2 3 / 2 3 / 2 3 /Serbians 2 / / 2 / / 2 / /Roma 10 25 8 9 22 12 8 19 16Other 5 2 / 5 2 / 3 2 2Total 118 54 11 115 54 14 105 54 24

Table 8. Conditions for studying in regard to the nationality

Nationality Conditions for studying TotalIts own room Shared Wherever Other

Macedonians 65 12 12 9 98Albanians 8 3 15 2 28Turks 2 1 1 1 5Serbians 1 / / 1 2Roma 4 8 19 12 43Other 2 2 2 1 7Total 82 26 49 26 183


Table 9. Sleeping space for the children, in regard to the nationality Nationality Sleeping space for the children Total

Separate room Together with the parents

On a mattress, on the floor


Macedonians 74 40 / 7 121Albanians 11 22 1 1 35Turks 3 4 2 1 10Serbian 1 1 / / 2Roma 11 41 8 8 68Other 3 5 / 1 9Total 103 113 11 18 245

Table 10. Ability to handle the satisfaction of the child’s needs, in regard to the nationality

Nationality Ability to satisfy the child’s needs TotalYES NO Other

Macedonians 44 63 14 121Albanians 7 25 3 35Turks 2 5 3 10Serbians 2 / / 2Roma 5 63 / 68Other / 7 2 9Total: 60 163 22 245

Table 11. Information on the childInformation on the child

I know everything

I know a little

I know No answer Do not know

Who are its friends

115 27 64 19 20

How the allowance is spent

106 22 62 42 13

What are the whereabouts after school

104 22 69 35 15

Where s/he goes out at night

100 17 56 50 22

Leisure time activities

106 14 76 35 14

Overview 1. Leisure time and hobbies of the children


Leisure time HobbyOrganized Not organized Has Does not have

96 149 91 154

Overview 2. Way of educating the children

Ways of educating the children TotalAutocratic Democratic Laissez Faire Other

42 151 45 7 245

Overview 3. Spousal relations

Spousal relations TotalGood Cold Sometimes

conflictiveConstantly conflictive


123 8 26 24 64 245

Overview 4 Opportunity for responsible parenthood education of the parents

Opportunity for responsible parenthood education TotalYES NO OTHER20 216 9 245

Overview 5 Cooperation between the parents and the school

Cooperation between the parents and the school TotalRegular Irregular Upon an

invitationNo contacts Other

104 18 38 13 10 183

Overview 6. Health problems in the family

Health problems in the family TotalNone Chronic Mental Physical Mental


156 25 7 14 26 25 261

Overview 7. Differing in the educational influences on the children

Differing in the educational influences on the childrenBetween the mother and

the fatherBetween a parent and another influential member of the

family a) yes b) no a) yes b) no

62 143 20 133

Overview 8. Applied measures towards the child in the school


Applied measures towards the child in the school TotalCounselling and

advising Warning Repri-

mandCriminal charge

Prefrluvawe Other

32 13 8 2 6 7 68

Overview 9. Institutions the family has establish contacts with

Institutions the family has establish contacts with IMCSW School Social

institutionNGO Religious


220 110 9 42 4 12

Overview 10. Forms of using the leisure time

Forms of using the leisure time F1. Hunting and fishing 162. Cinema 103. Theatre 64. Concerts, classical music, exhibitions 65. Restaurant, bar, night club 56. Bistros, cafés 127. Picnics 248. Sports 159. Reading newspapers 7810. Listening to the radio 11811. Watching TV 19312. Playing an instrument, painting, writing 313. Visiting cousins 16014. Visiting friends 15115. Going to church (mosque) 7216. Reading books 2917. Other 16

Overview 11. Behavioural problems of the children

Behavioural problems of the children TotalA A/1 B B/2 C27 21 3 3 16 70

Overview 12. Characteristics of the children at school

Characteristics of the children at schoolPoor


rememberingUninterested Worried Makes great

effortsHyperactive Other Total

25 23 26 42 41 19 7 183

Overview 13. Reasons for not attending school


Reasons for not attending school TotalNo resources No school Prevented

from doing it Other

18 / 18 4 40

Overview 14. Behaviour in the previous school year

Behaviour in the previous school year TotalExemplary Other

Unsatisfying Good Satisfying154 12 15 2 183

Overview 15. Characteristics of the children’s friends

Characteristics of the children’s friends TotalGood Problematic

childrenBoth problematic

and goodNo

friends Do not know


147 13 3 20 16 16 245

Overview 16. Visits between the child and its friends

Visits between the child and its friends TotalThey do not visit

each otherYes, regularly Yes, often Yes, very often Other

58 107 36 10 34 245

Overview 17. Participation in extracurricular activities

Participation in extracurricular activities TotalSport practices

Folklore Courses Computers Religious lectures


20 9 15 13 / 12 69

Beneficiaries of social protection in the year of 2002(The state on December 31st)


Municipality Total

Adults (persons of legal



Beneficiaries are:

Without parental care

Having educational-

social problems

Educationally neglected

Handicapped Other juveniles

10 BEROVO 738 640 98 8 10 37 43 020 BITOLA 10383 5789 4594 108 3470 560 377 7930 BROD 383 340 43 10 10 1 22 040 VALANDOVO 960 566 394 8 279 7 100 050 VINICA 646 451 195 2 47 30 116 060 GEVGELIJA 833 679 154 12 34 39 65 470 GOSTIVAR 5029 3682 1347 125 888 19 235 8080 DEBAR 308 151 157 24 32 27 65 990 DELCEVO 1047 888 159 16 36 18 84 5

110 KAVADARCI 1125 987 138 21 35 29 52 1120 KICEVO 1089 884 205 21 2 26 112 44130 KOCANI 3498 2525 973 12 217 300 444 0140 KRATOVO 409 383 26 0 6 8 12 0150 KR.PALANKA 703 616 87 17 17 51 2 0160 KRUSEVO 1348 1150 198 19 68 41 70 0170 KUMANOVO 1966 1265 701 32 86 316 263 4180 NEGOTINO 847 762 85 9 1 24 46 5190 OHRID 908 215 693 19 17 222 435 0200 PRILEP 1744 803 941 56 0 158 727 0210 PROBISTIP 3006 2578 428 27 244 95 62 0220 RADOVIS 1826 1551 275 14 74 128 49 10230 RESEN 1430 1295 135 12 24 17 15 67240 SV.NIKOLE 2543 1830 713 21 498 48 146 0251 SKOPJE G.Baba 2288 1584 704 47 321 125 211 0252 SKOPJE Karpos 2435 1854 581 36 285 114 146 0253 SKOPJE K.Voda 2977 2118 859 67 315 269 208 0254 SKOPJE Centar 2135 1538 597 33 219 132 213 0255 SKOPJE Cair 2273 1471 802 46 411 133 212 0260 STRUGA 1102 958 144 28 23 13 2 78270 STRUMICA 1479 1199 280 19 167 80 11 3280 TETOVO 2024 1102 922 99 0 18 805 0290 VELES 1911 1336 575 39 31 166 330 9300 STIP 1647 1194 453 24 13 127 217 72

Total: 63040 44384 18656 1031 7880 3378 5897 470

Source of the data: Statistical bulletin for 2002, Bureau of social activities - Skopje


(The state on December 31st)


Municipality TotalProfessional staff Admin.

technical staff

Social workers


Psycho-logists Lawyers Other

a) Total number of employees1 BEROVO 10 4 1 1 1 1 22 BITOLA 25 10 2 3 4 3 33 BROD 6 1 0 1 1 1 24 VALANDOVO 9 3 0 0 2 1 35 VINICA 5 1 0 1 0 0 36 GEVGELIJA 12 5 1 1 1 1 37 GOSTIVAR 17 8 1 0 1 2 58 DEBAR 12 4 1 1 2 1 39 DELCEVO 8 2 1 1 2 0 2

10 DEMIR HISAR 3 1 0 0 1 0 111 KAVADARCI 10 4 1 1 1 1 212 KICEVO 13 4 1 0 3 2 313 KOCANI 13 5 1 1 1 2 314 KRATOVO 7 4 0 0 1 0 215 KR.PALANKA 15 7 1 1 0 4 216 KRUSEVO 6 2 1 0 2 0 117 KUMANOVO 22 9 2 2 3 4 218 NEGOTINO 10 3 1 1 1 2 219 OHRID 14 6 2 1 1 3 120 PRILEP 24 10 2 2 1 1 821 PROBISTIP 8 3 1 1 0 0 322 RADOVIS 9 4 1 1 1 1 123 RESEN 13 4 1 1 4 1 224 SV.NIKOLE 10 3 1 1 1 2 225 STRUGA 19 6 1 2 2 1 726 STRUMICA 16 8 1 1 2 0 427 TETOVO 32 11 2 4 3 4 828 VELES 20 8 1 2 2 1 629 STIP 13 5 0 2 2 1 330 SKOPJE 115 40 10 10 7 18 30

TOTAL: 496 185 38 43 53 58 119b)Temporarily employed 24SV.NIKOLE 1 0 0 0 0 0 127TETOVO 1 0 0 0 0 0 130SKOPJE 20 5 0 0 0 5 10

TOTAL: 22 5 0 0 0 5 12

Source of the data: Statistical bulleting for 2002 of the Bureau of social activities - Skopje


(The state on December 31st)

MunicipalityProfessional profiles

Total Social workers Pedagogues Psychologists Lawyers Others


a) Total number of employees1 BEROVO 8 4 1 1 1 12 BITOLA 22 10 2 3 4 33 BROD 4 1 0 1 1 14 VALANDOVO 6 3 0 0 2 15 VINICA 2 1 0 1 0 06 GEVGELIJA 9 5 1 1 1 17 GOSTIVAR 12 8 1 0 1 28 DEBAR 9 4 1 1 2 19 DELCEVO 6 2 1 1 2 0

10 DEMIR HISAR 2 1 0 0 1 011 KAVADARCI 8 4 1 1 1 112 KICEVO 10 4 1 0 3 213 KOCANI 10 5 1 1 1 214 KRATOVO 5 4 0 0 1 015 KR.PALANKA 13 7 1 1 0 416 KRUSEVO 5 2 1 0 2 017 KUMANOVO 20 9 2 2 3 418 NEGOTINO 8 3 1 1 1 219 OHRID 13 6 2 1 1 320 PRILEP 16 10 2 2 1 121 PROBISTIP 5 3 1 1 0 022 RADOVIS 8 4 1 1 1 123 RESEN 11 4 1 1 4 124 SV.NIKOLE 8 3 1 1 1 225 STRUGA 12 6 1 2 2 126 STRUMICA 12 8 1 1 2 027 TETOVO 24 11 2 4 3 428 VELES 14 8 1 2 2 129 STIP 10 5 0 2 2 130 SKOPJE 85 40 10 10 7 18

TOTAL: 377 185 38 43 53 58b) Temporarily employed30 SKOPJE 10 5 0 0 0 5

TOTAL: 10 5 0 0 0 5

Source of the data: Statistical bulletin for 2002 of the Bureau of social activities - Skopje


(The state on October 1st)


Status of the socially excluded juveniles under 18 years of age


Source of the data: A poll on the registered socially excluded persons in the centres for social work,

carried out by the Bureau of social activities



Sveti Nikole





Kriva Palanka

Demir Hisar



PI. Children’s home “11 Oktomvri”

PI for fostering children with educational problems

PI Bureau for fostering, educating and teaching children and young people “Ranka Milanovic”

PI Bureau for rehabilitation of children and young people

Demir Special institution

Bureau for protection and rehabilitation – Banja Bansko

PI Home for infants and young children Bitola



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