zimbabwe presentation

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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Economy of Zimbabwe

Rank 104th (IMF); 149th (CIA); 127th (WB)

Currency US Dollar & South African Rand

Fiscal year calendar year

Trade organisations WTO


GDP USD (est) $3.5 billion (2010) (IMF) [1] ; USD $28.098 billion (2007) (IMF);USD $6.186 billion (2007) (CIA+WB)

GDP growth -5.7% (2007) -3.6% (2008) (IMF est.)

GDP per capita USD $188 (2008 est.)

GDP by sector Agriculture: 16.7%, Industry: 21.6%, Services: 61.6% (2007)

Inflation (CPI) 231,000,000% (CSO - July 2008) [2]

HHIZ Nov 14. 8.97 × 1022% [3]

Populationbelow poverty line

80% earn below poverty line of ZWD 13 Trillion per month (USD $41.00) (July 2008). However, the average wage is only ZWD 100 Billion (30c) per month. [4]

Gini index 50.1% (1995) 56.8% (2003) List of countries by income equality

Labour force 4.23 million (2004 est.)

Labour forceby occupation

Agriculture: 60%, Services: 9%, Wholesale, Retail, Hotels, Restaurants: ~4%, Manufacturing: 4%, Mining: 3% (2003)

Unemployment 94%[5] (end of 2008)

Main industries mining (coal, gold, platinum, copper,nickel, tin, clay, numerous metallic and non-metallic ores), steel; wood products, cement, chemicals, fertilizer, clothing and footwear, foodstuffs, beverages

Ease of Doing Business Rank



Exports USD $3.44 billion (2010 est. IMF) [1] ;

Export goods Cotton, tobacco, gold, ferroalloys, textiles/clothing

Main export partners South Africa 36.4%, (China, Japan, Zambia) 7.3% each, Mozambique 4.7%, (US, Botswana, Italy, Germany, Netherlands) 3.6% each (2006)

Imports USD $2.059 billion (2005 est.) f.o.b.

Import goods machinery and transport equipment, other manufactures, chemicals, fuels

Main import partners South Africa 43%, China 4.6%, Botswana 3.3% (2005)

Public finances

Public debt Domestic: (est) USD $1 Billion (Dec 2010), [1]

International: (est) USD $7.6 billion (Dec 2010 IMF), [7], USD $5.3 billion (March 2010),[8] USD $1.3 billion (Dec 2002)

Revenues ZWD $216 billion (rev) (2006)

Expenses ZWD $451 billion (rev) (2006)

Economic aid

recipient: $178 million; note - the EU and the US provide food orange aid on humanitarian grounds (2000 est.)

Main data source: CIA World Fact BookAll values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars

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