x men day of the futures past campaigns

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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• The main intention of a Film campaign is to advertisement and campaign a film. A film campaign involves the film production to Produce a merging of a posters, magazine cover and teasers trailer/poster they would all link to each other to build a Name/brand for the film, this help the film entice an audience in as many ways possible to get them to watch a film when it is released.

Element of a Film Campaign.

Element of a film campaign



TV poster


Viral marketing



Fan site/ web

blog/social media

Where you will find a campaign

Parts of a marketing Campaign









X men days of the futures past

Director: Bryan singer

Release date: 23 May 2014

Plot summary: In 2023, the entire human race is on the brink of extinction. Sentinels, originally created to kill mutants now hunt all of mankind. The remaining survivors cannot stand against the onslaught of the Sentinel army. In order to save the future, Wolverine is sent back to 1973 in order to stop the war before it even starts.

Teaser poster #1

The campaign I have chosen to talk about is x-men day of the futures past. X men is a popular franchise with already a huge audience and fan base. Teaser are one of the first thing that are released in a film campaign. It give the audience a snippet of what they could expect from the upcoming movie.

It main intention is as it say in the title is to teaser and show certain element of the film, while providing little information as possible. As expected it is very plain and bare, it give no information in the form of text, not even the title. This help creates mystery and enigma and entices the audience. This is good because as a teaser it is effectively fulfilling it intention. The only indication that it is an x men film is the X in the background of the poster.

The X itself is an immense enigma, it is crumbling so it may indicate that the x men is subject to a down fall or will have some problem in the films. There is scene of destruction and violence which can be expected from an x men film.

Apart from that the poster itself is very restrained and doesn’t even give a date of even a coming soon. It is a great teaser poster because it is full of enigma and question

Teaser poster #2

This is another teaser poster for the film X-men days of the futures past. Unlike the first poster this give a lot more information and show a lot more character but it is still a teaser poster because it does not have any element of a full theatrical poster.

It still a teaser poster because it does not give a release date and does not give information about the film text wise but it does have a lot more go on but still has it enigmas and is still intended to tease the audience by retracting the crucial information of the date on which it will be released.

This poster does show a lot more character as a I said earlier and in contrast to the previous teaser that I analysed it. Has a more action and thing go on.

This poster would probably be released second to the previous one to show the audience what character they can expect and to show off some new character.

Full theatrical poster #1

This is a full theatrical poster, is in the next step in the campaign. Unlike a teaser it shows a lot more, and has a lot more information on it. The colour scheme in this is very similar to the second teaser and it has a similar format and layout. It show a lot more character in the x men franchise and give a lot for insight into the movie.

The main character which is wolverine is shown and place in front. This is to highlight his significance and it show the audience that he is a very important character in the film. He look angry and ready to fight which is a popular trait of wolverine. It also helps indicate that there will be a lot of action ins the movie and that the audience that are watch should expect action and also fighting in the film

Also the main, the film is about a future self od the x men team and the poster clever faces them opposite each other so that it has a mirror effect.

The poster creates enigma and enticing the audience to go and watch the movie. One of the main features of a main theatrical poster is that it includes a release date. Release date are crucial and for the audience it is an answered question. And it help them know when they can go and watch the film.

Billboard and Adverts

Billboard and public advertisement is very important in the campaign of a film. They are main in the form of full theatrical poster. They give the audience information and help advertise the film. They are placed in locations that are visible to the audience. They can found on buses and billboards.

Magazine #1

Magazine are another step in the campaign of a movie. X men day of the future past feature on an issue of empire magazine. Magazine are another way that the x men film is advertised and introduced to the audience.

Typically this magazine is linked to the movie and it intention to promote and advertise the movie. Empire magazine is known for it promotion of big blockbuster and is one of the biggest movie magazine in Britain. As x men is a blockbuster empire is perfect magazine to advertise it. and This is an exclusive done by empire. We know that it because some of its convention have been altered to advertise and promote the film.

Normally the empire masthead is written in red, this is a trademark for empire. However in this particular issue they have written it in silver, this is so that it suit and it follow the theme of the movie and it also show that that particular issue is intended to promote and advertise the upcoming x men movie.

Magazine are normally released before the film is released to advertised and to promote it beforehand.

What makes this poster even more attractive is that empire made it a 25 limited edition collector cover, this makes it more enticing and promotes the movie even more and

Magazine #2

This is another magazine cover for x men day of the futures past. It is a feature on the magazine Total films. Total film are a major film magazine in the uk. They did a cover for x men days for the future past. Like empire the aim of this magazine cover is to advertise and promote the films.

Like empire total film say it is one of the biggest preview they have done. They aim to promote and to advertise the film in the best way possible in order to attract a mass audience. One thing that is noticeable is that they uses the same principle of showing a past professor x and a future professor x. This is the same as many of the x men poster. It is made specially to make it recognisable and make it noticeable by the audience.

The cover line the biggest marvel film ever. Act as a puff for the movie. It intention is to convenience the audience to go and view the movie. It emphases just how good the film is and entices the audience.

Similar to empire Total film made two magazine, they made a x-clusive collectable cover. The intention of this is to make the movie even more entice and more interesting. It help the movie because the audience would want to know more about it through the magazine


To boost awareness and to further advertise a upcoming movies, actor from the movie would often have interview to talk about the character s in the movie. The often hold these interview with many companies and sometime magazines. The main intention of holding an interview is that the film can be advertised and so that the audience get a feel of the character that are going to be in the film. Also it is an opportunity fir them to hear from the actor about their filming experience and how they felt about making the film and persuade then audience to go and film.


Teaser trailer #1

This is the x men days of the future past teaser trailer. The concept of a teaser trailer is very similar to the concept of a teaser poster. It purpose is to tease and attract the audience.

The teaser trailer is clearly linked to the movie because as we watch it we automatically start recognising character that we have seen in the posters. The teaser trailer still say very little about the movie. It still leaves many question unanswered. Film trailer show many of the x men character and gave a brief glimpse of the new one that we could expect to see in the film.


Main theatrical poster #1

• This is the full trailer for x men days of the futures past. It would be the last thing that the campaign releases. A main trailer would be longer than the teaser trailer and would have more to show and would have more characters in it.

• In this particular trailer compared to the teaser there where a lot more characters on show and it revealed a little more story than the teaser and explain the plot in a little more detail but still retains from given away the whole story.

• This similarly has feature and character that are automatically recognisable from the teaser trailer and the poster.

• Like the poster and teaser this main trailer is similarly still riddled with enigma, this is very important part of the campaign and they ensure that the trailer still entices the audience and persuade them to go and watch the movie

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