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The FirsT Urban ChUrChes 2 roman CorinTh

SBL Pres


WriTings From The greCo-roman World sUpplemenT series

Clare K. rothschild, general editor

number 8

SBL Pres


The FirsT Urban ChUrChes 2 roman CorinTh

Edited by

James r. harrison and l. l. Welborn

SBL Pres


Copyright © 2016 by sbl press

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library of Congress Cataloging-in-publication data

First urban churches / edited by James r. harrison and l. l. Welborn.volumes cm. — (society of biblical literature. Writings from the greco-roman world supplement series ; number 7)

includes bibliographical references.Contents: 1. methodological foundations.

isbn 978-1-62837-102-4 (v. 1 : pbk. : alk. paper) — isbn 978-1-62837-104-8 (v. 1 : ebook) — isbn 978-1-62837-103-1 (v. 1 : hardcover : alk. paper)isbn 978-0-88414-111-2 (v. 2 : pbk. : alk. paper) — isbn 978-0-88414-112-9 (v. 2 : ebook) — isbn 978-0-88414-113-6 (v. 2 : hardcover : alk. paper)1. City churches. 2. Church history—primitive and early church, ca. 30–600.

3. Cities and towns—religious aspects—Christianity. i. harrison, James r., 1952– editor.bV637.F57 2015270.109173’2—dc23 2015021858

printed on acid-free paper.


SBL Pres



abbreviations ...................................................................................................vii

introduction: excavating the Urban life of roman CorinthJames r. harrison ......................................................................................1

inequality in roman Corinth: evidence from diverse sources evaluated by a neo-ricardian model

l. l. Welborn ............................................................................................47

negotiating multiple modes of religion and identity in roman Corinth

Cavan Concannon ....................................................................................85

between polis, oikos, and ekklesia: The Challenge of negotiating the spirit World (1 Cor 12:1–11)

Kathy ehrensperger ...............................................................................105

brother against brother: Controversiae about inheritance disputes and 1 Corinthians 6:1–11

michael peppard .....................................................................................133

The Changing rural horizons of Corinth’s First Urban Christiansdavid K. pettegrew .................................................................................153

mixed-language inscribing at roman Corinthbradley J. bitner ......................................................................................185

“The god of This age” (2 Cor 4:4) and paul’s empire-resisting gospel at Corinth

Fredrick J. long ......................................................................................219SBL Pres


paul and the Agōnothetai at Corinth: engaging the Civic Values of antiquity

James r. harrison ..................................................................................271

Contributors ...................................................................................................327primary sources index .................................................................................329modern authors index .................................................................................347

vi ConTenTs

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primary sources

Ab urbe cond. livy, Ab urbe conditaAch. aristophanes, AcharnensesAd Nic. isocrates, Ad NicoclemAeg. manetho, aegyptiacaAen. Vergil, AeneidAnd. lysias, Contra AndocidesAnn. Tacitus, AnnalesAnt. Josephus, Antiquitates judaicaeApol. plato, Apologia; Tertullian, Apologeticusapos. Con. apostolic Constitutions and CanonsArat. plutarch, AratusArch. Vitruvius, De architecturaascen. isa. ascension of isaiah [mart. ascen. isa. 6–11]Bell. civ. appian, Bella civiliaBib. hist. diodorus siculus, Bibliotheca historicaB.J. Josephus, Bellum judaicumC. Ap. Josephus, Contra ApionemCaes. aurelius Victor, De Caesaribus; plutarch, CaesarCal. suetonius, Gaius CaligulaCat. Cicero, In CatalinamChar. Theophrastus, CharacteresCher. philo, De cherubimClaud. suetonius, Divus ClaudiusClem. seneca the Younger, De clementiaCleom. plutarch, CleomenesCod. justin. Codex justinianusConc. Apam. dio Chrysostom, De concordia cum Apamensibus

(Or. 40)

-vii -SBL P


Conf. philo, De confusione linguarumCont. dio Chrysostom, Contio (Or. 47)Contr. elder seneca, Controversiae[Cor.] dio Chrysostom, Corinthiaca (Or. 37)Cyr. Xenephon, CyropaediaDe or. Cicero, De oratoreDecal. philo, De decalogoDef. orac. Cicero, De defectu oraculorumDeip. athenaeus, DeipnosophistaeDemon. lucian, DemonaxDescr. pausanias, Graeciae descriptioDial. seneca the Younger, DialogiDial. d. lucian, Dialogi deorumDin. dionysius of halicarnassus, De DinarchoDiv. Cicero, De divinationeEccl. aristophanes, EcclesiazusaeEcl. EclogaeEp. Epistulae; seneca the Younger, Epistulae moralesEpit. Justin, Epitoma historiarum PhilippicarumEpitr. menander, EpitrepontesEq. aristophanes, EquitesEth. nic. aristotle, Ethica nicomacheaEuthyd. plato, EuthydemusFact. Valerius maximus, Facta et dicta memorabiliaFlac. Cicero, Pro FlaccoFlam. plutarch, Titus FlamininusFrat. amor. plutarch, De fraterno amoreGeogr. strabo, Geographicahel. syn. pr. hellenistic synagogal prayersHell. Xenophon, HellenicaHist. HistoriesHist. rom. dio Cassius, Historia romanaIl. homer, IliadInst. Quintilian, Institutio oratoriaLeg. Cicero, De legibusLegat. philo, Legatio ad GaiumLeoc. lycurgus, Contra LeocratesLex. Valerius harpocration, Lexicon in decem oratores


viii abbreViaTions

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Ling. Varro, De lingua latinaMarc. plutarch, MarcellusMem. Xenophon, MemorabiliaMetam. apuleius, MetamorphosesMor. plutarch, MoraliaNat. pliny the elder, Naturalis historiaNat. d. Cicero, De natura deorumNic. lysias, Contra NicomachusOd. homer, OdysseyPelop. Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian WarPer. plutarch, PericlesPhars. lucan, PharsaliaPol. aristotle, Politica; plato, PoliticusPraec. ger. rei publ. plutarch, Praecepta gerendae rei publicaeProt. plato, ProtagorasQuaest. conv. plutarch, Quaestionum convivialum libri IXRan. aristophanes, Ranae[Reg. imp. apophth.] plutarch, Regum et imperatorum apophthegmataRep. Cicero, De republicaResp. plato, RespublicaRhod. dio Chrysostom, Rhodiaca (Or. 31)Rom. plutarch, RomulusRust. Columella, Res rusticaSacr. philo, De sacrificiis Abelis et CainiSat. Juvenal, Satiraesib. or. sibylline oraclesSomn. philo, De somniisSpec. philo, De specialibus legibusStrat. Frontinus, StrategemataTheog. hesiod, TheogoniaThesm. aristophanes, ThesmophoriazusaeTib. suetonius, TiberiusTim. aeschines, In Timarchum; plutarch, TimoleonTrapez. isocrates, TrapeziticusTusc. Cicero, Tusculanae disputationsVat. Cicero, In VatiniumVesp. aristophanes, Vespae; suetonius, VespasianusVirt. dio Chrysostom, De virtute (Or. 8)Vit. aere al. Cicero, De vitando aere alieno

abbreViaTions ix

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Vit. Apoll. philostratus, Vita ApolloniiVit. soph. philostratus, Vitae sophistarumVit. Thuc. marcellinus, Vita Thucydidis

secondary sources

ABD Anchor Bible Dictionary. edited by david noel Freedman. 6 vols. new York: doubleday, 1992.

ABR Australian Biblical ReviewABSA Annual of the British School at AthensAE L’Année épigraphiqueagJU arbeiten zur geschichte des antiken Judentums

und des UrchristentumsAJA American Journal of ArchaeologyAJP American Journal of PhilologyANF The Ante-Nicene Fathers: Translations of the Writ-

ings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325. edited by alexander roberts and James donaldson. 10 vols. 1885–87.

ANRW Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung. part 2, Principat. edited by hildegard Temporini and Wolfgang haase. berlin: de gruyter, 1972–.

anTC abingdon new Testament CommentariesArch ArchaeologyaYb anchor Yale bibleBA Biblical ArchaeologistBASP Bulletin of the American Society of PapyrologistsBBR Bulletin for Biblical ResearchBCH Bulletin de correspondance helléniquebChsup supplement to bulletin de correspondance hellé-

niquebChsup bulletin de correspondance hellénique supplementsbdag danker, Frederick W., Walter bauer, William F.

arndt, and F. Wilbur gingrich. Greek-English Lexi-con of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 3rd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago press, 2000 (danker-bauer-arndt-gingrich).

x abbreViaTions

SBL Pres


BE Bulletin épigraphiqueBGU Aegyptische Urkunden aus den Königlichen Sta-

atlichen Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden. berlin: Weidmann, 1895–.

biCssup bulletin supplement (University of london insti-tute of Classical studies)

bih biblische handbibliothekBNP Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient

World. edited by hubert Cancik. 22 vols. leiden: brill, 2002–2011.

bnTC black’s new Testament CommentariesbsgrT bibliotheca scriptorum graecorum et romanorum

TeubnerianaBTB Biblical Theology Bulletin BurH Buried History: Quarterly Journal of the Australian

Institute of ArchaeologybZnW beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche

WissenschaftCBQ Catholic Biblical QuarterlyChl Commentationes humanarum litterarumCIG Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum. edited by august

boeckh. 4 vols. berlin, 1828–1877.CIJ Corpus Inscriptionum Judaicarum. edited by Jean-

baptiste Frey. 2 vols. rome: pontifical biblical institute, 1936–1952.

CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. berlin, 1862–.CP Classical PhilologyCQ Classical QuarterlyCR Classical ReviewCurTM Currents in Theology and MissioneCl early Christianity and its literatureeKKnT evangelisch-katholischer Kommentar zum neuen

TestamentFGrHist Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker. edited by

Felix Jacoby. leiden: brill, 1954–1964FrlanT Forschungen zur religion und literatur des alten

und neuen TestamentsGR Greece and RomeGRBS Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies

abbreViaTions xi

SBL Pres


Hell Hellenica: Recueil d’épigraphie, de numismatique et d’antiquités grecques

Hesperia Hesperia: Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

HTR Harvard Theological ReviewhTs harvard Theological studiesibC interpretation: a bible Commentary for Teaching

and preachingiCC international Critical Commentaryidelos durrbach, Félix, et al., eds. 7 vols. Inscriptions de

Délos. paris: Champion; de boccard, 1926–1972.ieph Wankel, hermann, et al., eds. Die Inschriften von

Ephesos. 8 vols. bonn: habelt, 1979–1984.IG Inscriptiones Graecae. editio minor. berlin: de

gruyter, 1924–igbulg mihailov, georgi, ed. Inscriptiones graecae in Bul-

garia repertae. 5 vols. sofia: academiae litterarum bulgaricae, 1958-1970, 1997.

IGRR Inscriptiones graecae ad res romanas pertinentes. edited by rené Cagnat et al. 3 vols. paris: leroux, 1906–1927.

igsK inschriften griechischer stadte aus KleinasieniKorinthKent Kent, John harvey, ed. The Inscriptions, 1926–1950.

Vol. 8.3 of Corinth: Results of Excavations Con-ducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. princeton: american school of Classical studies at athens, 1966.

iKorinthmeritt meritt, benjamin dean, ed. Greek Inscriptions, 1896–1927. Vol. 8.1 of Corinth: Results of Excava-tions Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Cambridge: american school of Classical studies at athens, 1931.

iKorinthstroud stroud, ronald s. The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: The Inscriptions. Vol. 18.6 of Corinth: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. princeton: american school of Classical studies at athens, 2013.

iKorinthWest West, allen brown, ed. Latin Inscriptions, 1896–1926. Vol. 8.2 of Corinth: Results of Excavations

xii abbreViaTions

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Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Cambridge: american school of Classical studies at athens, 1931.

ILS dessau, hermann. Inscriptiones latinae selectae. 3 vols. in 5 parts. berlin: Weidman, 1892–1916.

JBL Journal of Biblical LiteratureJECS Journal of Early Christian HistoryJEH Journal of Ecclesiastical HistoryJHS Journal of Hellenic StudiesJRA Journal of Roman ArchaeologyJrasup Journal of roman archaeology supplementsJRS Journal of Roman StudiesJSNT Journal for the Study of the New TestamentJsnTsup Journal for the study of the new Testament supple-

ment seriesJTS Journal of Theological StudiesKeK Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar uber das neue

Testament (meyer-Kommentar)lCl loeb Classical libraryLGS Leges Graecorum Sacrae e Titulis Collectae. edited

by Johannes von prott and ludwig Ziehen. 2 vols. 1896-1906. repr., Chicago: ares, 1988.

lnTs library of new Testament studiesLS Louvain StudiesLSAM sokolowski, Franciszek. Lois sacrées de l’Asie

Mineure. paris: de boccard, 1955.LSCG sokolowski, Franciszek. Lois sacrée des Cités

grecques. École Française d’athènes 18. paris: de boccard, 1969.

lsJ liddell, henry george, robert scott, henry stuart Jones. A Greek-English Lexicon. 9th ed. with revised supplement. oxford: Clarendon, 1996.

MAMA Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua. edited by W. m. Calder et al. london: manchester University press; longmans, green, 1928–.

MEFRA Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Antiquiténasb new american standard bibleNAWG Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in


abbreViaTions xiii

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xiv abbreViaTions

Neot NeotestamenticaNewDocs New Documents Illustrating Early Christian-

ity. edited by g. h. r. horsley et al. north ryde, nsW: The ancient history documentary research Centre, macquarie University, 1981–.

NGSL lupu, eran. Greek Sacred Law: A Collection of New Documents (NGSL). rgrW 152. leiden: brill, 2005.

nibCnT new international biblical Commentary on the new Testament

niCnT new international Commentary on the new Testa-ment

nigTC new international greek Testament CommentaryNovT Novum TestamentumnTabh neutestamentliche abhandlungennTm new Testament monographsNTS New Testament StudiesOGI Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae. edited by

Wilhelm dittenberger. 2 vols. leipzig: hirzel, 1903–1905.

OJA Oxford Journal of AchaeologyOLD Oxford Latin Dictionary. edited by p. g. W. glare. 2

vols. oxford: Clarendon, 1982.pTms princeton Theological monograph seriespW Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertum-

swissenschaft. new edition by georg Wissowa and Wilhelm Kroll. 50 vols. in 84 parts. stuttgart: met-zler and druckenmuller, 1894–1980.

Qd Quaestiones disputataeRAC Reallexikon fur Antike und Christentum. edited

by Theodor Klauser et al. stuttgart: hiersemann, 1950–.

RB Revue bibliqueRdA Rivista di archeologiaRE Realenzyklopädie fur protestantische Theologie und

KircheREG Revue des études grecquesRevPhil Revue de PhilologieRGG Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. edited by SBL P


abbreViaTions xv

Kurt galling. 3rd ed. 7 vols. Tubingen: mohr sie-beck, 1957–1965.

rgrW religions in the graeco-roman WorldRPC Roman Provincial Coinage. edited by andrew bur-

nett et al. london: british museum press; paris: bibliothèque nationale, 1992–.

RTR Reformed Theological ReviewSB Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Aegypten.

edited by Friedrich preisigke et al. Wiesbaden: harrassowitz, 1915–.

sblds society of biblical literature dissertation seriessblsyms society of biblical literature symposium seriessChnT studia ad Corpus hellenisticum novi TestamentiSEG Supplementum epigraphicum graecumSIG Sylloge inscriptionum graecarum. edited by Wilhelm

dittenberger. 4 vols. 3rd ed. leipzig: hirzel, 1915–1924.

SMSR Studi e materiali di storia delle religionisnTsms society for new Testament studies monograph

seriessnTW studies of the new Testament and its Worldsp sacra paginaspengel leonhard von spengel, Rhetores graeci. 2 vols.

leipzig: Teubner, 1853–1856.SVF Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta. hans Friedrich

august von arnim. 4 vols. leipzig: Teubner, 1903–1924.

TAM Tituli Asiae Minoris. edited by ernst Kalinka et al. Vienna: hoelder, 1901–.

TAPA Transactions of the American Philological Associa-tion

TDNT Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. edited by gerhard Kittel and gerhard Friedrich. Trans-lated by geoffrey W. bromiley. 10 vols. grand rapids: eerdmans, 1964–1976.

TenTs Texts and editions for new Testament studyTG Tijdschrift voor GeschiedenisTK Texte und KommentareSBL P


xvi abbreViaTions

TynBul Tyndale BulletinTZ Theologische ZeitschriftVC Vigiliae ChristianaeVT Vetus TestamentumWbC Word biblical CommentaryWgrWsup Writings from the greco-roman World supple-

ment seriesZAC Zeitschrift fur antikes ChristentumZNW Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft

und die Kunde der älteren KircheZPE Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und EpigraphikZTK Zeitschrift fur Theologie und Kirche

other abbreviationsl(l). line(s)pl(s). plate(s)

SBL Pres


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