words of reflection...leader: we seek a messiah who will reign with truth and justice. all: we have...

Post on 15-Jul-2020






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Words of Reflection "For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9: 6

December 24, 2018

7 pm Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

*means please stand if you are willing and able

Prelude Organist/pianist Jeff Burke

Words of Welcome/Announcements: Pastor Heidi Reinker

Call to Worship Leader: Christ is born! He is our Emmanuel- God with us. People: We have heard the promises of the prophets, and caught the notes of an angel's song. Leader: Tonight we have come to be with You because You have come to be with us. People: We seek an innocent , helpless baby in a manger. Leader: We seek a Messiah who will reign with truth and justice. All: We have come to worship You, Jesus, our newborn king! *Carol: “O Come All Ye Faithful” verses 1, 2, 3 and 6 # 234

Opening Prayer: God of grace and glory, please give us peace as we need peace; give us courage to live in times without peace. Sustain us when joy seems far away. Lead us into service in your world, and forgive us for those times we have failed to serve You in serving others, and have grieved your Holy Spirit by our selfishness and pride. Receive our words of praise, and hear our prayers, O Lord. Help us to magnify your name and rejoice in our salvation in Your Son Jesus Christ whose birthday we celebrate today. Amen. Lighting the Advent Wreath:

Carol - (you may remain seated) " Advent Song (Light the Advent Candle)" verses 3 and 4 only of # 2090

The Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 9: 1-2, 6-7

*Carol: "Joy to the World" # 246 The Christmas Story: Luke 2: 1-7 Carol: (you may remain seated) "Away in a Manger" verses 1 and 3 # 217 The Christmas Story: Luke 2: 8-14 *Carol: "Angels We Have Heard on High" # 238 The Christmas Story: Luke 2: 15-20 Sermon: "Christmas Musings" Pastor Heidi Reinker *Carol: "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing" # 240 The Christmas Offering Special Music- "Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine" sung by the choir # 2099

Doxology - "What Child Is This" verses 1 and 3 # 219

*Carol "O Little Town of Bethlehem" # 230

The Sacrament of Holy Communion You do not have to be a member of this congregation or denomination to receive the Lord's Supper. If you are seeking to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ, you are welcome to His table. Simply come forward at the direction of the ushers, take a piece of bread and dip it in the cup of juice. If you need communion served to you in your seat due to mobility issues, we will come to you after everyone else has been served. Just raise your hand.

Special Music during Communion "Sweet Little Jesus Boy" sung by Jeff Burke, our organist

Carol: “Silent Night, Holy Night” # 239

[During the singing of “Silent Night”, you are invited to light a candle as the light is passed from the aisle; please dip your unlit candle into the lit one.) Please remain seated.



May God bless you with His presence and peace. Merry Christmas! If you don’t already have a church home, we invite you to join us for worship on Sundays at 10 am.


Altar Flowers: Please see pages 6 and 7

Coffee Hour:

Nursery Caregiver:

Liturgist: Paulette Wilson

Greeters: Ruth Kasenow & Nina Barnsdale

Liturgical Resources:

Call to Worship

Opening Prayer


Those who are hospitalized:

Those who are home: Lynee Zajac-Beck– Jackie Hull

Sandi Brewer– Ruth Ann Brewer Cahalan Family– Joe & Paulette Wilson

Kathy Callicoat

Robb Clarkson-Lee & Jan Wynn Cousin

Don Dameron-Lee & Jan Wynn


Jo Kampschoer

Ruth Kasenow Sherry Lang-Kathy Myers

Lindsey Liedke-Betty Lozo daughter

Betty Lozo Pat Menatac

Stan & Betty Miller Kathy Myers

Alex Nicol– Ruth Ann Brewer Kim Noel– Jackie Hull

Morris Prater– Father of Tom Prater

Shannon Prater-Lee and Jan Wynn’s


Ryan Randazzo– Betty and Stan Miller-grandson

Wildred St. Amour– Kathy Myers’s brother-in-law

Joe Wilson

Janet Wolfe-Ruth Kasenow’s daughter Jeff Wynn– Lee and Jan Wynn son

Lee Wynn

Those serving our country:

Sergeant Bradley Cookson (Army) - grandson of Faith Cookson

Lieutenant Colonel Nathaniel Davis (Army, New York)

CPT Charles Dvorak (Army) - brother of Emily Neubauer

In Our Thoughts and Prayers...

Christmas Open House

at the Parsonage

2604 Lenox

On Friday, December 28

from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm. or so

All Are Welcome

Just bring yourself & your family

No gifts please!


Given In Memory Of:

All my loved ones who passed by Ruth Ann Brewer

Jerry & Dolores Vallade by The Creekmore Family

Patricia Strong by Kevin and Lisa Hyder

Husband, Donald Kasenow by Ruth Kasenow

Moyski, Corder, Wesolowicz families by Robert and Ramona Moyski

All family members by The Neubauer and Haack families

Parents George and Emily Cook, Brother David & Sister Sue by Sally Okerstrom

Carol and family by Brace Pentoney

Charles and Mary Jane Pike by Charles Pike

Family and friends By Roberta & Nelson Rennie

Hazel Roberts, Hazel Batten, Margaret Batten, and Richard Roberts,

by Bill, Patty, and Karen Roberts

Lydia Hauer by Karen Roberts

Loved ones by Julie Storm

Christmas Poinsettias 2018


Given In Honor Of:

Jerry & Cindi Vallade, Bob and Kathy Vallade by The Creekmore Family

Grace Ann & Mary Beth Beebe by Judy Howells

Children and Grandchildren by Julie Storm

Ramona Moyski by Tim and Rena Whalen

Christmas Poinsettias 2018

Lucille, Maddox, Brendan Stokes, Kenneth, & Ruth, Gerhard, and Gerry and Robert Voss

by Mary Anne Voss

Aunt Karleen Jones by Tim and Rena Whalen

Family, Helen, Chester and James Wilson and Joy Anthony, Melissa & Warren Shoemaker

by Joe and Paulette Wilson

Parents Frances Blair & Robert Clark, sister-in-law -Cheri Clark by Janice Woolcott

Parents, Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Charles and Jeanette Shannon and Ernest and

Irene Wynn by the Wynn and Prater families

Using the QR Code or @FUMCTrenton

First United Methodist Church

2610 W. Jefferson Ave, Trenton MI 48183 734-676-2066

Pastor Heidi’s Contact Information: Cell: (734) 407-9515

E-mail: hcreinker@gmail.com

Facebook: Heidi Reinker

Website: www.FirstUnitedMethodistofTrenton.com E-mail: TrentonFUMC@gmail.com

Ministers: the congregation

Pastor: Rev. Heidi Reinker

Church Admin: Ramona Moyski

Organist: Jeff Burke

Custodian: Karen Roberts


The church office will be closed from December 25th through January 1st.

Please call Pastor Heidi directly if you need her.

Friday: 12/28: 3 pm-8 pm Christmas Open House at the parsonage at 2604 Lenox-Trenton

Sunday: 12/30: 10 am Christmastide worship

January Tuesday: 01/01: Happy New Year! Church closed for the holiday

Thursday: 01/03: 7 pm Choir; 8 pm Praise Band

Sunday: 01/06: 10 am Epiphany Sunday worship

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