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Post on 18-Feb-2016






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Woodside Herald 3 1 13


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Saint Pat’s For ALL

Sunday, March 3rd @ 11:30AMPre-Parade Breakfast

ANOROC Democratic Club45-23 27th Street




by Sherilyn J. Sabba

(continued on page 5)

Photo Credit: Dominick Totino Photography

C-Town Set To FillFoodtown Void

Members of the organizing committee for the event pictured above with Councilmember VanBramer, (L-R) Tonia NelsonMoore, Roger Hitts, Rebecca Wilkins, Jennifer Busnel, Samantha Felixbrod, Gretchen Schmelz and Kim Brown (not pictured).

by Rob MacKay

The Facebook comments say it all.“Absolutely an amazing night,” wrote

Samantha Felixbrod, “am reminded why Ilive in Sunnyside besides so many otherkind generous families!”

Last Saturday, hundreds of locals filledSunnyside Community Services to have funand raise money for the Wheeler Family –parents David and Francine and boys Nate

and Ben. Sunnyside native Ben, age six, diedin the Sandy Hook Massacre last December.

“Can barely even begin to write mysense of [enthrall] of [event organizers] KimBrown, Samantha Felixbrod, RebeccaWilkins and our many, many other non-Facebook friends for the amazing job theydid at the Wheeler family benefit tonight,”wrote Roger Hitts, another organizer whoalso served as master of ceremonies. “I bowto you, honor you and love you all.”

Restaurants such the Dog and Duck do-nated food. Local businesses donated rafflesitems. Woodside children’s music legendRichard Younger got the crowd dancing andsinging with a live performance. Volunteersworked the Children’s Corner, where young-sters painted their faces and nails and ap-plied countless temporary tattoos. City Coun-cil Member Jimmy Van Bramer helped auc-tion off Jet Blue tickets.

(Coverage on page 4)

14th Annual Black HistoryMonth Celebration

Borough President Helen Marshall, special guestRep. Marcia Fudge, CM Julissa Ferreras, AnneCotton Morris, Rep Joe Crowley

After many calls and emailsto Woodside Herald over thepast couple of months, I amhappy to report that the site ofFoodTown on Greenpoint Ave.will no longer be empty. Youasked and the grocery store godsanswered. C-Town is on its wayin. Permits are currently in theworks for the location.

Dennis Wallin, VP of retaildevelopment for Alpha 1 Mar-keting, the company that is incharge of the new store’s devel-opment, stated that C-Town willbegin its hiring and soft openingaround July or August. This willcome after the old FoodTownstore is gutted and reequippedwith all new flooring, walls, islesand equipment.

Without disclosing the owner/operator of the location, Wallinsaid he is currently running threeother stores and has an excellenttrack record. He is looking for-ward to this newest location andplans to try to bring back some ofthe old employees that were laidoff from FoodTown, along withother local hires and experiencedemployees from other stores.Wallin claims this store openingwill create approximately 50 newjobs in the area.

The store will have a largefocus on fresh and prepared foodsas well as organic foods.

Wallin said he believes “Thecommunity will really be happywith C-Town. It’s a great loca-tion and we’re going to create abeautiful store.”

Love On Display At Sandy HookFamily Fundraiser

Love On Display At Sandy HookFamily Fundraiser

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CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Sue Baldock, Kimberly Clarry, Peter A. Ross, Rob MacKay


Marlene Sabba ............................................................... Publisher

Sherilyn Jo Sabba ................................................................. Editor



Chamber LunchTuesday, March 12th

@ 12:30 SharpDazies Restaurant, 39-41 Queens Blvd.

Guest: Congressman Joe CrowleyServing Our 14th District, Vice Chair Dem. Caucus

Reform On How State DealsWith Child Abuse Crimes

The years-long campaign toreform the archaic statute of limi-tations for childhood sexual abusecrimes in New York State is inten-sifying in 2013.

Assemblywoman MargaretMarkey (D-Maspeth) and the NewYork State Assembly Codes Com-mittee will hold a public hearingon the subject in at the State OfficeBuilding. 250 Broadway, in NewYork City on Friday, March 8,10:00 a.m., prompted by her newlegislation (A1771) that wouldcomplete eliminate the criminaland civil statute of limitations forthe following offenses:

A1771 Will Completely Elimi-nate Statutes of Limitations in theFuture; Also Provides

1-Year Window for Old CivilCases to Give Justice to Victimsand Expose Pedophiles

The Assembly Codes Commit-tee, chaired by Brooklyn Assembly-man Joseph Lentol, will hear fromlaw enforcement and criminal jus-tice officers and officials, mentalhealth experts, victims and otherswho are being asked to testify aboutwhy there should be no statutes oflimitations on child sex abuse crimes.

“We are particularly inter-ested in hearing about research

that clearly demonstrates why somany victims of abuse do notcome to grips with the abusethey have suffered until later inlife, long after the current lawpermits them to come forward,and long after their abusers andthose who hide them can be iden-tified and punished,” said As-semblywoman Markey.

“There is no limit on what is sooften a life-time of suffering andanguish for victims of child sexabuse; likewise, there must be nolimit on the ability of victims andsociety to prosecute abusers and tohold accountable the institutionsand organizations who protect andhide them making it possible forpedophiles to continue to prey onnew victims,” she added.

Markey first introduced her ChildVictims Act legislation eight yearsago. That original bill would haveadded five years to the New YorkState statute of limitations for childsexual abuse, extending the time fora victim to come forward with alle-gations of abuse to the age of 28.

Markey said, “I saw how somany victims of abuse were notable to come to grips with whathappened to them until they wereolder, so we thought this modest

extension would be a good firststep toward a more equitable law.However, after adopting that billfour times in the Assembly since2006, but failing to see it evercome to the floor of the StateSenate, we have had shockingrevelations emerge in the U.S.and around the world that clearlydemonstrates why adding a fewyears to the statute of limitationsis no longer enough. That is whymy new legislation, A1771, nowseeks to completely eliminate thecriminal and civil statute of limi-tations for child sex abuse crimesin New York State. There is com-pelling evidence that New Yorkshould to act to reform its ar-chaic statutes regarding child sexabuse crimes and my bill will dothat, appropriately protecting fu-ture generations of children byidentifying known predators andproviding justice for past vic-tims. As with previous legisla-tion adopted by the Assembly,this new bill also includes a one-year ‘window’ that completelysuspends the civil statute of limi-tations for old crimes in order tomake it possible for older vic-tims in these cases to get a mea-sure of justice.”

U.S. Supreme Court ChallengeTo The Voting Rights Act

Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Queens,the Bronx), Vice Chair of the HouseDemocratic Caucus, issued the fol-lowing statement upon the Su-preme Court taking up the case ofShelby County v. Holder, whichcalls into question Section 5 of theVoting Rights Act of 1965, one ofthe law’s key provisions. Section 5requires states with a history ofvoting discrimination to seek ap-proval from the federal govern-ment before making any changesto voting laws.

“For nearly 50 years, the Vot-ing Rights Act has served as one of

the fundamental pillars of ournation’s democracy. Yet, today, theSupreme Court will begin hearinga case that could overturn the criti-cal protections included in this law.

Last year we saw a concertedeffort to make it harder for Ameri-cans to vote. Those who were in-volved claimed they were fighting‘voter fraud’, even though therewas zero evidence of any fraud.It’s a shame that so much time,energy and money is wasted on anon-existent problem, especiallywhen the fraud that actually existsis the construction of false barriers

at the polls.Real fraud is forcing people to

choose between getting a paycheckor waiting in line all day to vote.Real fraud is telling communitiesthat in order to exercise their right tovote, they need a form of identifica-tion they may not even have. Realfraud is the disrespect these actionsshow to each and every American.

The Court should reject thischallenge to Section 5, which helpsguarantee the civil liberties andrights of millions of voters. Wecan’t afford to turn back the clockon voter rights.”

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Sitting Too Long Is BadFor Your Health

Whether you have a desk job or oth-erwise sedentary lifestyle, prolonged pe-riods of sitting may be unavoidable foryou. Chances are you are sitting as youread this article.

New research published in the Archivesof Internal Medicine and other journalsshows that sitting for long stretches can bedetrimental to your health, contributing toobesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes,cancer, and chronic kidney disease.

“The best defense — the only defense— is to move more,” says Dr. Keith Over-land, president of the American Chiroprac-tic Association.

WalkThe simple act of walking can help you

get in shape and feel great. It’s easy, burnscalories, reduces the risk of heart disease,tones muscles and increases cardiovascularendurance. Walking as little as 12 minutes aday can have a significant positive effect.

To get the most from your walk,move your arms freely in coordination

with the opposite leg, walk “with pur-pose” to maximize your cardiovascularworkout, don’t stoop your head or lookdown as you walk and don’t carryweights, as they’re better used as a sepa-rate part of your exercise regimen.

Alleviate PainAches and pains prevent many people

from even taking that first step toward betterhealth. Chiropractic physicians — expertsin treating muscles and joints — offer notonly a drug-free approach to alleviating painthrough spinal adjustments and manipula-tion, they also promote overall health andwellness through nutritional counseling, re-habilitation and exercise and lifestyle rec-ommendations. Search for a chiropractor inyour area by using “Find a Doc,” the Ameri-can Chiropractic Association’s online mem-ber database,

Sit Correctly “When you do sit, make sure to do it

correctly so you don’t ruin your posture orstrain your muscles, leading to pain that

could inhibit you from getting the activityyou need,” suggests Dr. Overland.

To prevent problems, keep your feet onthe floor or a footrest and don’t cross yourlegs. Your knees should be at or below thelevel of your hips. Adjust the backrest ofyour chair to support your low- and mid-back or use a back support, and avoidsitting in the same position for long peri-ods of time.

Include frequent micro-breaks into yoursitting time, stretching your neck, arms,wrists, back, and legs. Simple stretchesinclude neck rotations, fist clenches, armdangles, and shoulder shrugs.

Most of all, don’t sit for too long.Stand up and stretch your legs with a short

walk about every 20 to 30 minutes. Avoidworking through lunch.

Maintain Good PosturePoor posture not only consumes more

energy but also can lead to excessive strainon your postural muscles and may evencause them to weaken when held in certainpositions for long periods of time. The pos-tural muscles are prone to injury and backpain, but maintaining good posture, sittingproperly and moving regularly can help youstay pain-free.

You can learn more healthy tips

While you may not be able to quit yourdesk job, you can prevail over inactivity andmove yourself closer to better health.

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Open For Easter At 2pmNow Accepting Reservations

(continued from front page)

Black History Month CelebrationRep. Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the

Bronx), Vice Chair of the House Demo-cratic Caucus, along with special guestsRep. Marcia Fudge (OH-11) and City Coun-cil Member Julissa Ferreras, celebrated BlackHistory Month at Queens Theatre in thePark in Corona. Congresswoman Fudge,who serves as Chair of the CongressionalBlack Caucus, delivered the keynote ad-dress and Crowley and Ferreras honoredseveral local leaders for their contributionsto the community. The annual event bringsthe community together to celebrate theachievements of African Americans through-out our history and celebrate New York’srich diversity.

“Black History Month is a time to paytribute to the struggles of those who camebefore us and the subsequent achievementsthat have helped to transform our nation.While it’s important we stop to celebratethe progress our nation has made, we mustalso not lose sight of what lies before usand the need to make further advance-ments in building a better, stronger nationfor every American,” said Rep. Crowley.“I share Congresswoman Fudge’s com-mitment to the issues that will keep thenation moving forward – strengtheningAmerica’s middle class, increasing accessto an affordable college education andimproving voting rights protections.Marcia is a tireless fighter and it is a greathonor to have her here in Queens for our14th Annual Black History Event.”

Congresswoman Marcia Fudge of Ohioserved as this year’s keynote speaker andhonored guest. A dedicated public ser-vant, Congresswoman Fudge has focusedher efforts on giving a voice to those whoneed it and championing the causes thatmake our nation stronger. In 2000, shebecame the first African-American femalemayor of Warrensville Heights, OH and in2008, she was elected to the House ofRepresentatives. In January, Congress-woman Fudge was sworn in as the 23rdChair of the 43-member strong Congres-sional Black Caucus. Established in 1971,Congressional Black Caucus has consis-tently been the voice in Congress for peopleof color and vulnerable communities.Known collectively as the “conscience ofthe Congress” and for more than 40 years,Members of the Congressional Black Cau-cus have joined together to empowerAmerica’s neglected citizens and to ad-dress their legislative concerns.

“I am honored to join Rep. Crowley and

members of his community to celebrateBlack History Month and to recognize thelocal leaders who are continuing the richlegacy of African American leadership inthis country,” Congresswoman Fudge said.“The civil rights movement of today maynot look the same as it did decades ago, butcommunities of color are still facing basicthreats to our rights as we did before. It iscritical for us to pay attention to the issuesthat are currently being threatened like vot-ing rights and the economic and social injus-tices that continue to undermine everyindividual’s right to pursue their version ofthe American dream in this country. I’mproud to celebrate the work of AfricanAmerican leaders here in New York and toshare what Members of the CongressionalBlack Caucus and our colleagues like Rep.Crowley are doing to support their effortsand to be their voice in Congress back inWashington, D.C.”

During the event, Crowley and Ferrerashonored several local leaders for their con-tributions to the community. This year’shonorees include George R. Dixon, DistrictLeader, 35th Assembly District; GeorgeGibson, President, Corona/East ElmhurstNAACP; Barbara Jackson, District Leader,35th Assembly District; Anne Cotton Mor-ris, President, Woodside Houses; andAleatha Williams, President, Youth Lead-ers on the Move.

“We honor five outstanding New York-ers who, among countless other forms ofcommunity service, have dedicated them-selves to teaching our young people aboutour nation’s history, the importance of self-respect and self-improvement, and the needto stay focused in the classroom and off thestreet,” said Crowley. “Their work is notonly making a difference in our communitytoday, but it’s making an investment in abrighter future for the next generation ofNew Yorkers.”

Attendees of the event were treated tomusical performances by the Antioch Bap-tist Church Choir and a dance performanceby Titilayo Derricotte. The invocation wasled by Pastor Gilbert Pickett, Sr., MountHoreb Baptist Church, and the benedictionwas delivered by Minister Sharon Bierria,Eternal Love Baptist Church.

Crowley has hosted an annual BlackHistory Month event every year since 2000.Recent guests of honor include formerPresident Bill Clinton, U.S. Attorney Gen-eral Eric Holder, and former NBA greatLen Elmore.

Rep. Joe Crowley and Council Member Julissa Ferreras with the 2013 Black HistoryMonth Celebration honorees (Back Row): George Gibson, George R. Dixon (FrontRow): Borough President Helen Marshall, Barbara Jackson, Rep. Marcia Fudge,Aleatha Williams, and Anne Cotton Morris

Photo Credit: Dominick Totino Photography

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(continued from front page)

For The Love Of The Wheelers

Girl Scouts Learn About Public Service

Performance Space AtSergeant Collins Triangle

On February 25th, CM Van Bramer visited Sergeant Collins Triangle in Woodside withNew York City Department of Parks. Van Bramer allocated $350,000 to the local park inan effort to enhance the green space as well as develop a performance space for local artsgroups and the residents of Woodside.Photo Above: CM Van Bramer joined by Joanne Amagrande of the QueensParks Department.

On February 23rd, CM Van Bramer was invited to be the guest speaker at the Sunnyside/Woodside Girl Scouts Sleepover at St. Sebastian’s Parish Center in Woodside. Nearly 200Girl Scouts from Sunnyside, Woodside, Astoria, Jackson Heights, Elmhurst and Corona aswell as their sister troop from Howard Beach attended the gathering. During the event, VanBramer answered their questions and spoke to the local Girl Scouts about the importanceof community service. Local Girl Scouts also presented the Council Member with a t-shirtfeaturing the Sunnyside/Woodside Girl Scouts’ logo.

Photo Left: Council Member Van Bramer joined by local mothers and troop leaders;Meridith Maskara, Jenn McGowan, Jennifer MacKay, Mary Egan, Mary McKnight,Kelly Quinn, Malibika Das, Luan Suarez And Chrystal Salas, as well as Girls ScoutsTroops (4074, 4222, 4289, 4581, 4547, 4208, 4247, 4269, 4275, 4283, 4266, 4198,4579, 4545) from Northern Queens and Howard Beach.

Winner of Jet Blue Tickets“Just came back from a wonderful timespent at our neighborhood fundraiser forBen Wheeler’s family,” wrote Ellery BeggsSandhu. “The room tonight was filled withlots of love for a member of our communitywho lost their young life in the Newtownshooting. I always knew I loved the peopleof Sunnyside and Woodside, but it is timeslike these that [put] me at a loss of words forhow amazing our little neighborhood in thebig city is.”

The Wheelers were not able to attend.But they issued a statement: “We are grate-ful and deeply moved at the generosity ofour friends and former neighbors in thevery special community of Sunnyside. Thelove for Ben and the support for our familyshown by the SunnyMoms [a Yahoo groupFrancine co-founded] and their familiesand friends connects us to these importantpeople forever.”

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File No. 2004-2023ASURROGATE’S COURT –QUEENS COUNTY CITATIONTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATEOF NEW YORK By the Grace ofGod Free and Independent TO:PHILIP SASSO if living and ifdead, to his heirs at law, next ofkin and distributees whose namesand places of residence areunknown and if he died subsequentto the decedent herein, to hisexecutors, administrators,legatees, devisees, assignees andsuccessors in interest whose nameand places of residence areunknown and to all other heirs atlaw, next of kin and distributeesof Josephine Scannell , thedecedent herein, whose names andplaces of residence are unknownand cannot after diligent inquirybe ascertained. An amendedpetition for probate and letterstestamentary having been dulyfiled by Virginia Gibbia, who isdomiciled at 25580 Heritage LakeBlvd., Punta Gorda, Florida 33983.YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TOSHOW CAUSE before theSurrogate’s Court , QueensCounty, at 88-11 SutphinBoulevard, Jamaica, New York,on March 14, 2013, at 9:30o’clock in the fore noon of thatday, why a decree should not bemade in the estate of JosephineScannell a/k/a Josephine M.Scannell, lately domiciled at 38-20 Bowne Street, Flushing, NewYork admitting to probate a Willdated April 20, 1998, a copy ofwhich is attached, as the Will ofJosephine Scannell, deceased,relating to real and personalproperty, and directing that Letters


File No.: 2012-2362/ACITATION THE PEOPLE OFTHE STATE OF NEW YORK BYTHE GRACE OF GOD, FREEAND INDEPENDENT TO:Ismael G. De La Cal AttorneyGeneral of the State of New YorkThe unknown distributees,legatees, devisees, heirs at law andassignees of Estela Alvarez,deceased, or their estates, if anythere be, whose names, places ofresidence and post office addressesare unknown to the petitioner andcannot with due diligence beascertained. Being the personsinterested as creditors, legatees,distributees or otherwise in theEstate of Estela Alvarez, deceased,who at the time of death was aresident of 90-11 35th Avenue#3C, Jackson Heights, NY 11372,in the County of Queens, State ofNew York. SEND GREETING:Upon the petition of LOIS M.ROSENBLATT, PublicAdministrator of Queens County,who maintains her office at 88-11

Testamentary issue to VirginiaGibbia. Dated, Attested and SealedJanuary 23, 2013 HON. PETER J.KELLY Surrogate Margaret M.Gribbon Chief Clerk DespinaKyriakidis Attorney for Petitioner914-965-5040 X 3003 TelephoneNumber C/O 722 NepperhanAvenue, Yonkers, NY 10703Address of Attorney (NOTE: Thiscitation is served upon you asrequired by law. You are notrequired to appear. If you fail toappear it will be assumed you donot object to the relief requested.You have a right to have anattorney appear for you.] 2/8/13,2/15/13, 2/22/13, 3/1/13

Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica,Queens County, New York 11435,as Administrator of the Estate ofEstela Alvarez, deceased, you andeach of you are hereby cited toshow cause before the Surrogateat the Surrogate s Court of theCounty of Queens, to be held atthe Queens General Courthouse,6th Floor, 88-11 SutphinBoulevard, Jamaica, City and Stateof New York, on the 11th day ofApril, 2013 at 9:30 o clock inthe forenoon, why the Account ofProceedings of the PublicAdministrator of Queens County,as Administrator of the Estate ofsaid deceased, a copy of which isattached, should not be judiciallysettled, and why the Surrogateshould not fix and allow areasonable amount ofcompensation to GERARD J.SWEENEY, ESQ., for legalservices rendered to petitionerherein in the amount of $7,602.92and that the Court fix the fair andreasonable additional fee for anyservices to be rendered byGERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ.,hereafter in connection withproceedings on kinship, claimsetc., prior to entry of a final Decreeon this accounting in the amountof 6% of assets or income collectedafter the date of the withinaccounting; and why the Surrogateshould not fix and allow an amountequal to one percent on saidSchedules of the total assets onSchedules A, A1, and A2 plus anyadditional monies receivedsubsequent to the date of thisaccount, as the fair and reasonableamount payable to the Office ofthe Public Administrator for theexpenses of said office pursuant

to S.C.P.A. 1106(4); and why eachof you claiming to be a distributeeof the decedent should notestablish proof of your kinship;and why the balance of said fundsshould not be paid to said allegeddistributees upon proof of kinship,or deposited with theCommissioner of Finance of theCity of New York should saidalleged distributees default herein,or fail to establish proof of kinship,Dated, Attested and Sealed 14thday of February, 2013 HON.PETER J. KELLY Surrogate,Queens CountyMargaret M.Gribbon Clerk of the SurrogatesCourt GERARD J. SWEENEY,ESQ. (718) 459-9000, 95-25Queens Boulevard, 11th Floor,Rego Park, New York 11374 Thiscitation is served upon you asrequired by law. You are notobliged to appear in person. Ifyou fail to appear it will beassumed that you do not object tothe relief requested unless you fileformal legal, verified objections.You have a right to have anattorney-at-law appear for you.Accounting Citation 3/1/13, 3/8/13, 3/15/13, 3/22/13

PROBATE CITATION File No.2011-3278/B SURROGATE’SCOURT – QUEENS COUNTYCITATION THE PEOPLE OFTHE STATE OF NEW YORK Bythe Grace of God Free andIndependent To: To the heirs atlaw, next of kin, and distributeesof Regina Gillan, a/k/a Regina M.Gillan, deceased, if living, and ifany of them dead to their heirs atlaw, next of kin, distributees,legatees, executors,administrators, assignees and

successors in interest whose namesare unknown and cannot beascertained after due diligence.Public Administrator of theCounty of Queens AttorneyGeneral of New York State Apetition having been duly filed byMarlene Kostak, who is domiciledat 48-53 44th Street, Apt. 4C,Woodside, New York YOU AREHEREBY CITED TO SHOWCAUSE before the Surrogate’sCourt, Queens County, at 88-11Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, NewYork, on 11th day of April, 2013 at9:30 A.M. of that day, why a decreeshould not be made in the estate ofRegina Gillan, a/k/a Regina M.Gillan lately domiciled at 48-2443rd Street, Apt. 7L, Woodside,NY admitting to probate a Willdated October 15, 2007, a copy ofwhich is attached, as the Will ofRegina Gillan, a/k/a Regina M.Gillan deceased, relating to realand personal property, anddirecting that Letters ofAdministration C.T.A. issue to:Marlene Kostak (State any furtherrelief requested) FEB 26 2013(Seal) HON. PETER J. KELLYSurrogate Margaret M. GribbonChief Clerk. Attorney forPetitioner Law Office of Dennis J.O’Sullivan, P.C. TelephoneNumber (718) 352-7600, Addressof Attorney 210-13 35th Avenue,Bayside, NY 11361 [Note: Thiscitation is served upon you asrequired by law. You are notrequired to appear. If you fail toappear it will be assumed you donot object to the relief requested.You have a right to have anattorney appear for you.] 3/1/13,3/8/13, 3/15/13, 3/22/13

Join Us In CelebratingEntrepreneur Space’s

2nd Birthday!Terrible twos? Not in these parts! All are invited to LIC to

celebrate the Entrepreneur Space’s second birthday on March 6from 6 pm to 9 pm. In addition to networking with roughly 300others, attendees will be able to sample and purchase a wide arrayof products made by clients of the food-and-business incubator.Expect everything from designer marshmallows to gluten-freebaked goods to pigs-in-a-blanket to vegetarian seitan gyros.

It is free to attend this festive affair, and Coffeed, a new cafélocated near the E-Space, will provide coffee and other treats, whileDelta will raffle two free, round-trip tickets to anywhere in theUnited States.

Join the Queens Economic Development Corporation, whichoperates the E-Space, and Martha Stewart Living Omnimediarepresentatives. Martha Stewart’s American Made initiative cel-ebrates creative entrepreneurs and makers whose efforts are apowerful engine for economic development. Nowhere in NewYork City are these efforts as strong as at the E-Space, which waslauded by Martha Stewart for providing individuals and companiesalike with community-oriented workspaces and support to developtheir enterprises.

Located at 36-46 37th St., the E-Space officially opened on Jan.19, 2011. This 12,500-sq.-ft., NYC Economic Development Cor-poration-sponsored hub features a fully equipped commercialkitchen, offices and classrooms that entrepreneurs can rent atbelow-market rates as they build their businesses. To improveoutcomes, QEDC also offers a wide array of business counseling,technical assistance and financial classes to clients on site. Cur-rently, the E-Space has over 165 clients, including dozens ofbakers, an employment firm and a tutoring service.

To register for this event, go to or contact Rob MacKay at 718-263-0546, ext.12 or

March 6th from 6pm to 9pm

HEALTH & HOLINESSRemembering & Celebrating

National Week ofPrayer for the Healing of AIDSSunday, March 3, 10am (Eng.)

& 12pm (Spanish)Guest Speaker for March 3rd:

Daniel LeyvaWednesday, March 6, 7pm

Special ServiceSunday, March 10, 10am (Eng.)

& 12pm (Spanish)All Saints’ Episcopal Church,43-12 46th Street, Sunnyside

This program is funded by TheLatino Commission on AIDS &Episcopal Response to AIDS

Light refreshments will beserved. All are invited

Free Program ForYoung Fathers

If you are a young father who is unemployed or underemployed andwould like to move forward in your life, LaGuardia Community Collegeis offering a free four-month program that focuses on academics andcareer exploration. Classes begin March 18.

The CUNY Fatherhood Academy, for fathers between the ages of 18and 24, has classes in GED preparation and college prep as well asparenthood, health and financial literacy. There will be classes wherestudents will explore careers and educational opportunities as well as jobreadiness skills classes that will help them prepare for employment.

The three-day-a-week program will be held in the college’s C-building at 29-10 Thomson Avenue, Long Island City. For more infor-mation, please call (718) 730-7336.

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Jocelyn Ciechanov4141 41st Street - Suite 3E

or at a location convenient to you

Call: 917 995 5228 for an appointment

It has been an exciting and busy first few months as the new executive director of the Sunnyside ShinesBID. I have enjoyed meeting many business and property owners as well as our community leaders andother neighborhood partners. Currently, we are planning for two upcoming events this month. The firstis a free social media seminar for Sunnyside business owners on March 6 at the Sunnyside Library, whichwe are hosting in partnership with the Queens Chamber of Commerce and the Sunnyside Chamber ofCommerce. The second is our annual meeting on March 21 at Sunnyside Community Services, whichis also free and open to the community. At the annual meeting, we will present our accomplishmentsduring our last fiscal year and discuss what we have planned for the coming year.

Last week’s article in the Woodside Herald focused on a changing retail climate for small businessesin Sunnyside. While Sunnyside Shines cannot force any property owner to rent to a particular tenant, weare helping to create a more inviting, cleaner and more vibrant place to shop and do business. One of theways we do this is through our supplemental sanitation program. Our sanitation team is out in the districtseven days a week sweeping the sidewalks, emptying trash cans and maintaining our street furniture. Lastfiscal year we handled more than 60,000 bags of trash and cleaned more than 3,000 incidents of graffitifrom street furniture in our efforts to beautify the commercial district.

Another way we promote the Sunnyside commercial district is to organize events and promotions thatbring more people into Sunnyside’s businesses. These events have included the Taste of Sunnyside,Sunnyside Summer Streets and the Santa’s Pic-Stop event, where we encourage local holiday shoppingwhile providing free pictures with Santa. We look forward to building upon these events and planningnew promotions this year. I enjoy hearing ideas from Sunnyside residents, businesses and propertyowners, so please don’t hesitate to contact me with your feedback about how we can make Sunnyside aneven more inviting, cleaner and more vibrant place to shop and do business.

Thank you for shopping local in Sunnyside!Rachel Thieme, Executive Director

Sunnyside Shines Business Improvement District

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*Answers ForThis Weeks Issue

In Our Next Edition

Puzzle Answers For2/22: Oscars

It’s In Western Queens!

The “It’s In Queens” column is produced by the Queens Tourism Council with the hope that readers will enjoy theborough’s wonderful attractions.


1. Money under mattress, e.g.6. Convex and used for cooking9. Practice in the ring13. Male contessa14. “A likely story!”15. Pipsqueak16. Run _____ of the law17. George Gershwin’s brother18. Speak like Pericles19. *”Chariots of Fire” sport21. *Mr. Miyagi’s sport23. Sticky stuff24. Not a hit25. Writing point of pen28. Comfy spot30. Agitated35. In a frenzy37. To buy something “for a ____”39. Stallion’s cry40. What Simple Simon wanted totaste41. Glorify43. Expunge44. Open-mouthed46. Time for eggnog47. Son of Aphrodite48. *Manny Pacquiao’s sport50. At a great distance52. Lusitania’s last call53. Flipside of pros55. Part of smog57. Gourmet’s organ?60. *Grand Tour sport64. Meeting place65. Fish eggs67. Divided country, e.g.68. Compacted mass69. Delivery vehicle70. Give the boot71. Freebie72. Young newt73. Office stations


1. It’s often there for life2. Vegan’s protein choice3. Soon, to a bard4. What bee did5. Roman Sol6. American Revolution supporter7. Propel, in a way8. Uniform shade9. Evening in Italy10. Everglades deposit11. Chips, perhaps12. Pastrami holder15. Decline20. Pirate’s necklace22. ___ Wednesday24. Marie Antoinette’s garments25. Muslim ruler honorific26. Insect, post-metamorphosis27. Laundry booster29. Jimi Hendrix’ “___ Lady”31. Formally surrender32. Wedding cake layers33. Icy hut34. *Bobby Fischer’s game36. Civil War headgear38. *Subject of “A Good WalkSpoiled”42. Like kale and spinach greens45. Live in a tent49. Caught51. Did this to one’s world54. Bundle of axons56. Taken to field in baseball57. *a.k.a. “the sport of kings”58. Mojito, _ ___ drink59. Coal unit60. Copper coin61. Eye part62. Adam’s apple spot63. Gangster’s pistols64. Communications regulator66. Stumblebum

Consider the following: outrageous comedy, wormy compost, geo-graphical trivia, community theater, German wine, live jazz,intergenerational theater, performance art, a walking tour with food,lantern-making, historical-to-modern lectures and an international filmfestival. Queens never ceases to amaze! Here’s the rundown.

March 1, Sixth Annual Panorama Challenge NYC Team Trivia Game @ 6pm

Participate in the world’s only geographical trivia-based game night involving the world’s largestarchitectural model The Panorama of the City of New York. This challenge involves audio clues and laser-pointers highlighting assorted NYC landmarks, bridges, neighborhoods, parks and more. $10 suggesteddonation with all proceeds supporting the City Reliquary Museum in Williamsburg. Queens Museum of Art,New York City Building, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, (718) 592-9700.

March 2, German Wine Tasting Party at Historic House @ 5pm

Back by popular demand, Barbara and Bruce Goonan will host a German wine tasting. Participants (21 andover) will receive a complimentary wine glass inscribed with the Onderdonk logo and enjoy light refresh-ments. $40 with required registration. Vander Ende-Onderdonk House, 1820 Flushing Ave., Ridgewood,(718) 456-1776.

March 2, Jazz at St. Albans with Camille Thurman @ 5pm

St. Albans native Camille Thurman is a multi-talented saxophonist, vocalist and composer. Her lush,velvety sound and her ability to sing four octaves recall Ella Fitzgerald. Free, but donations welcome. St.Albans Congregational Church, 172-17 Linden Blvd., Jamaica, (718) 657-8282.

March 2, Money for Nothing and Dance for Free @ 3pm

Set in No Longer Empty’s contemporary art exhibition How Much Do I Owe You?, this site-specific dance exploresthemes of commodification, physical exchange and economy in and around the artworks and the architecture of the vacantbank building. Works will also explore the value and de-valuing of the art of dance and the role that economics plays in thequest to create art while sustaining artist’s life. Free. The Clocktower, 29-27 41st Ave., Queens Plaza North, (646) 645-5506.

March 4, Northern Boulevard in the Footsteps of Gatsby @ 7pm

Australian filmmaker Baz Luhrmann is wrapping up the latest remake of The Great Gatsby starting Leonardo DiCaprio.Set in NYC during the 1920s Jazz Age, this is the first serious drama attempting to render a major city in 3-D. The evening’slecture starts with a brief history of Northern Boulevard and pictures from the time that the fictional Gatsby would have seenas he took his legendary drive through the borough. The program’s second half shows the film’s interpretation of locationsbased on the actual images sent to the production team. (The Greater Astoria Historical Society is credited as historicaladviser to the movie production.) $5/Free for members. GAHS, 5-20 Broadway, 4th Floor, LIC, (718) 278-0700.

March 5, The Third Annual Queens World Film Festival opening night @ 8pm

Festival runs until March 10. Films from around the world and around the corner. The Queens World Film Festivalreturns to the Museum of the Moving Image with an opening night program featuring international short films from Italy,Belgium, Australia, Croatia and Queens. The six-day festival will feature 104 independent films and three venues: JacksonCinema (Elmhurst), Secret Theatre (LIC) and the Renaissance Charter School (Jackson Heights). Awards will be presentedto narratives, documentaries animation and LGBT films. Don Cato,, (917) 562-9648.

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