why me? speak english? · because i am a licensed english teacher with more than 25 years of...

Post on 24-Aug-2020






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Why me?

Why is it important to

speak English?

Because I am a licensed English teacher with more than 25 years of experience.

I know all the problems language learner have and I know exactly how to solve them.

I have developed a teaching method that really works!

Because it’s

«COOL» and because is necessary

Being at home everywhere

More success in your professional career

Better social status

Speaking more languages positively affects our brain functions

We gain the ability to observe situations from all angles

We become more flexible and easily adjust to new environments

It boosts our self-confidence

Do you speak English?

English is the official language in as many as 53 countries in the world

More than 750 million people speak English as their mother tongue or a second language.


Every fifth person in the world speaks at least some English

(1.5 billion people)


Better chances of getting a better job

(often up to 75%)


English has become the leading language of the Internet, social networks and technology


messages communication





Professional development! Most of the courses are in English

Most of scientific papers are published in English




Because it’s easy:

Yeah, right!

Seriously! The structure of English language is

very simple.

That´s the first thing you learn in our courses:

The foundation and then we build upon it

Because of the...



Yes! English is a very direct language:

We always go straight to the point excluding irrelevant information





Because it is very practical:

With a small number of words we can

make a lot of different combinations


a mistake

an appointment

a call

a complaint


your best

a good job



GET up GET down GET in GET out GET on GET through GET over GET along GET away

PUT on PUT off PUT up PUT down PUT up with PUT aside PUT back PUT away PUT in

Because we use a limited number of words in everyday situation:

NOUNS work room game place video time people thing record question business program day week hand money job way month home number group part case


ask be want can do find begin get call have go know come let like will may need could give would play put take use run


up so

out just

now how

then more

also here

well only

very even

back there

down still

in as

too when

never today


true sure small right other new low high full little good important full clear better different same great best free hard real

So, you need English :

To get a better job

To attend seminars

To develop professionally

To communicate with people

To travel

And one more important reason is that:

Learning a foreign language

slows down the appearance of the

Alzheimer's and dementia in general

So, it’s good for

your health as well


And now, some more…

Use the verb as you know it Go left/right! Look! Run! Come here! Go there! Wait! Come back! Go out!

To make a negative form, we simply add DON’T:

Don’t go left/right! Don’t look! Don’t run! Don’t come here! Don’t go there! Don’t wait! Don’t come back! Don’t go out!

Let’s* continue…

*Let’s is also one form of imperative

How to give advice?

To give advice, use SHOULD + infinitive (the verb as you know it)

You should sleep more. You should study more. You should relax. You should take your medicine. You should take a break. You should do some exercise.

To use negative form, just add NOT after should

You should not smoke. You should not do that. You should not eat so much. You should not take that pill. You should not work so much.

To use negative form, just add NOT after should

Or you can use short form: should + not = shouldn’t

You shouldn’t smoke. You shouldn’t do that. You shouldn’t eat so much. You shouldn’t take that pill. You shouldn’t work so much.

Why don’t you + infinitive Why don’t you call her? Why don’t you go to bed? Why don’t you rest?

You can also give advice using the following:

I suggest that you + infinitive I suggest that you finish that. I suggest that we go now. I suggest that you quit.

If I were you, I would + infinitive If I were you, I would call him. If I were you, I would tell the truth. If I were you, I wouldn’t say anything.

To put it in a nutshell:

Speaking foreign languages is important because:

It develops our brain functions and with them, all other

mental abilities

We observe problems from different angles and find solutions much faster

We adapt to new situations and we build self-confidence

We reach our goals faster

We are more successful in our professional endeavours

Learning a new language is a process.

You cannot learn a language in a few weeks. It takes time.

You must be an active participant.

However, this process does not have to be painful.

We offer fast and efficient solutions that work!

And we have thousands of satisfied students to prove that.

Thank you for joining us and see you soon!

So, if you want to improve your English and be

more fluent, join some of our online courses or

1-on-1 classes and see results right away!

You can contact find us here:



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