“what makes a good teacher great?”

Post on 29-Apr-2022






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“What makes a good

teacher great?”

Rita Pierson



Rita Pierson

“Kids don’t learn from people they don’t like”

Rita Pierson

Rita Pierson

Joe Ruhl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCFg9bcW7Bk

Joe Ruhl Teaching methods for inspiring the students of the future…


Joe Ruhl




“Let the kids have choices”

• Differentiate situations in the classroom

• Move away from teacher-center towards student-center

• Coach, mentor, nurture and inspire…

Albert Einstein


Azul Terronez : What makes a good teacher great?


Azul Terronez

“Great teacher eats apple”

Azul Terronez

“kids wanted to see me as somebody who is willing to receive a gift from them”

Azul Terronez

= Trust

Azul Terronez

“Kids have their own language; they have their own way of thinking...they

want us to think like them and understand what’s inside of

their head”

Azul Terronez

“What if we really listendeeply to students?”

Azul Terronez

“A great teacher isn’t a teacher”

Azul Terronez

“can you imagine if I tried to learn to bike from my mom in a

classroom ”

Azul Terronez

“they don’t make assumptions about what kids can and cannot do…they wait and

watch and they rescue them when they’re stuck”

Azul Terronez

“a great teacher sings”

Azul Terronez

“but they get 0 year of formal listening instruction…imagine if someone asked

a question “so what do you do for a living? and the response was “oh, I’m a

listening teacher…we don’t hear this…because we just don’t think that

it’s important for school”

Azul Terronez

“ask students “what make a good teacher great?” and actually listen, then we can

transform schools and education”

Steve Jobs : Life lessonshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yciGpzhcVk

Steve Jobs

“First story I want to tell you is about connecting the dots...”

Steve Jobs

“My second story was about love

and loss…I was lucky that I found what I loved to do early in life”

Steve Jobs

“It was awful tasting medicine but I guess a patient needed it”

Steve Jobs

“My third story is about death…”

Steve Jobs

“If today were the last day of my life,

would I want to do what I am about to

do today?…and whenever the answer

has been “No” for too many days in a

row, I know I need to change


Steve Jobs

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it

living someone else’s life…

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”

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