week 5 measurement, sampling and data analysis. measurement – chapter 4 if it exists, it is...

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Week 5 Measurement, Sampling and

Data Analysis

Measurement – Chapter 4

• If it exists, it is measurable!

• Measurement is used to gain mathematical insight into our data

• Measurement is a comparison – We compare our data to a standard such as the norm, average or expected outcome

• Measurement is a standard used for evaluation

• Measurement is an essential component of quantitative research

• Through measurement we can inspect, analyze and interpret our information

The Language of Variables

• A variable is any observation that can take different values

• Gender, Age, Religion, Ethnicity are variables

• Attributes are specific values on a variable

• Attributes of Gender = 1. Male 2. Female

Are discreet values

• Age (may be continuous 0-100)

• An indicator is the responses to a single question – The main concept in the question is the variable being measured

• Concept – A mental image that summarizes a set of similar observations, feelings or ideas

We may not all agree on the same definition of a concept – Concepts are abstracts

• Conceptualization – specifying the dimensions of and defining the meaning of the concept

• We often use concepts in our theories

i.e. crime, abuse, deterrence, eating disorder

What do we mean by crime? How is it measured.

How can we measure our concepts for research?

• Devise operations that actually measure the concepts we intend to measure

• Operationalization of concepts – connect concepts to observations by identifying specific observations that we will use to indicate that concept in empirical reality.

The process of choosing the variable to represent the concept

• We use variables which are derived from concepts in our hypotheses

• The variables move the concepts into the realm of testability – i.e. The indicator of crime is spousal abuse

• Through the indicators of a variable we are able to ascertain the characteristics, behaviors, attitudes of our subjects

How it Works

• Define the conceptWe have a theory that Punishment deters

criminal behavior• Choose and indicator of the concept to

represent it - The concept, punishment, is operationalized by using the variable, arrest to represent it. The indicators of the variable, arrest are 1. arrest on first offense 2. Don’t arrest on first offense

• The concept crime is represented in our research as physical spousal abuse.

• The resulting hypothesis is:If subjects are arrested on the first reported

offense of physical spousal abuse then they will be less likely to offend again (recidivism)

The indicators of the variable, recidivism are 1. re-offend 2. doesn’t re-offend

Our concepts are now defined in measurable, testable terms

• Through conceptualization and operationalization, measurement becomes the process of linking abstract concepts to empirical indicants

• Measurement validity – The operations we devise to measure our data must assure that we measure the variables we intended to measure

• For the concept social class, we can use the variables: income, education and occupation.

• Now we get a much clearer picture of what indicators are necessary to measure the abstract concept, social class

• Income can be measured by actual income• Education can be measured by years of

education• Occupation can be measured by levels from not

at all professional to being very professional

• Measuring social variables is often done through questions posed to people

• A single question may not be adequate for measuring a concept. Multiple questions may be necessary

• The concepts age, gender, ethnicity, religion, income, education, occupation, are what is called demographic variables. These can be measured with one question. What is your age?

• But more than one question is necessary to measure Social Class, ADD, Prejudice, Nurture

• May need to construct an Index of question

Levels of Measurement

• Levels of measurement have important implications for the type of statistics that can be used in analyzing the data for a variable

• 4 Levels of measurement – Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio

• These levels are determined by the indicators (response/answer categories) for a variable

• Nominal – qualitative, has no mathematical interpretation, even if numbers are attached to the value label

These are called categorical variables For example, we may ask What is your gender?

And the answer categories are 1. male 2. female. However, the numbers 1 & 2 do not indicate anything mathematical about the differences in the answers. Female is not more or higher of gender than Male.

Quantitative Levels of Measurement

• Ordinal – the numbers assigned to the response categories indicate order. 1 is lower in order than 2 and 2 is lower in order than 3.

• 1. Very Unimportant is lower in order than 2. Unimportant and 2. is lower in order than 3. Important

• Interval – The numbers indicating values in the response categories have mathematical meaning.

• They represent fixed measurement units, but have no absolute or fixed zero point.

• This is important mathematically because having a fixed zero point allows us to use the highest level of statistics

• Often researchers try to use ordinal level variables as interval (i.e. Likert Scales)

• In interval level variables the numbers can be added and subtracted but ratios are not meaningful

• Fahrenheit Temperature is an interval level variable. 60 degrees is 30 degrees hotter than 30 degrees. But, 60 degrees can not be said to be twice as hot as 30 degrees because temperature has no absolute zero.

• There are very few true interval-level measures in social science. This is why researchers use ordinal level data as interval level data and score it in ways that allow them to do so

• Ratio – The numbers attached to these response categories represent fixed measuring units and an absolute zero point. Age is a ratio level variable. Test Scores can be ratio. i.e. 0-100

SamplingHow to choose survey subjects?

• Sample – A subset of people (population) selected for study i.e. 100 students from Webster selected

• Population – larger group from which sample comes (will infer back to this group) i.e. All Webster students participate

Why Sample

• If can’t access entire population (too costly, too huge)

Sampling Goal• Representativeness – smaller group (sample) is

representative of larger group (population)• Larger the sample, more confidence in it being

representative• More homogeneous the population, more

confidence of sample representativeness

• If sample is representative, findings can be generalized to population. You can infer that your sample will respond in same way as whole population

• But, generalizing from sample to population involves risk

• Ecological Fallacy – can’t draw conclusions about individuals from group level sample of data

• Reductionist Fallacy – can’t draw conclusions about groups from individual level sample of data


• Not easy to achieve in experiment

• Can’t really apply findings to larger population

Experiments occur in artificial setting

Subjects recruited or selected, not chosen through random sampling

Types of Sampling Procedures

• Probability – Random Sampling selects subjects out of a large population on the basis of chance

( a technique used most effectively with survey research)

Probability Sampling

• Participants drawn by chance (random)• Every subject has equal chance of being chosen

(known probability, 1:10; 1:100)How to do Simple Random Sample1. Arbitrarily select a number from a random

number table2. Match it to number in numbered subject list for

starting point3. Continue selecting numbers and subjects Until desired number of subjects is obtained

Systematic Random Sample

• Arrange population elements sequentially

• Determine size of sample wanted

• Divide sample # into # of subjects in population

• Randomly select a starting point in list

• Select every nth subject

• If need 5 subjects and have 45 in population, select every 9th person

Stratified Random Sampling

• Characteristics of population are known to the researcher before taking the sample

• Sample is selected with mirror proportions on characteristics such as: ethnic, age, gender, religion,education level, income level etc.

Cluster Sampling

• Unit chosen is not an individual, but is a cluster of individuals naturally grouped together such as Churches, Schools, Blocks, Counties, Businesses etc.

• They are alike with respect to characteristics relevant to the study

Non-Probability Sampling-

• Participants are not chosen by chance

They are Chosen due to economical and convenience reasons

• Example: Study on student attitudes. Stop students at the gym only and ask them to take the survey. They are not necessarily representative of the total student population

Types of Non-Probability Sampling

• Accidental – just encounter a # of people and ask to be in your study

It is extremely weak, but popular method

Psychological research is often accidental• Convenience – Similar to accidental Individuals

seek out individuals who are available

Likely to be biased

Not representative of any population

Should be avoided

• Snowball - used for hard to reach but interconnected populations

• One person identifies and recommends another people and those people recommend other people and on and on….

• Typical subjects – drug dealers, prostitutes, practicing criminals, gang leaders, AA members

Data Analysis – Chapter 12

Why are Statistics Important

• Statistics give numeric meaning to our data• Helpful tool for understanding social world and

are used to: 1.describe social phenomena 2. identify relationships among them 3. explore reasons for relationships 4. test hypotheses 5. interpret cause and effect


• Can use statistics to distort reality

• Lying with statistics is unethical

• Easy to be careless when using statistics

• Must use appropriate level of measurement for variables in our data

Preparing for Statistics

• After data is collected it must b cleaned, checked and coded before statistics are run

• There is software available to do this

Displaying Statistics

• Graphics: Bar Charts, histograms, pie charts, frequency tables and curve graphs describe the shape of the data visually

Statistics for One Variable

• Univariate - describes statistical characteristics of one variable: frequency distributions, summary statistics, measures of central tendency (mean, median mode), skewness, measures of dispersion (range, variance, standard deviation), reliability tests

• Display the distribution of cases across the categories of one variable

Univariate Stats

• Frequency distribution (1xtables) – displays the number and percentage or cases corresponding to each of a variable’s values or group of values

• Measures of Central Tendency –

1. Mean (arithmetic average of the values in a distribution) – sum the values of the cases and divide by the number of cases

2. Median (the point that divides the distribution in half) One in the middle

3. Mode (most frequent value in a distribution)

• The Mean is the most frequently used because it is the foundation for more advanced statistics

• Skewness – If there is a lack of symmetry in the data (symmetric would be Bell curve)

• If data clustered to right of center- Positive skew

• If data clustered to left of center – Negative or inverse skew

• Measures of Variation or Dispersion –

Are the data spread out or clustered?

1. Range- highest value minus the lowest value plus one

3. Variance – the average squared deviation of each case from the mean (takes into account the amount by which each case differs from the mean)

4. Standard Deviation – Preferred measure of variability because of its mathematical properties ( sq. root of the variance)

Bivariate/multivariate Analysis

• Describes the association between two or more variables

• Some types: Cross-tabulation, Regression, Correlation

• Measures of Association- descriptive statistics that summarized the strength of an association (Variation in one variable is related to variation in another.

For example Chi Sq. and Gamma are used to summarize the relationship between two or more variables in Cross-tabulation


• The tables display the distribution of one variable for each category of another variable (see text pgs. 392-398)

• Sex of voter determines party.

• If Man then Republican



E 80






M 30




What to Look for

The IV is GenderDo percentages

distributions vary at all between categories of the independent variable?

(existence)How much? (strength)(This example is

nominal level data)



E 80






M 30




Interval Level Data

• Hypothesis - As education level (IV) increases, income level (DV) increases

• Total N=300• 100 with BA’s• 100 with MA’s• 100 with PhD’s• Do values of the DV increase

with increase in IV? (Direction)• Are changes in DV fairly

regular – increasing fairly regularly? (pattern)




60 20 5



30 50 30



10 30 65

Inferential Statistics

• They estimate the degree of confidence that can be placed in generalizations from a sample to the whole population from which the sample was selected

• Chi-Square – used in bivariate analysis to estimate probability that an association between DV & IV is not due to chance alone.

• A probability level of .05 (p=.05) from Chi Sq. means the probability that the association was due to chance is less than 5 out of 100 (5%)

• The lower the probability score the higher the significance level.

• A relationship between variables is said to be statistically significant when the analyst feels reasonably confident (often 95%) that an association was not due to chance.

• Inferential statistics with Crosstabulation can tell us if there is an association more than would be expected by chance (coin toss = 50/50)

• But! Does not tell us how strong that relationship is (See pgs. 405-407)

Elaboration Analysis

• Controlling for the effect of a third variable• Sometimes a 3rd variable could be

effecting the association or strength of the association without us realizing it.

• Example in Text – The strength of the relationship between Arrest and Abuse is actually dependent on how much the perpetrator is vested in society. i.e. employed or not and married or not.

• In fact, if the seemed relationship disappears when an extraneous (3rd variable) is controlled, it is probably a spurious relationship. The IV we think is effecting the DV isn’t – It’s an extraneous variable we haven’t considered.

• We hypothesize that Income level (IV) effects how we vote (DV)

• In reality, income is a reflection of education (IV) and it’s education that really effects how we vote (DV).

Regression Analysis

• Regression analysis and Correlation analysis- advantages over simple crosstabs – give strength of association between two or more variables

• Often collapse values of variables into categories for crosstabs

• Better to leave values as continuous for upper level summary stats

• Example – Age 10-20 21-30 31-40 (grouped or categorical age)

Ethics in Data Analysis

l. When just letting computer search around in the data for relationships without a testable hypothesis, relationships may appear just on the basis of chance but mean nothing.

• A reasonable balance needed between doing deductive data analysis (theory>hypothesis>significant association)

• And inductive data analysis (exploration of patterns in a dataset)

• If findings are Serendipitous (based on inductive analysis) must be reported as such

2. Report findings honestly (do not lie with statistics even though it is possible to do so)

3. Do not mislead people by choosing summary statistics that accentuate a particular feature of a distribution. Use statistical techniques appropriately

Tools for Data Analysis and Statistics

Computer software ranges from easy, but not very comprehensive to difficult, very robust and very expensive

• Excel, Access, Lotus – limited, elementary statistics, moderately expensive

• Easy – NCSS= user friendly, cheap (<$100), only numeric data entry, output=so-so

• SPSS – Very comprehensive, user friendly,excellent graphics, small learning curve

Not very expensive for students ($200-$500)• SAS – most robust, sort of user friendly, big learning curve, $$$

$$$• CRISP, STATBasic, SYSstat – expensive, not user friendly,

More for programmers than average user

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