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Post on 27-May-2015






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Ms. Erica BuckGrade 3

Topic: Science Environments

Learning Objective: Describe the interactions between living and nonliving things in a small environment.


1. http://youtu.be/8r3jAZRk1CQ

Click on the link and listen and watch the video. In the video, they described the characteristics that define the difference of living and non-living things. List the three characteristics the song mentioned.

Living things can eat, breath and grow.

Think of something outside, something in your desk, something at the zoo and something in your house. Write your item in the space provided. Use the list to discover whether your items are living or non-living.


Ex: A tree


Ex: A Pencil


Ex: Zebra


Ex: TV

Can it Breath? Yes No Yes No

Can it Eat? Yes No Yes No

Can it Grow? Yes No Yes No

Is it alive?Yes No Yes No

2. http://www.purduescientificliteracyproject.org/LivingThings/tabid/143/Default.aspx

Click on the link and scroll down the page tell you see a list of books. Read descriptions of the books and pick one of the books that interest you. Write down:

1) The books title? For example: Living Things Need Food

2) The ISBN number? For Example: 07922-43129

3) Tell me why you that that book would be interesting? Answers will vary

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3. http://eo.ucar.edu/kids/green/what1.htm

Click on the link. Read the “What’s the difference between weather and climate” section.

How do you think weather and climate affect living and nonliving things?

Answers will vary, but should mention something about living things living in different

places because of the climate. Examples: Polar bears living in a colder climate; the

rain helps trees grow; etc.

4. http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/gamesactivities/plantsanimals.html

Click on the link and read the instructions under PLANTS AND ANIMALS. Then, scroll down the page until you can see the all of the game (the purple box with a picture inside). With your mouse, move over the different objects. When you notice the camera appear, click your mouse to take a picture of the image. Continue doing this until you find all 8 of the images. Once you found the images, read the directions at the top of the square for two more activities.

After you complete the activity, pick one of the images you took a picture of. Explain to me why you believe you found the item where you did. (For example, if I chose the dandelion (weed) I could say that I found in the cement because dandelions are strong plants that do not need a lot of soil to grow.)

1) What image did you choose? Dandelion___________________________.

2) Where did you find it? In the cement of the playground______________.

3) Why was it there? Because dandelions are strong plants that do not need a lot

Of soil to grow_______________________________________________.

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5. http://www.globio.org/glossopedia/article.aspx?art_id=29

Click on the link and start reading the information on the right of the screen (the blue side). Read the “Earth’s Many Environments” and “Physical and Biological Environments”.

List the things that make up the Physical Environment and the things that make up the Biological Environments.

The Physical Environment The Biological Environment

Atmosphere Animals

Land Plants

Climate Bacteria


Why do you think it means when the author said that the Physical Environment and the Biological Environment are connected and can never be separated?

Something along the lines of: because both are needed because they depend on each other.



Why do you think that is?

Answers will vary________________________________________________________


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6. http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/

Click on the link. At the top of the page, under the highlighted word ENVIRONMENT is the word HABITATS. Click on HABITATS and scroll down the page to the pictures of habitat topics.

Click on the pictures of the different habitats (Deserts, Fresh water, Grasslands, Oceans, Rainforests, Tundra, and Urban) and think about what types of living and non-living things are in each habitat based on the picture given.

Pick one of the habitats and list the living and non-living things you saw.

Habitat: For example: Ocean__________________________________________.

Living Non-Living

Fish Water

Whales Rocks

Kelp Sand

Octopus Shells

Draw a picture of what type of animal might live there.

Pictures Will Vary

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7. http://www.geography4kids.com/files/land_ecosystem.html

BIOME is another word for habitats and environments. Click on the link and scroll down to the biomes sections. Read the section and look at the bulleted list of biomes.

On the map, 1) locate where that biomes are and 2) color them according to the chart.

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Example of what map should look like when complete.

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8. http://kids.nceas.ucsb.edu/biomes/index.html

Click on the link and scroll down to the list of the aquatic and terrestrial biomes. Click on the different biomes and find one that you are most interested in.

Read about your biome and write the name of your biome.

Your Biome: Rainforest

Write three interesting facts about your chosen biome.

1) Interesting Fact 1: Answers will vary: Weather_____________________________


2) Interesting Fact 2: Answers will vary: Animals _________________________


9. Interesting Fact 3: Answers will vary: Plants__________________________

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9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4na1vYD2jjM

Think about the biome that you chose in question 8. What would a diorama about your biome have? Think about the living things (plants and animals) and nonliving things (rocks, water, grass, ice, trees) that are in your biome. Click on the link and watch the video for some ideas on what to include in your diorama.

Draw a picture of what you would want your diorama to look like.

Pictures will vary, but should include both living and non-living things

10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmgfYb6Jsd8

Click in the link and watch the video. List some of the supplies you will need to create a diorama.

Supplies: Shoe Box__________________



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Hot Glue Gun_____________________________________________

Plastic Leaves___________________________________________

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