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Post on 13-Mar-2018






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APUSH Period 3

9/1: Columbian Exchange: Columbus was an Italian explorer who sailed for Spain; 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue; Ferdinand and Isabella (unite Spain in 1491) pay for Columbus’s voyage to “India”; he thinks that he can sail west to get to Asia; reached Hispaniola where he meets “Indians” (West Indies) and claims everything he sees for Spain;=due to interactions between the Spanish explorers and the New World there is an exchange of goods, ideas, and problems back and forth-wheat, sugar, diseases (small pox---old to new; syphilis---new to old), horses, gold & silver, potatoes, tobacco, slaves (African/Native Americans), Christianity, intermarriage, language, cattle, etc.Spanish Explorers: “conquistadors” follow Columbus en masse to find 3’Gs (God, gold, & glory) in the “New World” (North & South America)-Cortez: destroys the Aztecs in Mexico-Pizarro: destroys the Incans in Peru-Vespucci: namesake for “America”; detailed the coast of Canada & Maine-Magellan: 1st dude to circumnavigate the globe-Balboa: discovered the Pacific Ocean

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-Ponce de Leon: went to Florida to find the fountain of youth=”encomienda system”: the Spanish monarchs “give” native Americans to the conquistadores in a promise to Christianize the natives; SLAVERY!=limited amounts of revolt by the native populations=influenced other European powers to explore (England, France, Portugal, and the Netherlands)=wide net in the New World of Spanish influence=the massive influx of gold and silver leads to MASSIVE INFLATION (value of $ goes down and prices go up)

Pedro “I can’t find Asia” Cabral: Portuguese explorer that attempted to find India and found Brazil; therefore, Portugal has a huge claim to parts of South America (=Brazil still speaks Portuguese)Treaty of Tordesilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllas: Spain and Portugal sit down a create a line that divides the world in half---Spain got N/S America and Portugal got the east

English: the English were late to the party1. troubles with the monarchy after Henry VIII2. religious problems (Catholic or Protestant)

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3. Ireland

England bursts onto the scene rapidly:1. defeated the Spanish armada which sets the English up as lords of the sea (Sir Francis Drake & the sea dogs AND the Protestant Wind)2. $$$: “joint-stock” company---where individuals pool their money together to fund exploration in hopes of reaping financial profits (Virginia Company)3. stable monarchy: Elizabeth I “the virgin queen”4. growing population5. laws of primogeniture=the oldest son inherits the family estate; pushes younger brothers to go after glory (Sir Walter Raleigh=Roanoke; Sir Humphrey Gilbert=New Foundland)6. “enclosure movement”: the large landowners fence in their land which pushes the poorer shepherds off of grazing land

9/3: Jamestown (1607): the first PERMANENT English settlement in North America; mainly wealthier dudes go to Jamestown looking for gold---unwilling to hunt or plant food because they were looking for gold; due to

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starvation, malnutrition, diseases (malaria, dysentery, influenza); it got sooooooo bad that the first group got on the boats and began heading back to England---Lord de la Warr shows up and tells them to go back---instituting “martial law”

Relationship with Indians: at first it was pretty good but then deteriorated; English steal and pillage the Indian villages; De la Warr institutes “Irish tactics”; diseases wipe out hundreds of thousands of Indians; the English expand into Indian land thus causing conflict (tobacco cultivation)1st Powhatan: the English and the tribe sign a treaty; John Rolfe and Pocahontas got married2nd Powhatan: the native population was devastated, the English “won”, and the Powhatan tribe disintegrated leaving relative peace for a while

John Rolfe & Tobacco: tobacco becomes the economic savior of Virginia; tobacco becomes the first “cash crop” in the English colonies; Rolfe got the first tobacco seeds from the Spanish; Tobacco TAKES OFF!+saved Jamestown

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+since Jamestown survived, the English stayed and settled other areas+there was a big market for tobacco in Europe (Rolfe version)+easy to grow with little processing+very profitable-little diversification-labor was needed (“indentured servants’: poor English folks that land owners paid passage for in return for work and then the promise of release)-James I hated tobacco and made Virginia a royal colony (+first self-government with the House of Burgesses)-butchered the soil (crop rotation was not an option)-needed more land causing issues with the Indians-imported food-tobacco price goes DOWN because of too much supply and eventually demand goes down; farmers are not economists soooooo, they planted more---price went down---they planted more---price went down…etc.

The Carolinas: the King gives a massive land grant to the Lords Proprietors (BFFs of the King); the goal was

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to create a supply colony for the West Indies (“Sugar Islands”); sugar=rich man’s crop (due to expensive processing, it is an expensive crop)North Carolina vs. South Carolina:SC=rich, aristocratic dudesNC=lower class dudes; small land-holding; limited amount of slaves; geography separated them from the others; squatters; independent and also not very religious; level of religious freedom; most liberal/progressive colony in the South; first established by Virginia outcasts“Barbados Slave Code”: no rights for slaves whatsoever; no education for slaves; complete control by owners

Southern Colonies (Virginia, Georgia, Maryland, N & S Carolina)-geography-“cash crops” (tobacco, sugar, rice, & indigo)-less religious (Church of England)-less cities-population is more spread out-some form of slavery (*Georgia outlawed slavery for a while)

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-become Royal colonies-soil butchery-aristocratic hierarchy in the South (except NC): “FFVs”=First Families of Virginia (Lees, Washingtons)

9/8“The Reformation”: Martin Luther started the “Protestant Reformation” when he posted the 95 Theses on the door of the Cathedral of Wittenberg; he was a German friar; upset with the church doctrines about interpretation of the Bible; upset with the selling of indulgences; too much ceremony and not enough belief; church hierarchy; believed that regular folks could preach; Henry VIII joined the Reformation to get a divorce and consolidate power in England; the printing press also played a huge role in spreading the Reformation

Calvinism: John Calvin started a Reformation movement in Geneva, Switzerland; basic doctrines of Calvinism: 1. “predestination”: predetermined by God who is going to heaven and who is going to hell; 2. “The Elect” (Puritans call them Visible Saints): folks that are predestined for heaven---folks don’t know if

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they are “elect”; therefore, they must complete good deeds to confirm their one-way ticket to heaven; 3. God is all-powerful, all good, and “omniscient” (all-knowing & everywhere)

Puritans: English Calvinists; they wanted to “purify” the Church of England---“de-Catholicize” the Church of England; they encouraged the Church of England to adopt Calvinist doctrines and beliefs which opposed the Catholic traditions of the Church of England; Puritans conflicted with the Church because they (“Visible Saints”) were forced to pray with non-Puritan Christians

Separatists: Puritans who wanted a complete separation from the Church of England

Pilgrims: a Separatist congregation that leaves England in search of a new holy land; go to Holland (the Netherlands) first---the Pilgrims were upset at the “Dutchification” of their children---while they were disgruntled with English society, they still wanted to be English; they were able to secure a land grant from the King in “northern Virginia”; 1620: land in Plymouth near Cape Cod

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Puritans in America: most Non-Separatist Puritans migrate to the New World and settle in the West Indies; “The Great Migration”: Puritans leave England and settle in Massachusetts Bay near Boston; eventually Plymouth will merge into Massachusetts Bay-the Puritan migration stops during the rule of Oliver Cromwell; “The Restoration” ends Cromwell’s rule and the Puritans bail out of England again

Rhode Island: Roger Williams (Separatist minister) was banished from Mass Bay because of his criticism of Puritan way of life and their mistreatment of the Indians---created one of the first Baptist churches in the world; Anne Hutchinson was banished because she claimed that holy life was not a guarantee, she also claimed to have a revelation, and she held religious meetings in her home-religious freedom including Jews and Catholics-allowed manhood suffrage (voting)-no tax-supported church (Mass Bay=theocracy)-separation of church and state

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Mayflower Compact:1. 1st Constitution in New World2. “Town Meetings” established self-government=America is isolated/insulated from Europe which created an independent minded American

9/10New England vs. the Indians: initially the relationship was very good between the English and the Indians (1621: 1st Thanksgiving); the relationship sours with the arrival of more English (Puritans)---the need for more farmland pushed the English out from the Atlantic into Indian territory causing conflict-King Philip’s War: K. Philip (Metacom) organizes several tribes in New England for simultaneous attacks on English country villages (52 attacked and 12 villages are destroyed); the English rallied; King Philip was beheaded and quartered with his head put on display and his wife & son were sold into slavery=the Indians move further west away from the English settlements and English/Indians live peacefully in New England for around 100 yearsNew England Confederation: colonial organization with the goal of mutual defense (“Puritan Club”:

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Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, New Haven, & scattered Connecticut colonies; Rhode Island not invited); ***the colonies organized this group

Dominion of New England: colonial organization organized by the Crown for mutual defense, more efficient administration of New England, and better enforcement of the Navigation Laws (James II); Sir Edmund Andros was appointed leader of the Dominion---was hated by New Englanders1. Andros stopped town meetings2. Andros enforced Nav Acts3. Andros restricted schools4. soldiers were drunk and did not respect the Sabbath5. Andros revoked land titles6. Andros openly supported the Church of England-the Dominion is stopped by William & Mary after the Glorious Revolution and Andros is forced to flee

-Mercantilism: belief that there is a fixed amount of gold and silver in the world; goal: collect and keep as much as you can

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-Navigation Acts: series of laws passed by Parliament to create and support the mercantilist system; control trade with the colonies

Headright System: plantation owners pay for passage of indentured servants to the New World (Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina) in exchange for 50 acres of land=continues to enforce the social hierarchy=indentured servants become small owners indebted to the big owners=plantations get BIGGY-sized and push Native Americans further west

Bacon’s Rebellion: (1676) Nathaniel Bacon leads a group of former indentured servants (landless whites) in a rebellion against the policies of Lord Berkeley1. no women2. no land or the money to secure land3. the land they found was crappy4. Lord Berkeley’s liberal policy regarding the Indians-march to Jamestown and burned the capitol forcing Berkeley to escape; Bacon dies of disease and Berkeley crushes the rebellion

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=planters were freaked out by landless whites=planters look to African slavery for labor=indentured servitude effectively ends (the English economy improved which ended the push factor)

Quakers: “Society of Friends” (Pennsylvania)-pacifists-no taxes-plain dress-opposition to slavery-no ministers-no nobility or titles

Life in Puritan America:-holy-intolerant of other religions-prideful-strict-theocratic-harsh---punishment-educated (Harvard)-worked hard (“Puritan ethic”)

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John Winthrop: “A Modell of Christian Charity”-“…as a city upon a hill”=example for the world

*American exceptionalism*used in speeches by JFK and Reagan

9/11:New England family: New England was a more healthy place than England OR the southern colonies (+10 years); clean environment---specifically water and diseases that thrived in the south (malaria) were not able to survive the cold winters; women gave up property rights when married; marriage was very sacred with a small number of divorces; lottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttts of babies (average of 10 pregnancies with 8 kids making it to childhood); education increased (Puritan belief in education as well as the necessity to provide for all of the kids); women had limited job opps but midwives was a popular undertaking; migrated as a family unit with extended family included---NE invented “grandparents”

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Halfway Covenant: church membership was declining over the years (mid 1600s), so the Puritan leadership needed to increase the number of members; “the elect” were getting older and kicking the bucket and kids were not attending; offer partial membership to members’ children and non-members children

Jeremiad: sermons derived from the old testament stories of Jeremiah; Jeremiah preached that people who were non-believers were going to hell and doomsday/end of the world views; Puritans bring in the idea that non-believers have a one way ticket to hell

9/14:The Middle Colonies: (Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, & New Jersey); liberal laws (immigration, religious toleration, ethnically mixed, no tax supported churches, level of democracy, better Indian relations); fertile soil=”breadbasket”/”grain colonies”; medium land-holdings (NY=large land-holdings from the Dutch days); representative democracy (NE=town meetings; VA=House of Burgesses); peaceful; “the Ohio Valley” (fur-trading); lumbering; fewer industries than NE;

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commercial centers (NY & Philadelphia); deep water ports & navigable rivers (Ohio R & Hudson R)New York: Dutch founded colony; New Netherlands=colony; NYC=New Amsterdam; Peter Stuyvesent: capable Dutch leader who ultimately surrenders to the English; Dutch names: Roosevelt; sports=golf; traditions=Santa; land-holding and lack of democracyNew Jersey/Delaware: New Sweden; log cabins

France in the New World: French settlement=fur-trapping; Quebec AND Louisiana AND Ohio Valley; spread out with smaller trading posts/villages with small populations; government: power is centralized with the French crown; whereas, the English gave some self-government; New France: Samuel de Champlain

King William’s War (1689-1697) & Queen Anne’s War (1702-1713): these conflicts are the first that deal with territory in the New World---prior to this, the wars were limited to Europe only; these wars become “World Wars” because of colonization AND European

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alliances (Britain + Protestant countries) (France + Catholic countries)

Treaty of Utrecht: Britain wins! 1. Britain got Acadia2. Britain got Newfoundland and Hudson’s Bay3. Britain got limited trading rights in Spanish Florida4. Britain got Louisbourg

War of Jenkins’s Ear & King George’s War (1744-1748): English trade captain was in Caribbean and was captured by the Spanish---they cut off his ear and told him to take it to the King---the North American beginning to King George’s War: Florida, Georgia, and the Caribbean; Great Britain vs. France & Spain

French & Indian War (1754-1763): King of Britain gives land grants to wealthy Virginia dudes; the Governor of Virginia sends GW with some militia to the Ohio Valley where they find some French dudes and they get into a skirmish---this starts the war; F & I War=the North American episode of the Seven Years’ War

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Seven Years’ War (1756-1763): Great Britain AND Prussia VS France & Spain---the European episode of the war

Treaty of Paris (1763): Britain wins!1. France is out of the North America2. Indians are in chaos3. Spain traded Florida for Cuba with the British4. Britain got North America from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River5. Spain got Louisiana6. France got to keep islands in the Caribbean

American Outcomes:=Americans got confidence=Americans wanted to go “west” (Ohio Valley)=British were not as tough as once thought=***Britain was in debt=Americans became more unified but not as unified as needed=North America is expensive to secure

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Proclamation of 1763: after the F & I War, Americans moved en masse to the Ohio Valley which infringed upon Indian territory causing conflicts; Pontiac led a large uprising against the colonists which the British moved to end---sent smallpox infested blankets to the Indians which reduced the Indian forces dramatically---British crushed the uprising; Parliament steps in and adopts the Proclamation which limits American migration and restricts them from going west of the Appalachian mountains; Parliament couldn’t afford protection west of the mountains=Americans went to the Ohio Valley anyways***this is a behavioral change for Parliament

Why did the US win? -French support (pre-1778: covert support with money and guns; post-Saratoga: “open” support of money, gun, supplies, troops, the French navy, AND French diplomatic support)-time and distance was a big British handicap (troops, supplies, AND orders)-inept leadership in London (Lord North)-Americans had “home field” advantage: Americans “knew” the land whereas the British knew maps

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-“guerilla” warfare: shoot and run vs. “gentlemen’s war”-Americans were better trained than expected: farmers who used guns regularly and “smooth bore” rifle; redcoats made an easy target-lack of central hub that would lead to victory for the British-American Rev becomes a “global war” (France, the Netherlands, Russia)-Ireland-American leadership was very strong

+military: GW was a stud!+political: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson+diplomatic: Ben Franklin

-British military leadership sucked

Treaty of Paris (1783)…oui oui!1. America was independent2. US=Atlantic ocean to the Mississippi River; Great Lakes to Florida3. Americans got access to fishing off of Newfoundland4. Loyalists: no longer persecuted and land was to be returned

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5. British would receive debt payments (commercial debt)6. Spain got Florida

Trouble Trouble in early US: -13 different currencies that led to massive inflation-lack of consumer goods-Alex Watson’s version of what happened-weak central government with strong state governments-1. Britain flooded the US with goods-2. Britain closed American ships off of British ports-confederation vs. federalism (Americans were leery of power)-belonging to “states” rather than US (disunity)-interstate commerce (taxes on imports from other states)-massive debts-foreign relations was a trainwreck

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Author: Ben FranklinWhy? Franklin appeals to Americans to support Britain against the French and Indians during the F & I War; he also pushes the belief that Americans should adopt the Albany Plan of Union (@ the Albany Congress) which would have created a “Home Rule” system with Americans controlling domestic policy and the British controlling foreign affairs; not accepted by colonies or Parliament

Mercantilism: economic idea that there is a “fixed” amount of gold and silver and it should be the goal of a country to control as much as possible (17th & 18th centuries)

Spain: go get colonies and extract all of their gold-MASSIVE INFLATION: value goes down and prices up-eventually they aren’t going to find it-waste a lot of other stuff-creating any wealth for regular folks-don’t make anything that anyone can buy-lack of consumer goods

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Britain: expand into colonies to create an imbalance of trade AND guarantee markets

Navigation Acts: series of laws passed by Parliament to enhance their mercantilist system-British ships are the only carriers of goods-European goods heading to America had to go to Britain first, where it was taxed-certain “enumerated” goods must be traded with Britain and Britain only (tobacco)-certain goods had to be purchased from Britain

Positives:+Britain got wealthy+guaranteed markets for Britain and America+stability in knowing who you are dealing with+trade is protected by the British military (navy)

Negatives:-Americans lose revenue because of tariffs

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-prevents Americans from expanding wealth-limited American trade-limited American ingenuity-oversupply of American goods in Britain-Americans experience massive currency shortage-instability of goods in America -American smuggling

republicanism: Ancient Greeks and Romans; the belief that citizens give up their selfish interests in favor or the good of the community; belief system that will dominate the American ideal for a lonnnnnnnnnnnng time-hierarchy was bad -embraced independence & self-government-closely identified with “Puritan” beliefs-education-hard work-participation in the civic process-diligence and grit*Carver

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Radical Whigs: group of political commentators who were scared of monarchy, arbitrary power, and hereditary titles; Whigs will become the opposition party in British Parliament (“Tories”=Conservatives: anti-American colonial independence; “Whigs”=Liberals: pro-American home rule)=both of these political philosophies hit America in the 18t century with dudes like Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, etc. buying into them

Patriots LoyalistsWanted independence Wanted to stay British

New England South & NYCPresbyterian and Anglican

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CongregationalistAssociated with groups

like “Sons of Liberty”“mobocracy” was badddd

younger older“liberal” “conservative”

Poorer classes Well-off20-25% 15-20%

Less educated educated

Articles of Confederation: system created by the Continental Congress during the American Revolution that gave the power to the states with a weak central government; were afraid of large amounts of power being held in the hands of the few (King, Parliament)1775: American Rev starts1776: Declaration of Independence1778: Saratoga=French BFFs; draft the Articles of Confederation1781: Yorktown=the last major battle; Articles are ratified1783: Treaty of Paris ending the American Rev1787: Constitutional Convention

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-states regulated their own commerce-no national courts-Congress couldn’t tax-9/13 approval for passing laws-unanimous approval for amendment-one vote per state -Congress couldn’t regulate diplomacy; =states did their own-no executive to carry out laws-Congress only+ stepping stone to the Constitution+ states practiced government+ learned how to write Constitutions+ found out what NOT to do+++land-acquisition and state-building

Land Ordinance of 1785:1. establish the idea that land will be surveyed and broken into “townships”2. townships will be 36 squares3. one of the squares will be for public education4. “Old NW” land would be sold and money would be used to pay debts

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NW Ordinance of 1787:1. established the “territorial process”---when a territory is recognized by the government, it is ruled by the national government---when a territory has 60,000 residents it can apply for “equal statehood”2. NO SLAVERY IN THE OLD NW

Shays’ Rebellion (1786): group of debtors who started a rebellion in western Massachusetts; Daniel Shays and the boys were upset over debtor’s issues: foreclosures, debtor’s prisons, etc. They harass the debtor’s courts so the court cannot sit to hear the debtor’s trials=Massachusetts governor sent out the militia and crushed the rebellion=the founding fathers (non-debtors) FREAKED OUT because they were scared of mobocracy and the willingness of the debtors to revolt! (Madison & Hamilton)=everyone realized that the Articles were too weak for the US to govern itself

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1787: 12 out of 13 sent representatives to Philadelphia (RI=no Bueno) to “revise” the Articles; “Convention of Demigods” (wealthy, white, and educated---they all had something to lose if the US was unsuccessful); highly capable at making constitutions; wanted “conservative safeguards” against power and mobocracy; decided that the Articles were trash and that a strong “federal” Constitution was needed; limited democracy (“checks & balances”: Congress makes laws and the President vetos or approves them; created the Electoral College to elect the president)

Constitutional Compromises: 1. the importation of slaves would end in 20 years (1807); the south giving the north something2. “3/5ths Compromise”: stated that slaves would be counted as 3/5ths of a person for “apportionment” of representatives3. “the Great Compromise”: James Madison arrived in Philly with the “Virginia Plan” (big state plan): proposed a “bicameral” legislature (2 house) with a lower house based on population and the upper house

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selected by the lower house; William Paterson countered with the “New Jersey Plan” (small state plan) which called for a “unicameral” legislature (single house) with 1 vote per state and Congress would have the power of taxation; the convention appointed a committee that came up with the compromise: bicameral legislature with House & Senate and an executive to carry out lawsHouse of Reps: representation based on populationSenate: 2 senators per state***there has to be a census every 10 years for apportionment purposes

Electoral College: a group of citizens who are viewed as “responsible” and elect the president (the # of reps + the # of Senators)

Ratification: the framers stated that 9/12 had to ratify the Constitution to make it the law of the land; all 12 ratified it and then RI got on board

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Who was at the Convention? Ben Franklin, Hamilton, GW, Madison (The Father of the Constitution)---absent: Jefferson was in France & Adams was in UK

Federalists & Anti-Federalists: 2 groups that formed to debate the Constitution (Feds=loved it; Anti-Feds=opposed it)-Federalists: wealthy, educated, land-owners, northerners, merchants, GW, Hamilton, Madison-Anti-Federalists: lower classes, less educated, debtors, south and the west, Patrick Henry, Sam Adams-“The Federalist Papers”: Madison, Hamilton, & John Jay write letters to a newspaper supporting the Constitution and ratification; propaganda; the most important evaluation of the US government in history

Washington’s Cabinet: GW knew that the job of the president was too big for himself to carry out; therefore, he invented the cabinet which is a group of top-level advisors who assist the president in carrying out the duties

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-Sec of State: Thomas Jefferson (strict)-Sec of the Treasury: Alexander Hamilton (loose)Strict vs Loose Construction: interpretations of the Constitution with the fundamental question: Can the US government do something if it isn’t written in the Constitution?Debts: Hamilton believed that debt was OK to have and that the US government should take on the debts of the states (“assumption”: federal govt should assume the debts of the state); Hamilton saw that issuing “bonds” was a good thing to ensure that wealthy citizens were tied to the success of the government; Jefferson didn’t like assumption because states like VA didn’t have as much debt as others---so, why should some states pay off debts of others?-“tariff”: tax on imported goods; increase revenue & encourage domestic purchases-“excise tax”: tax on domestic goods; raise revenue & encourage/discourage purchases

Whiskey Rebellion: Hamilton gets an excise tax on whiskey pushed through Congress; farmers in western

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PA freak out over this tax; farmers were using whiskey as currency/barter good because it was easier to transport than their crops; the farmers stage a small rebellion in western PA; GW sent in the militia and the rebellion disappeared=showed the people that the federal government could and would act to enforce the laws=demonstrated that the federal government was superior to the states

Jay’s Treaty: GW sent CJ John Jay to Britain to avoid a war with Britain; Washington had issued his “Neutrality Proclamation” which stated the US would stay out of the French Revolution and the wars between Britain and France=British posts are evacuated on the American frontier=British paid for lost American shipping=US pay debts to Britain=Loyalists left alone==rerun of the Treaty of Paris of 1783Democratic-Republicans are ticked! Southern farmers would be paying the debts to the British while

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Northeastern merchants would be receiving money for lost shipping; this treaty appeared to be pro-British=Spain freaked out! Spain negotiated Pinckney’s Treaty giving the Mississippi to the US

FIRST 2-Party System: the US government lends itself well to a 2-party system is due to the debate over power and interpretation of the ConstitutionStrong federal government vs. “states’ rights”Loose construction vs. strict construction=Federalists: strong fed govt + loose construction (Hamilton); wealthy, Northerners, merchants, educated=Democratic-Republicans (Republicans): pro-states’ rights + strict construction (Jefferson); Southerners & westerners, farmers, and less-educated

XYZ Affair: Adams administration; France and Britain were at war; France was destroying American shipping and “impressment” (forced labor on ships of American sailors); Adams sent John Marshall to France to negotiate an end to these issues; 3 dudes (“XYZ”) meet

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Marshall and demand a bribe of $250,000 PLUS a loan of millions of French tourins to see the French minister Talleyrand; Marshall is ticked and goes home! Adams and the American public are fired up! =Adams and the Federalist Congress begin preparing for war (Marine Corps, build new ships, approve a standing army)=US and France have an undeclared naval war for over 2 years in the Atlantic=the US and France agree to the Convention of 1800 ending hostilities and ending the Franco-American alliance dating back to Saratoga

Farewell Address: GW decided to call it quits after 2 terms as president establishing the “2-term tradition” (2 terms was accepted practice until FDR who was elected 4 times); amended constitution after FDR to 2 term max; written mostly by Hamilton & Madison1. avoid permanent “entangling alliances” 2. be cautious of political parties and factions(***AP Exam: “founding fathers” & political parties/alliances=GW’s Farewell Address)

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Alien & Sedition Acts: Adams presidency; Federalists targeted Jeffersonians and the FrenchSedition: made it illegal to say bad stuff about the president and the government; targeting pro-D-R pressAlien: allowed the government to deport immigrants that were deemed “bad” and changed immigrant citizenship requirements from 5 years to 14 years

Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions: were a response to the Alien & Sedition Acts outlawing these acts in the states-Kentucky: Jefferson-Virginia: Madison-“Compact Theory”: established by Jefferson and is used often in US history when we have a struggle between federal and state laws; the states created the federal government so therefore, they can take power away from it and nullify federal law

Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson sent Robert Livingston to France to buy access to New Orleans for $10 million;

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Livingston begins negotiations with Napoleon; Napoleon offered all of Louisiana to the US for $15 million; Livingston agreed to the amount and the purchase; Jefferson was a strict constructionist and didn’t think that it was constitutional to purchase land; he eventually supports it because it would provide massive amounts of open farmland for the US; constitution requires that all treaties and appointments are approved by 2/3rds of the US Senate; the US Senate ratified the Louisiana PurchaseLewis & Clark: Jefferson sent L & C to explore the Louisiana Purchase and to find the “Northwest Passage”; they made it all the way to the Pacific Ocean and stayed at Fort Clatsop near Astoria, OR

Election of 1800: Jefferson defeated Adams by a small margin; however, Jefferson and his VP candidate Aaron Burr ended up in an electoral tie; elections that are either tied or the candidates don’t receive a majority go to the US House of Reps; each state got one vote; Hamilton threw his support to Jefferson and TJ won; Hamilton and Burr fight in a duel---Burr won and Hamilton died

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1800: Jefferson beat Adams and wins in the House of Reps over his VP Aaron Burr; Constitution was changed182418601876191219321948196019681980Jefferson’s domestic programs: Hamilton’s ideas for government dominated the presidencies of GW and Adams-Bank of the US (BUS)-tariff: tax on imported goods-excise tax: tax on domestic goods-manufacturing: Jefferson loved farming

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Jefferson kept the BUS; kept the tariff; kept supporting manufacturing; ONLY item that he repeals was the excise tax

Midnight Judges: president appoints judges---the Senate confirms them; 1798 Congress passed a new judiciary act which created several new judgeships; when Adams was leaving office, he appointed a whole bunch of Federalists to take these new judgeships; most important was the appointment of John Marshall as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court (ardent Federalist)Marbury v. Madison (1803): Marbury sued Madison because he thought he was entitled to his judgeship; Madison said no thank you homie and didn’t deliver; Marshall gives the opinion and it says: Marbury was probably entitled to the job BUT Marshall couldn’t make it happen; he also said that the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional***”judicial review”: Marshall invented this concept of the ability of the SC to determine if actions by Congress and the President were constitutional

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Embargo Act (1807): “O Grabme!” The US decided to end trade with EVERYONE! Jefferson believed that France and Great Britain were going to miss our trade more than we would miss theirs; the US economy struggles mightily because of lack of trade; the Federalist North despised the Embargo (merchants and manufacturers); Madison elected in 1808—takes office in 1809; Madison and Congress replaced the Embargo Act with the Non-Intercourse Act (opened trade with every country except France and Britain who were still warring)=North becomes more industrial=Federalists were revived=North vs. South=opened markets with other countries in Asia and the Mediterranean

Macon’s Bill #2: the US pledged to open trade with the country that ended its restrictions on US trade (France and Britain)---France controlled most of Europe and didn’t allow US ships into the ports they controlled---Britain controlled the seas and didn’t allow the US access to Europe; Napoleon sent a vague pledge to

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end the restrictions---Madison accepted it; Macon’s Bill #2 also included a provision that stated: the country that doesn’t drop the restrictions will have 3 months to comply or the US will end diplomatic relations with it; Britain didn’t care

War of 1812: 1. Britain continued “impressment” of sailors2. Britain continued to supply the Indians on the US frontier and encouraged the Indians to harass US outposts3. the US wanted Canada4. Britain continued trade restrictions (“Orders in Council”)“War Hawks”: group of patriotic southerners and westerners who supported war with the British and the Indians (Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, and John C. Calhoun)-the US engages in a small war against Tecumseh and his bro “the Prophet” (Shawnee); the brothers attempted to create a confederacy that was fighting against the US; Gen William Henry Harrison defeated

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the tribes at the Battle of Tippecanoe; this was a precursor to the US vs. Britain=the US didn’t lose=Treaty of Ghent: armistice=won a decisive victory at the Battle of New Orleans (the battle took place 2 weeks after the treaty was signed)=Andrew Jackson was a hero!=very nationalistic

Hartford Convention: meeting of the New England states to voice their concerns/displeasure with the War of 1812; the economy of New England was especially smacked down during the Embargo and the War1. wanted a term limit of 4 years per president2. didn’t want 2 presidents consecutively elected from the same state (end the “Virginia Dynasty”)3. wanted an end to the 3/5ths clause (reduced the population of the southern states which would reduce the # of reps in the US House)

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4. wanted financial compensation from the federal govt to make up for losses from the embargo and the War5. 2/3rds approval of both houses of Congress for declarations of war, admission of new states, or embargoes=the delegates were riding into Washington when the treaty was signed=the Federalists are done=the US was patriotic=US manufacturing was bolstered

“Era of Good Feelings”: Monroe was elected in 1816 and served 1817-1825+no war+one political party (National Republicans)+Monroe went on a goodwill tour of the Northeast+patriotic-slavery becomes an issue every time we added states-Missouri Compromise: legislation that was created by Henry Clay

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1. Missouri admitted as a slave state2. Maine admitted as a free state3. no more slavery above 36-30 (southern border of Missouri)-Panic of 1819: led to high unemployment, overproduction, and northern manufacturing was hit hard

1823 Monroe Doctrine: in response to European colonization in the western hemisphere (Russia), John Quincy Adams (Sec of State) authors the Monroe Doctrine-the US will stay out of European wars (European country vs. European country)-European colonization in the western hemisphere is over

Britain agreed to the Doctrine and was a backup to the US

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1962: JFK used the Doctrine as justification for the naval blockade of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis

Jackson and Florida: the Monroe administration told Jackson to go to Florida to capture runaway slaves, to find and prosecute Seminole Indians who had aided the British, and find the British agents who were assisting the Seminoles with guns, stuff, etc.; Jackson completes his mission AND takes over 2 Spanish settlements; Sec of State John Quincy Adams persuaded the Monroe folks to negotiate for the purchase of Florida-Florida Purchase Treaty1. US got Florida2. US gave up claims to Texas3. Spanish gave up claims to Oregon

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819): the state of Maryland attempted to tax the BUS; the Marshall Court decided that the bank was constitutional and upheld loose constructionism with federal superiority

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Cohens v. Virginia (1821): the Cohens family was running an illegal lottery that Virginia outlawed; the Cohens appealed to the US Supreme Court and Marshall declared that the SC had jurisdiction over state appeals

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824): the state of NY attempted to give a monopoly for steamboat traffic for the Hudson River (Hudson is the border between NY and NJ); Supreme Court ruled that the control of interstate commerce is constitutionally given to Congress and states cannot regulate that role; asserted federal power and this was a blow to states’ rights

Dartmouth v. Woodward (1819): Dartmouth was given a charter by King George III and NH attempted to revoke the charter; the Marshall court sided with Dartmouth stating that the charter was a contract and contracts were protected by the Constitution; another blow to states’ rights and an assertion of federal power

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The Election of 1824: -Crawford: GA; extremely states’ rights-Clay: KY; pro-federal power and pro-American System-Jackson: TN; states’ rights + pro-federal power-John Quincy Adams: MA; pro-federal power and pro-American System

Jackson won the popular vote but failed to get an electoral majority; election gets thrown into the US House of Reps; Top 3 candidates were eligible but became a 2 candidate race-Henry Clay (Speaker of the House) throws his support to John Quincy Adams; Clay becomes Secretary of State because the Sec of State position appeared to be the gateway to the White House; Jackson accused Clay and Adams of a “Corrupt Bargain”; Jackson’s supporters campaign for Jackson during Adams’ entire presidency; demonstrated that the Era of Good Feelings was over!

Spoils System: “to the victors go the spoils!”; the president and his party choose the officials within the

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Executive branch of government rewarding supporters; these would be appointed positions within the “bureaucracy” of the government -Social Security officials-FBI-postal workers-trade representatives

Jackson cleans house of the former officials in the government and appoints supporters to fill the openings+assure efficiency from top to bottom+ensure party loyalty-turnover of the federal government-inexperienced officials-corruption-lack of qualifications for a job

-Tariff: tax on imports1. revenue

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2. “protective”: encourage American manufacturing

Why did the South hate tariffs?1. Lack of manufacturing in the South2. New England prospered and the South was forced

into competition with commodities3. Cost of goods: they could have purchased cheaper

goods elsewhere but were forced into paying more locally

Hand saw-British=$5-American=$7=British + Tariff=$8Nullification Crisis: Jackson supporters in Congress proposed a MASSIVE increase in the tariff to give Adams a political black eye; If Adams supported the tariff then the South would be ticked; if Adams vetoed the tariff the North would be ticked; Jacksonians never thought that the tariff would be passed through Congress---it passed both Houses and Adams signed it into law---Jackson inherited the Tariff of Abominations

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South Carolina Exposition: statement authored by VP John C. Calhoun secretly and proposed that a state could nullify the tariff if they thought it was unconstitutional; Congress passed “Force Bill” (“Bloody Bill”); Henry Clay proposed a compromise tariff that averted a showdown

Indian Removal Act: act passed by Congress supported by Jackson to remove Indian tribes east of the Mississippi and relocate them to land west of the Mississippi; Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, & Florida “5 Civilized Tribes”: Cherokees, Chocktaws, Chippewas, Creeks, and the SeminolesWorcester v. Georgia: missionaries assisting the Cherokee tribe took the state of Georgia to court because Georgia had attempted to evict the Cherokees from their land; the Marshall court stated that the Cherokees were a “sovereign nation” and that Georgia had no right to take over Cherokee lands; Jackson famously remarked: “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!” and therefore, supported Georgia in its efforts to oust the Cherokees

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=”Trail of Tears”: the Cherokees were escorted by the US Army out of their tribal lands and across the Mississippi

The BUS: re-chartered in 1816 for 20 years; Henry Clay and Daniel Webster pushed for early re-charter in 1832 to make it an election issue against Jackson1. Veto=lose support of the Eastern wealthy dudes2. Sign=lose support of his Western base

=vetoed it because the BUS was too powerful, unconstitutional, was harmful to the poor and the workers, didn’t like the credit of paper currency, and it favored the rich=withdrew government funds from the BUS=instructed the Sec of Treasury to deposit the federal $ in “pet banks” (state/private banks run by Jacksonians)=Panic of 1837=anger wealthy investors (Nicholas Biddle)

Whig Party: political party (take their name from the British whigs who were against monarchy) that was anti-Jackson because they saw him as dictatorial (King Andrew I)

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-pro-American System (internal improvements, BUS, tariffs)-merchants-evangelical Protestants-Nullies (anti-tariff folks from South Carolina)-***haters of Jackson-Henry Clay, Lincoln, John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster-Anti-Masons=elected a president in 1840-lack of unity-what happens when Jackson is gone?-New Englanders in with South Carolina?-slavery=Whigs will form the Republicans

Whigs vs. Democrats=SECOND party system

Distribution Act: the US government at the end of Jackson’s 2nd term was completely out of debt and had a massive budget surplus1. *Western land sales were booming and putting lots

of cash in the treasury2. The tariff was paying off as well with lots of extra


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=Congress “distributed” the surplus to the states=the states mainly used the money for internal improvements which was acceptable to Jackson because they were not federally sponsored

Specie Circular: in response to wild “speculation” on western lands, Jackson issued the Specie Circular; people were buying low with the goal of selling high; however, the speculators were taking loans from “wildcat banks” with worthless paper money not backed by “specie” (gold or silver); Jackson saw the wild irresponsible purchasing and demanded that land sales be paid for with specie or paper backed by specie; it worked in that land sales slowed; however, due to lack of specie, the land boom ended with thousands of bankruptcies and foreclosures=Panic of 1837

Transportation Changes: PRE-CIVIL WAR there are numerous changes to transportation that continue to link the United States together and allowed the US economy to BOOM!-Railroads: railroads expanded during this time period due to the use of steam power; the North got lots

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more and connected cities together; specifically with port cities; REGIONAL RAILROADS (connect Chicago with New York); expensive, unsafe (explosions and bad brakes), tracks were not the same size-Canals: built to connect bodies of water together---Great Lakes to the Hudson River for use by boats to transport goods from west to eastern markets; most famous of canals was the Erie Canal (“Clinton’s Big Ditch”)-Roads: clear pathways that allowed smaller commerce to take place from state to state; “turnpike”: toll road; “Cumberland Road” -Steamboats: a large increase in the use of boats powered by steam; Mississippi River and the Atlantic Ocean=cuts down time in a big way; “Fulton’s Folly”: the first steamboat created by Robert Fulton (Clermont)

Market Revolution: 1800-1850; move from small agricultural production (subsistence) to mass production; move from home produced goods to mass produced goods at a factory -Lowell System: textile manufacturers in Lowell, Mass who created a “village” around the factory; employed

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young women (16-25) to work in the textile factory and live in the dormitories that were provided; farm girls; this led to a level of economic independence for the Lowell Girls-Interchangeable Parts/Cotton Gin=Eli Whitney=mass produced replacement parts=separated cotton from the seeds=filter system=increased need for slave labor

-Factory System: Samuel Slater; rather than products being produced in homes, steampower allowed workers to move to the factory

Irish and German Immigrants: 1840s-1850s immigration; the Irish are the larger group-Irish: Irish potato famine greatly affects the poorer class of Irish farmers who relied on potatoes as a “staple” food in their diet; the Irish were not received well in the United States; poor, Catholic, rowdy (drinking alcohol), unskilled and uneducated; “NINA”: No Irish Need Apply-Germans: crop failures, autocratic rulers, & “mandatory conscription”; the Germans were received

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somewhat well; skilled labor, Protestant, level of education, “middle-class” status, translate into ownership=”nativist movement”=people against immigration-“Know-Nothings”: secret organization that pushed for limited immigration and stricter laws allowing deportation; “American Party”; “WASPs” (White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant), landowners, unions/labor=Chinese Exclusion Act; Quota Act; KKK

2nd Great Awakening: religious movement where enthusiasm for church is regained; church membership increased; push for reforms in society; new denominations that will spring up; increased role for women; America regains Christian stature; nationwide movement (N-S-E-W)-Millerites/Adventists: Jesus was returning on October 22nd, 1844; he didn’t make it; the movement slowed but was not completely broken up-“Burned-Over District”: region in western NY where descendants of New England Puritans had moved in the late 1700s; “Hellfire & Brimstone” was preached in these churches and motivated several people to begin their own churches

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-Latter-Day Saints (Mormons): Joseph Smith founded the LDS based off of tablets that he found; migrated to Midwest where they were persecuted; Brigham Young then led the followers to Utah where they found a “colony” for Mormons; the territory of Utah was not organized by the US until after 1850; Utah applied for statehood but was denied until polygamy was restricted

“Cult of Domesticity”: women were seen as the center of the household and the virtuous caretakers of the children and the home; men were viewed as brutish breadwinners that weren’t capable of raising children

“Republican motherhood”: important role of women as mothers to raise responsible citizens-manners-responsible-hard-working (“Puritan ethic”)-patriotic-obedience-education

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Seneca Falls Convention (1848): gathering of women’s rights advocates (Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Lucretia Mott); author “Declaration of Rights & Sentiments” which mirrored the Declaration of Independence; demanded voting rights for women-Susan B. Anthony: leader of the movement; women who push for expanded rights become known as “Susie B’s”-Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell: first woman to receive an MD-expansion of women’s education with colleges created

Push for REFORM: -Abolitionist: no more slavery-Temperance: no more alcohol-Asylum/Prison: Dorothea Dix-leader of this movement who pushed for changes to state laws

Transcendentalists: stressed individualism, non-conformism, and self-reliance; thought that knowledge transcends the senses; closely related to the British Romantics (Shelleys, Keats, etc)-Ralph Waldo Emerson: poster child for this era; famous for his speeches on the “Lyceum Circuit”;

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wrote several works stressing the importance of non-conformity and individualism-Henry David Thoreau: author and thinker who wrote 2 famous works: “Walden” & “On Civil Disobedience” (motivated Gandhi & MLK); individualism and self-reliance-Walt Whitman: poet whose famous work was “Leaves of Grass”; controversial in his day because of his candid discussion of sex in his poems; most famous poem “Oh Captain, My Captain!”

Changes in Art, Architecture, and Literature: “American” identity that begins during this time period-Thomas Jefferson: designed the University of Virginia and his mansion “Monticello”-Louisa May Alcott: author who wrote “Little Women”-Nathaniel Hawthorne: first American authors to be recognized internationally; “The Scarlet Letter”-Painters: *Gilbert Stuart-portrait; *John Trumbull-patriotic scenes; *Charles Willson Peale-portrait painter primarily of GW-Edgar Allen Poe: short story/poet; “The Raven”, “The Tell-Tale Heart”, “The Cask of Amontillado”-Herman Melville: author who wrote “Moby Dick”

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-Washington Irving: short story author who received acclaim for his stories; “Rip Van Winkle” & “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”; was a part of a literary group called the “Knickerbockers”-Bronte Sisters: writers “Jane Eyre”

Utopias: in the spirit of Transcendentalism, people moved to live in commune villages; individualism and non-conformity-Oneida Community: they believed in birth control, “free love”, and they experimented in “eugenics” (selective mating); the commune didn’t make it but the Oneida village prospered due to their production of high quality silverware-The Shakers: believed in non-marriage but eventually didn’t have enough offspring for the following to continue-New Harmony: group began by Robert Owen for the goal of “universal welfare” (communism); prospered for a short time because of the work of true believers; however, a hierarchy developed that stunted the growth of the movement-Brook Farm: experimental communist utopia that used Transcendentalist ideals as the backbone of the

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community; soon, the group was spoiled with rowdy non-believers; the group didn’t pay its bills

Education changes: with the expansion of democracy, the educated folks and non-educated began pushing for expansion of education-Horace Mann: reformer who wanted better schools, longer terms, better paid teachers, and better curriculum; also pushed legislatures in the Northeast to reform schools-McGuffey Reader: as part of the curricular changes of stressing the “3-Rs” (readin’, ‘ritin, & ‘rithmetic), children begin reading the McGuffey Reader---document that used patriotic, character-building, and Biblical stories to educate children

“King Cotton”: the South produced millions of bales per year; the North needed southern cotton to produce textiles; the cloth was then traded with Great Britain=not only was the South reliant on slave labor, but the North, and the world were reliant on the American slave system

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=South was resentful of the North because of the dependence issue=the South was reliant on cotton prices=the North was wealthy because of southern cotton=allowed the South a justification of slavery and their treatment of slaves=need of more land=push for western lands=the South felt economically “insulated” from the pitfalls of the economy=Southern arrogance

Abolitionists (Regular, Radical, and Militant flavors!): outpouring from the 2nd Great Awakening that pushes for an end to slavery-Harriet Tubman: leader of the Underground Railroad-William Lloyd Garrison: editor and publisher of “The Liberator” (1831); magazine that called for the “immediate and uncompensated” end to slavery-Frederick Douglass: former slave who wrote “The Narrative of the Life of FD” (autobiography) that motivated other abolitionists-John Brown: militant abolitionist who went to Kansas and later Virginia to incite slave revolts and kill pro-slavery people

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“Tyler too!”: William Henry Harrison was elected president in 1840; he was a Whig---war hero (“Tippecanoe and Tyler too!”); Harrison was inaugurated March 1841---he gave the longggggggggest inauguration speech in history! He then caught pneumonia and died 4 weeks later; VP John Tyler became president; “Tyler was a Democrat in Whigs’ clothing!”; Henry Clay pushed a massive Whig agenda through Congress; Tyler was a “Whig” because he opposed Andrew Jackson-Clay proposed a new BUS; Tyler vetoed it-Clay proposed a new tariff; Tyler vetoed it=House of Reps considered impeachment articles=his entire cabinet (except Sec of State Daniel Webster) resigned=Tyler was thrown out of the Whig Party

Texas: the Mexican government invited a group of Americans to live in Texas which was owned by Mexico (1830s) BUT the Americans had to become Mexicans, appreciate the Catholic faith, and they had to renounce the use of slavery; the Texicans appeal to the Jackson administration to annex Texas---Jackson

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refused because of slavery and the balance of slave-free states; the Texans declared independence from Mexico and created the “Lone Star Republic”; Mexico sends troops in to restore order and bring Texas back to Mexico-Alamo, San Jacinto, Goliad; Sam Houston, Stephen F. Austin, Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie=Americans flood into Texas to help!=the Texans captured Santa Anna and forced him to surrender; Santa Anna signed a surrender “under duress”=the Texans and the Mexicans continue this “war” for several years=James K. Polk was elected president and he wanted Texas; before Polk’s inauguration, John Tyler and Congress “annexed” Texas in 1845=the US received a formal claim to Texas at the end of the Mexican War

Oregon: the British and the US had agreed in 1816 to jointly occupy Oregon; Americans flocked to Oregon for cheap land and outpopulate the British; One of Polk’s goals was the settle the Oregon issue and Democrats adopted the slogan “54-40 or FIGHT!”; the

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US compromised with Britain and agreed to extend the border from Minnesota to the Pacific at 49 degrees north

South’s Defense of Slavery:1. Treated the slaves well2. The North had “wage slaves”3. The cotton economy was reliant on slavery (North

& South)4. Considered an “investment”---the South protected

that investment5. Some slaves had chance for freedom6. “family” and that slave owners protected these

people (“paternal”)7. Uneducated and unskilled but they were taken care

of (“social security”)8. Better off in the US than in Africa9. The Bible said it was ok

Jimmy K. Polk=”Manifest Destiny”: the US should expand from coast to coast1. Lowered tariff: successful2. Restore the independent treasury: Martin Van

Buren’s idea to take federal funds, regulated by the

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government, and disperse them in to smaller banks; VERY SIMILAR to our current system under the federal reserve; YES!

3. California: wanted to add California; we don’t add it as a state until after Polk, we are able to claim it for the US and territorialize it

4. Resolve Texas and Oregon: YES!

Wilmot Proviso: Rep David Wilmot (Free-Soiler) added an amendment to a bill (proposed law) that prohibited slavery in all territories gained from Mexico; Proviso passed the House of Reps TWICE but failed in the Senate both times (North held a majority in the House of Reps and the # of slave to free Senators was balanced)=slavery is baccckkkkkk!

1787: Constitutional Convention-3/5th Compromise-ended the importation of slaves in 18081803: Louisiana Purchase1820: Missouri Compromise-no slavery above 36-30 (southern border of Missouri)-added Maine as a free state

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-added Missouri as a slave state1830s: Texas1836: Congressional “Gag” Rule---forbade discussions of slavery in the House of Reps1844: “annex” Texas1846-1848: Mexican War1849: Wilmot Proviso1861: Civil War begins Treaty of Guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadalupe Hidalgo (1848): ended the Mexican War1. US got Texas “officially”2. US paid $15 million for land3. US got California and the New Mexico Territory

(New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and part of Colorado)

4. US assumed Mexican debts to US creditors ($3.5 million)

-Polk sent Nicholas Trist to negotiate the end of the war; Trist takes FOREVER to negotiate it; Polk got mad!; Polk recalled Trist and sent a new dude to negotiate; Trist wrote a 65 page letter to Polk stating why he should be able to continue; while in transit, Trist gets the treaty signed

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Outcomes of the Mexican War:=Mexican Cession=slavery problems=California gold=war heroes=Mexican hard feelings=trained our men for another war=international respect

Popular Sovereignty: the idea that people of a state can choose whether a state is free or slave; voting on the issue; Why? Politicians loved pop sov because it took the issue out of Congress and it let them as politicians not make a choice; Citizens liked it because it aligned with our democratic traditions and they got the choice rather than an elected official-Initiative: laws that are initiated by voters and then voted on in a statewide or local election-Referendum: issues put on the ballot by the legislature for voters to decideProblems: balance in the Senate could go bye-bye; angst amongst voters regarding the issue; slavery could spread and would be here to stay; further division of

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north and south; voter fraud: people travel to popular sovereignty locations to vote for/against slavery

Compromise of 1850: the US got a ton of land because of our victory over Mexico: “Mexican Cession”1. California admitted as a free state2. New Mexico and Utah territories would decide

slavery with popular sov3. Abolished slave trade but not slavery in

Washington, DC4. ***Stricter Fugitive Slave Law (“Bloodhound Bill”):

provided federal assistance for the return of fugitive slaves and provided a penalty to people who assisted runaways

5. Compensated Texas $10 million for land given to New Mexico

=North and South will be fractured until after the Civil War=Henry Clay’s days are numbered---“The Great Compromiser”=states’ rights folks are elated=Whigs are done for!=Democrats will begin to struggle

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=the formation of the GOP=invigorated the Abolitionist movement and the Underground Railroad

Kansas-Nebraska: Sen. Stephen A. Douglas (Illinois-Democrat) proposed the K-N Act to incorporate the Nebraska Territory into two new states (Kansas and Nebraska) so that the proposed transcontinental railroad could be constructed from Chicago to California; slavery would be determined by popular sovereignty (voters would vote) and it was anticipated that Kansas would be slave because it was neighbors with Missouri and Nebraska would be free because of its northern longitude; void the Missouri Compromise line of 36-30 which prohibited slavery north of that line=”Bleeding Kansas”=abolitionists freak out!=the Republican Party will form=Whigs go bye-bye=Democrats will blow up=Lincoln will emerge politically

Ostend Manifesto: the US ALWAYS wanted Cuba; specifically, for its sugar and the slave population;

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Pres. Franklin Pierce sent the US ambassadors from Spain, Great Britain, and France to Ostend, Belgium to figure out what to do with Cuba1. The US should offer $120 million to Spain for the

right to annex Cuba2. IF SPAIN said no, the US should seize Cuba=the plan got leaked to the media and Northerners FREAKED OUT! The US scuttled the idea and Cuba remained part of Spain

Gadsden Purchase: the US negotiated a purchase of the southern portions of New Mexico and Arizona so that a transcontinental railroad could be constructed; James Gadsden (South Carolina & was a regional railroad guy) negotiated the treaty on behalf of the US; $10 million to buy it

GOP (Republican Party):-former Whigs-Lincoln-Know-Nothings-Free-Soilers-northern Democrats-abolitionists-pro-American System

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=anti-KN Act

Bleeding Kansas: the problems associated with the war in Kansas was caused by the Kansas-Nebraska Act; popular sovereignty was used to determine the status of slavery; pro-slavery folks from Missouri move into Kansas to vote for slavery (“border ruffians”); anti-slavery folks were sent into Kansas by the New England Emigrant Aid Company to vote slavery down; incredible amounts of violence between the 2 groups-John Brown: militant abolitionist who led a group of dudes into Kansas and hacked a bunch of pro-slavery folks to death with swords at Pottawatomie Creek; Brown will come back and attempt to lead a slave insurrection at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia which was unsuccessful as he was captured by Col. Robert E. Lee and then he was hanged leading to him being viewed by abolitionists as a “martyr”

Lecompton Constitution: pro-slave folks author a Constitution (because Kansas’s fraudulent vote chose slavery) that has 2 options: -pro-slavery-folks who owned slaves got to keep them

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=Kansas voted again which allowed the folks to keep their slaves=the constitution was sent to DC where Buchanan approved it but Congress did not; Kansas did not become a state until after the start of the Civil War (1861)

Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858): series of 7 debates between Abraham Lincoln (Republican) and Sen. Stephen A. Douglas (Democrat) for the Illinois Senate seat held by Douglas; the state legislature elected Senators from the states so Lincoln and Douglas were attempting to get support from those legislators

Freeport Doctrine: Is it up to the people or the federal government to decide the fate of slavery in the states/territories?-Douglas: pro-KN Act-Lincoln: anti-KN Act

The people: Illinois was pro-popular sovereignty and would have been happy if Douglas says “the people”; the South would not be happy

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The federal government: Illinois and the abolitionists will be angry because slavery will be protected; the South would be elated and like Douglas

=Douglas responded “the people” and wins the Senate seat in 1858=Douglas alienated southern Democrats who he needed for the 1860 presidential election

Northern ++larger population (22 million in North to 9 million in the South)+higher enlistment rates+industrial economy (manufacturing was already in place)+navigable harbors and rivers+later=better trained group+naval blockade (North had a viable Navy)+technological advantages (weapons)+later=cause+government in place+railroads+telegraphs lines

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+South was overconfident+Grant+Lincoln+European non-intervention favored the North

Southern ++better military leadership (Lee, Jackson)+”rebel cause”+majority of the best military folks were southerners (most military colleges are in the South=VMI, the Citadel, etc)+southern ideology that was common+King cotton (surplus of cotton internationally)+soldiers were also hunters+European support for a while+knew the land+the army didn’t have to conquer the North

Crittenden Compromise: proposal that would have brought back the 36-30 line and would have protected slavery “federally” below the line all the way to the west coast; Lincoln was opposed for two reasons: 1. he argued that this would lead to perpetual war to “Tierra

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del fuego” (southern tip of South America), 2.GOP platform prohibited slavery in the western territories

Not so Honest Abe:1. blockaded the South without congressional approval2. take property without just compensation3. 13th amendment passed before South came back4. suspended “habeas corpus” (allowed Lincoln to hold southern sympathizers in jail without charge)5. increased the size of the army without congressional approval6. declared martial law in Maryland7. sent in federal troops to monitor voting in the Border States8. suspended publishing rights of anti-war newspapers9. gave war contracts to businesses without congressional appropriation

Economics of the War:-North: government issued war bonds to raise money for the war (bond=loan) $2 billion+; issued currency (“Greenbacks”) that was not entirely backed with gold but backed by the economic success of the US; National Banking Act: established a national currency

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and allowed member banks to issue the currency with the provision that it was backed by the government (precursor to the Federal Reserve system---stabilized the banking industry for the first time since Jackson; created an income tax to raise revenue (low rates); increased tariff (Morrill Tariff=moderate tariff increased rates 5-10%)=revenue and this tied the GOP with Big Business from here on out; excise tax on alcohol and tobacco; Homestead Act of 1862: GOP pushed through this act to increase land ownership in the territories=economically it increased production of ag products and politically it increased the number of states that could continue tipping the balance towards the North for slavery purposes; due to increased industry for war goods, a new social class popped up= ”millionaires”

-South: MASSIVE INFLATION (9000%)!!! Issued paper currency; levied a 10% tax on farm products; due to overproduction, increased production in other parts of the world, and the Union naval blockade, cotton was no longer King

13: (1865) ended slavery

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14: (1868) gave citizenship to blacks; established “due process” and “equal protection of the laws”

15: (1870) gave black males the right to vote (***women suffragettes weren’t happy!)

Issues of Ending Slavery: -no jobs-discrimination-KKK-citizenship/voting rights of blacks will be continually challenged-labor questions in the South-uneducated-illiterate-because of citizenship/voting rights, the South will be changed-the North attempted to stick it to the South (Radical Republicans): anti-South legislation, made states quickly!, they created electoral and legislative advantages for the North/Republicans; attempt to keep southern manufacturing down-Johnson was a racist

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-what do you do with the Confederacy?-Lincoln was dead-“Black Codes”: state laws that were designed to keep a consistent black labor supply for plantation owners (no voting, no contracts, no land ownership, etc.) during Reconstruction (1865-1877)

Impeachment of Andy Johnson: Johnson hated the Radical Republicans and they hated him; Johnson vetoed a bunch of Reconstruction legislation---Congress overrode a lot them; Congress passed the “Tenure of Office Act”---required the approval of the Senate to remove high level officials from office; Johnson fired Edwin Stanton without approval and then is impeached-impeached: treason, “high crimes & misdemeanors”House of Reps: sole power of impeachment (bringing charges against an official)Senate: power to hold a trial to determine removal from office

Andrew Johnson: impeached but not removedBill Clinton: impeached but not removedRichard Nixon: resigned before he could be impeached

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Freedmen’s Bureau: former slaves=freedmen; federal government created this bureau to deal with the problems associated with ending slavery; former Union general Oliver Howard became the leader of the bureau1. provide education: 200,000 were taught to read2. provide healthcare3. food4. clothing5. shelterSuccessful? Corruption in the system; politics of Washington; funding; support in the South was badddd

Election of 1876:Rutherford B. Hayes (GOP): 165Samuel Tilden (Democrat): 184

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*20 disputed electoral votes (Oregon, S Carolina, Florida, Louisiana)-most states are “winner take all”=when a candidate wins 50.1% they get all of the electoral votes; few states that are proportional=15 member commission was appointed to figure out the results (8 GOP vs 7 Dems)=Compromise of 1877: Hayes won the White House and military Reconstruction ended in the South

Presidential vs. Congressional Reconstruction:

-Lincoln’s 10% Plan: a state could re-admitted if 10% of the voting population from 1860 took an oath of allegiance and accepted emancipation-Johnson accepted the 10% Plan and added: 1. Repudiate Confederate debts2. pardoned the leadership of the CSA3. disenfranchised southern military leaders4. accepted many states back into the Union under 10% before Congress could act

Congressional Reconstruction (“Radical Dude”): led by a group in Congress known as the Radical Republicans

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(Charles Sumner & Thaddeus Stevens), Congress attempts to harshly deal with the former Confederacy-Wade-Davis Bill (1864): an attempted law put into place by Congress; 50% to take the oath of allegiance, military governance of the South, disenfranchise the southern military leaders, called for Congress to have to approve the constitutions of the readmitted southern states (include the 13th Amendment)=Lincoln “pocket vetoes” the Wade-Davis Bill and the bill is not enacted; the Radical Republicans are ticked off-Civil Rights Act: established citizenship for former slaves---Johnson vetoed it---Congress overrode the veto-Reconstruction Act: established 50%, called for military governance of the South, called for the southern constitutions to include 14th Amendment and later the 15th Amendment=most of the southern states readmitted by 1868

Probs for Grant: SYNTHESIS=Harding-chooses his cronies to be his cabinet and upper-level advisors

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-Whiskey Ring: personal secretary stole millions from the government through fraudulent collection of the excise tax-Credit Mobilier: top executives of the Union Pacific created a construction company called Credit Mobilier; Union Pacific hired themselves to build railroad lines at incredibly inflated prices; executives then paid themselves exorbitant dividends of up to 348%; gave stock to members of Congress and paid a bribe to the VP of the US to keep quiet about the practices of the business-Sec. of War Belknap: pocketed bribes from suppliers to the Indian Reservations; Belknap resigned because of the scandal

Poor Garfield: Half-Breed Republican “Dark Horse” who was elected 1880; assassinated by a crazy office-seeker Charles Guiteau; VP Chester Arthur (Stalwart) becomes president and changes his tune regarding reform-Stalwarts: Republican faction that didn’t want reform and believed in the “spoils system”; led by Roscoe Conkling

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-Half-Breeds: Republican faction that wanted some civil service reform; led by James G. Blaine=Pendleton Civil Service Act1. prohibited assessments on job holders2. required candidates to pass a test3. attempted to create a professional civil service4. prohibited job holders from having to support candidatesChinese Exclusion Act: (1882) (Irish, nativists, labor unions) legislation passed by Congress that banned Chinese immigration into the US; altered in the 1940s during the administration of FDR=trend of legislation that attempted to limit immigration into the US (1900s, 1920s)

Jim Crow: state and local laws (south) that attempted to segregate and discriminate against blacks; attempt to get around the 13, 14, & 15 amendments1. literacy requirements to vote2. poll taxes (make people pay a tax to vote)3. separate facilities for blacks (bathrooms, drinking fountains, lunch counters, schools, etc.)4. “Grandfather clauses”: if grandpa didn’t vote, you can’t vote

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Plessy v. Ferguson: (1896) officially recognizes that separate facilities can be segregated as long as they are equal; established “separate but equal” doctrine in SC precedent=(1954) Brown v. Board of Education: overturned Plessy and integrated schools

Populists: angry farmers formed a political party “The People’s Party”1. graduated income tax: the more you make the more they take2. ***unlimited coinage of silver (silver standard):More silver which will inflate currency-Farmer Max: (2000) $10,000 debt=gold standard; $3000 for his crops-Farmer Max: (2016) $10,000 debt=silver; $5000 for his crops=able to pay debts easier3. term limit for president4. direct election of senators (push for democracy)5. federal ownership of railroads, telegraphs, and telephone6. shorter work day

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7. immigration restriction

New South: an attempt to transition from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy: textiles, coal, and steel (Birmingham, AL)-social, economic, and political connection to agriculture-northern cultural feelings made it difficult to accept the South-northern railroads used discriminatory pricing policies with southern manufactures (“Pittsburgh Pricing”); Andrew Carnegie negotiated with the railroads to make it difficult for southern steel producers to get their product to market-northern politicians made it difficult for southern manufacturers to compete because Congress was dominated by northern Republicans

Railroads: (1865-1900) the US pushed for the completion of the transcontinental railroads-land grants: gave the railroad companies federal lands so they could build and sell land to raise money for construction

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-subsidies: payments or loans (tax breaks) to support construction

Union-Central Pacific (1869): first transcontinental railroad; assisted by the federal government; completed with the “Golden Spike” at Promontory Point, UT (Stanford, Huntington, Vanderbilt)

Southern Pacific: assisted by the federal government

Northern Pacific: assisted by the federal government

Great Northern: privately financed; Minneapolis to Everett, WA (through Spokane); JP Morgan and James J. Hill built the GN; then they purchased the Northern Pacific and formed Northern Securities which was a holding company for the two transcontinentals

Knights of Labor American Federation of Labor (AF of L)

Skilled and unskilled labor Skilled labor ONLYSocial, political, and economic changes

Changes for labor

Allowed women and White males ONLY

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minoritiesProtests and strikes to get

their wayCollective bargaining and

strikes to get their way“8 hours for work, 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for what

we will!”

Working conditions, hours, wages, etc.

Didn’t last very long Still aroundAssociated with radical

groupsSamuel Gompers: leader

of the AF of L

Haymarket Square Riot: In Chicago, the Knights of Labor were holding a protest rally when anarchists joined in and threw a bomb into the crowd killing a police officer; the anarchists were put on trial and a few were executed

Homestead Strike: steelworkers at Carnegie Steel go on strike to protest for higher wages; Carnegie’s partner Henry Clay Frick locked the workers out; Frick sent in Pinkerton Detectives to secure the mill and the workers fight with the Pinkertons leaving some folks dead; the Penn National Guard moved in to restore order and the union was shut out of Carnegie Steel until the 1930s

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Pullman Strike: In response to the Panic of 1893 the Pullman Palace Car Co lowered hours in its plant; Pullman built a “company town” around the factory that offered housing, services, and a company store for his employees; the American Railway Union went on strike as a result---this was a nationwide strike of railroad workers; because of the prohibition of commerce and the US mail, the Attorney General sent in US troops to break the strike

Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890): Congress passed this law in an attempt to regulate “trusts” (massive combinations of competing companies organized under holding companies)=act attacked companies that were BIGGY-sized=broke up more unions than companies=it was a stepping stone to a better law (Clayton Anti-Trust Act which gave the Sherman act more regulatory teeth)=largely ineffective because businesses used loopholes to get around the law

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Wabash v. Illinois: SC decided that the state of Illinois could not regulate railroads because that was the job of Congress=Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act: established the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC); restricted “rebates”; established regulation over prices and unfair pricing=largely ineffective because of who was appointed to lead the ICC (former RR executives)

Wizard of Oz: parody for the struggle of the Populists and farmers

McKinley vs. Bryan: 1896 and 1900-William McKinley (GOP): supporter of the gold standard (“gold bugs”) who received support from the wealthy and from wage earners-William Jennings Bryan (Dem who leans Populist): supporter of the silver standard who received support from the farming communities

Greenback Labor Party: group that formed in the late 1800s promoting the printing of “Greenbacks” as

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currency in an effort to inflate (on the tradition of Abe and the Civil War); supporters of labor reforms

Farmer’s Frontier: farmers began focusing on the planting of a single cash crop (wheat, corn, barley, etc.); soil butchery due to overplanting, lack of crop rotation AND “dry farming practices” (at the mercy of Mother Nature---loss of soil & erosion=Dust Bowl in 1930s); price depression (prices went down because of overproduction due to technological advances); isolation; WATER; corporate farming (large companies purchasing massive tracts of land competing with small farmers); Homestead Act fraud

-Inventions: McCormack reaper; John Deere’s steel plow; fertilizers; pesticides

The Grange: (Patrons of Husbandry) farming organization that pushed for political, economic, and social reforms for farmers-form farming cooperatives (Co-Ops)-social support organization: created Grange halls as meeting places; host quilting bees, dances, barbeques, barn-raisings, etc.

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-pushed for changes to railroad regulations, and for support from state and federal governments

The Long Drive: the “Cowboys” herded cattle (Texas Longhorns) from southern locations (Texas) to railroad depots in the Midwest (Kansas City)---the cowboys got paid by the pound, so they would allow their herds to graze and fatten up; “stock watering”: the cowboys gave the cattle salt so they would drink lots of water before the weigh-in; =railroads were expanded and refrigeration cars were invented to ship cattle; massive land purchases and the land is fenced in with “barbed wire”; farming; WEATHER!

Coxey’s Army: Jacob Coxey (wealthy quarry owner) led a group of unemployed laborers to Washington DC1. massive public works programs2. $500 million in paper currency

Causes of Imperialism: (late 19th/early 20th centuries)1. “safety valve” the frontier is gone so we need new

places to put people

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2. Natural resources3. Agriculture4. Help other nations escape European domination5. Increase US territories/states6. Social Darwinism (“White Man’s Burden”)7. Alfred T. Mahan: “The Influence of Seapower on

History”=countries with strong navies are dominant (Britain, Spain, Ottomans, Romans, Greeks, Chinese)=coaling stations

8. competition with European nations9. Panic of 1893=overproduction

=overseas markets for our stuff10. Teddy Roosevelt

Blue Hawaiiiiiiiiiii: very strategically located and the US coveted Hawaii for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng time; sugar was a primary export of Hawaii and dominated by US sugar companies---Congress passed McKinley Tariff in 1890 which put a tax on imported sugar (Hawaii was not part of the US and therefore, Hawaiian sugar was taxed); the sugar plantation owners organized a revolt against Queen Liliuokalani and her government; the sugar owners won! The owners negotiated a treaty

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with the US to annex Hawaii; Pres. Benjamin Harrison submitted the treaty for consent of the US Senate (2/3rds approval); Cleveland and pulled the treaty from the Senate; Cleveland then sends a group to investigate the annexation=the native Hawaiians didn’t want to be a part of the US=Hawaii got annexed in 1898 under McKinley=this soap opera leads to the US debating Imperialism

Spanish-American War (1898):1. USS Maine blew up in Havana harbor; the US yellow press blamed the Spanish for the sinking2. “Cuba Libre”: a revolutionary movement in Cuba that the US supported because of our independence from Great Britain3. General “Butcher” Weyler (Spanish general) locked up a bunch of Cuba Libre folks in concentration camps4. Dupuy de Lome (Spanish foreign minister) wrote a letter to the Spanish government stating that McKinley was weak and not a good president; the yellow press published the letter=the US declared war on Spain

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Results of the “splendid little war” (John Hay):1. US got Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam2. the US was now an empire3. Cuba-Teller Amendment: the US would not annex Cuba-Platt Amendment: the US could intervene in Cuba anytime we wanted; the US got Guantanamo Bay as a naval base4. TR was a war hero! (Roughriders charged up San Juan Hill)5. the US gained respect for beating a pretty good Spanish army/navy6. the US became more united after the problems of the Civil War (North vs. South)7. very few Americans died because of combat8. the Anti-Imperialist League formed (Mark Twain)9. McKinley won a 2nd term

Gentlemen’s Agreement: San Francisco Public Schools began segregating Korean and Japanese students out of the white schools—Japan and Korea were NOT happy! TR negotiated with Japan:1. TR pressured SFPS to end the segregation2. Japan began limiting Japanese immigration to the US

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---California labor interests and lawmakers were unhappy with the number of Asians allowed to enter the US

+1. less immigrants which made schools/labor happier2. integration time period for the Asian immigrants3. end of segregation in SFPS 4. avoided a direct confrontation with Japan5. retained opportunity for white labor6. soften relations with a hostile power7. TR didn’t have to get approval from the Senate (2/3rds “advice and consent”)8. not a binding agreement like a treaty which would allow the US flexibility regarding Japanese relations

-1. level of angst on both sides2. informal agreement that isn’t official3. “compromise” sometimes isn’t amiable4. local control of a school district5. Japanese-Americans might be unhappy due to limited immigration

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6. Congress might be unhappy with it because they didn’t get a say (constitutionally they should have)7. the agreement only lasts as long as it is accepted by both sides

Russo-Japanese War: Russia and Japan engaged in a conflict in the early 1900s over land (Kurile Islands and Sakhalin Island) and access to resources; Japan had the upper hand; TR invited reps from both countries to make peace at “Portsmouth Conference”; the two sides agreed to end the war with TR as the referee=TR won the Nobel Peace Prize=Japan was not tickled with the outcome

Great White Fleet: TR was a BIIIIIIGGGGGG fan of the navy (Alfred T. Mahan’s “The Influence of Seapower on History”); asked for a congressional appropriation to build several new US battleships; the Great White Fleet was then sent on a “Goodwill Tour” around the world including Japan

Open Door Note: Chinese nationalists (“The Boxers”=martial artists) who openly attacked Christian missionaries and western business interests while

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revolting against the Chinese monarchy; the western nations helped the monarchy and sent in thousands of troops to restore peace; the Europeans stayed and established “spheres of influence” which caused the US to issue the Open Door; Sec of State John Hay (McKinley admin) stated that Chinese rights should be respected and free trade inside China should be established

Monroe Doctrine: (1823) authored by Sec of State John Quincy Adams in response to Russian activity in the Pacific NW1. The US pledged to stay out of European wars and alliances2. European colonization in the Western Hemisphere was over

Roosevelt Corollary: TR stated that the US would intervene in Latin America politically, economically, or militarily so Europe wouldn’t=US paid off debts of Latin America=Europe and Latin America were not muy feliz=this changed US foreign policy and our role in the world (“World’s policeman”)

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---1930s: Hoover and FDR implemented a change to the Corollary and western hemispheric “Big Stickism” with the “Good Neighbor Policy”

Panamaaaaaaaaaaaa Canal: the French failed in making a canal through the Isthmus of Panama because they thought they could dig it through like they had in the Suez; TR believed that a canal was necessary for the US navy; therefore, TR began negotiating with Colombia for rights to the canal zone---the Colombian Senate said “no”; TR sent some naval destroyers to the coast of Panama near where Colombia connects---Panama revolts---the Colombians can’t get to Panama to put down the revolt---the US recognizes Panama as a country---Panama gives the US the rights to the canal zone (TR negotiated with a French dude Bunua-Varilla---Bunua-Varilla didn’t really have diplomatic power) -Engineering and Construction WONDER!-eradicate the mosquitos with malaria and yellow fever

Laissez-Faire Capitalism: “let it alone” Gilded Age where we see a lack of:

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1. regulation: minimum wage, anti-trust, allowance of unions, child labor, workday, environmental restrictions, safety (OSHA)2. taxation: tariffs, corporate taxes, “B&O taxes”=Progressives will implement regulation and taxation to halt unfair practices by businesses

Roots of the Progressives: -Middle-Class-WASPs-blacks-*women-suffragettes-Republicans/Democrats-Populists-socialists-Social Gospelers (settlement houses, YMCA)

Local and State Outcomes: the Progressives will do national reform but, because it is a “grassroots” effort, local and state reforms occur as well; Robert LaFollette (“Fighting Bob”)---Wisconsin, Hiram Johnson---California

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-Recall: removal of government officials before the term is over; like impeachment but driven by voters-Initiative: law that is created by the voters; Walmart guys laws (I-403)-Referendum: law that is referred to the voters by a state legislature (R-55) Synth---popular sovereignty-Australian Ballot: secret ballot-Direct Primary: where voters select from a large group of candidates the candidates for the general election

Muckrakers: group of journalists who exposed social ills (“yellow journalism”); nickname was given by TR-Upton Sinclair: authored “The Jungle” in an effort to convince people to adopt socialism; however, his book motivated people to reform the meat-packing industry-Ida Tarbell: wrote a book called “The History of Standard Oil” which exposed the unfair business practices of John D. Rockefeller-Jacob Riis (rees): photographer who published pictures in a book called “How the Other Half Lives” which exposed the awful living conditions of immigrants

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-Lincoln Steffens: authored a series of essays called “Shame of the Cities” which exposed local government corruption

TR 3-C’s: “Square Deal”-Corporate Reform-Consumer Protection-Conservation of natural resources

Meat Inspection Act: meats that were being shipped over state lines were to be inspected by the federal government; established a rating system for meats; established protocols for safe-handling

Pure Food and Drug Act: called for appropriate labeling of foods and pharmaceuticals; established the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)

Anthracite Coal Strike (1902): coalminers go on strike for a 20% pay increase AND 9 hour workday; mine owner said NO! factories, schools, etc. begin shutting down; TR threatened to “nationalize” the coal mines (the military would become the miners) until the mine owners agreed to negotiate

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=miners got a 10% pay increase and a 9 hour day=TR used the power of the federal government like no president before regarding business=TR changed the way that government interacted with business and labor

16: income tax17: direct election of Senators18: prohibition of alcohol19: women’s right to vote (1920=last Progressive achievement)

Underwood Tariff: reduced import fees AND it put into effect a graduated income tax

Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914): assisted unions as legal entities; established a list of practices that were bad behaviors of trusts1. price discrimination2. prohibited interlocking directorates=Sherman said that trusts were bad; Clayton said what bad trusts did

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US v. Northern Securities: Northern Securities was a holding company for the stock of Northern Pacific and Great Northern railroads; TR saw NS as a monopoly and pressed his Attorney General to bring suit against NS; the SC declared that NS was a monopoly and ordered it to be broken up=led to a trend of “trust-busting” that continued with Taft when he brought suit against Standard Oil and many others=Taft brought suit against more trusts than Wilson or TR

Newlands Act (Reclamation Act): took revenue from land sales and used it to pay for irrigation projects throughout the West; established the Bureau of Reclamation

Ballinger-Pinchot Affair: Sec of Interior Richard Ballinger put up millions of acres of land (previously set aside by TR) for sale---Gifford Pinchot (head of the US Forest Service) protested and went public with the land sale; Taft fired Pinchot=led to a massive fracture in the GOP between progressives and the conservatives

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=led to TR running for president in 1912

Wilson’s New Freedom: Wilson’s domestic agenda; pledged to attack “The Triple Wall of Privilege”1. lower the tariff2. regulate banking3. regulate trusts

Federal Reserve Act: established a solid banking system that is still in existence today; created 12 independent districts that regulated banking in their districts; created the Federal Reserve Board appointed by the President; established a national paper currency; regulates the amount of currency in circulation and regulates interest rates; AKA “The FED”

Dollar Diplomacy: Taft’s plan to use the power of the US economy and specifically Wall St to influence policies in foreign countries (Latin America)-“Banana Republics”: the countries of Latin America that were heavily influenced by US corporations

Moral Diplomacy: Wilson’s foreign policy that attempted to use “progressive” methods to influence

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policies in foreign countries; the military would be used as a last resort

Big Stickism: TR’s foreign policy; the US should use its military might as needed to influence foreign countries

Women in the 1920s: 19th Amendment=women’s suffrage; gains women political power because the voting population now doubled (related to Jacksonian Era and 15th Amendment); during WWI, women began working more outside of the home (in factories)---the women then stay in the workplace and continue adding women to the workforce; gained confidence and began changing the image of women= “flappers” and “vamps”, women began drinking and smoking in public, attended parties and also went to party at “speakeasies” (illegal bar), cut their hair “bobbed hair”, began wearing shorter dresses, dancing in a more provocative way, became more promiscuous; independence; not ALL women---but big city ladies

African-Americans in the 1920s: due to the “Great Migration” during WWI, black culture and lifestyles begin to change; “Harlem Renaissance”: cultural and

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literary expansion of black lives; “jazz music”: came north during the migration and has its roots in traditional black music (from Caribbean and Africa); level of confidence that is created because of notable blacks in societyLouie Armstrong: trumpet player; “What a Wonderful World”Duke Ellington: “big band” leaderLangston Hughes: author “Theme for English B”Marcus Garvey: founder of the organization Universal Negro Improvement Association; his movement will lead to “Black Power” or the belief that blacks and whites shouldn’t necessarily be integrated and that blacks held power in their own neighborhoods and politically

“Lost Generation”: group of writers that were affected greatly by the horrific nature of WWI and their writing demonstrates their negative views on society-F. Scott Fitzgerald: “The Great Gatsby”; evaluating wealth and affluent society-Ernest Hemingway: “Farewell to Arms”, “The Sun Also Rises”, “Old Man and the Sea”; evaluates the human

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condition and how people respond to their environments

“Trickle Down” Economics: Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover (Republican domination for 72 years!) adopted the belief of “laissez faire” with lower taxation for the wealthy and business + deregulation on business (Meat Inspection Act, Insurance=Obamacare); proposed by Sec of Treasury Andrew Mellon

Proposed Results: the wealthy will then buy big stuff, invest in business, or start new businesses; therefore, wealth trickles down because the middle and poorer classes will have more jobs

-Fordney-McCumber Tariff: due to lost revenue from the cutting of income taxes, Mellon also proposed an increase in the tariff; increased the tax on imports to 38.5%!

=trade begins to slow down=this process of trickle down takes time=business boomed!=rich got richer

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=the middle class and poorer class lost purchasing power as prices rose and wages stagnated

Scandals for Harding: Harding was elected in 1920 and pledged to return the US to “normalcy”; however, he appointed a bunch of his buddies to key positions in the government who were not honest; this group of dishonest officials became known as the “Ohio Gang” (these were Harding’s drinking and gambling buddies)-Teapot Dome: Harding agreed to move control of the naval oil reserves from the Sec of the Navy to the Sec of the Interior; Sec of the Interior Albert B. Fall then negotiated leases with large oil companies and took a bribe to make it happen-Veteran’s Bureau: Leader (Charles Forbes) of the VB was bribed by a supplier to the VB; the VB purchased enough floor cleaner for 70 years!

Hoover’s Efforts:

Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930): Congress began debate over an increase in the tariff---what began as a relatively modest tariff increase was amended and changed to be a 60% tariff (tax on imports)!!!

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=foreign countries saw this as a declaration of economic war=TRADE virtually STOPS!=enhance the overproduction problems of the 1920s=substantially hurts the US economy more and led to more economic woes in EuropeHoover’s Efforts:-Rugged Individualism: people should pull themselves up by the bootstraps and the government should have a very limited role in civilian life=massive increase in public works projects ($450 million)---Hoover Dam, roads, libraries, bridges, etc.=Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC): government organization that gave loans to big business, insurance corporations, and banks to make them solvent; not as successful because the businesses don’t necessarily spend it how Hoover wanted---the RFC was limited in its success

Hoover’s Troubles: the American public completely turned on Hoover after he was elected by a large number-Bonus Army: a group of WWI veterans who were promised a bonus to their pensions in 1940 but

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demanded the payment earlier; Hoover said NO; a large group of them marched on Washington and encamped in the capitol city---the group was then dispersed by the US army; Hoover blockaded himself into the White House due to safety concerns-Hoovervilles: shanty towns of the unemployed-Hoover blankets: newspapers-Hoover flags: insides of empty pockets

Election of 1932: Hoover vs. FDR=FDR won in a massive LANDSLIDE!=clearer lines will be drawn between the GOP and the Democrats ---Democrats: loose construction and pro-federal power (*the southern Dems will struggle with this)---GOP: strict construction and states’ rights=African-Americans flocked to FDR

New Deal: Franklin Roosevelt’s plan to solve the problems of the Great Depression---“3 R’s”-Relief: help people now-Recovery: get the economy moving again-Reform: make the economy so this doesn’t happen again

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=”Alphabet Agencies”

1st Hundred Days: FDR will push through Congress 15 MAJOR pieces of legislation to get his agenda underway; other presidents since then are measured by their 1st 100 daysFireside Chats: 1st president to actively use media to speak directly to the American people; he used the radio to speak about the programs of the New Deal; regular thing

FDR & Banking: -Problem: lack of trust; banks were closing; credit was frozen+”Banking Holiday”: closed the banks for 4 days because he wanted to have government investigators evaluate the solvency of banks, wanted to rush currency to the banks to make sure they had enough, and analyze banking practices to make sure the bank was sound+Took us off the gold standard: allowed the government to inflate currency or expand the money supply

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+Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): insured deposits up to $5000 in banks (today it is now $250,000) so that people felt secure with putting money in banks+Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): organization that regulates the stock, bond, and commodities markets; insures fair trading practices and regulated companies that are on these markets (NY Stock Exchange & NASDAQ)

FDR & Agriculture:-Problem: WWI was over; overproduction of crops which led to low prices+Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA): gave low cost mortgages to farmers so they could pay off debts to banks; gave farmers subsidies to reduce production; paid farmers to destroy crops and kill livestock; paid farmers to produce different sorts of crops so as to protect the soil; SC eventually ruled parts of the AAA unconstitutional=FDR and Congress reworked the legislation and passed the 2nd AAA+Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and Grand Coulee Dam: federal government created dams on the Tennessee River and the Columbia River to provide

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power for the area, jobs for unemployed, AND irrigation to farmland

FDR & Labor:-Problem: 1933---25% of non-agricultural workers were unemployed+PWA (Public Works Administration): completed $4 billion worth of public works projects (roads, bridges, dams=Grand Coulee)+CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps): FDR’s favorite project; employed 2.5 million young men (16-25) to complete conservation works (cutting roads in national parks, building/maintaining campgrounds, cutting trails through the Grand Canyon, completed forestry conservation projects, etc.)+WPA (Works Progress Administration): massive public works program that put millions to work; replaced the NRA (National Recovery Administration) when the NRA was declared unconstitutional in the “Schechter” sick chicken case---the SC found that the executive had legislative powers over business and interstate commerce-“Writer’s Project” and “Artist’s Project”: paid folks to create public art, document happenings of the New

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Deal, and other artistic endeavors; Dorothea Lange: famous New Deal photographer who did “Migrant Mother” and “White Angel Breadline” photos-Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act): recognized labor unions and their right to collectively bargain; established the National Labor Relations Board to oversee negotiations between owners and workers in an effort to avoid strikes

=the US entered a period of isolation during the 1930s (WWI & Great Depression)=helped with unemployment BUT didn’t solve the problem=changed some US systems for the better (Social Security and FDIC)=”fair employment”: African-Americans did not feel the New Deal like whites did

Meanwhile, in Germany…-1933: Hitler became Chancellor of Germany (VP) because the National Socialist Worker’s Party (Nazis) gained a plurality of seats in the Reichstag

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-In prison, Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle) and outlined his plans for reconstructing Germany1. “Lebensraum” (living space): add land and colonies that were lost in the Treaty of Versailles to gain farmland and raw materials for industry2. “Germanization”: subtract groups of people who were not 100% German from the population because they were consuming materials (exile)3. Independent Economy: Hitler wanted to make the German economy self-sufficient agriculturally and industrially4. Rebuild the German military: remilitarize to pre-WWI levels with a large army, a strong navy, and a strong air force (Luftwaffe)

Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (1944): the demographic of the group returning was significant (18-25 year old males); there was a change in the economy during the war and the men might not have skills for the post-war years; massive numbers of returning soldiers; there was a REAL fear that the US might enter a 2nd Great Depression =GI Bill

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1. soldiers were given tuition for college education (vocational training to graduate degrees)2. soldiers received low cost loans to purchase houses, farms, and to finance small businesses3. soldiers received unemployment compensation until they found workEconomic BOOOOOMMMM: in late 1945 through mid-1946, the US experienced a recession because the servicemen came back to no jobs, the economy had stopped produced military stuff, and business had not transitioned to consumer goods---inflation was still high for consumer goods-servicemen were sitting on a huge pile of savings -Europe was not producing as competitors-“Baby Boomers”: massive demographic change from 1945-1960; the returning vets and their wives had lots of babies=baby economy (products, television, doctors)-cars-TVs-appliances-homes (“Levittown”: mass-produced housing in neighborhoods)-suburbs

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“Cold War”: undeclared conflict between the US and the USSR where the two sides never actually fight one another but support allies against the other power from 1945 through 1990 (arms race, space race, Korea, Vietnam, Cuban Missile Crisis, Afghanistan)=this war advanced the United States in a lot of ways (technological outcomes, economic advancement)=the Cold War dominated American life in many aspects for half a century (political, economic, military, technology, social, cultural, diplomatic)

-Yalta Conference (early 1945): a Big 3 (Churchill, Stalin, and FDR) meeting to discuss the end of WWII and the post-WWII world1. unconditional surrender for both Germany and Japan2. the Allies would divide Germany into 4 zones of occupation

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3. the Allies would divide Berlin into 4 zones of occupation4. Stalin would allow free elections in Eastern Europe

-Potsdam (July 1945): the new Big 3 (Stalin, Truman, and Clement Atlee) me to discuss Japan and the post-WWII world:1. unconditional surrender for Japan2. the US would use the atomic bombs against Japan3. the USSR would join against Japan in August 19454. Stalin declared that elections would not be completely free in Europe-8/6/1945 and 8/9/1945=atomic attacks

-Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech (1946): Truman invited Churchill to speak in Fulton, Missouri; Churchill warned of the creation of a Soviet-dominated “Iron Curtain” across Central Europe (from northern East Germany to southern Yugoslavia); this motivated the Americans to act because the British couldn’t

American Rearmament: the US began a process of building both conventional and atomic forces; tanks, bombs, ships, planes, and men

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-Berlin: In 1946, Stalin blockaded West Berlin from being accessed by land for the American, British, and French sectors; Truman responded with the Berlin Airlift where the Allies transported supplies through the air to Berlin

-Truman Doctrine: southern European countries were being threatened by communism, so Truman asked Congress for $400 million to support anti-communist forces in Greece and Turkey AND proclaimed that the US would support all countries threatened by communism

-Marshall Plan: Sec of State George Marshall proposed spending $13 billion to rebuild Europe---western Europe accepted the offer---the Soviet bloc countries declined1. covert rationale to keep western Europe non-communist2. economic benefits of a strong Europe3. the US was being nice4. if we didn’t help, Europe might decline in a hurry=the US and western Europe are BFFs

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=UN and NATO=increased competition with the Soviets=revitalized western economies (BMW, Mercedes, Bayer, etc.)

-National Security Act (1947): created the Dept of Defense with a new Secretary of Defense and combined all of the military branches under one cabinet position; created the US Air Force; created the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for international, covert operations; also established the National Security Council which is a group of top military, intelligence, and security officials who advise the president

-NSC-68: (National Security Council Memorandum #68) statement that called for increased spending on the US military and rearmament due to the Soviet Union=quadrupling of military spending=dominated the US budget for 50 years=created the “military-industrial complex”---the US economy becomes reliant on military spending

-Warsaw Pact vs. NATO: mutual defense alliances

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Warsaw Pact: Soviet bloc alliance (Poland, East Germany, USSR, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, etc.)NATO: the US and western Europe formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (US, Belgium, Netherlands, UK, France, West Germany, etc.)

Fighting Communism at Home: the Cold War was also fought at home (TV, movies, billboards, etc.); 2nd RED SCARE-HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee): Congress began investigating people who might be involved in submersive activities (communism); Richard Nixon became famous as a Congressman for thwarting communism and going after Alger Hiss-Hollywood Ten: actors and producers accused of being communists—they are “blacklisted” and not allowed to work in Hollywood again-the Rosenbergs: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg found guilty of espionage (selling atomic secrets to the USSR); executed by electric chair; demonstration of 2nd Red Scare hysteria-McCarthyism: Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) accused a bunch of high-ranking State department

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officials of being communists; gave a famous speech in Wheeling, WVa; accused top generals in the army of being communist---none of the accusations proved to be true and eventually McCarthy was “censured” by the Senate

Taft-Hartley Act: act of Congress that required union leaders to take non-communist oaths; outlawed “closed shops”---allowed “right to work” in states; GOP controlled Congress that passed the law---Truman vetoed it---Congress did a 2/3rds override; Truman in 1948 called the Congress “A Do-Nothing Congress”

Brown v. Board of Education (1954): the SC led by new CJ Earl Warren (loose constructionist) ruled that segregated schools were unconstitutional; overturned the “precedent” of “separate but equal” decided by Plessy v. Ferguson; “landmark decision”; NAACP attorney Thurgood Marshall led the arguments against separate but equal-Little Rock 9: 9 black students who wanted to attend Little Rock’s Central High School; Gov. Orville Faubus called up the Arkansas National Guard and blocked the students from attending; Pres. Eisenhower sent the US

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army to escort the students to school as needed for the entire school year!

SCLC: Southern Christian Leadership Conference---organization of black Christian ministers in the South: mobilize peaceful protests against civil rights violations; MLK was a primary member-Montgomery Bus Boycott: Rosa Parks (1955) protested bus segregation; SCLC (led by MLK) organized a boycott of Montgomery, AL city busses until the city desegregated bussing=MLK was now the leader of the Civil Rights movement

Greensboro Sit-in (1960): black college students used a “sit-in” to protest “whites only” service at a lunch counter which deterred others from eating there=motivated others to perform similar passive protests (“wade ins” and “read ins” among other protests like marches and boycotts)

SNCC (“snick”): Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee; black and white college students who began actively organizing civil rights protests throughout the country (“Freedom Rides”: groups of

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people sent on interstate busses to check desegregation; “Freedom Summer”: an attempt to increase numbers of black voters in the South)-“Black Power”: SNCC leader Stokely Carmichael who proposed that African-Americans used their collective economic and political power to push for desegregation in businesses and in law; movement towards a more radical Civil Rights movement

-“Black Panthers”: militant group founded in Oakland, CA by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton that promoted black security and patrolling of black neighborhoods for protection from white police and segregationists; recognized by black leather jackets, black berets, and Afros-Malcolm X: member of the Nation of Islam who promoted black militancy to accomplish Civil Rights; after completing the hajj, he became more moderate with his rhetoric and was assassinated by a member of the Nation of Islam

Korea: communist North Korea invaded South Korea and attempted to dominate the US ally; the UN approved US forces led by Douglas MacArthur who

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landed at Inchon and drove the North Koreans (Chinese) back to the North; ceasefire that agreed to the 38th parallel as the DMZ-“Containment”: American policy to keep communism from spreading outside its current borders; in 1949 China fell to communism led by Mao Zedong-Kennan (Mr. X): wrote an article that outlined the need for containment, specifically, halt communism where it was by assisting all nations threatened by expansive communism

Ike’s Domestic Policy: elected in 1952 as a Republican-Interstate Highway Act: largest public works project in US history; increased commerce (car, trucking, transportation) AND transportation of weapons/troops-Operation Wetback: deported over 1 million illegal Mexicans back to Mexico; the US had created the “bracero” program which had encouraged Mexican workers to help the US in WWII industries-TVA: Ike believed that the public would not support any reform of New Deal programs (Social Security); Ike proposed private competition for TVA dams---assisted a private company in building hydroelectric projects

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Ike’s Foreign Policy: Ike believed in “massive retaliation” because he thought the next war would be nuclear=larger nuclear force (bombs, ICBMs, heavy bombers)=SAC (Strategic Air Command): nuclear capable bombers=reduce conventional forces (troops, tanks, etc.)=reduced spending overall during the 1950s

-“the Domino Effect”: if one country fell to communism, others would soon fall; guided our foreign policy in Europe, Asia, and Middle East=Vietnam: supported South and France=Iran: CIA supported coup that installed Shah into power=Egypt: Nasser wanted to build a dam and looked for help from the US, UK, and USSR; “Eisenhower Doctrine”: we won’t help you if the Soviets help you!=Hungary: Hungarians attempted a revolt, the US didn’t help, and the USSR sent in troops to restore communist supremacy-“Brinksmanship”: policy pushed by Sec. of State John Foster Dulles that believed in pushing the USSR to the

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brink of nuclear war (“Arms Race”) because neither side could choose nuclear war

The 50s: cars---“car culture” (100% ownership, suburbs, Interstate highways, Holiday Inn, McDonald’s, increase in car selection); paranoia to communism (2nd Red Scare); beginning of Civil Rights; booming economy that was pushed by consumers; “vacation”; appliances; TV---“TV culture”; more folks attending college; baby boomers; huge increase in marriage that pushed women back to the kitchen---lower numbers in the workforce; liberation effort: Betty Friedan “The Feminine Mystique” and Playboy was founded; Rock n Roll (Elvis Presley); Hollywood; “The Beatniks” (Beats): social commentators (Jack Kerouac & Allan Ginsberg)---anti-consumerism and conformity

Election of 1960: Kennedy (Dem) defeated Richard Nixon (GOP); TV played a huge role in JFK winning---the first televised presidential debates=Nixon looked horrible and JFK looked coolSeveral examples of voter fraud; JFK won a narrow electoral victory

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=JFK was the youngest elected president; created the view of “Camelot” with attractive family and young children

Sputnik! (AHHHHH!): Soviet Union made and successfully launched a satellite into space=created “Space Race”=Americans were freaked because a successful space launch meant the ability to launch a ICBM=Congress created NASA=Congress passed the National Defense Education Act (funded STEM courses, funded the AP program)

JFK’s Foreign Policy: “flexible response”---JFK’s foreign policy team (Sec of Defense Robert McNamara, Sec of State Dean Rusk, and his AG RFK) proposed that not all conflicts required a nuclear response and that the US should use appropriate responses for the size/scope of the issue; JFK created the “Special Forces” (SEALs, Green Berets, Delta Force, etc.) as a group to assist with “brushfire wars”-Bay of Pigs: early 1961 the CIA assisted Cuban exiles with a plot to overthrow Castro; the US did not provide

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air support and the Castro forces defeated the exiles; this was a HUGE foreign policy black-eye for Kennedy-Cuban Missile Crisis (1962): USSR attempted to install nuclear missiles in Cuba; JFK decided to use “quarantine” of Cuba (naval blockade) to prohibit the missiles and material from being delivered; JFK used the Monroe Doctrine as justification for his actions; Khrushchev and Kennedy agree to end the confrontation:1. USSR removed the missiles from Cuba2. US promised not to invade Cuba3. US promised to remove missiles from Turkey & Italy=closest we ever came to blowing the USSR up=embargo with Cuba=JFK looks like a foreign policy stud=Khrushchev looked bad and had issues at home=JFK and NK agreed to install the “Hotline”

-Vietnam (Diem): the US and Diem were buddies for a while because he was pro-US and anti-communist (Ho Chi Minh); Diem was Christian and cracked down on Buddhism and the monks who practiced the religion; JFK assisted Diem in repelling the North and VietCong (communist guerillas of the South) until JFK and the

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CIA decided that Diem was no longer in a position to successfully deal with communism---we supported the coup that eventually assassinated him-Agent Orange-Napalm-Bombing (B-52 “carpet-bombing”)

Great Society: LBJ’s domestic policies aimed at the “war on poverty”-Medicare: healthcare for the elderly-Medicaid: healthcare for the poor-Welfare: money to the states to expand welfare coverage-Federal aid for Education-Head Start: reading assistance for poor kids-Federal assistance for college-Civil Rights Act of 1964: ended segregation in public places; assisted states with enforcement of integration of public schools-Voting Rights Act of 1965: ended literacy tests and other forms of voter denial-24th Amendment: ended poll taxes-Departments of Transportation and HUD (Housing and Urban Development)

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-helping the poor but not creating jobs-segregationist mindset -$$$$$$ -“welfare state”Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964): A US ship was attacked by North Vietnam in the Gulf of Tonkin; Congress gave the president the power to use all force necessary to contain the communists of North Vietnam=LBJ “escalated” American involvement in Vietnam=600,000 US troops on the ground in Vietnam=$$$$$$ =goals are very limited (“containment”)=economic drain on our economy (Great Society + Vietnam = out of control inflation)=US vs. the communists (lack of Allies)=the causes is not there=media influences people’s perception of the war=”credibility gap”: television shaped how people saw the war and people saw that LBJ was not being fully truthful-“Tet Offensive”: During the Vietnamese New Year (Tet), Ho Chi Minh (North Vietnamese communist leader) organized a synchronized attack on US

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bases/outposts by the NV Army and the VietCong (southern Vietnamese communist guerillas); The US military rebounded quickly and was victorious; however, it appeared on TV that the US was losing and that the communists wouldn’t stop=US support for the war goes wayyyyyyyyy down=LBJ chooses not to run for president in 1968

Counterculture (“Hippies”): “peace lovers”; drugs (marijuana, LSD); music (Beatles, Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, CCR, the Doors, etc.); anti-conformity (“The Beats”); long hair; bell bottoms; “communes”; Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)=college students who begin massive protest efforts against Vietnam

Election of 1968:-GOP: Richard Nixon -Dem: Hubert H. Humphrey-American Independent Party: George Wallace (southern segregationists who were Democrats)-Dem: Robert F. Kennedy (assassinated)=the Democrats blow themselves up over Civil Rights and Vietnam

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=Nixon won a small electoral victory

Nixon Doctrine: After Vietnam is over, the US will support non-communist efforts economically and politically, but not necessarily militarilyVietnamization: the US will hand over primary military responsibility to South Vietnam=the US will slowly withdraw ground forces from the war=Nixon ordered several bombing efforts in Vietnam=Nixon ordered the invasion/bombing of Cambodia; extremely controversial and unpopular (Kent State massacre)

Nixon’s Foreign Policy: Sec of State Henry Kissinger and Nixon used “détente” (relaxation of tensions with USSR and China)-“ping pong diplomacy”: the US sent our ping pong team to China to take on their team-Nixon recognized China and “normalized” relations-Nixon visited China (Mao)-Nixon visited Moscow (Brezhnev)=SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty

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Nixon’s Domestic Agenda: -OPEC declared an oil embargo =Nixon instituted price controls=attempted to replace the Warren Court with a more conservative (Berger Court)=”affirmative action”: attempting to get blacks and women hired in the workplace=Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” exposed the horrific issues with the environment=Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act=family assistance plan=expanded Medicare and Medicaid=expanded federal food stamps=created OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)=Philadelphia Plan: minority group protections

Watergate: a committee called “CREEP” (Committee to RE-Elect the President) authorized a group called the “Plumbers” to find out what the Democrats were going to use in the 1972 campaign against Nixon; 5 dudes broke into DNC HQ at the Watergate complex and got caught! The news media got wind of it and

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began to dig into who was responsible (Woodward and Bernstein) which led them to high-ranking Nixon administration officials; Congress began investigating and found Nixon responsible for the break-in=Congress had the votes to impeach and remove him=Nixon resigned; VP Gerald Ford became president=Ford pardoned Nixon=”Crisis in Confidence” (1960s & 1970s): Vietnam, Watergate, Cold War, economy sucked, OPEC oil embargo, JFK assassination, lack of faith in politicians (Nixon & LBJ)

Carter’s Foreign Policy: 1976 the US elected Gov. Jimmy Carter from Georgia (Christian conservative)-Camp David Accords: Carter negotiated a treaty between the leaders of Egypt (Anwar Sadat) and Israel (Menachem Begin) that stated the two countries would not use violence to solve their issues; in the late 1940s, the UN had created Israel out of Palestine; immediately after Israel is recognized, Arab nations continue to attack the new country (Yom Kippur War, 6 Days War); Israel won all of the wars=Carter was an international success and won the Nobel Peace Prize

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=Egypt and Israel have not fought a war since then-Iran: US-backed regime of the Shah was overthrown by the scariest looking dude in history Ayatollah Khomeini; Iran stopped trading oil with the US; Iranians took several US diplomats as hostages and held them 444 days; Carter looked incredibly weak=there was a botched attempt at recovering the hostages=Iran released the hostages when Reagan was inaugurated as an insult to Carter-Carter negotiated SALT II with the USSR---the Soviets invaded Afghanistan; Carter pulled the SALT II treaty from the Senate and the US boycotted the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympics in protest

Reagan’s Domestic Agenda:-“Reaganomics” (Voodoo Economics):-“Conservatism”:

The 80s:

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