training in industry

Post on 26-Jan-2015






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Objectives of the Session

Basic psychological principles and facts concerning learning

Development of a training programme


Bloom’s Cognitive Domain of LearningKnowledge | The ability to remember and recall in the same way it was taught. Comprehension | Development of understanding to put in own words, explain/clarify meaning, and infer unknown information from known. Application | Ability to use learned information in new and concrete ways.

Analysis | Able to break down things into smaller parts.

Synthesis | The ability to put parts together in a new way or to form a new pattern.

Evaluation | The ability to judge how well something went or met a goal.

Krathwohl’s Affective Domain of Learning

Receiving | Paying attention to someone or something

Responding | Taking action, giving feedback, obtaining satisfaction

Valuing | Acceptance, appreciation, preference, commitment to something because of its perceived worth or value

Organization | Adding new values or beliefs, starting to organize life around those values

Characterization | Integration of values into daily lifestyle or philosophy. Start to live it naturally. Becomes part of your life.

Cognitive and Affective









Reflective Observation


Concrete Experience


Active Experimentatio



Abstract Conceptualizati



Processing Continuum

how we do things




how we

think abou

t thing


Kolb’s Learning Styles

1. ___discrinimating ___tentative ___involved ___practical

2. ___receptive ___relevant ___analytical ___impartial

3. ___feeling ___watching ___thinking ___doing

4. ___ accepting ___risk-taker ___evaluative ___aware

5. ___intuitive ___productive ___logical ___questioning

6. ___abstract ___observing ___concrete ___active

7. ___present-oriented ___reflecting

___future-oriented ___pragmatic

8. ___experience ___observation ___conceptualization


9. ___intense ___reserved ___rational ___responsible

Rank order each set of four words assigning a 4 to the word which best characterizes your learning style a 3 to the word which next

best characterizes your learning style, a 2 to the next most characteristic word, and a 1 to the word which is least characteristic

of you as a learner.

2 3 4 5 7 8 1 3 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 8 9 1 3 6 7 8 9CE= RO= AC= AE=

High CE

A high score on CONCRETE EXPERIENCE represents a receptive, experience based approach to learning that relies heavily on feeling-based judgement.

High CE individuals tend to be empathetic and “people oriented”. They general find theoretical approaches to be unhelpful and prefer to treat each situation as a unique case.

They learn best from specific examples in which they can become involved. Individuals who emphasise CONCRETE Experience tend to be oriented more towards peers and less towards authority in their approach to learning, and benefit most from feedback and discussion with fellow CE learners.

High AC

A high score on ABSTRACT CONCEPTUALISATION indicates an analytical, conceptual approach to learning that relies heavily on logical thinking and rational evaluation.

High AC individuals tend to be oriented more towards things and symbols and less towards other people.

They learn best in authority-directed, impersonal learning situations that emphasise theory and systematic analysis.

They are frustrated by and benefit little from unstructured “discovery” learning approaches like exercises and simulations.

High AE

A high score on ACTIVE EXPERIMENTATION indicates an active, “doing” orientation to learning that relies heavily on experimentation.

High AE individuals learn best when they can engage in such things as projects, homework, or small group discussions.

They dislike passive learning situations such as lectures. These individuals tend to be extroverts.

High RO

A high score on REFLECTIVE OBSERVATION indicates a tentative, impartial and reflective approach to learning.

High RO individuals rely heavily on careful observation in making judgements, and prefer learnin situations such as lectures that allow them to take the role of impartial observers.

These individuals tend to be introverts.

What's your learning style?

It is unlikely that your learning style will be described accurately by just one of the four preceding slides.

This is because each person’s learning style is a combination of the four basic learning modes. It is therefore more meaningful to describe your learning style by a single data point that combines your scores on the four basic modes.

This is accomplished by using the two combination scores, AC-CE and AE-RO.

Calculate AC-CE and AE-RO

Reflective Observation


Concrete Experience


Active Experimentatio



Abstract Conceptualizati



Assimilating(think and watch)


Diverging(feel and watch)


Converging(think and do)



(feel and do)


Kolb’s Learning Styles

17 15 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -11

-12-10-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-10 12



Kolb’s Learning Styles | Diverging (feeling and watching - CE/RO)

Able to look at things from different perspectives

Prefer to watch rather than do

Tending to gather information and use imagination to solve problems

Best at viewing concrete situations several different viewpoints

Perform better in situations that require ideas-generation

Have broad cultural interests and like to gather information

They are interested in people

Imaginative and emotional

Strong in the arts Prefer to work in groups Listen with an open mind

and to receive personal feedback


Kolb’s Learning Styles | Assimilating (watching and thinking - AC/RO

Learning preference is for a concise, logical approach

Ideas and concepts are more important than people

Require good clear explanation rather than practical opportunity

Excel at understanding wide-ranging information and organizing it a clear logical format

Less focused on people and more interested in ideas and abstract concepts

More attracted to logically sound theories than approaches based on practical value

Prefer readings, lectures, exploring analytical models, and having time to think things through.

Kolb’s Learning Styles | Converging (doing and thinking - AC/AE)

Can solve problems and will use their learning to find solutions to practical issues

Prefer technical tasks Are less concerned

with people and interpersonal aspects

Best at finding practical uses for ideas and theories

Solve problems and make decisions by finding solutions to questions and problems

More attracted to technical tasks and problems than social or interpersonal issues

Like to experiment with new ideas, to simulate, and to work with practical applications

Kolb’s Learning Styles | Accommodating (doing and feeling - CE/AE)

'hands-on’ and relies on intuition rather than logic

Use other people's analysis, and prefer to take a practical, experiential approach

Attracted to new challenges and experiences, and to carrying out plans

Commonly act on 'gut' instinct rather than logical analysis

style will tend to rely on others for information than carry out their own analysis

Prefer to work in teams to complete tasks

Set targets and actively work in the field trying different ways to achieve an objective.

People with an Accommodating learning


Characteristic #1

The adult learner is primarily independent/self-directed in what he/she learns.

Implication: support identity through introductions, use discussion, let them answer the questions, provide take aways/handouts for subsequent learning.

Characteristic #2

The adult learner has considerable experience to draw upon.

Implication: opportunity for sharing experiences, small group discussion, build on past positive experiences.

Characteristic #3

The adult learner is most apt to be interested in topics that relate to the his/her stage of life.

Implication: different ages may have different interests and concerns, as do individuals. Get feedback across the group. Those in transition are often more ready to learn.

Characteristic #4

The adult learner is most interested in information and ideas that solve problems that they presently face.

Implication: use problem focused presentations vs information focused, use the learners’ own problems.

Characteristic #5

The adult learner is most interested in information that can be applied immediately.

Implication: Focus on immediately usable ideas, ask learners to think of how they will apply their learnings.

Characteristic #6

The adult learner is motivated from within him/herself.

Implication: Rewards aren’t always useful. Find out what the learner values. Respond to those values. (Remember the Affective Domain!)


Steps to Develop A Training Program

Step 1: Define purpose of

training and target


Step 2: Determine

Participants’ needs

Step 3: Define training goals and objectives

Step 4: Outline training content

Step 5: Develop

instructional activities

Step 6: Prepare the

written training design

Step 7: Prepare

participant evaluation


Step 8: Determine follow-up

activities for the event

Step 1

Define purpose of training and target audience Be clear about what your training needs hopes

to accomplish; prioritize Be clear who your target audience will be.

Write down clear purpose of training and target audience

Step 2

Determine Participants’ needs The more accurately you know the needs of your

participants the better your training design will be. Find out their needs and expectation by: Get participants to complete a brief, written survey Survey a random sample of participants by phone to collect

more detailed information. Ask them: current roles and responsibilities previous training on this topic reasons for attendance specific needs and expectation of event

Review past evaluation and feedback forms Collect information early and use it to design your


Step 3

Define training objectives Clearly defined objective provide criteria for:

Clarifying expect outcomes Outlining training content Planning specific training activities Selecting/developing material Designing evaluation procedures Communicating program intent to participants & others Ensuring training is realistic and appropriate

Develop overall and segment (lesson) objectives and present them to participants at start of each segment

Step 4

Outline training content Trainings gave 3 components: an introduction; a learning

component and a wrap-up and evaluation component. Introduction: Establish a positive learning environment; stimulate

interest; reduce anxiety and build bonds. Include some content into introductory activities.

Learning component: Concepts and ideas taught and explored; skills demonstrated, practiced and discussed. Activities should actively involve participants in acquiring knowledge or practicing skills.

Wrap-up and evaluation component: Here ‘pull it all together’. Highlight essential learnings; summarize central concepts and themes; describe next steps. Open up for questions, concerns, feedback.

Remember to repeat stated objectives and outcomes to guide program content and remind you of your purpose

Step 5

Develop instructional activities Organize activities so that outcomes identified are achieved. Activities

should have an introduction, a main segment and a wrap-up segment. Select training strategies that meet objectives, e.g., skill development

is best achieved through modeling, practice and feedback while information is achieved through discussion and collaborative group work.

Effective training design takes into account principles of adult learning; group size; participant learning style; prior experience/education level of participants, type of skill or information to be presented, and so on.

Strategies that promote active learning include brainstorming, games, mini-lectures, small work groups, simulations, role-playing, case studies, etc.

Remember you need to develop resource materials, e.g., handouts, case studies,, questionnaires, etc.

Step 6

Prepare the written training design Write a detailed plan of the training session,

including goals and objectives; the sequence of specific learning activities and time allotted to each; directions and key points to cover for each activity, and the trainer who will be responsible for the activity.

Consider the skill, expertise, training style, and comfort level of each trainer and who will lead in ‘fleshing out’ different sections.

Use the detailed plan to stay on track, make midcourse adjustments and document training details

Step 7

Prepare participant evaluation form Evaluation determines if the training has

achieved its objectives and to identify what needs to be improved. The evaluation form should ask the following: Did participants acquire the skills and knowledge

they were supposed to? Were the trainers competent? Were the activities interesting and effective? Was the training format appropriate? Was the training on this topic adequate? Etc.

Step 8

Determine follow-up activities for the event Follow-up activities provide continued support and

feedback. Prepare follow-up activities as you develop your training design and these activities should make participants reflect on what they have learned and the process of implementation. Some activities include: Newsletters and website postings Peer observation and coaching Mentoring Study groups Ongoing communication between participants and trainees

Follow-up activities require more resources but increase the likelihood of significant learning occurring.

Checklist for Facilitators

List qualities of your best trainer/facilitator; identify your weak points and try and improve

Work as a team and assign roles: presenter, facilitator, note-taker, logistics person, etc.

Arrange for a suitable venue and ensure you have all visual materials, e.g., paper, pens, flipchart, etc, needed and check your audio-visual aids

Ensure fieldwork dates convenient for people Prepare well and rehearse

Techniques / Practices

Relax and energize participants and facilitate name learning; use an ‘ice-breaker’

Ensure everyone knows aims and objectives of workshop

Get a sense of participants level of knowledge and expectations

Agree to ‘rules’ of workshop: mutual respect; one speaker at a time; no mobile phones; punctuality, etc.

Use a variety of communication methods and visual aids Start everyday with a recap of the previous day Always build in an evaluation of the training for future


Attitude of Facilitator

Attitude/behavior as facilitator Be open and honest; stay relaxed and calm Be a good listener; observe, record, etc. Do not judge e.g., this is bad, this is good; or humiliate

people Be aware of language barriers; sensitivities Do not let arguments dominate discussion; re-focus on key

topic Have eye contact, speak slowly and clearly; move around Try and involve all participants Use humour, stories, examples, words that capture interest Address questions, concerns while sticking to your


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