town municipal council, maski - 584124 · 2018-02-28 · 8. be accountable for all receipts and...

Post on 02-Jun-2020






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MASKI - 584124 (Raichur Dist)

RTI 4(1) B


Chapter 1

Organization, Functions and Duties

[Section 4(1)(b)(i)]

Particulars of the organization, Functions and Duties

Sl. No Name of the Organization

Address Functions and Duties

1 Town Municipal Council, Maski

Opp. Post Office Maski

Dist Raichur

The Municipal Council of Maski TMC consists of 23 Councilors elected from the Wards, 23 Councilors nominated by Govt. and the jurisdictional MP/MLA/MLC as Members. The head of the Council is the President elected from among the Councilors of the Wards. There is also a Vice-President elected from among the Councilors to exercise such powers delegated to him by the President. The commissioner appointed by the Govt. is the executive head of the Council. The Municipality has Engineer/Engineers/Health Inspectors/Manager/FDA/SDA/ Bill Collectors and Pourakarmikas. The Council has obligatory functions such as maintenance of roads, markets, public toilets, drainage, supply of drinking water, cleaning of streets, removal of garbage, regulation of buildings, slaughter houses, public hygiene, prevention of contagious diseases, registration of births and deaths, street lighting, etc., and discretionary functions like maintenance of parks, gardens, libraries, hospitals, providing entertainment in public places, slum up gradations, promotion of cultural, educational and aesthetic aspects urban forestry maintenance of destitute homes and implementation of urban poverty alleviation program sponsored by Govt. etc


Chapter 2

Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees

[Section 4(1)(b)(ii)]

Please provide details of the powers and duties of officers and employees of the authority by designation as follows:

Sl No Name of the

office/employee Designation Duties Allotted Powers

1 Shri Reddy Rayana

Gouda Chief Officer

1.Be in charge of municipal administration [and have custody of all records and

documents of the Municipal Council],

2. Maintain supervision over the entire staff working in the Municipal Council.

3. Supervise the maintenance of accounts and records up-to-date.

4. Supervise the collection of taxes, fees and all amounts due to the Municipal

Council under the Act and received, recover and credit to municipal fund all taxes,

fees, fines and other sums due to the Municipal Council.

5.Issue under his signature all licenses and permissions which may be granted by the

Municipal Council under the Act, rules or bye-laws and subject to the provisions of

the Act, rules and bye-laws, suspend with hold withdraw any such licenses or


6. See that the securities are duly furnished or renewed by the Officers and servants

who are required to furnish such security and maintain a register of such security.


7. See that all contracts entered into by the Municipal Council are duly executed and

that the contractors furnish such security bonds as may be required of them.

8. Be accountable for all receipts and expenditure and for all works on hand.

9. Supervise the conservancy, health engineering, Town Planning and survey, water

supply and drainage staff of Municipal Council.

10. Report all cases of neglect, illegality and breach of rules and byelaws and

disobedience on the part of all subordinates or contractors.

11.Take prompt steps to remove all irregularities pointed out by the audition and

report all cases of embezzlement, theft or loss of municipal money or property.

12. Supervise and periodically inspect all properties vested in the Municipal Council

and bring to the notice of the controlling authority all cases in which repairs

improvements new works or other measures are necessary and report nuisances

breach of the Act rules and bye- laws there under.

13.Examine claims against the municipality as to correctness, budget provision

authority for the charge and before payment of such claims to bring to the notice of

the controlling authority all papers, vouchers and completion certificate and notice

necessary for considering the claims.

14.To attend and assist the holding of meetings of Municipal Council and its


15.To arrange or cause to be arranged and to supervise the warning and registration


of all correspondence.

16. Supply any written statement estimate account report or a copy of any

document in his charge called for by the Municipal Council or committee.

17.To keep the minutes of proceedings of Municipal Council and its committees.

18.To have prepared and certify to the correctness of all periodical records and the

maintenance of all registers up-to-date.

19.To furnish all information as may from time to time to time be required by the

Municipal Council or the Committee.

20.To place the classified registers or receipts and payments written up-to-date

before the standing Committee at its first meeting in the following month and to

submit any remarks passed by the Committee before the Council.

21.To have prepared under his direction accounts required to be laid before the

Municipal Council at each general meeting of all the receipts and expenditure of the

municipal fund during the year.

22.To lay before the Municipal Council or committee cases include petitions for

consideration and early action together with all previous papers pertaining to that


23.Shall have read the file and records in connection with the subjects coming for

discussion at the meeting of the Municipal Council and supply information on the

following points.


24.The provisions of law and the rules, bye-laws or standing orders relating to the


25.The financial implication of the proposal and the proposed ways and means of

financing the same so far as he can work out.

26.The competent authority to sanction the proposal if approved.

27.Precedents and the course of action to be taken.

28.Inspection of all Municipal immovable property at least once in six months with a

view to its maintenance in good order and to watching the working of rules and bye-

laws in respect thereto.

29.Periodical inspection, as frequently as is compatible with thoroughness, or every

public street and place, with a view to the removal of obstructions and

encroachments and to the maintenance of streets, drains, latrines, dustbins, etc, in

good repair.

30.Periodical inspection of all streets and buildings in respect of which action under

any of Sections 177 to 187 of the Act is being or is to be taken.

31.A monthly test inspection of some of the places in respect of which orders under

any other section have been issued with a view to see that orders are duly carried


32.A quarterly test inspection of some of the premises in respect of which the

municipality have issued licenses, with a view to seeing that the terms of the licenses


are duly fulfilled.

33.A test on at least one day in each week of the work of one or more of the

Inspectors so that the work of each may be tested at least once in three months.

34.Check each month of the originals of Receipts issued in order to prevent and

defect cases of fraud in tax collection.

35.Shall maintain a clear daily record of the result of each Inspection in a special

book called the Chief Officers Inspection Book extract of which shall be submitted to

the Deputy Commissioner every month for perusal and remarks.

36.The Municipal Commissioner or Chief Officer to represent Municipal Council in

proceedings before courts.

37.To attend all the meeting with relevant statements convened by higher


38.To give prompt attention for Disposal of Applications filed under Right to

Information Act.

39.Proper Supervision over Solid Waste Management and its programme.

40.Review the diaries of subordinate executive staff.

2 Vacant Junior Programmer

1. Attend to Envelop Collection work.

2. Attend to Data Entry.

3. Attend to Data Entry import.

4. Attend to Data Entry validation.


5. Attend to report generation.

6. Attend to GIS data based creation.

7. Attend to software installation by e Government Foundation.

8. Attend to the customization of software.

9. Attend to the maintenance and up gradation and report generation including –

Data back-up

Running reports

Trouble shooting

Customer support

Technical support

Maintenance of networking, UPS, Printouts.

10. Impart Training to Data Entry operator.

11. Daily communication to DMA and e Governments Foundation.

12. To send public Grievance application data to DMA & e Governments Foundation.

13. To send Birth & Death application data to DMA & e Governments Foundation.

14. Assist in procurement of office materials connected to computerization.

15. Assist the Commissioner/Chief Officer in communication to various office.

16. Assist the Commissioner/Chief Officer in selection of Data Entry Operators.

17. Assist the Commissioner/Chief Officer in selection of CA firm.

18. Maintaining bills/vouchers pertaining to CA firm and Data Entry Operator and


Data Entry Firms.

19. In charge of all forms.

4 Vacant Assistant Engineer Shall work subject to the general and special orders of the Municipal Council,

Municipal Commissioner/ Chief Officer and Assistant Executive Engineers. .

To prepare all plans and estimates and execute all municipal and developmental/

scheme works. ( Suspend )

Shall be responsible for writing and maintenance of M.B. Book and work files.

Geographical survey work, census work, election work with regard to preparation of

boundary and ward map with running boundary. Safeguard of play grounds, parks,

road side trees. Maintenance of Municipal Properties.

Store maintenance of machinery and materials of water supply, electric goods,

including serviceable and unserviceable articles with required registers.

To avoid unauthorized construction tap connection and UGD connection.

To follow the provision of KM Act, Rules and transparency Act and Rules in respect of

any proposals through AEE in case of CMC, through Manager in case of TMC, direct

to Chief Officer in case of TP. .

Submission of utilization certificates for all type of grants. .

Implementation of Rain Water Harvesting. .

5 Shri. Basavaraj

Patil Junior Engineer


To submit the proposal of technical section to place before the council meeting and

to attend the meetings with full required materials. .

Prevention of infection diseases. .

To dispose of the complaints received through PGR .

Supervision of work carried out by water supply staff and other subordinate staff of

technical section

.AEs/JEs are held responsible for any low grade work taken up on any scheme or out

of municipal funds. .

Supervision over formation of layouts under Ashraya scheme, and also on the

construction of houses under Ashraya, Dr.Ambedkar and 18% reserved amount. .

Submit the monthly diary. .

Any other works entrusted by Asst. Executive Engineer, Municipal Commissioner/

Chief Officer.

6 Vacant Environment


1.Shall work subject to the general and special orders of Municipal Commissioner/

Chief Officer.

2.Supervise and control the work of health staff like Senior Health Inspector, Junior

Health Inspector, Sanitary Supervision and others.

3.Shall responsible for maintenance of sanitation cleanliness of the city/town.


4.To take precautionary the epidemic diseases like, cholera, gastro Enteritis, Brain

Fever, Malaria, Chikunguniya etc.

5.To supervise and maintenance of the disposal of solid waste by primary door to

door collection of solid waste, secondary level storage and transportation and


6.Shall supervise the sanitation work done by the contractors.

7.Maintenance of solid waste like (a) Door to Door collection (b) Secondary

collection (c) Transport and Disposes

8. Preparation of estimate and tender process are purchase of equipments,

machineries vehicle for solid waste management by following the provision of KM

Act and Rules, Transparency Act and Rules.

9.Maintenance of all records and files in connection with solid waste management.

10.Constitution of local committee for collection, transport and disposal of solid

waste through public, local committees, NHC students of high school and colleges.

11.Co-ordinate with KCDC with regard to establishing.

12.Plantation of trees on road sides with the co-operation to Forest Department.

Horticulture Department.

13.Supervise the attendance of sanitary staff in the early morning and to entrust the


work to them.

14. Review of diaries of Health Inspectors.

15. Submit the monthly diary to the Municipal Commissioner.

16. Any other work entrusted by AEE/Municipal Commissioner.

8 Vacant Community Affairs


1.Implementation of the Schemes which comes under SJSRY (Poverty Alleviation


2.Additional works allotted by Chief Officer as and when needed

9 Shri. T.K.

Satyanarayana Office Manager

1. To arrange for the speedy and smooth disposal of work in the office.

2. To organize the office into suitable branch/section and compilation and to

maintain an organization chart displaying the composition and function of every


3. To assign work to each caseworker and to ensure that every caseworker

discharges his duties properly and satisfactorily.

4. To exercise general supervision on all the sections in the office.

5. To help the in experienced case worker by guiding them in their day today work.

6. To be conversant with the more important files pending in each section and see

that these type of files are not delayed especially in court cases and public


grievances and Right to Information Act

7. each section workers are carrying with smoothly and efficiently in Accordance

with Rules and Regulation and not to give room for any unhappy movements.

8. To assure that the outgoing periodicals are not delayed. A chart should be

prepared in this behalf.

9. To be responsible for the proper maintenance of required registers.

10. To ensure that the monthly arrears list of cases and the weekly arrears

statements of pending cases are properly compiled.

11. To advise the caseworkers on all difficult and intricate files and to help the

caseworkers in drafting important references.

12. To see that the caseworkers are arranged the files in five bundle system.

13. To see that whenever reports called from higher authorities, the specific points

on which information or comments are required are clearly stated by the

caseworker in the files.

14. To ensure that the time limit is kept by the caseworker in respect of urgent cases

and to provide guidelines for the disposal of important cases.

15. To deal personally with complicated and intricate cases.

16. To ensure that whenever there is a transfer of a caseworker in the office, a


detailed charge list of all the pending case papers closed files (if it is not sent to

record section) is prepared and full responsibility assured by the incoming official.

17. To assist the Accountant when there is no post of Accounts Superintending in

preparing Annual Budget Estimate, Annual Administration Reports and also monthly

cash account.

18. To scrutinize all the Bills for the payment (where there to no Accountant.) in

accordance with Accounts Rules, Power of Expenditure, Limitation of Contract,

Execution of works etc.

19. To make out list of subjects to be placed before the Council Meeting in every

month and also to send the copies of previous meeting proceedings to the

concerned within the stipulated time.

20. To conduct table inspection of each case workers once-a-month and to submit

the report to the municipal Commissioner/Chief Officer for suitable orders.

21. To carry out any other works which will be assigned by the Municipal

Commissioner or Chief Officer as the case may be?

10 J Nagaraj Revenue Officer

1. Shall work under general and special orders of Municipal Commissioner/Chief


2. Shall be responsible for the collection of all municipal revenue including property

tax, vehicle tax, cesses, octopi dues, license fees, rents from buildings and other


miscellaneous items and should cheek up receipt books of Bill Collectors in thrice a


3. Shall check each month 15% of the original receipts to detect cases of fraud in tax


4. Overall supervision of works of first Grade1 Inspectors and Bill Collectors.

5. To carry out the work and to assist JEs in connection with GIS, election and census


6. Review of diaries of FGRI and Bill Collectors.

7. Submit the monthly diaries.

8. Any other work entrusted by Municipal Commissioner/Chief Officer

11 Vacant Accountant

(Contract Basis)

1. Shall work Subject to the general and special orders of Municipal

Commissioner/Chief Officer and Accounts Superintendent.

2. To supervise the keeping of accounts and records relating to collection of revenue

and expenditure.

3. Writing and maintenance of general cash book and classified register in which all

receipts expenditure.

4. To maintain pass books and treasury schedules of all municipal funds.

5. To maintain other accounts in accordance with FBAS and other provisions of KM


Act and other rules.

6. To maintain abstracts of accounts of receipts and expenditure prepared every

month to lay it before the municipal council.

7. To maintain of all special funds. Accounts i.e. sinking fund, depreciation fund, etc.

8.To prepare any account or return which the municipality, Municipal Commissioner

of Chief Officer may require from him

9. To assist to Accounts Suptd. In preparation of Annual Budget. .

10.Any other work entrusted by Accounts Suptd. /Municipal Commissioner/Chief


12 Shri Shanavaz Senior Health


1. Shall work subject to the general and special orders of Municipal Commissioner/

Chief Officer and Environmental Engineers.

2. To supervise the work or registration of Birth & Deaths and Vaccination within the

municipal limits.

3. To maintain proper register of vital statistics of vaccinations and cases of deaths

from diseases. ( Suspend )

4.To prepare periodical statistics and returns of vaccination and infectious diseases

and to submit them to the municipal council and health department

5. To arrange for proper cleaning and disinfection of localities affected by infectious

13 Vacant Junior Health




6. To supervise burial grounds and cemeteries.

7. To assist the Environmental Engineer in his duties and maintain and submit to him

a regular diary of his outdoor work every week

8. To Control and supervise public markets. Slaughter houses. Privies, burial grounds.

And bathing places and to enforce in respect thereof to supervise sale of unwhole

sorne food or drink to report nuisances, encroachment and other breach of relation

to sanitation.

9. To maintain attendance of pourakarmikas. Muster roll of the several

establishments, permanent and temporary working under him

10.To inspect buildings and issue notices and requisitions under under 187 (7)

11. Submission, of monthly diaries.

12.Any other works entrusted by Environmental Engineer/ Municipal Commissioner/

Chief Officer

14 Shri. Mallesh J F.D.A 1. Shall Work under General or Special orders of Manager / Municipal

Commissioner and Other higher authorities.

2. To arrange papers and cases in five bundle system as prescribed in the office

15 Shri. Shivanna F.D.A

16 Shri. Ravikumar S S.D.A


17 Vacant S.D.A procedure.

3. To maintain laws, rules, regulation, standing orders & circulars.

4. To ensure that paper and files promptly submitted for orders and not delayed.

5. To maintain prescribed registers and disposal of the papers received and dealt

by him.

6. To compare fair copies ensure their corrections and see that they are delivered

for dispatch.

7. To handover the detailed charge list of papers, case files and all records to the

concerned when transferred. 8. Any other work assigned by Manager/Municipal


18 Vacant S.D.A

19 Vacant Stenographer

1. Typing the office letters.

2. Attend the every meeting called by Commissioner and note down points and

preparing the Proceedings.

3. Any other work assigned by Manager/Municipal Commissioner

20 Shri Jagadisha First Grade

Revenue Inspector

1. Shall work under general or special orders of Revenue officer/Municipal


2. To ensure the speedy and timely disposal of work in his section.

3. To assist in the preparation of demand registers, notices, processes, bill etc, in

respect of taxes to assist in the holding of lease, or auction shops or buildings,

collection of rents.


4. To supervise the work of the bill collectors and their collections by verifying the

receipt books with collection register every day and to check up 50% of duplicate

receipts with original receipts.

5. To maintain the diary of office outdoor works and submit it on the last day of

every week to the Municipal Commissioner.

6. Review of diaries of bill Collectors.

7. Submit the monthly diary

8. Any other work assigned by Revenue Officer/Municipal Commissioner

21 Shri Raghavendra

Rao M Bill Collector

1. Shall work under general or special orders of Revenue Officer & First Grade

Revenue Inspector.

2. To serve notices and bills under section 262 of the KM Act 1964.

3. Submit Monthly Diaries.

4. Any other work assigned by FG RI / RO /Municipal Commissioner.

22 Shri Ramesh Bill Collector

23 Vacant Community


1.Implementation of the Schemes which comes under SJSRY (Poverty Alleviation


2.Additional works allotted by Commissioner as and when needed 24 Vacant C.A.O

25 Shri Davudali Attender

Office sweeping Cleaning and up keeping. Helping Commissioner and other office

staff in day to day works 26 Vacant Attender

27 Vacant Attender


Chapter 3

Procedure Followed in Decision making Process

[Section 4(1)(b)(iii)]

Describe the procedure followed in decision making by the public authority (Deputy Commissioner Officer)

Activity Description Decision making Process Designation of final

decision authority

The proposals received by the Municipal Council in the matters of execution / repairs of infrastructure works are processed and

examine by the Commissioner in terms of the provisions of the Karnataka Municipalities Act / the instructions of the Govt. and

placed before the Council for necessary approval. The council ordinarily meets once in a month. In urgent matters it can meet

frequently. The Commissioner is required to prepare the agenda for the meeting of the Council in consultation with the President

and send to all the members at least 7 days in advance. After approval of the proposal by the Council the Commissioner can

implement the decision of such decisions are within the powers of the Council in such reasonable time as may be required. If the

decisions required the approval of higher field officers or the Govt. the Commissioner will accordingly seek the approval. The

Deputy Commissioner and the Director of Municipal Administration are vested with the supervisory power and these officers can

suspend / set aside the decisions if found to be contrary to the provisions of the Karnataka Municipalities Act. The Council and


the Commissioner are accountable for all happenings in the municipality

Chapter 4

Norms set for the Discharge of Functions

[Section 4(1)(b)(iv)]

Please provide the details of the norms/standards set by the public authority for the discharge of its functions/delivery of



No Function/

Service Norms Standards of

Performance set Time Frame

Reference document prescribing the

Norms (Citizen’s Charter, Service Chapter


1 Birth and



A written application requesting for Birth /

Death certificate to be submitted at the KGSC

Counter Citizens requesting for certificate

where the birth has taken place under TMC

jurisdiction are eligible to get this service

If the record is

available in

electronic media

then certificate will

be issued to

applicant within 3

days. If the record is

not in electronic

form then certificate

will be issued within

7 days.

Citizen charter

Documents to be enclosed with the request

1. Application form along with format giving

details of birth / death

( Ref: )

2 Trade license

1) Application submitted in


format at KGSC Counter

2) Application sent to Health

30 Working Days

Citizen charter

Documents to be enclosed with the request

1. Property Tax paid receipt.

2. Water supply fee paid receipt



for field verification

3) Trade License is issued

3. Location sketch

4. No Objection certificate from the owner of


premises if property is rented

5. Rent Agreement copy

( Ref: )

3 Khatha Extract

Issue of Khata Extract for already

processed kathas

1) Prescribed Application Form to be

submitted at KGSC counter

2) Payment of prescribed fee

3) Issue of receipt

4) Verification with Demand


5) Khata Extract will be issued

7 Working Days

Citizen charter

1. Details of property with name of owner



Furnished along with current year Property


Paid Reciept with Discription.

( Ref: )


New Building

Licence upto

2400 sqft

residential for




1) Verification of application

(Application to be given at KGSC Counter)

2)Records are verified by Revenue Inspector.

2) Engineers technical report and spot


3) File will be put up to Urban Development

Autority for opinion approval

4) Commissoner Issues the building


30 Working Days

Citizen charter

Documents to be enclosed with the request:

1. RTC copy/ Sale Deed (if RTC in joint


then consent letter from each person required)

2. Land conversion certificate

3. Building Dimension/measurement

4. Estimate copy

5. Property tax paid certificate

6. Building plan and NOC if building is in the


of other agency (like Development Authority)

7. Architect License copy

( Ref: )




for Water






dwelling unlit

1 Verification of application form (Application

to be give at KGSC Counter)

2 Verification of Plan by AEE/AE/JE then

Road Cutting Permission issued by


3 Verification of Tax updation by Revenue


4.Application will be forwarded to KUDWSB

for water supply/UGD connection

15 Working Days

Citizen charter

Documents to be enclosed with the request





( Ref: )

6 Public


Citizens of the ULB can register the

complaints regarding their grievances such as

Street Sweeping, street lighting, and sanitation

in Public Grievance Redressed Cell. A

Computerized system of redressing the

citizen’s complaint works in a systematic

manner to solve the issues at the Earliest.

Based on the nature

of complaint a


duration has been

fixed to redress the


For More information visit:


Chapter 5

Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records, for

Discharging Functions [Section 4(1)(b)(V) & (vi)]

Please provide list and gist of rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records held by public authority or under its

control of used by its employees for discharging functions in the following format.

1. The Karnataka Municipal Taxation Rules 1966.

2. Karnataka Municipalities (Election of Councilors) Rules,

3. The Karnataka Municipalities (President and Vice president) Elections Rules.

4. The Karnataka Municipalities (Powers and Expenditure) Rules, 1986.

5. The Karnataka Municipalities (Accounts) Rules.

6. The Karnataka Municipalities (Limitations on the powers of Contract) Rules, 1966

7. The Karnataka Municipalities (Preparation of plans and Estimates and Execution of Municipal Works) Rules, 1966

8. The Karnataka Municipalities (Guidance of Officers, Grant of Copies and Miscellaneous Provisions)

9. The Karnataka Municipalities (Procedure and Conduct of Business) Rules 1977

10. The Karnataka Municipalities (Recruitment of Officers and Employees) Rules, 2004

11. The Karnataka Municipalities (Conditions of Service) Rules 1987.

12. The Karnataka Municipalities Accounts Rules 1965.

13. Bye-laws to regulate buildings.

14. Circular Instructions issued by the Govt. from time to time with regard to implementation of Govt. sponsored programmes.

15. The Map/ Notifications with regard to Constitution of the Municipality and the Council.

16. The details such as extent, type of use and name of the owners of all the properties situated with in the limits of the


17. Records of Births and Deaths of persons within the Municipalities. Basic data such as No. of streets length of roads, No. of

properties, play grounds, schools, hospitals, post offices, banks.

18. KMABR 2006 (Karnataka Municipal Accounting And Budget Rules).


Chapter 6

Categories of Documents held by the Public Authority under its Control

[Section 4(1) (b)v & (i)]

Provide information about the official documents held by the public authority or under its control.

Sl. no Register/books

1 KMF No.1 Cash book

2 KMF NO 03 Bank book

3 KMF NO04 Journal Book

4 KMF No.05 Ledger

5 KMF No 07 Monthly classified abstract of receipts & payment

6 KMF No.08 Receipt Voucher

7 KMF No 09 payment voucher

8 KMF No.10 Contra Voucher

9 KMF No 11 Journal voucher

10 KMF No.13 Summary Statement Of Demand Raised Or Income Accrued

11 KMF No.13 A : Monthly Summary Statement of Change in Demand Or

12 KMF No.14 Receipt

13 KMF No 15 register of cheques received

14 KMF No.16 Collection Register

15 KMF No.16 A Collection Registered (Bank Collection)

16 KMF No 17 Chita ,

17 KMF No 21 Departmental register of bills received


18 KMF No.23 Registered of Bills Received

19 KMF No.24 Demand Collection & Balance (DCB) Cum Form III Register

20 KMF No 25 Special demand collection & balance (DCB) register

21 KMF No26A Demand collection & balance (DCB) register (licinse fee)

22 KMF No 29 Register for Civil Suits

23 KMF No.31 Form of License

24 KMF No.32 Stock Register of Ticket Books

25 KMF No. 34 Grant Register

26 KMF No.37 Progress Report on the Project undertaken Under delegated Loan

27 KMF No.38 Contractor’s Bill

28 KMF No.39 NMR

29 KMF No.40 Daily Labour Report

30 KMF No. 41 Register of Public Works

31 KMF No.42 Summary Statement of Status of Capital WIP

32 KMF No.43 Royalty Register

33 KMF No.44. Register of Land

34 KMF No.44 A Register of Land Under Road

35 KMF No.45 Register of Immovable Properties (Other Than Land)

36 KMF No.46 Register of Movable Properties

37 KMF No.48 Proposition Statement for Revision of Establishment

38 KMF No.49 Scale Register

39 KMF No.50 Pay bill cum Acquaintance Roll of Permanent or Temporary

40 KMF No.50 A Abstract of Pay Bill Cum Acquaintance Roll


41 KMF No.51 Periodical Increment Certificate

42 KMF No. 52 Detailed Statement of Permanent / Temporary Pensionable

43 KMF No. 53 Register of Stores

44 KMF No. 54 Material Receipt Note

45 KMF No 55 Material issue note

46 KMF No 57 half yearly statement of closing stock

47 KMF No 59 detail bill of other expenditure

48 KMF No 61 register of advances

49 KMF No 63 permenent advance register

50 KMF No 65 stationary stock register for the year

51 KMF No 67 register of deposits

52 KMF No 69 deposit refund/adjustment/laps/advice

53 KMF No 70 register of securities

54 KMF No 71 register of loans

55 KMF No 74 receipts and payments account for the year

56 KMF No 76 consolidated statement of demand collection and balance for the

57 KMF No 77 balance sheet

58 KMF No 78 income and expenditure

59 KMF No 80B1 estimate of revenue receipts(function wise)

60 KMF No 83C2 estimate of capital payment

61 KMF No 84D1 estimate of capital receipts

62 KMF No 85D2 estimate of extra-ordinary payments

63 KMF No 87 stock book of forms, receipts book and cheque book


Chapter 7

Arrangement for Consultation with, or Representation by, the Members of the Public in relation to the Formulation of policy

or Implementation thereof

[Section 4(1)(b)viii]

Describe arrangements by the public authority to seek consultation/participation of public or its representatives for

formulation and implementation of polices?


No Function/Service

Arrangements for consultation with or

representation of public in relation with

policy formulation

Arrangements for consultation with or

representation of public in relation with policy



All the basic

services such as

water supply, Street

lighting, Sanitation,

Roads and other

development works

Public representatives such as municipal

Councils and sometimes publics will meet


or Chief Officer in order to discuss about the

policy formulation.

Public representatives such as municipal Councils

and sometimes publics will meet President or

Chief Officer in order to discuss about the policy


2 Grievances

Publics can register the complaint through

Public grievance and redressed cell regarding

their basic needs such as water supply, Street

light, Sanitation, Road development etc.

For more details Visit:

Registered complaints will be redressed by

concerned section case worker within the stipulated

time under the supervision of Chief Officer.

For more details Visit:


Chapter 8

Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of Public Authority

[Section 4(1)(b)v(iii)]

Please provide information on boards, councils, committees and other bodies related to the public authority in the following


Name of Board,


Committee, etc.

Composition Powers & Functions

Whether its Meetings

/ Minutes of its

Meetings accessible

for public



Body constituted As per KM Act

1964 with an elected councilor 31

& 5 nominated member

As per km act 1964 section 43 & 44 Yes



Body constituted as per KM act

1964 of 1963 it consists of 11


As per km act 1964 section 63 Yes


Chapter 9

Directory of Officers and Employees

[Section 4(1)(b)(ix)]

Please provide information on officers and employees working in different units or offices at different levels and their contact.

Sl No Name of the Officers/Employees Designation Office Address Contact Number/

e-mail id

01 Sri. Reddy Rayanagouda Chief Officer TMC Maski 9036132735

02 Sri. T K Sathayanarayana Office manager TMC Maski 8197178212

03 Sri. Sahanavaz Senior Health Inspector TMC Maski 9972407215

04 Sri. B S patil Junior Engineer TMC Maski 9632714387

05 Sri. Najaraj. J Revenue Officer TMC Maski 9482981632

06 Sri. Jagadish Biradar First Grade Revenue Inspector TMC Maski 9900764010

07 Sri. Mallesh J First Division Assistant TMC Maski -

08 Sri. Shivanna First Division Assistant TMC Maski 9743645038

09 Ravi S Second Division Assistant TMC Maski 9008842799

10 Ragavendra Mutalik Bill Collector TMC Maski 9448364542

11 Ramesh Bill Collector TMC Maski 7760799146


12 Santhosh Computer Operator TMC Maski 9845159157

13 Kumar Computer Operator TMC Maski 7760209701

14 Ravi Kumar S Bill Collector TMC Maski 9019034513

15 Basavaraj Bill Collector TMC Maski 9880301651

16 Shivukumar H Bill Collector TMC Maski 9845146404

17 Smt. Laxmi Bill Collector TMC Maski 7353435673

18 Smt. Kaveri Bill Collector TMC Maski 9845702276

19 Sri.Shehk Dawood Attender TMC Maski 9663332011

20 Sri Khader Sab Water Supply Valveman TMC Maski 9008189384

21 Sri.Basavaraj Water Supply Valveman TMC Maski 9686283827


Chapter 10

Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and Employees, including the System of Compensation as provided in


[Section 4(1)(b)(x)]

Provide information on remuneration and compensation structure for officers and employees in the following Format


NO Name of the Officer working Designation Organization

Remuneration per


01 Sri. Reddy Rayanagouda Chief Officer 25961

02 Sri. T K Sathayanarayana Office manager 35497

03 Sri. Sahanavaz Senior Health Inspector 26582

04 Sri. B S patil Junior Engineer -

05 Sri. Najaraj. J Revenue Officer 33103

06 Sri. Jagadish Biradar First Grade Revenue Inspector 24176

07 Sri. Mallesh J First Division Assistant 26650

08 Sri. Shivanna First Division Assistant 22689

09 Sri. Shesappa Second Division Assistant 24940

10 Sri.Rajshekar Second Division Assistant 18730

11 Sri. Ravikumar S Second Division Assistant 18730

12 Sri. Ragavendra Mutalik Bill Collector 19130

13 Sri. Ramesh Bill Collector 18820

14 Sri.Shehk Dawood Attender 15625

15 Sri Khader Sab Water Supply Valveman 15625

16 Sri.Basavaraj Water Supply Valveman 15625


Chapter 11

Budget Allocated to Each Agency including Plans etc.

[Section 4(1)(b)(xi)]

Provide information about the details of the plans, programmers and schemes undertaken by the public authority for each agency.


Plan/Program me/ Schemes / Project/Activity /Purpose for

which budget is allotted (2016-17) in Lakhs.

Proposed expenditure As on last year (2016-17)

in Lakhs.

Expected Outcomes

(2016-17) in Lakhs.

Report on disbursements made or where such details

are available (Website, reports, notice board etc.,)

TMC Maski

SFC Untied – 157.11 131.25

Progress Report & Website

SFC Rain Water Harvesting – 0.00 0.00

SFC 24.10% - 37.86 29.76

SFC 7.25% - 11.39 11.39

SFC 3% - 4.71 4.71

14 th Finance GB Grant – 126.08 110.96

14 th Finance PB Grant – 0.00 0.00


Chapter 12

Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes

[Section 4(1)(b)(xii)]

1. Describe the activities/programmes/schemes being implemented by the authority for which subsidy is provided.

2. Provide information on the nature of subsidy, eligibility criteria for accessing subsidy, and designation of officer

competent to grant subsidy under various programmes/schemes.

Name of Program / Activity Nature/Scale of Subsidy Eligibility criteria for

grant of subsidy

Designation of officer

grant subsidy


(Central Govt. and State Govt.)

25% For Individual 35% For

Group BPL Families Chief Officer

Vajpayee Vasathi Yojane

/Ashraya/Interest Subsidy House

loan for Urban Poor(ISHUP)

75000/- will be given to each

family for the construction of

the house

BPL Families Chief Officer


3.Describe the manner of execution of the subsidy programme

Name of Program / Activity

Application Procedure Sanction Procedure Disbursement


DAY-NULM (Central Govt. scheme)

Notification will be given in regard to the subsidy program with the

eligibility details. Interested candidates will apply within the stipulated time in the prescribed application format to obtain the


Selection committee will verify the individual applicant records

as per the norms. If the applicant is eligible, then the committee

will approve to avail the benefits. Approving authority

will decide for the approval for the same.

Based on the status of the implementation

of the work, disbursement will be


Vajapeyi Vasathi Yojane /Ashraya/Interest Subsidy

House loan for Urban Poor(ISHUP)

Notification will be given in regard to the subsidy program with the

eligibility details. Interested candidates will apply within the stipulated time in the prescribed application format to obtain the


Selection committee will verify the individual applicant records

as per the norms. If the applicant is eligible, then the committee

will approve to avail the benefits. After obtaining the approval for the selection list

same will be submitted to Ashraya department

Based on the status of the implementation

of the work, disbursement will be



Chapter 13

Particulars of Recipients of Concessions, Permits or Authorization Granted by the Public Authority

[Section 4(1)(b)xiii]

Provide the names and addresses of recipients of benefits under each programme/scheme separately in the following format. Institutional Beneficiaries

Name of Program / Scheme

Sl.No Name & address of

recipient institutions

Nature/ quantum of benefit granted

Date of grant Name & designation of

granting authority



Chapter 14

Information Available in Electronic Form

[Section 4(1)(b)x(Iv)]

Please provide the details of information related to the various schemes of the department which are available in electronic formats. (Floppy, CD, VCD, Wed site, Internet etc.)

Electronic Description (site adder/location

where available etc.,) Contents or title

Designation and address of the custodian of

information held by whom

ULB Website

Maski TMC having its own website. It contains all the relevant information about the ULB such as RTI, Public Disclosure Schedule, Tender and other notifications, Elected representatives details, Council details, Staff details, Meeting proceedings, Budget details, Statistical information such as City population, Length of roads, Drains, Street lights information, SWM information, works information, tourism details etc,. This website also contains the links to the online applications such as Birth and death, Public grievance and Redressing system, Chief Ministers Small and Medium Town Development Program, DMA website, UDD website etc.

Chief Officer, Town Municipal Council,



Chapter 15

Particulars of Facilities available to Citizens for Obtaining Information

[Section 4(1)(b)xv]

Describe the particulars of information dissemination mechanisms in place/facilities available to the public for accessing of information:

Facility Description (location of

Facility/Name etc. Details of information made available

ULB Website

Maski TMC having its own website. It contains all the relevant information about the ULB such as RTI, Public Disclosure Schedule, Tender and other notifications, Elected representatives details, Council details, Staff details, Meeting proceedings, Budget details, Statistical information such as City population, Length of roads, Drains, Street lights information, SWM information, works information, tourism details etc,. This website also contains the links to the online applications such as Birth and death, Public grievance and Redressing system, GIS based property tax system, Chief Ministers Small and Medium Town Development Program, DMA website, UDD website etc.


Chapter 16

Names, Designations and other Particulars of Public Information Officers

[Section 4(1)(b)xvi]

Please provide contact information about the public Information officers and Assistant public Information officers designated for various offices/administrative units and appellate authority/officer(s) for the public authority in the following format.

Public Information Officer

Sl.No Name of the Office

/administrative Unit Name of Designation

of PIO Office Tel.

Residence Tel. Fax E-Mail

1 TMC Maski Sri T K Satyanarayana 08537-270668

Asst. Public Information Officer

Sl.No Name of the Office

/administrative Unit Name of Designation of

APIO Office Tel.

Residence Tel. Fax E-Mail

1 TMC Maski Sri Raghavendrarao M 08537-270668

Appellate Authority

Sl.No Name of the Office

/administrative Unit Name of Designation of

PIO Office Tel.

Residence Tel. Fax E-Mail

1 TMC Maski Sri Reddy Rayana Gouda

Chief Officer 08537-270668


Chapter 17

Other Useful Information

[Section 4(1)(b)xvii]

Please give below any other information or details of publications which are of relevance or of use to the Citizens.

For More Information Citizens can visit.

top related