think branding

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Think Branding


What is Branding



A brand is recognized by its logo or its mark. Companies build their brands to reach to the correct customers by using different methods. The Brand seems to be a corporate image. Brand creates the identity for a product.

Lets Talk about it …

A master plan that delivers you idea to the customer and build trust.

A thought that create a bond between customer and a business

A promise of what is expected from the idea of business.

The character or style of the business that creates psychological accusations.

The unique identity that makes the difference.

Key Factors•Creative and others factors :•In creative factor a company can easily deliver its message to the potential customers. A combination of an info graphics with a voice over makes a large impact to its audience.

•Selective Coverage- Media selection may be influenced by the nature of the groups to be reached for example- age, sex, and special interests.

•Geographical distribution: - If a product distributed only in Bengal should not select the national newspaper or magazines.

•Consumer friendliness: - Consumer friendliness is one of the main purposes for branding. If you’re branding is consistent and easy to recognize, it can build its own sets of satisfied customers.

•Prestigious Value- Prestigious Products can be given in prestigious Magazine, News Paper because it increases the value of the product.

Why Branding

Why Branding

Branding is the first step to promote a new company.

It is essential for creating identification, trust, expectation and attraction.

Identification:- Branding Promotes identification

Trust:- Continues branding of a product creates trust to their customers.

Attraction:- The main job of Branding is to create Attraction.

Brand doesn’t just “happen”. A Powerful brand doesn’t develop in overnight and it doesn’t happen by magic.

Who will Do the Branding….

To be recognized one must choose the correct person for their brand promotion. There are different types of agencies which can help . But selecting the right one is important.

•Full Service Agencies: - As the name implies full service agency handle all phase of advertising process. Full service agency can provide much more than continuity and cost efficiency .This Advertising Services include preparation and placement of the advertising as well as creating, planning and production of advertisement and commercial. A full service ad agency will not just place your ad on television, radio or other traditional media but they will place them more efficiently and analyze your target audiences.

•Media Buying Service: - It is an organisation that specializes in buying television and radio time and reselling it to advertisers and advertising agencies

•Creative Boutique: - It is also an organisation that specializes in creation of advertisement. It creates interesting theme.

Thank you

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