the storytelling value of location-based services

Post on 08-Sep-2014






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Learn how to better discover, develop and tell your story to consumers locally in a way that is authentic, relevant and adds value. Explore how mobile and geo-targeting technologies are shaping consumer-brand interactions. Learn how you can tell your story locally by leveraging geo-friendly interactive tools and services such as mobile phones, Foursquare, Gowalla, Twitter, Yelp!, Google business tools.


The Localization of Online Storytelling

Tweet Your Question

If you have a question during the session, Tweet @LOHASForum followed by the question

who make the world aWe tell the stories of pioneers

better place

Modern Storytellers

Mobile, Social, Local Convergence

Foursquare, Facebook, Google, Mobile Web

Seeding Movements

Getting Practical


refers to applications which allow users to The term geolocation

publish their location

Geolocation and social media

Making Location Relevant Online

And the best part...

No one knows exactly where this phenomenon is headed

= tons of opportunity!

MobileChanging the way we interact

285 million+ cellphones in the U.S. (309+ million people in U.S.)

Smartphone adoption grew 60% from 2009 - 2010

76% of the U.S. uses mobile web

Mobile web grew 110% in the U.S. last year

Mobile - Consumer

If you are online - Google knows!

1 in 5 searches are locally related

Google/Search - attempt to make more relevantby knowing location

More interactive/less reactive

Mobile - Search

Local advertising

Smarter/targeted spending of advertising dollars

Reaching prospective customers while they are “nearby”

Creating dialogue with customers

Mobile - Business

Foursquare (And others)A geo-social game with real storytelling results

User-generated tips on the locations

Intense competition for (mayorship, places, etc.)

Opportunity to create specials and compete with surrounding businesses

Users’ lifestreams provide interest for other users

Foursquare - Consumer

1.6 million+ users and growing

Real-time data - location updates

Data analysis tools

Staff tools to interact directly with Foursquare fans

Foursquare - Business

FourSquare - Business

FourSquare - Business

Claim your business

Be part of the game - host contest, giveaways, etc.

Create specials for fans - free demos, tours

Give special treatment to “Mayor” or reward number of check-ins

Create an event incentive - even if it is not your event

Foursquare - First Steps


Google - Business

Google - Business

Google - Business

Oh by the way Facebook & Twitterare also recognizing this new local, mobile frontier

Experimenting with location-based check-in features

Facebook geo-targeted advertising

Geo-targeted messaging (NAVY SOP)

Location on status updates (World Cup)

Twitter Places associating names with locations

Facebook and Twitter

Seeding Local Movements



It’s still about the story

Building Social Movements

Be authentic, relevant & valuable

Be passionate - content is still king

Be yourself - relax

Be brave - experiment, create

Be responsive - measure, monitor


Mobile games - start checking in and seeing how others are using it

Add location to your tweets

Consider privacy and your comfortable level with location based applications

Start by using the tools

Geo tools will start to integrate data or others will do it for them!

Privacy issues will continue to be an area of concern

We will see increase personalization - maybe with some backlash!

Experience creation and experimentation will be the norm!

What’s Next?



And if you still have doubtsJust look at this!

Hold on I need to check in

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