the quill of alpha xi delta - fall/winter 2013

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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Fall/Winter 2013

Training Dogs of Destiny

Autism Awareness Month

Foundation 2012-2013 Annual Report

To Senegal and Back

The Truth BehindAdderall Abuse

LetterNational President’s

Dear Sisters,Although the seasons are winding

down for the year, this fall has been a time of new beginnings and growth for Alpha Xi Delta. Not only have wewelcomed three new colonies this fallwith open arms, but several of ourchapters have also enjoyed successful fallrecruitments and added more bold,

talented women to our dear Fraternity. Soon, these new memberswill be initiated and have the opportunity to connect on a deeperlevel with the ideals and principles of which Alpha Xi Delta wasfounded. Remember the joy you felt when wearing your Quillbadge for the first time? Although it has been some time sincesome of us first wore our Quill, I hope you are continually inspiredto realize your potential each and every day and cherish the bondsof Sisterhood in Alpha Xi Delta.

Also in terms of new beginnings, our Educational LeadershipConsultants (ELC) and Leadership Coaches (LC) (whom you met in the summer 2013 issue) have been traveling across the countryassisting chapters with recruitment, leadership programming andchapter development. Be sure to check out the Tales from the Roadsection on page 19 to get a peek into the life of an ELC. If you knowa young woman who would be an ideal candidate for anELC or LC position, applications are available via Exclusively Xi in the Resource Center.

As winter sets in, it is important for us to look to spring 2014as we have some exciting things on the horizon! April is AutismAwareness Month and we have outlined the whole month of Aprilin this issue (on page 25) to help you get started on your plans.Whether you participate in all the activities, or can only donate a few hours of your time, we appreciate everything our Sisters aredoing to help find the missing piece of the autism puzzle. With 1in 88 children affected by autism, this global health crisis needsour attention and support more than ever before.

Spring 2014 also brings with it a new recruitment season, and I personally cannot wait to welcome more womenhome to Alpha Xi Delta. In terms of extension, we will be startingour colonization efforts at American University, located in Washington, D.C., this spring. If you are interested in

volunteering, or would like to recommend a young woman forrecruitment, please email

Finally, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to JaneSutton, Western Carolina ’75, for serving as the NationalPanhellenic Conference (NPC) Chairman for the past two years.During Jane’s term as Chairman, she has led NPC ably and withgrace through several significant changes. NPC has completed a rebranding, the launch of a new website, increased the use of technology for the Conference and for college and alumnaepanhellenics and has adopted the compelling tagline “OurPotential. Your Move.” Jane has traveled across the countryproudly representing NPC at Greek leadership conferences,visiting NPC chapters and promoting the Collegiate Housing andInfastructure Act on the Hill in Washington, D.C. Under herleadership, NPC has changed its governance model from one thatis Executive Committee-driven to one that truly empowers theNPC Delegates to direct the Conference, with execution carriedout under the able direction of NPC’s first Executive Director.Unanimous Agreements have been brought more current, andthe Conference’s overall operations have been made moretransparent, all under Jane’s strong leadership. These are exactlythe legacies Alpha Xi Delta sought to leave with this rareopportunity to be in the NPC chair, and Jane has carried out her work well, and always with intellect and class. We are so honored and proud to call her our Sister. With more than four million active collegiate members, the Panhellenicexperience is reaching more women than ever before. Alpha XiDelta is proud to stand with our NPC sisters as the vision of our collective founders grows at an unbelievable pace.


Sandi EdwardsNational President

New Beginnings at Alpha Xi




ContentsThe Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is published

three times per year in spring, summer andfall/winter by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity.®


8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268

Volume 110/Issue 3Copyright 2013 by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity;

all rights reserved.

Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road

Indianapolis, IN 46268317.872.3500

Submission DeadlinesSpring issue – January 23

Summer issue – June 1Fall/Winter issue – September 6

Submission ProceduresText and photographs may be emailed to

the Editor or to the Fraternity Headquartersaddress listed above. Photographs submittedbecome the property of the Fraternity. Digital

images must be taken using the highestsettings on a camera that’s at least 3.2


Address/Name ChangesVisit or mail changes to

8702 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268.

National Executive DirectorElysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota ’93

Director of Communications and Marketing Lauren Blankenbaker Felts, Indiana ’03

Communications CoordinatorLauren Fisher, Indiana ‘08

National Council 2013-2015National President

Sandi Edwards, Kentucky ’75

National Vice PresidentsSuzanne Cantando, UNC Asheville ’92

Michele Herbst Evink, South Dakota State ’86Nancy Fehremann Gainer, Iowa State ’69

Micaela Isler, Texas ’91Fatima Johnson, UNC Asheville ’95

Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia ’97

The Mission of The Quill of Alpha Xi DeltaTo inform, inspire and challenge.

To sustain and nurture membership loyalty and interest.

To recognize individual, group and Fraternity accomplishments.

To provide a forum for the exchange of information and opinion.

To be the permanent record for the Fraternity.

of Alpha Xi Delta

On the cover: When she can’t meet face to face, Erin Shill, Indiana ‘10, stays in touch with

Sisters online. Learn how Sisters use technology to stay connected, beginning on page 10.

In This Issue3 Letters to the Editor

4 New, Now, Next

6 National PanhellenicConference News

14 Sister to Sister

19 Tales from the Road

21 Autism Speaks News

29 Member News

36 Be The Heart

37 Alumna Profile

40 Foundation News

47 Chapter Eternal

48 From the Archives

You’ve Got to Have a DreamBeta Eta’s dream came true when memberswere able to move into their newly remodeledchapter house earlier this year.

The Truth about Adderall AbuseJessica Fee, Old Dominion ’08, shares herfamily’s story about Adderall abuse and theloss of her brother.

Realize your PotentialJamie Ambrosio, Cornell ’05, found her homeon the rugby field and earned the chance ofa lifetime.

Living Our SymphonyGinny Carroll, Western Kentucky ’82, traveled to Senegal with sorority women to break groundon the Circle of Sisterhood funded school.



to the EditorLetters

Rekindling Sisterhood Just received my Summer 2013 issue of The Quill and was inspiredto share with you some recent alumnae activity from the Beta ChiChapter at Gettysburg College (member classes 1987 and 1988).

Twenty-one of us met in New York City on September 27-28,2013. Some of us have seen each other recently, but many haven’tseen others since graduation in 1990 and 1991. It was a total blastseeing all these Sisters of our youth. Alpha Xi Delta songs weresung, memories were exchanged and laughter was heard wellinto the night. We couldn’t have asked for a more perfectweekend of Sisterhood rekindled and friendship renewed.

From left to right (front row): Liz Abbott Wright, Kathy WalenHealy, Molly McConnell Buell, Gail Granfors Korchak and CathyArnold Mayone. From left to right (back row): Shelley HummerWebster, Emily Robertson-Yeingst, Lynne Bassett Perry, HeidiReimann McKenna, Alanna Frey Beber, Lee Walker Wager, SarahKopit Robets, Lisa Passmore Schuster and Sue Agypt Richards.

Emily Robertson-Yeingst, Gettysburg ’88

Remembering the PastWhat a joy it was to read The Quill, which came in today’s mail.There were so many pictures of people I knew. Betsy Weiner wasthe president of Xi Chapter, for two years, and I worked closelywith her.  She has certainly proven herself.  Kim Starr was anattorney in Columbus or Cincinnati and often came to thecampus during the trying times we had with Xi Chapter.  Threeof my Alpha Mu friends were pictured, with a group from Newarkand Granville, and a former member of the Louisville Alumnae

Association was pictured with her pledge class of 1959 at Purdue.How could I have asked for a more exciting issue?  

Congratulations on the great job you are doing and keep up the good work. I am proud to say I am a member of Alpha Xi Delta.

Carol Smith Simpson, Ohio Wesleyan ‘56

Twitter Commentsmahp_83: Read in @alphaxidelta #Quill that creator of@alexandani is a Sister! So cool! #uri #unh

ElizRhoads: Yes they did! SO proud (& excited!!) to see my@Lyco_AXiD ladies featured in @alphaxidelta’s The Quill!!

ChelsCaspersen: Carolyn Rafaelian, the creator and designer ofAlex and Ani jewelry is an @alphaxidelta! #sistersarewe #quill

acstrader: How cool! Just learned that the creator of@alexandani is an alpha xi! #thequill #famoussisters #axid #tfj

alexandani: @alphaxidelta thank you so much for the fantasticpiece on @carolyn. #sorority

abbyhillson: So excited to come home for fall break and find thenewest edition of #TheQuill in my room waiting on me!@alphaxidelta #TFJ

What’s on your mind?Have a comment about an article in The Quill? Drop us an

email at or send a note to The Quill,8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. We reserve the rightto select letters for publication and to edit for style and length.

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013


Fraternity News

New | NOW | Next 4

New | Fall Colonizations Welcome Home New MembersThis fall Alpha Xi Delta celebrated three bid days at our newestcolonies, welcoming more than 200 women into our Sisterhood. OnSeptember 15, women joined our colony at the University ofNebraska Kearney. On September 28, Sisters were welcomed hometo Alpha Xi Delta at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, andon October 13, we celebrated bid day at Michigan State University.

Now | is Now Mobile!Accessible from any web-enabled phone or smartphone, our newmobile site connects members and friends, wherever they may be,to our Fraternity website. Visit from anyweb-enabled phone to test drive the site. It features a nice, cleannavigation menu and allows you to easily navigate our site on amobile device.

Next | International Badge DayEach year, thousands ofwomen around the worldcelebrate their sororitymembership on NationalPanhellenic Conference’s International Badge Day. On Monday,March 3, 2014, wear your Quill or letters to let everyone knowyou’re proud to be a sorority woman and an Alpha Xi Delta.

The National Panhellenic Conference has many resourcesavailable via to help you extend your BadgeDay celebration, including sample news releases, FAQs and more.


On the Blog

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

Living our Ritual:The Recruitment SymphonyBy Andi Fouberg, South Dakota State ’95, National Ritual Director

For many chapters around the country, the beginning of theschool year also means the excitement of recruitment. For thoseof us more than a few years removed from our own recruitmentexperience, thinking back to that time brings back fondmemories of new Sisters and the promise of a new adventure.

One of those promises we make to our new members, as wellas to the world, dates back to 1924 when Founder Almira Cheney,Helen Willis Lynn and Alice Matthews were appointed to selectan open creed for Alpha Xi Delta. They chose for us 78 words thathave captured the hearts and imaginations of thousands of AlphaXi Deltas for generations.

The words of The Symphony are our outward statement of whowe are and what we hope to be. During recruitment, we try to tellpotential new members about what it is to be a member of AlphaXi Delta. We open our kindly hearts and share the joy of theSisterhood of women with these potential new members. Oncethese women are members of our chapters, we work togethertoward an appreciation of real merit and worth. We makepromises to one another in recruitment that we spend a lifetimetrying to fulfill. Whether you have been reciting it for days or fordecades, whether being recited solo while your chapter hums The Sisterhood of Women or the harmonic cadence of 500 Sistersat National Convention reciting in unison, The Symphony is areminder to all who hear it of what we want to be.

Therefore, reciting it is not enough. Telling potential members,new members and campuses it is who we are is not enough. Ourgoal should be to live up to this inspiring, yet brief, message. Wouldthose you meet hear these words and see you, your chapter oryour alumnae association reflected in them? As the songs andchants fade from formal recruitment, let us work to live up to thepromise of these words together and hold one another accountableto these ideals.

No doubt if we embodied the promises of this statement to the recognition of those around us, the impact we would have on the world would far exceed the fraternal experience. Havecourage. Be gracious. Make peace.

“These things do we earnestly desire:

A clear vision of life, that with gracious and

kindly hearts we may share both joy and

sorrow and bring into living reality the

sisterhood of women.

An appreciation of real merit and worth,

steadfastness of soul, that without bitterness

or defeat we may encounter misfortune

and with humility meet success.

These things, O Lord, help us to instill

within our hearts that we may grow in

courage and graciousness and peace.”

This article was originally posted on our blog, The Inside Ink. You can read articles like this and more at

Leaving a LegacyAt the 2013 NPC Annual Conference held in Los Angeles, California, Jane Sutton,

Western Carolina ’75, retired as NPC Chairman and handed the gavel over to Jean Mrasek

of Chi Omega. Throughout Jane's two years as Chairman, Alpha Xi Delta Sisters have

written congratulatory notes to Jane to mark this special occasion in Alpha Xi Delta's

history. Here are a few notes we would like to share with our readers.

If you would like to send your own note to Jane, please email it to

NPC News 6

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Summer 20127 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 20137

To paraphrase Rodgers and Hammerstein, ifyou don’t have a dream, how can you make adream come true? Ever since the Beta Eta Chapterat the University of Maryland became dormant in1994, Beta Etas held onto the dream of a vibrant,successful chapter of young women living once againin our home at 4517 Knox Road in College Park. Thatdream became a reality with the colony’sreestablishment and when those same youngwomen moved into their newly renovated chapterhome this fall.

When the Beta Eta Chapter became dormant, the local alumnaeimmediately looked to the future and the dream of reestablishing thechapter. To that end, the first decision was not to sell the house asthey felt that retaining ownership would be essential in any chapterrecolonization efforts. The local alumnae financed the costs ofmaintaining the house through various leasing contracts withindividual students, student groups and the University. That effortproved to be successful and was validated when the chapter wasreestablished in fall 2012.

The excitement generated by the new colony energizedeveryone on the Beta Eta Corporation Board, which led the effort toaccomplish a major renovation and have the house ready foroccupancy at the end of August 2013.

The first step in the renovation process was some grand visioning,done in partnership with the National Housing Corporation (NHC). By visiting other, newly-renovated sorority houses at Maryland andtaking advantage of the “fresh eyes” and experience of the NHCrepresentatives, the board developed plans for significantly renovatedspaces and new amenities, planned to meet the needs and expectationsof today’s collegians. As plans became more detailed, this conversationevolved to include the colony members as well.

Local architects were then interviewed. Don Smith of SmithArchitects was chosen due to his experience and previous workwithin the chapter facility. Don worked with us to draw up severalpossible floor plans, and after much collaboration, we agreed on afinal conceptual design.

The next step was securing bank financing. The boardpartnered with the National Housing Corporation to secure a mortgage broker experienced in fraternal housing who helpedsuccessfully negotiate the lending package. As soon as the spring2013 semester came to a close and our current tenants moved out,Mike Albrecht of Albrecht Construction and Linda Hartman ofKaren Renee Interior Design began their parts of the project. Thesummer was a whirlwind of hammers, saws, meetings, inspectors,permits, late shipments, paint colors and fabric samples. Arenovation of this magnitude creates stress, surprise, sometimes tears, but always amazement.

The Beta Eta Corporation Board and several chapter officersendured a very busy summer of meetings, emails, telephone calls,site visits and decision making. This renovation experience hasstrengthened the bonds of Sisterhood among us and increased ourappreciation of what Alpha Xi Delta is all about.

The most exciting part of the project for the chapter women wasseeing the house for the first time when they moved in. While thechapter had seen the beautiful decorating boards provided early inthe design process to showcase the possibilities for the facility’sfinal look, those could not compare with the gorgeous reality theysaw when the doors were opened. On the flip side, the most excitingpart for the board was the reactions – smiles and tears of joy – thatwe saw on the faces of our chapter women when we revealed tothem their new home. Rodgers and Hammerstein were right; if youdon’t have a dream, you really can’t make a dream come true.

Housing News

You’ve Got to Have a Dream

Before: The formal livingroom felt dark and small.

After: New furnishings, brightpaint colors and a neutral rugopen up the space to make itfeel light and airy.

Before: The TV room had datedfurnishings and lacked space.

After: New, coordinatedfurniture, a larger sectional andadditional sitting areasthroughout the room allowmore room for the chapterwomen to gather and relax.

Before: The entrance to thechapter house felt closed offand small.

After: Walls were removedand the layout wasreconfigured to create awelcoming, open entrance. 8

[]The Truth Behind


9 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013


ALL-NIGHTERAddiction: 10

“Amphetamines have a high potential for abuse.Administration of amphetamines for prolongedperiods of time may lead to dependence andmust be avoided. Particular attention should bepaid to the possibility of subjects obtainingamphetamines for non-therapeutic use ordistribution to others, and the drug should beprescribed or dispensed sparingly. Misuse ofamphetamine may cause sudden death andserious cardiovascular adverse events.”

The Food and Drug Administration mandates this warningbe printed on all amphetamines, including Adderall, one of the many medications used to treat Attention DeficitHyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). According to Dr. SandraFryhofer, Georgia Tech ’76, a doctor of internal medicine,Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at Emory UniversitySchool of Medicine, Alpha Xi Delta Woman of Distinction and former CNN medical correspondent, drugs like Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta and Vyvanse are stimulants usedto help individuals with ADHD regulate their central nervoussystem, improve their focus and organize their thoughts andimpulsive behaviors. “Stimulant medications can be helpfulfor those with ADHD,” Dr. Fryhofer said, “But they can alsobe both addicting and dangerous.”

In fact, amphetamine-based drugs such as Adderall areclassified as schedule II controlled substances and are placedin the same category as morphine, opium and OxyContin.

Due to the high potential for abuse and addiction, one of the main concerns related to stimulant drugs is theamount of people selling or sharing them with others who do not have a prescription or medical diagnosis ofADHD, and chances are, many usersare unaware of the dangersassociated with taking theseamphetamine-based drugswhen they are not needed.Unfortunately, Jessica Fee,Old Dominion ’08, knowsfirsthand how dangerousthese drugs can be.

“Stimulant medicationscan be helpful for thosewith ADHD, but they canalso be both addicting

and dangerous.”



The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

Jessica’s brother, Richard Fee, developed an addiction toAdderall after graduating from college in 2008. Afterstruggling with his addiction for two years, in November of2011, he took his own life.

Stage 1: Experimentation Jessica and Richard were close growing up, and when asked about her brother, one specific memory stands out in her mind - the night before Richard’s college graduation. “The night before[graduation] they go to the church in town and have a cappingceremony,” Jessica explained. During the ceremony, the graduatingseniors will pick someone close to them and dress that person in theircap and gown. “Out of everyone, he picked me to go and do that withhim,” Jessica said.

When Richard left for college, he was your typical, freshmanstudent. He had a full-academic scholarship to Greensboro Collegeand was on the school’s baseball team. “We would go visit, and hewould let me hang out with him and his friends,” Jessica recalled.“He seemed like a really happy person.”

While in college, Richard excelled. He was elected as classpresident, graduated in four years with an honors degree inbiology and began preparing for medical school. He never showedany signs of having ADD or ADHD, and prior to going toGreensboro, he earned A’s and B’s in high school without usingstimulant drugs.

Like so many other college students, Richard started usingstimulant drugs occasionally in college. According to Jessica, thisis not unusual behavior for students on college campuses. “Eitherpeople have a prescription, want the prescription or they’re askingeach other for some,” she said. “No one thinks it’s dangerous or it’s illegal, even though it is, to use each other’s pills. They’ll sayright in front of tons of people, ‘Hey, I really need to take anAdderall pill tonight to be able to stay up all night. You have any?’”

And that’s just whatRichard did. Occasionally,when Richard had to stay up late to study for a test or write a paper, he wouldask friends and classmatesfor a pill.

Stage 2: Regular Use After Richard graduated from college in 2008, he decided to stay inGreensboro to prepare for the MCATs. It was during that time aftergraduation that he felt the need to get his own prescription forstimulant drugs. After meeting with a nurse practitioner at theTriad Psychiatric and Counseling Center and taking a shortquestionnaire, Richard was diagnosed with ADHD withouthyperactivity. He left the office with a prescription for three weeksworth of 30 milligrams of the stimulant drug, Vyvanse.

“The latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders, the ‘bible’ of psychiatry, has changed both thecriteria for and classification of ADHD diagnosis,” Dr. Fryhoferexplained. “ADHD is now classified with neuro-developmentaldisorders rather than with conduct disorders. Children still have tomeet at least six criteria, but adults (ages 17 and older) now onlyhave to meet five criteria to satisfy the diagnosis. These changesshould make it easier to make the diagnosis and will most likelyincrease the number of people receiving treatment.”

According to Jessica’s experience, it’s very easy for anyone toobtain a prescription for Adderall. “After I went to college my firstyear, it was a big adjustment change and I didn’t do too well inclasses,” she said. “I went to the doctor to see if I needed to takeadvantage of the disability services provided by my school, andthey ran a bunch of tests on me.” After two days worth of tests, thedoctor told Jessica she “might” have ADHD and asked what shewanted to do. Jessica made the decision not to take anyprescription medications for ADHD since the doctor could not giveher a definite diagnosis. “Looking back on that, it’s scary that theywere probably going to offer me Adderall when I only showed signsthat I could have ADHD.”

Knowing what she does about the diagnosis process and herbrother’s behavior prior to stimulant drug use, Jessica said, “He did nothave it [ADHD]. From sun up to sun down, he focused on the things heneeded to get done. He was active with his friends, played baseball,went to practices and always went to school with no problem.”

When Jessica and her family found out about Richard’s diagnosisand prescription in 2009, they were shocked. Her dad knew howdangerous stimulant drugs could be and immediately expressed hisconcerns and asked Richard to reconsider taking the pills.

Jessica, on the other hand wasn’t too concerned. “For me, at ayounger age, it’s more common to hear about Adderall than it is formy parents,” Jessica said. She remembers telling her brother thathe didn’t need the drugs, but at the same time having the “I guessyou’re going to do what you’re going to do” type of attitude. “If I had

Jessica and her brother at Richard’scollege graduation.

known now what was going to happen, I would have put up a lotbigger fight in the beginning,” Jessica said. “But Adderall is nottalked about like that, so my age group has no clue.”

Stage 3: Risky Use In 2010, Richard started seeing a doctor close to his parent’s home in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Dr. Ellison from DominionPsychiatric Associates, and it was here that Richard first received a prescription for Adderall. He was prescribed to 30 milligrams of Adderall, the fast-acting kind instead of the extended-releaseformula that is less addicting, and was instructed to take it once aday for 21 days. Eight days after receiving the prescription, Richardhad 13 pills left and asked the doctor to renew his prescription, butthis time requested 50 milligrams of Adderall and received it.

“My dad was worried from the beginning, and as soon as hefound out about it [the Adderall prescription], he tried everythinghe could to get him off of it,” Jessica said. She remembers her dadasking Richard to stop taking Adderall and even pleading withRichard’s doctor to stop prescribing him medication. “I don’t thinkhe realized he [Richard] was addicted to it or that it was going tohave such a huge impact on him at first, but he knew somethingwas off.”

Richard’s family eventually started noticing changes in hisbehavior that they associated with his Adderall use. He wouldargue with his parents frequently and developed an usual sleepingpattern - staying up for days at a time, and then sleeping for 48hours straight. According to Dr. Fryhofer, anxiety, irritability andsleep deprivation are all side effects of using stimulant medication.

“At the time, I thought it was him just being annoyed that hewas 24 and moving back in with his parents,” Jessica said. “Butnow I know it was the Adderall.”

Stage 4: Drug Addiction and Dependency Confusion and psychosis are some of the additional side effects Dr. Fryhofer names when talking about stimulant drug use, andRichard began to experience these symptoms a year or so into hisaddiction. The Fees lived close to Oceana Air Station, a militaryairport in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Jessica said she and Richardpretty much grew up with planes constantly flying over andaround their home. Once Richard was on Adderall, he wasconvinced that “they” [those in the planes] were watching him, hisfamily and their home. “He would start closing the blinds, and hewould be afraid to go outside,” Jessica recalled. “He even coveredthings up at night. He would cover up those little lights that wereon the TV or his speakers and cover up his clock with Post-its.”

At this time, Richard was going through a month’s worth ofAdderall in a number of days, and as his parents became moreconcerned about his addiction, their arguments with Richardbecame more frequent and aggressive, especially when discussinghis prescription. “When I watched him get into these verbal fights,he never laid a hand on my dad or mom, but I could just tell thathe was holding back so much anger, and that at times, just lookingin his eyes, it was like he knew he could lose control,” Jessica said.

One night in 2011, Richard became so upset with his parents for withholding his pills, that he called 911. When the police arrivedon the scene, the Fees explained that their son was addicted to

“If I had knownnow what was goingto happen, I wouldhave put up a lotbigger fight in the


Richard had a full academic scholarship to Greensboro University and played on the school’sbaseball team.



The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

Adderall and they wanted to hold onto the pills and make sure hewas taking them as instructed. Richard denied his addiction, andthe police instructed his parents to hand over the bottle. They did asthey were told, and told Richard to leave. Later that night, Richardcalled his parents threatening to stab himself with a knife, and hewas admitted into the Virginia Beach Psychiatric Center. “Myparents had a whole new fight with a whole new doctor to get himoff of Adderall,” Jessica said. “They just never quit. They neverstopped trying to help him. They tried everything a parent can doand then some.”

When Richard was discharged, he continued to get hisprescription filled from Dr. Ellison until October 2011; two yearsafter Richard’s struggle with Adderall began, when herecommended Richard take Strattera, one of the treatments forADHD that does not include amphetamines. Richard never filledthis prescription, and returned to the doctor’s office a few weekslater requesting a prescription for Adderall. He was denied thisrequest. A few weeks later, on November 7, 2011, Richard took his life.

Looking Back Two years after her brother’s death, Jessica is sharing Richard’sstory and looking to help those who may not know the dangersassociated with Adderall. “Now that we’re public about it andtrying to help people, it’s really scary to see how many people thisis happening to,” Jessica said. “Yes, my brother was an adult, andhe was the first person to decide to put an Adderall pill in hismouth, and that’s where it all began. There’s a part of me thatunderstands he had a big hand in doing this to himself, but alsothe doctors were responsible, too. Every step of the way somethingnew happened and there was a new chance for a doctor orsomeone else to prevent it from going further.”

Jessica hopes her family’s story makes doctors think twiceabout diagnosing patients with ADHD and prescribing stimulantdrugs. “So many people are prescribed to it, and I’m not saying thatno one needs it. It does do good for some people if they do need it,”Jessica said. She believes that doctors should take more time toproperly diagnose their patients and conduct more thorough teststhan a simple questionnaire. If the patient is diagnosed withADHD, Jessica thinks doctors should have lengthy follow-upappointments with the patient to evaluate him/her and discusssome of side-effects that may occur. “If doctors took things slow,listened to their patients and were more involved with theirpatients’ needs instead of having a revolving door policy, I wouldbe happy,” she said.

In addition, she hopes her story helps educate young adults onthe dangers of Adderall and makes them think twice before usingit as a study aid. “I’m starting to realize that it’s important to helpanyone that you can, and that’s what I hope to do by sharing mystory,” Jessica said. “If it can prevent anything like this or evensome of the stuff that happened from happening, it would be worthit. Something has to change.”

If you or someone you know has an addictionto Adderall or any other type of drug, Alpha Xi Delta can help.

We’ve partnered with All-One Health to provide Talk

One-2-One, a confidential counseling service

provider, to its collegiate members. Members can call

800.756.3124 to use Talk One-2-One confidentially

and free of charge to discuss issues such as

depression, roommate issues, eating disorders, stress,

money issues and alcohol/drug issues.

Richard with his father, Rick Fee. 14

By Shannon Slatton Schwartz, Gamma Omega ’99

to SisterSister

All photos courtesy of: Jen Taylor Photography

When her young daughter and husband wanted to adopt a dog, Mary Ebeling Sears, Delta Kappa ’87 , had her doubts. “I never had any pets at all,” says Mary. “Growingup, I was only allowed to have a goldfish.” They adopted cats, butthe majority of the family still wanted to add a dog to the household.When Mary’s husband brought a flyer home advertising training a service dog, the family thought it was the perfect option. “Wethought if it doesn’t work out, we can give it back,” says Mary. “Two weeks later we had a dog named Elmer.”

When her young daughter and husband wanted to adopt a dog, Mary Ebeling Sears, Delta Kappa ’87 , had her doubts. “I never had any pets at all,” says Mary. “Growingup, I was only allowed to have a goldfish.” They adopted cats, butthe majority of the family still wanted to add a dog to the household.When Mary’s husband brought a flyer home advertising training a service dog, the family thought it was the perfect option. “Wethought if it doesn’t work out, we can give it back,” says Mary. “Two weeks later we had a dog named Elmer.”

of destinytraining dogs

to SisterSister

15 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

But temporarily adopting a service dog to help is much more than experimenting with pet ownership. Mary and her family

had to take Elmer to weekly training classes, pay for all of hisexpenses and take Elmer with them everywhere. “They are with youwherever you are, so you are always in training mode,” says Mary.Elmer needed to get accustomed to public situations and to haveplenty of interaction with children, which worked well for Mary’s jobat a school. “He was a kid dog, and I’d let kids lay all over him andlove him,” says Mary. “Autism was his destiny.”

Because of his mellow personality and large size, Elmer wastrained to be an autism assist dog. Mary and the staff at Can DoCanines in Minneapolis, Minnesota, trained Elmer to be able to stopa child from running away. “If a child starts to run, the dog is taughtto drop down and brace so the kid cannot get very far. This preventsa child from getting away in a dangerous situation,” says Mary, whosays the dog also can help calm the child. “We have the dog settledown on command so the child can lay on them because often thechild likes the texture and touch of animals.”

Elmer also helped Mary and her family during a very difficult time. Shortly after accepting Elmer, Mary was diagnosed with breastcancer. Elmer became a special companion to her daughter Katherine(Katie), and a special source of comfort for Mary. “He went with me toevery treatment, every doctors appointment and visited me in thehospital after surgery,” remembers Mary. “He snuggled with me in bedand often stayed with Katie until she fell asleep. He brought smiles tofaces when times were tough.” After a brutal year of operations andtreatment, Mary has now been in remission for four years.

When Elmer reached 18 months old, Mary and her familyreturned him to Can Do Canines for more extensive training. Then,they attended a graduation, where the family handed the dog overto a new family, who had been waiting for years to have an autismassist dog. “It was especially hard because my daughter wasattached,” says Mary. “But at the graduation ceremony, you see thedog with the client and realize it was their destiny.”

Since Elmer, Mary and her family have hosted five assist dogsover five years. Brewster and Willow could turn on lights, pick uptelephones and complete many other tasks as they helped peoplewith mobility. Because Wiggs could sniff a change in blood sugar, hehelped a mother manage her Type I diabetes. The family currentlyis training Jazz and helping to determine what the dog’s best futurewill be. “Mary and her family are dedicated to raising a well-behaveddog that has an excellent start on training and is well-socialized,”said Nancy Weitgenant, puppy program coordinator.

Besides donating time and money to raise the dogs, Mary alsogives back to the organization by helping with training programs,staffing booths to raise awareness and administering front desk

duties. Mary helps coordinate the “Name A Puppy” program whichallows donors to name puppies. She uses her photography skills toput together a photo album for donors. “Mary is one of those uniqueindividuals who brings sunshine into any room she enters,” saysAlan Peters, executive director. “I believe it is her focus on helpingothers that keeps that smile on her face. And that smile is neverbigger than when she watches a puppy she has cared for, trainedand loved over many months, walk on stage during graduation,changing the life of someone with a disability forever.”

However, Mary plans to extend her volunteer efforts with theorganization. Her family is excited to become a breeder host familyin the near future. They will house and care for Harper, whosepuppies will become service dogs through Can Do Canines. “If you are given a lot in life, you need to give a lot back and we givewith this every single day,” says Mary. “We believe in them andbelieve they are doing the right thing for people. They are good todogs and good to clients.”

Elmer and Katie, then 6.

Elmer as a puppy.Elmer as a puppy. 16

Elmer with Mary while she battled cancer. He brought comfort to Mary during chemotherapy treatments. Elmer with Mary while she battled cancer. He brought comfort to Mary during chemotherapy treatments.

“If you are given alot in life, you need

to give a lot backand we give

with this everysingle day.”

– Mary Sears

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Summer 20121717 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

When I first moved to Chicago in March of 2012, I was a littlebit lost. I came for a job opportunity I couldn’t pass up.

Prior to living in Chicago I lived in Washington State, New YorkCity and Philadelphia; so I was certainly no stranger to newbeginnings. While I lived in many places, I never considered anyplace other than Cornell my true home.

I joined the Alpha Beta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta during myfreshman year at Cornell University. I remember my freshmanyear as a blur of meeting different people and trying new things.I chose to go through sorority recruitment because my roommatewas doing it and wanted a friend to share the experience withher. I never thought it would change my life in the way that it did.I am very proud to be a founding member of the chapter and havemy name displayed on our charter. Within a few weeks of joiningAlpha Xi Delta, I knew I had found my Cornell family. I continueto keep in touch with my chapter Sisters, plan reunions withthem and attend their weddings.

When I first arrived in Chicago, I didn’t think I would find a friend group so similar to my Alpha Xi Delta Sisters, but luckily

I was wrong. About five months after living here, I reconnectedwith an old friend I had lifeguarded with back in high school. Iconfided in her about how I was having trouble meeting peopleand shared my concerns of never finding a new home. She toldme she had felt very similarly when she first moved to Chicagountil she joined her rugby team, The Chicago Sirens.

I have always been a fairly athletic person. When I wasyounger, I spent much of my time playing all different kinds ofsports, but the idea of playing rugby seemed ridiculous, even tome. I just kept thinking, “Why would anyone want play a sportwhere a large part of the game consisted of letting people hitthem?” My friend didn’t push the point, but she invited me tocome to a fundraising event her team was hosting so she couldintroduce me to some of her teammates and friends. My firstencounter with these women immediately reminded me of thefeeling I got when I met my fellow Alpha Beta Chapter Sisters –they made me feel so comfortable and welcome. After spendingsome time with these women, I knew they were going to be mynew family in Chicago, the family I was searching for since the

Your PotentialRealize

By Jaime Ambrosio, Cornell ’05

Kenya or BustHow one Sister found her home on the

field and earned the chance of a lifetimeHow one Sister found her home on the

field and earned the chance of a lifetime

By Jaime Ambrosio, Cornell ’05

moment I arrived. I spent the evening talking to some of the women aboutrugby and why they played. I was shocked by how passionately they spokeabout this crazy sport, and that passion convinced me to give it a try.

One practice later, I was hooked, and since then I have fallen in lovewith the sport! I never expected a game, that on the surface looked sochaotic and brutal, to be so elegant and tactical. Plus, playing a game ofrugby is the best workout I’ve ever had to date. I feel my love of the gameis in a very large part due to how much I enjoy the company of the womenI play it with. I was shocked to find how ready they are to support eachother on and off the field, and I am so very proud to be part of the team.

After only seven months of playing rugby with The Chicago Sirens,we were invited to play in the 2014 Safari Sevens in Nairobi, Kenya. TheSafari Sevens is Africa’s premier invitation-only rugby tournament anddraws crowds of more than 20,000 people! We are currently the only U.S. team invited to play in 2014 and the first women’s team outside ofAfrica to be invited.

Women’s rugby is growing in popularity in Africa, and I am honoredto be amongst the elite group who will aid that growth. Participating in the Safari Sevens will allow us to grow as athletes and individuals aswe represent Chicago and the U.S. on an international stage. Additionally,as a self-funded team we need to work hard to raise enough for a trip ofthis magnitude. It has been a great experience working to gain publicityfor our team and to approach different businesses for sponsorshipopportunities. As much as it sometimes feels like a second job, it hasgiven many of the younger players the opportunity to develop greattransferable skills in a very low-risk environment.

While in Kenya, we plan to compete in two tournaments, go on asafari and organize a community service project teaching localchildren to play the very same sport we have all come to love. But, inorder to make this dream a reality, we have a lot of work to do. We willbe playing against teams that compete at the highest level. We areincreasing our coaching staff so we can focus on getting the entireteam ready to compete in the tournament. I am entirely confident wewill get there; we have some truly incredible athletes in our ranks.Having the opportunity to represent our country at an internationalsporting event is the opportunity of a lifetime for all of us.

To learn more about the Safari Sevens or ways to support the ChicagoSirens rugby team, visit their tour website at orcontact them via email at 18

Photos (from top to bottom): Jaime, second from left, with her Sisters in

front of the Alpha Beta Chapter House at an alumnae reunion in 2011.

The Chicago Sirens doing their pregame pump-up ritual at the Nash Bash

tournament. Jaime playing at the Lakefront 7s tournament. After the

final day of the Nash Bash tournament.

19 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013


Being an Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC) constantly remindsme of the wonderful organization Alpha Xi Delta is, and it has shown me the common bond we have as Sisters, regardless of our chapter affiliation.

During each Preference Ceremony, I tear up as I watch our chaptermembers prepare to welcome new members to their future home awayfrom home. As a collegiate member, I was always focused on inspiring my chapter Sisters to determine their Alpha Xi Delta legacy, but I never really took the time to figure out my own legacy. I always knew I wanted to make a positive impact on and inspire as many women aspossible. Combining my two passions of recruitment and Alpha Xi Delta led me to pursue the opportunity to become an ELC.

I had an overall idea of what to expect before I started traveling, but nothing really started to sink in until I had my first visits. It’s actually more rewarding than I could have ever imagined! In my first month of traveling, I visited the Zeta Xi Chapter at Auburn University, theBeta Alpha Chapter at the University of Texas and the Delta Psi Chapter at Texas State University. Watching what these chapter women can accomplish in a week leading up to recruitment is inspiring. Team work, dedication and a true love and appreciation for our Sisterhood is fully on display, and it makes me so proud to know these collegiatewomen are representing Alpha Xi Delta.

After each visit, I leave with such an overwhelming feeling ofhappiness. The experience to travel as an ELC is especially unique, and I know I’ve already grown so much as a leader and Sister. I lookforward to continuing this amaXIng journey for the remainder of the school year.

Interested in learning more about the Educational Leadership Consultantand Leadership Coach programs? Visit our website at and LC applications are located in Exclusively Xi in the Resource Center.Any interested chapter member is encouraged to apply during her senioryear. The number of ELCs and LCs hired each year depends on the needs ofthe Fraternity.

From the RoadTales


From top to bottom: Shellby with Stephanie Samuelson(left) during the open house round of recruitment at TexasState University. Zeta Xi Chapter on the philanthropy dayof recruitment. From left to right: Nicole Nystorm, ShellbySweeney and Lindsey Vinson.

Summer Immersion 2014 20

Alpha Xi Delta is excited to once again extend aunique learning opportunity to collegians whoare interested in advancing their relationship

with Autism Speaks and broadening theirunderstanding of autism spectrum disorders.

Taking place in Washington, D.C. during the summer of 2014,the Summer Immersion Experience will give Alpha Xi Deltas the opportunity to spend one week fully engaged in the fourpillars of Autism Speaks’ mission: awareness, family services,advocacy and research. Sisters who choose to participate in theSummer Immersion program will share meaningful experiencesdesigned to further the mission of Autism Speaks - to changethe future for all who struggle with autism spectrum disorders.

The program’s curriculum focuses on providing participantswith a comprehensive range of activities from hands-onexperience with families and individuals affected by autism, tovolunteering at the Autism Speaks annual Bike to the Beachfundraiser on Saturday, August 2, 2014, and even lobbying onbehalf of Autism Speaks at Capitol Hill.

For more information and to submit an application, pleasevisit the Resource Center of Exclusively Xi and locate theSummer Immersion Application in the Philanthropy Folder. The final day to submit applications is Friday, January 31,2014. For any questions about this program, please emailPhilanthropy and Community Outreach Manager KristenEllefson at

Erin Finn, Slippery Rock ’01,is currently the Autism StrandSpecialist at Orchard Gardens K-8 PilotSchool in Boston, Massachusetts. She has been at this school for sixyears and says the most importantpart of her day is spending time withthose students who are so close to her heart. Steven, now a 15-year-oldstudent at Orchard Gardens, is justone of the many students who hasimpacted Erin’s life.

Steven and his grandmother walkedinto Erin’s classroom one day in Decemberthree years ago looking for help. At thetime, Steven was 11 years old anddiagnosed with autism. He was considerednon-verbal, uttering only a few words, andwhen they came out, they were no louderthan a whisper. He sporadically displayedsigns of aggression towards others,destruction of property and non-compliance.

Out of frustration, Steven would lash out by spitting, biting, punching, kicking,throwing chairs, ripping things andpunching walls.

Erin remembers that first encounterwith Steven and his grandmother.“Steven’s grandmother seemed upset,fragile and she needed help,” Erin recalled.“She is not young and was in desperateneed of someone to help her, him and thebehavior that was and is sometimeschallenging.”

When Erin received an email fromAutism Speaks in 2012, explaining theiPad Grant Program, she immediatelybegan selecting the students she believedneeded it the most and Steven was hernumber one candidate. Steven reallywanted an iPad. As a matter of fact, he hadbeen asking his grandmother for one foryears, but it was just too expensive. Aftersitting down with Steven’s grandmotherand filling out the online application, therewas nothing to do but wait.

21 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

Autism Speaks

An iPadchangedhis lifeBy Lauren Fisher, CommunicationsCoordinator, Indiana ’08

An iPadchangedhis life

Right before winter break, Erin receivedan email that would forever change Steven’slife. The email said Steven would bereceiving an iPad from Autism Speaks. Erin reached out to Steven’s grandmotherwith the good news, and she cried tears ofjoy. Erin received the iPad before schoolclosed for the holidays, and she loaded itwith a variety of special apps for Steven,wrapped it and sent it home with him so he could open it on Christmas morning.When Steven returned from winter break,

everyone noticed an immediate change inhis behavior. “I remember hearing Stevenfrom my room when he was in the hall,”Erin recalled.”When I walked out, he waswearing his Santa hat as happy as can be,showing everyone his iPad with a hugegrin. He didn’t put it down all day.”

Sarah White Smith, Orchard Garden’sSchool Counselor, remembers seeingSteven run up the stairs after Decemberbreak. “He was throwing his voice, sayinghello and showing his iPad to every student

AUTISM APPSThe Zones of Regulation:This app is designed to help students gain skills

in regulating their behaviors such asmanaging their emotions and level ofalertness. Available on iPads, Androids,iPhones and iTouches. COST: $4.99

Social Stories: This programwas designed to help specialneeds children and young

adults understand different socialsituations and provide them with thetools they need to respond collectively.The app can be used on iPads andiPhones. COST: $2.99

Visual Routine: This programprovides visual schedules androutines that can contain

audio feedback and customizablepictures, audio and text. It is designedto help special needs children maintaintheir daily routines. Available on theiPad and iPhone. COST: $2.99

StoryMaker for Social Apps:This is the premiere app for creating and presenting

social stories. The app lets users createsocial stories with pictures, text andaudio. This app is compatible withiPads, iPhones and iTouches. COST: $29.99

A BuZoo Story: This one’stouch free! Users use their hands to wave at

the camera in order to collect zooanimals. The program helps usersrecognize animals, spell their namesand interact with the animals.Available on Android devices. COST: FREE!

Check out and download other autismapps at

“While the iPad is the most popular choice for

many reasons, there are other tablets that will do many of the same functions as the iPad and may offer cheaper alternatives

for the family.”

23 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

and teacher who would listen,” Sarah said.“It was such a drastic change from hisnormal, quiet behavior.”

The iPad helped Steven communicatewith his peers. When others couldn’tunderstand him, Steven would simply pullout his iPad and show everyone what hewas talking about with videos and websites.“I have been working with Steven for threeyears, and now he is a completely differentstudent,” Erin said. “He loves to take videosof himself and the roller coasters or trainshe has built and then show his friends. TheiPad has increased his skills and he lovesusing apps that he can talk into for phonicsand sentence creation.”

Currently, Erin integrates iPads dailywhen working with children on the autismspectrum and has about 120 various appsavailable for her students to use.

Autism Speaks

From top to bottom: On his first dayback after winter break, Steven worehis Santa hat and would not put his iPad down. Students at OrchardGardens practicing reading and mathskills on their iPads. Steven loves usinghis new iPad to spell words.

Article quotes provided by J-Jaye Hurley,Autism Response Team Coordinator andmother of a child on the autism spectrum.

“For many non-verbal individuals, it [the iPad] is giving them a voice and a new way to communicate

with others. It also helps reinforceeducational goals and is an excitinglearning tool for many. Technology

in general is making life easier, and in a way, it is doing the same

for individuals with autism.”

“They [iPads] are not a ‘magic solution’ as the individual often

requires supervision, instruction andtraining on the device, and the

family also must have some level oftechnology skills to implement thesetablets into their lives. For my son, he is able to make his own choices

and that is an amazing help for all of us.”

Autism Awareness MonthTo learn

how to makethis specialwreath, turn the page!

2525 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

STEP #1 (a) Pre-cut ribbon to desired length.We cut ours to 13”, but found that the widerribbon needed to be cut between 14” to 15”to achieve a comparable length once tied. Bonus Tip: (b) Heat seal the edge of the ribbonby using a lighter to gently heat the snippedsection. This will keep the edge from fraying!

STEP #2 (a) Tie ribbon around wreath with a double knot and adjust the ends so they are on the outside of the wreath. (b)Repeat and alternate ribbon if using multiplepatterns, textures and widths. (c) The ribbonsshould slightly overlap in order to cover the Styrofoam. Wired ribbon is easier tomanipulate to create a fuller look.

STEP #3 Once the form is completely covered,tie a 12” loop of ribbon in the back of two ofthe ribbon knots in order to make a hanger.

STEP #4 Trace the Autism Speaks puzzle pieceonto the back of the blue glitter paper. Makesure to reverse the stencil as the puzzle pieceis not perfectly symmetrical and should have

If your chapter or association is looking for an entertainingSisterhood activity, philanthropyfundraiser or one more fun wayto Light It Up Blue this April,look no further! These autismawareness wreaths are easy to make and can be distributed or sold in your communities to raise funds and awareness of autism spectrum disordersduring Autism Awareness Month,or throughout the entire year.

• Blue ribbon (preferably wired ribbon)• Styrofoam wreath (10” to 14”)• Blue and white glitter paper

• Tracing templates (available in Exclusively Xi)

• Glue• Lighter

TIP: If you have time to plan in advance, order your supplies online to save



1a 1b 2a


Autism Awareness Month 26

a distinctive left and right side. Cut out thepuzzle piece and glue its head to the top ofthe wreath directly below the hanger.

STEP #5 Trace the banner onto the back ofthe white glitter paper. Cut out and glue the banner to the bottom of the wreath

directly below the puzzle piece. Print out theco-branded slogan, or the cobranded logoand glue in the center of the banner.

STEP #6 Take pictures of your final product andemail them to!



1. Sell wreaths at Walk Now For Autism Speaks events or AmaXIng Challenges

2. Hang them on the front door of your chapter house during Autism Awareness Month

3. Ask other Greek organizations to put your autism awareness wreaths on their front doors to show unity during Autism Awareness Month

4. Give a wreath to your local Autism Speaks field staff as away to say thank you

5. Donate wreaths to local schools that support students with autism spectrum disorders

6. Ask your workplace to hang the wreath on the door of the office during April

7. Give a wreath to yourFraternity/Sorority Advisor

8. Use as a door decoration for new members after Bid Day

9. Raffle off the wreath during an alumnae weekend or Founders’Day celebration

10. Use the wreath as a “Philanthropy Spirit Award” and give it to the Sister who displays the most Autism Speaks pride for that month

2b 2c

3 4

5 6

Autism Awareness MonthAutism Awareness Month kicks off on April 1! Here are some ideas to help you shine a light on autism andsupport our partnership with Autism Speaks throughout the month and on April 2 for World AutismAwareness Day.

2527 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013


6 7 8

13 14 15

20 21 22



Share pics with us throughout the month of April by using the hashtag #axidaam.

Tip: The Autism Speaks FamilyServices flyer promotes early

diagnosis! Provide copies of this topediatricians and early childhood

centers in your community.

You can print and download these from

Tip: Email or send a card to your local Autism Speaks field staffto say THANK YOU for theirtireless advocacy efforts. You can findthe cards in Exclusively Xi.

Tip: Personally collect the blue light bulbsyou gave to other

Greek groups, landmarks and

buildings so you can safely store them for

re-distribution next year.







Tip: Light It Up Blue all month by installing blue

light bulbs outside of landmarks and buildings in your community or hang a banner outside of your school’s student center

or chapter house.

Tip: Light It Up Blue all month by installing blue

light bulbs outside of landmarks and buildings in your community or hang a banner outside of your school’s student center

or chapter house.


Tip: Hand out Autism Speaks wristbands, Hershey Kisses or blue baked goods withAutism Fact Cards attached.


27 28 29 28

2 3 4 5

9 10 11 12

16 17 18 19

23 24 25 26


Tip: Organize a “Wear Blue Day ” for your chapter

or association to bring attention to WAAD.

Tip: Ask a local salon to promote special prices on

blue manicures. Set up a table with Autism Speaksinformation and collect donations.

Need a weekend caffeine pick me up?Get your local coffee

shop to dye their whipped cream blue and put cobranded stickers on their

coffee cup sleeves!


Tip: Organize a “Wear Blue Day ” for your chapter

or association to bring attention to AAM.


Thank you forchanging the

future for all whostruggle with

autism spectrumdisorders!

Tip: Do you have an Autism Speaks car magnet?

Proudly display it on your vehicle! Car magnets are available for purchase at

Organize a movie night highlighting autism spectrum disorders for your chapter or association. Show a movie about Temple Grandin orother films and documentariesportraying autism.

Did you submit your pics withthe hashtag #axidaam? Now it’stime to see them in our recap

and thank you video!

Final donations due to AutismSpeaks for the 2013-2014

APR and Chapter PhilanthropyFundraising Goals. DonationsMUST be sent in with the

official Autism Speaks DonationForm (available on Exclusively Xi).

30 5/1

Tip: Raise autism awareness by wearing your

puzzle piece pin. You can purchasethese at

Looking for a Sisterhood craft to bring your

chapter or associationtogether? Make Autism Awareness

Wreaths to decorate your

doors during April!

29 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013


Bowling Green State | The Beta Mu Chapter at Bowling Green State University kicked off formal recruitment in September. Leading upto the event, Sisters had workshops to make sure all the details of recruitment would run smoothly. The Beta Mu Chapter welcomed23 new members on September 15. – Abigail Benninger,

Lyon | This fall the Zeta Iota Chapter at Lyon Collegewas awarded the President’s Cup and Women’sIntramural Award at the annual President’sConvocation. The President’s Cup is awarded to themost outstanding social organization of the year forexcellence in academics, leadership, social service,athletics and college spirit. Each organization thatapplies must make a presentation in front of a panel offaculty, staff and the college president. The IntramuralAward is given to the organization that had the mostparticipation in intramural sports during the year andperformed the best overall. This is the third consecutiveyear Alpha Xi Delta won the intramural award at LyonCollege. – Kristina Ray,

Georgia Tech | Sisters from the Gamma Eta Chapter at Georgia Techcelebrated bid day this fall with a beach theme! Sisters had fun in the Georgia Tech Campanille Fountain after welcoming their new members. – Samantha Giannelli, 30

Western Kentucky | Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Western Kentucky University welcomed 46 new members into our Sisterhood this fall! To celebrate their successful recruitment, they held a bid day barbeque and made the new members feel right at home with activities including painting canvases, ice breaker games and fun pictures. Local Alpha Xi Delta alumnae came to the bid day bash, including Alpha Xi Delta National President Sandi Edwards. The Epsilon Kappa Chapter was installed at Western Kentucky University two years ago and is nowhome to 130 women. – Laurel Morris,

Monmouth College | Beta Epsilon Chapterparticipated in formal recruitment this fall at Monmouth College. – Melina Carddock,

31 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013


Central Florida | In August, Theta Sigma Chapter at the University of Central Florida participated in formal recruitment. After a long, but exciting,week of meeting potential new members, bid day finally arrived, and Sisters welcomed 48 women home to Alpha Xi Delta. Sisters were excitedto welcome back their Rho Gammas (recruitment counselors) as well! To celebrate bid day, Sisters went to Café Tu Tu Tango, a tapas restaurantnear Universal Studios. Since bid day, the chapter has hosted potluck dinners, buddy dates and a movie night for their new members. – ShelbeyLane,

Idaho State | Iota Kappa Chapter recentlyheld their semi-annual alumnae event atIdaho State University. The theme of thisyear’s event was “CandXiLand”, and it wasfull of sweets! The event included agumdrop guessing competition, a “namethat candy” game and a fashion show. Forthe fashion show, teams had an array ofrandom items such as streamers, duct tape,tissue paper, pom pom balls and ribbonswhich they used to create Candyland’s maincharacter, the Frosting Queen. Members ofthe council were used as judges to see whowas the closest to the theme, but namedeveryone winners in the end. Overall, it wasa great event that collegians and alumnaeboth enjoyed! Pictured right: Brittany Allred,Tiffany Weaver, Brandy Elam and EmilyInskeep – Krystal Geeson, 32

Texas | The Beta Alpha Chapter at theUniversity of Texas welcomed 60 newmembers into our Sisterhood this fall.“We can’t wait for what the upcomingyear has in store,” said Abeer Kanafani,Beta Alpha Chapter President. “We’veworked really hard this recruitment,and it has definitely paid off! Our newmembers are wonderful!” – LaurenMinor,

San Jose State | Alpha Xi Delta Sisters from San Jose State University were able to attend this year’s National Convention in San Francisco, California. The chapter hosted the Rose Petals event at their new chapter house where they played with Alpha Xi Delta legacies, sang songs and cheers and met with alumnae. BetXi Bear even made an appearance at the event! It was a fun-filled day for all Sisters. – Desiree Lopez,



The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

Kent State |Beta Tau Chapter won Sorority of the Year at KentState University for the past three years in a row. The chapterworked all year long to reach their Founders’ Arch Pillars, whichinclude academic excellence, involvement and leadershipeducation, civic responsibility, chapter education andprogramming and chapter operations. – Candace Monacelli,

Embry-Riddle, FL | This year, the chapter purchased a custom Alpha Xi Delta tent to increase their public relations efforts on campus. Thetent was used on campus during the school’s Activities Fair to show off our amaXIng Sisterhood. The chapter would like to thank StephanieBrown, Embry-Riddle, Florida ’06, Penny Ohler Kienast, Embry-Riddle, Florida ‘96 and Michelle Lloyd Storm, Embry-Riddle, Florida ’98, forhelping them purchase the tent. Pictured from left to right: Erin Siltman, Kelly Donnenwirth, Katherine Rodriguez, Kirsten Miskovich, DrewMeyers (the chapter’s current Xi Man), Ellie Reeves, Linsey Kornblau, Alexandra Dipre and Nicole Saldias – Katherine Rodriguez, 34

Western Carolina | Alumnae from the Epsilon GammaChapter at Western Carolina University had a reunion thissummer in Georgia where they went zip lining! – RachelPayne,

Be sure to check out our blog


or our Facebook page to see

more photos and stories!


35 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

Missouri-St. LouisEpsilon Xi Chapter has been busy preparing for formalrecruitment! The chapter is excited to welcome new memberson bid day, and wish all of our other chapters good luck duringrecruitment. – Krista Liebrum,

TowsonSo far this semester, the Theta Delta Chapter has had tworetreats to prepare for formal recruitment and do Sisterhoodactivities. The chapter has a lot of exciting events coming up this semester, including the Walk Now for Autism Speaksevent in Baltimore, Maryland, and homecoming. – Alex Barber,

PhoenixThe Phoenix Alumnae Association has been working hard this summer to plan events, Sisterhoods and gatherings. The association is looking forward to welcoming new Alpha Xi Delta alumnae into the association and meeting the newest members of the Theta Zeta Chapter at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott. – Elvira

Northwestern WisconsinThe Northwestern Wisconsin Alumnae Association (NWAA)that was formed in late 2012 is really starting to take off! Theassociation is based out of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, where the Epsilon Alpha Chapter resides and is close to the DeltaAlpha Chapter in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. The association’s mostsuccessful event this year was its’ Founders' Day celebration

with the Epsilon Alpha Chapter. This was the first year this event was held in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and 22 Sistersattended. The association looks forward to growing more and partnering with other alumnae associations for eventsthroughout this year. – Kelsie Beckfield,

LycomingIota Mu Chapter recently moved into a new lounge on campus.Sisters spent the week before classes making it their new homeby painting and decorating the new space. The chapter isexcited to show off their lounge during recruitment this fall. – Alyssa Riggle,

Tampa BayThe Tampa Bay Alumnae Association is proud to have been ahuge supporter of the 2013 Walk Now for Autism Speaks. Fran Baylies-Weissing, Kate Martin and Hilary Roberts served atthe front lines as Registration Chairman, Secretary and PublicRelations Chairman and Grand Tent Chairman respectively. Thisis the second year Alpha Xi Delta hosted the Grand Tent, aspecial area for walkers who raised at least $1,000 for AutismSpeaks. – Bethany Tucker,

Rhode IslandAlpha Xi Delta’s Beta Upsilon Chapter was awarded “Sorority of the Year” at the University of Rhode Island for the2012-2013 academic year. The chapter was reinstalled at theUniversity of Rhode Island in February 2012 and is extremelyproud to receive this recognition so quickly. – Chelsea Zirrith,

be the Heart

Do you prefer?

Jan Austin,Wright State ’78

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You can Be The Heart of Alpha Xi Delta. Pay youralumnae dues at

I like my caffeine cold – in the form of Diet Mountain Dew!I like my caffeine cold – in the form of Diet Mountain Dew!

In a nutshell…tell us about you. I love life! My best friends are myhubby of 31 years, John, and mydaughter, Jessica. My home, mycommunity, my friends and my faithmean everything to me. I worked asan administrator for the Wright StateUniversity School of Medicine forthirty years. It was a great career! In2011 when I had the opportunity toretire, I decided to jump on it – not to sit back and relax but to startsomething new! So, “my new life”consists of owning my own business– Bee On the Go Travel. We plan and host motorcoach tours. Some areone-day tours close by, and others aremultiple day tours to places likeChicago, Nashville and MackinawIsland. So many people of all ages arejoining us to see new destinations,and they enjoy letting someone elsedo all the planning! The first word inmy new job description is fun! Myhusband, John, has just joined thecompany to help it grow, and mydaughter, Jessica, is a great tourhostess when she is not busy being a sixth grade teacher. It’s hard workto launch a new business, but I lovethe challenge and excitement. Andthe people who travel with Bee Onthe Go Travel are so great – I hope I am making a positive impact ontheir lives!

Finish the sentence; “Looking atme, no one would guess…” I have a crush on BetXi Bear. Don’t tell anyone! She is so cute andstylish – I love her yellow patent-leather shoes. She might know about this crush, since I had theopportunity to meet her twice thissummer. I screamed like a teenagerand hugged her. So, maybe thesecret is out!

My favorite Alpha Xi Deltamemory is: Wow – it’s not possible to have just one Alpha Xi Delta memory.When I think of my college days, Ismile. There were so many great

Sisters, and now that I’ve connectedwith some of them on Facebook, wehave picked up where we left offmany years ago. That Sisterhoodbond is never broken. One memorythat is really special to me is the day my daughter told me that sheaccepted a bid to be an Alpha Xi! It’sbeen great to recall my own sororitymemories as she participated inchapter events. We had theopportunity to attend the NationalConvention this summer in SanFrancisco together. We had such afun time and learned so much.Experiencing the speakers, theceremonies and the meetingstogether was awesome. We bothhave a heart for autism, since wehave a young man in our family thatis affected, so the philanthropybreakfast was amaXIng! That is a memory I will never forget.

Most read book on your shelf: Right now, travel magazines aretaking up most of my reading time,but I usually have a few magazines,a devotional book, a good novel andthe Bible. My iPad is filled withelectronic books, but I haven’t hadthe opportunity to read any of them yet.

Who inspires you? I was blessed to have great parents.My parents taught me so muchabout hard work, honesty, the valueof family, my foundation in God and being fully-engaged in life. Even though they are not here withme anymore, they continue toinspire. The lessons they taught areforever, and sometimes I can seetheir faces, their expressions andhear their words – and I knowexactly what decision to make.

Why do you pay your alumnaedues?To give back to the Fraternity, bothon a national level and a local level.That small amount of money, pooledwith dues from thousands of others,can make a difference in the way ourNational Fraternity operates. It’s theeasiest way to validate the statement,“not four years, but for life!” 36



The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

Due to the convenience of fast food, the “lack of time” to cookmeals, and most importantly, the lack of knowledge peoplehave when it comes to healthy living, obesity and other relatedhealth problems are sky rocketing, and people are oftentimeslooking for a “quick fix” to lose weight. Ashley Scott, GeorgeMason ’07, is working to help people learn more about living ahealthy lifestyle and making healthier choices, rather thanlooking for a quick fix to get skinny.

Her Wake-Up CallAshley is no stranger to looking for a quick fix. She was

never overweight, but had some body image issues due tocombined pressures of society’s “skinny” look and high schoolinsecurities. She had tried, or at least considered, just aboutevery fad diet there was. If it wasn’t a fad diet that she wastrying, it was things like prepackaged lean meals or workingout to try and make up for eating unhealthy foods. These areall things that Ashley would later learn do not work forlong-term success, if at all.

After doing research, Ashley realized that she wassomething that people called “skinny fat,” which meant havinga small frame, but with extra body fat and virtually no muscledefinition. Upon discovering this term, she decided that she nolonger wanted to be “skinny fat” or even just “skinny,” but “FIT”!She realized that in order to get fit and be healthy, she wouldneed to start eating healthier and find a way to be active.

Her ChangesShe started with a no junk food challenge in

February 2012, in which she started cutting out alot of processed foods from her diet. During this

time, Ashley learned about the term “eatingclean,” which, loosely taken, means

eating a majority of whole, naturalfoods while limiting processed

foods and enjoying treats inmoderation. This is not a diet,

but a way of life! At theend of March 2012,

Ashley created a fitness-relatedFacebook pagefor people to

follow her journey. She took the inspiration of skinny fat to fitand created her own fitness identity, “The Skinny-Fit Girl.” Notlong after that, in April 2012, she joined a gym and startedworking out regularly, with a whole new approach. In heryounger years, Ashley had thought, as many people do, thatdoing mass amounts of cardio was the way to lose weight.After doing research, she shifted her focus to lifting weightsand doing resistance training in order to build muscle, whichin turn helps to burn more calories.

Since making her fitness page, she has been striving to not only share her own journey, but to help others find their own inner motivation and inspire them with herdedication and determination. In less than a year, Ashley hasalready accomplished more than she could have imagined.She has done her first pull-up since elementary school,achieved her very first six-pack, competed in an “abs” contest,met and made connections with her fitness-idols and did her very first photo shoot! Now, a year and a half into herjourney, she has more than 12,000 people following herjourney, is a wellness coach, is pursuing fitness modeling, is in the process of getting certified to become a personaltrainer and is working to get her own website up and running. But that is just the beginning. Ashley also has futureplans of getting certified in nutrition, competing in fitnesscompetitions under the bikini class, and whatever else comes her way!

Her GoalsAlthough she has many personal goals, Ashley’s number

one goal is to help others. She wants people to know that faddiets or sodium-packed, prepackaged meals are not the way togo when trying to lose weight. Instead, she wants people tolearn that they should just be focusing on making healthierdecisions like adding more natural protein, complexcarbohydrates, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables into theirdiets. She wants people to know that you don’t need to doendless hours of cardio in order to lose weight, and in fact, youshouldn’t! But most importantly, she wants people to knowthat no one’s goal should ever be to be skinny, but to behealthy, fit and happy. There is a big difference!

Follow Ashley on Facebook at oron her blog at

The Skinny-Fit GirlBy Ashley Scott, G eorge Mason ’07



56 YEARSinvesting in WOMEN’Sleadership, knowledge and service

$5,000,000Foundation’s Assets

INVESTED IN leadership and life skillsprogramming, scholarships and philanthropicefforts in 2013



AmaXIng Challenge Grantswere given in 2013 resulting in more than $76,000 raised for Autism Speaks

3,058deserving womenreceived scholarships or continuingeducation grants in 2013

who participated in the 2012Undergraduate Giving Challenge




chapter members


2012-2013 Annual ReportAlpha Xi Delta Foundation


IRA Charitable RolloverSince 2006, IRA owners age 70 1/2 and older were eligible to moveup to $100,000 from their IRAs directly to qualified charitieswithout having to pay income taxes on the money. Once again, theAmerican Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 extends and expands thisoption for 2013.

You may qualify to make an IRA charitable rollover contribution if… • You are age 70 1/2 or older by the date of the distribution• Your gift is $100,000 or less• You make the transfer on or before December 31, 2013 • You transfer funds directly from a traditional IRA or Roth IRA

payable to Alpha Xi Delta Foundation. Because of the numerous changes to tax laws in 2013, everyone canexpect to be affected. Consult your tax advisor on what the new taxlaws will do to your bottom line and how to plan accordingly.

Loyalty Fund Invest in young women’s lives. The 2013-2014 Loyalty Fundcampaign is underway, and you are able to help continue ourimpact with your own special gift. Make your Loyalty Fund giftonline at, by phone at 317.872.3500 or mailyour gift, payable to Alpha Xi Delta Foundation, to 8702 FoundersRoad, Indianapolis, IN 46268.

ScholarshipAmber Ridings, Bethany ’11, was a recipient of The Slaymaker- KinseyAcademic Achievement Award which recognizes the initiated memberin each college chapter with the highest cumulative grade point average

at the beginning of theacademic year.

“I would like to begin bythanking the Alpha Xi DeltaFoundation donors for theircontinued support of mineand my Sisters’ educationand needs. I first fell in lovewith Alpha Xi Delta when Isaw how much scholarlyachievement meant to them.To me, our letters represent adesire to better ourselves sothat we can be effective

members of society. This desire is one that requires the support ofSisterhood through encouragement, knowledge and assistance ofany kind. Once again, thank you for being that support that helpsus to continue to strive for our goals.”

GrantsThe Alpha Xi Delta Foundation was proud to give four DorothyDodd Panhellenic Leadership Grants, awarded to an Alpha XiDelta Panhellenic delegate or Panhellenic officer on the campus to further leadership abilities and foster Panhellenic values, in2012-13. This grant provides funding to the UndergraduateInterfraternity Institute (UIFI) sponsored by North-AmericanInterfraternity Conference. These four women represented theirchapters and Alpha Xi Delta in an exceptional manner: Suzie Coco,Alabama at Birmingham ’11, Lakyn Martin, Auburn ’12, DianaNguyen, Worcester Polytechnic ’11, and Addela Marzofka,Wisconsin-Oshkosh ’10.

“I met Diana, Panhellenic president at Worcester PolytechnicInstitute and an Alpha Xi Delta at my UIFI session. We got to standup in front of our whole session and recite The Symphony. As wesaid the words together, “bring into living reality the Sisterhood ofwomen…” I realized that Sisterhood truly transcends all things…age, race, geography or social class. Furthermore, it connects usback to the women who founded Alpha Xi Delta and the values theyfounded it on.” – Lakyn Martin, Auburn ’12

Amber (left) with her chapter SisterApril O’Brien, Bethany ’08.

Diana Nguyen, Worcester Polytechnic ’11, (left) and Lakyn Martin,Auburn ’12, (right) posing in front of the Beta Pi Chapter houseat Indiana University during UIFI.

41 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

>>> Every Alpha Xi Delta should have a will… Remember

Alpha Xi Delta in your will. Learn more at

Leadership Coach Program2012-13 Leadership Coach Megan Mackie, UNC Wilmington ’08,visited the Kappa Chapter at University of Illinois in March tofacilitate StrengthsQuest™ to chapter members.

“I was impressed with Megan’s knowledge, helpfulness andwillingness to meet with anyone who wanted to see her. When shefacilitated StrengthsQuest, it helped me understand that the way I wasleading the chapter actually made sense for me with my strengths.

I also got a better understanding of how being a chapter leadertranslates far beyond my collegiate time with Alpha Xi Delta. I evenfound myself using my strengths at my job this summer when Iwas able to talk with my supervisor about my skills and strengthsand how those could benefit the company. I am so glad Alpha XiDelta has the Leadership Coach Program and is so invested in meand my future.” – Megan Gaseor, Illinois ’10

Leadership Coach Program SponsorsWe send a very special thank you to our Leadership Coach Programsponsors who are funding this program at the $1,500 level andbeyond. Their gifts and treasures support the Leadership CoachProgram so it may provide one-on-one coaching to helpundergraduate Sisters develop leadership skills and enhance theirpersonal growth.

Jean Smith Clark, Penn State ’42Fred deRoode, in honor of his mother, Lou Ann deRoode, Penn State ’45

Allison James Green, Albion ’56Jackie Fonder Pechette, Syracuse ’48The estate of Lee Wayne Riddle, Oklahoma ’47Linda Barton Wiens, Kansas State ’63

Leadership Coach Program Statistics

99.5% of the individual women who met with a LC were satisfied or very satisfied that theirLC helped them in developing goals for leadership andpersonal growth

100% were satisfied or very satisfied with the LC program overall

97% said they would meet with a LC again if given the opportunity

Former Leadership Coach Megan Mackie facilitated StrengthsQuest at the University of Illinois to help members gain an understanding of theirstrengths and how to use them to benefit their careers, educational experience and chapter relationships.

Chapter Eternal

43 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

Gamma ChapterUniversity of Mount UnionNatalie Burich Hayden ’96M. Joanne Auld Roberts ’46

Delta ChapterBethany CollegeMarion Jean Culley Gardner ’43

Epsilon ChapterUniversity of South DakotaGlendae F. Block Anderson ’66

Eta ChapterSyracuse UniversityMary Lou Knapp DiNardo ’51

Theta ChapterUniversity of WisconsinElizabeth Gardien O’Connor

Enright ’51Nancy Price Truog ’46

Iota ChapterWest Virginia UniversityHarriett Louise Wiedebusch

Raese ’45

Xi ChapterUniversity of KentuckyBeth Maxwell Bright ’45Cecelia Brown Hromyak ’59

Sigma ChapterUniversity of IowaBarbara Junge Robinson ’49

Tau ChapterUniversity of New HampshireBetty Carol Crooks Morris ’38

Chi ChapterUniversity of KansasEleanor Hope Lane Jenner ’35

Psi ChapterThe Ohio State UniversityMarjean Holman Gray ’41

Alpha Epsilon ChapterUniversity of MichiganMary Louise Hook Allen ’49

Alpha Eta ChapterPurdue UniversityDorothy Dean Zurmehly

MacGregor ’30

Alpha Theta ChapterNorthwestern UniversityRuth Kay Hunt Erickson ’50

Alpha Iota ChapterDrake UniversityBetty Clipson Hunt ’37

Alpha Kappa ChapterKansas State UniversityKaren D. Ross Schneider ’53Beatryse Jeanne Palmer Vyff ’46

Alpha Xi ChapterUniversity of California, Los AngelesEdith Elaine Duernberger

Green ’41

Alpha Pi ChapterMiddlebury CollegeDorothy Maskell Henderson ’33

Alpha Tau ChapterUniversity of AlabamaDorothy Sue Jordan Pate ’52

Alpha Omega ChapterFlorida State UniversityJudith Estelle Anderson ’71

Beta Gamma ChapterCentenary College of LouisianaKathryn Moreneaux

Morrison ’40

Beta Epsilon ChapterMonmouth CollegeCatherine E. Lambers Humes ’48

Beta Theta ChapterMichigan State UniversityJanet Louise Krulik Runyan ’55

Beta Lambda ChapterPennsylvania State UniversityMadelyn R. Bush Vigilante ’46

Beta Mu ChapterBowling Green State UniversityBeverly Snyder McNeil ’56Juanita Jean Neal Showman ’45

Beta Omicron ChapterMissouri Valley CollegeAgnes Lyle Thompson Bjerke ’50

Beta Pi ChapterIndiana UniversityRita Lee Downing Fowler ’46

Gamma Alpha ChapterSan Diego State UniversityKaren Kay Barth Lechner ’61

Gamma Beta ChapterMarshall UniversityBernice Davis Wilson ’50

Gamma Upsilon ChapterUniversity of GeorgiaWilla Ree Paul Southard ’44

Gamma Psi ChapterFrostburg State UniversityBarbara Claire Smith

Rephann ’62

Delta Nu ChapterIndiana University of PennsylvaniaCarol A. Lenzi

Baumhauer ’64

Epsilon Kappa ChapterWestern Kentucky UniversityOlive Carrie Gabriel Faries ’68

Zeta Sigma ChapterHillsdale College

Melissa Ann Aardema Kunkel ’91

The fall/winter 2013 Chapter Eternal includes all the names of Sisters whose passing was reported to FraternityHeadquarters between June 1, 2013 and August 31, 2013. Sisters are listed alphabetically in chapter order, along with their initiation year. To notify the Fraternity of a Sister’s passing, please send an obituary notice, memorialservice pamphlet or other written confirmation to Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters. 44

Many thanks to ourcollegiate women whomade gifts to theFoundation in 2011-12.Beginning in 2012-13, theHeart Sunshine GivingCircle will recognizecollegiate donorscontributing $18.93 ormore in honor of ourfounding year.

AlphaLOMBARD/KNOX COLLEGEFounders’Karen King McConnellSisterhoodBetty Darnell NelsonLinda Sokody SeyboldDonorDoris Janes LawtonCarolyn Swartz ParkJuliet Engel Schertz

BetaIOWA WESLEYAN COLLEGESisterhoodAmy Williams HopkinsSally Schuck+DonorNorma Seyb DahmsShelley Wilmes GriderCynthia Hardisty ReynoldsSheri SeiboldLinda Faust Witmer+

GammaUNIVERSITY OF MOUNT UNIONLombardJane Fursey Ralston+Alice Bliss Schmutz+

Founders’Elizabeth Sacksteder LaClair^+SisterhoodMarilyn Conrath^Yallah GaultJudith JacksonDenise Kipfstuhl+Sarah Solt McCloskeySusan Bostwick Shiring^+DonorMariah Allcorn=Deana AllenKelly Arko=Ashleigh Ault=Kacy Baker=Alexandria Baklarz=Kristin Barnes=Lauren Beil=Erin Bell=Tracy BombikBrooke Bookless=Cayley Briggs=Georganne Bryan=Courtney Burton=Ashleigh Carney=Emily Christopher=Anne Shilts CrowlAlyssa Cuffman=Dorothy DavisNatalie DeenJessica DeWater=Cresslyn DiRosa=Taylor Dowling=Vivian Smith FairclothNicole Farkosh=Ruth Mani FiegenschuhSarah Filipovich=Jena Finch=Connie Snode FlynnLauren Gosser=Elizabeth Haavisto=Kristina Hanson=Beverly Cooke HaymakerKarissa Henderson=Sarah Hohenadel=Shannon Honeycutt=Caitlin Iacobucci=Kirstie Jacobs=Britni Jenkins=Ashleigh Johnson=Keirsten Joy=Julianne Kachovec=Alicia Kasunic=Katharine Kelley=Phyllis Shutt KielMarian Hoke Knipfer+Jessica KreagerAudrey Lab=Kelley Lange=Cassidy Lasick=Heather Lee=Amanda Leigh=Alexa Manochi=Ashley Mayer=Megan McMinn=

Amanda Mervine=Bailey Miller=Jenna Miller=Laura Mould=Lois Everett Myers+Melanie NakonachnyBrittany Nelson=Emily O’Neal=Amanda Pavelka+=Kylee Peck=Emma Phillip=Brittany Piatt=Lauren Podojil=Emily Quandt=Rachel Rector=Hannah Reed=Heather Rice=Rachel Romine=Marian Dreyer RossHannah Rothgery=Karen Rozler=Jessica Russell=Vicki SchaefferJane SchaussKatelyn Sees=Jocelyn Sefick=Misa Seguchi=Nicole Simons=Cassaundra Siskovic=Elissa Good SmithErin Smolinski=Carole Evans SpikerCarrie Hennon StehuraOlivia Stoffer=Nancy StrauchAlexis Swartz=Kelsey Tomlinson=Alexandra Vanek=Courtney Wachal=Tayler Walsh=Kalyn Ward=Brenna Weaver=Morgan Weber=

DeltaBETHANY COLLEGESisterhoodElizabeth de Jong^+Suzanne Abbott Lesiak+DonorAnne Buchanan BlankenshipHeather Holeva=Renee Jones=Olivia Stuart McFaddenDana Sullivan RailsbackNicole SalopekBeth ShafferSusan Dodd SimchockKari Tiede

EpsilonUNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTAFounders’Elysia Balster Gallivan^+

SisterhoodBonnie Untereiner BjorkRamona Fiksdal BowdenBarbara BrisbineLuella Bruhn Cozad+Mildred Fiksdal O’NeillBarbara Smith Reynolds^DonorAngie Butler AckermanAmanda BartonBetty Fideler DaleCarol Clarke GillespieVirginia Pederson LarimerNancy Gellhaus LudvikJoanne Bratsberg SteichenVicki Hauck SullivanLynae Tucker=

ZetaWITTENBERG UNIVERSITYLombardDiane Curtis GregorySisterhoodCarolyn Trinter Cull^Sharon HallShelly Shollenbarger ReberDonorBarbara Stone BadertscherJeanne Schrader GambleVirginia Sprang GreenawaltAudrey Tatro HallCarolyn Hessong HickmanJudith Becker KempBetty Hartman MartinMary Lou Schliewe MillerBarbara Smick Peterson+Margaret Rankin RittenhouseDonna Dudley RoweRobbin Corson RussellKaren Hietanen ShanowerAnn Strawn StaffordCheryl TinglePamela Wurster+

EtaSYRACUSE UNIVERSITYFounders’Jacqueline Fonder Pechette^Janice Zajac SayatovicSisterhoodDorothy Borneman BellDonorMaria Bugge=Colleen Damon EverdingRuth Bailey Hunter+Sabra Whitcomb HunterBarbara Economides KellyRuth Hazard LeeEmily McCarthyFelicia Neuhof=

Foundation DonorsThe Foundation thanks the following Sisters and friends who made donations between June 1, 2012, and

May 31, 2013. The following list reflects donors’ lifetime giving totals to all Foundation funds.

Life-to-Date Giving Circles

Cora Bollinger Block $100,000+Heritage $50,000-$99,999Symphony $25,000-$49,999Lombard $10,000-$24,999Founders’ $5,000-$9,999Sisterhood $1,000-$4,999

+ More than one gift given duringthe fiscal year

= Donor to the UndergraduateGiving Challenge

^ Donor achieved a higher givingcircle in the fiscal year

* Deceased donor

45 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall | Winter 2013

ThetaUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINLombardMary Danforth King^*+Kathryn KuechenmeisterVaughan+

SisterhoodCaroline Borden EricksonRoberta Collins HarperNorma Malmanger LiebenbergElizabeth John LoehneCarol Woodworth RootKarla Allen SpinksKaye McGann Waggoner^+Donna Milford WischmannJane Lewis WiseDonorDonna Gilley Gager+Hope Beck GoldsmithAnn Nunemaker Hartman+Susan Lamphere KahneCarolyn Kenney-CarterEleanor Zolt Kramer+Nancy Norg MaierJanan Opie MartensJoanne Schmidt MoreyMarcia Bourkland PaulyElizabeth Williams PolouskyKathleen Ryan RicePatricia Krivitz RiessJean Brann ShulerJune Janot StillwellLinda Thoemke WickstromBeverly Hoffmann WoodJean Stoffel Young

IotaWEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITYSisterhoodSally Haislip HutchinsonSharon Hubacher Pugh+DonorJane Silliman AndersonJoanne Walker Bowie+Dana BrownKayla Bryant=Ashley Daniels=Lauren Dittebrand=Chelsea Elliott=Joyce Hammer GribbleKristal Koenig JohnsonLaura White LawsonLinda Sammons LugarKaren Schoonover Martin+Melina Mei=Jessica Parsons=Carole Cox PetersCheryl Dean RileyOlivia Sarver=Cheyenne Schleider=Lucille SchmiederCasey Schopman=Sarah Shoemaker=Leigh SmitleyTiernie Stewart=Alexandra Taylor=Kendra Thalman=Carol Wilson WilkingHaven Williams=

KappaUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISLombardMartha Geppert^+Patricia PrinceFounders’Beth Henning PolizzottoSisterhoodDorothy Hendel EbiPatricia Bolin GlennLinda Lowery Lindsay+Pamela McVeigh^Juliette Coderre WatsonEdith Wiedling Webber+DonorTammi Trebs AndersonHelene Drusch BeisswengerJennifer Bowley=Veronica Raisch BrantzIvy Iversen Burkin+Michelle Groce Cahoon+Ruth Turner ChamblissElizabeth Barber DavisBarbara Larson DillingDorothy Drolet DirksMary Scheidenhelm EilrichMegan Gaseor=Julie Gromacki=Kathleen Huttenhoff GrzybekJill HarleyLinda HarmesonAnne HeitzmanAllison Kazaitis=Rosemary Gawel KochBrittany Leiber=Penelope Toman McLarenCheri Schmid MezydloKelly Nolan=Janet Rogers Larson PageStephanie Phillips=Linda Jayne RodenburgKathy SchleicherGeorgia Chevere SchreinerBecky Brdlik SmilakDorothy Cihlar SmithPatricia Spalding SturtzVeronica Pontarelli ToussaintBeverley Bankson VerleyBridget Molson Wachter+Ruth Thomason Zellar

LambdaTUFTS UNIVERSITYSisterhoodCurina Harian Atwood

MuUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTASisterhoodJoAnn Hunt Billings+DonorMary Dietrich Stewart

NuUNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONSymphonyJanice Sheldon Baumback+SisterhoodMarjory Dark BarbeeBarbara Henning BraySusan Brown-Maunder+

DonorJennifer AwreyKaren Brackett+Tanya Chan=Susan Tompkins CommereeRita Tappe GillJoan Lowry HartsoughValdean Sears JonesPatricia Nesheim KaaldPatricia Parker Lander*Michelle RutherfordMarjorie Bragdon SatterfieldBarbara Bradner SmithTaryn Kristof SolieZola Wagner

XiUNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKYFounders’Elizabeth Stuckert RaySisterhoodPatricia Cody Cox^Sandi EdwardsSharon Miller Hall^Cary Lawson MooreKathleen Nicol+DonorJean Shure AmosJane Gabbard BryantEleanor Richardson LyonsRuth MattinglyDebra Haysley Roling+Karen Cook RuddLin Lyon SantorBobby Allphin Stanton

OmicronUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-BERKELEYLombardMarilyn Atwood Terry+SisterhoodMarion Macdonald BlauJeanne Martell CampbellCelia Samaras ManeatisJoan Sample PaulsonDorothy Anderson TregeaDonorEmily Fara AkeyIrene Ganin BechtelCarol Beverly LindseyDonna Dowling MuzzyVirginia Harrell SchultzCatherine Rhorabough Shanks+

PiOHIO UNIVERSITYSisterhoodMarilyn Geiler NetschkeRose Vachon Kunkel RoartyBarbara Grow SchanzleDonorMartha Brown BlackMary Banks ConnettCarolyn McLaughlin CuppernullCharlotte Richards ForquerMary Hitchcock Frost+Nelda Booth GranumBetty Hayes HardenBarbara Poland HarrisBarbara Johnston Hoover

Pamela Schultz KinkadeVictoria Cullison LevinsonCarol Wells PaulHeather PopadychSamantha Powers=Marilyn Burnham StottsMarianne Frank Turman

RhoUNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLNLombardJane Wilkens Schroeder^+Founders’Alice Frampton DittmanSisterhoodMarcia BodenKatherine Hanson+Michelle Soderquist Hartnett+Carol Schneider HoneyMarlene Labenz-Hough+Mary Marchant MaxwellJennifer Olson MullenRebecca Richter Perrett+Julie Uehling PopkenDenise Lienemann ScholzMargery DeLamatre Sorenson^+DonorBarbara Rayburn AllenShannon AndersonSherri Neall BarnwellChristyne Evans BathelMarguerite BoslaughJill Fagerberg BurnsAlexandria Cerveny=Jacqueline Rockwell EldalPeggy Juker FredricksonMorgan Gruebele=Joyce Schneider HechtJanice Nelson HerbekAlexandra HeuertzLois Hayes HoffDonna Wetzel HuntCeleste KnapperGinny LakinRegina Todero Mangine+Barbara Raynard ManhartCaroline Stephenson MarcianoDebra Bettenhausen MillerJane Pokrant MosemanLaurel Olson NyeBecki White SandellAllison SengerEmily Wray Stander+Marcia Tyner Trimble

SigmaUNIVERSITY OF IOWALombardShirley Albrecht Winckler^Founders’Jean Koza Leider+SisterhoodPatricia Bunting Angelici+Betty Gray GumbrellClaire Stoltenberg McKinzieSusan WincklerDonorAriadnae Andrews=Taylor Best=Emily Berglund Bothell


Sara ColemanJanice Wilhoite DietzTheresa Dvorak+Ann Raster EnglishChelsea Gaylord=Virginia GreeneJudith Drews Haring-GreenJessica Hayes=Amy Hoehne=Nancy Johnston JacobsJean Sulek JordanMackenzie Keiser=Amber Lebeda=Jeanne Leone+Meredith MaloneMegan Gustafson MelloyJackie NiffeneggerNancy Lefgren PorterDana Quinlan=Corinne Rhode=Katlyn Rhodes=Sherry Cernin SchaddelSondra Sohm SheltonKayla Smogolski=Jamie SwanJanet Rummery Thorne

TauUNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRESisterhoodJustine L. Lougee OliveShirley Newcomer WagnerDonorSusan Weselcouch AutuoriBrenna Boulanger=Kim Petruchik CavanaghJennifer Roth GuzziElizabeth Lieblein=Mary Shaughnessy MarquisRuth Goldthwait MaynardHeather Oliver=Beverly Swain Powell-Woodward+Lisa LaFond ReedJane Shaw SmootKatherine Blajda Tyson+

PhiALBION COLLEGESymphonyAllison James Green+Founders’Joanne BraucherSisterhoodJune Luke DempseyMargaret GoebelJulie Pond Matthews^Elisabeth Rees+DonorMargaret Hendren GriffinBrenda GuinanEileen Hart HarrisonJennifer Price HegenerKathryn Heim=Betty Hantz House+Nicole Iraola=Barbara LindblomAlice Osterberg OsbergMary Kellogg PapadopetrosPhyllis Reitzel Ross+Linda Washkewicz


PsiTHE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITYLombardNancy Drenan Prendergast^Founders’Betty French Unkel+SisterhoodMary Anders Adams-Smith^Rebecca Reed CairnsWinifred Kneisley HuffmanJoan Brown Ladd^Marjorie Erskine LaskoElizabeth Gans LidingtonCheryl Bowersox Louder+Suzanne Harvey MadisonLinda Amick SaffordSarah Miller SmithDonorPaige Addington=Tiffany Akeman=Paula Dendiu BealeLilyann Strainic BeardNancy Dingledine BeckJean Conaway BiceJeanne Menyhert CampbellAlexandra Casiere=Hannah Chenetski=Kelle Gross Coy+Brittany Crowther=Lisa Boccabella DaLena+Shannon Devine=Millie Schlosser EckhartSue Riley FacklerJoanna Fedeli=Stephanie Force=Melinda FrankKelly Gantz=Marilyn Kropp HarrerMary Miller HornerKatharine Snyder HyreMiranda Jacob=Sarah Johns=Mary Paul JohnstonRachel Jones=Jennifer LauseJennifer LeoneMarilyn Dewey LindemanJanet Specht Mancinotti-WebbBethany Martin=Brooke Miller=Joan Kellough MitchellDebra Loader NelsenBrandee Nemire=Marsha Wildermuth PattisonCathy PierceJessica Quible=Caitlyn Scafaria=Shelly Rapp SchwartzCarly Shelley=Nancy Adams SlaymakerBritain Somple=Sarah Stephenson=Mary Keys ThomasDanielle Thompson=Marilyn Sloan Thompson*Nikki Villoria=Janet Volpe VineErin Teare Vitagliano

Jessica Wiles=Kim Creager Wilver+Molly Young=

OmegaSTETSON UNIVERSITYLombardLydia Theurer Pfund^*Founders’Margaret Payne Greene+SisterhoodAnneliese Hallsten+Patricia Byrd ShamrockDonorHeather Williams BasSonett Bass=Lucy Ward Bodnar+Doris Lyon BoggsIrma Bowles BrownHelen Hannah CarrollMegan Dierkes=Jessica Dowen=Anna FosterMildred Campbell GibsonKathryn Hartikka=Linda Gregory HawesNancy Slater LarkinErica Lazzano=Mary Foard NicholasSusan ShiflettEmily Singer+=Susan Hicks SoutoAlyssa Stringer=Ruth Henrickson WebbDelaney Willis=

Alpha BetaCORNELL UNIVERSITYSisterhoodCarol Mayer Utter+DonorMaryanne Luther=Betsy Lockrow MeyerOlivia ProutElissa Prout=Ruth Worden ScottElaine Bushart Sievert

Alpha GammaCOE COLLEGESisterhoodSandra Dahlstrom KrugerPauline Huston MillerBeverly Keister Morlok-Finger*DonorJudith Blake Thompson

Alpha DeltaOREGON STATE UNIVERSITYHeritageFrances Smith Gooley*+LombardJulie Lambert+SisterhoodMargaret Riggs ArndtMary Jo Cox Capps+Phyllis Gray HannLinda McNultyBarbara Ellett Schnabel^DonorKati Gray AustgenJanet Leonard Baillie

Janet Case BealsErin Deggendorfer BorlaCarol Larson EberleinChristine Nilsen MarcianoMartha Vancamp RichardsonSharon McGowan Ruff

Alpha EpsilonUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANSisterhoodAlveris Bonnell VanFleet Corson+Judith Sellevold LaBreche+Marian Sayward West+Linda Rainwater YatesDonorFrances Parr BradowJonette Taipale CauvinElizabeth DomanMary Lubienski FlanaganPeggy Smothers GluskiJune Miekka HallenbeckJanet HutchinsCharlene Edwards Kelsey+Helen Neffner MischBarbara Libs Murray+Elizabeth Barber Murray+Mary Kay OlsonMarie PanchukRoberta Shaw StimacBeverly Stewart Stone+Barbara Ramin Tuscher+Marian Swanson Wissenberg

Alpha ZetaUNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMACora Bollinger BlockLee Wayne Riddle*DonorBonnie Austin ColemanLisa Vaughn HamptonAnna Simmons HefnerCarlie Howle Rutledge+

Alpha EtaPURDUE UNIVERSITYHeritageMary Louise Haymaker HillSymphonyJean Busby Beard+LombardJulia Naftzger Van SickleFounders’Kendra Becker Lewis+Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder+SisterhoodSharon Ploch BasslerSusan Zuhl BryantKathleen BurnsVicki Moore CapadonaDiane McClure DowBecky Fenstermaker DruetzlerAnn Martin Durkos^Allison Holtkamp+Karen Kallstrom JenkinNancy Akers KaneyAnn Schmiedicke KlemmJean KlickLois Congram MyerholtzKaren Germann SchlosserAnne Ruppe ShieldsLaura Watkins Skidmore 46

47 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall | Winter 2013

Carol Waite Stephens^Lois Osenberg StreedDoris Kenninger Stump+Barbara Tower WilliamsDonorSamantha Deufel Adams+Beth Harsch AltenkirchTara Torgerson AndersonJulie AndrewsElizabeth AtlasMarsha Moore BachSharon Albert BalkaJanet Gaydos BerkemeierNancy Bennett BrayPamela Miller CarpenterMary Dunbar CurtisAshley Deutsch=Hannah Doren=Kathleen Donohoo Drew+Jean Tevebaugh EhmsenLeAnn Shafer Eliason+Karen ElliottLemar Moreland FrankCarolyn Vandersee GaddisJacqueline Bunger GeroldBetsey McConoughey HarveyApril King HolmesJeanette Jinks Horrall+Samantha Jackson=Mary McCauley KranzYee Yee Hammond KuhnSusan Warnock MarshallNancy Hahn MorganSara Elsbury MorganKay Hagarman NelsonErin Nicklow+=Doris Anne McNary OnkenRosalind Moellering ParrAmy Posavac-OsborneJean Crawford RedmanEmily RehbergKristi Brown ReiningaWilma Knoop ShackletonDonna Speck SmithSandra SmithSara Adair SperryOdel Butler StrangeJudith Turley WeadickNancy Doyle WilliamsSara Peck WilsonDianne Ensign Ziegler+

Alpha ThetaNORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYFounders’Jean Grommes FeehanSisterhoodMary Bowman FisherJayne McLaren GawNancy Wilhite Haldrup+Pamela Butler JamesJulia Caldwell MitchellGail Schaum Overby^+Powers PetersonSuzanne PetruCharlotte Swanson Shade+Suzanne Finley UllmannDonorJoan Cameron DentonLinda Beia Elliott+

Lorraine Talcott HoopesJane Parsegian HovsepianKatherine Birgit Jones PoettgenBarbara LaDage RobinsonLorraine Etheridge SorensonMarlene Gunnesch Taibl+

Alpha IotaDRAKE UNIVERSITYFounders’Nancy Polk Bogenrief^SisterhoodCamilla Olson Blakeslee^Lorraine F Bleich GalloglyMargaret McCayJoni Lindale WilliamsonDonorCarmen Haworth BrownJeannette Belke DeLostJanice Forret DoudnaElzabe Kossow HuffmanKathleen Diesi NisslyPamela Simpson Nolting

Alpha KappaKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITYCora Bollinger BlockLinda Barton WiensSisterhoodKathryn ConnorJoan Pool Farmer^Sondra McQuillan GoarPhyllis Hadley GrittmanSherry Lamoreux Humphrey^Cynthia Collingwood SaundersTheda Whelan Wendel^+DonorMary Tutt AllgirePauline Baldwin Baskett+Beverly Hale BeardmoreNorma Wurster BrowneJoanna Wall BushnellMarsha Isaacson ChaffeeCaroline Perkins ClingerSheila Dicken Collins+Barbara Herzog CoupeHelen Stover CrissHaley Davidson=Betty Anderson ForbesLela Beck GlatzMary Plantz GrassoBonnie Byrne HooverJane Grant KaufmanShirley Jordan KleinBonnie Brettell ManuelMargaret Miller MeekFrances Scott Mettle+Mallory Patten=Stephanie Peterson=Caroline McCain Peterson-SearlsRaquel Ridder PlathJordan Priddle=Karen Kemper RichardsJoan Conover SchroederJudith Dierdorff Stehley+Betty Dietrich Weese


SisterhoodJane Kutch Mercereau+Ellen Wachtel TurnerDonorEleanor Saunders MuellerFloy-Louise von Groenewald SeniorBarbara Detrick SwedlowDolores Parrish Vrooman

Alpha MuOHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYSymphonyMarcella Smucker ClarkSisterhoodMyrna Osborne Hixson^+Virginia Drick MessingDoris Cannell PricePatricia Williams ShiresJane StoneDonorPatricia Young AllenBetsy Blesh ClarkHelen Hartley KuntzLois Batschelet LawrenceLeslie Martin LedererJudith MelinskyCatherine Turner SalisburyElinor Harper SpillerMelinda Ruffing StoneSally Wenzel StrehleAnn Healy VestBeth Dreisbach Vogt

Alpha XiUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-LOSANGELESSymphonyBonnie Baker BlishFounders’Elizabeth Topkis+DonorSusan CarlsonPatricia Dillon CleggAllene Killough HardingJoan Knight KnowltonJeanne Curry LayeElsie MartinRita Jensen MichenerCarla Rausch NelsonGloria Green Reinman

Alpha OmicronHUNTER COLLEGESisterhoodMargaret Hart HaniganDonorMarie Massa Hanna

Alpha PiMIDDLEBURY COLLEGELombardTana Sterrett Scott+

Alpha RhoALLEGHENY COLLEGEDonorRebecca Stewart CarterNancy Reed ChatfieldRuth Ralston CrawfordCatherine Richards+Twyla Holmstrom Sales

Alpha SigmaWASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITYDonorDestiny Norgren ArgiewiczEdith Taylor Grube

Alpha TauUNIVERSITY OF ALABAMASisterhoodTeddi MackeldenGwendolyn PryorCarol Williams^DonorPatricia Beach CucinaCeleste Nabers DouglassJo-Ann GarsidePatricia Koop TracyLois Taylor WilliamsLinda Fleming Xia

Alpha PhiUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIASymphonyBeverly Case Rorer+SisterhoodFlorence Parker Cole+DonorRitalee Griffith AdamsElizabeth Skelton AmesJeanne Korns ClarkCarolyn Kerr HickersonNancy Frank OffnerGail Hanson Olt+

Alpha ChiRANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGEDonorMargaret Mosteller Gamble

Alpha OmegaFLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITYLombardLinda KotowskiSisterhoodDonna Shaw Burton+Jean Sauer DeFrancesDiane DeHonBetty Fultz DerbyNelle Crenshaw FlewellenSharon De Vore Gonzalez^Jan Sapp McNeillJanice Royer SparksSandra McNab TurnbullDonorSuzanne Strupp EnoVirginia Vaughn FisherBarbara GuidosSandra Gipson HarringtonMary Mims JohnsonBarbara Curry JungmeyerJean Landrum LangstonTrudy PortewigCharlotte Abney RudyFrancine Mirigliano SchwartzMaude Mims ScottJudith Sapp Wieder

Foundation 48

Beta AlphaUNIVERSITY OF TEXASFounders’Robin Hartman Lock^+DonorMarianne Day AddyDeborah Rose AllenDolly Dure BarclayBeth BarryCarol BeattyMelissa Rios BrownPatricia Taylor Canavan+Paula Carrier ClouatreAllison Dorris=Brooke Dorris=Catherine Trame GalantiMargaret Starr HirschMicaela IslerJuliet Klasing KnowlesBarbara Giles McDanielDonna Avery MeyersJamie Pross=Susan Garrott RaschkeMeredith Ross=Sharon SmithMarilyn Fife SumnerMelissa Masso Swanson+Diane Ditta Thornton+Diane Womack Walberg+Aida Kennedy Ziemnicki

Beta BetaWASHINGTON UNIVERSITYSisterhoodMargaret Bernard McGoughElaine Doerbaum SeilerKay Thurman^+DonorCarol Keymer GerhartSondra Stonebraker HarrisonDoris Bolton KnightJanet Ray LempBetsy Gnau SchappMary Geisler Walsh

Beta GammaCENTENARY COLLEGE OFLOUISIANASisterhoodDonna Howell Doerler^Mary Armbrust Harvey+Emma Stewart Hood+Sandra Whitlock MauneyWerdna Baird McClurkin^*DonorJoan Dodson KneippPheribie Monroe Prescott

Beta DeltaDENISON UNIVERSITYCora Bollinger BlockJean Essex*

Beta EpsilonMONMOUTH COLLEGELombardMargaret BozarthKathryn Yager BrownSisterhoodSusan Barrett Boelke+Alice Pishan Croner+

Sonja Lowry+Judy Maxwell SchaefferCarolyn White WorkDonorMarcia Brink Adair+Jozsylin Alexander=Susan BucklesLydia Butler=Clarissa Gardner=Margaret JonesNicole Kamzic=Frances Biedenstein LeverenzMackenzie Mahler=Kaitlyn Miller=Janet Forbes MyersLois Gradous MyersKaren Ogorzalek+Kelly Russell=Kimberly Short=Judith Fiene Van HornBarbara Guyer VanCura+Jeannette Williams Vogt

Beta ZetaLAKE FOREST COLLEGEDonorPhoebe Greenleaf Harper+

Beta EtaUNIVERSITY OF MARYLANDFounders’Sheri Edwards O’ConnellSisterhoodKathleen Burke Clark^Ilda Lunan DemingMichele Barone HunnCherie Groff LetcherDonorJean Vinella AddisonLois Brassor BlevinsSarah Davis German+Joyce Gill GiardShannon Grimsley=Kimberly Hooper HilliardJustine Hong=Shellie Healey KalinskyKathleen Kearney Keeshen+Katherine Kline=Betty Axt McCurry+Stephanie Nowak MortonSharon Lanham NobleLois Martin OlmstedLori Plazinski+Dori Stibolt+Foteni Tzanis TiffanyNancy Stenger Todd+Esther Mullinix Walter*Anna Carroll Zink

Beta ThetaMICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodMary Reed Arnold+Mary Paule McMath BierleinCarol Rice ChoulochasLinda Desorcie^Frances Minges IsaacLois Taylor LeavittTracy Kleinschmidt OsborneAnn Gronewold Percy^Betty Berquist Secaur

DonorKrystn Gilbertson AversaBarbara Goodrum BreischEvangeline Newcomb ChaseAnn Lundberg ChaseKaren Richey ForresterNancy Baldwin KinzieBethany Boshart Maahs-HoagbergIola Kern MittonSusan Alexander OutmanHeather Field ReidMarion Moi RoseDenise Greene ViebrockJo Westphal+

Beta IotaLOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodJoe Bales GraberGemelle Martin LinzyRhonda Shives+DonorAndrea Patronas FournetJoanne Deimel GranierBrenda Daigle Pipes

Beta KappaBALDWIN WALLACE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodPamela McCormick BarkmanCarol Anderson HainesJody Dettmer HalleyNancy Jennings Jantsch^Marguerite Keppler WilderDonorBarbara Behnke AyresSharon Scherer HessounBonnie Bender Sharp

Beta LambdaPENNSYLVANIA STATEUNIVERSITYLombardJean Smith ClarkSisterhoodBeth CohenHelen Wojcik FathDiana Twomey Oldag+Kathleen Harris RichardsonElissa WelliksonDonorMargaret Frederickson AlbrightJoan Frederickson BeardsleyRebecca Boova=Margaret Fisher BosseAshleigh Bradley=Sandra Gurgon BrandAnne Brash BurnsDeborah Karkosky CovolusCarole Bashore DietzRoseanne Fortunato DoughertyJoan Elias EllenKaileigh Fagan=Brittany Gladish=Virginia Roe Grizzell+Miranda Grueiro=Madeline Hagaman=Jennifer Harrison=Tori Hoffman=Jenna Jester=Kelly Kesler=

Sandra Zelek LearElena Marten=Jennifer Hess NicholsAly Papasidero=Jessica Police=Jamie Popielarski=Ilana Ruben=Emily Schooler=Tina Sedziafa=Corrie Struthers=Elizabeth Miller VerteranoMadeleine Wegmann=

Beta MuBOWLING GREEN STATEUNIVERSITYSisterhoodMary Berg CastoKathryn Hulse StewartBarbara Perry WagnerDonorSarah Augustitus=Christa Baldwin=Kimberly Barrett=Lorinda Beach BartellJane Gerdeman BartholomewAbigail Benninger=Tianna Bester=Mackenzie Bowen+=Haley Bremkamp=Allison Brenner=Christina Brindley=Elizabeth Brock=Nancy Brown BrockmanJacqueline Brummer=Jane Burichin=Meghan Carse=Kali Casale=Alexia Chesbrough=Crystal Chlebina=Stephanie Collins=Jenny Cooper=Lauren Cornwell=Brittany Costa=Betsy Hauptman CoyJessica Dennis=Samantha DeStazio=Bianca Dingman=Pauline Breckner EllettGabrielle Esquivel=Hanah Franciosa=Lisa GlazeStephanie Gowan=Kate Gruss=Brooke Guillozet=Abby Guthrie=Rosemary Smet HalasAshley Hall=Margaret Quayle HamiltonShelby Harrison=Samantha Havlicek=Hailey Hodgson=Jena Hoellrich=Audrey Holston=Charlene Phillips HughesRenee Iacano=Elizabeth Kennedy=Kara Kilbane=Kristen Kilbane=Kristen Kilger=


49 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall | Winter 2013

Mackenzie Kontak=Alyssa Kralik=Elizabeth Link=Ashley Loughman=Jordan Marino=Kelsi Martin=Megan McCurdy=Kelsey McDowell=Maribeth McGee=Angelica Mormile=Jessica Raburn MorminoSamantha Norris=Katharine Nozar=Molly Owens=Stephanie Padula=Diane Johnson PayneShirley Laukhuf PettitCourtney Poettker=Jacqueline Kubinski PopielecShannon Zavracky RakytaKatelyn Rammel=Lauren Ranft=Julie Rego=Kathryn Renn=Sophia Rix=Alyse Rogerson=Dani Robertson=Taylor Romano=Morgan Schafer=Kristen Seibold=Janelle Shaw=Barbara Lopacki SinesKayla Somoles=Danielle SpaetzelMarlee Teadt=Patricia Schack TrainAmy Trosin+=Audrey VarwigMarjeanne Wiley Walters+Rebecca Welte=Allyson Wert=Susan Dickey WilliamsTaylor Williams=Mariah Wilson=Mary Wright=Elizabeth Yarnell=

Beta NuCULVER STOCKTON COLLEGESisterhoodRobin Knox CurtisAlice Bailey HalberstadtDonorDorothy Gerding HarperJodey Maxwell-Swee

Beta XiMARIETTA COLLEGESisterhoodLucinda SpaneyDonorCorin BonnettMarci Estock=Aimee Weiss LaneBethany McFarlandHelen Tobin MooreKimberly NelsonElizabeth Oswalt=Susanne Gettings RayBettina Geyer Thompson-


Merrilynn Neidig Hayes Todd

Beta OmicronMISSOURI VALLEY COLLEGEFounders’Marcia Bowles BrownSisterhoodJudith Francis ParkerDonorMary Appel HartzlerSusan Ellis LotzJean Blew McHenryCara Lyon NewhamKay Steinhauser PerkinsFern Ritterbusch Rogers

Beta PiINDIANA UNIVERSITYLombardLinda Bernd Wrench+Founders’Wendy Kurtz Levine+SisterhoodJanice McBride Bobbs^+Helen Geyer Czenkusch+Marilyn Lipsett HolthouseBettsy Creigh LeibAlice Miller McRaeJoyce Banker StantonAnn Barrett TaoDonorAnn Barnett AppelMyrna Kanning BianchiCheryl Mullett ComerfordGeorgia Rider DiPietroNancy Beldon ErpSherry Nevins HolmesChelsea Ingall=Lauren JollyHelen Duell LivingstonStephanie Davis NaraBeverly Krick NeihardtCarol Evans NestleroadDeanna NewellBarbara Keuneke Parks+Sharon SchendelKatherine Hill SedgleyRoselyn King SelmanoffKaren Schaffer SilvermanKatie Drake StarkJill ThompsonSusan Sovie Zanghi

Beta SigmaWEST VIRGINIA WESLEYANCOLLEGESisterhoodJeannine Lemon Burger HeathDonorJennifer Pearce AldrichAnna Young Brady+Cookie Bridgeman BrohawnAmy Rossiter CristJess Harrison=Morgan Hobbs=Melinda LapanBailey Rhodes=Carolyn SaxtonDebora Keller SmithMary Dorsey Taylor

Shirley Kincaid WalkerSusan Beriault Williams

Beta TauKENT STATE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodCarole Vezse HendersonLori HendricksonSusan Eicher Mamber+Judith Michael PachmayerKathleen Downing Pownall+Margaret Daugherty ShafferDonorTammy Jessen Andreyko+Beverly Hudec BellisBetty Miley ChavisSally Andrus EvansKathleen Giles+Ruth Brugler Griffing+Elizabeth Conrad HarrisAbbey Henkin=Sandra Downey KruegerMaranda ManginoEllen Daiuto McGregorMorgan Neff=Janet R Zboray Wolf

Beta UpsilonUNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLANDSisterhoodRickey Zeidler JiranekJoan McDonald StaubleDonorClaire Wildprett BinnsGail Miller BlackCatheryne Boel=Anne BrownMadeline Dombi=Betty Vallier Donnelly+Courtney Dougan=Kara Guezze=Sarah Larkin=Heather Levinson=Sara Lowenstein=Laura Marcus=Kathleen McDonald=Joan Bottino McMillan+Carole Colacurcio OlmstedMarilyn Romano PelliniLinda Escalera PriceSamantha Scherff=Francine Siegel StampnitzkyDiane Faber TreadwayMichelle Vlach=Julia Watkinson=Patricia Reid Winderman

Beta PhiUNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUTDonorMarie Wells VanAchtePeggy Lewis Wardle

Beta ChiGETTYSBURG COLLEGESymphonyPauline Dale Platt+SisterhoodNancy Wallace PaulsonSusan Gibble Wolf^+

DonorAmy Priga BlavattAmy Venable CiuffredaNancy Wing DyerDebbie EshbachCindy Dee HolmsNancy Wertman SterrettJennifer Webster

Beta PsiCARROLL UNIVERSITYSisterhoodJeannie Schlaikowski Schultz+Eunice Meissner WrightDonorBeverly Goocher ClarkMeaghan Dugan=Sonia Hernandez EvansAbigail Lane=Jordyn Milton=Amy Peterson=Melissa Schinker ReedGloria Bohn SmithDiane Harwood WilsonSusan Buchanan Zimmerman

Beta OmegaMEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodFrances Clark NortonDonorStacy Scheuerman Butler=Hilda Chase MullenSylvia Rutkowski Wilson

Gamma AlphaSAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodAnne Rienstra AbendrothSheryl Edson HardingEvelyn Schweigen MacCarthy^Sylvia Jennings Moore+Sandra Morrison+Karen Schnick PeltonDonorLinda BewleyDonnalee Adams BubeckNancy BurgesonSue Haverkamp+Judith HerzKarin Hagen RiggsPamela Knoebel Tate

Gamma BetaMARSHALL UNIVERSITYFounders’Rigby Guiney Duncan+SisterhoodJulie Schroder LindsayDeborah Fenwick Maas+Carol Legg YoungDonorJudith New BrinsonLinda EaklePatricia Damron EvansLoretta Mariotti Hammond+Carolyn Ladd KenningtonRuth Letsinger KukshtelNancy Miller Lince+Sharon Schramm Perry+Eileene Kerwood PrittJane Wilson Rummell+ 50

Mary Brown SullivanCarol Lambert ValentineSofie Wachtmeister=Rachael Weingart=

Gamma GammaUNIVERSITY OF ARIZONASisterhoodVirginia ClydeDonorCarol Kennedy Dorrance

Gamma DeltaUNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA AT OMAHASymphonyMarilyn Herbes Horner+Founders’Karolee Bunnie Wybenga Olsen^SisterhoodPatricia Alderman HatchCheryl Eby MillerDonorNikki Lindley Akers+Marilyn Dodrill BrucknerDonna Rigg BuffingtonSherry Knight Carrothers+Bailey Corcoran=Marilyn Cowger+Brianne Cox=Sara Doghman=Joan EddyMegan Fleury=Shea Granger=Meredith Halpern=Jacquelyn Harper=Caroline Higgins=Abigail Irlbeck=Sharon Ishii-JordanKarly Kalina=Dorothy Steele McKeeverKaren Jensen MeekAarika Olsen=Katherine Schwartz=Janet SeamanKatie Slobodnik=Taylor Smith=Stevie Swails=Sydney Vanarsdall=

Gamma EpsilonCALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY-FRESNOFounders’Joan Peres HansenSisterhoodCourtney Caron+Elizabeth Eberle Payette^Penny Houck WoodsDonorJoy Fagler

Gamma ZetaEASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITYSisterhoodPaula Pflepsen BrighamDonorStephanie Cowell=Joy Morrison FarmerAshley Gerbi=Janet Heath-MorganCarol Holwey StidhamDani Stuart=

Susan Grossman Urbanek+Jennifer Walls=

Gamma EtaGEORGIA INSTITUTE OFTECHNOLOGYLombardGay Kimbrough DullCheryl Johnson WeldonJanice Nease Wittschiebe+Founders’Jeni Smith BogdanMarguerite Frick+Kelley Kitta Hundt+Selma JabaleyElizabeth McQuillinLaura RenoSisterhoodSandra Weeks DoarTeresa Hungeling EbbsSandra Adamson FryhoferDeborah Williams GowerKaren Owens JacobsCynthia Smith KingMelissa Mangione Ludwig+Nell Stephenson Lynch+Lynette Raville MathewsHeather Scepaniak McKeenKelley Franzman MerckTammy Tuley PurvesKimberly Coleman SheppardAlethia Bigbie ThompsonSally McRobert WiseElizabeth Doyle WrightAmy DeLozier ZarraDonorCorey AitkenKami BosworthSuzanne Macintyre BoylanMary BranhamChristine Brown=Piper Brownlee=Catherine Burns BryanSandi Roth CripeDeborah Bell CruickshankKathryn Kitta CulbrethSusan Davies=Allison Dow=Donna Rambo EnnisCarolyn Hanley=Kristin HareLeah HeilKaren Smith HughesMary Pease JarrellKaitlyn Johnson=Dawn Carrico KabbesJessica Nelson=Jordan Padgett=

Gamma ThetaEAST TENNESSEE STATEUNIVERSITYDonorMelissa Taylor DavisAshley Doud Falvey+Pat HarrRetha Cole PattonNancy McSwain PhippsMeredith Pippin=


SisterhoodCarol Archer Lovell+DonorDoris Keen DavisLynn McCalla Luton

Gamma KappaSUSQUEHANNA UNIVERSITYFounders’Bonnie Eiker LightcapSisterhoodSuzanne Springer Zeok+

Gamma LambdaUNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEELombardJane Dunlap GabySisterhoodElizabeth Wilson Henderson^Sara Wilson JacobusDonorLinda Loucks BlackVera Sherrod GreerJanet KeoughEdna Talbot KiddLynsey Stuart

Gamma MuRIPON COLLEGEDonorGeorgene Klaner KoblenzPamela Loveless+

Gamma NuSOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATEUNIVERSITYSisterhoodAnna Boyer Barnwell^Julie Robinson+Mary Ortmann RyanDonorDeborah Camenzind CraddockAlberta Macke DouganJennifer Frey+Alberta Schatzle Germann+Shurnette Grigsby MaierGeorgia Stergios

Gamma XiVALDOSTA STATE UNIVERSITYDonorEileen Wachowiak HarrisKay Hilton Kenneally+Durrett Bradford MoermanBrenda Underwood Sirmons

Gamma OmicronCENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITYSisterhoodGretchen Larry CarterSusan Hopkinson DaroldDonorBarbara Bachman+

Gamma PiNORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITYSisterhoodColette Crown^Linda Michel Paul+DonorAnita Petersen Drake

Marjory Stephens FluegelDiana Cooper GregoryGloria Grandgeorge HopewellDolores Gotkowski KillianKaren Durbin LemckePenny Chmielewski Perles

Gamma RhoPARSONS COLLEGESisterhoodPeggy Lippitt Buckles+DonorJane Brockway ArcherJudith Nelson DippoldTamara Davis Hubler+

Gamma SigmaTHIEL COLLEGESisterhoodMonica AndersonAnne Wilson HemingwayDonorKaren Runninger Barney+Bonnie Wells BonnerBette Feather DeGrawLynsay Girts=Patricia Lynn Blair GrafTamara Kysor KearneyPatricia De Angelo RobisonNancy Pribble Wert+Denise Cuteri Willson

Gamma TauOHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITYSisterhoodCarrie Kashawlic^+Kathryn Westlake+DonorPatricia Neorr BeamPamela Hunter DishmanDuane Meko EberlingAshley Ernst=Catherine FeeKelsey Hoffman=Gena Loe=Brandea McIntyre=Pamela McCleary MowryMargaret Bantz MusleveTeresa Wynn OkrutnyCari Beam PrinkeyTara Pullins=Leannyn Rotert=Karen Frey StoudtAmanda Shaw TimmonsStacia WakeAbigail Warren

Gamma UpsilonUNIVERSITY OF GEORGIASisterhoodPaula Long AndersonJo Ann Smith EvansCharlotte West MartinSandra Keim Shackelford^+DonorMarie Montante HallAnne Porterfield OliverEloise Sutton PinoLinda Gorman RodriguezCarol Lunceford Weaver


51 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall | Winter 2013

Gamma PhiEAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITYSisterhoodJudith Wilson Harrell+Nancy Milliken McAvoyDonorBrittany Carlin=Judyth Eargle HustrulidLydia Lineberger=Taylor McKnight=Glenda Phillips NorfordRachel Richmon=Patricia Hedspeth SmithHailey Sumner=Jillian Tabak=Mackenzie Williams=Lois Winslow-LoweMiranda Worthington=

Gamma PsiFROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITYFounders’Nadine Roberts+SisterhoodSandra Priebe Day+Pamela Gardiner EngerAudrey Huthwaite+Rebecca Neilson+Susan Robinson^+DonorSheila Klase BenacNora Morley BlauAnne BrinsmadeCamilla Janiczek DacombeDonna Moxley IsaacsBarbara Wright LoweJennifer Verge Morphew+Eleanor Taylor PaulmanElizabeth Ledbetter PoirierDawn Haines ThomasJanet Gleason WhiteMargaret Morley Yates

Gamma OmegaHENDERSON STATE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodSharon McCone+Kathy Nicklaus OwreyDonorPatricia Callaway Daniel+Alexandra Rutland=Shannon Slatton Schwartz+

Delta AlphaUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-LACROSSESisterhoodDiane Gmoser ByrneSusan QuillinDonorMarianne Stark KlinkhammerHeather Petersohn MillerElizabeth De Groot Russell

Delta GammaUNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKAKEARNEYSymphonyCarol Schrepel Cope^*

DonorLinda Carskadon SchutteDiana Erpelding Wubbenhorst

Delta DeltaNORTHERN MICHIGANUNIVERSITYFounders’Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr+SisterhoodRoberta Smith Machata^Michelle Hiebel TodzyDonorMarianne Arnestad BoyakJessica Damron=Merrijo Besse KoenJessica MeiserJane Jeffries PiesterLinaye Whitehead=Lauren Windland

Delta EpsilonUNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANSDonorTayler Albert=Chelsea Bayles=Tracey Cannon+Terrin Guidry=Jessica Hogan=Robin LaGrange JuneauMichelle Lansing=Amanda Lott=Hannah Marcotte=Kelsey Matthews=Elizabeth Nietert=Jane Vanderbrook PhilibertMarilyn Muniz Silbernagel+Mariel Thames=Rachel Trice=Augusta Ciccio Yrle

Delta ZetaLIU POSTSisterhoodVirginia Ruediger MelroseDonorRobin Minor BrennanJamie GoldenbergKaren Sabo IndusiLillian Birkland Potts+

Delta EtaCALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OFPENNSYLVANIASisterhoodBarbara Williams Fetsko+DonorPaulette Hrebenar GriglackDiane Chapman Lorton

Delta ThetaST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodCarolyn Puzak Luken

Delta KappaSLIPPERY ROCK UNIVERSITYDonorBrittany Geppert=Michelle Burichin Murray

Delta LambdaROCHESTER INSTITUTE OFTECHNOLOGYDonorStephanie Roycewicz BauschardMichelle Wise Brennan+Gina De Naples=Devon McGoldrickCorinne Smith=Alison Adams Weinberg

Delta MuOLD DOMINION UNIVERSITYFounders’Jennifer Bellas Lee^+SisterhoodLinda Foster AbsalomDeirdre Midgett Cook^DonorCatherine Stultz AustinCarolyn Russell CunninghamShelly Dana+=Lam Doan=Molly Ellis=Victoria Dowling IsheeJasmine Khadrane=Danielle Lewis=Kaitlin McCarthy=Chelsea Pagan=Ruth Whitehurst SandiferMary Harris SimpsonTheresa Deal WachalSusan Morgan Woodcock

Delta NuINDIANA UNIVERSITY OFPENNSYLVANIASisterhoodKaren Hofelt McNeilMarySue Christopher Preissner^Marijean Konopke Williams+Leslie Kibler WirtzJo Anne Dechert Youngblut^DonorKathleen Glass AllisonBonnie Arndt CloseCarol Kipp Clulee*Phyllis Rochelle ForteMegan Horst FosterEdith Paolina KlebachaKimberly Carr LemasterShirley Gausman Marchand+Bridget Fishburn Wade+

Delta XiGEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodLenn Reed+Tracy Andersen Roberts+Alicia WooDonorAngela Sloan AllanDebbie BrockmanDeborah Sherer CurletteNorma Stewart FordCaroline Cathcart GilmoreCenie Bagley JacksonDanielle Lepley LambertNorene Trammell LanierShelby McKenzie=

Marsha Moore McOskerHaley Moore RoebuckMelissa Moore TownleyAdrienne Trimble=Gail Brooks Turk+Carol Spalding WakamoAmy Falkenberg Warner

Delta OmicronFAIRMONT STATE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodHelen McClain Annecillo^Janice Falkenstein DenisonDonorFrances Kay Akona+Paula Casella Burnett

Delta PiDEFIANCE COLLEGESisterhoodJill Foster Bortel^+DonorAlicia Hoopingarner=Bonnie Clark Jefferis+Megan Klausing=Katherine Knoderer=Galysa Ratterman=Nicole Walls=

Delta RhoCalifornia State University,NorthridgeLombardDeanna Wollam Detchemendy+Founders’Marianne Moritz Russo+SisterhoodSusan Leeds-HorwitzMegan McGowen+Susan Nilsen+Debbie Levy RubinDonorAbby Blumberg=Bree Breckenridge=Alisia DiazJenna Dohle=Aimee Edgell=Rachel Fishman=Sandra Posthumus HolcombAlice Martin=Linda Clark McMillanLauren Noblejas=Letisha Noyes=Kathrine Peltola=Brittany Pina=Allison Schultz=Monique Scott=Elli Sherrer=Mariya Shvartsman=Nicole Thibodeaux=Andrea Todesco=

Delta SigmaFERRIS STATE UNIVERSITYFounders’Sara Pullis Molnar+SisterhoodPeggy Dekker DanhofJanice Gertz Shedd 52

DonorTeresa Gray KuiperJill Mouton-Theut+Carrie Graham Russell+

Delta TauUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-OSHKOSHDonorTania Boyden=Bridget Hudzinski BuellRuth Fraedrich HarkenJessica Kelly-Paul=Karen Knudson=Bonnie Haack Ries

Delta UpsilonUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-SUPERIORSisterhoodJean Lundberg Olson

Delta PhiUNIVERSITY OF CHARLESTONDonorDoris Muller BurtonPatricia DodsonJanice Brown FinkCatherine Miche Kawash Leikhim

Delta ChiUNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWASisterhoodCarol HeseltonJennifer Emerick Kuntz+Pamela Shannon WatersDonorMakenzie Eckhardt=Debra Bryson GoodmanKaitlyn Hanson=Angela Hayes=Jamee Maurer Klein+Michele McGinnis KlothJennifer Fordham LarriveAnn Brimm PfaffTracy Borlaug PursellLaura Robinson RamseyJessica Rupp=Katherine Hood SevaldDonna Schutte StahlhutElizabeth Stemlar=Sara Welty StrunkKaydee Vraspier=

Delta PsiTEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY-SANMARCOSSisterhoodBetty Robbins BendallCourtney Hankins Fluty+Deborah Johnson RobertsonLinda Dornbusch SchuesslerDonorAlisen Barton=Julie Brignac DietertBrittany Eberly=Diane Peyton FisherShirley Brunet HerrinMarisa Walden Lacey

Alpha Epsilon Scholarship$1,000 to alumnae in any field of studyEmily Rehberg, Purdue UniversityJessica Seebald, Rochester Institute of TechnologyElizabeth Young, South Dakota State University

Jayne Wade Anderson Scholarship$700 to an outstanding sophomore SisterHelen Heines, Western Kentucky University

Arts & Letters Scholarship$1,300 to undergraduate Sisters majoring in fine or creative artsMiranda Minor, Southeast Missouri State UniversityYasmeen Smalley, Rochester Institute of Technology

Baker-Blish Scholarship$1,000 to undergraduate Sisters in any field of studyAnna Baumheckel, Christian Brothers UniversityEmily Jacobson, University of Toledo

Carol Topping Barr Scholarship$1,070 to an undergraduate Sister of Gamma Beta ChapterSara York, Marshall University

Janice Sheldon Baumback Scholarship$600 to an undergraduate Sister who excels inscholarship, chapter and campus leadership, andcommitment to Alpha Xi DeltaKatelyn Wheeldon, University of Iowa

Beta Upsilon Scholarship$1,000 to a Sister in any field of studyKimberly Connor, University of Rhode Island

Ruth Fowler Brown Scholarship$850 to outstanding freshmen or sophomoreSisters in any field of studyJulie Aldag, Sonoma State UniversityKatie Bonfiglio, Rochester Institute of Technology

Delores Wachsmann Child Scholarship$850 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of studyLydia Butler, Monmouth College

Founders’ Memorial Scholarship$1,300 to alumnae in any field of studyCourtney Davlin, Boise State UniversityLaura Rodda, Marquette University

Nancy Fehrmann Gainer Scholarship$1,100 to a junior or senior Sister majoring in a health-related fieldKaci Wolken, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Gamma Delta Scholarship$1,200 to an undergraduate Sister of Gamma Delta Chapter in any field of studyLacy Duckworth, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Gamma Zeta Scholarship by Michigan Alpha Xi Delta Inc.$825 to an undergraduate Sister of Gamma ZetaChapter in any field of studyElizabeth Mueller, Eastern Michigan University

Allison James Green Scholarship$1,000 to an undergraduate Sister majoring ineducation and/or special educationBailey Riesselman, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Haymaker-Hill Scholarship$750 to an undergraduate Sister majoring inengineeringHolly Ganser, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Frances Trewyn Kuechenmeister Memorial Scholarship$2,000 to a junior who’s shown exceptional serviceto the Fraternity and her campusKathryn Clarkin, Kent State University

Julie Lambert Sponsored Scholarship$1,000 to an alumna in any field of studyClarissa Coyle, University of Illinois

Charline Blind Merrill Scholarship$1,050 for Sisters entering their first year ofgraduate schoolRachel Cerwinske, Indiana UniversityLydia Dahl, Marquette University

Mary Burt Nash Scholarship$1,000 to a Sister entering or attending law schoolAmy Rosen, Bowling Green State University

Ruth Bartlett Nemec Scholarship$450 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of studyCassandra Fenton, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Dorothy M. Nichols Scholarship$1,000 for a junior or senior Sister majoring inmath or scienceAnna Birg, Christian Brothers University

Northern Virginia Alumnae Association Scholarship$700 for graduate study in a child-related fieldStacey Fagin, Ohio University

Phillips Scholarship$1,100 to undergraduate Sisters in any field of studyAllison Lifton, University of IllinoisCarley Taylor, Southwestern University

Jessie Pulcipher Scholarship$1,300 to juniors or seniors majoring in journalism,radio, tv or communicationsGiselle Cancio, Florida International UniversityDelaney Lux, DePaul University

Mary Louise Mabis Rain Scholarship$1,100 to a senior Sister of Alpha Eta Chapterattending graduate school in any field of studyCassandra Carlson, Purdue University

Mabel Gottburg Schoen Scholarship$900 to an undergraduate Sister in Iowa in anyfield of studyMegan Rion, University of Northern Iowa

Spaulding-Mowry Scholarship$2,800 to a graduate Sister studying government orenvironmental affairsMaeghan Dessecker, Georgia State University

Theta Gamma Scholarship$1,075 to an undergraduate Sister of Theta GammaChapter in any field of studyMeredith Castellani, University of Delaware

Anne Mehus Verbon Scholarship$1,145 to Sisters in any field of studyAlanna Bebech, Bethany CollegeJennifer Bowley, University of IllinoisMargeaux Fox, University of WashingtonBailey Hamm, Florida Atlantic UniversityLynsey Harris, The Ohio State UniversityAlexandra Heuertz, University of Nebraska-LincolnPamela Kass, Wingate UniversityEmma Leahy, University of New HampshireKaitlyn Leins, South Dakota State UniversityDevin Minor, University of Wisconsin-La CrosseJenell Riesner, University of Wisconsin-OshkoshKayla Schutte, Worcester Polytechnic InstituteCharlotte Slate, University of New HampshireHilary Teachout, Carroll UniversityErika Yates, Christian Brothers University

Florence Stoermer Voelker Scholarship$850 to undergraduate Sisters in any field of studyKristen Cummings, Rochester Institute of TechnologyKaitlyn Donaldson, Jacksonville State University

Kathryn Faul Wallace Scholarship$1,025 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of studyKaylee May, Ohio Northern University

Richard and Sandra Gleason Walston Scholarship$1,350 to an undergraduate Sister of Nu Chapter inany field of studyZultsetseg “Zola” Wagner, University of Washington

Foundation Scholarships


53 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall | Winter 2013

Sarah Newbury=Karen Kaspar Riddle

Delta OmegaWINONA STATE UNIVERSITYDonorSue Kniebel Bergman+

Epsilon AlphaUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-EAUCLAIRESisterhoodPenny Pugh GoodyearDonorHannah Amberson=

Jennifer Mackley DegelSusan Peters HaugRhonda Rowlands Ingle+Paige Kerfeld=Kelli Groth KrachtRhonda Harr LoveDanae Maier=Anja Meerwald=Kayla Menzie=Sarah Nigro=Kaeleigh Wilson=

Epsilon BetaUNIVERSITY OF FINDLAYDonorNancy Lape Kern

Epsilon GammaWESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITYLombardJane Hooper Sutton^+Dorothy Sheldon Williams+Founders’Margaret Miesiaszek Griffith^+SisterhoodMargaret Kiernan WittDonorLisa Pope AtwaterBeverly Sanders BarrDonna ClineStephanie GoodellVickie Dinkins Long

Sandra Marshall McBrideJoyce Stiles TessierCatherine Beal Waters

Epsilon DeltaINDIANA STATE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodDonna Gettle WorthleyDonorDeborah Smith Saska+


Epsilon ZetaEASTERN WASHINGTONUNIVERSITYSisterhoodElisabeth Beck Stuller+DonorAlexis Welch DanfordElizabeth PynskyRebecca Yoder=

Epsilon EtaSOUTH DAKOTA STATEUNIVERSITYFounders’Michele EvinkDonorAmy Myers ChaseKeeli Eberhart=Andrea FoubergBette Graff GerberdingAlexandra Meyer=Ariel Pastian=Kara Peters=Katherine Van Heel=Marie Gustafson WilliamsMargaret Zard+

Epsilon ThetaWEST LIBERTY UNIVERSITYSisterhoodMargaret Cox JohnsonDonorBrittney Balzano=Diana Young CarrollNancy DetersElizabeth Hughes=Laurie Kinter JonesKaren Poach LinnKimberly Carter Stevenson

Epsilon IotaNEWBERRY COLLEGEDonorLinda Bartell SchulzLeslie Oltmann Sligh

Epsilon KappaWESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITYLombardOlive Gabriel Faries*+

Slaymaker-Kinsey AcademicAchievement Award$150 awarded to the member in eachchapter who returned to school in fall2012 with the highest cumulative GPA.

Brittney Albin, University ofNebraska-Lincoln

Julie Aldag, Sonoma State UniversityAnna Baumheckel, Christian

Brothers UniversityAndrea Bouwhuis, Alma CollegeRalynn Brann, Lyon CollegeHaley Bremkamp, Bowling Green

State UniversityJanell Brum, Marian UniversityCheryl Buchanan, Greensboro

CollegeMary Burrow, University of

Wisconsin-La CrosseDyanhira Cabanas, Texas Wesleyan

UniversitySarah Camp, Georgia Institute of

TechnologyMacy Chambers, University of West

GeorgiaChristina Chase, University of

Southern MaineBrigette Cochran, Embry-Riddle

Aeronautical University-PrescottKristen Coffey, Towson UniversityEve Cox, George Mason UniversityKara Csorba, University of Nevada-

Las VegasJasmyne Cummings, West Virginia

Wesleyan CollegeKristen Cummings, Rochester

Institute of TechnologyNicole DePasquale, Embry-Riddle

Aeronautical University-DaytonaBeach

Breanna Derynck, Iowa WesleyanCollege

Dana DeSutter, University of IllinoisAnna Fetchick, Southwestern

UniversityMary Fowler, East Tennessee State

UniversityMarisa Fraimow, Pennsylvania State

UniversityChelsea Gaylord, University of IowaKelsey Haas, University of

WashingtonAlexandra Hajohn, The Ohio State


Jacqueline Heaney, Lycoming College

Helen Heines, Western Kentucky University

Margaret Henderson, Cornell University

Casandra Hodgkinson, California State University, Northridge

Hayley Hogan, Georgia Institute of Technology

Jessica Hogan, University of New Orleans

Kassie Hoiland, University of South Dakota

Carlee Howe, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Elizabeth Huang, Rider UniversityErica Janik, Elon UniversityHannah Johnson, University of

Wisconsin-Eau ClaireJanet Jonatzke, Albion CollegeLauren Kalita, Marquette UniversityAndrea Karpinski, University of

New HampshireCallie Karstens, Southeast Missouri

State UniversityCorey Kelton, University of Central

OklahomaMegan Klausing, Defiance CollegeLindsey Kudaroski, Marietta CollegePaige Law, Northern Michigan

UniversityMackenzie Mahler, Monmouth

CollegeVictoria McCarver, Florida Atlantic

UniversityJulia McClernon, University of

North Carolina-AshevilleAmber McClure, Indiana University

of PennsylvaniaElizabeth McGovern, East Carolina

UniversityMacKenzie McMillan, California

State University-StanislausErin Mondy, New Mexico State

UniversityElizabeth Mueller, Eastern

Michigan UniversityVivienne Munzer, San Jose State

UniversityGabriela Navar, University of

Texas-El PasoVirginia Nguyen, California State

University-San MarcosErin Nicklow, Purdue University

Rebecca Olson, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Anisiya Pallegedara, Brooklyn College

Emily Phillip, University of Mount Union

Megan Phillips, Georgia State University

Julia-Grace Polich, Virginia Commonwealth University

Sarah Quatieri, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Rebecca Ramm, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Katelyn Rathjen, University of Northern Iowa

Mary Reizun, University of Central Florida

Amber Ridings, Bethany CollegeAlicia Ritscher, Carroll UniversityHannah Rowsey, Henderson State

UniversityDana Salizzoni, University of

DelawareMegan Scharar, Boise State

UniversityCarly Schoon, DePaul UniversityLindsey Schroeder, Idaho State

UniversityShayna Sims, University of Texas Sarabeth Smith, Texas State

University-San MarcosTaylor Smith, University of ToledoErin Smothers, University of North

Carolina-WilmingtonLaura Sommers, Kansas State

UniversityNadia Szpyhulsky, University of

Rhode IslandKendall Tadych, St. Norbert CollegeAlicia Tennis, West Chester

UniversityCrystal Thomas, Lyon CollegeMolly Ward, West Virginia

UniversityAriyanna White, Southern

Polytechnic State UniversityCiara Williams, Coastal Carolina

UniversityMolly Winsten, Stetson UniversityOlivia Woodruff, Wright State

UniversityElizabeth Young, South Dakota

State UniversityChelsea Zingale, Ohio University 54

SisterhoodPaige Faries+DonorKalli Beasley=Susan Buhay Du PartMcKenzi Halcomb=Alyssa Huff=Glenda HuffPatricia Hill MarshallCheryl Stevens PooreAlexandra Richardson=Jana SlatonKristin Stuedle

Epsilon LambdaRIDER UNIVERSITYSisterhoodHeather Roberts Lerch+Judith Dispenza StabileDonorLisa Carter AngeliKaitlin Bolum=Kaitlin Finnerty+Alice Gagyo KatocsBrittany Knoerdel=Clare Giovannetti LongworthTeresa NymickEmily Reese=Deborah LaCorte SchneiderSusan Buddine Simms

Epsilon MuUNIVERSITY OF NORTHERNCOLORADOSisterhoodDiane Andrich+Vicki Postas ByrneDonorValerie Bird BassJudith Eichberger Bender+Lynne Tidd CoverdaleMargaret Larsen FazzioVicki Plummer Gardner+Robin GreenePatricia LeonardMaryAnn Terminello

Epsilon NuUNIVERSITY OF HARTFORDSisterhoodNicola Rutigliano+DonorIlene Geiger BergTiffany Branco=Lois Jacobs

Epsilon XiUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST.LOUISSisterhoodKaren Wyka Kapral^+DonorCasey CowheyDiane HarrisonBarbara Bufe HeidolphKrista Liebrum=Chelsea Molden=Rene Patton=Tori Reid=Kathryn Bicker SchlagJessica Sutton=

Epsilon OmicronOKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodWanda Murphy Van HookDonorJill Shrontz Tenzythoff

Epsilon PiJACKSONVILLE STATEUNIVERSITYFounnders’Regina Willis Hawkins+SisterhoodIris Boone HintonSaralyn Crawford Mitchell+Claudette SmithDonorAlina Agamy=Daphne Arrington=Brittany Barrier=Ashley Berry=Elizabeth Billings=Cory Cornelius=Kaitlyn Donaldson=Addison Eskins=Paula Entrekin EvansNikki Fox=Morgan Franks=Chelsea Frazier=Amelia Fugatt=Ariel Gaskin=Heather Gentle=Chelsea Glass=Katelyn Hartrampf=Faye Thompson HelmsLauren Hitt=Claire Hodges=Casey Holmes=Chloe Imbusch=Mallory Keith=Leanne Kelly=Ashton Ledbetter=Kaci Smith Ogle=Amanda Parker=Emily Perry=Morgan Raines=Monica Rascoe=Lauren Ross=Tracie Teem SessomsElizabeth Starkey=Katy Stephens=Taylor Vaughn=

Epsilon RhoUNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MAINEDonorDiane Lapointe CaswellTricia Tufts KlineVanessa Trempe=

Epsilon SigmaGEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITYSisterhoodMonica BurkeAnn Spalding Cochran+DonorKimberly Fountain ArnzenElizabeth ElijahRebecca OwenT.J. Merck Parker+Mary Neal Wall

Epsilon TauCENTRAL MISSOURI STATEUNIVERSITYSisterhoodTeresa Ankenbauer Feutz^

Epsilon PhiIOWA STATE UNIVERSITYSymphonyNancy Fehrmann Gainer+SisterhoodJudy Erickson+Janet Lahti Schultze^DonorKaren Miller BahrElizabeth Tursi CosnerCynthia Clark CrockValli Fletchall HaleMonica Shope LursenBarbara Straight MarrRebecca Soderholm

Epsilon ChiVILLANOVA UNIVERSITYSisterhoodPatricia Peebles McDonald^DonorDiana Ayella Rizzo

Epsilon PsiBOISE STATE UNIVERSITYDonorAlyssa Canestro=Alexis Vuylsteke=Allison Yawczak=

Epsilon OmegaUNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXASSisterhoodDenise Neill Bowers^DonorYvonne Cox BrelandLisa LanierCandace Battenfield Sawyer

Zeta BetaCLARION UNIVERSITY OFPENNSYLVANIADonorDorinda Barnett Eckenroad+Carolyn Butterfield MeisingerNyla Orr Snodgrass

Zeta GammaUNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPIDonorBeth EadieWendy Mikell Piepke+


Zeta EpsilonEDINBORO UNIVERSITYSisterhoodKathy PapeDonorLinda DeFilippo+

Matching Gifts and United Way Support The following Sisters received credit to

their giving total by participating in their

employer’s matching gift program or by

designating Alpha Xi Delta to receive

funds through their United Way

contribution. Check with your human

resources representative to see if your

employer participates in either of these


• Anonymous: Intel

• Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr,

Northern Michigan University:


• Denise Neill Bowers, University of

North Texas: Sumner School

District # 320

• Ann & George Cecys, parents of

Angela Cecys, Kent State

University: Nordson

• Ashley Doud Falvey, East

Tennessee State University:


• Rebecca Gutierrez, Sonoma State

University: United Way - Bank of


• Denise Kipfstuhl, University of

Mount Union: Thomson Reuters

• Nell Stephenson Lynch, Georgia

Institute of Technology: The Clorox

Company Foundation

• Elizabeth Eberle Payette,

California State University-Fresno:

Kaiser Permanente

• Sharon Schramm Perry, Marshall

University: Macy’s East

• Lori Plazinski, University of

Maryland: Montgomery County

• Nicola Rutigliano, University of

Hartford: United Way - Pratt - East


• Jane Wilkens Schroeder,

University of Nebraska-Lincoln:


• Elisabeth Beck Stuller, Eastern

Washington University: Microsoft

• Dawn Rylee Winkler, Auburn

University: Scitor Corporation

• Betsie Keeler Zeedyk, Alma

College: Kellogg’s


55 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall | Winter 2013

Zeta EtaWEST CHESTER UNIVERSITYDonorKalie Esper=Melanie Holwood=Catherine Cahill Macrina+Mary Hallman RichardsAshley Stone=Megan Westfall=

Zeta ThetaWRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodKimberly StrongDonorJan Dorrough AustinJessica AustinMary Glaser ButtsLauren Hodapp-Schneider+=Patricia Camden IzorKatie McGrath=Michele Thompson RichmondSamantha Romano=Michaela Scholl=Olivia Woodruff=

Zeta IotaLYON COLLEGESisterhoodMary Jane Pierce Norton^DonorPamela EndrihsKrystle Perkins HenryHeather Mize SkinnerSarah Harvey WangFrances Winfrey


Zeta LambdaTEXAS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYFounders’Leslie Storey+DonorSandra Stockton CaffeeLisa Patteson KennedySelinda Passmore KusluskiDylana Wilson

Zeta MuMETHODIST UNIVERSITYDonorMary Lou Hernandez O’Connor=

Zeta NuMIAMI UNIVERSITYDonorSusan KoegelShelly Essi NorehadElizabeth Stoltz RoudabushElizabeth Falloon Wetzel


SisterhoodLeslie Wallace Taylor+DonorHaley Abril=Catherine Allen=Kelsey Alpeter=Kristi Beams AndersonDolan Anthony=Sarah Arana=Daniela Arguelles=Selin Atlas=Ellen Barner=Renee BarnetteMelanie Beatty=Alice Beckman=Laura Benz=Alicia Berdeguez=Nora Berg=Elizabeth Bergmann=Rachael Blaz=Chelsea Bohannon=Bridget Brogan=Sydney Bruton=Diane Bucher=Katherine Burke=Emily Buss=Emma Callicoat=Jamie Canavan=Julianne Carlton=Alyson Cason=Alexis Castellanos=Emily Castleman=Julie Chandler=Katie Clarke=Katherine Coggins=Kelsey Cooper=Sydney Cooper=Kerry Coppinger=Emily Costa=Nicole Cox=Barclay Crane=Kathryn Crowley=Ana D’Ambrogi=Trisha Daniel=Alexandria Davis=Leigh Biven DavisMadeleine DeGeorges=Francesca DiSantis=Lauren Duckworth=Raven Dugger=Alyssa Eidbo=Audrey Faircloth=Sara Fawcett=Katherine Ferguson=Cassandra Fernandez=Monica Fernandez=Jessica Floyd=Amanda Foster=Sarah Fowler=Elizabeth Gallagher=Lauren Gardner=Brittney Gayle=Chelsea Gleason=Katie Goode=Erin Gready=Samantha Griffith=Mieke Groothuizen=Haley Haas=Caitlin Hamrac=

Kaitlin Harper=Jesse Harris=Kelly Harrison=Kayla Hatch=Natalie Hauser=Jenna Hendricksen=Kelsey Herrera=Caroline Hestley=Tiffany Hill=Kelsey Hitt=Sara Hix=Rachel Hoffman=Emily Horne=Joanna Hudgins=Sydney Huibregtse=Gracie Huie=Alexandra Jay=Elizabeth Jemo=Courtney JohnsonKatherine Jones=Nikole Jones=Kirsten Julian=Kate Justement=Skylar Keele=Shea Kelley=Courtney Kennedy=Christy Key=Kelly Kirkpatrick=Noreen Klingensmith=Lindsay Klocko=Anna Knowling=Juliana Lacoste=Rachael Land=Whitney Larrimore=Allison Lindsly+Lauren LomaxAlexandria Lucas=Kalee Luce=Jennifer Lynch=Callie Lynn=Martha Atkins Magnuson+Savannah Maier=Shelby Major=Jennifer Malkiel=Alexa Marcil=Bailey Martin=Lakyn Martin=Heather Mason=Kristen Matthews=Kelsey McCormick=Kathrine Mccranie=Megan McCrary=Anna McGuinness=Elizabeth McNeil=Amanda Medlock=Morgan Miller=Hannah Mitchell=Victoria Molchan=Brooke Molnar=Courtney Moore=Katherine Moreman=Grace MorrisRachel Moses=Cameron Mosley=Mary Munday=Kelly Muratta=Erin Murphy=Samantha Nathan=Jenny Newman=Samantha Newman=

Kathryn Nunnelley=Nicole Nystrom=Hannah Oberlies=Laura O’Brien=Samantha O’Leary=Elizabeth Orantes=Sarah Ordway=Sarah Osborne=Kelsey Parola=Kayleigh Pears=Kathleen Beam PeeplesMegan Pepper=Brooke Peters=Peyton Phillips=Ansley Prather=

Foundation Grants and Awards

AmaXIng Challenge GrantAwarded to empower and supportchapters and associations in growingtheir events and fundraising capabilitiesin support of Autism Speaks• Kappa, University of Illinois: $1,000

for Football FrenXI; raised $9,100• Sigma, University of Iowa: $750 for

Step It Up; raised $18,683• Alpha Kappa, Kansas State University:

$1,000 for 5K; raised $18,369• Beta Eta, University of Maryland:

$1,000 for Step It Up 5K; raised$13,000

• Gamma Delta, University of Nebraskaat Omaha: $500 for Step It Up5K/10K Walk/Run & Easter egg hunt;raised $7,600

• Delta Epsilon, University of NewOrleans: $1,000 for Step It Up 5K;raised $9,117

Dorothy Clarkson Dodd GrantProvides tuition to the UndergraduateInterfraternity Institute• Suzanne Coco, University of Alabama

at Birmingham• Lakyn Martin, Auburn University• Addela Marzofka, University of

Wisconsin-Oshkosh• Diana Nguyen, Worcester Polytechnic


Evelyn Blasen Diabetic GrantProvides campership for children withdiabetes• Camp Fun In the Sun: $325

Zelma Patchin Continuing EducationProgram GrantsAwarded to alumnae seeking professionaldevelopment in a nondegree program• Karin VanBuren Beery, Hillsdale

College: $350 to support herattendance at the Evangelical PressAssociation (EPA) Annual Conference

• Amy Gill Whitlock, University ofKentucky: $1,000 to support herattendance in the Fertility CarePractitioner Education Program at the St. Gianna’s Center for Women’s Health 56

Ashley Prosser=Brooklynn Pruitt=Victoria Quadrini=Emily Queen+=Rachel Ratliff=Alexis Reddington=Libby Riley=Christina Rogers=Michelle Rogge=Caroline Roy=Julia Ryczak=Katharine Sampson=Lauren Sanders=Laura Scott=Whitney Seitz=Rachel Senyitko=Sara Shearer=Rachel Silva=Kayla Simmons=Abbie Slade=Rachel Smelley=Cassidy Smith=Codie Smith=Maggie Smith=Sierra Smith=Gracie Sorrell=Sarah Soulant=Bridget Spurlock=Chelsea Stankus=Erin Stewart=Jana Blount StubbsJennifer Stubbs=Carrie Sudderth=Chelsea Sullivan=Christianna Sullivan=Mary Sullivan=Emily Tanner=Rachael Taylor=Gracie Thaxton=Michele ThaxtonLauren Thomas+=Avery Thomas=Sara Tilley=Shayna Turner=Roxanna Van De Graaf=Bailey Vaughn=Devon Verellen=Lindsey Vinson=Carlee Vinson=Danielle Wall=Kailey Walter=Lindsay Warden=Christy Waters=Lauren Whaley=Chloe Whitaker=Amy Whittemore=Stefani Wilkens=Jaclyn Wilson=Dawn Rylee Winkler+Ellen Wirry=Shelly Womack=Sarah Wood=Abigail Woodard=Cori Zielinski=Jordan Zieverink=

Zeta OmicronUNIVERSITY OF FLORIDASisterhoodKatherine Listwan Martin+Kristine Polo^

DonorAmy Newberry BrattenJoan ClarkAnne Musial McIltrot

Zeta RhoNORTH CAROLINA STATEUNIVERSITYFounders’Evonne Carawan+DonorJenny Hagler Knight

Zeta SigmaHILLSDALE COLLEGEDonorAngela Dedmon CarloVictoria Schryburt KingChristina Munck O’HaraLeslie Caldwell Shearer

Zeta TauUNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLESisterhoodPatrice Orr Blum+Suzanne Cantando+Rebecca O’Bryon+DonorTeresa Ownbey BrooksRebecca Dixon=Michele Pinkerton LawhernMorgan Nirenstein=

Zeta UpsilonALMA COLLEGESisterhoodBethany Cain GreenDonorKendall CoxCathleen CurleyJessica Kotas Eng+Jenny GreyerbiehlJessica GreyerbiehlRonda GuimondAshley Halm=Heidi Wahl LaFeverKatherine Graham McNeilJanelle Taylor=Elizabeth Weber WilliamsBetsie Keeler Zeedyk+Laura Morley Zuidema

Zeta PhiBINGHAMTON UNIVERSITYDonorKellie Bradley McPoyle+Joan SchwartzLisa Taylor

Zeta ChiUNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA-WILMINGTONDonorSherri Dill=Shana Hall=Clare Mercanti=Genene PetersonErin Smothers=Sara Sonderman=

Zeta PsiUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIADonorLaurie Howard Felton+Julie Kleckley Hummer+

Zeta OmegaUNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIASisterhoodValerie Cobb MallonChristina Robertson+Nealy Patty Wheat+DonorPatricia Fostvedt ChastainBrandi Clements=Shannon McGouirk GardnerCourtney PeekRachel Eaton White

Theta AlphaMILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITYDonorJoy Landes Bradley

Theta BetaSONOMA STATE UNIVERSITYFounders’Kristin Olson Billingsley+SisterhoodJennifer Knowles ElliottDonorShannon Andreoli=Katelynn Gutierrez=Rebecca GutierrezLauren Kort

Theta GammaUNIVERSITY OF DELAWAREDonorChelsea Hollowell=Kimberly Krajcsovics HoranDanielle Jelensperger=

Theta DeltaTOWSON UNIVERSITYDonorKathleen DunnRobin Herman+Julia Brines Wittenberg

Theta EpsilonMARQUETTE UNIVERSITYSisterhoodDanica Vanasse Olson+DonorHeidi Anderson=Barbara Bianchi=Lydia Dahl=Michele DiNella=Molly Dinolfo EldridgeKelsey Hau=Abigail Jacob=Jacqueline Koenigs=Rebekah Newman=Eleni Victoria=Emily Wulfkuhle=


DonorKelsi Bufton=Kelsey Kecherson=Tiffany LedbetterLauren Rice=Samantha Sours SampleKarlee Sturn=

Theta EtaWESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITYDonorTonie Brown=Elisha Dalka=Amanda Driscoll=Marisa Farr=Lauren Kolakowski=Jenna Lanzetta=Denise Gross LynchAmanda Pavlak+=Anna Salvaggio+=

Theta ThetaBROOKLYN COLLEGEDonorNicole Butera=Christina Canitano=Amanda Martino=Keshia Megie=Rebecca Rivera=Liza Roggiero=Tatyana Yakovlyuk=

Theta IotaFLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITYDonorMichele BeckerLisa Bresson=Morgan Donnelly=Dianna Grimm=Bailey Hamm=Madison Liberatore=Brenna Romano=Brittney Smith=Shellby Sweeney=Alexandria Wessel=

Theta LambdaSOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYDonorDenise Valdez-Soto GarciaDannette Smith JohnsonSusannah PruckaJenna Hardy RossKira Vurlicer

Theta MuCASE WESTERN RESERVEUNIVERSITYSisterhoodNicole Kuzmin-NicholsErin Craven Rosenthall

Theta NuELON UNIVERSITYDonorKatie Sullivan CorriganCaroline Hallett=Sarah MitchellKimberly Poe


57 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall | Winter 2013


Theta OmicronEMBRY-RIDDLE AERONAUTICALUNIVERSITY-DAYTONA BEACHDonorCarley James=Jennifer Jacobs LaurenceKirsten Miskovich=Heather Noftall

Theta PiCHRISTIAN BROTHERSUNIVERSITYDonorShilpa Appurubugatha=Anna Baumheckel=Anna Birg=Kelsey Bizzell=Kasey BramlittKathleen Branscum=Erica Cofield=Bailea Coleman=Cali Copsey=Rachel Depperschmidt=Jessica Dunn=Sarah Dunnavant=Nadia Earle=Hannah Evon=Kathleen GillonMelissa Woods HasselleBrooke Joyce=Tierney Kizer=Caroline Lawrence=Jennifer Lo=Jennifer Pearman=Kristina Reyes=Daryl Stephens=Melissa Potosky SurlesMaggie Thompson=Cameron Volpe=Amanda Willhite=Erika Yates=

Theta RhoCALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY-SAN MARCOSDonorLavena Abhay=Amy Burrola=Jenica Caruso=Joanne Cayabyab=Judy Chan=Deana Cheetham=Elizabeth Contreras=Michelle Davis=Kristen Foster=Sonya Gutierrez=Cassondra Hale=Danielle Holzmann=Karlie Hopkins=Brittney Kitchens=Alexandra Kuipers=Laura LaManna=Catherine Martin=Ashle Martinez=

Alexa McQueen=Deborah Norton+Taylor Rapp=Samantha Redmond=Natalie Reed=Savanah Shick=Gillian Dixon Simcox+Nicole Thill=Ashley Uranga=Stephanie Warshaw=Stacy Ford Werth+

Theta SigmaUNIVERSITY OF CENTRALFLORIDADonorAlexis Brewster=Sage MoodyAndrea RosselliStefanie Scalish=Amy Bransford SmithNicole Valdes+Shanna Wales=

Theta TauMARIAN UNIVERSITYDonorStephanie HaydenCarolina Herrera=Megan Ramm=

Theta UpsilonYOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITYDonorTaylor Carkido=Julia Colecchi=Crystal Gianetti=Anna Kolar=Katherine Petrosky=

Theta PhiUNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA ATBIRMINGHAMDonorSuzanne Coco=Jeanne CosgroveDanielle Dawkins=Stacy Cardwell GaySierra Geer=Megan GivensRachel Hughes=Jordan Ladnier=Emily Bearden PoseyShelby Young=

Theta ChiUNIVERSITY OF TOLEDODonorJulia Baird=Danielle BeaversonJillian Fabo=Khayla Finnegin=Acadia Fisher=Rhianna Gattshall=Alexandra Hayton=Mary Heffern=Britney KimblerMegan Lemke=Audree Porter=Sarah Smith=

Jennie Vetter=Carrie Wolfrum

Theta PsiDARTMOUTH COLLEGEDonorAngela Dunnham=Sophia Vazquez=

Theta OmegaNEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITYDonorCheyenne Amaro=Staci Delfin=Amber Dube=Jade Dukeminier=Stephany Flores=Christina Foster=Erin Mondy=Tiffiny Perales=Katherine Quaintance=Maryah Shewcraft=

Iota AlphaGEORGE MASON UNIVERSITYDonorSarah Custer=Nicole Falkenburry=Bridget Geiger=Megan Foster HarrisonAubrey May=Nicole Mayaen=Megan Morgenstein=Amanda Rathjen=Katharine Smith=Victoria Stotzer=Taylor Thornton=

Iota BetaCALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITYSTANISLAUSDonorArielle Arias=Moriah Bettencourt=Sarah Peckham=Michelle Schuster=Stephanie Stevens=Jennifer Teicheira=Daisy Torres=

Iota DeltaUNIVERSITY OF CENTRALOKLAHOMADonorAllyson Edwards=Bambi HoraSydney Terry=

Iota EpsilonUNIVERSITY OF NEVADA-LASVEGASDonorStephanie Aisawa=Kayla Arnold=Rebecca Balduzzi=Heather Cooper=Cristina Davies=Sara Davies=Keiry Duran=Laura Ernst=

Barbara Farkas=Chelsea Fuchs=Lindsey Fujieki=Victoria Hollenbeck=Alyssa LoBello=Amy Lourenco=Myra Maldonado=Alexis Manning-Espinda=Ashtyn Marlow=Azalee Maslow=Beverly Mendez=Kristen Morgan=Nicole Nissen=Katelyn Orr=Stephanie Pasquale=Renata Rivera=Melissa Rubel=Lakena Rush=Claire Sporck=Amber Sypien=Sydney Zimmerman=

Iota ZetaWINGATE UNIVERSITYDonorChristina BakkerTresa CumminsJamie Helmke=Jessica Swaringen=Alexandria Yepsen=

Iota EtaUNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-EL PASODonorNoor Abushagur=Nancy Alcantar=Talina Avila=Valerie Bencomo=Kathryn Bohle=Ameli Bustamante=Courtnee Butler=Michelle Candelaria=Noraliz Casanova=Andrea Crespo=Stephanie Daw=Vanessa Daw=Angel De La Cruz=Stephanie De La Cruz=Brenda Diaz=Kimberly DuVernois=Abril Esquivel=Allissa Foster=Mariel Galarza=Melissa Garcia=Priscilla Grajeda=Yaisah Granillo=Rebecca Gutierrez=Jacklyn Hernandez=Renata Isa=Haley Jancowski=Alejandra Jaquez=Diana Jayme=Alyssa Lemar=Valerie Lerma=Daniella Lucero=Jo Luna=Kristin MenaAriel Moffeit=Judith Moncada=Gabriela Navar=Katherine Nielson= 58

Natalia Ojeda=Kelsey O’Leary=Estefania Olivas=Meagan Olivas=Thalia Ortiz=Alicia Palomares=Marissa Pantoja=Hanna Pena=Darlene Perdue=Erika Quiroz=Kimberly Rayos=Alex Reames=Cristina Reyes=Anissa Reynaud=Nikki Rodelas=Perla Salcedo=Valerie Saucedo=Emily Shahan=Kendall Sifuentes=Jizelle Silerio=Jessica Tellez

Iota ThetaSOUTHERN POLYTECHNIC STATEUNIVERSITYDonorBritny Bauer=Catherine Brown=Zuri Coleman=Kailei Craft=Cynthia Dumont=Melissa Dupree=Bailey Fox=Amanda Benson Hicks+Rachel Lundgren=Jeshondria McCrary=Heather Tellez=Ariyanna White=Daphne Wright*=

Iota IotaGREENSBORO COLLEGEDonorKrista ConnellyElaine HankinsMadeline Williams=

Iota KappaIDAHO STATE UNIVERSITYDonorAmanda Donaldson=Cassidy Fernandez=Ashley-Grae Outsen=

Iota LambdaST. NORBERT COLLEGEDonorElizabeth Krajnik=

Iota MuLYCOMING COLLEGEDonorMegan Maiolo EpplemanTanya Farr=Stephanie Goldberg=Raelyn Jackson=Shannon Pipes=Alyssa Riggle=Kerry Then=Susan Yerkes

Iota NuMONMOUTH UNIVERSITYDonorGeena Basso=Brittney Penson=Nicolle Rodriguez=Lynsey Vivian=

Iota XiWORCESTER POLYTECHNICINSTITUTEDonorSydney Baker=Brittany Ciesluk=Alyssa Corini=Mariana De Obaldia=Alyssa Donohue=Chloe Emery=Jennifer Hanley=Elizabeth Hennessey=Caitlin McMahon=Diana Nguyen=

Iota OmicronSAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITYDonorKailey Hom=Heather Miller=Amy Schwab=Jennifer Walker=Brooke Zelnik=

Iota PiCOASTAL CAROLINA UNIVERSITYDonorTori Bowen=Emily DesRoches=Amanda Edgington=Jessica Georg=Shelby Santos=Lindsay Simpkins=Brittany Smith=

Iota RhoDEPAUL UNIVERSITYDonorCarly Evans=Michelle Gil=Lillian Hart=Alex Kaczmarek=Delaney Lux=Cecilia PeraltaAnnie Petroni=Kanani Sole=Emma Terrazas=Carli Thompson=Shivani Vakil=Sarah Wilhelm=

Iota SigmaVIRGINIA COMMONWEALTHUNIVERSITYDonorAmariah Baker=Jazel Barquero=Carrie Dawkins=Sarah Diorio=Taylor Dixon=Vanessa Fujimoto-Gomez=Rachel Hoffman=

Leila Khadrane=Rebecca Kiefer=Samantha Meacham=Donalyn Nillo=Julia-Grace Polich=Michelle Rich=Rebecca Servinsky=Naomi Simpson=

Alpha DeuteronSisterhoodJackie Lyerly+DonorCornelia DeLeeLori Bruns HoltJanet McClish Wilson

Friends of Alpha XiDeltaSymphonyGeorge Brown, Jr.Verne Gooley^*+Theta Gamma Corporation Board^+LombardFred De RoodeLyles FoundationOmega Financial, Inc.+Founders’Giles Memorial FoundationSisterhoodEmily Waters FoundationGoodsearch.comPhilip HendricksonDenny Moller^DonorVicki AardemaMickie AbellDawn & Joe AdamsKelly AlbertEileen AlegreAlpha Chi Omega FraternityAlpha Xi Delta AlumnaeDiana AlvaradoHelen AmonGeorge AndresenAnne AnguilmAnonymous DonorJohn AnthonyShafique ArnabSusan Axelrod=Renee BakerTimothy BakerDonna BarberCharles BarkmanStacey BarnesKaren BartonDebra BayerSuzanne BeaudoinNancy Beckley=Renee BeermannMargaret BennettRobert BergrenTedde BestDiane BettencourtSandy BixlerDonna & Jim BlairLaura Bogoslavsky+=Cheryl BorrelliDiane BrennanLaurie & Joseph Brofsky=Priscilla Bryant

Sally BudikMaryann BuettnerPam BurnsMark & Shannon BuschmanCarla ButlerCarla CageDarlene CalhounRicardo CalvoLinda CanestroJulie CareyTheresa CarriganBrenda CastellanoSheila CecoraAnn & George Cecys+Central New Jersey AlumnaePanhellenic AssociationBaljit ChadhaMary ChanglinKathryn CheceaMargaret CiullaCleveland Area PanhellenicAssociationDoreen CohenRandi Coles=Cinthia Cook=Lori CraigThomas & Kimberly Crain=Kevin & Erin CreedenPastor CrespoElliott & Lisa CrewsDaniel & Claudia CruzMaite CruzCSL Management, LLCJeffrey Davis=Suzanne DavisLiliam De RosaKelli DennisLarry DeSantisKimberly DeStazioRobin DeverCherie DiCesareEsther Dill=Cheryl DiNellaJohn D’SaLoucinda DundasJoan Tyrrell DurejBonnie EdwardsMonica EdwardsSheila EdwardsJennifer Elliott=Kelli EriksenRoberto EscobarJo Ann EvonWendy EymezRobin FaboMichael & Lisa FawcettKen FerdenKristina FerrisVerna FerschDenise FesmireLisa FletcherRoger FleuryDoug FluhartStephanie FluhartMary FlynnBeth Ford=Cathy ForresterThe Frat CollectionRachelle FreiburgerTeresa FugattPhil Gallagher



Karen GalvanGamma Phi Beta MembersSusan GarbatiniAvelino GarciaNoela GarciaKylee GazzigliAnn GirardRichard Giza=Pat Gleason=Susan GodsilDebbie GodtStephen GoldharBarbara GraczykAnnemarie GraySandra GreisingTom & Stephanie GuyPeggy HagamanChris HaglerStephanie Holliday HarlemanPatricia HarmanDonna HarmonTracie HarrisAmy HaskinsJulie HatcherVanessa HaycockDebra HayesHolly HenryCarlotta HermanAngie HerronCatherine HicksRita HigginsPhyllis HillMisty HobartDenise HoffmanBrigitte HofmeisterKaren HolevaTammy HollisDonna HolzmannRaymond & Patricia HorohoGina HowardJames Howe=Tommy HudginsJodi HudspethDonna Hughes=John HuntleyShari IrlbeckSusan JacksonMark, Liz & Lucas JacobKelly JelenspergerMary JenningsDavid & Polla Johnson=Jeff & Delinda JohnsonSandra JohnsonValerie Johnson=Julie JohnstonAntoinette JonesGail JonesLoretta JoyceLola JudgeSandra Jurs=Dan & Lisa KalinowskiBetsy KamienowskiJanet KasinskiKelty KelleySusan KinseyNed KirklinKen KohlPhyllis Krebs+=Antoinette Krencik

Emily Kueter=Lisa KurbisChris LadaMonica Lash=Lori LawlorAmy LiphamSteve & Tricia Loe+=Peyton LogemanJon LongaRobert & Kelly Lotze=Vickie LoweDeborah LucyVirginia LundyMichele MacDonaldAlene ManginoNicole MarienMatt MarinoDawn MartinelliJoan MasiniSusan Mason=Jane MattoonDeLayne MaxwellSarah McArdleRobert & Ann McClelland+=Rosemary McDermottSandra McKnightMark McManamanCatherine McSweeneyBarbara MedeirosKathy Medlock=Robin Meinert=Patricia MillerTeresa MillerJack MirandaGabrielle MoonMonday Bridge ClubMonterey Bay Area NationalAlumnae PanhellenicJohn & Kelly MorehouseDena MoritzTeresa MoroAlyson MorrisonLeslie MoscowDavid MottJudy MundenJoyce MunzerCathee MurrayJeanne MurryLeah NaborsStephanie NadyDiane Nazimek=Dan NilsenTeresa NirensteinKaren NystromJames O’BrienPhyllis & Paul O’BrienBeth OlneyJill & David O’NeilMarcie O’NeilRobin & Blair OrrMary OrtmanKevin O’SullivanKim & Kurk PalekaArleen PaskoDebbie PaxsonDalene PerdueConnie Perez+Lisa PetersonSam Pettigrew

Ronald & Signe Pettit=Susan Piccari=Julie PieperJill PierceMercedes PierreDebra PlessAnna PoulosJeanette PowersJulie PrasekPatricia PrewittSara PriceLinda PrybilChristine PustolskiDebby PyleEdie RadtkeElaine RainesJose RamosTerri RamseyKim ReidKaren ReillyKaren ReshesSheila RhodesAnn Richart=Annmarie RoarkEleanor RobertsMark RobillardTeresa Robinson+=Lori RocheZonia RodriguezKaren Newell RogersMaryann RogersJudy RollinsJeffrey & Cindy RubenCindy RuggeriAmy Sarver-CihonMustafa SavasanJoan ScherrSusan SchuengelKevin ScottSuzzann SeabornJill SelchertSarah SextonLeslie ShablinFarzaneh ShahriariBarbara ShangrawAmy SherrerNancy SmallLisa SmelleyJeff SmithPatty SnyderJeff SolomonJohn SpannSkip SpearmanDavid SpencerElisa SperdutoChristian StartzJoan SteffenSuzanne Steiner=Phil & Susan Steinhofer=Suzanne StephensonJayne StickmanPamela StiebClaire StilwellSiobhan StoddardLisa StovallSharon StruthersDebbie StucklyJana SullivanStephen Swider

Nanette TabakKay & Peter TaraschiFariba TayefehRosemary TaylorDavid & Judith Teetsell=Yvette TerstriepDonna TherrienGerald & Loretta Thomas+=Stephanie Thomas=Julie TiseraLisa TornabenePamela TrempeSelena TuckerLaura UllmanPamela UtterbackCynthia VacovskyTimothy & Karma Vance=Anne-Lee VandenbusscheSteven & Jean Vandeveer=Torrie VannChristine VatuoneMike & Lori VieceliJeff VighLauren VolpeGeorge VozeolasRick WachalJulia WadeMichelle WallaceMary WaltersCarrie Welch=Laurie WesolowiczConstance WesthoffTatiana WhitbyRosaria White=Chris WiedenhoeftAndrea WikstromKim WilkersonCherrie WilliamsDeb WilliamsDotie WilliamsElois WilliamsMark WilliamsMark & Ann WilliamsVicki WilliamsNancy Wilson=Cheryl WinfreyAndre & Julia WuKevin & Marsha YarnellDebbie YatesIlene Cohen ZackaroffAudrey & Chris ZehrLynn ZelinskiStephen ZengelCheryl ZielinskiTom ZimmermanSharon Zimmermann

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall | Winter 2013 60

Presidents’Jean Busby Beard, Purdue UniversityMargaret Bozarth, Monmouth CollegeJean Smith Clark, Pennsylvania State

UniversityMarcella Smucker Clark, Ohio

Wesleyan UniversityCarol Schrepel Cope, University of

Nebraska Kearney*Fred De Roode, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaFrances Smith Gooley, Oregon State

University*Verne Gooley, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta*Marilyn Herbes Horner, University

of Nebraska at OmahaMary Danforth King,

University of Wisconsin*Elizabeth Sacksteder LaClair,

University of Mount UnionLyles Foundation, Friend of Alpha

Xi DeltaWerdna Baird McClurkin, Centenary

College of Louisiana*Jacqueline Fonder Pechette, Syracuse

UniversityLydia Theurer Pfund, Stetson

University*Pauline Dale Platt, Gettysburg CollegePatricia Prince, University of Illinois Lee Wayne Riddle, University of

Oklahoma*Theta Gamma Corporation Board,

Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaLinda Barton Wiens, Kansas State


QuillKristin Olson Billingsley, Sonoma

State UniversityBonnie Baker Blish, University of

California-Los AngelesPatrice Orr Blum, University of

North Carolina-AshevilleDianne Plattenburg Botefuhr,

Northern Michigan UniversityBarbara Brisbine, University of

South DakotaKathryn Yager Brown, Monmouth


George Brown, Jr., Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State University

Elizabeth de Jong, Bethany CollegeDeanna Wollam Detchemendy,

California State University,Northridge

Giles Memorial Foundation, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaJane Dunlap Gaby, University of

TennesseeElysia Balster Gallivan, University of

South DakotaMartha Geppert, University of

IllinoisMargaret Payne Greene, Stetson

UniversityDiane Curtis Gregory, Wittenberg

UniversityMargaret Miesiaszek Griffith, Western

Carolina UniversityMichelle Soderquist Hartnett,

University of Nebraska-LincolnRegina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville

State UniversityPhilip Hendrickson, Friend of Alpha

Xi DeltaMary Louise Haymaker Hill, Purdue

UniversityJennifer Emerick Kuntz, University of

Northern IowaNicole Kuzmin-Nichols, Case Western

Reserve UniversityJulie Lambert, Oregon State UniversityJennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion

UniversityHeather Roberts Lerch, Rider

UniversityWendy Kurtz Levine, Indiana

UniversityKendra Becker Lewis, Purdue

UniversityBonnie Eiker Lightcap, Susquehanna

UniversityDeborah Fenwick Maas, Marshall

UniversityCharlotte West Martin, University of

GeorgiaKarolee Bunnie Wybenga

Olsen, University of Nebraska atOmaha

Omega Financial, Inc., Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Rebecca Richter Perrett,

University of Nebraska-LincolnBeth Henning Polizzotto, University of

Illinois Nancy Drenan Prendergast, The Ohio

State UniversityJane Fursey Ralston, University of

Mount UnionElizabeth Stuckert Ray, University of

KentuckyChristina Robertson, University of

West GeorgiaJanice Zajac Sayatovic, Syracuse

UniversityAlice Bliss Schmutz, University of

Mount Union*Tana Sterrett Scott, Middlebury

CollegeLeslie Storey, Texas Wesleyan

UniversityJane Hooper Sutton, Western

Carolina UniversityMarilyn Atwood Terry, University of

California-BerkeleyJulia Naftzger Van Sickle, Purdue

UniversityCheryl Johnson Weldon, Georgia

Institute of TechnologyNealy Patty Wheat, University

of West GeorgiaDorothy Sheldon Williams, Western

Carolina UniversityShirley Albrecht Winckler, University

of IowaLinda Bernd Wrench, Indiana


PearlAlpha Xi Delta Alumnae, Friend of

Alpha Xi DeltaSharon Ploch Bassler, Purdue

UniversityDanielle Beaverson, University of

ToledoNancy Polk Bogenrief, Drake

UniversityDenise Neill Bowers, University of

North TexasVicki Moore Capadona, Purdue


Alice Pishan Croner, Monmouth College

Emily Waters Foundation, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Olive Gabriel Faries, Western Kentucky University*

Marguerite Frick, Georgia Institute of Technology

Anneliese Hallsten, Stetson UniversityAmy Williams Hopkins, Iowa

Wesleyan CollegeKelley Kitta Hundt, Georgia Institute

of TechnologySally Haislip Hutchinson, West

Virginia UniversityCarrie Kashawlic, Ohio Northern

UniversityJean Koza Leider, University of IowaRobin Hartman Lock, University of

TexasNell Stephenson Lynch, Georgia

Institute of TechnologyKatherine Listwan Martin, University

of FloridaMegan McGowen, California State

University, NorthridgeSandra Morrison, San Diego State

UniversitySheri Edwards O’Connell, University

of MarylandDiana Twomey Oldag, Pennsylvania

State UniversityEleanor Taylor Paulman, Frostburg

State UniversityBeverly Case Rorer, University

of PennsylvaniaMarianne Moritz Russo, California

State University, NorthridgeJane Wilkens Schroeder, University of

Nebraska-LincolnCharlotte Swanson Shade,

Northwestern UniversitySusan Bostwick Shiring, University of

Mount UnionRhonda Shives, Louisiana

State UniversityElisabeth Beck Stuller, Eastern

Washington UniversityElizabeth Topkis, University of

California-Los Angeles

Annual Giving CirclesPresidents’ $2,500+Quill $1,000-$2,499Pearl $500-$999Rose $250-$499Anniversary $120-$249

* Deceased donor

The Foundation thanks the following Sisters and friends demonstrating the highest level of commitment by donating $120 or moreto the Foundation between June 1, 2012, and May 31, 2013. The following list reflects annual giving totals to all Foundation funds.

Foundation RoseLinda Foster Absalom, Old

Dominion UniversityDiane Andrich, University of

Northern ColoradoAnna Boyer Barnwell, Southeast

Missouri State UniversityIlene Geiger Berg, University of

HartfordMarcia Bowles Brown, Missouri

Valley CollegeDonna Shaw Burton, Florida State

UniversityVicki Postas Byrne, University of

Northern ColoradoMichelle Groce Cahoon, University

of Illinois Suzanne Cantando, University of

North Carolina-AshevilleCourtney Caron, California State

University-FresnoBeth Cohen, Pennsylvania State

UniversityMarilyn Cowger, University of

Nebraska at OmahaCSL Management, LLC, Friend of

Alpha Xi DeltaIlda Lunan Deming, University of

Maryland Rigby Guiney Duncan, Marshall

UniversityJudy Erickson, Iowa State UniversityCourtney Hankins Fluty, Texas State

University-San MarcosThe Frat Collection, Friend of Alpha

Xi DeltaYallah Gault, University of Mount

UnionJoan Peres Hansen, California State

University-FresnoKatherine Hanson, University of

Nebraska-LincolnJudith Wilson Harrell, East Carolina

UniversityMyrna Osborne Hixson, Ohio

Wesleyan UniversityAudrey Huthwaite, Frostburg State

UniversitySelma Jabaley, Georgia Institute of

TechnologyKaren Owens Jacobs, Georgia

Institute of TechnologyMarlene Labenz-Hough, University

of Nebraska-LincolnSuzanne Abbott Lesiak, Bethany

CollegeSonja Lowry, Monmouth CollegeLinda Sammons Lugar, West Virginia


Jackie Lyerly, Alpha DeuteronSusan Eicher Mamber, Kent State

UniversityKaren King McConnell, Knox

CollegePamela McVeigh, University of

IllinoisCheryl Eby Miller, University of

Nebraska at OmahaSylvia Jennings Moore, San Diego

State UniversityRebecca Neilson, Frostburg State

UniversityKaren Ogorzalek, Monmouth CollegeJustine L. Lougee Olive, University of

New HampshireDanica Vanasse Olson, Marquette

UniversityJanet Rogers Larson Page, University

of Illinois Ann Gronewold Percy, Michigan

State UniversitySuzanne Petru, Northwestern

UniversityTracy Borlaug Pursell, University of

Northern IowaLenn Reed, Georgia State UniversityNadine Roberts, Frostburg State

UniversityDeborah Johnson Robertson, Texas

State University-San MarcosSandra Keim Shackelford, University

of GeorgiaJanice Gertz Shedd, Ferris State

UniversitySarah Miller Smith, The Ohio State

UniversitySharon Smith, University of TexasMary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Purdue

UniversityLois Osenberg Streed, Purdue

UniversityMichelle Hiebel Todzy, Northern

Michigan UniversityKathryn Kuechenmeister Vaughan,

University of WisconsinAmy Falkenberg Warner, Georgia

State UniversityTheda Whelan Wendel, Kansas State

UniversityKathryn Westlake, Ohio Northern

UniversityKim Creager Wilver, The Ohio State

UniversitySusan Winckler, University of IowaSusan Gibble Wolf, Gettysburg

CollegeIlene Cohen Zackaroff, Friend of

Alpha Xi Delta

AnniversaryAnne Rienstra Abendroth, San

Diego State UniversityMarcia Brink Adair, Monmouth

CollegeMary Anders Adams-Smith, The

Ohio State UniversityBeth Harsch Altenkirch, Purdue

UniversityPatricia Bunting Angelici, University

of IowaMary Reed Arnold, Michigan State

UniversityKaren Runninger Barney, Thiel CollegeLorinda Beach Bartell, Bowling

Green State UniversityJanice Sheldon Baumback,

University of Washington

Dorothy Borneman Bell, Syracuse University

Bonnie Untereiner Bjork, University of South Dakota

Camilla Olson Blakeslee, Drake University

Marcia Boden, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Susan Barrett Boelke, MonmouthCollegeJill Foster Bortel, Defiance CollegeMarguerite Boslaugh, University of

Nebraska-LincolnJoanne Walker Bowie, West Virginia

UniversityMichelle Wise Brennan, Rochester

Institute of TechnologyMelissa Rios Brown, University of

TexasSusan Brown-Maunder, University of

WashingtonPeggy Lippitt Buckles, Parsons CollegeSusan Buckles, Monmouth CollegeKathleen Burns, Purdue UniversityDiane Gmoser Byrne, University of

Wisconsin-La CrosseTracey Cannon, University of

New OrleansSherry Knight Carrothers,

University of Nebraska atOmaha

Kathleen Burke Clark, University of Maryland

Ann Spalding Cochran, Georgia Southern University

Susan Tompkins Commeree,

University of WashingtonKatie Sullivan Corrigan, Elon UniversityAlveris Bonnell VanFleet Corson,

University of Michigan

Patricia Cody Cox, University of Kentucky

Luella Bruhn Cozad, University of South Dakota

Colette Crown, Northern Illinois University

Kathryn Kitta Culbreth, Georgia Institute of Technology

Helen Geyer Czenkusch, Indiana UniversityDorothy Davis, University of

Mount UnionSandra Priebe Day, Frostburg State

UniversityLinda Desorcie, Michigan State

UniversityDorothy Drolet Dirks, University of

IllinoisDonna Howell Doerler, Centenary

College of LouisianaBecky Fenstermaker Druetzler,

Purdue UniversityAnn Martin Durkos, Purdue UniversityTheresa Dvorak, University of IowaDorothy Hendel Ebi, University of

Illinois Linda Beia Elliott, Northwestern

UniversityMargaret Larsen Fazzio, University

of Northern ColoradoMelinda Frank, The Ohio State

UniversityNancy Fehrmann Gainer, Iowa State

UniversityDenise Valdez-Soto Garcia,

Southwestern UniversityJayne McLaren Gaw, Northwestern

UniversitySondra McQuillan Goar, Kansas

State UniversitySharon De Vore Gonzalez, Florida

State, Friend of Alpha

Xi DeltaJoanne Deimel Granier, Louisiana

State UniversityAllison James Green, Albion CollegeBethany Cain Green, Alma CollegeRebecca Gutierrez, Sonoma State

UniversityAlice Bailey Halberstadt, Culver

Stockton CollegeNancy Wilhite Haldrup,

Northwestern UniversityJill Harley, University of IllinoisBetsey McConoughey Harvey,

Purdue UniversityMary Armbrust Harvey, Centenary

College of Louisiana


61 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall | Winter 2013

Anne Wilson Hemingway, Thiel CollegeMelanie Holwood, West Chester

UniversityEmma Stewart Hood, Centenary

College of LouisianaSherry Lamoreux Humphrey,

Kansas State UniversityMichele Barone Hunn, University of

Maryland Micaela Isler, University of Texas Margaret Cox Johnson, West Liberty

UniversityLauren Jolly, Indiana UniversityShellie Healey Kalinsky, University

of MarylandNancy Akers Kaney, Purdue UniversityVictoria Schryburt King, Hillsdale

CollegeDenise Kipfstuhl, University of

Mount UnionAnn Schmiedicke Klemm, Purdue

UniversityJudith Sellevold LaBreche, Universityof MichiganGinny Lakin, University of Nebraska-

LincolnPatricia Parker Lander, University of

Washington*Barbara Lindblom, Albion CollegeAllison Lindsly, Auburn UniversityHelen Duell Livingston, Indiana

UniversityMelissa Mangione Ludwig, Georgia

Institute of TechnologyCarolyn Puzak Luken, St. Cloud

State UniversityRoberta Smith Machata, Northern

Michigan UniversityTeddi Mackelden, University of

AlabamaMartha Atkins Magnuson, Auburn

UniversityCelia Samaras Maneatis, University

of California-BerkeleyRegina Todero Mangine, University

of Nebraska-LincolnCaroline Stephenson Marciano,

University of Nebraska-LincolnSharon McCone, Henderson State

UniversityPatricia Peebles McDonald,

Villanova UniversityClaire Stoltenberg McKinzie,

University of IowaJulia Caldwell Mitchell, Northwestern

UniversitySara Elsbury Morgan, Purdue UniversityElizabeth Barber Murray, University

of Michigan

Cara Lyon Newham, Missouri Valley College

Kathleen Nicol, University of KentuckySusan Nilsen, California State

University-NorthridgeDeborah Norton, California State

University-San MarcosMary Jane Pierce Norton, Lyon CollegeRebecca O’Bryon, University of North

Carolina at AshevilleJean Lundberg Olson, University of

Wisconsin - SuperiorGail Hanson Olt, University of

PennsylvaniaMildred Fiksdal O’Neill, University

of South DakotaGail Schaum Overby, Northwestern

UniversityJudith Michael Pachmayer, Kent

State UniversityJoan Sample Paulson, University of

California-BerkeleyElizabeth Eberle Payette, California

State University-FresnoPowers Peterson, Northwestern

UniversityLori Plazinski, University of

Maryland Kristine Polo, University of FloridaJulie Uehling Popken, University of

Nebraska-LincolnKathleen Downing Pownall, Kent

State UniversityDoris Cannell Price, Ohio Wesleyan

UniversityTammy Tuley Purves, Georgia

Institute of TechnologyCynthia Hardisty Reynolds, Iowa

Wesleyan CollegeJulie Robinson, Southeast Missouri

State UniversitySusan Robinson, Frostburg State

UniversityErin Craven Rosenthall, Case

Western Reserve UniversityMary Ortmann Ryan, Southeast

Missouri State UniversityBecki White Sandell, University of

Nebraska-LincolnBarbara Grow Schanzle, Ohio UniversitySharon Schendel, Indiana UniversityJoan Conover Schroeder, Kansas

State UniversitySally Schuck, Iowa Wesleyan CollegeLinda Dornbusch Schuessler, Texas

State University San MarcosJanet Lahti Schultze, Iowa State


Joan Schwartz, Binghamton University

Margaret Daugherty Shaffer, Kent State University

Patricia Williams Shires, Ohio Wesleyan University

Elaine Bushart Sievert, Cornell University

Claudette Smith, Jacksonville State University

Leigh Smitley, West Virginia University

Nyla Orr Snodgrass, Clarion University of Pennsylvania

Margery DeLamatre Sorenson,

University of Nebraska-LincolnLucinda Spaney, Marietta CollegeJanice Royer Sparks, Florida State

UniversityJudith Dierdorff Stehley, Kansas

State UniversityDoris Kenninger Stump, Purdue

UniversityMelissa Masso Swanson, University

of Texas Pamela Knoebel Tate, San Diego

State UniversityLeslie Wallace Taylor, Auburn

UniversityGerald & Loretta Thomas, Friend of

Alpha Xi DeltaBettina Geyer Thompson-Erickson,

Marietta CollegeDiane Ditta Thornton, University of

TexasVeronica Pontarelli Toussaint,

University of IllinoisDiane Faber Treadway, University of

Rhode Island

Betty French Unkel, The Ohio State University

Carol Mayer Utter, Cornell UniversityBarbara Guyer VanCura, Monmouth

CollegeKira Vurlicer, Southwestern

UniversityBridget Molson Wachter, University

of IllinoisDiane Womack Walberg, University

of TexasMarijean Konopke Williams, Indiana

University of PennsylvaniaJoni Lindale Williamson, Drake

UniversitySara Peck Wilson, Purdue UniversityLauren Windland, Northern

Michigan University

Janice Nease Wittschiebe, Georgia Institute of Technology

Penny Houck Woods, California State University-Fresno

Diana Erpelding Wubbenhorst,

University of Nebraska KearneyPamela Wurster, Wittenberg

UniversityBetsie Keeler Zeedyk, Alma College 62

Foundation Foundation Foundation

63 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall | Winter 2013

Memorial GiftsThe Alpha Xi Delta Foundation recognizesMemorial Gifts given from January 1, 2013,through August 15, 2013.

Louise Archer, Carroll Universityby Jane Brockway Archer, Parsons College

Ann Robinson Baird, Frostburg State Universityby Susan Robinson, Frostburg State University

Carol Lenzi Baumhauer, Indiana University ofPennsylvaniaby Phyllis Rochelle Forte, Indiana University ofPennsylvania

Betty Nichols Blosser, West Virginia Universityby Linda Sammons Lugar, West Virginia University

Karen Shafer Chacon, University of NebraskaKearneyby Linda Carskadon Schutte, University ofNebraska Kearney

Eleanor Woods Crane, Alpha Deuteronby Indianapolis, IN Alumnae Association

Carol Brown Davis, University of Texasby Patricia Taylor Canavan, University of Texas

Martha O’Neal DeLee, Centenary College of Louisianaby Cornelia DeLee, Alpha Deuteron

Dorothea Wells Dial, daughter of Joyce Dial Ubl,Ohio Wesleyan Universityby Virginia Drick Messing, Ohio Wesleyan University

Evelyn Gibbs Dice, Northwestern Universityby Gail Schaum Overby, Northwestern University

Mary Knapp Dinard, Syracuse Universityby Jane Barlow Bauer Donegan, Syracuse UniversityNancy Reissfelder Hoppe, Syracuse UniversityDorothy Leonard, Syracuse UniversityWalta Williams Parfitt, Syracuse UniversityMartha Bay Reynolds, Syracuse UniversityBobbi Foust Stoll, Syracuse University

Laura Jane Dingler, Southern Polytechnic StateUniversityby Atlanta-North Metro, GA Alumnae Association

Phyllis Borkowski Eckman, Purdue Universityby Jeanette Jinks Horrall, Purdue University

Olive Gabriel Faries, Western Kentucky Universityby Paige Faries, Western Kentucky UniversityPeggy Smothers Gluski, University of MichiganIndianapolis, IN Alumnae AssociationKim Starr, University of Kentucky

Mary Nutt Flander, University of Washingtonby Liz Barber Murray, University of Michigan

Rita Downing Fowler, Indiana Universityby Jeanette Jinks Horrall, Purdue UniversityIndianapolis, IN Alumnae AssociationDoris Anne McNary Onken, Purdue UniversityBetty French Unkel, The Ohio State UniversityBobbie May Wood, Indiana University

Wendy Galvin, University of Hartfordby Ilene Geiger Berg, University of Hartford

Joann Giles, University of South Dakotaby Ramona Fiksdal Bowden, University of South Dakota

Charlotte Clark Glynnby Cynthia Clark Crock, Iowa State University

Barbara Blaine Grothe, Kansas State Universityby Mary Tutt Allgire, Kansas State University

John Guinan, father of Brenda Guinanby Brenda Guinan, Albion College

Shirley Parker Hardin, University of Nebraska-Lincolnby Dorothy Steele McKeever, University of Nebraska atOmaha

Hermann J. Hassig, father of Ellen Hassig, CaliforniaState University, Northridgeby Susan Leeds-Horwitz, California State University,Northridge

Jin Kim Hawkins, University of Kansasby Heidi Peirce, University of Kansas

Betsy Brann Hendrickson, University of Wisconsinby Philip Hendrickson, husband of Betsy BrannHendrickson

Grandma Herbst, grandmother of Michele HerbstEvink, South Dakota State Universityby Kim Starr, University of Kentucky

Robert Edward Herndon, husband of Kitty FariesHerndon, Western Kentucky Universityby Indianapolis, IN Alumnae Association

Marian Machamer Hoke, Kent State Universityby Marian Hoke Knipfer, University of Mount Union

Judy Bethke Holle, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claireby Kathy Gerke Beaver, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Barbara Reinmuth Holloman, University of Maryland by Chesapeake, MD Alumnae AssociationSandy Priebe Day, Frostburg State UniversityAudrey Huthwaite, Frostburg State UniversityDonna Moxley Isaacs, Frostburg State UniversitySusan Robinson, Frostburg State University

Harriet Hitchcock Holtman, The Ohio State Universityby Edna Talbot Kidd, University of Tennessee

Carol Smith Hopkins, Monmouth Collegeby Pinellas County, FL Alumnae Association

Cherri Suit Hose, University of Nebraska Kearneyby Linda Carskadon Schutte, University ofNebraska Kearney

Laura Hourenby Lisa Lanier, University of North Texas

Althea Field Huthwaite, Frostburg State Universityby Pam Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State UniversityJanet Gleason White, Frostburg State University

Ruth Swart Kafes, University of Pennsylvaniaby Gail Hanson Olt, University of Pennsylvania

Joan DeLamatre Kailey, University of Nebraska-Lincolnby Margery DeLamatre Sorenson, University ofNebraska-Lincoln

Kathleen Donnelly Kelly, University of Washingtonby Betty Fideler Dale, University of South Dakota

Mary Danforth King, University of Wisconsinby Bloomington-Normal, IL Alumnae Association

James Kuntz, husband of Helen Hartley Kuntzby Helen Hartley Kuntz, Ohio Wesleyan University

Anna-Marie Charlotte Lerch, daughter of HeatherRoberts Lerchby Central New Jersey Alumnae Panhellenic AssociationHeather Roberts Lerch, Rider UniversityEleanor Roberts, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Barbara Magnuson, University of Nebraska atOmahaby Jane Schauss, University of Mount Union

Gloria Slagle McGrath-Aden, University ofNebraska Kearneyby Linda Carskadon Schutte, University ofNebraska Kearney

Linda McMahan, University of Texasby Patricia Taylor Canavan, University of Texas

Beverly Keister Morlok-Finger, Coe Collegeby Eleanor Richardson Lyons, University of KentuckyKay Thurman, Washington University

Juana Muniz, University of Texas-El Pasoby Kristin Mena, University of Texas-El Paso

Margaret Thompson Murphy, West VirginiaUniversityby Celeste Nabers Douglass, University of Alabama

Rudy Oras, father of Barbara Oras Blatchford,Northern Illinois Universityby Cindy Rossi Kass, Northern Illinois UniversityKim Starr, University of Kentucky

Zelma Patchin, University of Oklahomaby Jill Shrontz Tenzythoff, Oklahoma StateUniversity

Marilyn Herbertz Payne, Culver Stockton Collegeby Sally Schuck, Iowa Wesleyan College

Jane Berkey Peterson, University of Washingtonby Carol Woodworth Root, University of Wisconsin

Harriett Wiedebusch Raese, West Virginia Universityby Alpha Xi Delta House Association

Helen Banda Ralsten, Marshall Universityby Nancy Miller Lince, Marshall University

Alice Sutherland Rividan, Monmouth Collegeby Lois Gradous Myers, Monmouth College

Lawrence & Opal Sabo, parents of Karen Sabo Indusiby Karen Sabo Indusi, LIU Post

Gretchen Grove Saltz, Bowling Green State Universityby Nancy Brown Brockman, Bowling Green StateUniversity

Carolyn Ferguson Sherrill, Western Carolina Universityby Dorothy Sheldon Williams, Western CarolinaUniversity

Margaret Slocum, Georgia State Universityby Atlanta-North Metro, GA Alumnae AssociationAtlanta-South Metro, GA Alumnae AssociationSuzanne Macintyre Boylan, Georgia Institute of TechnologyDebbie Brockman, Georgia State UniversityPatsy Fostvedt Chastain, University of West GeorgiaSusan Buhay Du Part, Western Kentucky UniversityRigby Guiney Duncan, Marshall UniversityNorma Stewart Ford, Georgia State UniversityLeah Heil, Georgia Institute of TechnologyCenie Bagley Jackson, Georgia State UniversityLinda Kotowski, Florida State UniversityDanielle Lepley Lambert, Georgia State UniversityRene Trammell Lanier, Georgia State UniversityLesley Conway Maggiore, Georgia State UniversityLynette Raville Mathews, Georgia Institute of TechnologyMarsha Moore McOsker, Georgia State UniversitySara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State UniversityTracy Andersen Roberts, Georgia State UniversityAlethia Bigbie Thompson, Georgia Institute of TechnologyMelissa Moore Townley, Georgia State UniversityGail Brooks Turk, Georgia State UniversityMary Neal Wall, Georgia Southern UniversityJanice Nease Wittschiebe, Georgia Institute of Technology

Nancy Durig Spayde, Bethany Collegeby Margaret Cox Johnson, West Liberty University

Martha Davies Stone, Randolph-Macon Collegeby Jane Stone, Ohio Wesleyan University

Lois Kopper Stump, Kansas State Universityby Samantha Sours Sample, Embry-RiddleAeronautical University-Prescott

Madelyn Schroeder Sundquist, Purdue Universityby Alice Pishan Croner, Monmouth CollegeJeanette Jinks Horrall, Purdue University

Liz Tarpey, Georgia Institute of Technologyby Corey Aitken, Georgia Institute of TechnologySinclair Anderson, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaAtlanta-North Metro, GA Alumnae Association

Shannon Barnes, Georgia Institute of TechnologyAmber Bennett, Georgia Institute of TechnologyKathleen Bernhard, Georgia Institute of TechnologyBeth Blauvelt, Georgia Institute of TechnologyCasey Bowden, Georgia Institute of TechnologyBethany Burton, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaMike & Keli Davies, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaSusan Davies, Georgia Institute of TechnologyLaura Dikman, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaKathleen Duffy, Georgia Institute of TechnologyRigby Guiney Duncan, Marshall UniversitySarah Eck, Georgia Institute of TechnologyMarissa Fisher, Georgia Institute of TechnologyRobyn Flegal, Georgia Institute of TechnologyBill & Penny Flegal, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaKathryn Fulk, Georgia Institute of TechnologyLaura Kitashima Giglio, Georgia Institute of TechnologyJonathan Grobani, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaLindsey Hubbard, Georgia Institute of TechnologyJess Hunt, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaCaroline Johnson, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaPat & Rick Kerns, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaJessica LaForge, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaRebecca Larsen, Georgia Institute of TechnologyMegan Lebanowski, Georgia Institute of TechnologyStacey Mahaffey, Georgia Institute of TechnologyKay Kinney McKenna, Georgia Institute of TechnologyAlex Monroe, Georgia Institute of TechnologyLeigh Nash, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaJosephine Nord, Georgia Institute of TechnologyAkhila Rajaram, Georgia Institute of TechnologyRenee Redington, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaLaurie Reed, Georgia Institute of TechnologyStacey Sarris Sapp, Georgia Institute of TechnologyJarrett Skov, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaTabatha Pilgrim Thompson, Georgia Institute of TechnologyJoy Vaughan, Georgia Institute of TechnologyKathryn Huitt Vernon, Georgia Institute of TechnologyElizabeth Vila, Georgia Institute of TechnologySarah Walker, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Cheryl Johnson Weldon, Georgia Institute of TechnologyJames Wells, Friend of Alpha Xi DeltaJanice Nease Wittschiebe, Georgia Institute of TechnologyMeagan Wood, Georgia Institute of Technology

Marilyn Sloan Thompson, The Ohio State Universityby Jan Dorrough Austin, Wright State Universityby Dayton, OH Alumnae Association

Carol Creed Wells, Ohio Universityby Carol Wells Paul, Ohio University

Mary Wells, East Carolina Universityby Judyth Eargle Hustrulid, East CarolinaUniversity

Candice Wicksby Lisa Lanier, University of North Texas

Daphne Wright, Southern Polytechnic State Universityby Patsy Fostvedt Chastain, University of West GeorgiaCourtney Hankins Fluty, Texas State University-

San MarcosAmanda Benson Hicks, Southern Polytechnic State

UniversityIota Theta Chapter, Southern Polytechnic State UniversityJackie Ryan, Southern Polytechnic State UniversitySandy Keim Shackelford, University of Georgia

Isabelle Wright, mother of Bobbie Wright Lowe,Frostburg State Universityby Sandy Priebe Day, Frostburg State University

Nieske Zwarensteyn Zabriskie, Michigan StateUniversityby Doris Bolton Knight, Washington University

Quill$1,000-$2,499Northern Virginia, VA

Pearl$500-$999Denver, CO

Rose$250-$499Atlanta-North Metro, GAIndianapolis, INSeattle, WA

Anniversary$119-$249Ann Arbor, MIAtlanta-South Metro, GABirmingham, ALBloomington-Normal, ILChesapeake, MDChicago North Shore, ILCincinnati, OHDayton, OHLincoln, NEMaryland Metro, MDMinneapolis-St. Paul, MNOrlando, FLPikes Peak Area, COPinellas County, FLTucson, AZ

DonorAkron, OHArlington, TXAuburn-Opelika, ALAustin, TXBayArea Houston-Galveston, TXBowling Green, OHBrandon Riverview, FLBuffalo, NYCedar Rapids, IAChicago Northwest

Suburbs, ILChicago-West Towns, ILCleveland, OHCorvallis, ORDallas, TXDetroit, MI

Diablo Valley, CAEl Paso Del Norte, TXFresno, CAGreater Boston, MAGreater Milwaukee Area, WIGreater Rhode IslandHouston, TXLas Vegas, NVLittle Rock, ARNapa, CANew Orleans, LANewark-Granville, OHNorth San Diego County, CANorthern New Jersey, NJOklahoma City, OKPalm Beach, FLPhiladelphia, PA

Phoenix, AZPittsburgh, PASacramento, CASaginaw Valley, MISalt Creek, ILSan Fernando Valley, CASouthern Maine, MESt. Louis, MOStanislaus, CATallahassee, FLTampa, FLTidewater, VAWestern North Carolina, NCWestern Wayne County, MIYoungstown, OH

Alumnae Association DonorsThe Foundation thanks the following alumnae associations who made donations between June 1, 2012, and May 31, 2013. The following list reflects annual giving totals toall Foundation funds. 64

Foundation Foundation Foundation

Alpha Xi Delta Foundation Statement of ActivitiesYear Ended on May 31, 2013.

Support and revenueContributions.........................................................................................................$205,783Loyalty Fund..............................................................................................................191,638Bad debt expense ....................................................................................................(14,677)Investment return.................................................................................................(736,768)Change in value of beneficial interest in charitable remainder trusts ....(15,486)Total Support and revenue..............................................................................$1,134,998

Chapter DonorsThe Foundation thanks the following chapters

who made donations between June 1, 2012, and

May 31, 2013. The following list reflects annual

giving totals to all Foundation funds.


Theta Xi, Florida International University


Theta Sigma, University of Central Florida


Sigma, University of IowaTau, University of New HampshirePsi, The Ohio State UniversityAlpha Beta, Cornell UniversityAlpha Eta, Purdue UniversityBeta Lambda, Pennsylvania State UniversityGamma Eta, Georgia Institute of TechnologyGamma Phi, East Carolina UniversityEpsilon Pi, Jacksonville State UniversityTheta Beta, Sonoma State UniversityTheta Gamma, University of DelawareTheta Iota, Florida Atlantic UniversityTheta Rho, California State University-San MarcosTheta Psi, Dartmouth CollegeIota Theta, Southern Polytechnic State UniversityIota Xi, Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Gamma, University of Mount UnionIota, West Virginia University

Rho, University of Nebraska-LincolnAlpha Kappa, Kansas State UniversityBeta Epsilon, Monmouth CollegeBeta Mu, Bowling Green State UniversityBeta Pi, Indiana UniversityBeta Sigma, West Virginia Wesleyan CollegeGamma Beta, Marshall UniversityGamma Delta, University of Nebraska at OmahaDelta Mu, Old Dominion UniversityDelta Nu, Indiana University of PennsylvaniaDelta Xi, Georgia State UniversityDelta Rho, California State University, NorthridgeDelta Tau, University of Wisconsin-OshkoshZeta Eta, West Chester UniversityZeta Xi, Auburn UniversityZeta Omega, University of West GeorgiaTheta Epsilon, Marquette UniversityTheta Eta, Western Michigan UniversityTheta Nu, Elon UniversityIota Alpha, George Mason UniversityIota Beta, California State University StanislausIota Delta, University of Central OklahomaIota Eta, University of Texas-El PasoIota Omicron, San Jose State UniversityIota Pi, Coastal Carolina UniversityIota Rho, DePaul UniversityIota Sigma, Virginia Commonwealth University


Epsilon, University of South DakotaBeta Upsilon, University of Rhode IslandGamma Zeta, Eastern Michigan UniversityGamma Theta, East Tennessee State UniversityGamma Nu, Southeast Missouri State UniversityGamma Tau, Ohio Northern UniversityGamma Omega, Henderson State University

Delta Alpha, University of Wisconsin-La CrosseDelta Kappa, Slippery Rock UniversityDelta Chi, University of Northern IowaEpsilon Alpha, University of Wisconsin-Eau ClaireEpsilon Eta, South Dakota State UniversityEpsilon Kappa, Western Kentucky UniversityEpsilon Rho, University of Southern MaineZeta Theta, Wright State UniversityZeta Iota, Lyon CollegeZeta Tau, University of North Carolina at AshevilleZeta Upsilon, Alma CollegeZeta Chi, University of North Carolina-WilmingtonTheta Delta, Towson UniversityTheta Pi, Christian Brothers UniversityTheta Phi, University of Alabama at BirminghamIota Epsilon, University of Nevada-Las VegasIota Zeta, Wingate UniversityIota Kappa, Idaho State UniversityIota Lambda, St. Norbert CollegeIota Mu, Lycoming College

DonorDelta, Bethany CollegeGamma Sigma, Thiel CollegeDelta Epsilon, University of New OrleansDelta Zeta, LIU PostDelta Pi, Defiance CollegeEpsilon Theta, West Liberty UniversityEpsilon Xi, University of Missouri-St. LouisEpsilon Psi, Boise State UniversityTheta Omicron, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical

University-Daytona BeachTheta Tau, Marian UniversityTheta Upsilon, Youngstown State UniversityTheta Omega, New Mexico State University

ExpensesProgram Services..............................................................................$206,530Management and General ................................................................121,046Trustee and committee meetings ........................................................4,276Fundraising ..........................................................................................152,036

Total Expenses ........................................................................................$483,888

Change in net assets............................................................................($651,110)

Net assets, beginning of year ..........................................................$4,662,557

Net assets, end of year ......................................................................$5,313,667


65 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall | Winter 2013

Honor Gift ListingThe Alpha Xi Delta Foundation recognizes

Honor Gifts given from January 1, 2013, through

August 15, 2013.

1985-86 Chapter Consultants

by Ann Gronewold Percy, Michigan State


Alpha Eta Pledge Class of 1975, Purdue University

by Kathleen Burns, Purdue University

Alpha Kappa Chapter, Kansas State University

by Kathy Nicklaus Owrey, Henderson State University

Alpha Xi Delta Pittsburgh Alumnae Members

by Rose Vachon Kunkel Roarty, Ohio University

Alpha Xi Delta Staff, Past & Present

by Jackie Lyerly, Alpha Deuteron

Claressa Moreland Basile, Alpha Deuteron

by Lemar Moreland Frank, Purdue University

Breanna Bayer, Slippery Rock University

by Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State


Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State University

by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Chesapeake, MD Alumnae Association, for their

40th anniversary

by Pam Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State University

Susan Robinson, Frostburg State University

Delta Phi Chapter, University of Charleston

by Doris Muller Burton, University of Charleston

Sandi Edwards, University of Kentucky

by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Epsilon Pi Chapter, Jacksonville State University

by Kathy Nicklaus Owrey, Henderson State University

Suzanne Erickson, University of Texas

by Kathy Moore Dwight, University of Texas

Martha Geppert, University of Illinois

by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Virginia Edsall Giffin, Denison University

by Lucy Ward Bodnar, Stetson University

Dale & Barbara Warman Wilson Gilbertson,

University of Michigan, for their 50th wedding


by Krystn Gilbertson Aversa, Michigan State University

Peggy Greene, Stetson University

by Laurie Howard Felton, University of Virginia

Meghan Griffith, daughter of Margaret Miesiaszek


by Margaret Miesiaszek Griffith, Western

Carolina University

Michelle Soderquist Hartnett, University of


by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Cathy Ball Hehman, University of Texas

by Kathy Moore Dwight, University of Texas

Amanda Hendry, University of Central Florida,

March 2013 FVP of the Month

by Omega Financial, Inc.

Isabel Hennessee, daughter of Tressa Hall

Hennessee, Western Carolina University,

for her birth

by Stephanie Goodell, Western Carolina University

Carolyn Hodgson, University of Delaware, January

2013 FVP of the Month

by Omega Financial, Inc.

Iota Iota Chapter, Greensboro College

by Krista Connelly, Greensboro College

Iota Mu Chapter, Lycoming College

by Susan Yerkes, Lycoming College

Iota Zeta Class of ‘04, Wingate University

by Christina Bakker, Wingate University

Carrie Kashawlic, Ohio Northern University

by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Lorelie Kerr, daughter of Lauren Shepherd-Kerr,

Southern Polytechnic State University

by T.J. Merck Parker, Georgia Southern University

Marian Hoke Knipfer, University of Mount Union

by Monday Bridge Club

Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, University of Northern Iowa

by Indianapolis, IN Alumnae Association

Jennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion University

by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Nadine Leisz, Baldwin Wallace University

by Margaret Payne Greene, Stetson University

Marjie Gardner Mader, Southeast Missouri State


by Amy Holobyn, Indiana University South Bend

Sue Eicher Mamber, Kent State University

by Carrie Kashawlic, Ohio Northern University

Isabel Bickett Marshall, Monmouth College, for

her 99th birthday

by Karen Ogorzalek, Monmouth College

Elena Marten, Pennsylvania State University,

February 2013 FVP of the Month

by Omega Financial, Inc.

April Martens, University of Nebraska at Omaha,

December 2012 FVP of the Month

by Omega Financial, Inc.

Becky Allan Maurer, University of Iowa

by Jamee Maurer Klein, University of Northern Iowa

Geraldine McNamara Mayer, Ohio University

by Charlotte Richards Forquer, Ohio University

Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN Alumnae Association

by Pam Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State University

Norma Matthews Morgan, Frostburg State

University, for 50 years as an Alpha Xi Delta

by Kelly Morgan Griffin, Frostburg State University

Patricia Mohr Mueller, University of Mount Union

by Cleveland Area Panhellenic Association

Rachel Mullen, Christian Brothers University

by Hilda Chase Mullen, Memphis State University

Pat Neff

by Morgan Neff, Kent State University

Sheri Edwards O’Connell, University of Maryland

by Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State University

Sondra Hicks Pettus, Western Carolina University

by Margaret Kiernan Witt, Western Carolina University

Beth Henning Polizzotto, University of Illinois

by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Susannah Prucka, Southwestern University

by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Rho Centenniel 2012, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

by Gina Todero Mangine, University of Nebraska-


Tessa Riley, Ohio Northern University

by Sue Riley Fackler, The Ohio State University

Rose Vachon Kunkel Roarty, Ohio University

by Sandra Gurgon Brand, Pennsylvania State University

Beverly Case Rorer, University of Pennsylvania,

for her 60th anniversary

by Bobbie Wright Lowe, Frostburg State University

Lisa Janssens Rud, Iowa State University, for her


by Kay Thurman, Washington University

Marianne Moritz Russo, California State

University, Northridge

by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Jane Wilkens Schroeder, University of Nebraska-


by Emily Wray Stander, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Emma Elizabeth Shettling, daughter of Jessica Guy

Shettling, University of West Georgia, for her birth

by T.J. Merck Parker, Georgia Southern University 66

Olivia Grace Shettling, daughter of Jessica Guy

Shettling, University of West Georgia, for her birth

by T.J. Merck Parker, Georgia Southern University

Charlotte Slate, University of New Hampshire

by Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State University

Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Purdue University

by Indianapolis, IN Alumnae Association

Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Leslie Storey, Texas Wesleyan University

by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina University

by Andrea Wikstrom, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Chelsie Smith Woods, West Virginia Wesleyan


by Melinda Lapan, West Virginia Wesleyan College

Linda Bernd Wrench, Indiana University

by Betty French Unkel, The Ohio State University

Janice Sheldon Baumback, University of Washington Jean Busby Beard, Purdue UniversityKristin Olson Billingsley, Sonoma State UniversityBonnie Baker Blish, University of California-

Los AngelesPatrice Orr Blum, University of North Carolina at

AshevilleDianne Plattenburg Botefuhr, Northern Michigan

UniversityMargaret Bozarth, Monmouth CollegeBarbara Brisbine, University of South DakotaDenise Brown, University of Northern IowaKathryn Yager Brown, Monmouth CollegeGeorge Brown, Jr., son of Ruth Fowler Brown,

Ohio UniversitySusan Bulkeley Butler, Purdue UniversityEvonne Carawan, North Carolina State UniversityJean Smith Clark, Pennsylvania State UniversityMarcella Smucker Clark, Ohio Wesleyan UniversityElizabeth de Jong, Bethany CollegeFred De Roode, son of Lou Ann La Roche DeRoode

Pennsylvania State UniversityDeanna Wollam Detchemendy, California State

University, NorthridgeSandi Edwards, University of KentuckyJean Grommes Feehan, Northwestern UniversityJane Dunlap Gaby, University of TennesseeElysia Balster Gallivan, University of South DakotaMartha Geppert, University of IllinoisGiles Memorial Foundation, in memory of Ruth

Fowler Brown, Ohio UniversityEllen Gibson Goodwin, West Virginia UniversityMargaret Payne Greene, Stetson UniversityDiane Curtis Gregory, Wittenberg UniversityMargaret Miesiaszek Griffith, Western Carolina


Anneliese Hallsten, Stetson UniversityMichelle Soderquist Hartnett, University of Nebraska-

LincolnGina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville State UniversityPhilip Hendrickson, husband of Elizabeth Brann

Hendrickson, University of WisconsinMary Louise Haymaker Hill, Purdue UniversityMarilyn Herbes Horner, University of Nebraska at

OmahaKelley Kitta Hundt, Georgia Institute of TechnologyLinda Kotowski, Florida State UniversityJeanne Regus Kuller, University of Maryland Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, University of Northern Iowa Wendy Kurtz, Indiana UniversityNicole Kuzmin-Nichols, Case Western Reserve

UniversityBeth Sacksteder LaClair, University of Mount UnionJulie Lambert, Oregon State UniversityJennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion UniversityJean Koza Leider, University of IowaHeather Roberts Lerch, Rider UniversityKendra Becker Lewis, Purdue UniversityBonnie Eiker Lightcap, Susquehanna UniversityJulie Schroder Lindsay, Marshall UniversityRobin Hartman Lock, University of TexasLyles Foundation Donor Advised Fund, in memory

of Elizabeth Venemann Lyles, Purdue UniversityDeborah Fenwick Maas, Marshall UniversityCharlotte West Martin, University of GeorgiaMegan McGowen, California State University-

NorthridgeKarolee Bunnie Wybenga Olsen, University of

Nebraska at Omaha Omega Financial, Inc.Jacqueline Fonder Pechette, Syracuse University

Becky Richter Perrett, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Pauline Dale Platt, Gettysburg CollegeBeth Henning Polizzotto, University of Illinois Nancy Drenan Prendergast, The Ohio State UniversityPatricia Prince, University of Illinois Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount UnionElizabeth Stuckert Ray, University of KentuckyMichelle Supplee Reda, Rider UniversityChristina Robertson, University of West GeorgiaBeverly Case Rorer, University of PennsylvaniaMarianne Moritz Russo, California State University-

NorthridgeJanice Zajac Sayatovic, Syracuse UniversityAlice Bliss Schmutz, University of Mount UnionJane Wilkens Schroeder, University of Nebraska-

LincolnTana Sterrett Scott, Middlebury CollegeMary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Purdue UniversityLeslie Storey, Texas Wesleyan UniversityJane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina UniversityMarilyn Atwood Terry, University of California-

BerkeleyTheta Gamma Corporation BoardJulia Naftzger Van Sickle, Purdue UniversityCheryl Johnson Weldon, Georgia Institute of

TechnologyNealy Patty Wheat, University of West GeorgiaLinda Barton Wiens, Kansas State UniversityDorothy Sheldon Williams, Western Carolina

UniversityShirley Albrecht Winckler, University of IowaLinda Bernd Wrench, Indiana University

Beginning with the 2012-2013 year, the Mary Burt Nash Society recognizes leadership donors stepping up to support Alpha Xi Delta Foundation by giving

$1,000 or more annually. All unrestricted and restricted gifts count toward Mary Burt Nash Society recognition. Also recognized are the charter members who

launched the Mary Burt Nash Society with a $5,000 commitment to the Loyalty Fund.


67 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall | Winter 2013

From the Archives

IS THAT YOU?These Alpha Xi Delta Sisters documented their winter fun inthe 1985 winter issue of The Quill! Unfortunately, there wasno caption published with the photo, and we want to know

who these Sisters are! If you can identify the Sisters in thephoto, send us an email at 68

To Senegaland Back

69 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta Fall/Winter 2013

Living Our Symphony

How does one describe a life changing experience? What word is there to use? I cannot find one that does justice to my

experience in a small Senegalese village named Ndoffane Boure. I went there with 14 other sorority women to help break ground onthe Circle of Sisterhood funded school. I came back forever changed.

I was changed by the kind and giving community we became partof for six days and five nights; by people who have so little, yet gaveus so much by welcoming us into their village and homes with openarms. We stood next to these villagers to break ground on their newschool – we pickaxed, shoveled dirt, bent rebar, made bricks andhauled sand and gravel in buckets. There is no machinery, there is no electricity – they are building this school by hand, and they willcontinue to work hard to finish this project now that we have gone.

When we were not on the worksite, we met with the chief, women’sgroups and farmers to learn of their culture and customs. Andwherever we went, we were surrounded by joyful and inquisitivechildren who worked alongside us to break ground on their new school.

While I was in Senegal, I thought about my sorority experience as an Alpha Xi Delta, especially the day I wore my letters. It was our last day in the village and in the afternoon we spent several hourssitting in the company of many of the women of the village while theyapplied henna to our skin. It was a profound moment as I glanced overat the Trek Team – a group of fifteen sorority women from the UnitedStates all wearing their letters, too. I could not help but wonder whatmy Founders would think if they knew of this movement by sororitywomen to help girls around the world achieve education. I felt surethey would be pleased at how far the sorority movement has come and confident they would be happy to know that sorority women today are continuing their vision to diminish inequality in education.After all, that was the common issue our Founders were dealing withat the time of our founding and the reason sororities came to be.

After spending six days and five nights in this small village withthese gracious and loving people, I could not help but notice ourcommon values manifested by the women of Ndoffane Boure –courage, graciousness, appreciation of one’s worth, a desire to beeducated and comfort in their own sisterhood and the one they created with us. We even sang to each other – the women of the village to our Trek Team and the Trek Team to the women of the village – at the closing ceremony that night.

The girls and young women of Ndoffane Boure are bright,insightful and so eager to learn. They wish more than anything to be educated so they can better their lives and the lives of theirchildren. They want to be teachers, doctors and even fashiondesigners. They have so much potential and they now serve as abeacon of what could be if all girls had the opportunity to go to school.

I am so proud to know that generations of girls in a small villagein Senegal will now be able to walk to a school building a shortdistance away from home to learn with their peers because of sororitywomen across the U.S. This experience has solidified my belief thatsorority women – as the largest body of college educated women inthe world – can be agents of transformational change in removingbarriers to education for girls around the world.

By Ginny Carroll, Western Kentucky ’82, and founder of The Circle of Sisterhood

(Pictured far left): On the last day of trip, the team spent time with the women of the village who applied henna to the Trek Team’sskin. Henna is a dye prepared from the henna plant that can used to create temporary tattoos.

(Pictured left):The women on the Trek Team, comprised of sorority women from across the country, lived with host families and brokeground on a school that will educate and empower the children in that village.

(Pictured above): Ginny taking a break from building to spend time with the children of Senegal.


Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity8702 Founders RoadIndianapolis, IN 46268





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