the progressive era. era between 1895-1920 meaning to “move forward” to “advance” dates

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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The Progressive Era

Era between 1895-1920 Meaning to “move forward” to



Change An attempt to accommodate for all the problems that

had been caused by1. Urbanization (brought amassing and distributions of

goods and cultural BUT poverty, disease, crime, and political corruption)

2. Industrialization (brought awesome technology, productivity and consumer goods BUT labor strife, spoils of natural resources and abuse of corporate power)

3. Immigration (brought labor source and added to the American culture BUT shook the old social order)

Called for

Both political parties White collar workers Religious groups Educated middle and upper class women

and men

People who were progressives

The government should intervene in unfair business practices The government needed to become more active The government needed to take on social welfare to ensure a

basic standard of living for all people The government needed to regulate the economy The government needed to end the abuses of power by big

businesses and attack unfair privilege monopoly and corruption

The government should support traditional institutions such as schools, charities, medical clinics, and the family

In a deep faith in the ability of human kind to create a better world

Believed that

Investigative reporting Mass circulation of newsletter

Called Muckrakers Journalists who told the public of evils Tried to make people angered enough to demand change Wanted new legislation passed

Famous Progressive Muckrakers Ida M Tarbell – History of Standard Oil Company Upton Sinclair – The Jungle Jason Reis – How the Other Half Lived Lincoln Steffens – The Shame of the City

Volunteer organization to address issues American Bar Association/US Chamber of Commerce National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Methods that Progressives Used

Many reforms began at the city and local level changed local government to end corruption

and to provide for the people Got rid of political bosses Many progressive mayors and governors

Pingree of Detroit “Golden Rule” Jones of Toledo Johnson of Cleveland “Fight Bob” Lafollette of Wisconsin

Grassroots Movement

Social reform movement Improve society The YMCA and the Salvation Army

Moral reform movement Improve people’s character The Women’s Christian Temperance Union and the

Anti-Saloon League Economic reform Movement

Change the economy to benefit all Eugene V. Debs and the American Socialist Party

Many reform movements during the Progressive Era

Corruption (end) Consumer (help) Conservation (protect)

The Three Cs of the Progressive Movement

Problems of African Americans Did not address civil rights for African

Americans Did not address Jim Crows laws Did not address Black Codes

Did not address

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