the northern pacific farmer. (wadena, minn.) 1884-06-05 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · wadena, june 2d,...

Post on 03-Feb-2021






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    Coon dSs Co..


    Men's, Boys', and Children's Clothing, HATS, CAPS, AND GENTS'

    Furnishing Goods. We have the Largest and Best Selected Stock between Brainerd and

    Vur We m.ike this BU SIN ESS A SPEC 1A LT Y and gi vc it all our atten lion, and will sell you

    Goods as Cheap as the Cheapest if not cheaper WE CAN FIT THE LARGES TMAX OR THE SMAIZES T BO J".

    We also curry a nice lino of

    TRUCKS, IKAYELIWG BAGS, VALISES, ETC., KTC., AH very cheap. Conae and see us and be convinced of the

    fact that what we 8*3* is true, at the CLOTHING STORE OPPOSITE DEPOT.


    _ saa J :r.. ' Watna, Jl in " f , *1V7 ~


    IS " J^-SSwl sfCT'-fr -*va

    Warm weather. Grain looking splendid. Circus next Wednesday. School closes to-morrow. A gentle rain Tuesday afternoon. Fourth of July two weeks from to

    morrow. A large stock of bird cages at Amos

    & Benedict's. J. J. Bennett is out on the road

    selling lumber. Rend the program for the Fourth in

    ano;her column. Artist material in any quantity at

    Amos & Benedict's. Peter Schroder,- of Perhani, was on

    oar streets Monday. Frank Ilanderson of Thoraastown,

    was in town Monday. J. T. McCnlloch, of New York Mills,

    was in. town Saturday. The beautiful (?) song of the house

    fly is wh t v e hear now. W. jL. Northfoss spent a few days at

    Fergus Falls, last week. II. C. Mealey, of Staples, registered

    at the Merchan ts, Sunday. For Poland China and Jersey Red

    pigs, enquire of II. W. Fuller. Paints, oils, brushes, etc., in endless

    varieties at Amos & Benedict's. M. A. Webster, of Shell City, regis

    tered at King's Hotel, yesterday. C.II.Peakehaslately platted twenty

    acres of land in North Minneapolis. The first wind mill in Wadena\Coun-

    ty, was put up in Wadena, Monday.

    WANTED.—A girl competent to do general house work. Mrs. A. L. Irwin.

    Supt. Harding, of Leaf River, was in town, yesterday.

    The scissor grinder was in town Monday. Everybody got sharpened up.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Miller returned from their Minneapolis visit, Sunday night.

    C. J. Stuart is having a handsome picket fence built in front of his dwelling.

    J. B. Perkins has moved his barber shop into the front room over Boss' grocery store.

    We have just turned out another big job for the Merchants Hotel. Thiy time it is 3000 envelops.

    Our Public Schools will close morrow with a grand picnic in Floral Ilall on the Fair Grounds. /

    Attend the meeting in Wm. Raw-son's office to-morrow evening, and help organize a Fire Company.

    N. L. McBain and wife, of Deer Creek, were in Wadena yesterday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Bereman

    Geo. F. Leopold, the boss clothier, and our old friend, Honry Metzger, of Brainerd, were in Wadena over Sunday.

    C. II. FOSP, of Ilenning, was in Wa< dena Monday forenoon. He was on his way home from a visit to Minneapolis.

    Read the new "ad" of the City Dray in another column. All orders left at Hamlin's Lumber Office will receive prompt attention.

    The longest train of cars that we ever saw, passed through Wadena Saturday going east. There were 85 cars and two engines.

    B. M. Buckland has the contract for building the parsonage for the German Evangelical Association. He has the frame already up.

    We are in receipt of a very neat invitation to attend the grand opening of Hotel Minnesota, at Detroit, Mina. on the evening of July 3d.

    Judge Ostrander has built a barn en his resident lots on First Street. He has also built some side-walk and set out a number of spruce trees.

    If you wish to purchase Wadena lots before the R. R., Co. advance prices call on E, S. Case at Bank of Wadena, and make your selections.

    W. W Graham has purchased three lots of G. A. Whitney at the east end of Aveiill Street, and has commenced the erection of a fine dwelling thereon.

    E. S. Case and D. L. Kinne, attended Sells' Bros. Circus at Fergus Falls, Saturday. They report it as being first rate and all that it was advertised to be.

    The Farmers' Tribune is the cheapest and best paper published. Send for sample, and if you like it, subscribe for it. Tribune company, Min neapolis.

    L. W. Burnett, Advertiseing Agent for the Kermott Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich, is in Wadena this week, visiting with his sistei', Mrs. W. Shufflebarger.

    E. W. Thorp has contributed to the Teachers Library Association, Niells fifth edition of the History of Minnesota. This adds another valuable book to the library.

    Parties having land contracts with the Northern Pacific R. R. Co., can save money by paying up in preferred stock, which may be ordered through Peake & Murray Of Wadena Minn.

    G. N. Bird, of the firm of Bird & Wheeler, Clitherall, dealers in Hardware, Lumber and Agricultural Implements, while in Wadena yesterday, made the FARMER office a call.

    Harris' Circus is coming. School picnic to-morrow afternoon. Amos Jk Benedict are headquarters

    for news. C. E. Spencer of Aldrich, was in

    town yesterday. . L. D. French, of Dower Lake, was

    iu the city Friday. W. L. Taylor, of New York Mills,

    was in town Tuesday. Old papers for sale at this office at

    50 cents per hundred. The FARMER office has indulged in

    the luxury of an awning. J. W. White, of Vining, registered

    at the Merchants, Friday. C. G. Mayer has given the front of

    his tailor shop a coat of paint. A. W. Crozier and F P. Bishop, of

    Blulfton, were in town Monday. Dr. E. L. Hawes, went to Battle

    Lake Monday, to remain a week. Read the new 4iad" of the Western

    House. S. W. Tripp, proprietor. Miss Johnson has just received some

    of the latest noveltiesjn hats. 2-4t. V Chas. Feehan has treated his builu-

    ing on Front Street to a coat of paint. The Wadena Roller Rink is open on

    ly Wednesday and Saturday evenings. If you really want a reasonable hat,

    get it at Miss Johnson's. 2-4t.

    Harris' Nickle-Plate Shows will be in Wadena next Wednesday, June 25th,

    EARNIST, June 1st, 1884. 4.4 w.

    To Whom it rnayOon corn. Notice is hereby given that I have

    this day given my soil Edwin Hallett his time, and thatl will not be responsible for any debts contracted by said Edwin Kallett after this date.

    P . BENJAMIW HALLETT, Dated, Wadena Minn. May 28('84.

    Agents! wanted for "The Lit eeo i*U tbePresidentB of t h U 8« The largest, ha d somest,bestbook ever sd

    . — for loss than twice our . - 7-r-i . price. The fastest selling

    ?ler,c^* Immenaeprofits to agents, All intelligent people want it. • Anyone o&n become a successful azent. Terms ffiee.'

    HAUBT BOOK. Co., Portland. Maine. ̂

    six cents tor _ and reoeive,

    . -, a costty'Jbox 01 .. fep^aawbidh will help


    With the latest and most improved machinery, and also all grades of feed We guarantee oar flour to be as good as any manufactured in the northwest Exchange and custom work promptly done. Special attention given to fitrmers. We will pay the highest cash price for wheat All orders bj mail promptly attended to.

    M. Weizel & Co.

    We are Pleased to announce that Our.

    Spring and Summer Styles Are now open for the

    Inspection of the Public*

    Our new stoek consists of a large and varied assortment of the

    Newest and Best in Seasonable

    Embracing all the Latest Novelties and Standard Goods as well.

    Front Street, Wadena.

    Merchants Hotel, Front Street, - - Wadena, Minn

    E. M. COOPER, Proprietor, This house has just been refitted and refurnished throughout, making it

    one of the "best furnished hotels on the line of the Northern Pacific Rail Road. The proprietor will give his personal attention to the comfort of ins guests Terms Reasonable.



    HASSAN & LAMBERT, Averill Street, - ... Wadena, Minn

    CHAS. H. PEAKS, Prerfdent.

    MURRAY. Cashier.


    Wadena Minn.

    A General Banking and Insurance BUSINESS TRANSACTED*


    CLOTHING, HATS A CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS A SHOES « We also carry a large and well selected stock of

    & Fancy Groceries, Glassware, Stoneware, Woodenware, Etc., Etc.

    We claim for our stock, General Excellence in Quality, Immense Variety, at prices which will be found Exceedingly Low. Call in to-

    ^ day, to-morrow, and every day, and be eonvinced that you - - can save money by making your purchases of us* "

    Ofprn Froni and Thatf JSi* sS'SsC.-r.i r* Wadena. ̂ Minnesota.


    We have for Sale


    In all Parts of the City, at Prices

    Ranging from $50 Upwards,

    Easy Terms of Payment. If you ¥iaw» to buy lots, come nd see us* Every

    body says there is money in Wadena town lots at pros-

    ent prices•

    Peake & Murray. i A 2> •> jf.... "J!aM&X ' 'f W -

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