the effect of peer feedback through instagram...

Post on 11-Mar-2019






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(A Quasi-experimental Study at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Triguna Utama

Tangerang Selatan in Academic Year 2018/2019)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) English Education

By :












Futia Mursela (11140140000006) The Effect of Peer Feedback through Instagram on

Student’s Writing Recount Text (A Quasi-experimental study at the Tenth Grade

Students of SMA Triguna Utama in the Academic Year 2017/2018)

A Skripsi of Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences of Syarif

Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, 2018.

Advisor I : Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd

Advisor II : Teguh Khaerudin, M.App.Ling.

Keywords : Writing Recount Text, Peer Feedback, Social Media

The objective of this study is to obtain the empirical evidence of the effect of peer

feedback through social media on student’s writing recount text at the tenth grade

students of SMA Triguna Utama Tangerang Selatan. The method of this study are

quantitative method and quasi-experimental design. Two classes are taken as the sample

of the study with 30 students in each class. The classes are designed as experimental class

and a controlled class. The experimental class is taught by doing peer feedback through

social media while the controlled class do not. The students’ population at the tenth grade

of SMA Triguna Utama are 60 students, and the samples are 30 students of experimental

class and 30 students od controlled class. The sampling technique used is purposive

sampling. Moreover, this research is conducted through the following procedures; pre-

test, treatments, and post-test. The data analyzed is gained through writing test. The data

analyzed in this research by using statistic of t-test Statistical Package for Social Sciences

(SPSS). The result of this research proves the difference between students’ score in

learning recount text by giving peer feedback through social media and those do not.

According to statistical calculation, the df = 58, sig.(2-tailed) or (p) value = 0,001, and α

= 0.05, which is p-value < α. So, it proved that Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.

The effect size calculation is 0,92 where the range of effect criteria includes to the

moderate effect. Thus, it can be concluded that peer feedback through social media is

effective in teaching recount text because it showed moderate effect on students’ writing

recount text at the tenth grade of SMA Triguna Utama Tangerang Selatan.



Futia Mursela (11140140000006). Pengaruh Peer-Feedback Melalui Instagram

Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Teks Recount (Penelitian Kuasi Eksperimental

pada kelas sepuluh SMA Triguna Utama Tangerang Selatan, Tahun Ajaran

2017/2018). Skripsi, Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan

Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2018.

Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Farida Hamis, M.Pd

Dosen Pembimbing II : Teguh Khaerudin, M.App.Ling

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan secara empiris kefektifan

pemberiann peer-feedback (umpan balik rekan) pada kemampuan menulis siswa terhadap

teks recount pada siswa kelas X SMA Triguna Utama Tangerang Selatan. Metode yang

digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain

kuasi exksperimental. Dua kelas diambil sebagai sampel penelitian yang terdiri dari 30

siswa tiap masing-masing kelas. Kedua kelas tersebut ialah kelas eksperimen dan kelas

kontrol. Kelas eksperimen diajarkan dengan pemberian peer feedback melalui Instagram,

sedangkan kelas kontrol tidak. Populasi siswa kelas X SMA Triguna Utama Tangerang

Selatan terdiri dari 60 siswa di mana sampel dari kelas eksperimen yaitu 30 siswa, dan

kelas kontrol 30 siswa. Teknik sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Selain

itu, penelitian ini dilakukan melalui langkah-langkah sebagai berikut : tes awal,

treatment, dan tes akhir. Data yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui tes

tertulis. Data analisis menggunakan rumus statistik t-tes Statistical Package for Social

Science (SPSS) 20. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini membuktikan

perbandingan antara nilai siswa dalam pembelajaran menulis teks recount dengan

menggunakan pemberian peer-feedback. Berdasarkan, hasil perhitungan statistik df = 58,

sig,(2-tailed) atau = 0.001, di mana nilai p < α. Jadi, dapat dibuktikan bawa hipotesis

alternatif (Ha) diterima. Perhitungan pengaruh dengan menggunakan teori Cohen d

adalah 0,92 poin, di mana rentang pengaruh kriteria termasuk pada pengaruh moderat.

Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian peer feedback melalui Instagram

dalam mengajarkan teks recount karena hal tersebut menunjukkan pengaruh yang

moderat/sedang terhadap penulisan teks recount pada siswa kelas X SMA Triguna Utama

Tangerang Selatan.



In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

All praises be to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given the writer His

Blessing and Mercy upon the writer in completing the last assignment in her

study. Peace and salutation always be upon to the prophet Muhammad shallallahu

‘alaihi wasallam, his family, his companions, and also his followers.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express her greatest appreciation,

honour and gratitude to her beloved parents (Alm. Nazaruddin,S.Sos I, and

Musnar,, for their valuable supports and moral encouragement in

motivating the writer to finish her study. Then, the writer thanks to her beloved

brother (M. Azizurrahman) for his love and support to the writer in writing this


Next, the writer also would like to express her deepest gratitude for her

wonderful and excellent advisors, Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd and Teguh Khaerudin,

M.App.Ling, and Dr.Alek, M.Pd and Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum as the examminers

for all the precious and uncountable time, advice, guidance, corrections, and

suggestions during the process of doing this assignment.

Thirdly, the writer also wants to express her appreciation to the people

who helped her to finish this assignment. Therefore, her appreciation goes to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., as the Dean of the Faculty of

Educational Sciences.

2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., as the Head of Department of English Education.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of Department of English


4. Ismalianing Eviyuliwati, M. Hum., as the researcher’s academic

advisor who was always there for her to give motivation, advice,


guidance, and support for her from the first semester until she finished

the last assignment.

5. Drs. Sudarmanta, as the Headmaster of SMA Triguna Utama

Tangerang Selatan, and Ase Saepul Karim, M.Pd as English Teacher,

for giving her permission to conduct the research.

6. All of students of X IPA and X IPS at SMA Triguna Utama

Tangerang Selatan who wanted to contribute their time and

participation during the research.

7. All the beloved friends in DEE 2014 for colouring the writer’s life

during her study in university, especially for A class.

8. The very close classmates; Cici Puspasari, Sarah Humairah, Etek Sri

Belangi, for the laughs and tears.

9. All the bestfriends in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta; Mursyidah,

Zuqriva Hayati, Miftahul Arha, Mimi Darwati, Shana Siregar for their

support and irreplaceable encouragement to motivate the writer to

accomplish this “skripsi”.

10. All those countless people, who could not be mentioned for all the

sincerely contribution and support during finishing this assignment.

The writer hopes and wishes for all the people who have been there for

her during her academic life to have Allah’s blessings. May Allah ease

everything for them and give them success in this world and hereafter. The

writer realizes that this skripsi is far from perfection. Therefore, it would

be a pleasure to give constructive comments and any kinds of suggestion

from the reader in order to create a better research paper in the future.

Jakarta, July 5th 2018

The Writer

Futia Mursela



APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................ i

SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI ................................................. ii

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... iii

ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ v

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................... vii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ ix

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................... x

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

A. Background of The Study ................................................. 1

B. Identification of the Problem ............................................ 3

C. Limitation of the Problem ................................................. 3

D. Formulation of the Problem .............................................. 4

E. Objective of Study ............................................................ 4

F. The significance of the Study ........................................... 4

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS .................................... 5

A. Feedback ........................................................................... 5

1. Definition of Feedback ............................................... 5

2. Types of Feedback ...................................................... 6

B. Peer Feedback through Social Media ............................... 7

C. Social Media for SLA (Second Language Acquasition) . 8

D. Social Media for Teaching Writing .................................. 9

E. Teaching Writing in Indonesian ESL Classroom ............. 11

F. Previous Related Study ..................................................... 12

G. Thinking Framework ....................................................... 14

H. Research Hyphotesis ........................................................ 14


CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................ 15

A. Place and Time of the Study ............................................. 15

B. Population and Sample ..................................................... 15

C. Method and Design of Study ............................................ 15

D. Instrument of The Study ................................................... 16

E. Technique Collecting Data ............................................... 18

F. Technique of Data Analysis .............................................. 18

G. Effect Size Measurement ................................................. 18

H. Statistical Hypothesis ........................................................ 19


A. Research Finding ............................................................. 20

1. Data Description ........................................................ 20

2. The Analysis of the Data ............................................. 27

3. Effect Size Formulation ............................................. 29

4. Data Interpretation ...................................................... 30

B. Discussion ......................................................................... 32

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................ 37

A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 37

B. Suggestion ......................................................................... 37

REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 39

APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 42



Table 3.1 Design of Study ................................................................................ 16

Table 3.2 Rubric For Assesing ......................................................................... 17

Table 4.1 The score of Pre-test and Post-test from Experimental Class .......... 20

Table 4.2 The score of Pre-test and Post-test from Control Class ................... 22

Table 4.3 The Gained Score of Experiment Class ........................................... 23

Table 4.4 The Gained Score of Control Class .................................................. 25

Table 4.5 Normality Test of Pre-test and Post-test .......................................... 27

Table 4.6 Homogenity Test of Pre-test and Pre-test ........................................ 28

Table 4.7 The Result of T-test Calculation ...................................................... 28

Table 4.8 The Result of Independent Sample Test .......................................... 29


List of Figures

Figure 4.1 The Blox Plot of Pre-test and Post-test ............................................ 25



Appendix 1 Syllabus ....................................................................................... 42

Appendix 2 RPP Experimental Class .............................................................. 44

Appendix 3 RPP Controlled Class .................................................................. 53

Appendix 4 Instrument of Pre-test .................................................................. 62

Appendix 5 Instrument of Post-test ................................................................. 63

Appendix 6 The Students’ Score of Experimental Class ................................ 64

Appendix 7 The Students’ Score of Controlled Class..................................... 65

Appendix 8 Pictures of Peer Feedback .......................................................... 66

Appendix 9 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi I ........................................................... 67

Appendx 10 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi II .......................................................... 68

Appendix 11 Surat Permohonan Penelitian ...................................................... 69

Appendix 12 References Examination Paper .................................................... 70

Appendix 13 Pictures of Class......................................................................... 77

Appendix 14 Students Written Test................................................................. . 78




A. Background of The Study

Nowadays, we live in a new millennium when the development of

technology become a major part of our lives. The technology facilitates the

growth of social media tools that are increasingly being used by people. The rise

of Web 3.0 tools provide users with visual, textual, interactive information, which

have made social media very popular among us.1

Therefore, social media as the product of new information technology has

also been included in the field of secondary education, especially for language

teaching and learning. The popularity of social media such as Facebook, Twitter,

WhatsApp, and Instagram have been also well-known by students today. In

addition, the features of web 3.0 are used well by some of english teachers to

bring the social media into the classroom that facilitates the learning process. The

possible benefits of social media's tools have caused many researchers to use

social media in ELT process.2

Besides, there are some previous research that used social media such as

Facebook, Twitter, and Blog as the platform for writing teaching and learning

process. Writing is regarded as the most difficult skill to be mastered since it

forces the brain works more in constructing a good writing. It is supported by

Byrne in his book who states that writing is considered the most difficult activity.3

In addition, the lacking time in teaching and practicing the writing in the

classroom are also the problems faced by students to explore the ideas and find

the appropriate words for what they want to write about. The limitation of time

makes the students less practicing their writing skill. Besides, the researcher sees

that many english teachers only use the course books and lesson plans supplied by

the government. They just run what the lesson plan and course book have been

1 O'Reilly, T. (2005). What is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next

Generation of Software. Retrieved from 2 Tilfarlioglu, F. Y. (2011). “An International Dimension of the Student's Attitudes

towards the Use of English in Web 2.0 Technology”. Turkish Online Journal of Educational

Technology-TOJET, 10(3), 63-68. 3 Donn Bryne, Teaching Writing Skill, (Hongkong: Longman Gmroup Ltd, 1988), p. 47.


written by goverment, without any developments and modifications to improve

the teaching quality. This shows that many teachers have less creativity in

developing their teaching concept. In fact, the situations above also happened in

SMA Triguna Utama, when researcher joined the pre-service teachers training

(PPKT ) program. Consequently, teachers and researchers should have been

forced to find a proper media which is relevant to those writing problems. In fact,

Noraein argues that applying social media in language classroom namely

facebook, twitter, and instagram, students will be highly motivated to be involved

in the learning process.4

As mentioned above, social media can facilitate the writing of the

teaching-learning process. Since social media have the tools to share, comment,

and exchange the ideas, those things are suitable to do „peer feedback' towards the

writing posted by students their accounts. As supported by Seliger, students can

also give the feedback to each other based on the understandings they receive,

and it is well known in language teaching as „peer feedback‟ or „peer response.‟5

It emphasizes the writing process activity that gives the information about what

should be fixed in a writing. In addition, peer feedback through Instagram can

also give a good atmosphere for students. It is in line with Noraein who argued

that students will be highly motivated interaction socially with their peers.6

In addition, There are some of the researchers who investigated the role of

social media in language classroom. Normaliza Abd Rahim used Instagram in

ESL Classroom and explored students participation in online discussion and their

feedback.7 Then, Mariam Ibrahim also implemented the use of facebook towards

improving the student's writing skills in a private school, Palestine, and it was

focused on writing's mechanic, usage, and sentence formation. The result revealed

4 Noraein Mansor,"Instagram in ESL Classroom”,Man In India Journal, (Malaysia,2013)

p.107-114 5 Seliger, H. W. (1983). “Learner interactions in the classroom and its effects on language

acquisition”. In Seliger, H.W., & Long, M.H., (Eds.) Classroom-oriented research in second

language acquisition. Rowley, Massachusetts: Newbury House Publishers, Inc, p. 246-267 6 Noraein, Op.Cit., p.107

7 Noraein, Op.Cit., p.114


that there was a positive effect of using Facebook to increase the student's writing


Therefore, the researcher also wants to investigate the writing learning

activity through social media at the tenth grade of SMA Triguna Utama

Tangerang Selatan. Some difficulties mentioned in the previous discussion are

also found in this school. Thus, the researcher wants to know to know whether

there is a significant effect on students writing by using social media. A writing

genre chosen by the researcher is recount text, and social media of Instagram is

applied in this research. Finally, the researcher formulates the title of the study

with "The Effect of Peer Feedback through Instagram on Student's Writing

Recount Text".

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, the research identifies the problem as


1. Writing is the most difficult skills to be mastered. However, students are

forced to master one of the writing genres, that is Recount Text, and they sill

have the difficulties of constructing a simple writing.

2. The limitation of time in the classroom limits the student's opportunity to


3. Most of the students feel bored towards the conventional way of teaching


C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the background and identification of the problem, the researcher

limits this study to find the effect of peer feedback through Instagram on student's

writing recount text. Moreover, the researcher intends to know the effect of peer

feedback through Instagram on student's writing recount text at tenth grade of

SMA Triguna Utama Tangerang Selatan in academic year 2017/2018.

8 Mariam Ghaleb Ibrahim, “The Effect of Using Facebook on Improving Student’s

Writing Skills in English,” (Palestine : An-Najah National University), 2013, p.1


D. Formulation of the Problem

To bring the study into focus, the study is formulated into the following

research question, "Was there any signifficant effect of peer feedback through

Instagram on students' writing recount text?"

E. Objective of Study

In line with the problem formulation above, the objective of the study is to

obtain the empirical evidence of peer feedback through Instagram towards

student's writing recount text.

F. The significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to provide some significances to the

following reasons:

1. Students

This study is hoped will give the beneficial contribution to the students of

the tenth grade in SMA Triguna, as a reflection information that reveals their

writing recount text.

2. Teacher

This study was aimed at the teachers in order to develop their writing

teaching media that can encourage students to involve the writing learning


3. Researchers

This study is expected will provide pieces of information and references

for the people who desire to conduct any further studies in the same field.




A. Feedback

1. Definition of Feedback

According to Richards and Schmidt, feedback can be defined as any

information or comments, as a result of a behavior that refers to comments or

other information received by learners, in order to focus their success on learning

tasks or tests, either from the teacher or other persons.9

As argued by Hyland, feedback is an inseparable, integral and important

element in language learning, especially in writing, because it provides the writers

with a set of informations between what the readers needs and expectations from

student‟s writng.10

In addition, Hyland and F.Hyland realize that feedback is a key

element of the scaffolding provided by the teacher to build learner confidence and

the literacy resources to participate in target communities.11

It is widely seen as

crucial part for improving the learning qaulity, and this is well known by those

working in the field of second language writing.12

Feedback occurs in a context of a particular kind (institutional,

pedagogical) between participants of particular identities (teacher/peer/learner),

and it is delivered by a particular medium (peer, conference, written comments) as

designed to accomplish certain educational, pedagogical and social purposes.13

On the other hand, Harmer adds that feedback can be meant as responding

and correcting that deals with the way teacher react on the students‟ work.14


difference between responding and correcting is that in responding the students‟

work, the teacher is expected to give directional question rather than mentioning

9 Richards, J C. & Schmidt, Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied

Linguistics. (London: Pearson Education Limited,2002) p.199 10

Ken Hyland, Second language Writing, (New York: Cambridge University Press,

2003), p. 207. 11

K. Hyland and F. Hyland, “State of the art article: Feedback on second language

students‟ writing.” Language Teaching, vol 39, (London,2008), p.77. 12

K. Hyland and F. Hyland, op.cit p.83 13

Ken Hyland, Op.Cit, p. 184. 14

Jeremy Harmer, “How to Teach Writing”, (Edinburgh Gate : Pearson Education

Limited, Longman, 2004), p.108


which one is correct or wrong. The directional comment is best used in the

process of writing in the editing and revising step.

2. Types of Feedback

Feedback from teacher to the students‟ writing plays a vital role in writing

teaching process. In other words, It indicates that under teacher‟s feedback,

students will know the appropriate of the language features for their writing, how

their writing should be arranged, and these are can make it better. There are two

kinds of teacher‟s feedback; they are direct and indirect feedback.

a. Direct Feedback

Direct feedback is a technique to correct the student‟s error by giving the

explicit of written feedback.15

As what Lee also defines that direct feedback is

provided as the correct form that is written on student‟s paper.16

So, teacher can

underlined or cross out the unnecessary words written by the students and give the

correct words or form. This can help the students to find out their errors or

mistakes and replace them with the provided correct words or forms.

b. Indirect Feedback

Indirect corrective feedback refers to the student‟s error without actually

correcting it.17

On other hand, indirect corrective feedback emphasizes the role of

students in understanding and correcting their errors rather than being provided

with the corrections. Harmer elucitates that to avoid an overabundance of red ink,

many teachers use correction symbols such as underlining, highlighting, and

circling in order to encourage students thinking about what are their mistakes and

what should be fixed.18


Ferris, Treatment of Error in Second Language Student Writing, (Ann Arbour:

University of Michigan Press. 2002), p.19. 16

Icy Lee, “Error Correction in L2 Secondary writing Classrooms: The case of Hong

Kong”, Journal of Second Language Writing,”, Vol 13 ( 2004), p.286. 17

Rod Ellis, “A typology of written corrective feedback types”, ELT Journal, 63(2),

(2009), p. 100. 18

Jeremy Harmer, Op. Cit., p. 111.


B. Peer Feedback through Social Media

The popularity of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Path

and Pinterest are influencing young people, including students. Students might

spend their time almost around the clock to use social media via their laptops or

mobile devices. They may have their own accounts to interact with their friends

and to have social interaction among people. Social media is a group of Internet-

based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of

Web 3.0, and allows the user to create , share, comments, or exchange

information, ideas, images, and videos in virtual communication and


Therefore, these platforms and popularities can be adapted by the teacher

to develop certain activities in language learning, can be actively used to keep in

touch with students or to organize activities online.20

One of learning acitivities

that can be set through social media is the provision of peer feedback since we

know that social media serve the tool to interact, coment, and exchange the ideas.

The term of „peer feedback‟ that is stated by Hansen and Liu as learner‟s

interaction under formally trained by teacher, tutor, or editor in commenting and

critiquing each other‟s drafts on writing process, and it usually goes to give

feedback on grammar or content concerns.21

So, this activity can be set in social

media, and it also does not cost and training anymore. Social media allows

students to access enormous variety of learning materials in most of the cases free

of charge.22

There are many several studies that exploring the effectiveness of social

media that as the facility to do peer feedback in writing teaching learning process.

For instance Instagram, it can be tool for writing an descriptive text. Ronan Kelly

investigated the effectiveness of Instagram for ESL learner‟s descriptive writing

with giving of corrective feedback among the learners that focused on vocabulary


Kaplan A,M , Heinlen M, “Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities

of social media”, Business Horizons, Issue 1, (2010) ,p.61 20

Zhang, Lili. “Mobile phone teachnology engageent in EFL classroom.” International

Conference on Software and Computer Science (ICSECS) (2013): p.171. 21

Hansen, J., & Liu, J. “Guiding principles for effective peer response”.( ELT Journal,

2005), p.32 22

Mason, R. “Learning Technologies for adult Continuing Education.” Studies

incontinuing Education 28.2 (2006), p.121-133.


range and accuracy, and it is effective as the pedagogical tool that creating

authentic interaction, learning communities, and learner autonomy.23

According to

Gisti, Instagram can be effective tool teaching an writing especially for recount

text because it serves the platforms to share many stories and experiences in past

that supported with pictures, and others student‟s account can give feedback each

other to the posting.24

Other research also explore the of social media in english

language writing that focused on student‟s perceptions and attitudes towards the

use of instagram in english language writing. Ayuni and Al-Amin examined the

Instagram in descriptive writing that students more motivated to explore it in

instagram and have much time outside the class to explore their ideas and create it

in making an descriptive text.25

Thus, the social media have enough capacities for a good official

education matching about learning by social contexts and promoting learner‟s

critical thinking.

C. Social Media for SLA (Second Language Acquasition)

Nowadays, the canvas of language teaching and learning has experienced

major changes in the decade of emerging technologies, and it has transformed the

field of higher education which has great impact on the field of English as a

Second Language (ESL) teaching.26

As what the writer explain above, social

media can be set for language teaching and learning.

Studies on social media in ESL classroom have been widely implemented

throughout the world, and it includes the application of tools such as facebook,

blogs, twitter and instagram through smartphones in language learning classroom

which is well known as mobile learning.27

Kukulska-Hulme in Noraein have


Ronan Kelly, Ronan Kelly, “An Exploration of Instagram to Develop ESL Learners’

Writing Proficiency”, British Council : Ulster University, 2015, p. 9 24

Gisti Listiani, “The Effectiveness of Instagram Writing Compared to Teacher Centered

Writing To Teach Recount Text To Students with High and Low Motivation,” ELT Forum : State

University Semarang, (2016), p.1 25

Ayuni Akhiar, Al-Amin Mydin, “Student‟s Perceptions and Attitudes Towards The Use

of Instagram In English Language Learning”, Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instuction,

(2017), p. 47-72 26

Noraien Mansor, Normaliza Abd Rahim, “Instagram In ESL Classroom”, Man in India,

(2007) : 107-114. 27

Ibid, p.108


explored the effectiveness of cell phones usage for synchronous and asynchronous

interaction for promoting students‟ listening and speaking skills, and it has

worked succesfully. In lines with Kukulska and Fitri also have investigated the

tools in Instagram can give a great opportunities to be developed in ESL


Furthermore, the most important thing in SLA process is linked with

interaction and output. Sussan and Gass explain that interaction involves a number

of components including negotiation, recasts, and feedback towards what the

language exposes (input).28

It also intoduces the concept of negoitation of

meaning that provides the means for participant to respond appropriately one

another‟s utterance, and to regain their places in a conversation that is slipped.29

This thing is supported by Michael Long‟s elucidation that interaction is meant

the functions served by linguistic form used (input) such as expansion, repetition,

and clarification.30

On the other hand, other crucial parts of the SLA process is output. The

best way to test people‟s knowledge in linguistic is have to use that knowledge in

some productive way and that is output all about.31

According to Swain, output

refers to the outcome or product of the language acquisition device which what

the learner has learned, and it closes with the act of producing language such as

speaking and writing.32

So, the process involved in producing language is

important than just comprehending language.

D. Social Media for Teaching Writing

As the discussion above, writing is one of ways to invesitagate the

learner‟s comprehension about the languange. Writing becomes an complex thing

since there are lot of aspects that must be concerned. Another ways of how the


Sussan M. Gass, Larry Selinker,”Second Language Acquisition : An Introduction

Course”, (New York : Routledge),2008, p.304 29

Ibid, p.318 30

Michael H.Long, “Input, Interaction, and Second-Language Acquisition”, (Department

of Educational Linguistic : Pennsylvania), 1981, p. 259 31

Sussan, Op.Cit., p.327 32

Merril Swain, “ The Output Hypotheis : Theory and Research”, In Eli Hankel

"Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning". New Jersey: Lawrence

Erlbaum Associate Publisher, 2005, p.471


teacher can create a new media learning on teaching learning of writing process is

seemed very important to be realized since students have low interest in learning

writing, less practice, difficulty on getting idea, low grammar mastery, and many

more some problems they face.33

According to Patel, writing is sort of linguistic

behaviour that presents the sound of language through visual symbol, and it

becomes an fundamental thing in language learning because involves the

vocabulary, spelling, sentence pattern that are must be learned at higher stage.34

As stated in previous part, the process invloved in producing language is

more important than just comprehending the language. However, many educators

advocate a process approach to writing, because the learners crosses pre-writing

phases, edit, re-draft until finally producing a finished version of their work, and

those processes to get the heart of various skill when writing in foreign language.

35 Murcia also argues that writing skill is often perceived as the most difficult skill

to be mastered because it requires many aspects of language in its production such

as organization, content, language use, mechanics and vocabulary.36

This is to say, it is very important for teacher to attract the student‟s

attention in learning writing. Since the various social medias has become very

popular among us, it can be a tool used in teaching writing. We have already

known in previous discussion that social media has many features that can be used

as the SLA process, since it contents about the communication and social

interaction. The facilities offered by social media such as sharing photos, stories,

and others can supports a writing learning process where the students can creating

their own stories, and other‟s students can giving feedback towards the posting

about content, language features, or generic structures in the comment tool.37

These activities can be linked with the social constructivism theory by Vygotsky

that they are about the process of sharing each person‟s point of view-called


Irfan Zidny, “Improving Student‟s Writing Skill Using Instagram,” Jurnal UNY, p.188 34

Petal ME, Praveen M Jain, “English Language Teeaching: method,tools,and

technique), Jaipur : Sunrise Publishers, 2008, p.125 35

Bita Bahrami Shams, Seyyed Darius, Ali Gholami, “The Effect od Edmodo on EFL

Learner’s Writing Performance,” (IJEI : 2005), p 88-97. 36

Murcia, Celce, Marianne, & Elite Olshtein. Discourse and Context in Language

Teaching. Newyork: Cambridge University Press, 2000,.p.161 37

Mariam Ghaleb Ibrahim, “The Effect of Using Facebook on Improving Student’s

Writing Skills in English,” (Palestine : An-Najah National University), 2013, p.6


collaborative elaboration , that results the learners building understanding one


By doing peer feedback through social media, Hansen and Liu add that

it can generate a rich source of information for content and rethorical issues,

enhance intercultural communication, and give students a sense of group


E. Teaching Writing in Indonesian ESL Classroom

In Indonesia, English is implemented as a subject that must be mastered by

students. According to standard competence stated in „Peraturan Pemerintah‟ No.

22 Tahun 2006, the goal of english teaching and learning concerns in producing

both oral and written texts conveying in four integrated skills such as listening,

speaking, reading, and writing.40

Writing is one of comptences in English that is included in national

curriculum. On 2013 curriculum, there are several writing genres that should be

mastered by students such as descrtiptive text, recount text, narrative text, and

report text. Practically, the english teachers in indonesia are running the writing

learning process based on syllabus given by goverment, even the lesson plannings

are available too. For instance on recount text as the focus of the writer, the goals

stated in syllabus that should be achived by students, they are expected to know

the meaning of recount text and can construct it orally or writtenly involved about

their stories in the past, experinces or a penonema that delibrated the social

functions, language feature used, and genereric structures on it. 41

After the teachers have known what should they do in order to make

students know what should they achived, the next step is implementing the lesson

plans based on syllabus. According to the suggested lesson plans which

supplemented in official textbook by by goverment, the writing learning teaching


Vygotsky, Mind in Society : The development of higher psychological proccesses, in

Mariam Ghaleb Ibrahim, “The Effect of Using Facebook on Improving Student’s Writing Skills in

English,” (Palestine : An-Najah National University), 2013” 39

Hansen, J., & Liu, J. “Guiding Principles For Effective Peer Response”.( ELT Journal,

2005), p.31 40

Febriyanti Nurcahyasari and Enny Irawati, “Using Music Videos to Improve The Ability

in Writing Narrative Texts of The Eleventh Graders in Sma Negeri 4 Malang” (State University of

Malang),1. 41

Accesed in 07.02 AM


process is usually done inductively and most teachers just follow its lesson plans.

The students are usually given some texts or stories, then they are asked to

identify the components and characteristic of it such as generic structure, language

features used, and social functions. After the students have known the all of

components of the text, they finally asked to make a simple writing of themselves.

Generally, those all are writing teaching learning activities that usually

implemented for ESL classroom in Indonesia. Moreover, the teachers should have

also had many ideas and creativities in order to give a „fresh air‟ in writing

teaching learning process. There are many platforms can be used by teachers such

as social media of Instagram, Facebook, Blog, or twitter as the suggested tool for

writing learning process. So, the students can more explore their ideas in writing

with the tools that close with their real life situations.

F. Previous Related Study

This part shows the previous study especially those concerning with the

analysis of peer feedback through social media on students writing skill.

The first previous study related study which was conducted by Mariam

Ghaleb Ibrahim. The research title is about „The Effect of Using Facebook on

Improving Writing Skills‟, and the researcher used a quasi-experimental study.

The experimental class was taught by using facebook in teaching writing whereas

the controlled class was taughy traditionally. The researcher asked the students to

make free writing through social media. The writing task focused on the main

features of writing which are mechanics, usage, and sentence formation.42


result of pre-test and post-test was calculated T-test and Two-Way ANOVA. The

result calculation shown that p (0,002) < 0,05. So, there is an effect of using

facebook on improving writing skills.

The second previous study was conducted by Gisty Listiani that had the

title „The Effectiveness of Instagram Writing Compared to Teacher Centered

Writing to Teach Writing Recount Text to Students with High and Low

Motivation”. The purpose of the research is to examine the effectiveness of

instagram writing compared to teacher centered writing to teach recount text to


Mariam Ibrahim, Op,Cit.,p. 5


students with high and low motivation of SMP Kesatrian 1 Semarang in the

academic year of 2015/2016.

This study was conducted by using experimental research with 40 students

participated. Those students were divided into experimental and control group.

The experimental group was taught writing recount text by using instagram as a

teaching technique, whereas the control was taught by using teacher centered

writing. Results indicated that the final average score of experimental group was

73. Meanwhile, the control group got a lower average score with 67.15. After

calculating the significance of the test, the result of the t-value was 2.210 and

ttable was 2.002. With regard to the previous results, it can be concluded that

teaching recount text using instagram resulted a better achievement. Besides, the

t-value of the post test was higher than the critical value which meant that the

difference was statistically significant.

The next study was investigated by Bita Bahrami Syams with the title of

research “The Effect of Edmodo on EFL Learner‟s Writing performances. The

method of this study was quantitative, and the design of the study was a quasi

experimental. The experimental class were taught by Edmodo, and the students

were asked to give their comment, ask the questions, or give feedback to others

writing assignment. The data collection also got from pre-test and post-test which

the results from both tests are calculated by Mann-Whitney U was used for data

anlysis. The result indicated that the use of Edmodo in writing was more effective

on EFL learners‟ writing performance participating in this study

According to the studies above, the first study is concerned to the effect of

using facebook through in writing context, the second study is focused on the

effectiveness of instagram as the writing media, and the last the effect of Edmodo

on EFL learners‟ writing performance. The differences from this research are the

writing genre whereas the recount text as writing subject. For the calculation data,

the first study and the second study have the same measurement of Indepence Test

(t-test). Moreover, the third study used Mann-Whitney U for analyzing the data.

After all, those studies above focus on writing skills where the comments or

feedback were used to improve learners‟ writing skill.


G. Thinking Framework

Wirting is one of language skills that should be mastered by students. The

skills of writing itself is about how the messages are delivered in a written form.

Writing is used when the spoken communication cannot be done in a certain

situation. Writing communicates our thought or ideas to be understood by

someone else. Thus, in order to get others‟ understanding, students must convey

their ideas in a good concept and arrangement. It includes the combination of

grammar, diction, vocabulary, and also the imagination of the students to make a

good writing. Thus, for the most of students, writing is considered as the most

difficult skills to be mastered.

In order to make a good writing, there are several steps that should be

done such as pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Within these

writing process, the feedbac, comments or advices given by others‟opinion about

the content, arrangement, diction, grammar, and vocabulary can help the writer to

see where are the things that should be fixed into the proper one.

Thus, the role of giving feedback can be done by teachers, editors, tutors,

and even peers. These interactions of giving peer feedback towards the writing

can be facilitated by social media. From the explanation above, it is expected that

peer feedback through Instagram can be appropriate for teaching writing process,

altough none is perfect. Yet, the researcher hope that the result of this research can

give significant effect on students‟ writing recount text, not only theoretically, but

also practically.

H. Research Hypothesis

Based on the theories which were described in the previous sub-chapter

above, it could be posed a theoretical hypothesis as follows: by giving the peer

feedback through Instagram on students writing recount text. The researcher

supposes that there is a signifficant effect of peer feedback through Instagram on

students‟ writing recount text.




A. Place and Time of the Study

This study was conducted in SMA Triguna Tangerang Selatan. It is

located at Jl. Ir Juanda N.147, RT2/RW 4, East Ciputat, South Tangerang, Banten

Province. This research is carried out from February to April 2018.

B. Population and Sample

A “population” consists of all the subjects that will be studied. It includes

all the possible cases (persons, objects, events) that constitute a known whole.43

Sampling is the process of selecting a group of subjects for a study in such a way

that the individuals represent the larger group from which they were selected. This

representative portion of a population is called a sample. The population of this

study was all tenth grade students of SMA Triguna Tangerang Selatan in

academic year of 2018/2019. The research sample was chosen by using purposive

sampling method and the participants were purposively assigned to experimental

and control groups. So, X IPA class and X IPS class will be the sample in this

study. X IPA class which consists of 30 students will be the experiment group and

X IPS class which consists of 30 students will be the control group. Thus, the total

of sample is 60 students.

C. Method and Design of Study

1. Method of the Study

A quantitative method was used in this study. A quantitative study focuses

on identifying why the problem of the research occurs and tries to obtain the

different responses from a large group. Furthermore, the outcome of this method

is expected can give information how large population givce responses to certain



William Rick Yount, Research Design and Statistical Analysis for Christian Ministry

4th edition, (USA: NAPCE, 2006), ch.7 p. 1.


2. Research Design

Quasi-experimental design is used to know the effect of certain treatment.

In conducting quasi-experimental research, we should decide an experimental

class and a control class. Both of the groups was held pre-test and post-test. The

difference was after pre-test where in the control group, the writer taught using

lecturing method and the experimental by peer feedback through social media.

Below the design of the study.

Table 3.1

Design of Study

Research Desgin



T1 X T3

Control group T2 O T4

Explanation :

X = Treatment

O = No Treatment

T1 and T2 = Pre-test

T3 and T4 = Post-test

In this study, the research design using peer feedback through Instagram as

the independent variable, and student‟s writing ability in recount text as the

dependent variable.

D. Instrument of The Study

The instrument of this study is written test. The test is given for students

in order to focus on writing recount text. The aim of this test is to measure the

students‟ ability in writing recount text. The instrument of the study can be seen

as follows:

1. Write a Recount Text about “Good/Bad Experiences” in your life.

2. Make sure the text consists of thr generic structure of Recount Text

(Orientation, Events, Re-orientation).


3. Use the language features of Recount Text (Simple Past Tense)

4. You have 60 minutes to write your story.

5. You are required to write at least 150 words.

In scoring the student‟s test, the writer uses the Likert Scale.

Table 3.2

Rubric for Assesing Writing






4 5

Students are able to use

Generic structures

Students are able to use

Simple Past Tense

Students are able to use

noun and pronoun

Students are able to use

Adverb and Adverbial


Students are able to use

spelling and



E. Technique Collecting Data

The technique used in this study consists of pre-test, treatment, and post-

test. Pre-test is a test arranged and used to measure the student‟s ability before the

learning program started. Then, in the experimental class, the students was given

the treatment by peer feedback through Instagram, and the control class is only

given the conventional method. Finally, post-test is conducted to know the ability

of students in writing recount text after teaching-learning process has

implemented. The score of pre-test and post-test are used find out the differences

appeared between the test conducted at th begining of the learning and the test

conducted at the end of the lesson.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The reseaerch was calculated the data by using SPSS 22 and used t-test

formula because the data obtained is normal and homogeneous. T-test is used to

know whether the peer feedback social media affect students‟ writing recount text.

Two classes are compared, the experimental class is X variable and the control

class is Y variable.

The formula as follows:

With the explanation :

M1 : Mean of the Difference of Experimental Class

M2 : Mean of the Difference of Control Class

SEM1 : Standard Error of Experiment Class

SEM2 : Standard Error of Control Class

G. The Effect Size Measurement

The last step is to measure of effect size. It is still needed to prove

scientifically how strong the effect of peer feedback through Instagram on

students‟ writing recount text. The researcher was using Cohen‟s d to measure this

effect. The formula for measuring the effect size could be seen as follows:



d : Effect size

Mean for group A : Mean for experimental class

Mean for group B : Mean for controlled class

Pooled standard deviation :(Standard deviation of group 1 + standard

deviation of group 2) / 2

After calculating the data by the formula, the result could be defined

whether it would give strong effect or not could be guided as follows:

0 – 0.20 : weak effect

0.21 – 0.50 : modest effect

0.51 – 1.00 : moderate effect

> 1.00 : strong effect

H. Statistical Hypothesis

The statistical hypothesis proposed in this study were:

Ha: There is an effect of the peer feedback through Instagram on students‟ writing

recount text

Ho: There is no effect of peer feedback through Instagram on students‟ writing

recount text.

And then, the criteria used as follows:

1. If t-test (to) > t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (null hypothesis) is

rejected. It means that the rates of the mean score of the experimental group

are higher than the controlled group. The effect of peer feedback through

Instagram is effective on students‟ writing recount text.

2. If t-test (to) < t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (null hypothesis) is

accepted. It means that the rates of the mean score of the experimental group

are same as or lower than the controlled group. The effect of peer feedback

through Instagram is not effective on students‟ writing recount text.




A. Research Finding

1. Data Description

This chapter shows the result of the test that given to the sample. The

result is used to get empirical evidence about the effect of peer feedback through

social media on student‟s writing recount text at tenth grade of SMA Triguna

Utama in 2017/2018 academic year. Therefore, the following description will

present the research finding obtained from the participants‟ pre-test and post-test


a. The Data of Experimental Class

The experimental class is X IPA students of SMA Triguna Utama that

consisted of 30 students taught by using Peer Feedback through Instagram. The

data are collected through students‟ pre-test and post-test score which is

conducted before the writer implemented peer feedback through Instagram.

Meanwhile, students‟ post-test score which is conducted after the writer

implemented peer feedback through Instagram. The data is presented in table 4.1.

Table 4.1

The score of Pre-test and Post-test from Experimental Class

Students Pre-test Post-test

1 72 80

2 72 72

3 70 84

4 64 73

5 62 78

6 62 80

7 60 68

8 65 87

9 70 92

10 74 94

Students Pre-test Post-test


11 60 78

12 76 85

13 80 95

14 80 92

15 71 78

16 70 87

17 77 89

18 68 77

19 90 93

20 93 95

21 84 84

22 85 94

23 78 88

24 82 90

25 81 89

26 80 88

27 73 91

28 75 95

29 83 90

30 86 97

SUM 2243 2583

Mean Score 74,76 86,1

Maximum Score 93 97

Minimum Score 60 68

The data shows as seen in Table 4.1 that from 30 students in the class, the

mean of pre-test is 74,76 and the mean of post-test is 86.1. The smallest score in

the pre-test is 60 and the highest score is 93. Meanwhile, the smallest score in the

post-test is 68 and the highest score in the post-test is 97. From the data above, It

can be known that there is significance in the pre-test and post-test score of

experimental class.


b. The Data of Control Class

The control class is X IPS students of SMA Triguna Utama that consisted

of 30 students who did not taught by using peer feedback through Instagram. The

data are collected from students‟ pre-test and post-test test score. Data regarding

the pre-test and post-test scores of this class are shown in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2

The Score of Pre-test and Post-test from Control Class

Students Pre-test Post-test

1 44 75

2 88 96

3 92 92

4 76 78

5 60 88

6 48 74

7 76 80

8 56 67

9 64 81

10 60 82

11 68 76

12 72 74

13 52 68

14 54 73

15 78 84

16 80 80

17 84 90

18 62 73

19 42 58

20 75 75

21 58 60

22 74 76

23 90 92


Students Pre-test Post-test

24 40 48

25 54 62

26 78 75

27 85 93

28 77 78

29 81 80

30 67 86

SUM 2035 2314

Mean Score 67,83 77,13

Maximum Score 92 96

Minimum Score 40 48

The data shown in the Table 4.2, the score of 30 students in XI IPS, the

mean score of the pre-test is 67,83, the lowest score of pre-test is 40 and the

highest score is 92. Meanwhile, the mean score of post-test is 77,13 the lowest

score of post-test 48 and the highest score is 96.

Furthermore, the gain score of pre-test and post test are calculated to

decide significance difference of the result on students‟ writing score before and

after implementing peer feedback through Intsgaram. The calculation result can be

seen in Table. 4.3

Table 4.3

The Gained Score of Experiment Class

Students Pre-test Post-test Gained score

1 72 80 8

2 72 72 0

3 70 84 14

4 64 73 9

5 62 78 16

6 62 80 18

7 60 68 8


8 65 87 22

9 70 92 22

10 74 94 20

11 60 78 18

12 76 85 9

13 80 95 15

14 80 92 12

15 71 78 7

16 70 87 17

17 77 89 12

18 68 77 9

19 90 93 3

20 93 95 2

21 84 84 0

22 85 94 9

23 78 88 10

24 82 90 8

25 81 89 8

26 80 88 8

27 73 91 18

28 75 95 20

29 83 90 7

30 86 97 11

SUM 2243 2583

Mean Score 74,76 86,1

Maximum Score 93 97

Minimum Score 60 68

Based on the data shown in Table 4.3 above, it can be seen that the

minimum gained score is 0 and the maximum gained score is 22. Otherwise, the

mean of pre-test is 74,76 and the mean of post-test is 86,1. So the students have

gained score about 11,34 points.


Table 4.4

The Gained Score of Control Class

Students Pre-test Post-test Gained score

1 44 75 31

2 88 96 8

3 92 92 0

4 76 78 2

5 60 88 28

6 48 74 26

7 76 80 4

8 56 67 11

9 64 81 17

10 60 82 22

11 68 76 8

12 72 74 2

13 52 68 16

14 54 73 19

15 78 84 6

16 80 80 0

17 84 90 6

18 62 73 11

19 42 58 `16

20 75 75 0

21 58 60 2

22 74 76 2

23 90 92 2

24 40 48 8

25 54 62 8

26 78 75 -3

27 85 93 8

28 77 78 1


29 81 80 1

30 67 86 19

SUM 2035 2314

Mean Score 67,83 77,13

Maximum Score 92 96

Minimum Score 40 48

Based on data shown in Table 4.4 above, it can be seen that the minimum

gained score is -3 and the maximum gained score is 28. Otherwise, the mean of

pre-test is 67,83 and the mean of post-test is 77,13. So, the students had gained

score about 9,3 points.

Based on the two tables abobe the average score of both experimental

class and controled class are increased. However, the experimental class‟s score

had increased more significantly rather than the controlled class. This can be seen

through the range points gained by the two groups. The experimental class

increased 11,34 points while the controlled class increased only 9,3 points. The

progress of both classes can be seen in the diagram below:

Figure. 4.1

The Difference between Students’ score in Experimental and controlledv



2. The Analysis of the Data

a. The Normality Test

It is one of several requirements that have to be fulfilled before

conducting t-test. It purposed to know whether the data from two classes have

been normally distributed or not. The writer used Komogrov-Smirnov and

Shapiro-walk to do the normality test. SPSS 22 is used to analyze the data. The

result can be seen as follows:

Table 4.5

Normality Test of Pre-test and Post-test

Tests of Normality

GROUP Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.


AL CLASS ,090 30 ,200

* ,977 30 ,734


D CLASS ,128 30 ,200

* ,962 30 ,350


AL CLASS ,146 30 ,101 ,935 30 ,067


D CLASS ,154 30 ,068 ,962 30 ,354

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The result showed p ≥ α (0.200 ≥ 0.05) and (0,200 ≥ 0.05). It means that

the pre-test data in this study was normally distributed. The scores of p can be

checked through the Sig. In the table of Kolmograv-Smirnov coloumns.

While the result revealed that p ≥ α (0.101 ≥ 0.05) and ( 0.068 ≥ 0.05). in

other words, the post-test data that was obtained from the research was considered

normal. If the data is higher in a significance α = 0.05, the data is normally

distributed. It can be concluded that the data is normally distributed because both

classes‟ significances are above 0.05.

b. Homogeneity of the Test

After doing the normality test, then, be continued to test the similarity of

the sample in both classes. The writer used levene statistic to calculate the

homogeneity test. the result are presented as follows :


Table 4.6

Homogeneity Test of Pre-test and Post-test

Test of Homogeneity of Variance

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

PRETEST Based on Mean 10,900 1 58 ,200

Based on Median 10,179 1 58 ,200

Based on Median and with

adjusted df 10,179 1 48,919 ,200

Based on trimmed mean 10,806 1 58 ,200

POSTTEST Based on Mean 1,384 1 58 ,244

Based on Median 1,628 1 58 ,207

Based on Median and with

adjusted df 1,628 1 51,384 ,208

Based on trimmed mean 1,471 1 58 ,230

c. Hypothesis Test

After finishing the normality and homogenity test, the data is calculated by

using t-test to know the significant difference between students‟ writing of

descriptive text in experimental class and students‟ writing of recount text in

control class. Hypothesis test in this research was done by using SPSS 20. The

data was from the mean score of post-test both experimental and controlled class.

The standard significance was 0.05. The result of hypothesis test by using SPSS

20 could be presented as follows:

Table 4.7

The Result of T-test Calculation

Group Statistics

GROUP N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean


CONTROLLED CLASS 30 67,83 14,781 2,699


CONTROLLED CLASS 30 77,13 11,013 2,011

It could be seen from the data shown in Table 4.7 that the result of post-

test in both experimental and controlled class. Each class had a similar total of

students which is 30. The table showed that the mean score of experimental class

was 86.10. meanwhile, the mean score of the controlled class is 77.13. It proves


that the mean score of the experimental class was higher than the mean score of

controlled class.

Table 4.8

The Result of Independence Sample Tests

Based on the data in Table 4.8, the df (Degree of Freedom) is calculated

from the total number of students minus 2, therefore the df is 58 since all the

students in both experimental and controlled class are 30. Sig. Tailed or (p) value

is 0.001. It was explained that Ho would be rejected if p ˂ α. Based on the result

in Table 4.8, p ˂ α, which is 0.001 ˂ 0.05. It proved Ha is accepted and Ho is

rejected. Therefore, it could be conclude that there is a significant effect of peer

feedback through Instagram on student‟s writing recount text.

3. Effect Size Formulation

After the data of hypothesis test was done, the next step is to measure the

effect size in this research. Calculating the effect size was done by using Cohen‟s

d. The effect size was needed to be done in order to know whether there was

strong or weak effect that was made.

Mean for group A = 86,10

Mean for group B = 77,13

Mean for experimental group – mean for controlled group = 8,97

Standard Deviation of group 1 = 7,748

Standard Deviation of group 2 = 11,813


Pooled standard deviation = (standard deviation of group 1 + standard deviation

of group 2) / 2

= (7,748 + 11,813) / 2

= 9,7)


0 – 0.20 : weak effect

0.21 – 0.50 : modest effect

0.51 – 1.00 : moderate effect

> 1.00 : strong effect

Based on the calculation above, the result of effect size formulation in this

research was 0,92. As the criteria above, it proved that there was a moderate effect

of peer feedback through Instagram on Students‟ Writing Recount Text..

4. Data Interpretation

In data described above the data are taken from 30 students in a group of

pre-test and post-test. Table 4.1 presented the pre-test of the experimental class

and mean score is 74,76. Moreover, the students‟ lower score achieved is 60.

After treatment given to the students, the mean score achieves 86,1. It shows that

the mean score of post-test was higher than pre-test. The students‟ lower score of

post-test is 68 and the maximum is 97.

Meanwhile, Table 4.2 presents the pre-test of the controlled class. The

mean score is 67,83. The lowest score of pre-test is 40 and the highest score is 92.

Then, the mean score of post-test is 77,13, the lowest score of post-test is 48 and

the highest score is 96.

From the xcores of both groups, there is a difference between students‟

achievement of score in pre-test (experimental and controlled class) and the


controlled class had the higher mean score than experimental class. In post-test,

experimental class and controlled class were increased better than in pre-test. but,

for this session, the experimental class had the higher mean scoe than the

controlled class. It means that there is a significant score of experimental class and

controlled class.

Moreover, the Table 4.3 also showed that minimum gained score of

experimental class is 0 and the minimum gained score of controlled class is -3.

The average gained score of experimental class is 11,34 and for controlled class is

9,3. It proves that using Peer Feedback through Instagram is effective to increase

students‟ writing of recount text.

Based on Table 4.7 also showed that the experimental class (mean= 86,10,

Standard Deviation=7,748) and the controlled class (mean=77,13, Standar

Deviation=11,013). Furthermore, in Table 4.8 it can be seen that the result of tvalue

is 3,647 followed by Sig. (2-tailed) 0.001. The tvalue is compared to the ttable to

know whether Peer feedback through social media (Instagram) has an effect to

improve students‟ writing of recount text or not.

In addition, based on the calculation of the t-test that Ho was rejected and

Ha was accepted if p ˂ α. However, if p ˃ α, Ho was accepted and Ha was

rejected. Based on the calculation, the result of p was lower than α, which is 0.001

˂ 0.05. The effect size calculation revealed that the research of peer feedback

through Instagram on students recount text had the moderate effect where the

score 0,92.

Therefore, Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. Thus, there is a

significant difference between the students‟ score in writing test using Peer

feedback through Instagram and the students‟ score in writing test without given

the treatment as the experimental class at the tenth grade students of SMA

Triguna Utama. It means students‟ who learn recount text using Peer feedback

through Instagram had a significant effect in comprehending topic compared to

those who did not learn recount text by peer feedback through Instagram.

According to the research, there is significant effect of peer feedback through

Instagram on student‟s writing recount text.


5. Discussion

The activity of peer feedback of writing recount text process can be

facilitated by Instagram. There are several previous studies that exploring the

effectiveness of social media that as the facility to do peer feedback in writing

teaching learning process. For instance, Ronan Kelly investigated the

effectiveness of Instagram for ESL learner‟s descriptive writing with giving of

corrective feedback among the learners that focused on vocabulary range and

accuracy, and it is effective as the pedagogical tool that creating authentic

interaction, learning communities, and learner autonomy.44

According to Gisti,

Instagram can be effective tool teaching an writing especially for recount text

because it serves the platforms to share many stories and experiences in past that

supported with pictures, and others student‟s account can give feedback each

other to the posting.45

So, the peer feedback activities conducted through social

media can bring the possitive effect towards the learner.

According to the statistical result in this research, it is revealed that there is

a significant difference between student‟s writing of recount text who learned by

peer feedback through social media and did not. As the result stated above, the

student‟s writing recount text are increased in the pre-test and post-test with the

differences of mean score. In the experimental class, the mean score of pre-test is

74,76 and the post-test become 86,10. On the other hand, the controlled class has

mean score 67,83 while the mean score of post-test is 77,13. Both classes have

increased in the post-test score yet the experimental class got higher score than

controlled class. Based on the statistical analysis above, the increasing point of the

experimental class is 11,34 points and the controlled class is 9,3 points. It means

that the experimental class has more significantly points rather than the controlled


Besides it, the calculation of the t-test reveals that Ho is rejected and Ha is

accepted if p < α. However, if p > α, Ho was accepted and Ha was rejected.

According to the calculation, the result of p was lower than a, which is 0.001 <


Ronan Kelly, “An Exploration of Instagram to Develop ESL Learners‟ Writing

Proficiency”, British Council : Ulster University, 2015,p.9 45

Gisti Listiani, “The Effectiveness of Instagram Writing Compared to Teacher Centered

Writing To Teach Recount Text To Students with High and Low Motivation, ELT Forum : State

University Semarang, 2016, p.1


0.05, so it means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. This can be concluded that

there was positive effect of peer feedback through Instagram towards student‟s

writing recount text.

Therefore, another way of how the teacher can create a new media

learning on teaching learning of writing process is seemed very important to be

implemented since it is a complex activity. Murcia also argues that writing skill is

often perceived as the most difficult skill to be mastered because it needs many

aspects of language on its production such as organization, content, language use,

mechanics and vocabulary.46

Nowadays, the popularities of social media can be set for educational

purposes, including teaching writing process. The researcher saw a good

atmosphere of the class when implemented the peer feedback through social

media of intsgaram since it becomes very popular among them. It is assumed by

Noraein that applying social media in language classroom, namely facebook,

instagram, blogs and twitter, learners will be highly motivated to interact socially

with their peers.47

The students were very curious on other‟s works since they

have mastered about how to write a recount text, and what the assignment they

should do through social media of instagram.

The activitiy of peer feedback or giving the comments through social

media is not to be seen as the heavy task since it has been close with their life

nowadays. Noraein adds that the online interaction such as facebook, instagram

had inspired students‟ interest towards learning English language as during the

interaction they read and write to give their posts and comments.48

This phenomenon is used by mostly teachers as the media learning for

teaching writing process. The studies on social media in ESL classroom have been

widely conducted throughout the world, and it is included the application of tools

such as facebook, blogs, twitter and instagram through smartphones in language


Murcia, Celce, Marianne, & Elite Olshtein. Discourse and Context in Language

Teaching. Newyork: Cambridge University Press, 2000,.p.161 47

Noraein Mansor, “Noraein Mansor, “ Exploring The Impact of Facebook Interaction

on Language Learning”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language,

Education, and Innovation (ICLEI) London (2016), p,107. 48

Noraein Mansor, “ Exploring The Impact of Facebook Interaction on Language

Learning”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language, Education, and

Innovation (ICLEI) London (2016). Op cit, p.108


learning classroom which is well known as mobile learning.49

Doing peer

feedback through social media can make students more active, especially in

writing learning process. It parallels with what Ahmed Yussof said that social

media can offer an active learning situations of communication with english as the

dominating language.50

As Hyland‟s elucidation, feedback is the central element

in language learning especially for writing process, because it serves the

information between what the reader‟s expectations and needs from student‟s


In addition, feedback that happened among students, teacher and peer,

become a fundamental thing in order to improve the qualities of the writing

because the learners are finally known what are the things not proper in their

writing. It is argued by Ken Hyland that feedback is widely seen as crucial for

encouraging and consolidating learning, and this significance has also been

recognised by those working in the field of second language writing.52


interaction of peer feedback as supported by Sussan, it involves a number of

components including negotiation, recasts, and feedback towards what the

language exposes (input).53

It is linked with Michael Long‟s explanation that the

this kind of interaction „peer feedback‟ is meant the functions served by linguistic

form used (input) such as expansion, repetition, and clarification. 54

In this research, the students are mostly giving the feedback to the

language features such as grammar errors, adverb, and verb used, and also

comment to the content of the writing. This fact is supported by Hansen and Jun

Liu that „peer response‟ or „peer editing‟, usually refers to the grammar and

stylistic concerns.55

Recognizing an error and seeking new information to fill in


Ibid, 108 50

Ahmed Youssef, “The Impact of Social Media for Studen‟t Motivation in Learning

Mediacal Terminologies”, Proceedings of the European Conference Technology 2015, P.1 51

K. Hyland and F. Hyland,” State of the art article: Feedback on second language

students‟ writing.” Language Teaching, 39, p.77. 52

Ken Hyland, Fiona Hyland, “Feedback on Second Language Student‟s Writing,”

International License Language Teaching vol 39, 2006, p.83-101 53

Sussan M. Gass, Larry Selinker,”Second Language Acquisition : An Introduction

Course”, (New York : Routledge),2008, p.304 54

Michael H.Long, “Input, Interaction, and Second-Language Acquisition”, (Department

of Educational Linguistic : Pennsylvania), 1981, p. 259 55

Jette G Hansen and Juni Liu,”Guiding principles for Effective Peer Response”, ELT

Journal volume 59 :Oxford University Press, 2005, p.31


previous gaps in knowledge are hypothesized to require cognitive process

involved in learning a second language.

Those cognitive processes include the generating new linguistic

knowledges or consolidating existing knowledge.56

When the ESL learners have

demonstrated about what have they learned, that is what we called with the term

of „output‟ in SLA process. The student‟s respons to what the topic talking about

is the example of output. It is lined with Swain that output refers to the outcome

or product of the language acquisition device which what the learner has


On the other hand, the activity of peer feedback through social media

creates the learning communitiy since we do know the social media is a platform

to make communication. The tools available in social media make the possibilties

to create , share, comments, or exchange information, ideas, images, and videos in

virtual communication and networking. This environment is good to facilitate the

language learning process. By doing peer feedback through social media, Hansen

and Liu add that it can generate a rich source of information for content and

rethorical issues, enhance intercultural communication, and give students a sense

of group cohesion.58

This is also linked with the social constructivism theory by

Vygotsky that they are about the process of sharing each person‟s point of view-

called collaborative learning, that results the learners building understanding one


Thus, the qualities of students have improved as proven by the data that

indicated with the mean score of experimental class after the treatment is 86,10,

and controlled class is only 77,13. From the statistical calculation above, it is

proven that there is a posstive effect of peer feedback towards the student‟s

writing of recount text. The final result also reveals a posstive answer toward the

question whether the peer feedback through Instagram gives the positive effect or

not to student‟s writing recount text.


Opcit, p.474 57

Merril Swain, “ The Output Hypotheis : Theory and Research” in Eli Hankel

“Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning”. New Jersey : Lawrence

Elbraum Associate Publisher, 2005, p.471 58

Ibid, p.31 59

Vygotsky, Mind in Society : The development of higher psychological proccesses, in

Mariam Ibrahim “The Effect of Using Facebook on Improving Student’s Writing Skills in

English”, Palestine : An-Najah National University, p.6




This chapter presents conclusions that are based on the result of the data

analysis and discussions in the previous chapter. It also shows some suggestions

for English teachers and other researchers who want to apply the peer feedback

through Instagram or any kinds of social media for teaching writing.

A. Conclusion

In this research, the researcher applied the peer feedback through

Instagram in experimental class. The objective of this researhc is to get the

empirical evidence about the effect of peer feedback through social media

Instagram on students‟ writing recount text at tenth grade of SMA Triguna Utama

Tangerang Selatan n academic year 2017/2018. It is needed for this research to

prove the theoretical framework and previous related studies that had been

mentioned in the previous chapter.

Based on the formulation of effect size which was calculated by using

Cohens‟ d formula also indicated that the pee feedback through Instagram gave

moderate effect on students‟ writing recount text. The result of effect size

formulation was 0,92 and it means that the effect of peer feedback though

Instagram gave moderate effect on students‟ writing recount text. From the result,

the researcher concluded the finding as follows: there was a significant effect of

peer feedback though Instagram on students‟ writing recount text at tenth grade of

SMA Triguna Utama Tangerang Selatan in the academic year 2017/2018.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, it leads to several suggestions:

1. Teacher

The teacher is hoped to be more creative and innovative in order to make

students becone more interested and engaged in learning recount text. Peer

feedback through social media can serve as the alternative and appropriate

technique to teach writing for the students to avoid boredom and improve the

writing skills.


2. Students

Students should be wiser to use the technology. Social media of Instagram

can be a platform to learn and practice writing as the one of language skills that

should be mastered. Here, the students are expected to use technology not only to

ammuse themselves but also to fulfill their learning needs.

3. Futher Research

Doing this kind of research, it is needed the internet acces to run treatment

well. So, the researcher have to make sure how fast the internet connection and

have others back up like portable Wi-Fi if the place take place the research is not

served. Thus, this study can be used as basic informations or references about the

role of social media in writing recount text for who interested in conducting

similar research



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Sekolah : SMA Triguna Utama

Kelas : X (Sepuluh)

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas

berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan

lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai

cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,

kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan

kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian

yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pembalajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3. 7 Membedakan

fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks

recount lisan dan

tulis dengan

memberi dan


informasi terkait


bersejarah sesuai

dengan konteks


Fungsi Sosial



berbagi pengalaman,

mengambil teladan,


Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup:

- orientasi

- urutan


- orientasi ulang

- Menyimak guru

membacakan peristiwa

bersejarah, menirukan

bagian demi bagian

dengan ucapan dan

temakan kata yang benar,

dan bertanya jawab

tentang isi teks

- Menyalin teks tsb dalam

buku teks masing-masing

mengikuti seorang siswa

yang menuliskan di papan

tulis, sambil bertanya

jawab terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,dan

unsur kebahasaan teks


Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

4.7 Teksrecount –

peristiwa bersejarah

4.7.1 Menangkap

makna secara

kontekstual terkait

fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

teks recountlisan

dan tulis terkait



4.7.2 Menyusun teks

recount lisan dan tulis,

pendek dan sederhana,

terkait peristiwa

bersejarah, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan,

secara benar dan

sesuai konteks

Fungsi Sosial



berbagi pengalaman,

mengambil teladan,


Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup:

- orientasi

- urutan


- orientasi ulang

Unsur Kebahasaan

Kalimat deklaratif dan

interogatif dalam

simple past, past


- present perfect,

dan lainnya yang


- Adverbia


waktu: first, then,

after that, before,

when, at last,

finally, dsb.

- Adverbia dan frasa


penujuk waktu

- Nomina singular

dan plural dengan

atau tanpa a, the,

this, those, my,

their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi,

ejaan, tanda baca,

dan tulisan tangan



bersejarahyang dapat


yang termuat di KI

- Menyimak guru

membacakan peristiwa

bersejarah, menirukan

bagian demi bagian

dengan ucapan dan

temakan kata yang benar,

dan bertanya jawab

tentang isi teks

- Menyalin teks tsb dalam

buku teks masing-masing

mengikuti seorang siswa

yang menuliskan di papan

tulis, sambil bertanya

jawab terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan dalam


- Mencermati analisis

terhadap fungsi sosial,

rangkaian tindakan dan

kejadian dengan

menggunakan alat seperti

tabel, bagan, dan

kemudian mengerjakan

hal sama dengan teks

tentang peristiwa

bersejarah lainnya

- Mengumpulkan informasi

untuk menguraikan

peristiwa bersejarah di


- Menempelkan karyanya di

dinding kelas dan

bertanya jawab dengan

pembaca (siswa lain,

guru) yang datang


Melakukan refleksi tentang

proses dan hasil belajar.





Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Triguna Tangerang Selatan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (Wajib)

Kelas /Semester : X

Tahun Pelajaran : 2017/2018

Materi Pokok : Teks Recount

Alokasi waktu : 3 JP

A. Tujuan pembelajaran

1. Mengidentifikasi isi, fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

dari teks recount sederhana tentang pengalaman pribadi

2. Menjelaskan isi teks yang menceritakan pengalaman pribadi dengan benar

dengan memperhatikan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks recount sesuai konteks penggunaan.

3. Menceritakan pengalaman pribadi secara lisan dan tulis dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks

recount sesuai konteks.

B. Kompetensi Inti

KI-1 dan KI-2: Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, jawab, peduli, kerja

sama, tangung toleran, santun, responsif, dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan

sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam

berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta

menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia dan

menyadari dirinya sebagai mahluk ciptaan yang Maha Kuasa serta

menjalankan kewajibannya sesuai dengan agama yang dianutnya.


KI-3: Kompetensi Pengetahuan, yaitu memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis

pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan

humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan

peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan

pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan

bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI-4: Kompetensi Keterampilan, yaitu mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji

dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari

yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan

kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

C. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi


3.7 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks recount lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait peristiwa

bersejarah sesuai dengan konteks


3.1.1. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks

recount terkait



3.1.2. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial

terkait teks recount

3.1.3. Menjelaskan unsur

kebahasaan yang digunakan

dalam teks recount.

3.1.4. Membedakan Membedakan

struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

recount lisan dan tulis dengan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait peristiwa



Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi


4.7 Teks recount – peristiwa


4.7.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks

recount lisan dan tulis

terkait peristiwa bersejarah

4.7.2 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan

tulis, pendek dan sederhana,

terkait peristiwa bersejarah,

dengan memperhatikan

fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan,

secara benar dan sesuai

konte Mencermati teks recount terkait

peristiwa bersejarah Membuat teks recount terkait

peristiwa bersejarah dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks Mendemonstrasikan teks

recount terkait peristiwa

bersejarah dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks Recount

Fungsi Sosial

E. Metode Pembelajaran

Tanya jawab

Kerja kelompok



F. Media Pembelajaran

Media : Laptop, HP, LCD Proyektor, Social Media (Instagram)

Bahan : Wacana/Teks


G. Sumber Belajar

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2016. Buku siswa Mata

Pelajaran bahasa inggris. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan


Buku yang relevan

H. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan ke 1 (2 x 45 menit) Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Guru :

Guru memasuki ruangan kelas dan menyapa siswa dengan

salam dan menanyakan kondisi siswa.

Guru menanyakan kehadiran siswa dan kesiapan siswa dalam

mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran.

Guru meminta ketua kelas untuk memimpin doa bersama.

Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran



Kegiatan Inti

Guru membagi siswa ke dalam beberapa kelompok dengan

berhitung 1-5

Guru menampilkan contoh teks recount pada postingan akun

Instagram milik guru pada layar in focus

Guru meminta setiap kelompok untuk berdiksusi untuk

mengidentifikasi struktur teks recount dan usur kebahasaan

(simple past tense ,action verbs, adverb and adverbial phrase,

conjuction ) yang terdapat pada postingan Instagram tersebut

Guru mengamati proses diskusi siswa

Guru meminta perwakilan kelompok menjelaskan hasil

diskusi mereka

Guru menjelaskan lagi struktur kebahasaan terkait teks


Guru membuat grup pada Instagram untuk aktivitas tugas




Kegiatan Penutup

Guru memberikan kesimpulan tentang poin-poin penting yang

terdapat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang sudah dilakukan

Guru memberikan reflesi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


Guru memberikan motivasi belajar terhadap siswa

Guru meminta ketua kelas memimpin do‟a

Guru mengakhiri kelas dan mengucapkan salam

5 Menit

Pertemuan ke 2 (2 x 45 menit) Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Guru :

Guru memasuki ruangan kelas dan menyapa siswa dengan


Pertemuan ke 2 (2 x 45 menit) Waktu

salam dan menanyakan kondisi siswa.

Guru menanyakan kehadiran siswa dan kesiapan siswa dalam

mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran.

Guru meminta ketua kelas untuk memimpin doa bersama.

Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran



Kegiatan Inti

Guru meminta siswa untuk duduk secara bersama-sama

dengan teman sekelompok mereka.

Guru meminta siswa setiap perwakilan kelompok, untuk

membuka aplikasi sosial media Instagram melalui Handphone

atau laptop mereka

Guru meminta setiap kelompok membuat teks recount

sederhana sesuai struktur kebahasaan dan unsur kebahasaan

terkait teks recount, di kolom caption pada akun salah satu

anggota kelompok

Setelah membuat teks, guru meminta setiap kelompok

memberikan peer feedback terhadap setiap postingan

kelompok lain pada kolom komentar, terkait struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan teks recount

Guru mengamati proses kerja siswa

Guru meminta setiap kelompok mengemukakan apa yang

harus diperbaiki berdasarkan feedback yang diberikan oleh

kelompok lain

Guru mengevaluasi tugas kelompok siswa



Kegiatan Penutup

Guru memberikan kesimpulan tentang poin-poin penting yang

terdapat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang sudah dilakukan

Guru memberikan reflesi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


Guru memberikan motivasi belajar terhadap siswa

Guru meminta ketua kelas memimpin do‟a

Guru mengakhiri kelas dan mengucapkan salam

5 Menit

Pertemuan ke 3 (2 x 45 menit) Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Guru :

Guru memasuki ruangan kelas dan menyapa siswa dengan

salam dan menanyakan kondisi siswa.

Guru menanyakan kehadiran siswa dan kesiapan siswa dalam

mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran.

Guru meminta ketua kelas untuk memimpin doa bersama.

Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran




Pertemuan ke 3 (2 x 45 menit) Waktu

Kegiatan Inti

Guru meminta siswa untuk duduk secara bersama-sama

dengan teman sekelompok mereka.

Guru menjelaskan kembali materi teks recount dan

mengevaluasi kegiatan pembelajaran siswa sebelumnya

Guru meminta tiap siswa untuk membuat teks recount

sederhana pada akun instagram mereka terkait „pengalaman

menarik/peristiwa bersejarah‟ atau tokoh idola siswa

Guru meminta setiap siswa wajib untuk memberikan 2

komentar pada postingan teman mereka terkait feedback

tentang teks recount berupa unsur kebahasaan yang

digunakan dan kelengkapan strutur teks.

Guru mengamati kerja siswa

Guru mengevaluasi hasil kerja siswa



Kegiatan Penutup

Guru memberikan kesimpulan tentang poin-poin penting yang

terdapat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang sudah dilakukan

Guru memberikan reflesi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


Guru memberikan motivasi belajar terhadap siswa

Guru meminta ketua kelas memimpin do‟a

Guru mengakhiri kelas dan mengucapkan salam

5 Menit

I. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

A. Penilaian Kognitif

Untuk menilai hasil cerita, guru menggunakan rubric penilaian sebagai


Table 1.

Rubric for Assesing Writing

Aspects Score

1 2 3 4 5

Students are able to use

Generic structures

Students are able to use

Simple Past Tense

Students are able to use

noun and pronoun


Students are able to use

Adverb and Adverbial


Students are able to use

spelling and


Table 2.

Lembar Observasi Diskusi Kelompok

Nama peserta didik: ________ Kelas: _____

No. Aspek Yang Dinilai Baik Tidak


1. Kemampuan mengemukakan


2. Kemampuan bertanya

3. Kemampuan mempertahankan


4. Penguasaan Substansi materi

Skor yang dicapai

Skor maksimum

Keterangan :

Baik mendapat skor 1

Tidak baik mendapat skor 0

Nilai akhir =

x 100

A. Penilaian Psikomotorik

Table 3.

Penilaian Psikomotorik

No. Kegiatan Benar Salah

1. Membaca dengan pelafalan serta intonasi yang benar.

2. Merangkai kalimat demi kalimat dalam menyusun sebuah

teks secara akurat.

3. Menggunakan eye contact dengan baik pada saat

mempresentasikan hasil diskusi di depan kelas.

4. Menulis dan mempresentasikan karya cerita naratif

mereka sesuai dengan persyaratan minimal.


Keterangan :

Benar mendapat skor 1

Salah mendapat skor 0

B. Penilaian Afektif

Table 4.

Penilaian Afektif

4 3 2 1

Attitude Consistently

ready to


Supports others.

Works to

include others.


Ready to


Comes with a


attitude and



Will participate

with prodding

and able to

change to a

more positive


Refuses to




Prepared with

all materials.

Manages time

and produces

best work.

Materials and

space are

organized, neat,

and precise.

Reminds others

to be ready.

Prepared with

all materials.

Work done

on time.

Materials and



and neat.

Some missing

materials. Work

is sometimes

turned in late.

Materials and

space are


messy and


Does not



Work turned

in late.

Materials and

space are

messy and



For Others

No disruptions.

Supportive of

others. Takes

leadership role.



Polite to



ready to work

with others.


disrupts and





needed to work

with others.





and unwilling

to work with


Initiative After trying


always asks for



goes beyond



asks for help

when needed

and ready to



revises work.

Sometimes asks

for help when



requires cues to

begin work.

Does not ask

for help.



clues to begin



4 3 2 1

Attention Attentive,





others. Helps

bring back




asks relevant


and makes





and sometimes






(Taken from:



Tangerang, 27 Maret 2018

Guru Pamong Guru Mata Pelajaran

Ase Saepul Karim Futia Mursela

NIP. 196506022007011011 NIM. 11140140000006



RPP Controlled Class

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Triguna Tangerang Selatan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (Wajib)

Kelas /Semester : X

Tahun Pelajaran : 2017/2018

Materi Pokok : Teks Recount

Alokasi waktu : 3 JP

A. Tujuan pembelajaran

1. Mengidentifikasi isi, fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

dari teks recount sederhana tentang pengalaman pribadi

2. Menjelaskan isi teks yang menceritakan pengalaman pribadi dengan benar

dengan memperhatikan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks recount sesuai konteks penggunaan.

3. Menceritakan pengalaman pribadi secara lisan dan tulis dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks

recount sesuai konteks.

B. Kompetensi Inti

KI-1 dan KI-2: Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, jawab, peduli, kerja

sama, tangung toleran, santun, responsif, dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan

sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam

berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta

menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia dan

menyadari dirinya sebagai mahluk ciptaan yang Maha Kuasa serta

menjalankan kewajibannya sesuai dengan agama yang dianutnya.

KI-3: Kompetensi Pengetahuan, yaitu memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis

pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan


humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan

peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan

pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan

bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI-4: Kompetensi Keterampilan, yaitu mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji

dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari

yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan

kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

C. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi


3.7 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks recount lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait peristiwa

bersejarah sesuai dengan konteks


3.1.5. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks

recount terkait



3.1.6. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial

terkait teks recount

3.1.7. Menjelaskan unsur

kebahasaan yang digunakan

dalam teks recount.

3.1.8. Membedakan Membedakan

struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

recount lisan dan tulis dengan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait peristiwa

bersejarah, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya.


Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi


4.8 Teks recount – peristiwa


4.7.2 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks

recount lisan dan tulis

terkait peristiwa bersejarah

4.7.2 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan

tulis, pendek dan sederhana,

terkait peristiwa bersejarah,

dengan memperhatikan

fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan,

secara benar dan sesuai

konte Mencermati teks recount terkait

peristiwa bersejarah Membuat teks recount terkait

peristiwa bersejarah dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks Mendemonstrasikan teks

recount terkait peristiwa

bersejarah dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks Recount

Fungsi Sosial

E. Metode Pembelajaran

Tanya jawab

Kerja kelompok



F. Media Pembelajaran

Media : Laptop, HP, LCD Proyektor, Social Media (Instagram)

Bahan : Wacana/Teks


G. Sumber Belajar

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2016. Buku siswa Mata

Pelajaran bahasa inggris. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan


Buku yang relevan

Pertemuan ke 1 (2 x 45 menit) Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Guru :

Guru memasuki ruangan kelas dan menyapa siswa dengan

salam dan menanyakan kondisi siswa.

Guru menanyakan kehadiran siswa dan kesiapan siswa dalam

mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran.

Guru meminta ketua kelas untuk memimpin doa bersama.

Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran



Kegiatan Inti

Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan untuk

memusatkan perhatian pada topic Bj Habibi

Mengidentifikasi tujuan dan detil struktur bacaanteks recount

mengenai B.J Habibie

Guru Pemaparan teks recount mengenai B.J Habibiedengan

memperhatikan fungsi social dan struktur teks, , maupun

format penyampaian/penulisannya

Guru memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik untuk

mengidentifikasi sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan yang

berkaitan dengan gambar yang disajikan dan akan dijawab

melalui kegiatan belajar

Peserta didik diminta mengisi form B.J. Habibie yg

disebutkan diteks bacaan

Peserta didik diminta menceritakan kembali kronologi

peristiwaB.J Habibie



Kegiatan Penutup

Guru memberikan kesimpulan tentang poin-poin penting yang

terdapat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang sudah dilakukan

Guru memberikan reflesi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


Guru memberikan motivasi belajar terhadap siswa

Guru meminta ketua kelas memimpin do‟a

Guru mengakhiri kelas dan mengucapkan salam

5 Menit


Pertemuan ke 2 (2 x 45 menit) Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Guru :

Guru memasuki ruangan kelas dan menyapa siswa dengan

salam dan menanyakan kondisi siswa.

Guru menanyakan kehadiran siswa dan kesiapan siswa dalam

mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran.

Guru meminta ketua kelas untuk memimpin doa bersama.

Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran



Kegiatan Inti

Guru meminta murid membaca kembali teks recount test Bj


Guru menjelaskan unsur kebahasaan recount text

Guru memberi kesempatan kepada murid agar bertanya

sebanyak mungkin terkait recount text Bj Habibi

Guru meminta siswa mengidentifikan unsur kebahasaan yang

terdapat pada recount text Bj Habibi

Guru memberika evaluasi terhadap tugas siswa

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru memberikan kesimpulan tentang poin-poin penting yang

terdapat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang sudah dilakukan

Guru memberikan reflesi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


Guru memberikan motivasi belajar terhadap siswa

Guru meminta ketua kelas memimpin do‟a

Guru mengakhiri kelas dan mengucapkan salam

5 Menit

Pertemuan ke 3 (2 x 45 menit) Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Guru :

Guru memasuki ruangan kelas dan menyapa siswa dengan

salam dan menanyakan kondisi siswa.

Guru menanyakan kehadiran siswa dan kesiapan siswa dalam

mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran.

Guru meminta ketua kelas untuk memimpin doa bersama.

Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran



Kegiatan Inti

Guru menjelaskan kembali materi recount teks beserta unsur-

unsur kebahasaan dan fungsi sosial di dalamnya

Guru memberikan siswa waktu untuk bertanya

Guru membagi siswa ke dalam bebeapa kelompok

Guru meminta setiap kelompok membuat teks recount


Pertemuan ke 3 (2 x 45 menit) Waktu

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru memberikan kesimpulan tentang poin-poin penting yang

terdapat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang sudah dilakukan

Guru memberikan reflesi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


Guru memberikan motivasi belajar terhadap siswa

Guru meminta ketua kelas memimpin do‟a

Guru mengakhiri kelas dan mengucapkan salam



H. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

A. Penilaian Kognitif

Untuk menilai hasil cerita, guru menggunakan rubric penilaian sebagai


Table 5.

Rubrik Penilaian






4 5

Students are able to use

Generic structures

Students are able to use

Simple Past Tense

Students are able to use

noun and pronoun

Students are able to use

Adverb and Adverbial


Students are able to use

spelling and



Table 6.

Lembar Observasi Diskusi Kelompok

Nama peserta didik: ________ Kelas: _____

No. Aspek Yang Dinilai Baik Tidak


1. Kemampuan mengemukakan


2. Kemampuan bertanya

3. Kemampuan mempertahankan


4. Penguasaan Substansi materi

Skor yang dicapai

Skor maksimum

Keterangan :

Baik mendapat skor 1

Tidak baik mendapat skor 0

Nilai akhir =

x 100

C. Penilaian Psikomotorik

Table 7.

Penilaian Psikomotorik

No. Kegiatan Benar Salah

1. Membaca dengan pelafalan serta intonasi yang benar.

2. Merangkai kalimat demi kalimat dalam menyusun sebuah

teks secara akurat.

3. Menggunakan eye contact dengan baik pada saat

mempresentasikan hasil diskusi di depan kelas.

4. Menulis dan mempresentasikan karya cerita naratif

mereka sesuai dengan persyaratan minimal.

Keterangan :

Benar mendapat skor 1

Salah mendapat skor 0


D. Penilaian Afektif

Table 8.

Penilaian Afektif

4 3 2 1

Attitude Consistently

ready to



others. Works

to include



Ready to



with a


attitude and





with prodding

and able to

change to a

more positive


Refuses to


Organization Prepared with

all materials.

Manages time

and produces

best work.

Materials and

space are


neat, and



others to be



with all


Work done

on time.


and space


and neat.

Some missing


Work is


turned in late.

Materials and

space are


messy and


Does not



Work turned

in late.

Materials and

space are

messy and


Respect For




Supportive of

others. Takes





Polite to



ready to

work with



disrupts and





needed to

work with







unwilling to

work with


Initiative After trying


always asks

for help.


goes beyond



asks for

help when

needed and

ready to



asks for help

when needed.


requires cues

to begin work.

Does not ask

for help.



clues to

begin tasks.


4 3 2 1

Attention Attentive,





others. Helps

bring back







and makes












(Taken from:



Tangerang, 27 Maret 2018

Guru Pamong Guru Mata Pelajaran

Ase Saepul Karim Futia Mursela

NIP. 196506022007011011 NIM. 11140140000006



Instrument of Pres-test in the Experimental and Controlled Class

Name : ______________________ Class : _________________________


Test of Recount Text

Direction : Write a Recount Text about your “Good Experience” in your life,

based on the given writing prompt below. You may use more paper if


Writing Prompt:

Make sure the text consists of the generic structure of Recount Text

(Orientation, Events, Re-orientation)

Use the Simple Past Tense

You have 60 minutes to write your story

You are required to write at least 150 words.




Instrument of Post-test in the Experimental and Controlled Class

Name : ______________________ Class : _________________________


Test of Recount Text

Direction : Write a Recount Text about your “Sad/Bad Experience” in your

life, based on the given writing prompt below. You may use more paper if


Writing Prompt:

Make sure the text consists of the generic structure of Recount Text

(Orientation, Events, Re-orientation)

Use the simple past tense

You have 60 minutes to write your story

You are required to write at least 150 words.




The Students’ Score of Experimental Class

Students Pre-Test










1 72 80 8

2 72 72 0

3 70 84 14

4 64 73 9

5 62 78 16

6 62 80 18

7 60 68 8

8 65 87 22

9 70 92 22

10 74 94 20

11 60 78 18

12 76 85 9

13 80 95 15

14 80 92 12

15 71 78 7

16 70 87 17

17 77 89 12

18 68 77 9

19 90 93 3

20 93 95 2

21 84 84 0

22 85 94 9

23 78 88 10

24 82 90 8

25 81 89 8

26 80 88 8

27 73 91 18

28 75 95 20

29 83 90 7

30 86 97 11

TOTAL 2243 2583

MEAN 74,76 86,1

MEDIAN 74,5 88

MODUS 70 78



The Students’ Score of Controlled Class

Students Pre-Test










1 44 75 8

2 88 96 0

3 92 92 14

4 76 78 9

5 60 88 16

6 48 74 18

7 76 80 8

8 56 67 22

9 64 81 22

10 60 82 20

11 68 76 18

12 72 74 9

13 52 68 15

14 54 73 12

15 78 84 7

16 80 80 17

17 84 90 12

18 62 73 9

19 42 58 3

20 75 75 2

21 58 60 0

22 74 76 9

23 90 92 10

24 40 48 8

25 54 62 8

26 78 75 8

27 85 93 18

28 77 78 20

29 81 80 7

30 67 86 11

TOTAL 2035 2314

MEAN 67,83 77,13

MEDIAN 70 77

MODUS 76 75


























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