the current status of nuclear power in the

Post on 27-May-2015






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The Current Status of

Nuclear Power in the World

Presented at the Energy Committee Colloquium II

July 29, 2012


Joseph S. Miller, PE, ASME Fellow

EDA, Inc.

Vienna, VA

Chair – ASME Nuclear Engineering Division(NED)

Member of ASME Energy Committee




USA Summary of Nuclear Power The USA is the world's largest producer of nuclear power,

accounting for more than 30% of worldwide nuclear generation of electricity.

The country's 104 nuclear reactors produced 807 billion kWh in 2010, over 20% of total electrical output.

Following a 30-year period in which few new reactors were built, it is expected that 4-6 new units may come on line by 2020, the first of those resulting from 16 license applications made since mid-2007 to build 24 new nuclear reactors.

However, lower gas prices since 2009 have put the economic viability of some of these projects in doubt. Also, the accidents in Japan may put a hold on construction projects.

Government policy changes since the late 1990s have helped pave the way for significant growth in nuclear capacity. Government and industry are working closely on expedited approval for construction and new plant designs.



USA Reactors

Number of operating reactors: 104

(35 boiling water reactors, 69 pressurized

water reactors)

14 BWR plants have one reactor; nine

have two reactors; one has three reactors

15 PWR plants have one reactor; 24 have

two reactors; two have three reactors


Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)


Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) 6


Percent of Total Electric Power Generated by Nuclear Power Plants in the U.S.

Percent Nuclear Electricity







1970 1980 1990 2000 2010



U.S. Nuclear Generating Statistics

1971 - 2011


Total Electricity

Generation (MWh)

Nuclear Generation


Nuclear Fuel

Share (Percent) Capacity






1971 1,615,853,616 38,104,545 2.4 48.2 9,033

1972 1,752,978,413 54,091,135 3.1 42.5 14,481

1973 1,864,056,631 83,479,463 4.5 53.5 22,683

1974 1,870,319,405 113,975,740 6.1 47.8 31,867

1975 1,920,754,569 172,505,075 9.0 55.9 37,267

1976 2,040,913,681 191,103,531 9.4 54.7 43,822

1977 2,127,447,487 250,883,283 11.8 63.3 46,303

1978 2,209,376,911 276,403,070 12.5 64.5 50,824

1979 2,250,665,025 255,154,623 11.3 58.4 49,747

1980 2,289,600,364 251,115,575 11.0 56.3 51,810

1981 2,297,973,339 272,673,503 11.9 58.2 56,042

1982 2,244,372,488 282,773,248 12.6 56.6 60,035

1983 2,313,445,685 293,677,119 12.7 54.4 63,009

1984 2,419,465,368 327,633,549 13.5 56.3 69,652

1985 2,473,002,122 383,690,727 15.5 58.0 79,397

1986 2,490,470,952 414,038,063 16.6 56.9 85,241

1987 2,575,287,666 455,270,382 17.7 57.4 93,583

1988 2,707,411,177 526,973,047 19.5 63.5 94,695

1989 2,967,305,524 529,354,717 17.8 62.2 98,161

1990 3,037,988,277 576,861,678 19.0 66.0 99,624

1991 3,073,798,885 612,565,087 19.9 70.2 99,589

1992 3,083,882,204 618,776,263 20.1 70.9 98,985

1993 3,197,191,096 610,291,214 19.1 70.5 99,041

1994 3,247,522,388 640,439,832 19.7 73.8 99,148

1995 3,353,487,362 673,402,123 20.1 77.4 99,515

1996 3,444,187,621 674,728,546 19.6 76.2 100,784

1997 3,492,172,283 628,644,171 18.0 71.1 99,716

1998 3,620,295,498 673,702,104 18.6 78.2 97,070

1999 3,694,809,810 728,254,124 19.7 85.3 97,411

2000 3,802,105,043 753,892,940 19.8 88.1 97,860

2001 3,736,643,653 768,826,308 20.6 89.4 98,159

2002 3,858,452,252 780,064,087 20.2 90.3 98,657

2003 3,883,185,205 763,732,695 19.7 87.9 99,209

2004 3,970,555,289 788,528,387 19.9 90.1 99,628

2005 4,055,422,744 781,986,365 19.3 89.3 99,988

2006 4,064,702,228 787,218,636 19.4 89.6 100,334

2007 4,156,744,724 806,424,753 19.4 91.8 100,266

2008 4,119,387,760 806,208,435 19.6 91.1 100,755

2009 3,950,330,927 798,854,585 20.2 90.3 101,004

2010 4,125,059,900 806,968,301 19.6 90.9 101,351

2011 4,105,734,000 790,225,000 19.2 89.0 101,351











1960 1980 2000 2020

Total Electricity

Generation (MWh)

Nuclear Generation













1960 1980 2000 2020

Nuclear Fuel Share


Capacity Factor


Improvements in Current Reactor Fleet

Almost no new US nuclear power generation has been added in the last 25 years.

The increase in nuclear generation has been achieved by a substantial increase in the

overall capacity factor of the U.S. plants from about 60% in 1980 to 90% today.

This large increase in capacity factor was achieved by reducing outage durations,

extending fuel cycles, using higher burnup fuel, and by reducing unplanned outages and

fuel failures. Combined with increases in power in various plants (power uprates),

allowed the nuclear power option to maintain and increase its share of electricity


Such an increase in nuclear generation is the equivalent of having built 25-30 nuclear

power plants during that period.

The reduced length of the planned outages from 106 days for an average operating

plant in 1991 to 38 days in 2008 and the reduced number of unplanned outages

improved plant availability and cost. The reduction in planned outage length and the

number of unplanned outages represents a significant improvement in the nuclear plant

availability, cost and safety of nuclear power plants.

Power uprate, which allows plants to operate at a higher power, and power plant life

extension, which extended the operating life of a power plant beyond 40 years allowed

more electrical power to be generated at a reduce total production cost and

construction cost, respectively. Also, fuel performance has improved to a very high

level over the last 20-30 years. 9


Status Company Location (Facility) Design # of Units Early Site Permit (ESP)

Construction /

Operating License

Submittal Docket Date



Under Construction


Southern Company Burke County, GA (Vogtle 3, 4) AP1000 2 Approved August 2009 3/31/08 5/30/08 2/10/12

South Carolina Electric &

Gas Jenkinsville, SC (Summer 2, 3) AP1000 2 NA 3/27/08 7/31/08 3/30/12

Tennessee Valley


Rhea County, TN (Watts Bar

2)* Gen II PWR 1 NA - - -

Under Active NRC

Review (10

applications; 16


Detroit Edison Newport, MI (Fermi 3) ESBWR 1 - 9/18/08 11/25/08

Dominion Louisa County, VA (North Anna

3) APWR 1

Approved November

2007 11/27/07 1/28/08

Duke Energy Cherokee County, SC (William

States Lee 1, 2) AP1000 2 - 12/13/07 2/25/08

Florida Power & Light Miami-Dade County, FL

(Turkey Point 6, 7) AP1000 2 6/30/09 9/8/09

Luminant Glen Rose, TX (Comanche

Peak 3, 4) APWR 2 - 9/19/08 12/2/08

PPL Corp. / Unistar Luzerne County, PA (Bell

Bend) EPR 1 - 10/10/08 12/19/08

Progress Energy Wake County, NC (Harris 2, 3) AP1000 2 - 2/19/08 4/17/08

Progress Energy Levy County, FL (Levy 1, 2) AP1000 2 - 7/30/08 10/6/08

South Texas Project

Nuclear Operating


Matagorda County, TX (South

Texas Project 3,4) ABWR 2 - 9/20/07 11/29/07

UniStar Calvert County, MD (Calvert

Cliffs 3) EPR 1 - 7/13/07 & 3/14/08

1/25/08 &


Suspended NRC


Ameren Fulton, MO (Callaway 2) EPR 1 - 7/24/08

Entergy West Feliciana Parish, LA

(River Bend 3) ESBWR 1 - 9/25/08 12/4/08

Entergy (NuStart ) Claiborne County, MS (Grand

Gulf) ESBWR 1 Approved April 2007 2/27/08 4/17/08

TVA (NuStart ) Jackson County, AL

(Bellefonte 3, 4) AP1000 2 - 10/30/07 1/18/08

UniStar Oswego County, NY (Nine Mile

Point 3) EPR 1 - 9/30/08 12/12/08

Source: NEI -

Status of New Plants in USA


Source: NEI -

Status of New Plants in USA (Cont.)

Status Company Location (Facility) Design # of Units Early Site Permit (ESP)

Construction /


License Submittal Docket Date



Early Site Permits

Exelon Clinton, IL (Clinton) tbd - Approved March 2007 tbd

Exelon Victoria County, TX tbd - Submitted March 2010 Withdrawn

PSEG Lower Alloways Creek, NJ

(Salem/Hope Creek) tbd - Submitted May 2010 tbd

Under Consideration

Amarillo Power / Unistar Amarillo, TX EPR 1 - tbd

Ameren / Westinghouse Fulton, MO (Callaway) SMR** tbd Under consideration

Blue Castle Holdings, LLC Green River, UT - - - -

Southern Company tbd tbd tbd tbd tbd

Southern Ohio Clean

Energy Park Alliance Piketon, OH - - Under consideration Under consideration

TVA / Generation


Roane County, TN (Clinch

River) SMR** 6 Under consideration

* TVA suspended construction of Watts Bar 2 in 1985. On July 2008, NRC issued an Order allowing TVA

to resume construction.

** SMR = small modular reactor, usually 350 or fewer MW

*** Generation mPower is a small modular reactor development company formed jointly by Babcock &

Wilcox and Bechtel.

NRC New Nuclear Plant Review Schedules

Updated: 5/12






World Nuclear Power Reactors

July 2012


World Nuclear Power Reactors

July 2012


World Nuclear Power Reactors

July 2012


World Nuclear Power Reactors

July 2012


Reactor data: WNA to 29/6/12 (excluding 8 shut-down German units)

IAEA- for nuclear electricity production & percentage of electricity (% e) 13/4/12.

WNA: Global Nuclear Fuel Market report Sept 2011 (reference scenario) - for U.

Operable = Connected to the grid;

Under Construction = first concrete for reactor poured, or major refurbishment under way;

Planned = Approvals, funding or major commitment in place, mostly expected in operation within 8-10


Proposed = Specific program or site proposals, expected operation mostly within 15 years.

New plants coming on line are largely balanced by old plants being retired. Over 1996-2009, 43 reactors

were retired as 49 started operation. There are no firm projections for retirements over the period covered

by this Table, but WNA estimates that at least 60 of those now operating will close by 2030, most being

small plants. The 2011 WNA Market Report reference case has 156 reactors closing by 2030, and 298

new ones coming on line.

TWh = Terawatt-hours (billion kilowatt-hours), MWe = Megawatt (electrical as distinct from thermal), kWh

= kilowatt-hour.

67,990 tU = 80,181 t U3O8

** The world total includes 6 reactors operating on Taiwan with a combined capacity of 4927 MWe, which

generated a total of 40.4 billion kWh in 2011 (accounting for 19.0% of Taiwan's total electricity generation).

Taiwan has two reactors under construction with a combined capacity of 2700 MWe, and one proposed,

1350 MWe. It is expected to require 1291 tU in 2012.




Number of reactors in operation,

worldwide, 2012-07-02 (IAEA 2012, modified)

Nuclear Share of Elecrtical Generation,

worldwide, 2012-07-02 (IAEA 2012, modified)


Number of nuclear reactors worldwide by age as of 2012-07-02 (IAEA 2012)


Nuclear Units Under Construction Worldwide

Country Reactor Name Reactor Type Total MWe Estimated Start-up Year Argentina (1) Atucha 2 PHWR 692 2012

Brazil (1) Angra-3 PWR 1,245 NA

China (26) Changjiang 1 PWR 610 NA

Changjiang 2 PWR 610 NA

Fangchenggang PWR 1,000 NA

Fangjiashan 1 PWR 1,000 NA

Fangjiashan 2 PWR 1,000 NA

Fuqing 1 PWR 1,000 NA

Fuqing 2 PWR 1,000 NA

Fuqing 3 PWR 1,000 NA

Haiyang 1 PWR 1,000 NA

Haiyang 2 PWR 1,000 NA

Hongyanhe 1 PWR 1,000 NA

Hongyanhe 2 PWR 1,000 NA

Hongyanhe 3 PWR 1,000 NA

Hongyanhe 4 PWR 1,000 NA

Lingao 4 PWR 1,000 NA

Ningde 1 PWR 1,000 NA

Ningde 2 PWR 1,000 NA

Ningde 3 PWR 1,000 NA

Ningde 4 PWR 1,000 NA

Sanmen 1 PWR 1,000 NA

Sanmen 2 PWR 1,000 NA

Taishan 1 PWR 1,700 NA

Taishan 2 PWR 1,700 NA

Yangjiang 1 PWR 1,000 NA

Yangjiang 2 PWR 1,000 NA

Yangjiang 3 PWR 1,000 NA

China, Taiwan (2) Lungmen 1 ABWR 1,300 NA

Lungmen 2 ABWR 1,300 NA

Finland (1) Olkiluoto 3 PWR 1,600 NA

France (1) Flamanville 3 PWR 1,600 2016

India (7) Kakrapar 3 PHWR 630 2015

Kakrapar 4 PHWR 630 2015

Kudankulam 1 PWR 917 NA

Kudankulam 2 PWR 917 2012


Rajasthan 7 PHWR 630 2016

Rajasthan 8 PHWR 630 2016

Japan (2) Ohma ABWR 1,325 NA

Shimane 3 ABWR 1,325 NA


Country Reactor Name Reactor Type Total MWe Estimated Start-up Year

Pakistan (2) Chasnupp 3 PWR 315 2016

Chasnupp 4 PWR 315 2017

Russia (11) Akademik Lomonosov 1 PWR 32 NA

Akademik Lomonosov 2 PWR 32 NA

Baltiisk 1 PWR 1,082 2017

Beloyarsky 4 FBR 804 NA

Kursk 5 LWGR 915 NA

Leningrad 2-1 PWR 1,085 NA

Leningrad 2-2 PWR 1,085 NA

Novovoronezh 2-1 PWR 1,114 NA

Novovoronezh 2-2 PWR 1,114 NA

Rostov 3 PWR 1,011 NA

Rostov 4 PWR 1,011 NA

Slovak Republic (2) Mochovce 3 PWR 391 2012

Mochovce 4 PWR 391 2013

S. Korea (3) Shin-Kori 3 PWR 1,340 NA

Shin-Kori 4 PWR 1,340 NA

Shin Wolsong 2 PWR 960 NA

Ukraine (2) Khmelnitski 3 PWR 950 2015

Khmelnitski 4 PWR 950 2016

United States (5) Summer 2 PWR 1,154 2017

Summer 3 PWR 1,154 2018

Vogtle 3 PWR 1,154 2016

Vogtle 4 PWR 1,154 2017

Watts Bar 2 PWR 1,165 2015

Total (66) 63,849

Sources: International Atomic Energy Agency PRIS database; project sponsors

Updated: 5/12

ABWR - Advanced Boiling Light-Water-Cooled and Moderated Reactor

FBR - Fast Breeder Reactor

LWGR - Light-Water-Cooled, Graphite-Moderated Reactor

PHWR - Pressurized Heavy-Water-Moderated and Cooled Reactor

PWR - Pressurized Light-Water-Moderated and Cooled Reactor

Generations of Nuclear Plants The generation I reactors refer to the early prototype of power reactors, such

as Shippingport, Magnox, Fermi 1, and Dresden.

A generation II reactor is a design classification for a nuclear reactor, and refers to the class

of commercial reactors built up to the end of the 1990s. Prototypical generation II reactors

include the PWR, CANDU, BWR, AGR, and VVER.

A generation III reactor is a development of any of the generation II nuclear reactor designs

incorporating evolutionary improvements in design developed during the lifetime of the

generation II reactor designs. Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR), Advanced

Pressurized Water Reactor (APWR). Enhanced CANDU 6 (EC6), VVER-1000/392 (PWR),

Advanced Heavy Water Reactor are examples of Gen III reactors.

The generation III+ reactor designs offer improvements in safety and economics over

Generation III advanced reactor designs certified by the NRC in the 1990s. Advanced CANDU

Reactor (ACR-1000), AP1000, European Pressurized Reactor (EPR), Economic Simplified

Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR), APR-1400 — an advanced PWR design evolved from the

U.S. System 80+, VVER-1200, EU-ABWR are examples of Gen III+ reactor designs.

Generation IV reactors (Gen IV) are a set of theoretical nuclear reactor designs currently

being researched. Most of these designs are generally not expected to be available for

commercial construction before 2030. Current reactors in operation around the world are

generally considered second- or third-generation systems, with many of the first-generation

systems having already retired. Research into these reactor types was officially started by the

Generation IV International Forum (GIF) based on eight technology goals, including to

improve nuclear safety, improve proliferation resistance, minimize waste and natural resource

utilization, and decrease the cost to build and run such plants.



Generation IV Reactors


Advanced Reactors Being Marketed


Advanced Reactors Being Marketed



World Nuclear Power Generation and Capacity

As of March 2012 2011


Number of Nuclear

Units Nuclear Capacity (MW) Nuclear Generation (BkWh)

Nuclear Fuel Share


Argentina 2 935 5.9 5.0

Armenia 1 375 2.4 33.2

Belgium 7 5,927 45.9 54.0

Brazil 2 1,884 15.6 3.2

Bulgaria 2 1,906 16.3 32.6

Canada 18 12,604 90.0 15.3

China 16 11,816 87.4 1.9

Czech RP 6 3,766 26.7 33.0

Finland 4 2,736 22.3 31.6

France 58 63,130 421.1 77.7

Germany 9 12,068 102.3 17.8

Hungary 4 1,889 14.7 43.3

India 20 4,391 28.9 3.7

Iran 1 915 0.1 0.0

Japan 50 44,215 156.2 18.1

Korea Rep. 23 20,671 147.7 34.6

Mexico 2 1,300 9.3 3.6

Netherlands 1 482 3.9 3.6

Pakistan 3 725 3.8 3.8

Romania 2 1,300 11.7 19.0

Russia 33 23,643 161.7 17.6

Slovakia 4 1,816 14.3 54.0

Slovenia 1 688 5.9 41.7

South Africa 2 1,830 12.9 5.2

Spain 8 7,567 55.1 19.5

Sweden 10 9,326 58.0 39.6

Switzerland 5 3,263 25.7 40.9

Taiwan, China 6 5,018 40.5 19.0

U.K. 17 9,703 56.4 15.7

U.S.* 104 101,465 790.2 19.3

Ukraine 15 13,107 84.8 47.2

Total 436 370,461 2,518.1

* IAEA and EIA nuclear capacity figures vary slightly.

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency

Updated: 3/12


Capacity factors of the current US

nuclear fleet is at an all time high (90%)

The post Fukushima era has impacted the

completion dates of many reactors, but

construction continues at a good pace.

New reactors planned worldwide is 160

with 63 currently under construction.

64,000 Mw of Nuclear Generation Power

will be added in the next 10 years

worldwide. 31

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